The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, July 22, 1879, Image 4

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STANDARD WEIGHTS The followia« arc the standard weights ol he turned, us established by an act ui tlie Georgia Legislature, approved Febru ary 1876 : Wheat Shelled flora Dorn in thee PfllUl 60 60 U.t* 32 Barley 47 Irish Potati Sweet Potatoes ... .35 White Beam Clover Seed 60 Timothy Semi .... .43 Flax Seed . 66 Hemp Seed 44 Blue Grass Food .. 14 Buckwheat 65 Dried Pouches (un- peeled) 65: Dried Peaohes (peel « Dried Apples . 2-1 Onion- 5' Stone Coal 8( Ud slacked Lime . .8( Turnips 3f Corn Meal 4t Wheat Bran 2l m .Seed 3t Ground Peas 21 Plastering Hair ) During the coming t shall again have the hcsi THE SUN FM 1879 THE SUN will be printed every day du riug the proneut year. Its purpose and metli od will be the same as in the past: lo sent all the news in a readable shape, and to tell the truth though tiro heavens fall Tun Son has been. i«.aud will con» be, independent of everybody aud everything save the Truth and its own convictions ol duty. That is the only policy which an hon est newspaper need have. That is the policy which has won for this newspaper the confl donee and friendship of a wider constituency tbau was ever enjoyed by any other American otranaL The Sun is the newspaper tor the people It is not for the rich man against the poor man. or the poor man against the rich man, but it seeks to do equal rostica to all interests in the community. It u» not tiro organ of any person, class, sect or party. There need be no mystery about its love aud hares. It is lor the honest man against the rogues every time. It is for the honest democrat against the dishonest republican, and for the boncst republican against the dishonest democrat. It does not take its one irunr the utterances of any politician or political organization. It gives its support unreservedly when men or measures are in agreement with the consti tution and the principles upon which this republic was founded tor the people. When ever tbe constiiatiou and constitutional prin ciples are violated—as in the outrageous con spiracy of 1876. by which a man not elected was placed in the president's office, where li t still remains—it Hpeaks out for the right That is The Sun’s idea of independence. In this respect there will be no change iii its programme tor 187'.). Tub Sun lios fairly earn- d the hearty hat- red of rascals, frauds aud burni ngs ot ail storts uud sizes. Ii hoped to *1*verve that hatred not less in the year 1879 than in 1878. j 1177, or any year gone by. The Sun will i SALT—Virginai continue to shine on the wicked with uninti- j Liverpool, gated l»eightn 01. SOMETHING FOR THE MASSES LOW PRICED 1UII.Y AT COST. The Legislature. idodey’s Lady’s Book, FwR 1878 REDUCED TO $2 PER YEAR So many newspapers baling died in Allan, ta, that whan the 1)aii.y Post was unnoticed, tbe general opiuion was that iu a few months it would go like the rest; but not so. Yirj st cu it will he It was announced as a low-priced papei for the masses, at only $4 pur annum, D has succeeded beyond nil expectation, and I- to-dny greatly improved and still improving It is just moving into a largo aud HANDSOME NEW OFFICE, and proposes to servo tbe peoplo better than over before. Last year the Post published the proceedings of tho Legislature in full, and reference is unhesitatingly made to the u embers of the Legislature in each cotiutj for proof of tho assertion that the Legisla tive reports in tho Post were Tim BEST AT THE CAPITAL. iu July w« etenm Legis lature repot t of tho State, Mr. G. W. W in the House, uud a competent reponei tho Senate. That the people may have full proceedings of .his important mission,we ■*’ to mail the Daily Post three (lUinnutlit- nc dollar-, or one (1) mouth, bcgiuuinp with the session, for 40 cents. Clubs at re- reduced rates. Stamps received lor siugh