The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, July 15, 1879, Image 3

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( Suit Siri, We nre reliable iufoi 1 negro uien were »everely huh in Reynolds on lu<t Sainr-hiy. Work fur the legislature. We suggest that the General Assem bly promptly pass a hill that the men composing the Gllwop jury be lieveaf- fc r for over exempted from jui-jrj or any other public duty'* Bersohni. We are pleased to notice the re turn ot Mrs Leona Aliller, of Pon- ct-annah, Florida, Who is on a visit to hbr tuany frit-hds and lel- atives in Butler. • Mr. E. P. Mitchell, ft student of Mercer University) is also visiting friends and yelati os iii Butler,during' vacation. Arrival• A lot bf flour from new wheat at \ v , L, Viriffith’s, also fresh meal, call on him, Bain Needed. There is much* feeling and dis tress of mind among the people in the greater portioti of the county for tbe want of rfein. Some six or eights weeks have elsapsed aiueo the visitation of a seaaou of raiu, and crops are beiug greatly injur ed by the drouth. Meeting of Taylor County Ag ricultural Society. A meeting of the Agricultural Socio** iy of this county is hereby called to meet on Saturday 19tl» inst., at 11 o’clock, A. *T Ah tbe olection of dele gates to the State Agricultural Society, and other important business will he transacted at that meeting, u full at tendance of members is earnestly re- (niestuil. W. G. BATEM AN, . . l s n , .-ident. We Shall tilt “Heap as We Have SOSNII," - nv “LTtLlAN EVAN.” One of the sweetest and purest feel ings the heart can know, is the pleas ure which results from a consciousness >f hating bim-fitted, even in the small- sat degree, one of our fdllow-creaiures. It is the heat panacea for our own sot- row; and the only way to become per manently happy is to forget self aud live for others. It is a hard lesson to learn,but the trnnquil pleasure it brin&s, tlmn compensates for the self- sacrifice. We mqy not have it in our power to do good on so fp-ftud it scale us to fcx- cite the admiration cf the woHd; but remember tliat some of tiie no blest heroisms have been achieved in humble life. The noble Florence Nightingale tiid her work In lifer place; we can do our work in outs, ami our Father who seeth in secret will give us our just reward. As “Tit- coinb” says, C ‘I would rather be that our influence, therefore we pay too lit tle attention to the manner in which it h exerted. We all possess, in differ- ut degrees, power for good or evil iver those with whom we come in contact. Have wo not all felt our- *s better and nobler, and even felt the very air of the room to be purer, when a good mun or woman has just left our side? It is in oui- pbwer to sow grain or scatter thistles, as it pleases us, along the highway of life—only, when the harvest time comes, we shall all “reap we have sown.” BuTLEUj^jluly ldth} 1S79. Items froin Talbot. The thei mometer indicated 104 ■'iaaflaflfc CotnntUnlcated. MLxb* MiLti^AYLoK County, ) Ga , June 5th 18711. ( Mr. : 1 lun-e "cfuAleJ 10 write truck, give yfcu u Condensed uc count of tlnfftay we speut ( the fourth. A celebration was given to forward the interest ot our little Sabbath school, an well as to celebrate our great national anniversary. The proceedings of the day were op ened by Rev. Mr. Pool, who read an appropriate Psalm which was followed by prayer. Mr. tool then introduced Dr. Hicks who read in a very impres sive voicej the “Declamation of Inde pendence.” Many pronounced him the most impressive readfer thevtever beard. A resident of your town, Col, W, P. Thursday eveninghist, atBa.dwiuvillc. | Edwards, then lm'Ue us a most fexcel Ci ops around Baldwinville faring for fait), if if cloes not come iu a few days^ not half of a coi n crop may be expected. Many parts of the county have liiul rain lately; but not enough to start tiie . A • .. , . - , , mills; which have b’eeii almost at rest insensate and gently gliding shadow . ...i.s-u *u- At 1..1 jli j!.