The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, February 05, 1878, Image 2

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I. fijgmnm . Ll iliJm*l - - W.ishlnxvwu Wasdixotov, D. C.» J>tn. 23 1S7S. The one hundred an.i woven Repub lican* wlm votcil wlendll/ mid nisiivu rred ukilltullr to prevent the pnasuir* of the Glover investigation ru«olu tion must have queer *en*tition* when they find Mr. //ayes encouraging tin- great investigator and pledging assis tance. The ditTcriv/eu between Mr. Kayes and the Uquiblican leaders who madaged tlnr oppositon to the '^solution is this: General Garfield, Tk^Swtd the other lenders, have n hintot,Nmjnectcd with Congress and the dcpai x^nts for the period to he inquired ink yliilc Jlfr. Ilayes has not. They fear the exposure of allnirs with which they have been connected any time these past ten years, while he has but one thing to fear, and that is inquiring into his letter to the Pres idency* As Mr* Glover ostentatious- A Groat r'ire. $if>00J Loss—ovk or run rixtsf m il.DI'OS IS THE CITY MONB. The Columbus Timea of February lie 1st gives the following account of itcrriuclire which oeeurro i in thut city on the night of the 31st t Last night, between the hour of 10 i. in. and 1 p. m. Columbus suffered from a terrible fire, which destroyed *»ne of I he finest buildings in the city. About. 10* 'o’clock the «Ity was roused by the alarm bell. Many o: the people were at the Opera House, but there was no panic e.itivcd by the alarm. More than halt the audience quietly left. The remainder waw the play through which was ueai its close. The fire was discovered to bo in the Muscogee ILune corner, tin splendid tlnoe-itory brick build ing, which stood on the corner oi St. Clair and Oglethorpe streets. The building was occupied hv ly addressed him ns “President,” Mr. j Messrs. Kverelt & McCnrdle, gro- Hayes doubtless thought it was the cers; Mr. .Joe. Simons, outire course ©f wifdom to get with Jlr, Glover. So he surrenders evou civil servise reform and the control over removals from otfice to the Chairman of a Democratic Committee. The words in which he docs this are a* follows : “Touching the suggestion contain ed in your letter that witnesses who may testify before the Committee may be apprehensive of losing their places if they testify truly and fully* you arc at liberty to assure all subor dinate officers that the fact of their testifying before the Committee shull not be used to their prejudice.” Sonator Blain, irrepressible, and ir reconcilable. attacked the early dead of Massachusetts on Tuesday in the Senate. That State was offering to the national hall of statuary a statue of her first Governor, William King, and it was in remarks on this sami- fuiicml subject that the Maine Sena tor attacked the ghosts of old liny StAte politians. If the Senator from JHussnchuscrtts bad let the matter drop or had simply said that at a fitting time they would r'jplv, the allair would have attracted oil great atten tion. But they involved themselves in a debate with Blaine, and as he can talk faster and invent facts faster than any other living man be bad decided ly the advantage of them. There is something wonderful in the facility with which Bluim recalls historical, facts,« rentes other facts, and mingles In one mass what is false and what is true. Add to this an assurance tlmi no one else on earth can rival, and we have Maine, by all odds the su perior to any other man in uu emer gency like that of Tucsda.v* In the House yesterday then were eulogies uu Senator Bogy In the Senate Mr,Blaine iutrodi c- ed an ingeniously absurd hi.I making the silver dollar a legal tender, and directing that in it? coinage, the number of grain- should be varied from time to tiim to keep the coin on an equality w.t’i the gold dollar in value. Senator Mathews sail! Ik* vod< insist on a vote to morrow(Fi id »y) on his silver resolution. It is to he hoped no other pen pie ever invented so many meth ods of “honoring" their gn-ar. me? ns we have. Designs are coming in at the rate of several a day Un a Washington monument. Tin* are of all degrees of absurdity and the letters accmpauying »?