The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, November 05, 1878, Image 2

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t$ THE BUTLER HERALD. W. N. BENN8. Editor and Publisher. ixtennUe Conflagration in Hon- teauma. One-halt of ihi Bdainem Portion oi ihi Town Dutroybd. rismox r»<o> $1.00. P»» Assess TUESDAY NOVEMBER .Mb 1870. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE EOR CONGRESS. HON. PHILIP COOK. OF SCMTEK. FROM THE Tiillll) DISTRICT the ADDED to the Hotel and ready tor ▼iaitori. Tablo aa good an any in the city. Charge* rery moderate. Peraoiw v Lotting the dt) are solicited to give u« a call. E. ti. B.UFOKD, Pop’r. Oet.l5-if. NATIONAL JIOTEL, E. C. C 'RJJjnTT. Pro. A Good SuRBostlon - Lot South Respond. It will lie remembered thut wlien It was determined by an nssocirt tlOD of benevolent men ol the Norb to send the steamer Chambers to carry supplies to the stricken vic tims oi yellow fever in the towns along the banks ut the Mississippi, Lieut. H. H, Benner, volunteered to take command of the expedition. While engaged in succoring the lick, dying and destitute he was attacked with yellow fever, ot which he died. Ilia luueral took place in Vicksburg ou Thursday last, with all the honors due to one who had fallen a marty the cause of bumauity.his remains being followed to the grave by thousands of the citizens ol Vicks burg, by whom,it is stated, u tnon ument is hereafter to be ereoted to his memory. Lieutenant Benner was a gallant Uniou sn'idier, and having left a wife and two small children entirely destitute of the means of support,a movement lias been on foot in New York by offi cers of the army to raise a fund lor their relief. Simultaneously with this movement, we are grat ified to observe that similar steps are being taken iu the south lor the same praiseworthy and benev olent purpose. A communication irom “Confederate Soldiers, ' in the Augusta Chronicle, proposes that “a fund be rais.d by sub- scriplion from the Southern peo ple for the widow at.d orphans of this Northern soldier who offered up his life a voluntary sacrifice on the alter of humahity.’' They lmve appointed lion. Patrick Walsh to act as treasurer of the fund, and asks the press through out the State to make know-u the scheme to all t he people, that euch lnny contribute to the good cause We give to the movement oui most cordial appioval, und hearti ly endorse the clt quell t appeal ot our Augusta contemporary in its behalf.—Early County News. Montezuma, Novoraher 3’T8. bpeeial to tbs Haooa UUgrupU A Atewipr. About one o’olook last night, (Saturday) the west half ol this town was completely destroyed by , embracing iu all eleven store houses, all wooden. The follow ing parties were occupants of the various stores, with their estimate of their losses: Coley & Westbrook, $600, no insurance; H. L. Hill,$300; Dukes * Wells, $5i 0;T. H. Poster, jew- ler, $300; J. E. DeVaughn* $«,- OttO; J. F. Morris, $300; Asa Brantley, $2,000; Mark Brantley, gunsmith, $200. Messrs. Shumate Brothers, tarn ily supply store, saved everything also Mr, Trubeok, general repair! tore. One storehouse was unoc cupied, only a sample office of J.' 1C. Maxwell, representative of] Messrs. Levi, Frank & Sods, of I Baitimoie—samples of shoes weie mostly saved. H. L. Hill sstore- .Looxted on the■ house was insured tor $B0U, The uiglil was fortunately very calm, ami the tire was confined to the BAIFOBD BOOSII COLUMBUS, BA. Lately Thoroughly Renovated. 3EXQHT NEW AND WEU-f URNI$HED ROOMS Nxaklt Opposite Passkboes Depot MACON, UKOKGIA. 10- Hoard per Day $2. OO ogle Meal. 7*v reefs. Don't Forget to Stop at the CANNON HOUSE BUTLER, CA. To* Clothing and Sato WINtMIP ft CALLAWAY TIC LEAMM CLOTHUM HOUSE Of MOLE CEOJISU They keep the best goods and sell at the lowest prices Our Dollar 8hirt is of the bust material and fits well. Agents for Keep’s Shirts and Umbrellas. W, Pitt Baldwin is with us, and will bs glad to have a cal „. irom his friends. WIBSIIP A CALLAWAY, No SO Beoond Bireet, Jvfxaon, Qx. Mr. Wiley M, Camp, a highly respected citizen of Clopton, Dale county, went home ou Saturday l.ight under the influence of liquor aud Mrs. Camp prepared his sup pur, lmt he refused to eat it, and ahked for morplieue. Mrs