The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, October 14, 1879, Image 3

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u ii.iiym . LOCAL MEWS. TUESDAY, DEtEMHEK lOih 1870 M '* Personal. ' Mr. W. J.Mathis, of Stwrart coon- *y> >h now spending a few day among life friends and relatives in Builtr. Fresh pork is now plentiful in < inurktt ut nix cents pur pound. Town lax• We call attention to the notioe of the Cleik of our town Council calling on delinquent tax payers to come up and Kettle. Our town government has waited long and putieutly lor thin tax,and we have reason to know that longer delay* ed will not be tolerated. To suffer and be pit seed is al most impossible for an adult, and quite ho for an Infant. When it in afflicted with Colic, Diarrhea or other troublesome disorders use Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup. Price 25 cents. Notice l * The unpaid accounts for Tui tion at Butler Female College and Male Institute, ending wilji the September Term 1879, are in my hand's for collection and will be put in suit if not t-e tiled by the 22ud iuts. W. P. CALDWELL, December 16th 1879. J. P. The fell term of Butler Female Col- lego and Male lurtitute will close on next Friday. Wo wish its teacher® and atudauta a merry Christmas and a happy new year. We are pleased to notice that Bev. K. L. Wiggins lmn been returned to the pastoruto of Butler circuit by the South Georgia Conference, for the •*- •suing year. But very few changes have been made in the appointments. For Reynold, liev. I. F. Cary. Wc are sOrry we cannot give tlie appointments in full in this heme. Special Notice! All peraoue who are due me for PUpplies must come forward and settle with me by the 20th iuat.; otherwise their accounts will be found io thehunds of an officer. • Respectfully W. D. GRACE. Dr. J. P. Moye, was the happy re cipient of a ten dollar william from Mr. W, L. Griffith, last week, in the way of ienumeration, fur extinguishing the fire in one hide of cotton. If you have a liiend with a cough or cold, tell him to try Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. He will thank you for your advice. The price is ouly 25 cents. Jo the Tax l*ayera of Putter, The Council has waited ou you a long time for your tax for 1878, and touch of it ih yet unpaid. To parties, those io Arrears, notioe in hereby given that executions will be issued in ten days and levied at umu if the tux is uot paid. Pay up and save cost. JAMES D. RUSS, C. C. Special Notice! All persons indebted to me for tuition must pay before the *„0tli iust. Those who do not will set tle with an officer authorized to collect. Respectfully, W. R. JONES. Fort Valley Library Association We return thunks for an invitation to attend the third anuuul fair of the Fort Valley Library Association to take place ou the 17th and 18th inst., but regret our inability to attend. (ieoryla Comercial Works, • We cull special attention to the ad vertisement in another column of this reliable firm of Augusta, Gu., whose fertilizers ait) among the best known to Southern fanners. Mr. It. W. Respess, is an authorized agent for this ami surrounding counties who wiil take pleasure in tilling ull orders und furnishing any information desired. Mb. Editor : In an article pub-j lished in your paper last woek as a comm ant, on the fire, the following language was used. “It is natural for the negro to be dissatisfied with his lot in life, good or evil, and we can but believe it is a premium for the destruction of much property in the future, though it was done to encour age them.” Wit ask of you ^Tsimple justice to insert this, as a reply to put our race in a different light. Firta: We claim that there U not a more contented raoe under the sun, under any drenmitancee as ours, and on quiet reflection all will agree. The fire was regrettsd by us, and we oondemn all the«aotion on the part of anyone as much as yourself that was uot in slcordanoe with justice and pro priety from man to man. If our corn munity should be ro unfortunate as to bf visited by ths fire fiend again, you’ll find us equally as forward to save property without the bop* of re ward as heretofore. The remuneration in this instance was offered by one of the owners of the burning cotton and accepted only in this way, that if the cotton had not been saved just at this time it would have been totally de stroyed. The dissatisfaction was the result of an unequal division between the ool> ored people of the friends with which we do not charge the owners of the ootton, but acknowledge the olamor arose in an unjust division betwesn ourselves