The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, February 25, 1879, Image 2

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THE SUTLER HERALD. Ui*v Ucaiic. lias beiug done, ,ui vuv ■<•>!u i»”y The LiciuTuI (iuvoruiiieut tla* lint Loads. Wo notice tli.ii the Senate liOf* tuck' *k! on oim* of iin- xppropiiutiou bills mi amendment. mu iioii/.hig tins frehiili'Mi to app"it.t n iui.v d cuuiiuis!*i»-*i i*» tski into cousUloiuliou the mlviwWIity of legislating with afi-runw to tho rail roads of thie country. W o trud tin House of Ite^m MniHiaivt'S will agree to tke amwudmuui,aud that it will become a law. Wu do not think any candid person will deny that railroad legislation of aouo sort is uecessury to protect the people from the abuse of tho vast povr or iu the bauds of the railroad compa nies}—power that some of those com panies have not at times hesiiuted t< t'Ou uni carried it some distance and out it down without doiug it any material iujuiy, At Lite time j thin ot'uurud them was a Inigo con ( mogul ion in the hu Ming, a ml • U ■ PrtMration nl IRON and CALISAYA BARK, is comkiMtian with tka Phoaphalaa. liov. William tJ. Bill.Ill was m, thn lilllnit nrnnnhinir • vi»t ah-imrn NaanllMSstwl fcj tka Dr. Marlai' N«4IcIn«C»m *•. *• *»l» AO-aai, Nl. LaiBi. MIL pulpit preacllldg, 3€*t. Hti WlgU . rll oioaowln J |laon.or»h»T«frinanyte«UB.oMU\f.w.*rereca|vtnRrtaUy just bu»*Jie the opouiugof Cougiosk enough Demociuliu uioiunois will bo arrested umici cun go • >! iiilim- i.luuju, truu i, *.Vc., in give tit Radicals a iimjuliiy. Once in con trol of tho iioiisc* enough t Oi^lri of Democrats will be eoiitestutl U give Radicals a permanent mujor- ilv. Then, when the proper mo ment arrives the House will do elate the Radical Candidate elected and Hayes will eufon e.the dicisinn It may lie said there is no law lor tins; hut what ilillbreiice will | tiie ndl. that make? There was no la\V| Th- ehnrcli bail ling is now ini nutln'iiiKiig Irani toliimiiph over-j n tlephw able condition, and nnb-ss right, \et Hayes is President.. 1 jt i* torn down, w II soon fall. *'forewarned is foiouimed;’ let., ^omio olfoits have been made to / 'IRON alfcld TONIC to toll uot a singh poison wu» in jured. The church in a numerical point of view has been wouderful- ly blos-ed; its course has hem steadily onward and upward.TIumo an* now about 150 members—or uth r about I hut many names on .. three months uro 1 burn tho iim of Or. HaRTEH’8 IiiOX Tonic, upon »»»«■ art tI,< xtout Hint n " ~.BS« S* .WIJIMhcJm.,,.!. norvo ? n,l go™ Y&Suui nuiT'irliij/ ft-.nn general'leblllty ruwiiBiMiiv i.i me. A vm-aUon of a month a hi not g.... •••--—■• » ontrary, wus followeit by l prostration ami flnkln?chills. AtthU 1lnu IIjoruu the your Ikon tonic, from which 1 reallzod almost Immudluto anil wondcipi^ rnsnli*. fho^nhl *1 most imtiiui 1 luto inti wondcrA.1 r : was not permunontly ■bated. I ha* co tlto labor that 1 ever-"-' o tranquil nerve and vigor thought never b*:forc enjoy tul. It Umj Tonic bus not none the a credit. Most gratefully yours, our leud**is take gotei nmi'llt is iigi to a traiidnlent Pi bet I, lest the j construct <t hew building, hut turued over iilent. Historical Sketch ot Hutler Meth odist (’ll iirdi \V«* take plt-anire in publishing the following hisun-iral skeeu-li which wits handed us u few days ago, wiiiten by Mr. J nines 1). Uuss, in l*S7d. The ways of Uod are mysterious and past finding out — olten eVolv- ^ ^ ing out. offteiuingevil, the great- t j |e V| ! far have ended in failure; and,wh»i? is still woise, there is no prospect that, anything will he contributed to i lie i('construction of a new h< use w hen the old one is gom* To me the I at m; of the Meflmdi-i church in is any th ug but pMllllislUg. Hereto attached is a list, ot the membeis • f the chinch at. I lie time titilt'd; also a lint *»f various Pa-tors who luivo hi I I cause of the con-titntmu of this i urrence of a j We arc not, ami have never been an enemy to the railroads?; wo think they have ooufered untold benefits on the people among whom they urn located;— and especially is this true of the people of the United Stiles. But while all is true, it is no reason why rail roads should he allowed to oppress the peo^lu. Wabopo tho General j ( .| lU|l ,| 1 W<1 „ ,| lt , wili uiko this amuor iu liiin.l iu woll j for the interest of the roads as the pen- j pie. We said in this paper some weeks j ^ W “ ; ' A.iuum 'hmt’le.'u tlilnwu uiul kilB | He.,j,",,i.. Uriffilh ai,,l wifc, ; J».*.!> 00 ".'l . , iniatruud dr. and wit* These r Stnt»i u, l l’. v 14 l^ r ". ‘"“‘It"" 11 I now, (KSTiil .-<11 <tr„.| ‘tutliur In lvr'.u*! " ltuv. Zicliitriiili Ailmm uml wilkwlm ii. !Sit'iuii» Wuii io|Uu-k;ii in, uml iliiljun. now ,ni.nili(.rK of lliiu BRiircli. ,1,, ; |iruiicli ilia liiiiL-rul ui'iiiiini. A, j »'••'< I> Wlmtlay innl wile win. ni' ueT lor j tliat lima— ln-wit m tin* «ur IS .(I i » r J '’“I""" 1 "* **« - t ' 11 llv, "< I—there was no Methodist Church i U est good. The truth ol thin re-, u j, ir , r „ t ,p ,| it , o<r,*ui r mark is well illustrated by the his- | chur. h was constituted, tory of the origin of Duller Metli-j Naices ot members ot lied L'del odist Cbuch. The iuitutiliale. MeHiooi-t church, now Puller Mt-tlu-di>t ('lunch, nt the tune ■»! irs uoustiunioii. Sl«*ph«*n dohtison and wife. d»/s- caliituity that hr.mght sorrow and Auhiiis and wife, 1) »niel Wliat- Miitibring to warm anil loviughearts! ] lev and wife, da *»*b Sistrnnk, Sr A brntliar nl' ••Uinlu" Jufuii-i l "" 1 wil «'.I»»*ib-I Sistninli nn.l wil^. 'i In- next sosion nl (hi. liibliuilii l. «’»il «i| ru Ji.l.lliin lnfll ,l, 0 ; 187U. 'The rates of tuition will lie ns billows * Priri arv department. $1 50 u»*i month* Academic. - 50 “ “ Incidental Pee plihhcu iu this, hue, it win Cougrtt*. It is iuiposbifilo legislation tv< ic..cli • xidling evils without doing vast injury and justice to ihu rail 1 aot wish the mil road* touipoiary relict to the people; for such relief give would be but temporary. Let us gi\can instance of om nn aniug. Uno of *he loudest coujplaintb against ra.heads is, that “way freight*' are largely aud unjustly in excess «»t "through freights”. Nowsnpjose Giorga should euact a law that “way” and '-tlirouyii" Irtiglil. ulionld l« qui.»t.d ta -ive out an appoint- iTi«uu i \ tlie State of Mississii pi. The fb| owiiitf is a list, of pastor j.tate law could ! tiean r than broach s, iu fact, the! w | )u have hud charge of Red Level relatively the same. It would be impossible lo biing way freights down to what through fieighth low are aud pay running expenses. The oflbrt would be made to put rtiirougu freights up Ray cent, aud biing down way freights to the same extent. But action of this character would deprive the roads of our IS’ate of neatly all through height that did not stop withiu its limits; as shippers could aud would, send it uuind the state cheaper than tie y could ship through it. We Lave given but using! county of Taylor hud uot been or-ijunl Butler (’lurch: gaui/.cd, nor was the town ot Blit-! ' Bovs. Hum* Stearns, 1810; T! ler in existence; h>» that the Meth- j Cdenmn, ‘41; Thomas (’olumim,.Joseph odist peojde of that portion of the j Tally, 4*J; tl.