Camp at first decided not to let him have it, blit afterwards yave him tht solid row of stores mentioned. Across the wide street were the large brick building* recently put up,that but tor the stillness ot the night would have been in ruins. The cotton warehouse ot Messrs Turner & Blown, the center of which was uncovered, aod lull of cottou, was iu immediate danger from the iucessant shower of sparks and glowiug cinders that lateral ly covered the cottoo bales. The froat on the cotton and the quick use ot Water buckets saved it. The amount of cottou iu stsie was €00 hales. The two other cotton warehouses were not iu much danger during any stage of the conflagration. Mr. J. E. DeVaugh lost heari ly. He had just about completed his two story brick store immedi ately across the street, and expect to move his entire stock into it in a few days. Considerable money, papers and the books of his busi ness w« re in the sate,which at this writing has not btlen opened and the loss of the conteuts cannot be ■stiumted. The sympathy of the community is deeoly with Mr. J. E. DeVaugh and Mr.Asa Brandy, who raved nothing aud had uo in surance. Mr. Asa Brantly hud on depos it by a planter *500, and some $500 cash ot his own. As the safe has not been opened the loss cannot he reckoned, Messif. Eichbautu & Cohen.who occupied a brick store opposite, \ lost by damage iu removal of goods about $300. They were insured but. exerted themeelves to rescue the entire stock, as every fne expected the whole htiKiuess portion of the town to go down. The origiu of the fire is supposed to be incendiary, and was not discevered until the back part of Mr. J. E. DeVaiighn aud Mr. J. F. Norris (who joined) were falling in. To much praise con not he given the “colored brother’' who worked well and until everytihing that could be saved was carried out and away Irom the iuleune heat ot the fire. Much credit is due lor vain- able service rendered by the will- ling efforts oi Messrs N. H. Bond, j J. K. Maxwell an I H. P.Lovej. y, ti saving the three stores ot Mr. east Corner of Court Qouse square. This Hotel in the most convenient to the Depot, In the business portion of the town and does the entire tran sient business. The table Is always supplied with the best the market at rai CAR HART « CURD. IMPORTERS * JABBER3 OF FOREIGN* DOMETIO HARDWARE, CUTLERY, RUNS, ftC. * A ’0‘RXOT7XjTTTI**A.3i IMPLEMENTS ron, Steel, and Carriage Makers Material. Ulinrgos reasonable, MRS. E. W. JETEB. l’KOPHIETKESS. M ENTIRELY NEW INVENTION Agent For Fairbnrak Standard Scales. Also Agent for O. W. Masse,’» Excelsior nut Orlswoud Cotton gin. STRONGER than any Yeaet Powder In the World, AND PERFECTLY PURE. WARRANTED Vo make Batter, Lighter* Haa’.thler* Sweeter* more lo ithwma more Dlgwatlble, and more Nutritiona BREAD, BISCUITS, OAKES, PUDDINGS, PASTRY, Eto. THAN CAM BK OBTAINED Of AMT OTHER WAT. Sea Foam Vtfit.tle, eontaininp.i. is s«i(l, »bnut y T , hltt were separated foity grains, when lie poured wa-fby a narrow side street, ror in the whole of it arid . r uk j Wi ,| re;M , rt the reMlllt of the 0X io, and then lay down on the bed. | ami cation of tht salewheu opunod. At first Mrs. Camp did not think Respectfully, ) e bad taken it, but. supposed he | Spectator. hail thrown it away, but not find-1 . The contents ot the . f . .. , , itl uiiu sale ot Mr. J, L. DeVaughn 11 aftor a Iknnnigh KtHrell.sliu I wil|| thu * . sent a short di-stance fora phvsi- |j tion of one or two of the ledgers emu, »ad he (prickly made his ap- being warped aud a little senreh- al ■ arauce, but Mr. Caiuji ij'.’u!v insensible, wild would not ;i "<ili when pricked with a pin or >i,M\e lor scalding water, He died I fibre daylight ou SuiPlay morn ing. He leaves a wife and 1 several m.ildren and many frieada to iiiotirn his loss. It is believed 1o he a premeditated suicide, but the result of a want of judgment in duced by liquor, in ima-uring out * proper dose of the poison. He lid not dirnk habitually.—Menry ilounly, (Ala.) Register. ed, The money was not damug< ed so as to occasion any loss. Very truly. Spectator. Mexico and United States. 