The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, February 19, 1878, Image 2

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I Wasliliigtnfr letter. W.i-mx«ro.' 11*. Of, Fob, 8th 1S7S. Thns • in position to kuow nay tbsijthcro will prob-illy be iroub- lu—jiorhupo serious trouble—be meeu Mr. Hayes nod Mr. Schurz, enuevrning the investigations which leil to the dismissal of high officers u(. the Indian Bureau. Mr. Hayes lias a kin Inis* for Johu L. Smith, ofObio, formerly Indian Commissioner. Smith had retired before the investigation was made, but the investigators , reflected several/ upon his man ner of conducting business, and Schurz gave publicity to what they said. Smith then accusud Schurz of bad faith, in first prom ising to keep him informed of the progress of the investigation and give him a chance to put in evi dence if necessary, and in them concealing the proceedings; giv ing him no chance to answer char ges, and then hurrying the dam aging report into -print. So far the facta have been made public. Now Hayes appears as the clia.n pion of Smith, and orders ugainst the expressed wish of Schruz, that papers and information be luinisbed to Smith from which be can make a reply to Schruz and tbeinvegtigatoia It is unnecessary to say that in this matter Smith line the sympathy of nine men in ten in the country, the inves tigation having been a secret one. Schurz may not have acted the dishonorable part that Smith says he did, but he had no fight to put any privute citizens character iu the keeping of irresponsible subordinates who were to receive in secret aud reject in secret such evidence ns they choose, by the way iXmi Its. \ >Vt. or any other respect is questions-1 Uoui. Toombs, hie, but the project deserves con i _ sideral.un. j qq,;, grand 0 ij patriot and It is Considered almost Certain wnllin is now iu Atlanta where that the hill giving pensions ltV>j w illlcl . viewe(l (>t | lBr d#y bv the O'MiKiiiqtion. Genl •urvlvcrtf of the Moxicin war, and of ihe Creek and Black Hawk lu- diau ware, will pans both Hooves during this session. The pension coin mil teen ot both Home** arealKo in favor of reatoring to the pensiou rolj«.ull (hose partied in the South who were dropped therefrom in 18dl on accouut of supposed dis loyalty. * The House Committee on the Juriicary, on Tuesday ten raem- burs being present, was a tie on the proposition that Coiigiesn rec unintended a constitutional amend ment prohibiting the .State:* tr im denying suffrage to any citizen on aggount <»f mcx. The one. absent member iaopp ho* to the rev* »ln- tma, ad that in full committee the vote Would He»ix against to five, in favor. Austin. Toombs* any* he re in favor of a silver currency, and that 4 1‘2J grains nine tenths fine, make a dollar, lie denies* that the act of 1B53 - demonetized ail vet; says he was •member of the Ways and Means Committee, and that he reported the bill, and niter a uioutliH ditcuMHpm it passed. II says Ben Hill's views are vet) peculiar and very silly an well on this great question. The pimple of our section are with the great old on this as well ns other questions, and only wish he was in a petition, that is to say, wish he was to day in the United States Senate from Georgia. ‘ ’ . V • WVTfJ' .1 ».'»■ W. W., ’ T . E; COLLIN'.': W W. COLLINS AM) MO. DEALERS AND MANUKAl.TUlJERS 0P CARRIAGES BUGGIES AKD WACCKS. SECOND ST.. MACON, CA. THE STBDEBAKEB W ACwwi • Tlio War la tlic Ea it- Russia has about wiped out Turkey iu ICurcpe : aud from what we can gather from the dispatches there will be no more lighting lietween these two powers, but Greut Britiau and Russia il seems are likely to have a great war. All London peeuu to he on the war pall). We are of the opinion that our people nil mild plant largely of corn, peas, potatoes aud vegetables of every kind. For if we should have war, cotton will go down lower than it is now by three or four cents, and it is so it bein * char e»jP°" ,low oUr l ,co l') w ft,(5 breukiu ]*isb»f Marvin'* “ To the East by Way of ills Margins L.