subscriptions. Address Post Publishing Company, Draw 31, Atlanta, Ga. Respectfully, E. Y. CLARKE, Ueul, Mnungor. BY Tbeso BUTLER RETAIL MARKET CORRECTED WEEKLY W. L. CRIFFITH. Prices hold good only for to-day JULY 22nd 1870. COTTON-Good Middling 11 Middling ltiA Low Middling lo Good Ordinary 9.J Ordinary 7 toll BACON- Bulk Sides 7 Bulk Shoulders 0 &'/ (HI I ME \L- iit ...hndit-1... While Uie lessons of tiie past should bel i ()KN--i er bushel... constantly kept b fore the people, Til.. Nun FLt'Ull - pir bbl.... doe* not propose to make itselt in 1879 a RICE per pound .. magazine ot ancteut lii?.t« rv. It is printed . LARD- mr pound., for the man and sou.en ol t. -»!..> .whoso con- COFFEE- -per pound eern is cidetty with the ifVaiis of to-day. it ■ BUG.-iR per pound, has both the disposition and the ability to NYitUP | : afford its renders tlie promptest fullest and most acourate intnlligenee of v lintevi r in tho world is worth ntuution. To this i ud the resource* belonging to well-established pros perity will bo liberally' eiuph The present disjointed in this country, aud the u future, lend au extraouvm tlie events of tho coining ' sions of tiie press, the deli "ongress, and the uiovemi •i-ry section million of parlies lainty of tlie ignttlmuco lo the Presidential election of liieh i duvet bea mid most anxious inter st by every putriotie American, wbutevri his political ideas « r al legiance. To these el mien's of interest may Iw added the probability thai the democrats will c ntrol l*oth li«u»w of Ooi'grfiHH. tlie li.- oreming feeblemss of the fraudulent admin- istniiiou, and the spread and stmaglheniug evert where ot a healthy ahhonuico of fraud in any foim. To pre-ent with aeenracy uud eleumess the exact situation iu end) of its varying phases, aud to expound,- aeoordtug to us well-known methods, tlie principles that should guide ns through tlie labyriufh. will 1h- an imp(<rtant part of The Sun's work for 1379. Sun Wu have the means of making Th as a political, a literary and n general news paper. more entertaining and noro nselu tli..ii ever hi ■tore, aud we mean lo apply them freely. Our ratei of unbacriptiou remain unchang ed. For the Daily Sun, n four-pngn sh< et L'l twenty-eight co.uuins, the price by mail, port-paid, is 55 cents a month or, fjltt 50 a year, «r. inelndt g the .Sunday paper, an eight-page sheet of Afty-six columns, the price is 05 cents a nmnth. or $7,70 a year, Tlie Sunday edition of Thr Sun is also furnished separately at fit 1.20 u year, post age-paid. Tim pi ice of tiie W vkkly SuN.eight-pnges fifty-six c-'liimii-, ’s 8-i* a year. postage paid F« r ehtfis ot leu M-udiug $ 10 wc will Bt-nil one px*ra oopv lice. Address, 1. W. ENGLAND, l’uhiisher of The Sun, New Y*»rk City.N. Y. CAWrSElUS Photograph Gallary, Nu. 8 Cotton Avenue, Mneon, (in SNUFF per pound SI DO TOBACCO—per pound 40 © 75 M ACKEUAL—en?h o WELL BUCK IS V'S — ouch 7 ft KEROSENE OIL per g-don 25 BAR Wit TRADE. IIIICjvENS BUt’TER per p BEES IV.I\ p< FALLOW--per poi DRIED l’EACUE." I’OKK per pound. BEEF—pir pound. md. . 10 to 20 1 12.',ft 1 Where to' Best. Refresh Best ladles Magu- |ed, and no Retreat esprit High durjf iromimns, but give yon ilagaziue published. Vli IE It MS. Tuefaid. ) . S2 Od ril 80 86 40 •. $6 80 d u gifting up the cnpiai $9 60 ir. and an extra getting up the •pies $14 26 getting up the Club, u Elgin cop enpv to tl Club, uiu&| Ten copies, copy to the p Club, raaWng elev Yweuty copier, one ) Jta and nu ex tra copy nJH o perSL getting up tho Club, making tw0ty-one copies$81 60 Now is the Time to make np your Clubs. How to Remit.