The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, October 29, 1878, Image 4

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iTANDAifil irEIGHTS. Shelled Cora..... a in the eat.... 70 Pom 00 1 By®., M Cfcta Barley ^ Irish Potatoes.... Sweet Potatoes ... While Beaus^ CIotst .AOjOotu MmuI .. .. .4> Timothy Seed .■*!: .sGjWheat Bran 51 Flax Seed ... .Wjpoy.on Need Hump Seed .... .v .44|Grbtuid Peas .. Blue Gram Seed ... 14lPluftoHug Hulr. [EfTABLTalUli IH 1821,.] 1 THE CHElSTUH BDn A LARGE EIGHT-PAGE RELIGIOD^ AND FAMILY .JOORNAL. IMPROVED TUhMMP SEEDS eOo to 800 bushels to the acre. Swwt Stasis n Eutahaga—New Crop. The Best is the Cheapest. This Turnip grows very large, .weighing from 4 to 7 pounds, auil is a heavy cropper, remrakably juicy, of sound constitution uud perfectly hardy, has a fine hffioolbe skin ami The Denomiational Organ of Georgia Baptist. REV. DAVID E. BUTLER, MAKAOINO EDITOR. .-tided by a Corpse ot tbo Most Eminent Writers of the Denomination- Dellvered by mail, to new subscribers postngo paid, a' $2.00 a year, with choice of either of those three splendid premiums : Pwiruit of Georgia Ministers, Map of Puiis* tine. Map of the -‘oathern Mates, sent in ad- k ditiou to The Index for subscription price alone. perfectly hardy, has a fine smoollie skin amt | , ^ , rich color. It is a new wanety aud im said 'ff a £ fi S 3 ffi & S K to yie'd double the amount of nny other va-| r f f TV? ” V T T* rjety. Price, par packftjnl prepaid by 25 cent* or 5 packages $1. .Address, Li L OSMENT, Cleveland, Tennessee. TO MAKE MONEY Pleasantly and fast, .agents should oddresa Pini^y',' Harvey & Co., july23-ly iAtttmnta, Ga. DrGT bn8iDt8R y° n 01111 engage in. . $5 DtOl 0 «20ne» day made by any worker ot qiiber fex. rgjht in their own, localities. Particulars aud samples worth $5 free. Iu,- S ove your spare time at this business, /id- ess Stinson ft Co.,-Portland, Maine. w a week in your own town. fcOntfiPfifee. No risk. Reader, if “you want a business at which person? 'of eilher sex can make great pay all the lime they, work, write for particulara to ii. Hallett ft Co , Portland OPIUM JR he amnia in QitittcMy Cured “Durange’s Rheumatic Remedy,” great Internal MedioaNe. will positively cure any oase of Rheumatism •*» t|ie face n the earth. Price 5*1 a bottle, six bottles. #5. Hold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists Don't fuil to Heud for circular to Helpht-nstinr ft Bentley. Druggists, WasHugton, D. C. PEESCRIPyiON JTREEJ Manhowlam^ all disorders brought™! Vv I nills- <ifem£ nrw!' - -•«« Sixth hirert. Cincinnati, «. ATTRACTIONS FOR I87«. tE Index, nn*ler tho careful dirceliou of 1). E. BUTLER, Managing Editor, as sisted bv uis able associates, rivals the best religious periodical.-, of the continent in the •niiety of its ^fyj^nrigiuul matter, the scope T its religions aud segular intelligence, aud the com])leteucss of its several departments. Its featuies ure embraced in this ample ar rangement. tfrturr of the Religious Piies8. —containing the very oroatu of th >ught in *he r-iligious papers of the world. Livino Pulpit.