The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, November 05, 1878, Image 3

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LOCAL NEWS. TUESDAY, HOVBMBBHtlk IMS. Hvtumed. W. arc pleased to hotice the safe return of Mr*. W. 0. Hook, who bat been absent for several month* past, visiting her relatives and friends, in Lexington, Ky. Mr. James D. Buss, our wor thy Ordinary, having been under tuedical treatment at the Sergical Institute at Atlanta,returned home oa Saturday last, much improved in health, Fine Potatoee. We have been presented this season with some of the largest potatoes we have ever seen. Dr. J. N. Wadsworth,of Garden Val ley-, presented us with one weigh- ih| kit pounds and a half, raised by Messrs. Harp dt Cleveland, of hUboh eoUtty. ¥ott hike our many thanks and best Wishes Doctor, but we can assure you that we did not eat it taw. We also return thanks to Mr, G. W. B. Joiner, for one of his own raising, weighing five pounds oi the Cuba Yam Variety. Farmers generaily throughout this section say that the yield of potatoes and cane have never been more abundant than the present year. Married. At the residence of the bride’s father, on Wednesday 30th of Oc tober, by Rev. G. 8. Johnston, Mr. Thomas Griffin to Miss Fan- mx Smith. All of Taylor county, Ga. ________ Change •/ Appointment. Rev, T. H. Stout, has accepted b call from the Baptist Church in Troy, Ala., and cannot therefore serve the Chuich in Talbotton an other year. Mr. Stout has en- denied hitnsolf to our people, who appreciate him socially as a min ister of the gospel.—Talbotton f Register. Sold Out. We notice in a recent issue of 1 the Hamilton (Harris County) t Journal, that Mr. Eugene Gran- berry, former editor of that paper hat sold out his entire interest to Messrs. Dennis & Blount. Mr, Dennis will in the future edit that paper. He was formerly of the Geneva Lamp, and mere recently of the Talbotton Standard. We wish the new firm much success. Yellow Fever. RfMtal dispatch to the llaeoa lUqrrapA. New Orleans, Not., 8—The weather is clear and pleasant. Nine deaths and forty-seven new eases are reported to-day, The total number of deaths to date is 3,964, Total number of cases, 13,213. Memphis, November 3—-Eight deaths of yellow fever for twenty- fdlir hours whioh euded at 6 o'oloek to-night. Dr. A. C. Ewell, a lo cal physician, who has been ab sent since the appearanoe of the epidemic, but returned eight days ago, died this afternoon ot fever. Jackson, Miss., November 3— Five new case* since yesterday aoun. Among them is P. J. Roach, keeper of the State capitol. Three deathe last night, VlCkaBURO, November 3—Weath er clear and warm, thermomiter 78 degrees. Several new cases in the city. Three deaths to-day, one in tbs city and two in the country. Doctors Bemiss and Howard, of the yellow fever commission, have been heie for the past two days, and will leave for Port Gibson to- Hundreds of thousands of peas ants in Itaily sre without work, aud those who are employed are glad to labour twelve hours a day for nineteen cents and food, which invariably consists of dry black bread at 10 A. x., and aqua sale soup at the close of the day—the said soup being a bowl of hot wa ter salted and flavored with a few drops of olive oil Fatal Affray. * On Monday week last a negro man umneTHenry McCrary, at- j^tackcd Mr. 01. C. Anderson, with a Knife, inflicting it is thought, mortal wounds, whereupon Mr Anderson slSTthe negro, killing him instantly.^The difficulty oc curred in Macon County, near the line of Houslffi^n Mr, Tom Mns- aoy’s place.—Formal ley Mirror. A Writing School. N» take pleasure in stating it on next Thursday nigift Mr. gearcy, will open a writing jV at the court house, for the .fpcee of iostruoting and giv- g lessons to all those who desire improve theit talent in the art .. Penmanship. Mr. Searcy .is a beaotifwl writer and those who join will not regret it. He desires us lo state that no person will be per mitted Rt enter except thosi desM to j^^ the suhou^ Butler Cotton Market. Cotton opened last weok at 8^ cents for middling cotton, and closed od Saturday evening at 8 cents. Receipts this season up to Saturday evening, 1,673 baleB Have Ton the Buckeye t It Is s well established (Act, that Tablet's Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure, if used according to 'directions. The -Ksculus Itippocaatniiiim, or llorse Chestnut, commonly known as the Buckeye, has been highly esteem ed tbr many years, owing to the fact, that It possesses virtues, Tying in the bitter principle called Bsculiu, which cad he utilized for the cure of piles. If aflheted with tlikt terrible disease, use 'fabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment, alld Iterelieved. 