- __ for some time. Your Garden Galley correspondent Glanders. Mr. .Tames A. Hbllis, of this county informed us a few if ay 8 ago that he Iiaf} had the misfortune this year of losing three* very nne mules by that Tnost dreadful disease known among horses as glanders. Quite early in the spring a inulo was purchased from Co). Thompson, of Burnesville, $"uicli hail the glanders and it was by this means given to th** rest of his stock. North GeoriHa Fair.—VVc are in receipt, from Secretary Wronn, ill the catalogue and premium list of the Nortu Georgia S oek and Fair Association. The second Annual Fair will commence in Atlanta on Oct. 20th and continue one week. The premium list is an Attractive one aud cau be seen at our office. Pberlesb Polish.—Live uien and women can make money selling this Polish. It is a new discovery aud superior to anything kuown Best selling Article out. The most liberal terms to Agents. Send 25 &»nts for a sample package to the Peerless Polish Company, Pb’Vk- ton, N. Herald Compound. We call atteuioa to the advertise ment in another column of this Excel lent Compound, prepared exclusively by J. T. Patrick, of Wadexboro, North Carolina, and sold by all drug dealers, Quite a number of our readers haviug once used this cement, are doubtless well acquainted with it, aud cau* testi fy to its excellent quality for which it is recommended. - which the wounded soldier kissed noble Florence passed his weary pil low, than th'fe pampered creature of luxury, who lias no thought above her personal ease and personal adornment.' We may be able to dc but little, but, like one in other days, we may have it said of us, “She did all she could.” We may not perfceive the benefits that arise from our humble efforts;bnt grand results halve been ftfehieVi-ct in quiet, imperceptible ways. Our bosom friend nifty turn, unfeelingly, from our side, and cause the strongest fchoi^ds of faith unri hope (o quiver; bu^ let us nut “grow Weftry iu well doing.” . Every day we fruiy do some gOoil,' if it is only to mftke a child happy by a soft win d, a pleasant smile, or a simple ^wri- light story. We can oner food to their budding intellect; gather tlhein around our chair and teacli them something of a butler life than they hu\e soon. Oh! | ’tis sad to know that— Many Ho wars arc born' to blush lih- Flhe Beaches. We return thauks to Mr. J, S. Searcy, for the presentation of three very fine peaches ou last Saturday, They were of the Chi nese Cling Variety, thoroughly ripe aud the largest we have ever seen. No artificial picture could ever |>resent a more beautiful ap- pearadee than did this delicious fruit. Hon. James D. Kites, We take pleasure in stilting to the rqany readers of the HeraLd, that this excellent gentleman, the efficient a,nd worthy Ordinary of our county has kipdly consented to assist us in the editorial department'»f this paper. | j n g rtn d fading mothers' of much pire; Ami waste their fragi'ftnco on the desert air.” Much good cuu be this wiite world of sin, sorrow and reftret'. L’hero are niuuy hearts, fainting' by lie way-side for want of kind words ki stir their flagging energies. The leglected ure apt to seek relief in sin, because there are none, on earth to ■are for them; uo one to look with sor- •owlVil J'Ove into the shadowed eyes,or take the stained hands and lead the nuderer buck to the better way. The miserable and p0'm v tire always near us: wo caii add ‘sonte brilliancy to their lives'by! doing fbiJ them as we would have them do foV ub. Let us “scatter seeds of kittduess, for our eaping “Bye and Bye.” Many are the opportunities foi 1 do ing good which we daily pass by un improved— sometimes fearing tbe ill-will' of the proud. Theie is w for all td do; “From strong limbs tliat should be chainles8, ; There are fetters to' unbind;' There