which will appear dear to all Who aKe acquainted with the cir cumstances. Hoping no unkind feeling may arise, we remain Respectfully etc. Colored Citizens. December 15th 1879. The above reply to our notice of last week in commenting upon the in* cidents of tbs late fire, was handed us en last Sunday hy a commute of three of the colored citizens ot our town, earnestly requesting that the same should b« published in the oolunms of the Herald. Wiahiug our colored people all the encouragement that it is possible to give them we kindly consented to do so, but every tight- thinking gentleman who read th* ar ticle of last week will peroeive at onoe that this reply is wlioly uncalled for, does not meet our points, and ouly confirms a part of the statements with which we hoj reference. We say the colored people ull over the laud iu« unsatisfied, and their wants canuot bo plied,audwo did uot alludetoany in dividual but as a class. It is the death* blow of our farmers, the want of more stability ou the part of the laboring clues. We have always spoken well of the colored people of Butler, bueause they justly deserved it. The prooeedi of this cot ton no one will deny was unjustly and uufariiy distributed, but at the same time we d* not censure the geultcmeu iu the least who man- aged this distribution, having to con- tend with such confusion undone else would hsve given up the undertaking with utmost ooutempt. The fire no doubt was regretted by our colored |H)t>ple, nor did they expect in the out set to reap a reward, but this reward a lew of them did receive, und some of thosewho did not the wrath of indigna> tion still bums in tbeir bosom, and it thin class with whom we warn our people. If the gentleman who wrote the ar ticle in behalf of the colored ]>eopl< wi'l consult hia uluiansc ho will at once perceive that it was written on the Sub- hath day, the duy it was received, and lOc on Monduyas (luted,thus lie is one lay behindhand, hut we would account for this knowing that his houey-ruoou tss fresh us a morning rose. TRY IT II BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 86TH -TTELAJ=l t ThoSclentiffc American. ALPHA. A. WILLIAMS, Photographic Artist. OOtUMBTJS, a A. Gallery The Scientific American is large Firnt-Cla.. Weekly Newspa per of Sixteen Page., printed in the moat beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engrav ings, representing the newest. In ventions and the most recent Ad vances in the Arts and Science,), includisg new and interesting fact; in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Progres, Social Bcieace, Nalurul History, Geology, Aatronomy. The must valuable practical papers, by etui. Dent writers in all departments of Science, will be fouud in the Sci entific American Terms, (3 20 per year, $1 fiO half year, which includes postage. Discount to agents. Single copies leu ocuts. Sold by all Newt deal* ers. Remit by peotal order to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New Yoik. Over much J) Kln.eV» Store. II kinds of Pictures taken from Life, or Copied any desired Size. (Prices low.) 1 Duz. Card Photographs, 1 1 “ Cabinet “ (2.50 1.60 6.00 3 00 43-Am.Am In connectionwith * tkwylibS.ilie ScientifioAmer- 8x10 Photographs in Frames from (1.00 up. Compare these prices with those of any other first-class Artists and you will see that they are the cheapest iu Georgia. Special attention pain to copy ing and enlarging from old pic tures. Call aud see me or scud your orders. Satisfaction guar anteed no all work or Uo pay. L. D. McLANE,late oi Kufauia, Ala., is with me. Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Again offer to ih- ir old customers, and the pnblie generally, who want reliable and uniform Fertilizers, their well known brands of Bn pei phosphates. Mastodon’s Ammoniated Soluble Guano, Lowes Georgia Formula,and theirSuperior make Acid Phosphate. For composting, analysing 13,(10 per cent, of available Phophori Acid, and 2 58 )ier cent, of Potash. Also, SULPHURIC ACID. icio, 'Messrs. Murk & Co., are Solicitors of Amerfcan and For eign Patents, have hod 36 years experience, and wow have the lar gest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is ro^de in the Scientific American of all Inventions patented through this agency, with the name aud tesi- dence of the patentee. By the im mense circulation thus giveu, pub lic atteuti^fe is diiVoted to the mer its ol the uew patent, and sales or introductions easily affected. Any person who has mai^t new discovery ot invention, cau uever- tain free of charge, whether a pat ent can probahly be obtained, by writing to Munn Ss Co. We also send free our Hand Book about .liu Patent Laws. Patents, Caveats, Trade-Marks, their costs aud how procured, with hints lor procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Put euts. MUNN & CU., 37 Park Row, Now York. Branch Office, cor. F. ill 7 th Sts Washington,L>. 