The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, July 23, 1878, Image 4

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*■ Standard Weight*. % Th'Mlov&g M* the atudwd -na*Ml d *■ uUeloi nuHd, aa —lbliqij by aa aot of tba flows* Tiaghlohuo, appraraO r^ta- arr XHh, 187* : »*•» « ■ballad Cota M Com in Iba ear It Sta-av; 8W*St Potato** . Whit# Bean* ... Clover Seed .... Timothy Bead.. Dried Peaches (•a- period) 39 Dried PoaaftM (pool DriedJApplce..... M K -'^iTTT. W Coal., Lime... 80 Turnip* gwMoal... Wheat Cotton M Ground Peao Hair.. BUTUR RETAIL MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY W. L. GRIFFITH. COTTON—Middling 8,@8* Low UiddUng flS.81 flood Ordinal* 7®, A OxMnan 6 # BACON—Balk Kta. 8 Balk ghoul dan 7 BALT—Tirginoi $10U Llratpool tl.SO REAL—per bnabal *1.00 OOBN—par baahei *1.00 FLOOR—per Ml M. 9*8.00 RIGS—per pound 10 LABD—per pound. 191 COFFER—per pmmd .95 SUGAR—per pound 19) SYRUP—per galoe 50 @ 65 CHESS—per poamd ...90 NAILS—pm pmmd 6 PEPPER aadJVPIOK—per pmmd 40 SNUFF—pm pmud 91.00 TOBACCO—per ponad 50 0 91.96 MAOKKBAIj eMh.........t.o.T.... 6 WELL BUCKETS—each 76 KEROSENE OIL—per nkm 40 BABT1R TRADE. CHICKENS J, 10 to 90 EGOR—per don ... 10 BUTTRft-wto pmmd 19|tol6 BEES WAX—per pound 90 tallow—pm pound s DRIED PEACHES. 8 to 7 PORK—per pound 8 to 7 BEEF—per pound 4 to 6 DR. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY, —“ ly» * ■ s ■rna CMMllMtfM »«• SB M m«R—OiswWHUy L PRIVATE OOU1VSXLOR su&EKLS&rS&Sxl FOR 1878. 100,000 CICULA TION 100,000 CICULA TIDE FOB THE SOMSY SOUTH FOR THE SONNY SOOTH DO YOU TAKE IT ? DO YOU TAKE IT t NOW IS THE TIME NW IS THE TIME .BUTTS The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARIIIAai The PRIVATB MBDICAL AOVISm ipssu CO.VS UMP1ION CURED, , having bad plaord in his band* by an East Indian mansion%ry, the formula of a mple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent care of Cnnaamntion, Bronohltaa, Catarrh. Autraa, and all Throut and Lung iff *ctions. also n ptwilive and radical cure fot General Eebiliiy and nil nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful '••irutive power* in thousands of sates, feels ir his duty to make il known t# his suffering : ilows. The recipe will be sent fret ot oburge, to all who desire it, with full direc tions for preparing and Hucciwsfully using. A 'I trees with stamp naming this paper. Dr. J C. Stone* 44 North Ninth Street, Phila delphia Pa. Oct 23-1 y. is aot easily earned in these times, bat it ean be make it three month* by any one ol < 'her sex, in anv part of the oouotry who is ■ t ..ig to work -teadily at the employment Unit we furnish. $66 per week in your ’ nvn. lot need not be awsv trom home .iiKht. You can give yonr whole time to th« work ot only your spare moment*. We have . i win who are mid;in«over *20 perd«y. All v, ho engage at once can make money tuat; At tii ^ present rime mouey cannot be made — *- lrt ily and rapidly ui any ether busiuwa*. cnhtj nothing to try the basin'•ns. Terms and j.r, Outfit free. Artdr**s at once, K, Haya am A Co., Portland, Maine. Aug.U-ly. A|i| Il Grant nbauceto ro ike mom ||U 1,11 B ye»u cau’t get gold you c* ureusbacks. We need a person in < town to t ike subscriptions for the 'org« st, cheapest and best lUwtrated lamily public* ticn m the world. Any one cun beoom succc-Mtul agent. The moat elegant work art given free to scriliers. The price i low Unit almost everybodv subribes, vine 'igeut reports making over $i50 in a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscri bers in ten dirvs. All who engage mnbe a»on* v fast You oan devote all your turn ft, the* budnws. or only your spare titaa. You need uot be away from heme overnight f ou cun do it a* well a* others. Fall p-*r- •iuuL.w, directions