is help to give the fulien, There is light to give the blind.” Many an afihing heart is hid beneath a silken bodice,yerrning for sympathy, piuiiig for a loving tone, a warm’ pres sure of the hand or a loving sriiile of encouragement’ to bid its wings of hap piness biid forth) as do these of the chrysalis,’beneath the geuul waimth of the min. To these let ’u* go. For these let us pray. Tears of pity shed for thbse who are athirst frr sympa thy, tfords,looks and smiles that make the tried heart forget its bitt^i the chance seed sown along t\ie path way. They may nourish the heart the silently dropping dews nourish the hidden germ of the little plant\ which uoislessly expands, grows aud becomes the pride of the forest. Amid all tliat has been said; if wish to bo at ease when the lfarvest time couies, wc must perform our du ties at home. There we cau lighten father’s burdens; relieve our fail- calls for us on the wateimelon subject. We know that we are not given toex- aggeratiou; but we think \Ve 6ah heat him somewhat. IVlir. & B. Baldwin ot Baldwinville sold a load of watermelons i or about the 4th of Juhe. A new mail route.has been establish ed fromTalbotton toChalybeateSprings. Hart’s Pistrict Fair comes off on the 2&th iust. Let every one send iu something to be exhibited. Martin Webster, ah orphan boy*, is making a quilt for the lair. Girls what aro you making ? Mr. M. G. Parker, of Prattsburg, has a stalk of corn witli nine ears on it Carafe to the flout “N” with yours. Mrs. Lunev Parker of the abov place, has u bed cord made over 00 years ugo. We hoard sing, the other day, little Annie Julia, a three-year-old child of Mr. t>. N. Baldwin. .Shu Inis u decid ed musical talent, liev soft musical voice, when carried above the natural octave,’changes into a sh'eet alto. Miss Birdie Little, art-rent graduate of Wesleyan, while out horseback rid ding a few dayu ago, was thn her horEcand quite seriously bruised— senseless for some horns she is doing better PiiH&’NAL.—MuiS Oliviu Uloutfort of Butler, is spending sohietime with her friends at Prattsburg. Miss Mattie Joe E. White, of For syth is visiting her Searcy relations. Miss Mattie Y. Searcy, of Wesleyan is at homo again. .. . “Japhet” July 12th 1879. Notice of Commendation. At Home, May 1st, ’79. Robert Randall, colored, has this day completed for me a job of biick lay ing to riiy perfect satisfaction and ad miration. He is not only a first-class workman, but he is the most rapid ina- I have ever employed, and I heart ily commend 1 him to all in want of good and relliuble mason and man. J. H. Bivii#. Messrs/ L, Potter and II. MathcWs, of PraUsburg, John S. Searcy. ofCaV- sonville, I and Messrs. E. B. Waters, and Wml. Waters, of .Butler, having iniployed 1 Robert Randal, highly tee- mum cl d him to the citizens ot Taylor and surrounding counties as a conipe- tent bricK mason and plasterer, and worthy_the support df the peope, Out at Last. “Good morning, friend A., 1 uni surprised to see you out, and lookiilg so well; I heatd, ydu yVete confined lent speech. We scarcely think it be too highly complemented. He spoke very affectionately of Mr. Henry 0. Holbrook. We saw not less tlmu a dozen persons who were moved to tears. Oupt. Carson made a speech which we wovo denied the pleasure of hear ing,' as we were called away from the stand while ho \vhh speaking. Dinner was then atiuounced. I have seldom seen a nicer dinner or provisions greater abundance. After dinner Oupt Carson brought out his organ, and with Miss Alice Long, us organist,' wo hail must excel lent music. ' Several of the citizens ^rom you; town were in attendance. We noticed especially,' Mr, E, lx -Waters, Col. W. S. \Valla6e and Miss Claude Montfort. ]lir. Lewis Lee and Mr. Charles Van- Riper, from Crawford, also honored with their presence. The day will doubtless bo lung remembered by limny. i would b‘6 f»’.eii8ed to more detailed