—filled each week by a .Ser in from one'of our ablest'Midisters. thaAhnea apt*rac v ee for tWenewal of frends ana well-wtsnVrs eXcry Where, that i*i ii saga in a candidate tor' their ’conki deration and support., Upon*its record for tho post ten years it re’.ies for a continuance ot the hearty sympathy «nd generous eo-opfcnition which have hither o been extended to it from •very quarter of the Uuioh. The DAILY r»UN is a fotir pttg«-sheet of 28 columns, price by mail; 1 post-paid, 55 cents per mouth, or $0.50 per year. The SUND edition of Thb Run is an eight-ruge sheet of 5G coluinuH. While 1 giv ing the news of the day, it also contains n large amount of miscellaneous and literary matter, specially prepared for it The Sun day Bun hi* met with pteat success. Post . Who does not know The Weekly Sun 1 r t oircnlaies throughout the United fr’lati s, the Uuuadas, and beyond, ninety thousand families greet its welcome pages weekly, and regard in the light of guide, counsellor and tricud. Its news, editorial, agricultural, and literary department make It essentially a journal lor the family and the firesides Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid. Thi- prics, qualit ^considered, makes it the cheap. • s', newspaper published- ‘For clubs ot ten. with $10 cash, we will send an extra copy frve. Address PUBLISHER OF THE SUN, N* w Yoik City. Bap New birds-ey General Dk and Notes.—presenting a »f uftr denominationai work. r _ jminational News—giving condensed ucconats u fall impoitunt events transpiring lutbe Christian world. eculaii News.—posting our readers on - all matters of iulertsl occuring in the secular world. Sunday-Schools, —containing expositions o the International Lesson, and 'discussion ot Sunday-school topics. Farm, and Household.— embracing many facts and biota vain aide to tnrman, and furnishiugdxidtter"for fireside reading, in teresting to old and yoang. #SPFor sample copies, address Jas. P. Harrison & Co, Drawer 24 Atlanta, Ga. WILL CURQCOXSUMrTlOX To all suffering from the following diseases a ray of nop* is offered through the kindness of a missionary friend who bos s«nt me the formula ot a purely vegetable medicine which has long been used by the uative medicine men of Hindustan :-for the positive and radical cute of Consumption, Bronchitis, Athsnm, Oalarrti', Dyspepsia, Throut and Lung difficulty., GftieruJ Debility, Loss of Manhood and all Nervous Affections.its pow- re has been tested in hundreds of coses with out a Uilure. I .now feel it my sacred duty ns far as possible to relieve bureau misery rtod will sand the recipe - Free of ChAAor- t*» any |H-istiYi \Vlm juh.) dc.shfc it with direc tions for using. Sent by rcluvn mail by ad- dr« smug .ip-ith 2 slums, urtnijpg .this mm«r t Dr. U. Ii. Brigham, Drawer 2d,! N. Y. HcpLl4y THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH| WE desire to, call ntt'niion of readers 16 Ur Weekly e^ittor Telf.ouaph and , ootnvo sheet. tJAINB of -, r .. _ ....... ... is issued, by a corn-, uiunt arrangement, lnith eaily and late in each week so as to’meet suhneribers having ouly one muilpa work, Wifh the lalcpt.j^)s?il)ie ndWs. If hia,week;y mail leaves Macpn in the eiirly part ot’ the week, ‘bA 1 gels Ihe earty 'edition. ' If on Thursday, Friday or •auirduy, he. gets the late edition—in either ^pise gluing the la* it dews posalbu in a wcekfV paper. Tile oou'ohts of this paper ibirn a oomple rr^umt of thy evoiil> and gossip qf fhe.ptevi- oils seven days, and ihr tending rnatier ol each‘number vVonld oonstitul* a lu T ge vol- nmo, giving vuiuahle inh-riuatiou on all sub-' This magnificent paper is faritJshcd po/rt- >o/e paid, at ONLY TWO DOLLAR.* A YEAH. - > The Semi-Weekly TELFt»RAl>H and Wbs- sr.NOEu is- furnished at Thhek Dollars a y«*ir • The Daily teleoraph and Messenger at Ten Dollars .a year. .wi-tki<m« Cash in'all cases.