The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, June 18, 1878, Image 3

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ttbttb. LOOM NEWS TUEbDA'i, JUNE 18th 1878. Appointments of Rev. d, A Jbhnaton,for the year 1878* At Bntlor 9 1st end 3rd Sab- Whs, and Saturday before 3rd. At Carftonville, 2nd Sabbath and Saturday before. At Hays', (Camp ground) 4th Sabbath and Saturday before. At Oorbit’s, Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath. Xthetitnatism Cured Quickly “Durango's Bheumatio Remedy," the treat Iktkbnal Mbdicinx, will positively curt any case of Rheumatism on the face ol the earth. Prioe $1 a bottle, six bottles, $5. Hold by aU Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Don't fail to send for circular to Helphenstano ft Bentley, Druggists, Washington, D. 0. 20,000yard8Calico,4 to Scents per *ard, at W- 6. BATEMANS & Co. Qcmy : 1 'Why will men smoke common tebaboo, when they cam buy Marburg Bros. l 8tal of North Carolina,' at the same prioe?" feb 6th-ly. Personal. Prof. James T. White, Preeident of our College, haa been appointed a member oi tbe board of viaitors and examiner! to the State .Uni- teraity by Governor Colquitt. Fine Oats. Mr, W. A. Green, of Cedar Creek haa ahown ua the finest aatn- ple of oata grown on hia (arm we have aeen thia year. Mr. Green reports cropa generally in that part of the couoty hotter than they have been for a number of years. Concert• Wo haTe been requested, to state that the Concert, by Prof. J. J. Wni. Iiriibns and Class, which was intend' cd to have taxen place Monday nijfht, has been postponed and will be given on Wednesday night. This will he one of the most interesting parts of the commencement exercises and nil who can should attend. Onr Visitor,. This being commencement week in our town, there are quite a number of gentlemen and lady visitors pres ent. We have not had an opportu nity of learning the n.meB of those present ub yet, but will give a report in our next issue. Every one seems to be having a pleasant time, and muoh pleased with the exercises of our college. Prof. White, the worthy President of our college, is bestirring .very energy to make this occasion a grand success. Regular Meeting, Town Council. Butler, Ga, June 13th, 1878. The Council met according to adjournment. Present—Hie Honor D.A. Smith, Mayor :—Aldermen Allen, Col bert, Lipsey and MoDtfort. Ab sent— Alderman Walker. The ininutea of laat meetibg were read and confirmed. The Clerk reported that he had collected one hundred dollara from W. T. Montfort, on account of liquor license. On motion the rules were sue- pended. On motion a resolution was adopted directing the Treasurer to pay H. C, Holbrook, the sum of Twenty-four dollars for six copons for interest due on bonds on the town of Butler. On motion a resolution was adopted (Alderman Colbert not voting) that the Treasurer pay O. M. Colbert,the sum of Beventy- six dollara on one bond on the town of Butler, held by him for the amount of one hundred dollara whioh bond is past due. An ordinance was adopted rel ative to preserving order at any school or commencement exercises in the town of Butler, Council then adjourned. JAMES D. RUSS, Clerk Council. Butler Female College and MALE INSTITUTE. Commencement Exercises. O Sunday, June 16th 10J a. m., Commencement sermon by Rev. J. R. Reapesa, of Schley county. Monday, June 17th, Examina tions morning and afternoon. Mon day evening heginningat 8 o’clock, Concert by Prof. Bruhna and class, Tneaday, June 18th, 10 a. M,, Essays by the Junior olass. At 8 p. M., Declamation and reading exeroiaes. Wednesday, June 19th. COMMENCEMENT DAT. 10 A, It., Original Essays by the members of the Senior class. 11$ A. M., Conferring Diplomas etc., by the Preatdetitj 12 M. Commencement Address by Col. B. A. Thornton.of Columbus, The silverware delivered by the Notional Silvor-PIeting Co., No. 704 Cheetunt Street, Philadelphia, is ing entire satisfaction. All or are promptly filled, and no one need hesitate about sending them money. Lutheran Observer. , Pa 1 Co 1 Jo: AN ORDINANCE TO PRE SERVE ORDER, ETC. If any person shall in any man ner disturb or interrupt the exer cises at any examination of any school or commencement exercises in the town of Bntler by smoking, loud talking, laughing or any dis orderly conduct, the Marshal shall arrest said offending person and bring him before the Mayor for trial; and if said person shall he found guilty, he shall he punished by a fine not to exceed one hun dred dollars by working on the streets for thirty days, or impris onment in the county jail not ex ceeding thirty days, and any one or more of these penalties may be imposed in the discretion of the Mayor. River 4s King. The Liver in tbe imperial organ at the whole human nystem, ax it controls the life, health and happiuees of man. When it in disturbed in ita proper action, all kinds of nilmeata are