The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, September 17, 1878, Image 4

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TH’EW 'saw y6Xk. him Ah the time approaches for the renewal of frends end w»ll-wishen e.\eryw^ere, that is iisuguin n candidate lor theit consideration' and support. Upon its record for the past ten years it relies for a contlntinuce ot the hearty sympathy and generous co-operatiou which have hither o been extended to ii from every quarter of the Union. The DAILY hUN is a - four page-sheet ot be Denealattonal Organ of Georgia Baptist. KV. DAVID E. BUTLER, Taylor County FOR OOTOBF.H. 'Will be sold eefore the Coni MANAGING EDITOR. <4ided by a Corpse of the Most Emiuent Writers of the Denomination. &8 columns, prico by mail, post-paid, cents per month, or 10.50 per year. 'J’ho SUND11 edition of The Sun is an eight-page sheet of 50 columns. While giv ing the news of the day, it rIso contains a large amount of miscellaneous and literary matter, specially prepared for it The Sun day StiN has with great success. Tost paid $1.20 a y,«»r. THE WEEKLY SUN. iVlll Dt 901(1 t'tuire uni vou In the ton n of Butler, on the in October next, between.!' sale, the following describe! Let of land No. 23Unth< Williamson, to satisfy a t Taylor Superior Court ift I Bespess ft Co., vs. Jaraaq 1 sods Williamson and W. ; AluOp at the same tint! of let No. 253 in the j county. Sold as the p *to fjatpiftr a ft. fo- iwt or Court in tavor ot o H. Long, Afeo, at- the same time, and | ; NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITOfiS I *5*0*01*—:.<!», C'lfbiT if y Notice if hereby given td nU per- Rene having demah^s Against T^Hlinin Mathews, late of eoti) conntw deceas ed, to prevent them to me/properly made ont within the timo yreseribed by iaw r and alr\pewoi»8 indebted to Haiti deceased, are hferibyAequired to make me immedittti^“ “ FREEMAN Administrator estate/ of William Mathews, deceased. September 2nd 1S78. /. 8ept.3-w6w; IMPROVED TUANIP SEEDS. 600 to 800 Buaoels to the aore. Sweet Euado» Batateg^.—New Crop. The Best/is the Cheapest. This Turnip grows very large, weighing from 4 to 7 pounds, and is a heavy cropper, remrakubly juicy, of sound constitotiuu and perfectly hardy, has a flue smooths skin and rich color; If is a new variety and inlaid to yie'd dorib> the amount of »uf»y other va riety. Pridfc, p^t package, prepaid by mail, n- _~ 5 padkAges^#1® .Address, L. L. OriMENTr Cleveland, 'Pennesaep. TO MAKE MONEY Pleasantly and fast, agents should oddress Finley, Harvey & Co., july23-ly Atlanta, Ga m. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY, {2ai‘asxa , ist , ‘as , jc «f ydnSTtawto Md gpwrmator- ±a imh, ul trod acini mu o f thl following cntcu: Nerf ou* MM. Smla.1 Kmlulnua, DiatacM of Bl(h(, Deffctlrc Men- •ntnyOMlUNor, *T»p!<* •• F»ee, AvcHontu Soclctv of hMW, Omfation of ideu, lw of Seoul Power. **- r.