*c u’n» on the ’“Er rors ol the Papacy," uud ltcv Eupene It. Htndrix'* “lt« uud the World,” with iu:r< • tlnotion bv Bi. hop Marvin; price of curb book ¥2.00. &<ir AGEX tn WANTED ovti j wntTi!. Kern) ainoont nauieil to T«ooan D. DamkIk/n. vfft<ut of ( the Advocate Pub* 1'aJ.injf House. St. ‘Lolita, mid j»et Mini)tie oopiea of either, or ul.' three, wi-h terms to s *.-n h. Tins hooks are seliiiiy rapidly. Some api-nirt Lav*- K>ld “*0 «opj, H in a nit gle day. "»fll lr, ‘ e - rl "k. h.tad«-r. '**' 4*/., m waut a b'HiiH-MS at \vh * ,»• -iUon« of eiilier Hex can nu irest pay the dun* they work, write !»a»nciibtrK to ti. Galliot Jl Co . Por.I.u CmifeUer.ite Soldier’s Iteta.'n, < Lost Cause. I A innqnlficeiit picture. 14 x 18 iiiohes size. li ryprcsentaa Itoufuderat * mhiu-r ter \ln* war r-ltirninp hotn**, which t e flu mined by <*hol and Hindi. luuUinp ioinl) a dcssnla'e. In trout of tlm mine I col*a> telling a Had Hale u he lui**Tie*of War. i »| '\vo praves. The graven are o«erhmiA by .{trying to raise it. If tlie war \ wuepiug-wWo*. in uw Hhuddo* *fandrt i that one of the Congressional / ” ' , i ret'iru .d soldier, with bowe l bead, as -. .n- . - »—7—r~~. . i should cause Georgia to plaut and . ti.iuknw oHl e past. One copv witi l»e m Committees was imitating Schurz .... ?. * Iiw.!i »t or *>s tu U en- ,• .. ° . I raise a full provision crop, we ; 1 '' l" re ' 01 ‘ u,to 1 by liaviug a Star Chamber mves-. - .... . • i«.r wr-mni , .. should not feel so badly about tigution ol one of tho House ofn- c . ... . .. . war after all. cers, the Cnitinnan or the Coin- ALL STYLES ANU HLScUieriuNS : °IT vacaxzs Kept Conei-xnily on gxnd. Om A K vui ol buiwr, U. MOXI'VOST pB~ Semi for Cin-ul.r »".l PHmI.ui 0uUW “- W. W. COLLINS * in. inittee yesterday denied the report with a great deal of indignation. Jt is plain that we are to have an open investigation hereafter. The Star of last evening grave ly asserted that after full consul tation between Mr. Hayes and the Cubiuet, it lmd been determined that hereafter Republicans should have the preference iu appoint ments to ofiica. There has not, probably, been a hundred Dem ocrats appointed to Federal office siDce Mr. Hayes canie in, and one is at a loss to understand what this Star report means unless Hayes ha* adopted the idea af Conhling, Hamlin and others, that Evarts, Schurz and those like them are not Republicans, and intends to till their places with the simou pure article. The Senate advanced one speech yesterday on the silver bill. Thai h) each was a good one, ns every spuacli is that comes fr an Senator Ihurman, and it add'd something to the general knowledge of the subject; but caunot the Senate make haste a little, and get the silver bill out of the way, so that other important interests may re ceive attention. The Texas Pacific. We in common with the who), people of Georgia are proud ot om great Representative in Congre** from che old 8th., Hon. A. H Stephens. Me in to-day doing more for the State than the ntliei ten (Senatorsand Representative*) put together. We do not sav th|.-. iu a spirit of faultfinding, hut ii is the truth and everyone know* it,* Mr. Stephens'i» dmng ali bi*' can to have the great Southern Pacific mi 1 road buit, uud he is go ing to succeed. In our opinion this will he worth more to the South than all the oti c.* bills put together uow before Congress Mr. Stephens says ten million* spent on this r- ad would he worth a thousand million to the country Hon. 1). H, Hill, at Home. April? Is ■il. oiriviu-y nr |m». vimttd B\ery wher* i- 111hi* uu«i ii of ottnr lure*. Hunt stamp for uiiiuopitu an. »,*. Ailrtm.*. A I'itEGAU, ■ ICS Market Sttvol; Olmttaiioogn, Telit. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GOCBS AND THE CHEAPEST. IN GEORGIA, CO MPRISINO P. T |';7r n . 00KS ' flOTIJBBR. WRlf/Vft Dl:sK", IUIU.KH. VKI.VKT FRAMES, I'Al’Eit riASKET-1 I OI.KhT HOOKS, OOI.I) FRAMES. VASES ST \TrT>-’s SORAFlt }') KS, ALUMS, GOLD PENS AN!) FEN OILS. J- A. CABOURY, Bookseller, ' ■ J -Macon, oa. U j iI.hii ut iiu.Ml'inU "I Vke iwjriml; we wi.l ‘ per tiny at hmne nu •ii,ij. , ,Me|». women, boyi very'vhere to work for i V.s ‘ly r.iit rtf mid utum I i Co. . Aiiafl'tnq Maine. and nirls H. Now H ill Addretn ■ ■•a pais ?scp;srnoN- Free to Everybody- On iee« ipt ot a *hr«?8jfent slnmp In pi.y uajaife. I will send, prepaid to any addles*, siii.i l Mourdi of Vvu e Vnuunc Win it: ‘touu s»jcd. t'.oart. Ench sbilk ol foni will i-injii •« fr*iu 4 to 12 mr*. Oaiiil 'gno dmn irVioi'i furiiia arwnnipiiny e.iub suuiple of •r . allowing •» hr«e ou«uniMoii to ev. r> .