account, but my time is • limited. „ Lucile. Always lliiady. We are requested by Messrs Shehee & Bateman, to state tlmt ’their mill having been newly re paired and fitted up with n**w rocks, cannot, fail to’ give entir satisfaction to the people of the surrounding counties as t6 & supe rior quality in both meal and flour The greatest advantage which this mill ban boast,and if is a fact that every one should remetnlW, that while other mills nre compelled to ceaso grinding for the want of wa ter, this excellent mill being situ, *tid on White Water creek, is al ways supplied with an abundance of water, regardless of dry weath er and uo one will be turned away empty. A own'd ri&m JJS i who Was re- One of the W.:s ooys v ••Piitly Jumped quit ?i liki.ig lor !(ov r.vd Society, h u a rival here who as lie can equal him ill tdzo of nose, if not in 8harpe(nei*hj. old coon for cuutiing, lm» a voting one for rimiiliig" Is an old say* ? ug which proves true in one instance -lor we’ll wager that •‘Coon’’ of Mit er can make better lime ihun any one when lie dyes get started. The two young tiiefl from Butler will confer a favor, by returning ih© “pups 1 ’ tljat followed them to the picnic from this place. Who is the agent for “Goatey” iu Taylor? a young lady near here is anxious to subscribe. Is it a fashion for yoiiug men to le^ their Mustache die, before going otf ou a general visit. Dick" &, -‘Dock" t are rnuuiug a race Jo which will be able to Ux’k-henrts with certain young ladies. - -cross the way” Is it possible that the yonng tneu from Butler are trying to nmuopoliz* Ibe "H*u> oy" trade of Taylor Couuiv ? It really seems sofroni appearances. Mr. Vy. M. Anderiou killed a large Kst- tle snake near town last Sunday. He had ne rattles. Butler boast of preitv girls, (during com- ineucemeut) but Howard and Vicinity can hoat Butler after that time, judging from the attention paid our young ludies by the ‘ •Butler boys". • No-rno". Ihe True Hay to Invigorate. The true wu> to invigorate a feeble system is to iufusc activity into the operations of the stomach, Hitt won drous alembic iu which the food is transmuted into the constituents of tlio blood, the chief clement of our vitality. Hostcttej**s Stomach Bitters, because it accomplishes this jend, is greatly to bo preferred id many so called tonics, useful ipdeed as appeti zers, but inoperative as aids to diges tion and assimilation. This sterling cordial, while it invigorates the stom ach, healthfully stimulates the liver,, bowels, and kidneys, ensuring Ihe es cape through the regular ehfp,».uuls of effete and useless matter thn .wn off by the system, which is thus purifled as well as invigorted by it. Its tonic influence is soon made manifest br an increase of vital energy and a moro active and regular discharge ot every physical function, ut.d it has the fur ther effect of rendering the system uuns&uilable by malarial epidemic. Babies ought to be tvell taken care of; their system does pot al low ,tbe sligbtc t neglect. If your Baby sufiers iritpj Colic or Bowel Disorders,, procure a bottle of Dr. Bull’s Baby .Syrup, a sitnpie but always reliable remedy. Only 25 cents & bottle. AGENTS !*®“250 i.d FAST SELLING Mr. R.i „ . . , known to tl.« |«opl« tliroughoot, thi. j . • u ; beautv '. ttlld c ,vn *i-u Iu ■‘“.rt of the StarS as an experienced and • * to your room) atlcf bed', by tfliat pests of humanity. Piles.” “Yes Mr. B.fl had been long a sufferer when 1 heard of Tfibler’s Bu.ckjpye Pile Ointment. It proved a bjessing td me indeed, one bottle having so fat Restored ine as to enable ijie to be about my busi ness again).vyiIh ease and comfort. Y^iu can rccomifiend it ns a genuine remedy,” Pried 50'cents a bottle. For sale by Walker <0 Gann, Butler,Ga. Persons of sedentary pursuits are prcdispojeJ tp Constipation; such should always use Dr, Bull’s Baltimore Pills which insute safe ty a gainst Constipatiou and all of Qodeij's Lady's Book for A ugust comes to us full of good tilings, bl ight aud fresh us an April daisy, though An- ust suns may wilt everything else. Tiie sketch by Parley is a beautiful seaside scene, thdt little folks may laugh ovei;, and parents recognize ns exquisitely true to nature. The mammoth colored fashion plate i& unusually fine, but iu addition are iiiahy pages of fashions iu every detuil for the wardrobe of a well dressed lady ami her children. The serial!