the natural result. The diges tion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the aotion of the brain and uervtous tyBiuii, are aU immediately connected with the workings oi the Liver. It has been sne- ceesftUlj proven that Green's August Flow er is UDtiqualled in curing all persona af- lecied with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all tLe numerous symptoms that result * n unhealthy condition of the Liver »maeh. f * ‘ Positively sold _ Continent Three doi „„ w , is just wh»t you want. For sala by Dr, John Walker, Butler, Go. CEDAR CREEK ITEMS. Crops are looking remarkably well in this part of the county. Fulmers aio generally cheertul, busy and contented William Royal, Esq,, has a one acre patch of corn that he manured with straw and leaves from the woods which promises an unusu ally fine yield. He used no other fertilizers except fifteen bushels of cotton seed, and, if seasons con tinue favorable, he will no doubt gather sixty or seventy bushels of oorn as the result of his labor Mr. Royal has also, some very fine cotton. We cannot report pic-nics and dancing parties as some ef your correspondents, but can report good and social neighborhood of very well educated young folks, who attend church regularly,visit the needy, meet once a week to practice vocnl music,and render all the assistance possible to their pa rents iu farm and domestic work. Mrs. Emma Watkins showed us a few days ago,a very fine quilt- she had lately finished. 'Twas made of worsted, and contained two thousand five hundred and thirty-five pieces. It was most beautiful, the varied colors beau tifully blende 1 and put together ith artistic taste. She called it Brick Pavement.’’ Miss Ella Thompson also, has just completed an exceedingly beautiful quilt,callud the '“Lady’s Fancy.” It contains one thous and eight hundred and seventy- five pieces. The very name indi cates its’beauty and merit. Wo think a gentleman could fancy that piece of handiwork as well as a lady; we are sure any man of good taste could fancy the lady if not the “Lady’s Fancy.” Mr. 8am Gassett,a middle-aged widower of Houston county, has been staying in this settlement for four or five weeks, but has return ed alone to his former home. There is a young man in this county, who, when he starts to work afternoon, turns his mnle loose in a two hundred acre field and runs him down before com mencing ploughing. We sent a reporter to interview the young man, thiuking perhaps we might get up some rare news for the Herald. He refused to be inter viewed, and said ‘ people ought to mitid their own business/’' something to that effect. , Your* etc. Beery. Great Bargain.*. 20,000 yards prints at from 4 to 3 cents per yard for the money,and all other goods at astonishingly low prices. Parties desiring to purchase any thing in the Dry Goods or Grocery line will find it to their interest to give us a call and examine our prices, W. G. BATEMAN & CO. Butler, Ga., Uaf 13th 1878. BUY YOUR PICTURES, FRAMES, ARTIST’S MATERIAL Wax newer Materia), WAIL BRA CtCETS -A-YSTD BTAlTONlAfT SCRAP OOK MATERIAL, WHITE, tlROWN AND• COLORED tVOOtl SPLITS, PICTURE FRAME MATERIAL, —ALSO— SHEET MUSIC PIANOS AND OltOANS, OF X., W. SMITH «ft GO, MACON, GA. N. B, Careful attention given to all orders b j to ail. HOW HEAD THIS If TOD DARE! *. D. TAYLOR COUNTY SHERIFF Stilus of Wild Lands. m\\ be told before the Court House Door of theCounty of Taylor, on the First Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow ing described lots of land, situated iu said county,and Known as Wild Land- levied on under and by virtue of H. tas, now in my hands of the State of Georgia vs. said lots respectively, and issued by Honorable Comptrol ler General of the State for non pay ment of taxes due the State for 1074 1875 and 1876. • Said lots pointed out iu said 11. fas and containing 202*^ acres each more or less. First District—Lost Numbers 247 248 251 265 283. Second District- Lots Numbers 180 237. Third District—Lots numbers 158 101 225 247 255 256. Eleventh District—Lois numbers 252 and 50 acres of 290. Thirteenth District/—Lots numbers 14 18 25 40 48 58 76 87 116 135 154 167 173 183 185 186 230 232 250 254 256. This June 3d 1878. (J, A. J. POPE, Sheriff. June 3-tds. TAYLOR COUNTY SHERIFF'S 8ALE FOR JXTL.Tr. Will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Butler, on the First Tuesday in Joly next, between the legal hoars of sale, the following described property to wit: Quo buggy, one black mare mule, named me, about 7 years old, to satisfy a ft fa. issued from Taylor .Superior Court in favor of McKinney & Crouch vs. W. J. Walker and John II. Caldwell. Bold as the proper ty of John H. Caldwell. Property pointed out by paid McKinney. June 3d 1878. C. A. J, POPE, jun-Jlm. Sheriff. AND YOU WILL FIND THAT IHVIXTE, I-Te, 9 Cotton Avenue lias lht Most Cbiitplete Assortment of PICTURE FRAMES, Artists