The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, September 17, 1878, Image 3

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LOCAL NEWS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th 1678. "General Cook’s Appointments. will address my fellow citiaeus ol the Third Cotagressionai District as follows, Vienna, Dooly county Tuesday, September 10th. Leesburg, Lee county Tuesday, September 12th. Montezuma, Macon county Satur day, September 14th, Butler, Taylor county, Tuesday, September 17th, Cochran, Pulaski county Thursday September 10th. Hawkiiisyille, Pulasui county Sat urday, September 21st. Abbeville, Wilcox oounty Monday ''September 23rd. Horae Creek, Wilcox county, Wed nesday, September 25th, rtwlhgloii, Jrwin coilnty, Friday, September 37th. Douglass, Coffee coilnty, Tuesday, (October let. Lumpkin, Btewart county Friday, (October lltii. Preston, Webster county,' Saturday October 12th. Ellaville, Schley county, Saturday, - October 19th. Eastman, Dodge county, Tuesday, October 22ud. McRae Telfair county, Tuesday, October 24th. Mt. Vernon, .Montgomery county, Thursday, October 31st. America, Sumter county, Satur day November 2nd. PHILIP COOK. Hon. Philip Cook, This true and tried patriot,one of the noblest of Georia'i sons, who has been nominated to represent the Third Congressional District, in the 46th Congress,as the choice of the people, arrived in our town on ye terday, for the purpose ot addressing the citizens to-day. His name is placed to-day at the head of our columne.and we want everybody to come out and hear him for themselves. We are sorry to state that our clever and highly esteemed friend, Mr. Walter J. Griffith, left our town last Sunday for Gainesville, Ga., where in the future will be his home. We.cannot see what charm there is about Gainesville to so frequently call our dear young men away from their native homes, unless it is such pure health or such beautiful young la dies, but we would attribute it to the latter cause. Keep kick. ft. ■p We are very sorry to state that W Mr. John Jinks, one of Taylor * counties most prosperous farmers, has been quite sick for the past several days with bilious fever. Mr. Willis Jioke,sonot Mr. John Jinks, has also been veiy sick for ' several days past. We trust they will soon recover. ► Mrs, Fannie Schrimpsher, a most estimable lady, fronierly of Macou, Ga., but tor the past few months having made her home,to gether with her family at Palace ^ Mills, in Taylor county. On last WJ^yesday evening this good la- day, after a long and painful af fliction breathed her last. She leaves an affectionate husband and three email childred,together with a host of affectionate friends to mour^tjneif ’loss. We tender them our most sincere sympathy,in this their sad bereavement. Married. At the residence of the brides brother, Dr. Bryant, near Perry, Houstoa county Ga., on Sunday evening last, at 4 o'clook, Mr. John Hartley, of Butler, to Mae. IvARAif Stbwart, of Hous ton county, Ga, The happy coup le arrive,} in our town about dusk od yesteltlay evening after a long and wearysome ride by private conveyance,'-when they were met and congratulated by many warm and kind-hearted friends. Mr, Hartley is one of our most enter- prisiog merchants, and we are informed that his bride is one of the must charming and intelligent ladies of Houston county .and wil' prove an hqpor lo our Society. ' A nether New Discovery. After several years of a very goi hatured, loose way of doing business^ 1 discover, that I owe more persons, than 1 don't owe, and that my credit ors are signifying that 1 must settle, or hunt new friends* And as 1 am too poor to move, and furthermore discover. that I am brought face to face with the fact, “that something must be did,” therefore make an appeal to those who owe me,—espec ially to those who hare tor several years remained in arrears, feel ihly groatful fur the patronage of the dear public,and if we could all now square up,l feel that 1 should bo glad enough to treat all