0. BUTLER RETAIL MARKET CORRECTED WEEKLY BY W. L. CMFFITH. These Brices liald good only for to-day DECEMBER 16th 1879. COTTON- Good Middling 11 Middling 101 to 10} Low MiiUlling ltqtolOg Good Ordinary 10 £ 161' Ordinary 9 to 91 BACON-Bnlk Sides 8 to 9 Bulk MhooJdcrs 7tog gALT—Virginal $9.00 Liverpool $1.50 MEAL- per bubal $1.00 ( ORN—per bushel 75<£85 FLOUR—per bbl $8. @$10.00 RICE—per pound lb LAHHj^per pound.. 13) Now is the Time to Sub scribe for Frank Le»Il»’K SUNDAY MAGAZINE, Am aie January number, jwt issued commences the tJveutb \olumn of this deservedly popular periodical. it in •• it Pish op Campbell, D. 1>. L. L.D. This .eminent colored divine of tin Afric.y^I. 15. Clunch, on the eveniug oftln/Oih inst..preached iu the Moth odist church of tiiis town. It was our intention that this notice should have appeared last week but wascrowdedout. The dftcoucsujvuH highly apprecia ted by the largvaud attentive audience (iu which thifa was u largo sprinkling of whites; and would huvo done cred it to any divine to whom we have ev er listened. 'lnw universal verdict of those of hia hearers who wore compe tent to judge viih, that it was a mas terly c fieri. The Bishop is a niau of learning. Belize und ability, and wo trust if he ever passes through this sectiou ot country sguiu that he will afford us the luxury of auother discourse, such as we have at this time already mentioned. b Sweet potatoes are iu great demand incur uiaiket. Farmers who have surplus on hand would find ready sales for them. Semination jor County Com- m-lssioners. Butler, Ga., Dec., 16th 1879. Pursuant to a call of the Executive Committee, of this county a meeting of the citizen this duy convened in the court Jtoiibh, und Hon. ifoiiuett Stew art was called to the chair. On motion, J. D. Buss was requests ed to act us Secretary. The chairman explained the object of the meeting to bo the nomination of candidates for County Commission ers. After a few per Uncut remarks by the olmir, the following picket was nominated by Acclamation. J. D. Mitchell, J. D. Beall, J. H. Meath, O. M. Co|bert, J. f. Jinks, John Seafcy and Win. A. H. Koyal. Ail part? of the oounty were repre sented in the meeting and it will be tern that every district has a repre sentative on the ticket nominated. Benrett 0TEWABT, Chairman J. f), lluss, Secretary Uodey’s Ludy f s book for Janu ary Greets the New Year with a face of siuihug beauty, containing a varied feast of good things for lovers of lit erature, art, and fashion. The steel [date is one of Darley’u masterpieces— a party of happy people seeiug the old year out, the new year iu. Iu this uuinber is commenced a uew seriul by Christian Reid, whose novel in the Lady’s Book last year won universal favor. The new story opens with great iuierest, and promises to be one of this uutbor’s l»est works. There is clever satirical picture of the Ann. teur’s first trial, iu which the tracks ol an old house cut are bciug closely in vestigated by a city fop, arrayed in gorgeous costume of hunting. Tlier is a colored patent, full page, for glove-box, iu addition to paterns for toilet and fancy articles, numerous anti varied. The receipts are for a “Sick Room,” and offer manv appetizing dishes for invalids. In yauRion to Christian Reid’s novel, j^Rosylyn’i Fortune,” there aro contributions from many popular writers. The “Rosebud Garden of Girls,” is continued, i summary given of previous chapters, for new subscribers. Wo will furnish the Butler Hekald and Godey’s La- day’s Book for one year at tho low price of $3.00 ou application at this office. GEORGIA, Taylor County, j Ordinary’ Office, By virtue of authority in ine vested by law, au election for a Board of' County Commissioners, to consist of seven, is hereby ordered to be hold on Thursday tho 18th iust., at the several election presincts in said county. Said election will be held and the returns thereof made as in other elections for County officers. Given under my hand and OfficialSigaatuie, this the 9th day of December 1879. JAMES D, RUSH, d *c 9w5hr Ordiimtd. ’OF FEE —per pound... IUOaR—per pound.... 8YRUP—per goion CHEE8—per ponud.... NAIL8—per pound d SPICK- .20 per pound —per pound 80 to $1.00 TOBACCO-per pound 50 @ K M ACXEitAL— each .