• not always correctly spelled intelligibly written. In this mul- l ,urt - bouse: Mr. Andrew Boland,drink ing saloon and lostauia it, and Messrs. King Ss Daniel, gmeets. Tnese were on the first floor On the second fl »or were a large number of rooms, occupied by va rious patties as sleeping rooms Tl e suite ot rooms of the Young Men’s Catholic Union, which wen elegantly fitted up, were also on this floor. Mr. and hi> family occupied the roouitf&ii the second floor above his simoTn.., The rooms on the third floor were all unoccupied, save one or two. The fire seemed to have origin ated in the store of ICverett & McCord(e, on the corner. Mr .John iSeeley says that he was sit ting in the back room of the sa loon of Mr. Boland, who was at tlie theatre, ami Hcmy the portei came hack and told him that the building was on lire. The tw. ashed out,and on l iking toward the corner, saw a dense volume cl smoke escaping liom Mr. Kverett's store. They raised the alarm at nice, arid Henry, the hoy, procur ing an axe, hroxe into the store Kvemhing in the store teemed to he on«i tint starting point -eemed to he in the neighborhood f the kerosene cans, Un openiuc the doors, the drought only gav. the fne an opportunity to burn more vigorously. In a few min utes, ami before the e igints coni. get to woi k the v b >le building was in flames, and in an loir two the fine corner was a tiiiix ot smouldering i uini. The steaux rs were out in a very short while, itid played double streams itjmi the fire during the whole time I’lie fire was ’herofbre confined t» ibis one building. Though at nit 1 inn* the market house roof was on fire. Thesp-nks, which num bered thousands, ware blown cast ward over the 0 Id Foil ova ball and light into tlm yard and on tie roots of the bagging mill nun Clegg's cotton factory. It kept 'lion luisv on these buildings pre venting the roofs from catching. I’he butchers iu tho in irKet had to move their meat, all of which was hanging ready f».r this mor ning. The building was totally consumed. Three of the walls fell, hut fortunately nobody wus 'asiii HULLS TltOUBLE. A Cask that Has Gonb to tiik Attorney General. Comptroller General Goldsmith has slightly discomposed the man agers of Robinsons circus, who has just entered the fcitate ior n tour. The circus men cl lim that they must he allowed to show hv tin payment of the menagerie tix on iv, as they do not. charge admis sion to the circus but charge mere ly lor the meiiHgeriu. S TUB CoMlTKol.LKR IIWs ORDERED W they shall be compelled to po\ UU per day. IDs uigunieut i* cased on flic fact, that- the fax or* diuanco reads ‘for every exhi'oi tion ” Meaning of c*nwitch •*r it is a pay exhibition or a Inc •mo. Thu ordinance was worbcT in this way, for flit* express pu» '*nse of forcing them to pay thi- tux and preventing the escap- •» the law tinder the plea of giving a free circus ami pay menagerie. The same charge was made wi’li regard to their billiard tables The tax on such tables was $J5. r-ho keepers wete accustomed to run the tahh-s “free,” charging > ! course the hillianl .fee in the barge for drink 4 . Tin* law was herelore* changed to read “all billiard rabies f.»r public use' ball he cnarged rfv. The circus men through their Vartieytt, Messrs, Hopkins tfc Glenn, demur to *liis deuission The cnmptroller ft'lherrs to t'lL point and the matter has gone to the Attorney General tor ih ciseoii His decision will he rendered promptly. The tax on a oi-ens is alrnos prohibitory, and tin* hope is very general that it will be ho constrtiee t'» let the circus contium its tour through the Stale — Atlanta Const It 1st. W. W. (JOLLIN8. T. B. COLLINS. \V W. COLLINS AND BRO. DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS OP * 5AMU8E8 BUGGIES AliD WAC0N8. SECOND ST., MACON. CA. THE STUDEBAKER WACOiit • T-KIES BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. ALLSTYI.ES AND DKSUKIR1TUN3 OF bvaaiss Kept Constantly on (Hand.. Our Agvui li-itiur. It. MON 1 FORT JUS* Send for Circnlnr ami Pries List. W. W. COLLINS A ECO. 