The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, November 26, 1878, Image 1

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Tp-riiY e Butler Herald . Published llj W. N. BENNSt | A WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPEfe,DEVOTEti i’O INDUSTRY AND CiVlLlEAtlON. Trrnin, . . , OXE DOLL A rA YEA R. Volume a. BUTLER, BEORGli. TUESDAY, SOVEMBE 2tt. 1878. WHOLE NUMBED 107 t .s n . —■ 1 g a — aBLEdTidkh , Advertising Rates. One square one insertion $1 00; each «ub- sequent insertion 50 cents. 8 n« column,one year, S100.00 ne column, six months. CO 00 One column, three months ;35 00 Half oolumn, one year 6000 B Halfoolumn, six months 80 00 Self oolumn, three months...........20 00 column, one year 30 00 column,six months.,! 20 00 column, three riionthl 12 00 Communications of a political character, cl articles written in aivooacv or defense of tne jflaims of aspirants for ofnce, 15 cents per Announcement ef Candidates $6 00. A Boy’ii Revenge—Ail Effort to Wreck a Train, A Borrespondent at Orlean, N. Y., tells this story : A tettiarkable juvanile deprav ity is re|lttrted troni Bells Camp, an old village on the line of the Olean and Brhdfotd railroad. A ten year old boy named Charlie j Welch, living at Bell'S Camp, has Logal Advertisement* , , time be , !Q ia the habU . Will be inserted ftt the following WtjBs* Sheriff sales, per sq Sheriff’s mortgage Application for Lett* heard theft talk of their condition and lot in life,and this Is the main theme of thbhght with Mankind everywhere. As t listened to them I discovered why 4t l& that the Switzer in his hut it) the Alps, where the limit of vegetation is reached and the winter storm howls and rages around hift, is happier than the Italian tenant on the beautiiul plains of Ldmbar- dy,amidst the bloom and fragrance of perpetual summer. It is the consciousness of the ownership of $3 50 ffadriiiulstralibh 4 SO Application for letters of guatdif nship. .4 00 Application lor letters oi guarairmuup. .* Dismission from administration 6 00 Dismission from guardianship 6 00 Fer leave to sell land 400 Application tor homestead 4 00 Notice to debtors and creditors 4 00 bale of real estate by administrator*, axtou- t ira and guardians, per square 3 00 Bale of penshable property, ten days... .2 Of Estray notices, 30 days tS>» AH bills for advertising in this paper are due on the first appearanoe of the advertise 1 incut will be presented when the money ifi needed. THE BUTLER HERALD. W. N. BENNS. Editor and PilblLet 1 . SuKiciurTioM» $1.00. Pm Aimvii of boarding trains and ridittg to a homo, which, no matter how the and fro between atationsT ^Mon- I “ torm ™S«*.»«‘>ody can take from day last thB conductor of train 28, hlm > and whloh be can make ha P for me, and tell your dear father 1 good-by for a little while.’ Moth er died on the 27th and father on the 28th. Fother’a nurse thought that he might recover, and did not tell him of mbthbr’8 death, He knew nothing of it until hb met her in Heaven. A Sharp Lawyer Caught* One of these shrewd, sharp arid sarcastic lawyers of thal class who Another New Discovery* After several years of a very good iwitured, loose way of doing business, I discovery that I owe more persons^ than. I don’t owe, and that my credit ors are signifying that 1 must settle, or hunt new friends. And as l am too poor to move, and furtherniore TUESDAY NOVEMBER 96th ltffti mbmmHim—f-~li— BUTOSD HOUSE I COLUMBUS, CA. Lately Thoroughly Jtenovhted. SIGHT SEW AND WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS ADDED to the Hotel and tea«ly lor visitors. Table as good at any in the city. Charges very moderate. Persons visiting the city are solicited to give us a call. E. U. HAIFOKD, Fop , i , i Oetlfi-if- NATIONAL HOTEL, E. C. CORBETT. Pro. Nxaxlt OppositB PameKoer Depot MACOY, GKOKCilA. 19* Board per Day $2. 