1'rlce 50 cents. For Sale by Or. Joint Walker, Butler, Ga. An Undeniable Truth. Yon deserve to nllffet, and it von lead it miserable. uumUstactofy life in this beauti ful world, it is sutirely ynnr own lonll and there is oniy one etcuse for you, -yonr reasonable prejudice and skepticism, which Use killed thousands. Personal knowlcdgi aud common senes reasoning will hood ebon- yon that Green's duguat flower will cure yon of liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects, eucb ss sick head ache, palpitation uf the heart, auur etomach, habitual coativeness, dlzsioesa of the lie-id nervous prostration, low spirits, A. Its sales now reach every rows uu the Western Con- tiuet aud not a Drugaiat but w-iii tell you ot its womlerons cares. Yon ean buy a -Simple Bottle for 1(1 cents. Three doses will reliev yon. For side by Dr. Joun Welker. TAYLOR COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. FOH DECEMBER. Will be sold before the Court House doer m the town of Uutler, ou the First Tuesdn\ in Dei ember next, between i be legal hour of aale, to the highest biddttr, the following described property to-wit : Lot of land No. 202 in the 3rd District oi said county. Mold ua ttie pr»peily of Willis Hobbs, to HatiNty a It. fa. fanned from Tavloi Superior Court,in favor of Charles M. Joiner Adminiitratoi etc., against Willis Hobbs. Mho, at the eumetiiue and place, an un divided one*fourth interest in .ot of lund No. 179 in the 24th District of aaid county- Hold as the property of JoHenb Riley, to Mti.fy a mortgage A. /a. issued from Tut lor Superior Court,in favor of Holsey and Colbert, against Joseph Riley. This November 4th J8T8, C. A. J. POPE. nov.S-tds. Sheriff. Administrator’s Isle. GEORGIA—Tatlob County : By virture of an order from the Ordinary ot said county, 1 will sell at public out to the highest bidder, before the court 1 door in said county, cn the first Tuesday in December next, between the legal licit sale,the following uixeribed property bel ing to the estate of Wm. Mathews* lu! add county, deceased; vis : Lot ot laud No. 231 in the 13thDistrict of said county, containing 2U2J acres more or leas. 177) acres more or less of lot No. 114 in the 34th District, and 40 aores ot lot No, 90 in the 34th District Mi in said oounty. Also, at the same time and place, tweuty- for the benefit of the heirs and creditor naid estate Terms cash. This November 4th 1878 FREEMAN MATHEWS, Administrator Estate of Wm. Mathews, deceased. ■UTltll RETAIL MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY »Y W. L. CRIFFITH. These Prices hold good only for tb-day. November 6th 1878; COTTON—Good Middling...; 8 Middling .7} Low Middling. ..71 GoodOt-dinafy ,7J Ordinal... BACON—Bulk Sides . Bulk Hhdtlidahs 8ALT—Vlrginai Liverpool ME AL— per bushel CORN—par bushel .$2.00 .$1.60 .$1.00 85 FLOUR-^per bbl. 7......... $fl. @ $8.00 RICE—per pound 10 LARD—per pound I....13) COFFEE—per pound .36 RUGaR—per pound... 131 SYRUP—per gition 80 & 06 CHEES—per 30 NAILS—per peund '..*...6 PEPPER and SPICE-pel pdond. 40 SNUFF—per peund .$1.00 TOBACCO—par pound...... 80 ® $1.35 MACKERAL—eaeh.... ..............6 WELL BUOKETS-each 76 KEROSENE OIL—per galon .40 BARTER TRADE. CHICKENS ... 10 to 90 EGGS—per doz w BUTTER per pound l5td9fl BEES WAX—per pound 30 TALLOW—per pound 6 DRIED PEACHES 2 to 6 PORK—per pound fi to 7 BEEF—per pound 4 to 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Fur County Treasurer, 1 respectfully announce myself a candidate tor the office of Treasurer of Taylor couuiy, subject to the Dero ocratic nomination if any is made. W. F. CALDWELL. For County 1 reasurer* J respectfully announce myself a candidate tor the office of Treasurer of Taylor County ^subject to the Dem< ocratic nomination if any is made. SAMUEL GARRETT. For Tax Collector. We are authorised to annouhee the name of JOS1AH PYRON, as a Candidate for Tag Collector of Tav- lor county, subject to the Democratic nomination. October 22nd 1878. /tor Tax Collector• I hereby annouuce myself a candi date for the office of Tax Collector, of Taylor county. Election tfanuary next. JAME6 JOHNSON. October 29th, 1878. Notice f We arc authorized to announce the the name ot A. J. COLBERT, for Tax Collector of Taj lor county, sub ject to the Democratic nomination. October 14th 1878. For