The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, May 20, 1879, Image 2

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THE DULLER "feERALD. • w. x. aitixs: 'Editor ami Pullshor. I OKI PT IDS Poici $1.00. Poo Annua I TUESDAY MAY OOlh If VO. Tile Elflctioirliill Veto. Wlu*n the President vetoed the Army bill he gave to Congress the reasons upon which he based bis veto. He did not however in Buy of bis objections intimate that he •resin favor.of any inilitary inter ference at elections Now if the President was can did in the statement.ot his oject- tionn tn the bill that , he vetoed, Congress had the right to assume that if a hill were framed and en- aoted'not'subjectto the objections upon whioh the veto' was based, that it would not be met with a veto the second time; and, inas much as the main object of the Democrats was to prohibit the use of. j^deral troops at the polls; and, as the President did not object to the.Army bill because it deprived him of the power of coutroling elections, ajbill was draughted by the Committee bn the J udiciary, whioh was not obnoxious to any of the objections which thd 'Preai- dVnt had urged against the Army Bill This bill, known a* the elec- flop Ibillj prohibited the , usp ol federal spldjers at auy., elect j«q except upon, the .request of the legislature (or of. the • ftoveunr in the event the ' legislature should not.he in session) ot the Htate'sin which the troops'were tietiled'. ‘In other wodds, the h II pluooi elec tiodspeb hr as regards the prtsetice of'tfrbojts at-the polls, tfpo'n 'the same footing as ' heliii'e till ,war. The issue was thus narrowed down to this: whether ih'ecountry shopld have free elections,, npd the people decide who sliould be their rulers, or whether jhe Army should,..dic tate to the people jvhp ,tihey,should elect,aa was done by the- Hoinan legions aittlt Rome bud- been on slaved by her army. The Piesident has niet theques lion .boldly if not patriotically. He h'as vetoed the bill* ayd, thus aligned iiimsrlt with the, worst and most violent wing of the lie publican .party. Tho President and hjs party seem to have mode up their quarrel and comp , to the determination to hold on to tftV- Executive hranoh ot the govern ment at all hazards. In 'takin^ this position he no doubt presumes on.norlbqrn prejudice to sustain kin. So tqr.asconcerns the Democrat ic party, fliis action of the Presi dent places it upon so)ut ground, and makes lor it a better prospect than we have been able to hopd sines tim'dp'efcing of tHef present session ot Congress.' We have solid righV on our side provided the government is to continue re public* i. The Democratic party THE fYlItttlMA HiSCELENATION . *! ] t'fdE. *. dhiK 1,S» 'ntJuAbnunz Exv'Lusivxlv Unmcr State Cokthol. Riciim«>nd, \a, May 14—1«* thp United SuteN Ciicuit Court to day a writ 01 habeas corpus in the miscegenation case of the negro, Edward Kinney and the white wo man, Mary Hiill..!]OW coufined in t-lie penitentiary tor violation ol the statute prohibiting intermar riage of tac- 8, wue refme-1 by J11 Ige Hughes, on the ground that the United States Courts have no ju risdiction over questions of mar riages. The.opinion holds that the laws of marriage are at the sovereign control and will ot each State, un affected. by any provision or uny article of the Constitution of the United States; that absolute and entWpower over these laws is necessarily left all to the govern ment ‘of local society; that the laws under which the parties Were convicted was with the uurcstrain- ed legislative power of Virginia to enact, and that it,'is not prohibited by any provision of the National Constitution. As to making contracts, the opinion holds that section 1977 of the Revised Statutes, which, se cures to all persons withiu the United States the right in- every ^tato, to make and enforce con tracts, etc., can only refer to con tracts lawfurunher tho law of the State? wherein-it is propose to en force them. Admitting that mar riage is a contract, it is held that the-privilege of enforcing it ex tends only to lawful tuiirria^s. and that if a citizu of Virgihia went to the District of Ciilumbia. or to the Territory'of Utah, ami was then' Vnarried , in accor lancv with the local law, he couk) ,pot return with Ii,ir oqnspyt pr. ppp^.u ts to Vugijoi^ ahd ejcpjct to sphor dinate.her laws ot marriage to the laws of the‘other.juris'ligt-ion. 