0O Single Meals IK cents. seeing the boy in a dangerous place on the train, stopped hnd put him off, telling him tteVfef to get on again unless he paid his fare and rode inside the car. “D*—n you,” exclaimed the lad, 'TU fix you for this.’ 1 Friday altbthoon hs truiu 28 was approach ing a very stfeep embankment about two miles west of Bell’s Camp, the engineer saw an ob struction on the inner rail in the shape of a piece ot iron about two ft tot long; raised and fastened by a scantling braced against it and the oultbf fail. It was too late to stop the trait, but portunately *,wo fiat cars had been pla^i trout oA the to he vi OlekJb'i r . ... obstruction and waa hurled'down the bank, [lulling the other with it. The coupling between the rear flat carutlfl the IncolilotlVe broke, and no lurther damage was done. A breakmaii on the front car went down the embankment With it and had a miraculous escape from death. Alter the smash-up the boy Charley Welch was seen to run near the track towards home. He was followed and arrested,but denied all knowledge of the crime Until be Was placed in a dark cell of the luCk-up, wlifeu lie confessed he had planued and executed the train wrecking because he was mad with the conductor and want ed to “get square’’ tfith him. The boy will be sent to the Htftue of Refuge. py in spite of the storm. I would say to every ra^n, buy a hsmeand own it. It a wind full has come to you, buy a home with it. It yotl have laid up enough by toil, buy a home. Buy it and sell it not. Then the roses that bloom are yours. The jessamin and the clematis that climb upon the porch beloug to you. You have planted them aud seen them grew. When you are at work upon them you are workiu^ for yourselves add dot for others, if children bd there, then there are flowers with in the house and without. Buy a home.—San Francisco Chroni cle. if in* Don’t Forget to Stop at the CANNON HOUSE BUTLER, CA. Located on the South east Corner of Court gouse square. This Hotel Is the hrost convenient to the Depot, In the business portion of the town and docs the entire tran sient business. The table is nlwsys supplied with the best the market al- fords. Charges reasonable. MRS. E. W, JETER. EROPRlKThCSS. LANIER HOUSE, B. DUB, Rroprieto, MAeON, —! GA. tion of the city. The TfiNIM Hiivb the beat the market affds. Omni bus to aud irotn depot free of ohhlfce, bftg •Age handled tree of charge. The Bar is Bupplied wuh the beet wines aud liquors. Qceby • * ‘Why will men smoke cotcmon tobacco, Wheii they can bay Marburg Broe. >‘tknl of'Sort Carolina, 1 «t the same price?” So after dog-days, and oarap-meetr- im?s are over, 1 shall have an ear foi response; .JOHN WALKER. Sept.JMf. liscover, that I am brought, face to fap.o with the fact, “that something in list be did,” I there fpre make au appeal lo those who owe tne,—espec ially to those who have (or ' several gears remained in arrears. I feel fuly “restful for the patronage of the dear public,and if we could all now square tip,I feel that I ^bould be glad enough .ij * $ . .... * . I to treat all round, aud then like a take demonical joy and tinapeak- clever fellow go along aud have the able pride in twisting A Witness I/mw of thb credit business, all over into a labyntitli df diUtilities, had |“ g ! 1 * l n ' . . . . * ’ | 1 hope this will not bo taken as a- occasion some tune ago to crossex- joke, arid I intend to so apply myself amine a gentleman of tame little to . t I , o subject, as that no such mia- . fm t k i i takes will be made, promineucu. The tfbarp lawyer managed, after much careful im»* neuvering,to so confuse the wit ness that the only answer he could obtain to his question was ‘I don’t recollect.” Then the lawyer had had this answer returned to him a score or so of times, his patience gave out. “Tell me, Mr. J.” he exclaimed with biting sarcasm, “do you ever remember anything ?” *‘I can,” was the response. “Can you carry your memory hack for twenty years and tell me a single instance that happned then?” “Yes, I think I can,” returned the witness, who had Raided some composure. f »* “ Ah I” eJcclaitued the lawyer, gleefully rubbing hit hands in oi- thodox legal fashion. Now that There was no happier household in the Bunny South than Jacob Poitevent's at Grenada^two months ago. Alack; the fever broke out * s consoling. Whrit is thia in- litiy a Holin’. Horace Greely said “Go West;’ but George Barntow gat(3 better advice in a speech at Metropolitan Temple. He said that every man should own his home", if hfe can. That philosophy which tells a man to drift on over the oefean of this uncertain lifef Without rt home ot his own,- is wrong. The man who does hot own his homo' id like a ship ont on the open sea at the hazards of the stofm. The man who o#ns his home is like a ship that has arrived in port and is moored in a safe harbour., One matt should no more be content to live in another man’s house, if he can build one of hfg own, than one bird should annually take the risk of hatching in another bird's oest, and for my own part 1 would rath er he able to own a cottage than to hire a palace. I foten see ftten (THIS HOUSE in now pr'ffTldcfl’frMb r togoV t»cfifectan iueuraoco i7p6R dSimble hnd otmvenittit to Ibo bturineaa pof- their liVes, and this i& well—it fa aud the father sent three of his children into the country; intend ing to £0 himself on the following day with his Wife Mad two remain ing daughters. The delay was fatal. Before morning; Mollie; a lovely maiden,who had been nurs ing a sick friend, was delirous,and in a few days was dead. Bcarcely had the bereaved parents pressed a farewell kiss on the oold lips of their dead daughter, tiefofC the second daughter Was battling with thfi fever. . It was then that the sorrowing father wrote to his sis ter: “Mollie is dead, and Ora, We fear, will seen fellow her, our family physician isdeudyour neigh bors all dead, or moved out ot town; no nurse or help off any kind to be had for love or mottey. 1 am doiug the cooking, and my dear wile the nursing. Pray for us.” After awhile’ there came a feeble little note from the sick girl. “Tney are all dead but me. 1 knew when father and mother died, but 1 was too sick to kiss theft good-by. I am better, and have a kind nttrse; but oh, So few ever recover that i may relapse and follow th6‘Others yet.” It was many weeks before the sick girl could be taken from the plague- stricken town into the country where her brother and sisters were. Then one of them wrote to the ed itor of the New Oileaos Picayune: “Ora Iulh come out to rrs, hut 'so we»k that l am jieahiiH of every breiuh that frfAVftr Ivef white cheeks. Mother was t-Ycfc in the same room with Ora; frftber in the injoiuing room. The BW. Mr. McCracfceu prayed with nmtlftr before, the died, and when asked by the holy man ot God if she had a last mes- stance which you remem bet 60 well ?’ “Well, sir, 1 remember tffiit twenty years ago, when you were admitted to the bar,- your far lifef came to me to borrow thirty dol lars to buy you a suit .that yoif might make a presentable appear ance fit Commencement,and 1 have a distinct re-election that your fa- tbe'r never paid that thirty dollars back to me. Confuslofi ; Changed hands at this point of the proceedings, aud the lawyer dismissed the witness without more ado. A Pennsylvania paper states that a child likving a pig*^ head, but a well-formed body, has been horn itt* Clarion county of that Strftfe. A gentleman who has seen this freak of nature says f bat the head is a perfect representation of a young pig, and that the 1 child when angry or iif pain 6t Con und grunts wh en in a state tentment k of it right. But tbe ttran who' oWn'ff his home has effected an insurance upon his happiness and the hap pinees of bit family—which is' as| sage to Itmv4 1 -ah7w"awOrod'^TeK much to 1 bun. If hm mind ia right mJ 8011 l0 be a ^ &s his own, and OooBtitutos hisjmein HeuvedV’’ Thun lurni'n'g own. I have seen the homes ot h$r (fee towaids' Ora's bed, she the people in foreign laotlv, (■ “Kiss «H-m? doat rhiMKm he, ib -ft If any body has hard wo £0 please most people, it it itor. If he omits anything lazy. If be speaks of things are, people gfet angry. If I e glos ses over of smooths do\fn the rouge points, he is bribed calls thiugs by their proper heisdeclared unfit for his | If he does not furnish his with jokes he is a mullet does, he is a rattle-head, lacking stability. If he indulges in'person ality's, he is a blackguard If he does not, his paper is dull and in sipid.