The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, June 11, 1878, Image 2

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THE BUTLER HERALD. \V. X. liKNNS. Y'«llt»r unit Publisher. hi U I'KimON PftICK Sl.UO. Pl!R ANNUM OoMMPXICVrKD. The Niuetrnitli Century. TIT.KD4.Y, JCSF. Uth 1678, A U*tt4*r Iroin Texas. the destroyed property are killed or seriously injured The Burgess fain* Ily (four son* and two daughterly are The uiueteei tli century i* car- 1 »ll aeriously hurt.and their aliops and tlinly oue of the must remarkable re»ldt*M<*e are entire*l; destroyed, Not ever in the history of the world, Not only doe* it stand unrit ailed lor the number sod brilliancy of 1 ita discoveries, but it ha* wituean- ed the most signal and beneficial cliaoge* in our social system. The Hpirit of inipiovenients abroad, over-turning in ire rapid tiight, all the barrier* which have hitherto impeded its wav, and enclosed the minds of uien in a maze of dark ness and i rn»r. Like a shitubering giant, just, aroused from his lethogy,mankind have just began to throw off the torper which has so long para- . lyzed their faculties,.and to atrug- Wkathkkkokp, Tkxas, May 31st, 1878. Editor Butler Rrrald : Feeling u warm interest in Taylor county, and its inhabitants, I will write a short letter for the Herald, hop iug you will have the kindness to publish the same, as it may iuter- est some. 1 will begin with a discretion of Weather lord and Parker coun-j tr, M it appears to me. I will ] gleearuestly and courngmg y with dwell moatly on iU agricultural ‘he evils by which they have been propensities being a farmer uiyself . encompassed. Each year pro- and knowing the first questions claims a new victory, aud is but that always arise on contemplate I ‘he precursor ol greater aud more ting emigrating to a new country are, the productions of the soil. Weatherford is a nice little town, situated on an elevated tract ot land. It has twenty-five hundred inhabitants, being on the line of the proposed Texas and Pacific Railroad. It has the prospect ol becoming a large city in the dim lutnre, in fact, the star city of the Weet. Parker county is composed of three kinds of land. Mouutai us, valleys, and praraires. The val ley* are very rich, having a soil varying from five to ten feet in depth, and will produce a bale of cotton to the acre, or from fifty to seventy-five bushels of corn,and from twenty to fifty bushels of wheat. The paraircs are also very rich, but does not have a soil as deep as the valleys. It it more adopted to the growth of wheat although it will produce corn or cotton well. The health of this prat of Tpas is as good as any where under the tan. Mills, gins, churches, and schools,are as thick as they are in Geergia. Wheat crops are short here on account, ot the dry spring, and will no( aver age over twenty bushels to the acre. Wheat it now worth sixty cents per bushel, with a prospect of tl>e new crop 'not being worth over fitty cents. Corn and cotton is the best I ever saw for this time of the year. Corn it in full silk and tassel. The farmers as a gen eral thing,are abeut done “laying by" and are busily engaged iu thrashing wheat. Horses are very cheap kere. Tou can buy a good hetse for twenty-five dollars, Ev ery thing is as cheap and many things a great deal cheaper than in Georgia. We have a good many Taylor county folks here, Among whem are William Chew, Bartlet McCrary, Leonidas McCrary, Wil liam Jordan, and many others,too numerous to mention. We learn that several of our Taylor county friends anticipate moving West this tail. We would suggest that they cannot move to a bettor jilaot than North-west Texas, For good laud, plenty ol water aud goon health. a ve.ii*p‘ 1. It'll .rive the lir-ilii-u tim ‘■The l»*. oi property, hone or. i» nothing i uiupvrvd with the iu.. ui iiie. At tiii. lime there are twelve per..In already dend t ainl st le i.I sev enty-live oilier, nml mortal ly injured. Phy.ieinm, from 1-eaing- tou and other point, have reaehed us, and tlie hointe. of the oilizon, that es caped are thrown oped to the sutier- er*. The court house ha. hern con vened into a hospital,uud everything possible has been done to alleviate the distressed and .uttering. As many have been rendered humelsa. having lost everthing they had, it would b well tor th« philanthropic to aid them. ‘•As the siorin swept northward It destroyed buildings* fences aud the lerge iron bridge over Crooked river and we have beard ol the devultitiui as far as eight milea from the city. Thee damage to crops etc. is very great. Our city is a scene of deeola- tlon, and the sounds of moorningend pain are he ml on all aides.''