'The chat? will prolaihly be taken' to the Supreme Court >«♦ -the •* United Statetr.'-^ShviAnirah‘News. 1 Onsus Takers. For the information of parties desir ing it we willata • that wcliave been in- firmed by Gov. Cook that. Supervisors fir the various States will not he ap pointed until December next, and th-it the Enumerators will not Ixt appoint ed before March next. It will he thus seen that any application before March next for the Ihri named office will be premature. We may moution in this connection that more than seventy live applications have already gone up f< o n this District but rr there is no officer authorized to mako the up- p liniments, the applications amount to nothing. fri A Double Hanging.—jhe MeDul jfie Join mil gives a graphic dcscript'ioi. jof the double, hanging in Columbia* Aj»* p'.inc cuiiuty, in whi.-h Henry Mulct'd. Julian Can Util 0, and Tom Jones, u.iu> jSatlerwliite, both - ’ ciijored, stiff red tlu 10 penalty of tho law. Ton. claimed to be itiuocent to tin- en'd. llenry McSt^od admitted that he ♦killed hia'80.11, Uib cluiniR to have dour ro in Rdlf-defcnse. Both mado u few re* murks. MeSeed w»ur frivfzy with ex* *:itethent, and died singing a weird' Tiu gro song. Says the Journal: j Henry tulked in a broken, incohe rent manner for a few minutes, and when they were tying his ankles to- t eMier, said to the sheriff: “Boss, ain’t you going 10 let us kick?* /. He then broke out in a negro song, inherit! Ivey told him to htn-li and lei Tom Ray something. While Tom wu talking he said: “Hurry up, Tom, and let’s go.” , When ‘Tom finished his remarks Henry-commenced his floug again, and MURDER. Yesterday the ufternoon paRsengfci train on tho Southwestern Railroad brought the startling intelligence of n murder. Thu scene of the crime wm near Everett’s Station, which is situ ated about fifteen miles beyond Butler Tho difficulty was between two negri convicts on the plantation of Mr Chest- Howard early yesterday morning, and resulted in one cutting the othoi'V throat, killing him almost instantly. Tho origin of the difficulty our inform ant failed to learn, but it is supposed to havo been something about their breakfast. The murdered man was the coos for the party of convicts. The perpetrator, we suppose, bus beeu ar- resti-d, and should, if reports are cor rect that the act wus unprovoked, be pnpUhed to the full extent of| the law. —’Enquii'r-Snn. , A Uung'c.rmiH Torpor. ' orpor of inactivity of the kidney irlously dangerous to those orgum since it is tho precedent of disease which destroy their substance und en danger life. This sluggishness may b overcome bv-stimulating them, not ex c*s»,ive!y, hut moderately, uii effect produced l»v Hostetler’s Stomach Bit ters, a general invigornnt and altera tive, posHwifiug diuretic proj>ertiei no common order. The impetus which this admiruble medicine gives to their evacimtivo function coiintevacts any tendency to congestion which may ex ist in their tissues. • Both they and heiW RMHociate organ, the bladder, in Vigorutod as well* as gerAly stimfilnt- ed by t.lic Bitters, Which exerts a*kin- dred influence upon the Hto/nach,. livei and bo^wpls,.and by strengthening the system, enables ^fc to withstand materi al epidemics, to which whqn exposed it might otherwise succumb. No eloquent, tongue or pen isneed ed to eominend Cousseus* Lightning Liniment lo mi appreciative public, is a cure . for Kheirnntisin. La Back. Ncnnilghi, Bruises, Spnii Corns and Ihu.ions. It is also in qmilod aiii nmfedy for 1 lie ills that eonlmoiily aflllct. horses, sucl: as, Spa viu, Kingboiie, Galls, Scratches, etc, —WurtNund Knots being can i I f ‘re moved hv it« use. Try Coussous Lightning Liniment, and you will want no other. Price fiO cents a bot tle. For sale bv Walker J) Ganu, Butler, Un. Mr. 'Benjamin Thweat.t, son in-law >f Mrs. W. It iWn, ilF'd,• es- lav morning About 4 o’clock^ oi broirliitiH.—F01 f -Va lev Mirror. " U^isBRANDT L, now appeal to the people with | «^ing when -he Mm fell, some 'tape of success; for, the , The drop broke McSeerf- 8 throat and B0 ■ ^ | lacm-nted the flesh on his throat, bo ourstion now is, wnvetter w»-urn I. , . 0 _ , , that the ‘blood prickled in a crimson stream over his snow white shroud. The knot slipped on Tom’s neck and his death was by strangulation. Hen ry did not show Any signs of life aftei ho fell, and was pronounced 'dt?‘a<3 in 9 minuted'.’ ' Toni, aftei- lie fell, drew him self up twice, and tf Shudder ran through his frame and he was was pro nounced dead four minutes after the drop fell. ' Tom was cut down after he had hanged 20 minutes, and Henry at 28 minutes. They were placed in their coffins and turned over to their friends for burial. Tom Jones was hanged fop the'mur der of his wife on the 20th t»f Noyfem- ber, 1870, aud McSeed for the riltit'der of his son, Harry McSeed, oil the 18th of November, 1878. to hiwe fr^e gdvernment,^ or be governed by a njilityry despotism. We are aWartj that 'there are many of the northern, people who would prefer aff absolute despot ism, to a. republican government administered by the Democratic party. • We are also aware of the fact that there are a large number of the northern .people who enter- tairt the most relentless hatred to 1 he people,of the South; still, we wi>l not despair,-until there is ho longer ground for hope. We trust there ia patriotism sufficient iu the eohntry to preserve ter us and those who shall come after us this government free and unimpaired tor 4g«s to com 31 ARM WITH HAMMER BRND. 99$ CHEMICALLY PURE. BEST IN THE WO ELS. BETTER Till* isV UUim One iRM«poonful or this Soda used will milk equals Four teaspoonsfrils of ofthobeit Jinking Powder, saving Twenty Times its cost. See package lor , valuable infor mation. If the teaspoon fur is too jnrgi^miii l docs not produce good,remits gt flrsr, use loss aKoivard*. fco.l-tL " IRON ,/TONIC It ■ Prapwtllos of IRON ani CAUIAYA BARK. In coMMnaUos «lth tho Phoophotoo, d by the Mcfilual ProfciiMow^and^rooo^mendud^b^thgn^for OyapepaU, Oooeral Debility, Vo* of many friend* wlioli ubor wm excwdli—*" month* i(o I begin tho in of Ob. HAsron’R Inow Toxic, «pon tho odrioo ■* virtue*. 1 wm lufforinc from icnoml dpblllty to auch an extont that luy intomo to mo. A vicition qt i pionth did not ^Ivo mo much rallnf, bat o^ tho contrary, wu rmktwed by litpreitaed prostration one returned and nVmiW^mtm^natmaTftMrM WM°not pirraanintly ibatid.lhire miod throo bottle*A th* Tonic. Since using It 1 have done twice tho labor that I over did In the umu time daring my lllneei. and with double the cue. With the tranquil nerve and vigor of body, ha* come aUo a eleamc-M of thought never before taJoyed. if the Tonic pm not done the woi|^ know pot wtaat. I give It the B U T L E R AND MALE INSTITUTE The next session of this Institution will ojen Jamipry’. ) 1879, The rates of tuition will ho as ftllmva-,: Primary department. —- ' Academic. Higher Incidental Fee $1 JO per month. A2 r £0 .. *« -;i ‘no-< “ .73 per Session. Wa have madn a liberal deduction on o-ir past m»*w. In^moliqn will W- llmrongh and discipline strict. All tlm d«*pnrlmi*titii willls* H‘M wiib mimpi-teiil ^lt< ht-m Tho 1‘resident will give hnwiitl'nttftiitinii to tin* control of (he k,»vm*1 r-otns. T Tlie prinmry department will bo visited moruing mid slterm-u by him amf ihu oilier dt-purttm tits lit least once every day. The school room will be mnde romforlnhlo sud every fnr-iUiy nffordul tho MudrnU for rapid proRioiw. Good recitaticns will lw reqn re-l mid no sladvnt will hr ul.otvcd to pus* 'er a lesson nntil ho anderstnnds it. We earurstly ask the contianed support of ohr p-iirons and in »*T«vy effort to deserve their support. ' Far six years wm hav« hud llie v nmlivideil. w»j-porr of this community and we mention thin iih our best r< cmitnianilutin* to thoaH winning a good school for their children. Board and tuition conbined can he had for less than $12.00 per ‘month/ Lib rd din* counts will he made for payments in advance. For farilu-r Informatit.ii acFlre.-*. JAMES T. WHITE, Prosldont. I have the pleasure of informing my friend! i.nd | ntrons that I am uqw leceiviiig my Si TO CM or MILLINERY, FLOWERS, At my New Location, No. at Randolph Strct, to which your special attention is invited. Jdra. / / W. It-fiJtibEY Jiaa charge ofthe'KIlI]\/L}AI .< SSf Pleating rind Stamping to Order. AUo Drene Maki Sirs. M, A. BUSS,??, No, 34 Randolph Strea, Columbus, Ga. o,.i ocr8-3n ■ • House-Purdshiag #1#* S. 92 Claery Street, Maaon, Ca. ouie and see the finest assortment of Crockery, French China a American China, UOUSE FURJYISHIJYCt OOOjDi Staple aud plain Tin Ware, Toilet Sets, Agate Iron-Ware, <! Cutlery of all kinds. Agent for the celebrated EXCELSIOR HOT BLAST COOK STOVE. Also, Charter Oak; Siinuy South,Cotton Plant and other de.iral pattern*. — nov.l2-tf,