and terms free. Elegant md dtpenaive OutR tree. Ii you want pro- t'tab*# work eeud a* your addn-esat onoe. I: oo*t nooning to try the basinets. No one enguges fails to make great pay. Ad- dv * “The PoopU’e Journal, Borland GREAT FAMILY PAPII and • wr FIVE HUNDRED of th* beet wri ters oft the day, on all eul ton To its ooIum. Ilia the heal NEW STMESI evm published in an American journal, and no paper presents a greater variety of read ing. ft contains Brilliant Contlni Excellent New* -Summary,: Letters, Excellent Religous notes, noma on Travels, NoUa of Fashions, Notices of New Books, Notea of New Music, Rotas of the Drama, Portraits of Noted Peeplo, Para graphs itbout Women, Paragraphs of Hu- ■ ant, PuxEle THE SUN. 1878. NEW YOBK. 1878 support Upon its record for the past tM yean it relies for a eontinuanoe ot the hourly sympathy and generous co-operatiou which have hither o besn extended to ii from •very quarter of the Union. The DAILY BUN il a four page-sheet of 98 ooiumDh, price by maii, post-paid, 65 eenti per month, or 99.60 per year. The SUNDAY edition of Tub Sun is an eight-page sheet of 69 columns. While giv ing the news of the day, it also contains* large amount of miscellaneous and literary Uy prepared #r»r it Tu* 8mt- net with great suoeras. Post paid 91.99 a year. THE WEEKLY SUN. r tdrenlatea throughout the United -States the Canada*, and bwyond, ninety thouaand frmiBea greet it* welcome pages weekly, and regard is the light of guide, eotmsellor and mend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, and literary department make it essentially a journal tor the family and tha firesides Term*: One Dollar a year, post paid. Thi- prioe, qaality considered, male* it the cheap, utt newspaper published. For clubs ot with 910 cash, we will send an extra free. A.ldrtuv PUBLISHER OF THE SUN, N.wYdkOity. copy BE WEEKLY" ELEGBAPH, THE mor. Scientific Department, k-uzuo vyiw* *s mr as pcwHime rn renege nun mi misery K . r ..atm art t* rorm w ment‘ Mathematical Department, House-, rtod will sjnd the i soipe- Fukx <*k Charof.— [ v .y 1/ /f .>C KIP riO Y• Depari- W1LL CURE CONSUMPTION WE desire to cull atteiiiior of reuders to mir weekly wlitiou especlftlly, Thu Wkemi.y TelKOHAPH AND MfrUSKtlKU U n lusmmuth ooti.vo stoe-1. currying SIXTY-FOUR COL UMNS of. luiost wholly rnaditig matter. It is issued, by u convenient iirruiigcmcnt, both eaily and lute m each Week so us to meet subacritiett hnvitig only one mail a week, with the Intent posaibh- news. If his weekly mail leaves .vlncou in the early i»urt ot the week, he ^ets the early oditinu. If on Thonnlsy, Friday or •- nurdny. he gets the late editiou—in either ease gaining the In- it news possible in a weekly Jaipur. The contents of this paper Imiu a comple resume of the events ami gossip of the previ- •even days, uiul »he imdiug inatter ot each number would <ton-titiuo a Uog * vol- giving vuinuoiu iuhnniidion ou all snb- jucts. This mn'-nili-'ent jmp-r i-. fi.rosislied ih>s(- if «t ONLY Too D«.tLL\lty * YEAR. IK }$BMl-\Y cKh'.Y ’Tki.I Uli»l*a and T.Iks- KU is luil.ifbvd lit 't'Hlil.K O.-U.AK* II year. Tue’iI axd Mxsseni.ku at Ten DoU-.vs n var. Af>*TKitMS CA8H IN AiiL «\\8E8.-e^ These nv nuuDig the indent and best estib- liahed publication* in tue State of Georgia, r«i reseuting a jiatrmmge sonvouly equaled - certainly not cxceJUd in extent, intelli gence uud u urtli in »hn Mate. Wo recom mend rheiu with eontidrtice they will gain uew irionds whurev* r uitntduced. Advartisriuents in the weekly, one dollar per squsrv of ten lines, enoh publication. CldsliY. J »NES A ItKESE. a ray of hop« is offered through the of a missionary friend who has Bent me the formula of a purely vegetable medicine which hna long been used by the native medicine men of Hindostau for the positive and radical eure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Athsma, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Throat and Lting difficulty. General Debility, Loss of' lituv Manhood and ail Nervous Affections,its pnw- ' n± re baa been t(«tect in hundreds of cases with-! nut a failure. T now feel it mv sacred duty ' h possible COLUMBUS TIMES. DAILY, SSKI-7T3S2LY AND WEEKLY u. martin, Editor. ns for ii -i'li.’