The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, April 01, 1879, Image 4

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STANDARD WEIGHTS. Thn following are the utaudard weights o he arilelt* onmed, a* »wtnbli»hml bj an no I oi tlu* Q nri?ln Legislature, approved Febm- htv SOtii, lH?r> ; Wheat CO SueilM l torn 56 •Corn iu tu Pea* Ryo .... Oat* .... Barley Buckwheat 52 Dried Peoehe* (im peded) ....88 Dried Peaches (peel- Dried Apples Onion* Stone Coal .. >5|Uuftlaokvd Lime Irish PotsttMN . Sse^t Pottt t»os Whiro Beaus ..... GO 1 famine 55 Clover Seed 60-Com Meal 48 Timothy Seed 4ol\Vheat Bran Flux Seed 66 [Cotton Seed . Homp Heed 44 Ground Peas — Bine Qrass .Yeed ... lllPladering H>ir . THE SUN FOR 1879! THE 8UN will be printed every day du ring the present year. It* purpose and meth od will be the a i in the past: To pre- tail the truth though the heavens Tax Sox has been, is,and will continue to be, independent of everybody aud everything save the Truth and its own oonvictions ot duty. That is the only policy which an hon est newspaper need have. That is the policy whioh has won for this newspaper th« confi dence and friendship of a wider constituency than was ever enjoyed by any other American jonanal. The Sun is the newspaper for the people. It is not for the rich man ugamst the poor r the poor inau against the rich Morning News Sends. A NEW STORY BY A SAYAXXdU tADY. MVASKAI WEEKLY NEWS OF FEBRUARY 1st SVill be commenced a Now Serial Story of absorbing interest, entitled. WARP and WOOF r BY SIRS. It. i PHILBUICK This beautifully Wtit'fvu nbd intensely iu tercsting story, ilhiRtinrivi* of Southern char acter and Rombvru life in town (dul country, will run through several weekly issues of tli News. Without anticipating the interest of our readers, we cun promise tlie lover* o wt-H wrought fiction n rate treat in its pennal The Weekly NV.wa is ore of the largest and handsomest newspapers in the country, bring an eight page shoot 38 by 64 Boday's Lady’s Book, FwR 1879. REDUCED TO |S PER I EAR Tlio Cheapest and Best Ladles Maga zine Published, and no Retreat fVom Its Present High Standard. We offer no tohoip premiums, but give you the best Magazine published. CLVll TERMS. (Pontage Puluaid.) One copy, c • l ’ 0 P»* l our copies, one year $6 8C Five copies. cVrtb year, mi l an extra copv to the person gibing up the Club, m iking six copies $y G( Ei«h: copies, one year, aud an extrd or>|>v to the person getting up the Club, making nine copies $14 2- : Ten copies, oftc year, and mi extra copy to the person getting up tLc Club, making eleven copies $17 00 7 we my copies, one year, and an ex tra copy in tl o person getting up the Club, making twenty-one coples$31 50 Sow is IhoTIme to make* up ytuif Clubs. ItatiT.—(Jet a Post Office M< —i r CABHAHT4 CURD IMPORTERS & .l/.RP.ERS OF FOREIGN & DOMETIO HARDWARF, CUTlEBY. SUNS, AC. -A-GFRXOTjr.'irbUA.X. IlvIM.lxrEKr't'S Iron, -Stas!, and Carriage Mate Material. Agent For ‘ Valrbornk Standard Pride*. Aifo A petit for O. AV. M^ey* Excelsior sn.l Orlswoltd CVtton gi>.. ’ . ’ CHERRY STREET, _ _ _ MACON, PHENIX CARRIAGE WORKS Among it* new font ate* we iuvitc attention H^dev^n Phiiadvlphin, or u Draft on Phil.i* . , _ . dulpliin or New lurk. If vou cannot get *i- senes of articles on the Orange Cmturu, tl| y tll ,. se K u j 1Vl , u * nt AU j iu t *J ie j , Subs- ription one \» and Southern Partner $3.rU Andros* in the community. It i» not the orgau of any person, class, sect or party. There need be no mystery about its love aud hates. It is lor the honest man against the rogue* every time. It is for the houest democrat agaiust the dishonest republican, and for the honest republican against the dishouest democrat. It does not take it* cue from Ihe utveiance* of any politician or political organizati gives it* suoport unreservedly when n measures are in agreement with the < tution aud the principle* upon which thi* repuhlic was fonuded lor the people. When- over tho ooustiiutiou and constitutional prin ciples are violated—a* in the outrageous eon- Bpiracy of 1876. by which a tuuu not elected was placed iu the president’s office, where he still remains—it speak* out for the right. That is The Sun’s idea of imlopeudenoe, In this respect there will bo no change iu its programme lor 18711. The Sun has fairly earned tho hearty bet- red of rascals, frauds ami humbug* oi nil storts aud sizes. It to deserve tliui hatred not less iu the year 187'.) than iu 1878. Ia77, or any year gou.; by. Tub Sun will continue to shine ou ilu* wicked with miuni- guted height u*-■**. While ihe lesson* of trie past suould be cousbmtly kept Ik it ire t >e people, The .Yun due** not propCKi* to make itselt iu 1870 u magazine ot aucieut history. It i* printed for the mau and women nl to»d-.