round, aud then like a clever fellow go aloug aud have the fun of the credit business, all over again. hope this will not bo taken as a joke, aud 1 intend to so apply myself to the subject, as that no such mis takes will bo made. So after dog-days, and camp-meet ings are over, ehal 1 ImVe alt ear for response. JOHN WALKER. SrptS-tf. Howard Items. Howard, Ga., Sept., 12th ’78. Mr, Editor t Some time having elapsed since we have aeen any items in your paper from this plaoe, we venture to send you this communication. Should you deem it worthy of your notice, publish it. If not cast it into the scrap- basket, and it will give no offense whatever. The farmers at present are very buay gathering their ootton, and notwithstanding the,, blustery weather and the difficulty they have had in getting hands to pick, there has been a good number of bales shipped from this plaoe. The coru crop will turn out much bet ter than was expected. Most oi the fanners will make enough for home consumption. The general health of this com munity is very good with the ex ception of sore-eyes. This epidem ic is very prevalent, and has ma terially injured the schools. Dr. J. W. Hall,our well known physician has been very sick (or some time past. We ars glad to see. that he ie convalescing and hope that he will soon be restored to health. Our village can now boast of a debating society, which is proving to be both interesting and ioetruo- tive to the young men of the com munity. Our Sabbath school is also in a flourishing condition Un der the management of Mr. C. J. Grace, our efficient Superintend ent. Our merchants are wide awake fellows and will suon be prepared to supply their many customers with new fall goods. Mr. D. B, Brown celebrated his fifth anniversary by asking his friends to take tea with him on Wednesday evening the 11th inst. It is useless to say that the quan tity of Mrs. Brown's wine, cakes and jellies, was considerably di minished as yoilr correspondent wae there and whs as usual very hearty. Mr. Brown-informed us that he had lived so pleasantly that he could hardly realize the fact that five years had elapsed since his happy union. We also had the pleasure a few evenings since of attending a so cial gathering at Mr. L. D. Lock hart’s. The occasion was one that afforded much pleasure. There were a number of young ladies in attendance and their beauty was sueh as to inspire the most timid to converse with them and make man bow eternal homage to the fair sox. W. A. D. Florida. Oar Land of Flowers. A throng of sufferers with coughs anil colds, annually go South to enjoy the ethereal mildness of (he land of flowers. To them wo would sa necessity of that expensive I rip viated by Cdosseiis' Compound Hon ey Vjf Taf, which hpcedily cures the coughs am! colds incident to this rig orous clime. Fof public speakers it Buepasses the Demosthentie regimen of •‘pebbles un<(,scu shoreceloaring the throat until the voice rings with the silvery cadence of a bell. Use Coussons' Compound Honey of Tar. Fhiee 60 coots a bottle. r Fo/qplc by Walker &,Cairn, r.ot I HR RETAIL MARKET. ECTED WEBfeLt BY Wi L. GRIFFITH. COTTON—Middling i.: 91 Low Middling 9(gj9{ OopdOrdinnry u Ordinary 8@8A BACON—Bulk Sidas 9 Bnlk Shoulder* ;;;;; 8 SALT—ViTgltUll ;...; $2.00 . . $1.60 MS AL— pet buHhfcl. $1.00 COfi«—per bushel 86 FLOUfc—per bbl. @ $8.00 BICE—per pound ;; 10 LARD —pet pound.. 121 OOtfFEE— pet pound 25 SUQaB—pet pound...; ; 12.1 8YBt)P—per gAitin.. ;.: .60 @ 65 CHESS—per ptfttnd...;i; 20 NAILS—-per paund 6 PBPPtift atnfSPICK-pet pdiifid 40 SNtJFF—pet pound .$1.00 TOBACCO—-per pound, ;;:.. 60 (ft $ 1.25 MAOttSftAlj—«Mh 6 WELL BUOKE 78—eaoH 76 KEE08EN B E A 0 Rifer«w, ;- 4U CHICkSNS Ioto20 EGOS—peTdbtf .. 10. BUTTER -per pbnnd...1211015 BEES WAX—pe* poutid....; . 20 TALLOW-per pound :; 5 DRIED PEACHES ; ;; .2 10 6 PORK—per pound .