--Get a Post Office Money Order on Philadelphia, or a Draft on Phil • ddpliia or Nqw York. If you cannot get ei- itr of these send Bank-note, aud iu tlio laf • r case, register your letter. Parlies desiring to get up cinbs ceud for specimen copy, which will bo sent free. Address Godov’s Ladie's Book Publishing Co. (Liinitod) 1066, Chesntut Street, Phila- 'phia. Pa. Parties wishing to subscribe for this Mag- no can do so by leaving tho money with heir names at this office. CABHAHT& CORD. IMPORTERS & -MB11EB3 OF FOREIGN & D01IETIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY. GUNS, AC. imfi kentb Iron, Stoel, and Carriage Makars Material. Agent For Fiiirlmrnk Standard Spnlc?. Atfo A gem for O. W. Massey’ Excelsior anl Grlswoud Cotton gin. CHERRY STREET, — _ MACON, GA. PHEN1X CAllRIAG E W 0 UKS C, II. HERRING. J. IL ENGLAND. Yt. G. BATEMAN & Co Afrcnta. HITLER, GA. DR. RICE, LOUISVILLE, KY., 3JS Ifobwgto »nJ*M*ua i dUMMi, Bperznntor- ^ ra _ oy Jg ^ ^ PRIVATE COUNSEI OR r*-,dTr srtas5fti r asj UCMiitoim fnnuw a. M. tc i P. *1. BuuJ.t., i w> it. If. 00 SPEND THE SUMMER. ^SCMPTIOlf.JEEg! We make all styles of line Photo graphs ami life-hizo Pot rails. Our pricus are for Ailuiui size, ^ dozen at $2.50. Cabinet size, £ dozen $4.00. This last 8ize (4Jx 6^) is very suitable for framing. We also make 8x10 for $5.50 each, without frame, or ut $5.00 with an el- rgunt framer Cuuipuru these prices with those of any other that-class Ar tists ami you will see that they are tin cheapest m Georgia. Sl»*cial attentiou pnid to Copying aud eulargii g from old pictures. Call and see us or send your orders to W. A. AC. H. CAMPBELL, Pilot- -grahders, Tmvelers on the Kennksaw Hoptk needing refreshment or vest, or persons wishing h healthy location, with ilrat- chiss aeconunodatioiiH, dining tho tner, slimild stop at or nddruKs terms, THE DUFF GREEN 1 HOUSE, Halt mi. Georgia. GENEVA HOTEL, a EX EVA, a A. The undersigned announces to the public, that lie is prepared to accom modate them in the best of style at all times. The table will be supplied with tho best tho country nflbrus. Rooms, neat, airy and comfortable. Hoard $2.00 per dnv. P. A. S. MORRIS, feb4tf. Proprietor. LANIER HOUSE, B, DUB, Proprietor* MACON, — — - GA. —o— This HOUSE i* now provided with every necessary convenience tor theuccouimndntiou and oomlort of its patrons. The iocntion ts desirable nn-1 convenient to the business por tion of the city. The Tables Rave the Kst the market lift'd*. Omn'- hus to and from depot fr«*e of charge, bup- gape Imndied nt ehnrg*. Tl-e Bar is supplied with the licst srinex MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS I.V CARRIAGES, UGG'.ES AMD VEHICLES ' F ALL KIND f. Al.-SO •Wantt/'acl turer of' i for Sicxtcv Ettsffff. OglcWiorpc Slri-ct. 0]i|in.!lc I»lmiw» Wulilf., COI.I .UIII K, (i.v J M. W. C II R 1 S T I A A 7 ’ S Ear and Batiag Salooa, TIliRD STREET, - - - - MACON, GA. tv hei.v voir \'ome jo j/ coy. Everything goo.I do Ext and (J.nnic Krpt HETTlilt THAN THE BEST. AXO f'HHAPEH THAN THE flJEAPEST rhnt'king my Custorrrrc for th- libtrnl , iitnunpe l.rrrtnfiire extend d me. 1 wil' exert ir.jselt to merit its eonliiiutmce rid increase. GOOD BEDS FITE. J. M. W. CHRISTIAN. BURNHAM'S Christiana, Lancaster Otiled 23S. Dearer S MARHIED LIFE DR. BUTTS No. 12 N. Eighth St. JH 8t. Louio, Mo. »l*r experVnee In the trcetmrnt of tht folh untie end female than .i.v |>',i vnrUn OLOCY OF MARRIAGE ATE MEDICAL ADVISER Book* that are <1 »*4y ""jj x*IMa*lniHen In all mil ear.ITjtM! M? They are be.allhtll, llliiMrait< "nil’ii-’plalt L D. ANDERSON. Jl L. TltOUTUAN St EflMWlIVid WAREHOUSE •Inti Commission •Merchants. (O|pposite Bluketi’8 Blnck, Poplar Street,) MACON. CEORCIA» Of Cotton Solicited. 1.1 liqu *nd Bnrphlsa hshlteared. c h i7S r,i! A?,i3! *^"“ l ' * h,oluU ?{8jtLSns8Sssa rrMIAGOIKO AND TIES PUENtSHEn AT LOWEST MARKET ritlCFs SPptlO-tf. W. J. PATTERSON. s. S. PATTER'■ON PATTERSON BROTHERS. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND AISEfilGAfl MAR3LE BROVVN STONE AND GRANITE, MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD STONES. VASES, ST A TUAItY MANTLE PIECES And all Kinds of Ornamental Works, Office and Work. CHERRY ST., Opposite ISAACS HOUSE ORIAN S OLD STAND MACON - - - - oeorci a