-*® These nf** among the oldest‘itnd best estib- iished publications in tm* H;at* of Georgia, reprotuuting a patronage scarcely equaled— cirtainly not oxcclbd—iu .extent, intelli gence and worth do the Mkfe. Wo recom- mend them with coufidthc^tliat they will gain new friends wherever introdhccd. Advertiseniwiith iu the we^tly,* * one dollar per square of ton lines, each publication. clisby, Junes ft reuse; DR. RICE, 37tynrtPty|8, LflUISVILLE, KY^ * P.I..U, cbro’iito nnd Sp-nnator- ss. -sssS isrtJtt U& *ie*ponrtan. o .tjlBtly coaBdpnUii. A. PRIVATE COURSFI-OR SllltiHri(rawBA.M. w7 f.iL* BumUja”* w4*Put MARRIED L i FE JDR. BUTTS I No. I3N. Eighth St , I’ .. St. Louis, Wlo. Who bM U4 p.lo expericAM In the teWtineirt of 1b, f«usl trouble of both malcsnd ftmsle than nny phytic lun The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAOC The PRIVATE MEOIOAL ADVISER fi^!yiininirriiiii~i'ils r MKinaWffli’SM from the DMuir ilia her an u hefrl tath in one Yolurnt Gas&M REMARKABLE SUCCESS.! OiVTJ CL ST J Jt.i r. Econom i.- the r * ol tile lion ;LW.^H U ol of the Meat. The Chicago L*' ly r. markable. Since iti iutir#lriciiou f(f t’bi reading nnblic, six years ago. The Lkuqei has stedily advacned iu favor, kud is now acknowledged second to no paper ot the'kin. in the country. 11s eirflhlatun is uniithial.hhV ha-, been obtained thryugb the efforts of it* , publislicrn to produce It paper of hign innftil obufucter, Knjf at the sains time sell iu at u price coiWktOTt'v fib the pusrntTiftrd limes That they have succeeded, and WeJtJ t'»o..tlH tbanaands of readers ol Tnk £iii,GUK saat-' tered lrom- Maine, to Texas and &nn ‘ Oregon4pllo^Ua ill bm tcHtinjoiiv. Tar m .. Wso WA-^stt rn nma a-hlklpimp'-. -til' ll (httIKi 'hfutt* bo'h compUte and eontimv cl;in tneli nuiiibfii mtten^ by^ the best qt^hrirs,^ the d^f, m ,pii - ra- pav i is equal in every particular, to paper-* of the salt* character which w paper will be st •cats and tbei Chiangp, I1L address to 7'at -Ledger, ENQUIRER-SUN, COLUMBUS, GA. Tho Cheapest anil best J’ftpor in the South 1 DAILY, WEEKLY V\L SEXDAY. Fubliske#fnll Associated Press Dispatch se. Ia ltnowu and red.f in every state in tbe Union. No pains or mapey will be spared tn sustain its position ah one oi the FIRST SOUTHERN PUBLICATIONS, SUBSCRIPTION rRICES: (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) DAILY. 1 *<tar ^ tu-mthg t ruomhu ; 1 month WEEKLY. 1 Year $1 6 ncnti'hs. 3 months — SUNDAY. 1 Year . i 6t'ii , ovths . •1 months Weekly and Monday to one address. $2 •. Tftj copies of V fcFKLY for ■SFBcnd for specim n enpv. / JOHN KING, Proprietor, EARCY'S LE8- ONS IN SHORTHAND.' tviimSc. , OXLY TWO DOLLARS, Thaw lessons nre complete ular, and by Ibejlr aid any ouo of modi-ra. ability may, in a lew months, withou additional n<d of a teacher, acquire u knowledge of this useful uml beautiful art. They have heretofore been long hand and iuriUKh' mail lo student at from teu to twenty dollars I now pro pose to have them printed, and us the labor iproduction is muqml, I will s^Jl there at' o*4y two doUars ter the full course. A,tph- catioa should be made at once, us the lesnotis '&.4W' ^tu 1*0 put to press and ouly a lim ited nttfliber wili be printed. They will bo ready:for delwCry- to' wihscribf-rs in thirty r, i^yir. tent!y rrifited and illnLfrated '• With •^ailtiful engniviUgs.aud bound iu fine cloth. ’The iKibk 1 bus b«4h set up in typo and the! engraver m fiuishji^g up- ibe p ates. *xt promptly if you wish to take advantage ol thd opportunity to add to your aitaintnenla ■ hjs greatest ucccmplishment of the .ige. ’ Address 1 ’tA’. E. II. SEAncY, Official Reporter, H ut Circuit ( . Gmiffio Ga. ly Ne\\..f..i| t uaiioi bonschoi. shonid *'e devuteiL every we* k^ and moral ih.l'Vovt-Wut. to e"i news, iu icuuqcr fiuuuee, to general '.Utiatorc', special ilep.iifiuent for :h« yo all the E-in ly ^ew.q,ap«i ah pure, and frci influences ur *ts'Vending *.r iu lis a i- paid lo this feittnrc. wIm-ii il.»