. Mi using with •.* stn | Dr. O. U. li.igi... inb of six at 92.60. is sent free for one year. For a club 'of twenty, nil sent at one time, $10. in gold is paid. Address SUNNY SOUTH, ’--Send for .Specimen. U, nept.4-Jy. I w-.rk foi $7.W) . 4 DO . 2,00 OWL Mull, Wl everywhere to CtHily luttii a k Co., August 11 s urt you. si2 SEMI-WEEKLY Oil WEEKLY tide l»v the imhiKtri- 1 » iiml girU Miii.t* 1' Om. Ykaii ONE CENT A f>.l *'. THE SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWSIJ- ii'ill. T1j.» SKMI-'VEUiLV TIMES is issued every Monday and Tbnisdnv, ami c'-utain- all tii«- in', st u-w.«. do.nur.tic uu-1 loroigi. with full umrkei reports up to the hour ol going to press. Its publication family requires oue g-« newipuuer. if such an < cured for less ibau one «- In th* issue of July 6th 1878, will be apm-! day of tne year, Vh ur« i mncnl . new Miial .-Dry b, th. F » mil 7 N.w,p,,H,r Khou popular Georgia authoress, XB8. OPHELIA NI8BKT REID, KNTITIAD MRS- DARE I The Wkkkly News is not only THE LARGEST BUT THE BEST WEEKLY Published in the Southern State is well edited, and contains an immense amount of reading matter,and its typograph ical execution is unsurpassed. Printed on new type, with a deer, clean impression, it a pleasure to read The Wetklv News. It is a Newspaper » every scuse of ihc word, and oentains the latest Telegraphic and State News, Markets, etc., a Lit* erary. an Agricultural and a Military Department, and is suited to tin- taste of all who desire to keep up with in go- g on in the busy world, at home ni abroad. * news is always fr<«h and entertaining. Subscription, one year $2,(0; six mouths $1.00. Specimen copies sent free. Address J. H. EST1LL, Savannah, Gn. REM 1KKABLE SUCCESS. ly-prepiued summary day, both Relioions and Secular; and ifm- rauged so that the two ilepu.tincuts may b.- aeparsted and rend by two iiuliv.duslH at .he iy \\ and information for Ihe various uieinViciv .a household. Scuiu portion of the paper should be devoted, every week, to roligioua and mond improvement, to current Mionlur news, to Hgrii ultnvu, ccunuerc-. ma kes. 1 literature, ,t.. with its d. reliable family j geUhrir nndia oltoutr tin i , neie t»\u be pro- luter i,uw> tluiu it i> pa nt u.r .net. working . Wetklv. The WEEKLY TUtEc page paper ■ Weekly) ooi.i it runs win week foj fduiiblc tl.n : WKfiafje AW of.-ur . paid itwlmut on appHeutiu the Also The sticrwi of the " tsi. markable. iling public, of ttie hading literary paper co its inti eduction to the raining pauiie, si* years ago. I mi- I jEIsikr has stedily advacned in favor, and is now acknowledged second to no paper ot tbt kind in the country. Its circulaton is nuttonnl.and has tteen obtained through the cilorts of its pabliahera to produce u paper ol hign moral character, and id tha same time soil it nt a price consistent with the ptesent hard times That they have succeeded, and well. too. the thousands of readers of Thf. Leixibr scat tered from Maine to Texas aud Oregon Florida "ill lx-nr trstimony. The Obicaoo Lrdok'i is a largo forty-eight col umn weekly paper, which contains stories both oomplctii end oouunut-<l;in each number witteu by the best authors of the day, a great variety ot information interesting to every one. The subscription