18 ABSOLUTELY PURE, And contains no ingredient or element which can proilnce iq)arlou» effwit*. While It powKimcM nunc of thu bad qualities Of other baking i-ouiputmilK, it hu double the itrength of any other ycant or baking powder, aud NEVER FAILS to make light bread. Light/welT-mued bread, bipcuit. and inker digest easily, and conduce to good health, The victims of ji'tor cookery abound on every hand, and aru numiiured «»>* thousands and tens of thousands. No more prevalent and distressing complaint exist* than «lyui>e|Mla< We have it ou good autlioritj-, that more than •1,000,000 were paid out lui yew IN THIS COUNTRY AI.-ONB, Iter potent mediclnee to cure this malady. BCIIEIIDCD An iium e of prevention Is RCHIEIflDEn W„nh s jwuud ,»f cure. No moro potent camo of indigestion and dyspepsia exist* than heavy, .m widen bread and pastry. To avoid lids, n>« sea Fuaai, which than canothurwha lai nadr with (he fa Sea Foam 18 COMMENDED By Chemists, Physicians, Scientific Men, and every HnitMtkoepor who ha* GIVEN IT A PAIR TRIAL. All who h*. .•« toMc l Iti merits iurri*e os to It* perfection. It will d • nil ilist is claimed for it, and is wtmiii' « ( ■ give HAtisisetion. The lady who li ~ i oneo u r t it will as soon dle- paaaa with salt tr m liar pantry as dm without Sea l-'uam. ll stands everywhere without Scu l oam, it stands everywhere WIYHOUT AN EOOlL For the pnrpoacx for which it Is intended; and Owing to their warm mu) delight ful (’-liiiiateH, their inhabitum* grow •allow Irom torpid Livers JnUigMioii and all diseiihus arising from a disor dered Stomach anil Dowels. They should of course at all times keep Ihi* liver active,aud to our readers we rec ommend Tablcr’s l'ortaliiic, or Veg etable Liver Powder. Tsken iu timu, will oiteu save money and much «ui- •Vring. Price FA) cents. For Sale by W'alker si ; Ctuiiii, Dm let*, La not only is this the case, lmt the savin* Which I* effected by ita use Is really wonderfhl. Quo can of Ska Foam Is wnrta three of any other baking compound. BY USING SEA FOAM, YOU GAN GET MORE BREAD BY FORTY POUNDS Than can In any other way be made from a Mini of fibttr; ami tha Having in wat*. milk, and other tugrcdlents will, during thrvo ■BBMWrBE0l'.T .. hotels and rcstannuita throughout the country, and very lurgeW iu private fhmlllM. fs'vfKWB'AJ. hover regret it, —* *— ■ued BkaToam With every cm of .uxtaininq full direr ..... _ COOKING RECIPES w greni value to every Tinuxckeepcr. Aah IViEKRY STKEET, 1IAC0X, GA. M. i.. riiotmiAN ANDERSON A TROUTMAN, WAREHOUSE Aad Commission Merchants. (Opposite l inks', fileuk, l’nplm Hirst,) ----- c O'. Cl A MACON. (onulgniHi'iif* Iff Cotton Solicited. a-HAGOIXG AH) T1E.V FUltNlSHMD AT L AVfesi' XABKET PltlCKM.-^ CAMPBELL & JONES. MACON, CA. Jetton Factors and Commission Merchants, WAKKHuUSE, COB., POPLAR ami SEOONL) Sts. lake ail vane, s on Cotton in ’•tore at lowest Hm.k Rates i for th« "LU.MMS COT CO . G, , •• p H nim w !ir mt-Irat til aee Us buying. We guamui utinu a tirst-clnNM Gin, wil u tlie Gin uud price shal ^ sept. 10-tt T. 15. ARTOPE G’J'. dealek in MARBLE AON GRANITE WORKS! MONl'MENTS. EAD-STONES BOX COMBS, HOUJC fASKs, tarns B tiLisu. torixa*. uvildixo Ac, tic., CORNER SECOND AND POPLAR STKEETS, J. W. llsrk, t Co*,, lie, u , 1, 0M tV GnlMiuo,’,, 4 — (/EOlrttilA. OHDEHS 80LCITED. i .MACON, I*. O. Box, 435. g a Stone Ring, InUld Sint narked •• FrlenTlrtlpi' Stud^ViftH* Dra| ’ 3 ' 1 Misse^eet Jot .ndGo'ld! i V 1 i cl Hnrtsone Roeebnd Ear Drain; l G-mt*’ Ekr-aut Lmk. iw. l_Stud| 1 Canl.Bii Red Read Necklace! 1 pair Uidiee Ataethyjtstono Ear nm£ iw used by the leading I « 'hroughout the country, « •ivute fhmillee. i hniueleeptr having ones • again be without u. Foam UpreienM a ihtH mntaininq full dirr.rtii.iii for tar. and twenty-*'^ - P a| r Ladle. Ataet&yst stone Ear Drone. Inlaid with Gold: l Ladles' Ornamented Jot Brooch; 1 Fetter a Scart Ring and Elegant Watch Chela. Ttee yaorchoieetlX olosa^ seat Foifpald for «X.OO or aar a ni'eoti O Now la th, time t, mate m->ne~. tbn can 1*10.00. • 2LUB PREMIUM. • 3I - UB PREMIUM. To any OFFERED one or! * er ' n 3 « Lola at $1.00 each, we’Svifl * n L?j»«» h« «■ silver Watch as Premium. WATCH AND JEWELRY CIRCULAR FREL » OUbt.OeU M, 1878. 176 Duane St, New York. ikf. m AdvertUea more tntl bcIU clioaiwr than any man in Xew Tor 1 ^.—Herald. ApHlU, 1877. • > F. $TOCK*AN s 27 land £tr<jot, JIbwYojIu