-orgo Brigln, Kenil.y, 'Ll; county, now known as Butler ^ , "* Busm-v, llidnm) Muiivtiehl, 11: Distinct wer« greatly in want of ,i! I'nnloiih, ‘ 1.^: I. Sreairnll, ’-Li: uliurcli. Uuiler tli'uau circiimstuu.i T ”} >'■ ' 47; . Ms - . ' n ' i ' , i ... .1 . m pastor a*.I iiilo a ditlicuh v ami left la* ces, old ‘ father M< arus was r«- t(»r« the y*'Hr ulo-anl and Ins pl.-pm wa supplied hv. Young T. Tigner, *18. Olms. L. Hays, ’40, '.*>(•; Tliomassoi- Uidron, ’51; dm*. M. Mxrsliuil, *52 ’5.3; Joseph Clark, *54. Died on Cii- euit and time tilled oat by Ohapi 1-h, M t* have mtul" h IiIstiiI «»n nnr past fa-lrni-Oon will hu ilmronyh nml (Usi'Ipliut strict. Ml thn (DpurttMfiits wilHsi Hllrd with ■‘'•iiijicfMit tMdmxit l’h-i wil) aiv»-sprcinl aMcmi.tji In •lie i-on'oil iln> s t *vm| ti mas I fiiit?n»*v 1. p.u-tiii'-’iil will l« visin d morning and ain-rm a bv hiiu and the oiluv th p tiliu. nt- at least »'i»t-i* sv.*ry d.iv. * ’-t, f JTie salient raoiu will be nmdc M*nd**r'»d»'n uml sv/r.v futility nRnrdi-d lie* shnV*> , ts ,M >* rapid pr *arf **s. Mood vwiinti* ns will W mpi r*-*t mid nf> slndvhV will U ulau-til in pus* n\rr .n li-vHetiiiniil In-tmdi'isfands if . , • , We sanu-sUv a-k ill** MiiMtinn.d I'lpperl nl'eai* rndr*»ns nml |*r"m:s>- f»» iiih?,.* »*><tv elYnrr in ilair niippia-i, J o- sit y«ars w»- hivu iIn- itmlivni«-i) kii».|*.*i- .<f eiiiiilii'iuit.v anil w<« iMHition this as ell)- liest r*enmiiiflulalioi* to those wiaiinv ii M'liinil lor tlnir i-JdlnrMn ltmii'il Mid tuition e*-n billed ran be |:ad lm- ]<ss tj*. n >12 nil per atontli I.iJsr.C dis- oo'ilits will be mad*- I'ol* I'a.YUleU’M in .nlv iais* Fur fnrdnr inform eilill-.*as, JAMES T. WHITE, President. merit somewhere iu tho neighbor hood. Accordingly, he gave om au appintment that, he would punch monthly iu that communi ty. (tod blessed his lahnis; souls tiliv per | "‘-re converted and it became Smith Davenport, *57; Win. C. Boot , ary to organize a climch to. ’58; L Kush,’5it; Jno. Robinson mui supply thu wants ot the people j MeLemore,’HO; A. J. Dean and An- and presGl VO the fruits of the la-1 drews-, ’HI; John Berry and Marshall bore of ‘Matln i” Stearns. | .J. Jenkins, ti2;\\yntt Brooks, t».>, n V. Thus it was that iu tho summer l ' J ’ Alitcli.-II, n.»; t.fn.C. Clark of 18*10 a chinch was constituted by Kev, Harris Stearns, Pastor in charge of the Marion circuit—the son of Bro, Zachariah bteams. Bro. Stearns the elder G. L. W. Anthony, ’i Williamson, ’fiy, ’70; J. K. Littlejohn, 71, 72; W. M. D. ihmd, ’7.3; k Rcntz, 74, *75; W. K. Kohinson, In order to nmko the ktaace of the inability of state 1 aw [ cul preacher and hence it was neo-; Johnst I complete, wo will state thjit Cio veil to correct the evil complained of; we could give others did time and •pace allow, and it were necessary; butouough has been Nuid to illus trate our idta. *Ve trust, if Con- grets movvs in the matti-r that it will do so uot iu a spirit of > naiily to the lailruad*. hn with the pur- pOse of bci.vli.ilu^; b* th the rail roads ami the people A bOv/il'ldacY! Tho Waaiiiugton Post, and newspaper coi rcep»»iid«*ut iu Wash- iugluu say that liiu Radical load ers are liihiuuug u plan tu get pos- h««siuu of the lower house of (Jon- grei^i iipd secure the ue.