--.4et**«urrisft W tg>»rPT. thonjughlr Sf iSKi’Jsafs; asr-e A PRIVATE OOtTNSFT OR Delivered by mail, to new subset ibers postage paid, at $2.60 a year, with choice of either of these three splendid premiums : Fotrnit of Georgia Ministers, Map of Palis■ title, Mar of the Southern Staten, sent iu ii«l- dition to Thb Index for subscription price alone. f (T jf ;f FOR I87B. Who does not know The Weekly Sun ? *t circulates throughout the United States Ibe I’auadas, and beyond, ninety thousand families greet its Welcome pages weekly, and regard in the ljght of guide, counsellor and triend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, and literary department make it essentially a journal tor tiro family and the firesides Thi- quality considered,m ikes it I ho cheap, 18t newspaper published For clubs ot ten, with $10 cash, we will send au extra copy free. Addrnv PUBLISHER OF THE SUN, ■» N> w Yoik City ATTRACTIONS The Index, under the careful direction Itev. D. E. BUTLEIl, Managing Editor, as sisted by his able associates, rivals the best religions periodical* of the continent in ilm variety of its jK£f*originnl matter, the scope of its religions aud secular intelligence, and the completeness of its several departments. WILL CURE CONSUMPTION/ THE WEEKLY TELEOSAPk, mm TatwouAPH and Memsxkm. is « mammoth ootiivo sheet, carrying SIX I Y-FO,UR. COL UMNS offliuost wholly reading matter., It issued, by a convenient arrangement, both eiuly aud Into in each week so as io ihfet subacribors having only .one mail a week, with tHe Miitfct possible news. If his weekly mail loaves Macon in the early part ot the week,' he gets the airly edition. Thursday, Friday or Ya'nrday. he gets the- lute edition—in either ease gaining the la test news possible in » weekly paper. Tbs con'tmts c»l' this paper form n epmple resume, of tl.ic events and gossip of the previ ous seven days, and (lie leading matter ot each number would constitute a Invfen Vol ume, giving Vuluuiilo information on nil sub jects. This magnificent paper is fr.rns'sh d post- •ujt paid, at ONLY TWO DULL.vRN m VEaR The Semi-Weekly Telf<»i»ai*h and Mes senger is furnished at Turk# Dollar* n year this ample Its features are embraced rnngemeot Spiorr of the Rbliomus Pbess. -containing the very cream of thought in the religious papers of the world. Living Pulpit.—filled earl} we«k by a .S6r- To all suffering from the following diseases ruy of hops is offered through tho kiqdness of a missionary friend who has s<*nt me tliy •riuula ot a purely vegetable medicine which •si long been used by me native medicine ol Hiudostan : --for thw positive dud ' of Consumption, Bronchitis,' * -pli rAht *„nit /.thsuiu. Catarrh, Lang difficulty. General Manhood ami nil Nervous Atfectious.iis pow- inon IWim one of our ablest Ministers. Oua CoBBBBPONDfcsTK. —cHsenssin« living questions ot the day, donomiuaiioual aud secular. Baptist Nbws and Notes.—presenting'a birds-eye view of our denomination ul work. Denominational News —giving condensed accounts of all impoitant eveiits transpiring in tile Christian world. Sboulab News. - posting our readers on »il» matters of iutcitst occuring in the Secular Sundat-Sohoitra.—containing expositions n the iHteruatiouul Lesson, and discussion ot Sunday-sellool topics. Fabm and Household.—enibrncirq many foots and hints valuable to farmers, and fnraishing matter for fireside r<udiug, terosting to old mid. young. jCS*“For sample ooj>i»:8, address •Jas. P. Harrison €t Co. Drawer 24 Atl.infn, (Ja bos been tested nut a failure. I u possible .to relieve human rtod will sand the iqoipc — Fuee of'Chaku*— person who may d< sire it with direr- s for. dn h. Ti;. , n. iiiijiti * h pi.My. The Daily Telkoiiaph and Messenoeu at Ten Dolors a year. -; /EB-Ttiiafft CASH IN ALL r.l8F.S,-«; These are among the oldest and best