- jo-ss i-flood mg th<* poulitry unli so uiite'.i that -is v •• and pernicious. To crb'.vu all, the Fainni Newspaper should, be unir uuiui b. ,-in» iitUiiniiou with seci ov'poriv. Uml shoMld'br jif-e t*» giv.-all the‘good m usjnMn uud .umu; nil. thaw nld. D>iich n Family Nl-uspupei cun le lmd lor one cent *i day,' it should la takan b.\ evH-v'ftinnll in the land; ' Such a Family Csi-w^pap. r in every respu; wi find in ibe Vw Yprk Ulwerver. non com- nifen.-u.g its fifiy-alxth yolniu.-. Proureasive, 'able . pure, it is ‘ mist-hold. Jsfiid York 6'umpe copie COLURMUS TIMES. DAILY, S3MI W3SSLY AND WEEKLY a j» JOHN H. MAHTIN, Editor. RATES S UpSCR IRTION, \ v DAILY: ' One Year? $7.60 Six Months .. 4 <10 futuin Months.**.., a.un •,)NE Mt-NT^ 7a SEMI-WEEKLY OR WEEKLY • )nk; 2.0n six Months ' I’hulk Months . ... 7;, Tin- SFMBWEEKLY TIMES is Issued every Monday and l.ent* (lay. anil c-'niidu all the la'list in-ws. dotyhMic aud forci-r.. with lull markn r*-p »rts up to the hour o' going j<ress. !•> pnbli. atiou is a resign- to it universal demand lrpm our pitrous win- ?et their flirt!Is ottem-r tliiift m.o a Week f.o jutcr’i.ews than it is p»:.ssiblc 10 give inn tVevkiv. Tbo WEEKLYTIVIE.^ is a largo ciglit- i-ag'- prfier t'h'oblc tho SIXo of Itiu .Tnu '•Ynekly) tontanung a curt'ftiJ' I’r -• 52 1 a\\ ofo.irc.Iui paid- itwbouk t-xira charge. Sumple lit postago pae •11 ui.plici WYNNE, D-WOLFft To. l’-ibliMueTii and Propnetois CoLUiiDtJa, Ga. . I THE j HOME WAS AWARDED THB HEST PEEMIDMI At th. Centeonlnt F-thlMtl-l,, HTO, MiCkU alwtya u1 IJin h^ljeaUiynor, A cOMPUtvf. -r.*P/.r. 'mtTtA*t% WANTS of XSVfoltYHOpV. Ths MOMK In the Monaf icSJJ*oPt!fi?IACHIN Very U*>st iferovinlw ofe j Tho WEAltI f NU PAJtTS are HARDfc anil the Meehantsm has been OON8TI& with the apvciiit vl>w ofpppduoina an E 1ST Butmlnv, DURABLE, and' aliioht DOISBLESS M ACHINE, adapted equally WLLLlfor Coarse or fine THRKAp. COT TON, SILK or liNjZN, SEWING from the i»u* E ?srs In _tho INT^ljNSIG .MEPITS^ot^lho W arranted for Fire Years. oy c»U at any of our oflives. Johnson, Clark & So., 30 Union Square, New York» 604 Washington Stroet, Bostoa/Maie. . 1111 Soooad Ave., Pitubargh, Pa.- 141 State Street,' Obioago, HI. 21 South 6th Street, 8ti Loaia, Me. 17 How Montgomory St,, Son Francieoo, Oal. THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. id character, entitle,I “THE RDMl] OF. ROCKVILLE: •rom the pen of Mr. J. C, HurrK author of Uncle Reunme Revival Hymn, «ud the moat popular writer in. pirbrtfw, nil trie South. His abiuK'niit humor »«nd graphic ileecripfions arc well known iu Georgia. 7be uew-storjt will be his in.*t ambitions effort, aud the Constitution ntide"ily promises it" pairoua a rtuu liter.irv treat. 7 he story will appear iu the weekly Oou- "tirotioii only, and will r*m throtigh aeveial unmlhs OImIw sbonld be inadf np or siu- , ; 'e subscriptions sen: without d.-i.vy by uli whod^etoread llm> story ot Georgia’s The price of the WEEKLY ia $2 a yem, postag- tree. Address THE CONSTITUTION. Atlanta, Ga, 1 is not easily earned in the*,, times, tut it cuu ho made in three niontha by uny one of any pari of the country who is i'ork steftitily ,u the employumut v 1 , I* 1 ' week in your pwn jown. You need not be away from home overi ■ltybt You can xivi.jonr .tole-tima lo , he work 01 only your sj*are moments. We have LT»*» W V •«> ; e »»U!