* Continue with increased interest. There is a purity aud sweetness about the girls in the “Rosebud Garden” that will well repay any readers for a jioejl over the fence. The literaly depart ment comprises names well known to lovers of choice literatuv'rq'und'is a well chosen bouquet of prose and poetry. The Recipes are especially arranged for I a Garden Party, one of the most pop-1 ular forms of fashionable hospitality. 1 All the usual features of the Book ure given in their best fbrni'Hndther always new charms to be found in | the'iatest'lMeHHbnTh Godey. Send $1 to the publisher,and try it for (J months, LOW PRICED .. . BOOKS, TESTAMENTS hii.1 BIBLES must completely represented in our cevr GRAND COMBINATION PROSPECTUS BOOK, by- sntnnle pn r es. bindings, i'lustm- irations, etc. A great variety aud Rure suc- cjhh f$>r.Canvassers. All actually wishing EMPLOYMENT, address for terms, Ktand- aud Pub. Co., St. Louis, Mo, We pay ad freight, $;2§ SAVED BY HYESTLlfi 25 UTS, Mead Your Wares I For mending broken dishes, tumblers, china-w»»ro, furniture, walkiug-cmos, um- brilla-handles, and in tiicl, everything, ex cepting iron, get n Ivoitle of Herald Com- pquud, which Is the best Omeut ever itvont- ed, , For side by all drug houses, up if your druggists, have not got it. and wpRtmud lor id 26 cents to J. T,. J'Aa’RK-K, Sole Muiitifai-ttim*. VGulesbo , N. C. GUIDE to SUCCESS, WITH FORMS »» u «***•* l—l'*" • - IIIU hiiu muiuu iiiuiimsin in imiiii min, » favo,Hblyl tuachoV , r eistsrB 0 f Bonlet , hing , W „. H I ita J.^Iroun oonsequfeucea .ifcoomplihhetl writer, that every read of the Heuai.d, "*i!l doubtless feel en couraged on securing the services of so worthy a gentleman. There was lmver a tim** wheu the Herald was more prosperous than to-day, and the jn-ople iiinj feel lunch cnouuraged in restrain our brothers from vicious iso- ciety, and help to load them to a rtkli- zatiou of’life’s true purposes aud easi est duties. Oh, the power of one mind oVri- another! Eternity alone shall show ils fall extent. We think very lightly ^ Severe Loss. We regret to state tliat Mr. R. S. Holbrook, suffered! a severe loss on last Sundav night, in the death of an excellent buggy horse. Having been fed too highly have been the cause this excSthuiY Warning. Young men and boys are request- fed not to go iti bathing in the,fish pond as it is prohibited by the owners of the same. iV,qy young man or boy hereafter caught bath ing will be puuicheiT by tine or imprisonment for the offence. D. A.JSM1TH, Mayor. July 8th'itf 9. FOR BUS IE S S A>~D SOCIETY, re j i* BY FAR the best Business mid Social I Guide and Hand-Book ever published. Much the latest. It tells both s* xee completely 11OW TO DO EVERYTHING in. Ihe best uay, HOW TO BE YOUR OVNN LAWYER, aud contains a gold miue of varied ioioimnUon tndispeupuble to all classes for constant refer ence. AGENTS WANTED for all or spare time. To know why this book of REAL val ue and attraction sells belter than any other, apply for terras to H. B. SCAMMELL & CO., 8T. LOUIS, MO •ill freight paid by us. Two liquor dealers in Macon, pease is supposed to! 15 nivicted of selling 1'quor on "Sutir se of the death' of'day, were fined $150 and $jfll‘; sb'veVt others jfleatl guilty. j# A WEEK iu vour own * * uo capit il risked. Y. tin- btiMums a trial i •i..l priv, ive will on,plain , unity ever oflt-red You should try lor yoi.Vhell what otter. No room • H.llALLETT *