est.ib- lislicd publications in iuc State of Georgia, representing a \Mtruungo scarcely equaled— certainly nut excelled -in extent, intelli gence and .north in the Mate. Wo recom mend them with coufttUnCe Unit thoy will giun new tricmls whtavvtr introjAM|di . Advertisements in the weekly'., ffm, dollar per squorv ol'-teii lin u s, each publication. CJ^aJiY. J _/NEfil & ItEESE. THE ’NEW HOME WAS AWARDED THB OCtitJMBcS TIMES. CAH7, tea-WBaStT AITS wsszwr JOHN 11, MASTIN', Editor. BATHS SUBSCRIPTIOH. IT; 0,ie Yn 1 ■ ; Tli, ■ 0nb w ° n ' at|d uip'hd Auj. SEMI-WEEKLY uli WEEK!A’ .y\r it uiT :i" • J -AiJjlri** 'IVni-joK* Yoaii Months . *,IX AyONTHS . . . . .' Tuntts Monttiii • • THE SAVANiVAH WEEKLY SEWS o : vi: r::vr a dav. , The SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES is Issued nm.\ h tlu* oi . r ot the hour, and | evel . v Monday ami Tbaisday, and c^nlaiiiA vpt null*iii a w 11 Htiui't. is exp..e-1 ft n jatest news, domuhtic and foreign, ivc a return m inn veirn . r.very witli fall market reports up to tl*« hour oi g-K.,1. reliable family | g.q.-g p VeKS . im bliittiou is a response an nr lclo can be pro- * t Q a uuiverNftl demand from our patrons wLu n,"| l r!»°t» tUK ' ^ *^' e ' r ,:, 'dls oltolUT ill' ll IMICV U Week for r ii. ,,v “ ’ jV i tutor uuwk than it is possible to give, iu a In the issue of July fctli IS? i. will be tncuced a new sctlnl story by the popular Georgia anthor»W MRS. OPHELIA NISHST REID, Family Newspaper slum d contain 'ft careful-; t|y ly-prcpured summ.n-y nfail the t. :ws of die j Tno WV'.EKLY TIMES day. both Itelioi ms and MecnlU'-; aud if im- ! page paper (doubli cight- ENTlTLhT) MRS- DARE! Tbs Weekly %e\vs is not only THE LARGEST BUT THE BEST V/EEKL JPhbiished in the Southern Stiito it is well ed’led, i.nd contains an intmeusc amount.of rei-diug 'tnat(er,an*l its typograph ical execution ii unsurpassed. Frinted oh new type, with n#et.r,- clean impression, it is'» pleasure to re*id The Weekly Jlew«. It is a Newspaper ut every sense* of 1bo word, And contains the latest Telegraphic and State News, Mat kets, etc., a Lit erary, an Agricultural mid a Military Department, and is suited io the taste oi ail who desire to keep rip with what is go ing on in the busy world,, at home oi abroad. Its Lews is always fre.-.h uuil enturtaioiifg. Subscription, one year $2,(0g>ftx montin Sl.Oi 1 . Specimen copies scot free. J. ii. KM'ILL, VOSSUMV'HOJi CUR hi). An ohl Phridciftn red rest ir inj nc^ve pvac- tice, having had pi iced in his Ainuds by an Fast im linn lu'esioivirv, th<\ j^rmuln of n simple vegetable reac-dy fot tW ,spo paper w!’l b-j and ikc*r Chicago, 111. !f*lgt! pic AWkly) confaiinug a«ful resume of the SWS wf tin 1 Week. Price V2 till a \. ur All of our editions arc sent pi iiil itwhont extm cliurge. bu. ppliuatiou. WYNNE. D-WOLF ft Co , Publishers and i'l'opnelois. Coluwbus, Ga. WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. Within the course of a u buiaoter, cutiiic't R31IAXCE 0? PtOGliYULE," i- ! from the pen ot .Mr. J. C, Harris, author ol Remus's Revival ilituu, mid tkt popular wjit-r in, p. r.-. ips, all trie •Souih* ills ubuuduiit. Iiiinmr ntiU graphic descriptions are A*. il kn«*uii m (ictirgiv, 7 he new-story will be ins in+t ambitibu- fff-rl, anti the Constitution « ntidemly prutiiist-M it« parrons a raru literary treat. 