« “* om-omu niiJiimunvj tnsl. At | tnu prawlt rtme mouu> ennmot be rnude bo >*y ri'piillj at any cilia Wibias. It uOBtv unttiing to Ify ihe bn»iu*« -L'amBnnd *5 OattUlrve. A,mte»B at onco, H. H,u.m ft Co., Portland, Maine Atfg.l4-iy. COSSUMP1IOX CURED. -4n old Physician retired from active pmc- Bce. having had pWd in bis bands by an East Indian missionary, the formula of n simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Cbusutimtion, Broncbitas, Catarrh. Astma, uud all : Thrnot and Lang affvctioj.e, also a positive and Radical oare for General Debility apd.iij! nef vpiM^u.plaiuts, after having thorouably tested Rs wonderful curative power*-in‘{iiods-mdH of eases, feels if hie duty l»» thakq it Ithowb th bis suffeTing follows.- The recine will He' sent IfUt' cTf charge,'to all who tkwrfit, ' With’ frill 7/irec- tioniffpr* preparing and nneawifnllv lining Address with stamp*mimiuglihie twfe^r. Dr. J. 0 Stone, 44 Sorb Ninth Street. Phils- del t hiSr. Fa. <\ FjMtHtillRhed 1808,; •1LM0RE & CO., Attoraeys at Law, ••eetamO 16 ftUliminn, HoNiner A Car 620 V Street, Washington, D. C. American and Foreign Patents. Patenut procured hi all countries. No fbrs nr ADVANCK. No ehiirRe granted. N« fees for rtn ■ationt. Special ntieiui Caie* before the Paien al*»»» the patent - is- n Riven to Jiuerfereaee- Extensions b^- States, mid all hUcruton appertaining ti United Btktei Coerte and Depirtmente. Claim* proswciiued iu the Supreme Court of the' (Jnitoo Slates. Court of Claims, Court ofOommte- sioners of Alabama Claiinp, Sopihern Claims Oonimlsstoti, nml all cliissve of warcItilniW befdre the Exe,-*t»ve Deparnnents.^ Arrears of Par and Bounty, OrritiBfcs, 'aoi.uvmnS, uufl iSaii.oiIs of ihe late money Dore tbeGovermneiU, wliii-h they have - “ * J - > full history of se-vice, qpd Italy reddlvotl.’iiBn- 1 after examination. BO knowledge. VVrlti •tale amount of pay am •loee siamp, and a full -r will he given you fine. Peo-ione. .■/ Ai\ orriesuh, s-- ... od sailoks wonaded fWpitire l, o» i.; • , - . the late w)\r, however rtlflulv *. •» |,eii«lon, many now receiv ing ..1* eiiililed to un Jtuirtuia, Sepd •tamp a,:., liiror,nation will be furuisherf treeT ' OlainmutA. whose attorneys have. been sut- C mded, Will be gtaiuiiotiBly furnished with fuff formation aud proper papers on application M As. A* we charge no fee. unless successful, stamps for return postage shonid be sent us. United States General Land Office. 0 Contested Land Caere, Private Land Olfthna flitting Pre-emption and Homestead (His**, prose Co ted before the lleuem) Land Office and Depart mentof the Interior. h . Old Bomity Land Warren ti. ^ ■ Wepay caah for them. Where AuigunueBtagit' imperfect we'give iastruMi<->ns to perfect then. ■•II Couiraetom arid otWnu [‘2p*‘ with attorneys la : Llhenti arrangTepfeum Oil classes of business. Address GILMORE & CO., F; 0. Box 44: 1 WatUlngton. D. <f. fisnee In the responsibility and fidelity of thtr «, Patent and OollecUpa Rouse of ptliMOK* >,0<5 hour. ( OEP, h,,B, : (OuMir fifths yattonal Metropolitan Bank.I |l||l n G^eat ohanceto mako money, i 1 llUli'lley® 11 lAu bgl-C gold yon * can get ^rpeubafft^l Wo,need a poreim. iu ev< ry town to tike Hiib.-,oripliou8 tor tf.e 'argi at, '‘heapuMt ‘uud bdat' IMiiHlMted family publica- •icn id the, world- A^ny t oup become a diiccctUlul agent. The most elegant’work ot art giveu.froe to Bcribere.. *TW prior, i so low that ulmoet e*'erybodv subscribes, vine ng«»t' rejuiriA ra.lking over $150 in a Week. A, lu,dy agent rkppfIs)taklngjover 400 suUscri-' bersin ten days. All wno engage make tmnmey Imit You cau devote all yuur time 0 dpI^iWiWell m ethdrs.. F¥H!,pa»- ticnlurH, directions mid .terms free. ‘Elegant attfl iftbeilsiw OHlfit Jr4A -Ht vWu wknt pro- who efigages tails tn , mrtk-' grrio par. . AiN' lircas ‘-rite Peoplt’s Journal,” Puri in wi'