^ to 7 BEEF—per pound 4 to 6 Notice! Ten dollars reward l On Suuday the 8th of September, I hid stolen from my residue a small Japan Tin Box; black, With yellow stripes around the lid; containing a large number of land deeds; Also notes .Add other valuable papers* For the delivery of said box and pa per*, the above reward viill be paid without eaqtiirey. 1 forbid any per son from trading or transferring the same. D. A. J. WILLIS. ENQUIRER-SUN, COLl'MllUH, GA. Tho Cheapest and (test Paper lit the South 1 DAILY, WEEKLY A AX SUNDAY. Publishes fall Associated Press Dispatch es. Is known and read in every state in the Unions No pains or money will be spared to sustain its position as one of the FIRST SOUTHERN PUBLICATIONS. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: (strictly in advahcr. ) DAILY. 1 Tsar $7.00 6 months *... 4.00 3 months '. 2.00 I montn ...... .75 WEEKLY. 1 Year II 10 6 months .75 3 months ....i.. .in .60 SUNDAY. 1 Yeat . $1.50 6 months. 10* .1 months 60 WaaXLY and Sunday to one address, $2.20 Ten oopies of W ktKLY for. $10.00 jf^r-Send for HpeflithcU Copy. JOHN KING, Proprietor. Fall 1878 . . ..0 j am receiving the larg est and beat selected Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. GR.OCZH.rBS, BOOTS. SHOES AND HATS. Willow-ware, etc,, That has ever been brought to this mnrket. In addition to this I am pre pared to buy Cotton, and in tend to keep the market fully up. J. W, LIFSZ7, TO THE PUBLIC! I have a large lot of the best Bugging and Ties for Sale at But- lunund Howard. Call on W. G, Bateman it Go., at Butter, and Mr. Joe. Brown at the Depot at Howard. . W. D. GRACE. Butler, CtA., August 31st ’78. G fiOlGlA STATE FAIR. 1 87 8. At Bacon, Ga., from Octctar 23th to November *2 mi $0,000 IX MOXET FBEMIUM8. An interesting RACING PROGRAMME each day, for Pre miums Covering $2,500. The best nfoingrd, most conirobdihnR And most bedhtifUl Fair Grounds, and the be*t Mile Trank in thfe South Liberul ProlbiuniH fbY eVery department ol Husbandry, Man ufactures. Machinery, and Works bf Aft .‘•’end for Catalogue of bbinplete list of Pre miums; Allies and itegiilatiouK, which 4H<i be mailed, postage pittd, on application to tho Secretary. County Premium*. To thb UbHtity tfrliibii (through the .Societies or Clubs) nhall fiirhirb the largest and fittest display, itt merit and variety of products and result* hf Home Industries; (except Sttkik, which are exfcluilsd) all raised or pr duced in the Connty ; $300 00 .Second Ffemittm.:. i 150 00 tHOS. HA it DEM AN, Jr., Pnra. MALCOM JOHNSTON, 8ecy. M. J. HAT'JHER, General Sup’t. sept. id. if x«a want "JKkT WMOHEY pleasHiiJlv «jd Taat,*t carhart » CURD. IMPORTERS & J/7BBER3 OF FOREIGN & D0METIC , CUTLERY, BUNS, AC. A&RXertfLttrerRAi, XiAPI-EMiNTS Item, Steel, and Carriage Makers Material. Agent Fof Faitbariik Standard Scales. Atso Agettt fdr Q. W. Massey’s Excelsior and Grlswoud Cotton gin, CHERttY SfREETi* \ » • * MACDS, 6A. 't( c. d. anuermoN. m. i*Troutman. ANDERSON A TROUTMAN, WAREHOUSE And Commission Merchants. (Opposite Blake’s block, Poplar Street, ) MACON. - - - . - - - flEoBCIA Consignments Of Cotton Solicited. xo-JUGGING AND TIE*’ FOBNlSHED AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES.-*?! sept.lO-tf; CAMPBELL & ,) ONES. MACON, OAi Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, WAREHOUSE, COR,, POPLAR and SECOND Ste. Make advances on Cotton in Store at lowest Bauk^jRatcs. Also Jgent for Ihe “LUMMS COTTON GIN." PsrUps vnutiug a first-^sfl Gin. will find it to their intciest to see us before buyiug, tVe guaraiitoe the Qin and price shall not prevent a trade. sept. 10-tf. thos. Hardeman, jr* (At Adams Bazemovc's Old Sttiiid,) WAK E OUS AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, fi-A.GjGni\ra- Aidia ties FUB*fisHifeD. REMEMER I ONLY CHARGE ONE DOLLAR PER BALE. Fof selling niui fltst month storage; twenty-live Cents per Month for each tldtillloiml month thereafter, s<! ' l3 - lf . T. Hardeman, Jr. W. J. J’ATTFBKOfj. S. 8. PATTEB30N; PATTERSON BROTHERS. iMPORTEES AND DEALERS in FOREI/W AND AHtBICAN RABBLES BROWfT STONE AND GRANITE, ItOltlfMEXIS, TOM ns, HE A It STONES, VASES, STATtfABY M AXTJjE Aid Office and '