The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, March 04, 1879, Image 4

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STUOAP.D WEIGHTH the «t»<r fiord weight* of Tht» fo* towing At ataci<M a*mud, mi c*iablihuwd bj an *u I ot >du Lcjji*.!utur«, Arrived Fcbr..- At'- Yrtth, W75 . 6d| Buckwheat . .fioLineU r"cached (uu. ..70 peelefii 3i‘ . 60lDiied Peaches (peel wTlhiuYowV Sweet Potatoes White Beaus 60 Clover 5ta Dried Apple* Onions 67 Stone Coal Unpacked Lime turuips 60 Corn Me Timothy Seed .... 45 Wheat B/un.. Flux Seed 66 Cotton .Seed .. Hemp 8*efi 44 Ground Pea* . Blue OniHM .Veefi .. 14|Pla>»ering Hair Mr. Tildeu’s Iron Mine of Mich- igan. Retarsing to the Marquette iron center, we are able to count 20 difierut mines, within a radius of eight miles around Ishpeming, which city has been built within a short time. Niue years ago, where there are now regularly laid out streets, and many fine buildings there was nothing but a marsh. As one mine after another has been devel oped, |>opulatiou has been drawn liiih- or. Many of the principal business men are from the New England States. The miners, who comprise the bulk of the population,ure mainly from Sweden and other European countries, and make excellent citizens. They support schools and churches, and are generally free from the vices which prevail in some mining regions. The mines nearest to Ishpeming are the New York, Lake Superior, Bui mini, and the Cleveland. The New York mine is better known through the coun try as the Tilden mine, Mr. Sam’l J. Tilden being now almost the sole owu- er. There is an interesting story c- •linec- ted with the opening of this mine. Nearly twenty years ago, a Mr. A. R. Harlow whs the head clerk for the ad joining Cleveland mini. O11 adjusting the taxes one year lie discovered thut forty acres on which the Compa ny had been paying tuxes as a part of ita property did not belong to the Compatiy. He put chased this strip for a small sum, and afierwaids leased it Morning News Stri&io. A JCT STORY BY A SJ l'JS\AH LADY. IN THE SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS OF FEBRUARY 1st Will he commenced a New 8 -riid Story « ab .orbing intercut, entitled. WASP and WOOF BY MBS. It. i. PIIILUR TCK This beautifully written and intensely in teresting story, illustrative of Southern char acter ami Southern life in town and country, run through several weekly issue* of th News. Without anticipating the mterestof ir readers, we can promise the lovers n »)1 wrought dcuon a rare treat in its pe-sunl. The Weekly Niws is ore of I tie largest id handsomest mwHpnper* in the country, beiug an tight page sheet 38 by 52 inches, dmougits new feutuiQs we invite attention to a series of articles ou the Oram'S Culture, written expressly for its pages by Mr. 0. Codriugton, of Florida, which will he found interesting and valu ble to those engaged in oreuge growing Another feature of special intercut to our lady reader! is our New York Fassiou Letters, \>y an accomplished la iy writer. The ahu’of the News is to be 'bor ough in all of the depart’vmutij of a eonipn - Illusive newspaper. Its Agricultural Depart ment, its careful cooipilatlon of the news of ihe day. f reign and domestic, its reliable market reporis.tditoriai comment.and choice miscellaneous readings, makes tlin Weekly News one of tne most insirtu tivr, interesting and valuable newspapenr. New subscriburs dwiiriug to commence with the new story sLould send in theii Subsiriplion or and Southern Far S3.‘9 Address ear S2. Weekl; Monthly, one ; J. II. ENTIJ.L, Savannah, Gt Subscribe for 1373. for a period of years to the New York Iron Milling Company, organized in 1865, with Mr. Tilden at its head. Subsequently Mr. W. L. Wetmore as sumed the management of the mine, Mr. Tilden furui hitig tliu funds. Dif ferences arose between them, were car ried into the Courts, and are still un - adjusted. We ascended the ladders to the mine and groped about the dark passages, under the guide of a miner, who seem ed to have a morbid relish for designa ting spots wltere various workmen hud been killed at different times “Here,” said he, as we entered one chamber about twenty