•rsoa who 1 will aceept an agency t« him initiibis new vuritiy of corn. .Md.csrt ' L. L. OS ME NT UlEVBI.ANO TXNN This distinguished Senator and Statesman arrived at his home in Atlanta on the 13th iust. He comes to argue an important case in one id the State courts of Geor gia. lie refused to he interview- ]ed says our contemporary, the At- Genl. Butler introduced a bill j lunta Constitution,on the current^ I' yesterday luokiug to the «HUbli,l.-| questi , )n . \y e nre al80 i n r„rmell| meat of a weekly paper here bvi. A a. | by the same paper that Mr. Hill the government, to be Called ** 1 lie Official Ad vet tiiier of the United , reUl ™ to bilck a ° wn 0,10 ,,,ch dn ! St»ite»’ # in which shall be publish-! tbe H, ^ Vtr question. We are not e>l a!l important dvoieiiiue of the nurprised at tliie, for of nil thel htuiis of departments nud 'onrenns. | public men now in Conyre.s, Mr. j order, of the wnr and navy depart-! Hill i. tho very Inst ono that we; .... inehte, circulars, government^ ml-j shol)la eX p 0Ctt0 , ee consulting the! re of the people. We do uotj “Odrman Syrup." No oUi»T' Hiediclni* iu the world wiv» vvi mvpiI such a l»Hi of it* cur.itive (pialttic* i luKfhco’ Gtiiiuii Syrup. In three yentn iv uilliou four hinidrrid lliniisiUUI sinull !>• *ttl« •i this mewicino w*?r« distiihntcd fr t •Ii trijr hy- Diuki» : sis m this eoniury to tho .tliiftvd with Co'irtupiion. Asthmu, « r*t»i| every OtufuliH, Piiciiuioiiiiiand oilier disca* if the Thro it uni Lun«s. aiving th*» /tiner- i.j»u people iiofieniahie proof th ii G»*r •yrhp will Cure them. Then mitt hint 1 I'.at PrimRjrttV in tivery to^u aid villip- ho United StutH nru re smimeudiug it to their •iistop'or*. l>o t« ,\onr D r iipi»ist. and ask vliat thov kuow'alioiit il. S.unpie Uottlea 111 [tents. Reg'ilir size 70 couta. Three doses •vi.l r el iky any carte. TEXA S . Aroyon \hf'*kin«'»f y Do jon ^ym ■ - , ! - i Texas? reliahi.- inl'-riuativn i State? S.ih- sen to tor.ih" f’OUr WOUTti DEM* OOitil^.' llriek f.'inero), iu kin ••IlitC rrdi." wy* “it hart tho r ?pu* neioil o/' t'eiiiu' lhe ootst lively, uliil in-l irtiriml* ft all ilm p.ipcr* in the iSiuie.”" siib eripiiciri'j-rice, 1 year, .*52 UO; six uuvilhs. #!.(«». .Smil I» i-enfri U i a sauple copy with Texas snpileuie ^rnrnitere, Carpets, • ■ r+l 3il CLOTHS, ‘WND3W SHADES, &C AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODT, ^»-TBY U*. V- N COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GEORGIA W. &. E. P. TAYLCR. [dec25-3n. T. B. AROPE AGT. DEALER IK NIBBLE ADR 6BARITE WOBK, MONUMENTS. HEAD-STONES EOX TOMBS, f A HEX, may KAILIXU, cor/.xos, BUILDIXG WORK Ac., Ac., CORNER SEOHND ANDFOF ULAR STREETS, 0|ipo»il. J. W D.rkf i Co'., Jttur.of Ron k Col«ai.n.V MACON, P. O. Dor, its. ORDERS SOKJITED. CEORGIA F UB Ni UR t, F URNITUR E! vcrticementH, etc. In view of the miiall price uow pi id to the new#- , . papers for government advertU-j t l ue8tlon our Se,,ator 8 honwt J r ,n ing it is* practically impossible to! tb ’ 8 b* 1 ! 1 dc he does give really important pfoposal.i i not represeutouc man out of ten etc., the publicity they should | on this,the only question uow agi- huve. Whether or not Butler’s • fating the jninds of the peoplo of c vrnnld be beoefieia! iu that! Georgia, am! tho country at large. /^SANFORDS.; I Av'/CCHM" U )i r-% J. B, OOSB A OO n OHEitY ST lf l oa H 4 i.nw ill .tor, onr ot til. flnuit ni.(llie»t seitetej .lock, ot Furnltnrr o#,r. . M. jl iu thi* city, cninprirtins of I VxULOU NUlf.S BEU-UOOM SUIT J, DINING iSUITS, TAULEN, WAHDllORE' H/IT-KKCMa and every articlv. that can h« called lor. Tiiia ^urnirurv in of the b«*t qua ily and warranted. Capi. Georpe II Pratt, who ban bad pr.-at experience in Fnrnitua-. j« with u*. Ever I artiu'.e i« war.inud r«# Hianrt auJi."any defect iu workmnwinp or is jouud Ihe I money will r>u reiouded. Qet.2