\t i’resi- doui, whatever may be the result of thepa|i ultti vo e. The couspir- ator» a#BUu*e that the people have submitted one** to the rule of pastor of tlii t essary local! in iiev. Harris Stearns j church the two previous years of 1877 a member of the Annul fpoufercnce,. and ’78,during which time a handsome to constitute the Church. I church was built and dedicated by llev. The Church was constituted aud A. G. Haygood , D. !>., on the 7th day wan about one mile from where the Tho church is now in a town of Butler now is, uud it was P ,, ° 8 P ur ' JU * J condition with a revised culled tho “Red Level MethodintI» f 130.—IC.K Hero it remained for Church. twelve or thirteen years; heie God was worshipped, prayers and Bongs of pruise from faithful hearts went up to heaven's court; and here al- wore buried tho dead ot tho 1 lnvp tlif of inlurmiug mj iVa ud.. M.d i ntrutis h it I am notv leot-iving my STOrfc OB'' MILLINERY, FLOWERS, ORNAMENTS ETC. tl mj New Locution, No. lit 1,’imiiolph Slrcct, to which jour special attention is invited, ?dve. 7 \IE W. haa chcurgs eft-.e Cr. tSS'Flenting uml Stumping to Ortlrr. Also Dross Molting Mrs. M. A. BUSSEY, No, 31 Randolph Stree, Columbus, Ga, oct.8-3m Gurernor Colquitt's Address. Speuking of tho address of Gov ( A. H. Colquitt, at IlaH’kiugville, the Dispatch says: Iu response to tho wishes of the State Agrieulluml Society and Church's members and ot the J those in attendance, Governor A!— neighborhood generally. Shortly after Butler was found ed, that is to say sometime iu the year 1S5- or bi the Church was removed to town and its name ohauged to Butler Methodist Church, Tho old ehuroh building det'eaiSityjlWKUidaio aud will do W l“*“ removed or fallen into so again rAtitur lhau iuargunito a decay, the ure neglected, . , in i I many ol them being turned out o.vd oommonoo. Wo do uotL ni | w | lull y untaroeablo, The kuow Low ibis may be, but thu j church-yard lms beeu covered by true coutnu fur thu Du'uociucy will | an undergrowth of bushes, and bo to prcveul the communication i altogether the place prenentt, a of thia villiauy. lonely aud desolate appearauce. . . 11 The history of the church siuobithat his advice uud auggestious The p.ot to far a. developed U Bl)t , ur bH8 notlli ug are good aud calculated to pro- Bcemo to no thu; to buy the Hide-1 eveutful or startling in it with the I mote their lutorcst, and that all pendeutb aud grceubackcrs with j exception of oqo occasion wheu a! bis ads are the promptings of a otic is of cbuii mans'll ip of -comiuttec' violent ntorui lif'ed it off its iouuda ».o »io auu uunoilish lieu it. tied Ii. Colquitt made a short ud- dress yesterday. The hall was literally packed, and Georgia's Governor and distinguished citi zen acquitted hiioself iu his usual ly felicitous nmuncr. There was no allusiou to any political subject, but the whole disctHirse was upon agriculture aud the endearments of home. Our people have the most uubouuded coulideuce in the ntegnty and patriotism of their prt-Heui Chief Executive, and though they might doubt his abil ity us a tanner, they fully realize HousB-Furaishing Emporium. 93 Ch.ery Street, Macon, Ga, ome and see the finest usrnrtment of Crockery, French Chins sod Ainuricnu China, HOUSE FURtYISHIJYG OOOHS, Staple and plain Tin Ware, Toilet Sots, Agate Iron Wuie &c Cutlery of all kiuds. Agent lor the oolobiamd EXCELS lO It IIOT BLAST COOK S’lOt’E. Also, Charter Oak, Suuny Souih,Cottuu Tlant and uther desirable putterjts. _ nuv.ia-lf.