feet high, “a man was killed the other day by a piece of rock falling from the ceiling and striking him on the head.” On our inquiiiug if there was danger of any other pi« ces dropping, he replied . “Oh, yes, tin y liable to drop at any tinn ; we ail ha\’e to take our clmnoes.” After this cheer ful announcement, we did not tarry very long in that quarter But there was a sad story in some poor fellow’s death connected with every division of the mine we enter, i lmve \isited mines in Pennsylvania and elsewhere but there was a feeling of insecurity and danger here which I hud not before experienced. Still there is a fascination clout the life of the miners, and they rarely exchange it for other avocations. As we entered one train-way,we couid hear trie sounds of the miners’ blows far in the bowels of the earth. Follow ing the founds, we crawled through a v*ry narrow pussuge fora long distance and eiueiged into an opening where the miners were at work upon a new vein of ore, and preparing blasts. Wa ter was trickling down the sides of the p&bsiigi, the air was cold and damp,the lights feebly flickered, the half dozen -workmen hegrimtued and bronzed wiih due, presented an Hiumtural appear ance, and we were very glud to retrace our steps and ascend to the surface of the earth The large chain ben of the mine from which the ore has already been ta »en, ate divided by strong pil lars of ore, which have been left to support the over-hanging walls. The veins extending eastward have been pretty well worked down to the line of tke Cleveland mine. There is belt red, however, tu be an abundance of ore extending westward under the surface on which the buildings conneced with the mines now satml. Ten thousand tuns oi ore was taken out of the mine during the first year it was opened (1864). and the aggregate product up to the present time has been nearly a million of tons.—From American Ag riculturist for March. The WEEKLY TELEGRAPH ANT* M SSBNGEU,au eight-page pap containing SIXTY-F0U3 COLUMNS. Is one oi' the l,irg«.st sheoiH printed in fu. : United $ta•*». I s columns are filled witJ , select reading matter, embracing The Latest JVetvs, obtained at vast expanse, from every qnn»- ter of the glubo, ami much that in inttrestin. to Farmers, Mechanics, Profes- ional Men, and every cl«ss ol the community. The tone ot the paper, while strictly and £ STRICTLY DEMOCRATIC is yet Morul Consecutive and Decorous. The WEEKLY TELEGRAPH circulate- hrcHy .n Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Texa* And other State*, nud ft number of oopit* eveu cross the oo**an, and ate read ou tin* European continent. It is emphatically THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE axd should be in the household ot even cit’zeu in Middle, Southern und Sontuwu*- tern Georgia. XOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, TERMS, only $2. per annum cash, tree of postage. Address. 4vith money, CLISBY, JONES & REESE. Editor* and Publishers, MACON, GA. Vick’s Floral Guide. A beautiful work of 100 Pages, One Co'ored Flower Plate, and 300 lllus tuitions, with inscriptions of the best F owers und Vegetables, and how to grow them. All hor a five cent stump. In English or German. The Flower and Vegetable Garden, 175 Pages, Six Colored Plates, and many hundred Engravings. For 50 in paper covers; $1.00 111 elegant cloth. In Gei man or Englash. Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Maga zine—32 Pages, a Colon d Plate in every number and many fine Eugrav ings. Priae $1.25 a year; five copi* s for $5.00. Specimen numbers sent f r 10 cents. Vick’s Seeds are the best in the world. Send five cent stamp for a Flo ral Guide, containing list and prices, and plenty of information, Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. Etodey's Lady’s Book, • JwR 1379. REDUCED TO $2 PER YEAR The Cheapest and Best Ladies Maga zine Published, mid uo ueircut from its Present High Standard. We offer uo clieip premiums, but give yon the (test Magazine published. CLUB TLB MS. (Pottage Prepaid.) One copy, me year $2 C cony to the penwvi anting up the Club, m iki'ig six copies S9 CO Eight copies, one year mid an extra copy In the person getting up the Club, making nine copies SI 1 27 Ten conies, one year, and uu extra copy to tlie peivon getting up iLe Club, milking eleven copies $17 01 Vwcnty copies, one year, and an ex tra copy to H e person getting up the Club, making twenty-one epics#!I 61 New Is the Time to make up your flubs. Mow to Remit. - -Get a Post Office Mon?’ i»-d<-r on Philadelphia, or a Draft on Pliil«- ; cl. Ipliia «r New York. If you cannot get ei I th-r ofthr-se send Bank-note, aud in the lut ter case, register your letter. Pur'icy desiring to cet an einbi cend o a sp.