--Sa vannah -Vet# a. enduring triumphs. Let auy one be at tlie painea of contrasting the present. condition of the humble I , ,. . . ... . , , i Ex-Queen Isabella will sell in classes ot society with what it used to bo some seventy—nay, some fifty or sixty years ago, he will at once perceive the marked improve ment that has taken place. It is certain that many evils still prevail, and that there is stilHur- ther room for reform; hut that must necessarily be a woik of time. All radical changes are compara tively bIow. There are antagonis tic views, evil passions and preju dices to combat, and such fortnid-j able phalanx of opposition canonly | he successful^ overcome—by pa-l tience, perseverance and time. ] Men connot he comjielled to eiu-j brace Dew doctrines and opinions. It is impossible to force a liue of conduct upon them to which they have nut bceu accustomed, and whose course of life, bo tar, has been bo completely at vsrit noe with it. They uiuet not merel) bo told that by acting no and so, and using such and such means, they will become belter and hap pier men than before, but they mutt have the convictiuu brought tuoro directly home to their minds, by experiencing the truth ot the doctrine propounded to them •■South.’’ July in Par's a large portion of her finest jewels, the value of which are estimated at $2,600,000. The Missouri Cyclone. Detail* or thk Tkrkihi.k Storm— Tine Losses or Lira and Fmopcktv. A Special dispctch from Richmond. Mo., June 2nd, gives these further particulars of the cyclone of Saturday last: ••The morning had been intensely warm and sultry. The alorin came In the shape of a funnel and of tl.e color of escaping steam. It formed about two mile* south of the city ai.d approached slowly, destroying every thing by its whirl. The whirling clouds w ould break or open in places ami emit wlint appeared to be. black hiuokc, then close again, aud with in* created fore contiLue on it* mar of destruction, it that approached Jowly—not taster perhapa, than a nan could walk—then moved taster, ’ ... . , .. . . i leveling everything in its path even W* would he glad that ot wfth lh# KrilullI , t produ ,| llg al ,„ 0 „ our Ceday Creek friend* would give ua a few item* uow aud then through the colutui * of the Her ald. Very te*|*ecttully > Robert T. Wilcoar. JAver is King. The Liver i* tb* imperial ornsn ol th* wl.ole human svsteiu. «w it control* th* life, health and happiinv* of man- When it i* disturb"! in its proper a*U> a. all kinds ot ml meant si* the natural nwuit the dig** thk* of trod, the maw n«u* of the htwrt sod bbkod th** action of the brain and nernous sv««tu. ar« mII immediately eoutMOtrd with the workings <'t the Laver, it has b**ti auc- ivhatnl 1 ' pro»*o that llrssn a August How* er in untntq milled in comm idl i*raoi}« at- tm'tcd with Pysp- p>i* or Ltver Complaint, a,ui alt 'be nmuemuft symptoms that result trv>ip ,,n unhealthy condition ..I the Livot a,Ml ttti-ni*cii. bHBiiile hotilu to try 10 cent* FoettkVetf **« Id *« town* "U Ui- Rwiw, i onttn. nt. Tbr«* .Vara »«1 T*™ i«* ju*** wUat >0.1 want I-.ut sale by Dr. •I oh it Wuiket, Hutler, lia. complete devastation, it was at laast tivc minutes sweeping through the townjtnd it numbered among ita vic tims soma of our best citizens, and littcrally destroying one-third of the place, including the poat office, Prea- i>\ terian and Baptist churches, aud nt least tavantx - Ive private residences. The 8haw House, the liuest hotel in thotwon, is a perfect wreck. The court house is unroofed, as well