Tax Receiver. We announce JAMES R. HAYS, as a Candidate for Tax Receiver of Taylor Count/, subject to a nomina tion if auy is made. MANY FRIENDS. October 14th 1878. For Tax Receiver. We are authorized to aLnouuco the name of A. M. RHODES, as a Can didas for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Taylor county, at the approaching election in t/anuary next. October 28th 1878. LANIER HOUSE, B. DUB, Proprleto, MACON, — — — GA. THIS HOUSE i, now provided with every necawmrjr convenience for theooeommodution and comfort of its patrons. The location Ik i desirable and convenient to tho businesa por tion of the city. Tha Table. Have the beet tfre market affde. Omni- bua to and troto depot free oi charge, bag- 44ge handled tree ot charge. The Bar is supplier with the best vine* tud liquors. Quest : “Why will men smoke ootrmon tobacco, when they can- buy Marborg Bros. 'Soil of North Carolina^- at the same price V" Another New Discovery. After severe 1 years of a veiy good natured, loose way uf doing business, I discover, that 1 owe more persons, than 1 dou’t owe, and that, my credit* ors are signifying that 1 must settle, or hunt uew friends. And as I am too poor to move, and furthermore discover, that 1 am brought face to face with I’/ fact, “that something must be did,’* 1 therefore make an appeal to those who owe me,—espec ially lo those who have tor several cars remained in arrears. 1 feel fuly greatful for the patronage of the dedr public,and If we could ail now square up,I feel that I should be glad enough to treat all round, and then like’ a clever fellow go along and have tfnft fun of the credit business, ail erttr again. I hope this will not be taken Hi a joke, and 1 intend to so apply myself to the subject, as that no such Mis takes will bu made. Bo after dog-days, and carap-’Ateftt- ingH are over, 1 shall have an ear f response. JOHN WALKER. 8epl.3tt If you want to MAK'A MONEY pleasantly anti fast, "W* Address Finley, Hamvby A Co, Atlanta, Gr AWTsJ THE MEAT GEORGIA STATE FAIR. 18 7 S ■ At Xa::n, Ga., from Octotjr 23th to Itovamber 2nd 90,000 IN MONtcl' i’itKtolbMS; Ail interesting RACING PROGRAMME fertcii Udy, for Prd. tiiiums covering $'.1,(100. The bat arranged, best oblumodioua end most beafltifUl fair Oroiltuie, end the beet Mile Treek ih the Mouth Lilwhtl Premiums for every deportment of Huabahdry Muu- ufeotoree. Machinery, end WUHu Of Art fiend for .-utslugue of complete list of Pre- rainme, Roles end Regtllnttons, which Will U mailed, puehigk paid, oh application to the Sooretaty. County Premiurrii; TO the County wtl.'th (through the Satieties or Clulw) rhell luruirlt the Urgent end fluent display, in merit and variety of producte and result, of Borne IttdilBtriee, (eieept Stock, whioh are excluded) all rained or ph.duoed iu the 00’ iSeodiia Pfemium, .... 150 00 TH08. HARDEMAN, Jk.. 1»heh. MALCOM JOHNSTON, Secy. M, J. HAT'JHEK, C/knhhal Hup’t. J. M. W. CHRISTIAN’S Bar and Xdtlng Saloon, THIftD STREET, — — — — MACON, GA. WHEN SOU VO SI I j TO MACON. Everything good to Ea>t and Qrinlc Kept. BETTJSB THAK THE BEST, AND CliEAFER THAN THE CHEAPEST Thanking my Customer? for tke liberal patronage heretofore extend-d me, 1 will exert myself to merit its continuance . nd increase, GOOD BEDS FREE J. M.W, CHRISTIAN. I have the pleasure of informing my friends and patron^ h. 11 am now receiving ntiy FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF HLiniEKT, FLOWERS, 0RRHERT8, ETC. At in, New Location, No. 84- RuitdolpA StfcCt. to which your special attention is iiivited. Jiirai fcTJjVlE' W. EY has charge of tr.e TJJZ/'lf ygpPleating and Stamping to Order. Aleo JOretui -If Mis. U. A BUSSEY, No, 34 Randolph Stree, Columbus, GaV 6ot.8-3m' thos. Hardeman, jr (At Adame di Baxemorv’e Old Stand,) V? AR S BOVS' AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. wJtotffixirck A3SI13 Tna furnished. REMEMBER I ONLY CHARGE ONE DOLLAR PER BALE/ For and first'nidhth sloi'a'ge ; t^anty-flve cutrta pet* ttionUi foi* eat^h adcfilltoiml meffifti thereafter, , aep.3*tE T. Hardeman, Jr. W. J. PATTERSON. S. 8. PATTER1QN. PATTERSON BROTHERS. IMPORTERS'Aliu’DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND AM EE 1048 MARBLES BURRBAfi, 1 WamiUHG Work, i Chris iana Lancaster i Co., Pa. Office: 33 S. Beaver St.. '■ Vwrk. Sat a 9 A* BROWN STONE AND GRANITE, MONUMENTS, TOMBS, hEAD STONES, VASES. STjTUARY MANTLE PIECES • And all Kidds' of Ornamental Work*. Office and Works, CHERRY ST., Ortibsits ISAACS HOUSE, 0«HfAS'S OLD'j STAtCD, ~ ft >E~ iAC!Xj*