price of Thk Lkdoeh is only *1.60 per year, postage paid, paw it is equal iu every’ particular to other papers ot the samr churacier which sell for $8 a year. Thres copies of this valuable puper will bo sent to any one who sends 10 oonts and their address to Thb Ledokb, iJbicngo. III. ! nil. ttie Family Nswspape j feoily pure, and I'm vom anv coatiniii.tiiiuu I infliitnces r\ its r ailing matter or in its ad- I vertisemeutH. eh attention cannot be paid to this t'eatur*. when the press is tinud iiig the uountry «iih so-much tliut is v.le -and pemicions. To crown all, the Family ' No.vapaper should bo untrammelled by nut , alhliatiMii witn sect or party, and should he j free to give all the good news llotti.iUd about all tln w.ivld. If siicn a Family Nevtsmipir cau Le had lor one cent a day, it should Ik- , taken l»v everv fiiuiilv iu the laud. «uoh a Family Newspaper inrvsry we find in the New York Observer, now coni- muuoint' its fifty-sixth volume. Frutfrensive, aomprchVuHive. sou ml. reliable pure, it i* just wl.a is needed in your household. »v tid ijW, 16 lur a year to tne New York Obser er .'17 Park Uow New York. Auunpe copie lytHWN HWr-iPf SewiNGMACwnE THE WEEKLY CONUTITUTDN. ‘THE ROUAXTE OF ROCKVILLE." from the .pen of 51 r. .r. 0, Harris, author ot l-nclti Kemus’s Revival Hymn, and the most popular wtii. r iu. p. rkaps, all tue South. His ubuudiiii* humt-r and grapliic UiXHTiptionn are will known in Georgia. 7he new -story will be his m-nt Ambitious otTort, nud the Constitution, c nfideutly promises it* patrons a rare uter-iry treat. 7he story will sppeur i stitutiuu only, and will i montns Clubs should gle sulMcriptious seut wi who desire to read this favorite humorist Tht. price of th-: WEEKLY is $2 postage free. Address •kly Con- ibro’igh soveial mad. up *r sin- i» delay by all ry of Georgia’s year, THE CONSTITUTION. Atlanta. Ga, Taylor Nnperior Court April Term* April 4th 1878. Li bdl for Divoroa. Simplesi & Best. ■: U M'S v.. Jt -if 1 No 177 W 4. St. C I N C I N NAT ! o. , HOME WAS AWARDED m w. G. BATEMAX f LIVER ,) Martha J. Kii.kt. j W. 8. Hii-bt. ( It appearing to the Court that Libellant . citix-m ot ibis county, and it appearing the Court from the return nt thet-heriff, tb the Defendant is not to be found in this oennty, and it further appearing that said Defendant is not a resident of this Stale, it is therefore ordered by the Court that service lie perfected aud the Defendant by publica tion of this order in the Butler HKR-UiD ones a mouth for four months imnnidutely pre- cceding the next t-*rm of this Court. It fttr- ther appearing to tbu Court that the Plaintiff was unable ut tu<* tinm of filing her -petition U> attach a schedule of the propelty to the ( same; it is ordered by the .Ocurt that said Agents j Complaint be allowed ninety days from tue adjournment of the court to attach said schedule.. It further appearing to the court at the time the Defendant filed her petition iu this case that she was uot prepared to at- t»ioh a schedule of the property owned by Plaintiff aud Defendant at the tune of their a poratiou. It is ther tore ordered by the o -urt, that ninety duvs be allowed Plaintiff bom the adjournment of the coart to make '-ut and attach said schedule. W. h. Wallace & O. M. Colbert. Plaintiff’s Attorney. A true extract from the minutes of 1 Superior Court si the April Term 1871 This-Turn 1 7th 1878. FIRST PREMIUM! At the Centennial FvhlWtioe, |K7«, and baa always carried oil' ttie liitrhest houurs wherever exhibited. ASWSshamsiaB* STITCH" MACHINE. ADAPTED t® thf WANTS of KVEltYBODY. The “ SEWING Nlf ■ vnan unoe by tl ialant and Mo*.. — nTl the Essential Farts (7 a PlR^T til A88 MAOHIMB. is 8IUFLK in CONS’i RUCTION, MUrMtMtlOM fa Strength end Beautv, Sewing Machines. I twill RUN IhrffNI withoutcobtino ONK CENT (brJUMiM. In the Maanlketure ortoli M and tbe Mechsnlsm b wits the ijneiat e'*i fy&mtmijMhfivim — WELL for Coarse or Om TMUltAP* OUT- TON, SILK or LIN BN, axwiNO freei the J.ightft IfMsKns to J*ewr fttti aad zzw.tWim,*™'" thm ' Warranted for Fho Tears. Johnson, Clark & Co„ 30 Union Bqnsre, New Yerb 604 Wuhlngtrtn Itrent. Boston, Mnas. 1114 flaoond Av#., FitUbvfk, Pfc 141 State Btrset, fthlwfjo, 111. 