7Im eiory will upptur iu t.’ic weekly Con- siitntum <uiiy. and will run through several montiis Chilis stionhl be m.tiiGiiporsiu- glc.-uWVip ions M.-.r. wit ioit« dc.ay by all who dcAir.* to retd tb,.-. story ol Guovgu ‘ tavmtp bunmrist, '/he price of the WEEKLY is ■?2 a yen postage ir. c. 4«ltircs-8 THE CONSTITUTION. FIRST PREMIUM! At the Centennial Fxhlbltlwt, MW, and has always carried elf Iho highest honors wherever exhibited. STITCH ” MACH INK. AloAPTKO to the XVAMTS of EVKItYBODY. The HO . r tbo aid ofthu best Irwfhtiva lent and Rte< hanlcal kltlll. ‘ ~ 1 the 1'arte or ft ] nHIBE. fo SlMiPLIB in CON ‘teuton in fctrwr-bih anti Beauty, '‘-'"BIIN.I^rpm ' for let pairs. Sewing Machine*. Jc will BI N. for jr»»r« without costing ONE CENT f° r i« pairs. In the Manufacture ptlniB liAITIINB tho a lie iia/uiirii rauia bi o nsnutneo* and the Meehenfem has bean oonstruotejJ with tho epttcixil vhta of produoing an Enr. RuTtnlr'3% 1 DURABLE, and afinobt N.frialXBNB M ACiUNE, adapted equally yykt.l teri CoaSve ar flee THREAD, COT- SILK or LIN3N, SEWING from the TON, JJqhttmi MttnUHM Ut’liemme ClvtHjfXid th * t T/aiTantcd for five Years. LIVE AGENTS wanted in localities where ws .tro not repivsonti'-u. fbr pricer, and samples of work done on iho BOMli, or call at any of our oulces. JjIISSOS, Glasr & Go,, 30 Uaiou aqaore, Now York. G6£ Washington Qtrout, Boston, Mass. 1114 Second Ave,, Pittsburgh, Pa. 141 StToot, Chicago, III, . 21 Sr. itlt 6th Btreet, St. LoWj, Mo, Moiitgoic: ry St., San Francjioo, Oak 17 EHtabltshed 1865, 8II.M0RE 4 ('!(., Attornms at Lair, ItiroMion to <’HI|MHON, HOMiner * Co. r 029 F Street, Washington, D. O. Ameriban aid Foreign Patents. Pairing procured in all cniiutries. No prrs itf r- ADVA sole. No •iiaiur iinlrsa the p.vient ie (rained. Nr fern for making preliminary exami nations. Special atleiition irivnn io ipuirference ('uses before the Patent (mice Extensions be fore (loner***. Iufiiiigiunaiit Sulte ju different Ihleaium appertainine to Inven* United States Courts and Departments. Ulaitns prosecuted Iu ill* .Supreme Court of Mu . . A talk Qointyh-Nioo, aud all clnii*«M of war claims hnfor, flnitcaSlaieN.Couriof Claims. CourtofCoinnv uoners of Alabama Chinos, Southern Clalnr. poimylcNlou, aud all clniu*** * * * - the Executive Depanineiils, Arrears of Pay and Boanty, OKFickitK, soi.dirk*, mid sjyii.ous of the late war, or tuelr Imire, nr* in many ci*»«e emiilcd io money from Mieilovermoeiii, of which they have M A|> i LI Will he el veu you free. Pensions. All orrM-gus, hoi.dikiim, and mah.oiik wounded rupiured, or 'ujured in the hue war, however slijflitly. can ohialn a pension, mai%' now reeolv- .n( pension* are eiiillied Io tin htn-nns. Send •tamp and lufornmlioii wili i>e luruished freest lUiiiuiiiut*, who*e nttorueve I f tended, rurolHhcd wiih fotl iiforinaMoii and proper paper* .in apitlicanou ic t clianre no fee unless successful. euur,p« Atlanta, Ga, fitedity udVaoned in favor, u'ld nckuowledgcd second to w> |inpi r of the kiufl in theounmry. its mivilaiou is nati oial.iiDd has been obtained thr »ngb tho ett ris of iu< publishers to produce a pupci of tiign roond oliumcter, and at rbti Hiiuio-limo sell it at u prica consistent with tho pi,sent hard Units ter return po-tuge should oe sent us. ' United States General Land Office. Contested iJuut Ctiui, Pit vale Laud CUdma Mining Pre-Hiiiptipp mid llomcKlc.