\y, whose con cern is chiefly witli the attaint of to-day. It has Ivoth the disposition uiui ihe ability afford its reader* tho promptest fnllc most accurate intelligence of whatever world N nortii ailemi,III. Tn lliin mi tim) containing resource* belonging to well*established pros perity will be liberally employed. ’ The prenent disjointed ci.million of partie* in this country, aud ilic uncertainty of the future, lend >.tu extraordinary big ui licence to ttie event* of the coming tear. The discus* sinus of the prets, the debate* and acts of Congress, and tho movements oi the lender* in e*’ery section of the republic will have a direct bearing ou the Presidential election of 1880—uii event wuieli must be regarded with most anxious interest by every patriotic American, whatever liis political idea* or ul- legiauce. To these elements of interest may be added the probability tlvu tho democrat* will control both huu„es of Congress, the in* creasing feulduiies* of the fraudulent admin istration, and tna spread and .strengthening everywhere ot a healthy abhoruiice of fruud i o any form. Tj present with accuracy and clearness the exact situation in each of tts varying phase*, aud to expound, according to its well-known methods, Ihe principles that whotrid guide us through ihe labyrinth, wi 1 lie an important part oi The Sun's work for 1879. We have the means ji making Tub bvs, as a political, a literary aud a general new*, paper, wore tnteruiiuiug und more useful than ever,iiud we mean to apply them freely. Our rates of subscription remain unchang ed. For tlie Daily Sun, a four-page sheet of twenty-eight columns, the price liy mail, post-paid, is 56 cents a mouth or, $6 50 a year, nr, includi g the .Sunday paper, an eight-page sheet of fifty-six column*, tb© price is 65 cents a mouth, or $7.70 a year, post-paid. The Sunday edition of The Hun is also tarui*hed sepanutly ut $1.20 a year, post age-paid. Toe price of f’uo Wpkxt,v 8cN,dghf-pngc* fifty-six column*, s $1 » y-nr, postage paid. For dubs of u.n sending $10 wc wilt *eml one fx.ra oiA be.-. Address, I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher of The Sun. New ierit City.N. Y. written expressly for its page* by Mi Oodriugton, of Florida, which will l»e found nterestiug and valuable to those engaged in orange growing Another feature of special iutereAt to our lady renders is our New York | d.-lph Fasuion Letter*, by au AccoiupliKhud lady writer. The aim'cf the New* is to 'be thor ough in all of tho department* of a compre hensive newspaper. It* ArfrionUuYa) Depart ment, its careful compilation of the news of tho day. foreign aud domestic, its reliable market reports,editorial comment,and chine* imscelhneou* readings, makes the Weekly News one of tne most instructive, interesting aud valuable newspapoar. New subscriber* desiring to Commend with the new story should solid in the t letter. Par:uh deicing to get up ciuli* oeud for ipvoimi ti cony, which wilt lie nont free. Address Go city’s Ladle's Book Publishing C’o, (Limited) 1001), Obesutut.Street, Phila- d*-lpl.ia, Pa. Parties wishing to subscribe for this Mag azine can do *o by leaving the luouey with heir name* ot this office. U. fe HERRING. J. R. ESOI.aM 1 : MESSING & ENGLAND, ir : : 2. Weekly News i Menu lily, one year I. II. RHTn.Lt Havauuab, On. kijS. Subscribe for 1879. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN AfiRiAGES, UGG1ES AND VEHICLES OF ALL XIHDS ALSO . fSanut'actwrer of the Oexter Mwfffjtii OglefJtorpe Street. Opiiosifd IKsh otrs Mfiihlc*. OtLL'Ifflf'S. L'A The WEEKLY TELEGRAf'tt AND ".?.?! MESSENGER, m. oiglit-im|je pa,,a-, SIXTY-FOUR COLUMNS. one of the largest sheets printed iu the United Sta'e*. I’s columns are filled with lelect reading matter, embracing The Latest tWews, *jnar- obtaim d a* vast exnin*e. fri ter of the globe, ami much that is inter** to Farmers* Mechanics, Profes sional Men, aud every class of the Community. Tho tone oi the paper, while strictly and 8T”RNLY DEMOCRATIC in yet Moral Consecutive ami Decorous;. IV a. RATI MAN & Co Agents, HI TLER, »A. DR. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY^ ^;,3:i^Xn-.'SpsrS^ Worth Twice Ihe Sum. Wee The Chicaoo The WEEKLY TELEGRAPH circulate* largely iu Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Texn* and other States, und a number of copies e\en cross the ocean, and me rend on the European continent. It is emphatically THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. avd should be iu the household ot every citizen in Middle, Southern and Sontnwt*- Uru Georgia. NOW IS THE TIME TO SlBSCRtltE, TERMS, only $2. per annum ca*h, fm of postage. Address, with money, CLIMBY, JONES & REESE. Editors and Publishers, MACON, GA. •eipt of T Lbdukic. the leading Fumilv I 1 West, which i* now entering up- enth volume. Thk Lkdgnii i* a largo forty- eight co unm weekly paper, printed upon bold, plaic type, which cun be rend with ease, )>y either tlie old or young, and is filled with choice t-Urica amt matter if particular interest to every household, l'hia excellent journal i* supplied to *nh.-,cribera, postage paid, forthe exirwmly low price of O^E DOLLAR AND FIF-Y CENTS per year. In order 10 more rapidly increase it* present largo list of reader*.the publishers ot this pn uei hava j^i m M-,« cuuiwm lor tlie ; A , u c.aiaa. f Tujlnr OonnS metnre of pevcrnl tlmn* nd fin* Niokel-Plati d! . », n ^. , ... .... . , J EuglisL bteel iiaiTel and-C\Under ifevra-l A - M. Carter having petitioned »ur leave to Shot Rcvol vera-22 tin y oI ‘\ l !« e ' he r " u,e ? ‘ hi P‘? bl,c leading todWributo Ihaiv -Oi Hcnwir* at cost, and, thnridore, offi^r! rcoommeudiug that said (carter be allowed “a of tueiM eiegiiut weapons of delense and j to change tlie route of said road as set forth D year for TVibep. Dollar*, j in his petition, it is ordered: Tlmt any per II „ H „t liv postage paid, »,f,u having objection to changing the route NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS GEOBGIA—Taylor County: All persons indebted to the Estate nf Pelei E, Riley, late of said county deceased,ure re quired to come forward and pay their indebi- edne**,'aud those having claims against sain deceased are required to ill., the same aecor d'ng to law. Thin 20th Feb. 1879. i H. BIVINS. Adm’r, feb.25-w6w. P E. ltifey, dec’d. Ex parte j. Betore tlie Ordinary of The LuiKvtn 7he revolver will Kent by on reeeipt of the price, They have already diwtuhmcd 6.000 revolver*, aud are mailing &uudrids daily. Now is your time to get a ffiM-clas* revolver a»*d tlie best paper in the aountry tor lew than naif the actual worth i»t either Thru* sample copies of Tub L/norn will hesfutto ar,y r Ltress fbr ten nutbu- Adueeew Tivn Lldgwi^ Ghiaago,- 111. fcb!8-w4w. of sulci road a* recommended by said review- era file their objections iu my *.fiice on or bo fore the first Monday in April next or said ohm ge will he grouted. Given under my hand and offieial men* ture: Thi* 18th February 1879. K JAMES D. . RUSH. Urutnury. i VmyATE COTJNSFI OR mESCMPTION^FREE! 4 SK? T 4S1SI*M Works: Christiana, Lancaster Co,, Pa, Office: 23S. Be aver M York, Pa, MARRIED L IF E DR. BUTTS No. 19 N. eighth St, 8t. Louis, Mo. Who hu hid srcNter exorrlenoe In the treatment o, u* The PHYSIOLOGY OP MARRIAON The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVI8ER »*B Soir.lMraeton In all met- In ,tjr ' “ , rh* knowledge Imports of lilt End the WiBM, In mleen - ^ EKiyssttr-*™ _ wreui emrrx—o) et*. each W^nsirfcSias'M of price ia dkmmt or (tanpik " sxe» J. M. W. CHRISTIAN’S Bar arid SCatLag Saloon, I'HIRD STREET, — — — MACON, GA. inlay you iJo.iiti to iuvox. Everything good in Exi cund Ql.-i.t'h: Kept. I'TTKU THAN TllK IIV.8T. AND rwr , Al*BH -'RAN THE (HIF.IPKN'P Tbai'kinp mv Cnetomerp for (hu liU'i-il f•till-, wipe liorrlofi ve extend dine. 1 will pXptI irxsolf to tlie fit its eonlinuiinVc nd incrertse. GOOD BEDS FR E. J. MM cimlSTiAN. 'J. ll. ANDERSON. si j,. TRofnkii ANDERSON £ TROUTMAN, WAREHOUSE •Inti Commission vtlerehants. (Oppobito Blttke.s'ti Bluck, Poplar Street.) GEORGIA Conslf/nnienfs Of Cotton fSollcUed, yaD-BAQGIXO AND TIE.Y FURNISHED AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. sept 10-tf. FOR LAUNDRY USE, X. J. PATTERSON. S. S. PATTERSON. For Snle Eurywhtrc. PATTERSON BROTHERS. IMPORTER^ AND DEALERS IN F0SEI6R 1RD ABEHIC4N BARBIE IlROWN STONE AND GRANITE, MOXUMVX18, TOA1 It St HEAD SXOXES, VASES, STATUAXT M.iXTLE DIECE'S And all Kinds of Ornamental Works. Office »nd Works CHERRY ST., Opposite ISAACS HOUSE,. 0RIAN ’8 OLD STAND, MAOJN I' — — OX.OASIA