91 booth 6th Street, 8t* Leato* Ke. 17 New Montgomery 6b, Sea Francisoe, Oil* ir.Ntsbttshsd 1900, tSIUtOllG & 00.. Attornpys at I-av, tnpfMonr* Be 4'lii|U(i«M, llmmer A Cs« 829 T Btrset. Washington, D. C. American aud Foreign Patents. Pai cm* i nor ii reel ut all i-oiiniii-*. No run* t* MtVAS- n. No eliarxi* miles* -1^ patsm Is rramcil. N*» fc » fur i-uiktsc |*r*-limiu*rj rxanM- naiiuu*. S,ih: i»| aiit-utioN irivon to interfrr- nee IVisi-f tiffurr i)m Pftu-iu tlttkai Extraskms **• fore OaiiKiw*. Iufriti^ numi 9nlM m «l»jrVr*st Slates, ami all litiiftutun appunaiulnK iu lliV«M*- d«n* or I’.-ii-m*. Stamc ron r iMnu.Br United 8tat«s Courts and Uepsrtmenta. rilnlm* MioNFi-Ntsiliii tin-Sii|>r#m«- (tuurlof the UnitinSiiiiM.., t-oiiriof i tin tin*. Ootirioft JommiV. •wii-T* «f A Iu Nunn Gtainw, Suuilmrti tUatwa t.'o-iuuiw-iim. a iid lilt I-Ias«s* of war claim- hsfere ilm Kic.-itiir*. lispn iiii*-iiu. Arrears of Pay and Bounty, Okki, Ml*. -OI.DIHH-*, and MAII.OIIH ut ths Isia war. ... ....•ir Urrr*. nr- in maay es*r* milltM %• moimv li.-ia j»»**«lov**rii*it«t«tt,of which n.vy liste no Un-win-.B**. Will*- lull liix-ory *f o** ,, »m , s. *i>4 naiH aiiKMin- «f |.:.v iiml Kuimiy r*e*iv*d. K» CIO*" *i»in»|'. and a full reply, ads. «x am mat tne, wfrl »*m siren >.*M free. Penaiea*. All OFMFK1IH, *41.111 Kite, -lid SAM.OKN WMBOdS# -»i|»n*re.l. HI I.ijnreil hi it»« Isle war, hewevst •Vnrlitl.v, Min nliialii a j—nMOn, msuy new reesiv- ng jn-iihinne are eiililleii to an fncr»a$4. Read ■tam|* mid l.if-rmaliim will is* fnmi*lied free. (7|nilium t>. who-* mtorneve liare nese shs- G ndeil. will be gratuiiocelv fnriiUlufd wiili fuR brum tioii :uid p.op-jr ,..*|tsr< ju applies loe it As we phanre n« fee nul«s.i stipre^sful. sismne «or return jw^uige -lionld so seams. United State* Oeuerul Lund OSes. Con tested 1. mil Caws. Frivam lj*ud Olulieei Mining l*ie-Miiipiimi and liiuneHiead Oiisee,preew euted In-fare the Genera) Land Olfteenad l>e|Nl*fr menlof ib.. tmerier. Old Bounty Land Warrants. ® Wenay cash for them. Where assUmmeele MV ■nperfect ws give tasintetloee to perfect the**. s attorneys for such la och tnpreeartnf sen- isgottaung leans, and nfided to no. traete. making collections, attending to all bust Liberal iirrangenie dll elossee of hnoiness. Addreas GILMORE^ ». O. Box 44. WosMnf*en. A. *. Wamminoton, 1).«)., Nsssmlar R, MM. I take pleasure I * —*—*—* Since Iu the i haw, Patent » 4 Go, ef »bis city. MINOTOH, If. U., 4VSS0BIWr Of, IM, AHre in esproisiag my eatinrSeafr* rtB,t*niihiiity and 0HlUm af the and UulIrctiflB Heaee J Remarkable HeeulV It make* no difference how many IW- c;ans, nr how much medicine yon have triad, it is now an established toot that Gtrxaa* Syrup ia the only remedy which has ■ complete satisfaction in severs oases of I Diseases. It is true there are yet tboua of person* who are predisposed to Tbeoat and Iiuug Affections, Consumption, Beeaor- rhagte, Asthma, Severe Cold* eettled cmjthe Breast, Pneumonia, ^ “ ‘ 1 who h-ive no person ehee’s German Syrnp. jonia, Whooping Co*|h, 4*^ personal knowledge of Bo*. Syrnp. To eneh we would > dozen were sold omplaiut. Conran just one bottle. Regular sin 76 oe bv Dr. John Walker, Butler, Ga. Mar26-eow-1v tofcMr«f»nti*ia> Barham's InfalllWw PILE CURE. JENKINS, Clerk