-cimofi copy, which will be H?nt free, I Address Godvv’s Lai it's Book Puhlishin,.’ Cu. (Limited) lOdfl, Chesutui Street, i'uua- delpl.ia, Pa. P.irfies wishing to subscribe for this Mat/- aziue can do so by leaving the money Will heir n ones nt this otfieu. DR. RICE, , LOUISVILLE, KY,, •I 1 fora* IMPORTERS Sc J/HIRERS OR FOREIGN & DOMETIC HARDWARE, CJTIERY. GUNS, &C. ^ ORIOt implments Iron, Steal, and Carriage Makers Material. Agent For t'airbm.k Standard Scale, Agent for O. W. Excelsior an i Grlswoud Cotton gin • m, ,, PHENIX CARRIAGE WORKS H HERRING, J- Jl. E-tOLAMD. HEkl i PRIVATE COUNSFJ OR Of".C or (•>, lent to M.y nrtrtreu, .-curely re.led, for tMrty ^bourt from 9 A. M. to 7 T. M. ‘ BusAj.j«, X va |ilESCR|PJJp^ w FItEE! Uii-aw! m? %\\ BURNHAM’S SlA.-OcAV/lonKti.-, iiM) OKAi.EUS IN A3RIAGE3, UGGIE3 AND VEHICLES OF ALL KIND S ALSO Manufacturer of the Dexter flu a mi. Oglethorpe Street, Oppotdta Diahrows Stable*, tt J l JUJftA UtThe WM7 < ^vei W t , lVre*nl*u , L?h\* l 1 th * n ‘Y '{ pmctice i a hi An* ion narks just pUblUhJS, nitlUed'** 41 ID o E2.T?» , 9t9. 0Y OF “abhiaoe The PW VAT EM EDICAL ADVISER tanguaje, ermly underrtood. The two book* *inlir*fe«« R^lV, * dfhTl" lnripro , ? , ' , ci uf l^° T ** d*r T 111 fr ** ^ * ,m iv-otk^hg !?i^yn Ooui^t'li*"niAny" in r »*her’»" * popcu RFRian*. 1 .' so both In one volume, tl i in « «• extra. Sint under o of price in QjDiM/ or aUmp*. PENN YAN MYSrERY TIIE NEW Illustrated Weekly Hy Leon and Haiiriet Lewis PENN YAN, N. Y. EIGHT PAGES, conlainittg stories eutitt.led Lmlv Redwood's Daughter, by Mrs. Harriet Lewis: Count of Mon te Cristo, by Alex Dumas; Sir Allyn’s Eneim, by Leon Lewis, etc. Portrait of Dumas and other illustrations. Besides these highly interesting sto ries it will contain Voyages and trav els. A ride through Islam, Turkey to India; Year in South Africa by Lady Barker; Six months in the Sandwich Islands; Around the world, by Mrs. Bi-Mssev, ect Vestiges of A’alnntis, the continent that existed 12,000 years ago between Europe and America; the Lost Anchor of Columbus, Current Explora ions, etc., and Map of Ataluntis. Science, The religion of the Great Pyramids; Discovery of Vulcan, tlio Moon of Mars. Also leading articles, history, etc. Tekms; Single copy one year $3; four copies $10; eight copies $20; sin gle copies 0 cents each. The remitter of club of 8 entitled to copy free. De livered to hook sellers and news-agents at $4,25 per hundred. Remit lances at our risk on y in post office oiders on Penn Yaii, or bankers draft on New York. Address Leox avo Hauhiet Lewis PnblishiTBjPenn Yan, N, v . M. \V. C H \l I S T I A N ’ S Sap and Eating Ssilccxx, riURD STREET, _ _ — — MACON, GA. "HEX l ov I/O ME TO AICOX. Everything' S oo-I to .Ext and CLry.nJc Etp* BETTER T,fA.V THE BEET, AXD CHEAPER THAN THE (’IIEAPl'BT Thn.iking my Curtomew for thp libc.4] , „( P Lcrcfnfi,* pxtcml. dnu. lwil> exert .nvself ,o merit its eontimmuee „d inceuse. GOOD BEDS FREE j. w. W. CHRISTIAN. V. ANDEiiKON. M L TIIOHTJIAM & TROUTMAN, WAREHOUSE •Inti Commission •Merchants. (0|>poaito Blukcs's Block, Poplar Street ) CCORCIA Consignment. Of Cotton Solicited. JS-BAGGING AND TIE.V FUItNISHEB AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES -*» RPpt.l0-tf. ’ * W. J. patt rson. s. 8. PATTERSON. P ATTERS0N B ROT HE B 3. IMPOUTEMS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND ABERICAN MARBLE DROWN STONE AND GRANITE, MOXUAIEXUS, TOMBS, BEAD HTOXES, VASES. STATE ARY MANTLE PIECES And all Kinds of Ornamental Works. Office and W.nkH CHERRY ST,, Opposite ISAACS HOUSE, OR LAN'S OLD STAND. MCOW — l — — OEO^aiA.