Material and Fancy I the 9ta| PICTURES! I have just succeeded in making able me to sell pictures at prices i of the chromos which are advertised by the Northern publish ing iaouses at $5.00 and $6.00 I sell at $3,50 and $3.00. Croquet! croquet! Iam HEAD QUARTERS for this Beautiful Gtniio title Year' THINK OF THIS! A nice set CROQUET for $1.40. Send for price list. Ailflress E. D. IRVINE, PICTURE FRAMER AND .Si’AflOXElt NO. 0 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Georgia. READ Ms. CANNON. J WILBOURN. W. F. CANNON DEALEB-S, IN & I. T. JOSSEY, CO GROCERIES, PLANTATION SURPLIES, EC, By wholesale or retail, D erire to say to tlic oitizopt of Taylor and adjoining counties that tboj have in store 4 ireinondnns stock of Bncon, Flour, Lard and everything clue needed for bonne si farm, in the eating lino. Their pliuw ot biiHimws is at 38 Third Street, Mrtcon, Ga. Call on them earlv. MR. E. 11. RICHARDS, is with this house aud will be pleNMeJ to welcome and serve his many friends. Feb 2G t£ Taylor Superior Court April Term, April 4th 1878. Mabtiia S. Riley. ) v*. > Libell for Divorce. W. », Riley. J It appearing to the Conrt that Libollant is a citizen ol this county, and it appearing to the Conrt from the return ot the Sheriff, that the Defendant is not to be found in this countv, and it further appearing that said Defendant is not a resident of this Stole, it is therefore ordered by the Conrt that service be perfected and tbe Defendant by pnblica- lion oft his order in the Butler Hr.B«,pouce a month for four months immediately pro ceeding the next term of this Court It far ther appearing to the Court ibit the Plaintiff was unable at the time of filing her petition to attach a schedule of the property to ths sline; it is ordered by the Court that said Complaint be allowed nfuoty days from toe adjournment of tbo court to attach said schedule. It further appearing to the court at the time the Defendant filed her petition in this ease that sbc#wnra not prepared to at tach a schedule of the property owned by Plaintiff and Defendant at the time of their separation. It is tbefelofe ordered by ths c.iur', that ninety days be allowed Plaintiff tu m the ad.ortrnment of tbe court to make out an i iiliacu said schedule. W. b. Wallace ,tC. *1. CuVfftrt, Plaintiffs Attorney. /, true ext met from the minutes of Taylor Sum ri"r Court, tbe April Term 1876. this Jane 17th 1878. W. H, JENKINS, Clerk CAMPBELL’S PHO TO GRAPH SillEKT NO. 8 COTTON AVENUE, — — —MACON. OtL We beg leave to call your attention to the fact that our Gallery is the only well rirtab-' liahert one in the City that can make you a really fine Pllf/rOOtl\pH at prices greatly redreed from the'former high rotes, When you vftft Mfaron fw sure itnd call on us and examine some of our specimens of fine pictures and get onr prices. It' 1 to ember this foot, that if you Want a picture, and call oh its, vc will guarantee to please yoti both in tbe quality of the work and in price. It will cost you nothing to try, pr wp guarantee 1o make no charge if we do nol make you as fine a picture as can l*e had in this country yr4r Special attention paid to Copy ing OLD PICTURES, Correspondence solicited. W. A. & 6. H. CAMPBELL, photographers. 6l300.000i In order to clear out our stock of verf Sffptoid/ J, ewolry valued at over $200,000, we* . ,ted for $1.00. 1 Gokl Sleeve Buttons; 1 pair Engraved Slooto Buttons; 1 sot Pointed Studs; 1 set Amethyst GREATEST will Bend aa below, 20 Pieces, all warranted Gold-plated 1 Sleeve Buttons; 1 pair Engraved Slecto Buttons; lsotF Studs; 1 Wedding Ring; i Engraved Dartd Finger Ring; 1 Amethyst Stone Ring, Inlaid m srW je f4r with Gold; 1 Elegant Tting, marked “Friendship;” *T ft ItrYdAr l Amethyst StonWscnrf Pin, Inlaid with Gold; 1 UUIU1OT JatPfii; 1 aoT Latflcs’ Jot and Gold Pin and Drops; 1 Misses' set Jot and Gold; 1 Collar Stud; I sot Handsome Rosebud Ear Drops; 1 Gents' Elegant Lake George Dftunond Stud; 1 Cardinal Red Bead Necklace; l pair Ladies Ambthyst Stone Ear Drop#, tLlWT n P Inlaid ’tilth Gold* 1 Ladies’ Ornamented Jet Brooch; l Fancy J®a \f ffj K. ficarf Ring and Elegant Watch Chain. Take your choice, the entirelotofQO viooca, sent Postpaid for &1.00 or any 3 pieces you choose for cents. Now Is tho time tp un*p money. Theie can easily be retailed at $10.00.« CLUB PREMIUM. To any AV0IID Tin one ordering 12 Lots at St.00 each, we will X JEaXvJuAJ present Tree, an Open Face Coiri Silver Watch as Premium. WATCH AND JEWELRY CIRCULAR FREE. NOTlCfllS OV TUB FRH**. Onr eotemnorary, the «o«ton Olob*, upcslu very highly of both advertiser Bad fords »" "Blag honorable hi Iu* dealinr*, »nd reliable hi hi* gcRKln, b commendation we hearttly&idorte.— ***** T^S’J’uTuwrouKlriy reliable one to every repeet<3W*. Oct. m Ena repotation fer^honcety. f»ir desHng, »nd liberality b uoeqneled fey any edvertieer to thto p. STOCKMAN, 37 Bond Street, New York,