—Er. jit03',loo and United States. Owing td their warm and delight ful climates, their inhabitants grow sallow from torpid Livers Indigestiorf anil ifH diseases arising from a disor dered Stomach and Rowels. They, sliduld of course at all times keep the liver active,and to our readers we rec ommend 'fabler’s Portaline, or Veg etable Liver Powder. Taken in time, will often save money aild mud* suf-* faring. Price 50 cents. , Foi; Sale bf Walker <1) Gann, Hutler, Go. Florida, Our Land of Floiveri A throng of sufferers Willi fedughs and colds, annually go South td enjoy the ethereal mildness of the land ot flowers. To them wc would say. the uecesaiiy of tjiat expensive tflp.lfl Ob viated by ConsRens’ Compound’ lion - y of Tar, which Rpoed ly cures the (Highs and colds incident to this rig- 11*0118 clime. Foi 4 public speakers it urpasses the Deinosthentic regimen of ‘’pebbles and sea shorecelearing the throat until the voice rings with. tho|silvery cadence of a boll. Use Coussens* Compound Honey of Tar. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by Walker & Gann. Butler, Ga. An Undeniable Truth• Ton di*f»ervo to suffer, nnd if von l«ad a ritiserahlo, uumitiHiuctory life in this beanti- lul world, it is entirely yonr own fnult and thi-rc is only one excuse for you,—yonr on- ienAyUnWe ptejmliee and skepticism, which has Killed UiduiMinds. Personal knowledge and connunri e'enee reasoning will so'bn show, you that Gfeefl’s August Flower will fcnre yoti f.'r Liver Complaint, or Dyfipepsia, with all its miserable effects, tuch us sick hnnd- ache, palpitation of tbe heart, sour stomach,' habitual costiveness, dizziness of the heud, nervous prostration, low spirits, &. Its sales now rentfh every town on the Western. Con- tinet ami not a Druggist but will tell vpq ot, iU wonderous cures. You cau buy a fra&ple Bottle for 1U cents. Three doses will relieve you. For sale by Dr. John Walker. TAYLOR COl/NTY SHERIFF SALES. FOR' DECEMBER. Will be sold hefore the Court House door n the town of Butler, on the First Tuesday described property to-wit : Lot of laud No. 2U2 in tho 3rd Distncf of said county.. Sold as t he proper ty of Willis Hobbs, lo satisfy u ti. fa. issued Iron faylof Superior Court,in favor of Charles M. Joined Adminiitmtoi etc., against Willis Hobbs, Also, at the same time and place, an un lot of land Noq divided one-fourih interest 179 in tbe 24th District of s-ud county. SoFd' as the property of Joseph Riley, to satisfy a. mortgage fi. fa. issued from T/ivlor StrpeiW an ed- j Court,in favor of Holsey and Colbert, against 'Joseph Rxiey. This November 4 th ]RT8. 0. A. J. POPE. , nov.5-tda Shoriff. If he names, osition. readers' If he Eleveu tnem were wattiWg for a railroad train iu FrankliW, Teun. A negro was caught, in a’ rferiottp crime close by t*he station. The eleven men chased him a ftfle, caught him, habged him and re turned' to tho (station where the train had been kept wainiug ‘or Administrator’s Bale. GEORUIA—Taylor County : By ViAiire of an order from tbe Ordinar/ ot said county, 1 Will sell at public ont-cry. in the hightMt bidder, before the court house doof, hi wffdcounty, on the first Tuesday ini [December ne^t, b#twoe« the legal hours of sHlt.the following tiiscribed property belftng- ing to the estate of Wm. Mathewq, Ipt® of swid counts,; deceased; viz : Lot of Und No. 231 in the loth District of said’ county,’ containing 2U2J uercs more or lens. 177* acres more or less of lot No. 114 in the 24tb‘ Di.Htr.ct and 40 acres ot lot No, 98 in the 24th District. All in aaidcounty. Also, at the same tinie arid place, twentv-, one sh.ires of the South’ Western Railroad. stock. All of tho aforesaid" to’operiy sold fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors of JthVsTfc 16 * oa8U ’ Tbi ®' Novamber FREEMAN MATHEWS, ^iiministretor Estate of Wm. Mathews, deceased. TO MAKE MONEY Pleasantly and last, agenUshuu . address Finley, Hakvey & Go./ july23-ly Atlanu,- '