'HE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS G339S AID THE CHEAPEST III GEORGIA, CO MPRISINO I FT HOOKS. HCTfliKN. WRITING DESKS •UULKS. VELVET FRAMES, BABER BANKETS. T E X A S . Art you thinking of gom: to Texa-*? Do you want r<‘]inlili>im< rnmtiwn in r.-gwd ti r-u* Li-i.h Star Sla'it? Sail- Ki.-n'itiiortin* l-'Olt I’ WOKI JIIU3M- Ut'U.-l r. Urii-k Ptunt-rn). iu his ‘•Wig rrm," says "il Lam lie* r«pn- Ui'ion of In-itu! iht! n«»*t Jiv<ly mn I industrious t-l all < he paper* in the iS'-nt'* ” Mibscription \ riei*. 1 year, S2U();six months. $1.00. tt*nd 10 e-utrt ii.r a Hiuiplu copy with Texan l-’or! Word). Taxas, Fai-mcc’s Your \ l U* it ion. Thfl Arabian A'ugar Cme was hroneht to Vm- ri'-a i.uriiig th« WorkIV Fair nt Vienna n 1873 It will yield dmihl*! that ol any Itiirr quality ever grown iu t'ii8 omi itry. I’ho sin ks giw on an avenge of 12 to net high, und from 4 t» f>A inehut in cir -inn!', run e. TlieK.viup in«de from it is r> the very finest quality. ALo a good qnalily >*f sugar can be mu-a fr-'in it. ' v »* hav. -ont ibis see.I to every Siam in tlm numn. aud reiunui from it ere highly h'iti« r iu-tory. \gtiHH are wanted to canvass ui every Conti Case .akeu containing nirugh to idimt I f- of an acre, and sp»c-l ttnn < to aiUMiis. wdli ny 8-ed Outdrgm-fer 1878 will lm Rent !«■ my addre-s on it ceiul of Fil' y Ci-iiIh. in- urnci.oils for |ilaii'ing and culiivatiug an ■ iriiued ou ev'-rv packnp*-.. Addr»*-M Vi. 8, TIPTON Niiedsnmr, Ole/cl>\n i.Telia essne. Ctude uf new ideus, 1 liojie uolli ins; will lie found to take tlie plnoe of the original monument, wbitifi,though not beautiful run perhaps strictly appropriate, can not he abandoned without a con- fesion of failure. By far the most elaborite cel ebration of the season here was on the occasion of the marriage of the King of Spain. At the Cath olic church during the day, and at i he residence of the Spanish Minister at night, all that i disingiiished or fashionable was y resent. A; s r aM ’the losses by the file prolmlly reach $50,000. wil r i.ijut .XccAdvnt. Mrs. Mary Mjors, near Tiize- vell. met with a pain fill and .e- iions accident on the iiUih ills!., whih rolnrnine borne from a vis it. She was riding a mnlo which became frightened and threw her In the fall both arms wirel jh broken above llie wrist, and she; “ was badly bruised at different] places oil the body. The fall was »o severe that she was uot con- scious of her arms be ng bioken until Tuesday alter. She is now l„ing us well as age and ciicum nances wi'l permit.—Buena Vis Argus. '9 : mm .•^Si^plestABest. ^ —AJf/vrs Wanted ~ ,^iSrN6:I77 s W^SL C I N C I N M AT I.O. 0 ’I ten ET HOOKS, UOl.n Kft A M » >* ' liJItAI* BOOKS. ALUMS. HOLD VASES, STATUTES, BEN'S AND BENCILS. The fin,..I »n.\ leTe-st nr F.mcv Gnnls -vrr hrfnre imnnrtMl|inlo Mnron. If .on o',—fi In mi- .oiiirltmiii n.w, lian.lvnii. nml to ‘'■“'t’ 0 "''- A. CASOUSY, Bookseller, Macon. ii\. G3 TO TIIH HEW liOM STORE, MACON, GEORGIA, FOR 8 A Tv G AI N 5 IN D3?wY GOODS DHESVGOODS HLAi'K M.P\CAS liLU'K HXILIAN TINF.S, . . BL \CK A .Vl» COLORED .WILKS.. 41 SHKF.TINO hickory o.sN.\nint<;s ssnnpv- and r-im-K* all wool j bans, Samples imtiU-d m r»ny ad ire «. Exj . from 10 ccnfa np. lid on -non* ordered when amounting wfcsipme m... T. B. AliOPE AGT. DEALER Ilf 3ABBIE ADN GSAHiTE WOES, KONlltaTS. HEAD-STONES BOX TOMSS, ’A SES t lltoy RAILING, COPINGS, BUILDING WORK Jcc., Ac., COKNER 8E0HND ANDI’OB ULAR STREETS, Opposite J. W. Dnrke A Co •. F»iar of Rum A Ccleninoa'ii, .UACON, - - — OEOilGIA P. 0. Box, 425. ORDEKS SOLCIT ED. W. 0. BATdUAN Co.. Ay. nU Rl TI.ER, f.A U H N i UR E, F U R NI T U R E I J. B, COBB A CO, CHERT ST„ 109 H ave i.ow v\ store on* nt the finest ardhrst seWoted steaks of Furniture ever offers in tnis i-i y, couqiriMiig at vliLOIt >U1 T.S RED-ROOM .SUIT.;, DINING MJI: S. TAULEN, W aRDRODE! i ,t I Uii0.4«> mid every urlicl* that c.\u Is* oaIIuiI lor. This fiirmiuro ia ol tut btn»l qua y an l witrnuiuil. . luoif't il Pratt, who has had great experience in Fiimituae, is with us* Ever rrie.e is w ir.*aU'l •>/ Miau>l *'i/ dafset 1.1 #ui-aim*A>tUip ur iukIimh] im iuuud ihf, i-n-y will »*«• ttU.usUA 0*1