-id (loses, prosOA coted before the <1*iWa) I.firtd Odlue nuil Depart ment of ihe Imerior. Old Bounty land WnrranMP We pay dull for thiin. Wiiere av*iu omenta Sr ‘.mparfect we give iatkirueihais to perfect llieit. | Mnil fontracten and others. ' We act as attorney* for snyh in prounrlnl con- nets, making collections, negotiating loans, and | Tsjto# Siii.erior Court April Torn., | “jSOT^ll^raStfut'.'ninw,.» .1 |>iil (tli Will. i’hAt ih*>s ;biivc .succeeded, tbouHancWof readers <»l The Lei tered from t«» I Oregon to Florida " ill b. ar LcixiK't is n largo Hum weekly paper, which bo*h complete nml contiMi- w ft ten by a great vur etv ot inforniation |nrer< every on,-. : I’ha subrieripiinit j.rie Ledoeu is only .Itl nO.pev )e;tv,)*«sH pun i . is cipinl in every p triiciilor l papers of il.o null*e oluiracu r which $3ayeui\ Tiuv-j eo| les of this vuliinblh Mai;thK ‘J. Btlei. ) | vs. V Li hall for Divorce, j W. S. Riley \ \ It appealmicto ihe 0 >nrt Ihni Ti'bolTnfit if I vjtiziiu otjiriscoumy, >u,(l it ni'jwnirirtg all classes Of hioAusst.. Ihe return n| llie -heriff, that thu lb tiAidunt is n >t to l»e found iu • thin •j it further nppuiring, that said Defi.iiilimt is not a re-id ii* o» this Stale, il is ,tli»reff>ro ordered b> tlm Coiift that sefvicu be perl* eted aud (ha*l>cieiidi»tJt bv pul. cn- tiou of this order in the Under Herald once a month for ii.ut* mouths iiumthlutulv pre. e.eedilig the next term of this Cnllrf. Tt fnr- th''i*ilppe.iriDg io tho Court that ihe PDihnd unable nt thr time of filing her pelitii lo attach a schedule of the propety to the . it is ordered by tb* Cruft that said Oompluim be alicwed muoly fvc njfjournmmt of the ,-.nrt to nttaoh wild ■'H'T.’-v • '-...vtt-.Ki' iKKn?' -**.• the court f MtiFOWJSiL, LIVERie V ' rf . the tituc tb« fifed- her peiitiou in this on-o flint she te as not prepared at- j tneh a schedule of the property owned by Pluimifi aud Defcndi.tnt at the time Of ’their separation. It is ther-toro ordered _b>’ tbt that ninety days be allowed Plstintiff I tiotu the adjournment of the Court - to make .. . ““ ' 'ut aud lit i uo i stud schedule. • W-. h. Wnlikte iVO. il. CoIIktt, FlainfitTri Attorney.. f visnufwtaMAviwi \ A true extract trout «lte nroules of Taylor V.(, Suptrioi (Jour, m the April Term 187b w ■tv*wt JSU'W,I M78. W. JKXUlNS, W asiiinotos. 1». (!., Kuvptnhr.r -J4. lP7rt. I take pleiVHiirridii Hxni>**mg my eniire roilft- K ice III III* i;<u>,/»mjk4hOO/ iukI -thirlit/i «,f the W, Pnlent mid (Julleeiutii House ul (ii^Moim al)o, of Mils illy. II. It. W Ml i L. tflruhitr uf th* uf. .1 iii.v.or Supeilor Court April Term* Emma UAHEnnub j vs. h Lin el for Divorce. Jakes IUi efield j J x If appeal Dig to the c .urfA/jat t» Libellant citiseuKd this oona'y lulh it luither ap U«y of.^hJ Sheriff, that n iu bii fatin’ : tr not appeuritg reside in U^in «g front tpo cut;y said Dofeiidafit is tint iu bb Wind in said county, aud it further ftppeuriig that said' Dufendiini doe* not reside in t^is State. It torn ordered by the court that service* be peril tiled on ‘un Defend* nt, James Bare- fiehl bv the publication oFibis order in thu' Jjutlcr IIeua/ d, once u , month |or tour ” ' ’ prVccediug .Ihe next ni mtlni immediately prt^..^...,, r— ---- term of the court W: S. W alliice, Plaintiffs Attorney. 1 i A true extract from the inioutcb. * Cl ICtiYINll W. H .1ENKIN8, Clerk.