as a number of other building*, and the (Jouservatoryblock is badly damaged. In the dwellings destroyed a very vea- tige of fbrnlturo and clothing was blown away, and sewing machines and stoves were broken as if they were made of glass. The damage can scarcely be computed, but U is put down at $200,000. which falls upon persons iu many cases uuable to beat the lot*, wiiile many of the owiiers ol To the LADIES of Georgia. Sea Foam wtakes the best cookny. Its strength is double that of any other baking powder, is on that account the cheapest. m can of Sea Foam is worth three of auy other baking powder. By the use of it, your bread will be equal to Fifth Avenue. . Your food will be the best. Your health will be preserved. Your daily work made easier. Breadmill be whiter and richer. You will save a great deal of money. By the use cf Sea Foam, a barrel of flow make* forty pounds more bread. Four bread, biscuit, and cakes will be aitrays light if Sea Foam is I it a new comfort for home. It is pure, end not adulterated. It is healthy for you and the children. It is the j>erte€Uon of science in cookery. Your cookery will be always good. You will always have a good cook. It makes every cook a good one. Your bread will never be sour. Chemists who hare analysed Sea Foam commend it. Physicians who have experienced or witnessed is heulth-pruuioting properties, commend it Wholesale grocers always commend it Retail merchants who have introduced it anwng their custom*rrt and noted it* wonderfuVy rapid mile, never fail lo commend it. Husbands and fathers, whose wonder and delight at the greatly improved and uniformly good quality of the bread and pastry have led them to inquire the cuuse, arc loud iu thair commendation of it. Housekeepers who hare once, used it will have no other, and tltus most strongly commend it. Cooks whose best efforts with other powders have failed, are jubilant over Sea Foam. All over the country it it UNIVERSALLY COMMENDED Actually the ladies of Georgia, where Sea Foam has hem introduced, are now a* noted for their excellent biscuits, corn-cukes, and other cookery as they have always been for their remarkable beauty. Nowhere in the world can be found better bread, biscuit, aud cakes than is produced by these noble ladies. There is a constant rivalry among them to see who shall the best. And not only is this the c*»e, but Sea Foam adds to the..* ».wirY,jlr health brings beauty, and uotlung i* more conducive to good health than light, nutritious bread, cakes, and poetry, which 8ba Foam never fade to make. Sea Foam is for sale by all first cl— retail grocers in nearly every city. ff your grocer hasn’t it in stock, aud is an obliging uiau, he will gat it for you. If, however, you are « able to obtain it readily at hou send for circular and price-list I* Gantz, Jones & Co. CA11HART 4 CURD. WHOLKftALR DIALERS XX HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. TIN AND ITOODEN WARE OF EVERY KIND. . We Haue now in st«r« a large and wall aoeerted stock of i’oeket m.d Tttb.e u lery—Fairt anft'a Standard Stale • Xdt" Merchants and outlier woald do well to give as a sail and axnvams our steok I BOX FWIT STORE, CHERRY 8TBEKT, XAt*!f, GA. Furniture, Carpets, III CLOTHS, WNDSW SHAOiS, &C AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERY BODY, jarTBY Uft. W. A E. r. TAYLOR. COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GEORGIA. [d.c2S-3m. ,T B. ARBOPE AGT. DEALER IN MARBLE AND GRANITE WORK MONUMENTS. HEAU-STONES BOX COMBS, VASES, IRON RAILING, COPINGS, BUILDING WORK Ac., A*., CORNER 8E0HND AND POPULAR STREET8, Opposite J. W. Bark* A Co s, Rear of Ross A Cole*ana's. If A CON, - — GEORGIA P. O. Box, 425. 0RDER8 SOLCITED. ROBT. H. MAY & CO. HAN0FACTURER8 AND DEALER IN OiBBUGES, BD86IE8 AND VifiORB. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES* 'addles, Ilarue**, IF hips, Trunks, Valises, Sola, Upper A Harness Leather, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS* LACK LEATHER, SHOE AND HARNESS FINDINGS. aoBT. H. jilt. i ( k*p n»trisi*a s^r^iiicoi, flioBfiii. r SAMI EL 8. 1VVRUELEE, j 191 IV I] j