$ WELL BUOKE 7*8 -each 50 to« KEROSENE OIL—per galon 26 BARTER TRADE. .It) to 90 CHICnENR EtkJS—per doz BUT TER -per pound .. m* 15 I rEll-per pound .. «. W.IX—per pound. TA LLOW—i»er i»ound... DRIED PEACHES PORK— per |Kjnnd REEF—per pound 16 to 20 .. 15 to 20 ... 4 to 5 From their Acid Chamber, at lower figures than it cud be laid <M»n if bought out of toe State. Favorable terms and prices to dealers and customers for large orders of oof goods. The works of thr mm p-my, located in Augusta, Ga , are open to the inspection of the Far m ers of Ueorgio, and adjoining Slates, avid om Superintendent and Chemist, Mr. C. B. F. LOWL, will take pleasure in exhibiting the ... • works and its products. Apply to the Agent ol the Company, to be^" P _ found in the principal towus »nd villages of Georgia and Sonttf Car olina, or to A. STOVALL, Treasurer and Business Manager, Angnsta, Ga. R. W. RESPESS, Agent, Butlar, Ga. deo.l6*tf. IAC01TS DRY GOODS EMPORIUM! ig yij a 39 and 41 Second Street. The Acknowledged Leader in LOW PUCES ! / Large and handsome stock of DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, CAS HMERES, JEANS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, 8LEACHING8, SHIRTINGS, TABLE DAMA8K8, TOWELS, HOSIERY, CAR PETS,CLOAKS AND EVERY THING THAT GOES TO MAKE UP A IRST-CLA8S ESTBLIHMENT. Their Carpet Department. is the most handsome in the city. Carpet* from 20 oents to (1.66 per yard. This is the Store where LOW PRI CES. rule in erery department. Their motto—a good article at the lowest SOtlx TEJUl OF Gcdcy’ Lady’ Book. Th* Oldest and B«at Fashion Magazine In America. SUBSCRIPTION PKICE. Reduced to $2. per Year. SabsrrlulI.iH will be Reef I red at this IHBi-f iu dab. witb tills Paper, The Sutler Herald and Worfep's Lady’a Look for one Year at $3.00 SEE WHAT QOOCrS LADY'S IOOK Will CONTAIN. XXT 1880. TAYLOR COUNTY SHERIFF SALE. fur January. Will bo koUI Insure the Court IIouho door, ill Ibe lowiVt.l litiiicr, in tutld county, uii llit first ’iucsdny iu Jt»uur>iy next.l88Uwubiu the lryul hours of Mtle to tliu luuuntl *nJ bt»l bind.i lot rush, too following uuuicd pro}>ei- tog. 24 Puges of Vucul and lo st rumen I id M indc. 90U KugruvfugF, on Art, and Fashion. 12 Large Disgnmi a of .in 4 f'lildretiH Dresses Fatter, s of izau.«. .nr* < '•ildreii’s Dresses Ri De»-igus mr Beoutilul Homes. $00 or iuor« Original Rcceqiu Family Use, aud the usual Origiuui Bojmrt- TheAtlaiUaCodstitution, During tho coming year-a year that will witness the progross and culmination of the most uiterestion politic*! contest that has ever taken place in this country—ereiy citizen aud erery thoughtful person will be ely upon tke uewspa- compelled to rel pers for information. Why not get the best! Abroad the Constitution is recognized, referred to $nd quoted from us the leading Southern Journal -as the organ and vehicle of the best thought and apinion— and CHARLIE CALDWELL in with this firm ami will servo hia friends with fidelity and sustain the enviable repntation ths house hot established for fair and liber al dealing. Samples furnished on application. Express or freight paid en orders amounting to (10.00 or over. J. W. sues dk o. leader in low prices. 39 and 41 Second Street, MACON, GA. y / ' IRON k ATONIC ty u> Lot of Lend. No. (225; two hundred and iwou'>-Uve iu 'be Will l>i>«lrict. und tLv uiucbiutry of a water grwi unlf Levie.1 on ns the prt jieriy «»i H. J. AvereU, to ouiinfy a 0. fa. iHhUeil froui l‘a$l<»r aujKTitT Ctiuri brilliant I^liduy Number,and tho con tents furnish a rich literary banquet. Noteworthy among the more solid ar* doles are, “The Persecution of the Hu- gue nott,’ by Alfred II. Guernsey; An tioch iu Syria,* by Godfrey A Hudson; “Csvea and Cave-dwellers,” by Ar thur G rubaiue, etc. Those who enjoy lighter reading will be delighted with “Chrysalis and Butterfly,’ “The Gov ernor's Dinuer/ by Edward Everett Hills; “Be be, the NaitmakerVDaugli- ter,’ by tlie uutliorof “Gideon’s Bock,’ ‘Miss Clive’s Boys,’ by Mrs. Hubert O’Heilly, etc., etc. “Christmas Day,’ und “From Thuriksgiviug to Christ- 1,’aud Mrb.FhrynuuV‘8untu Claus,’ are excellent and timely. Young peo ple have not been overlooked, and will ind pjessant rending iu ( 'Fre die Taun- ton’s Trust,*’ “Hide aud iscok, “Lout,’ etc., etc. There are |>cetus hy Bishop K«-n, Gertrude Greenwood, uml oilier Writers of celibrily. Bev. Dr. De.vuis, who has retired from the editorial chair, will continue u contributor, und lias an admirable article,entitled “Pes simism and Sociability,” Two new fea tures, we see have been fntroduced, “Obituary Notices,’ aud “itecreutions for Suuday Afternoon,” giving increas ed interest to the Muguzine. The 138 quarto pages abound with articles ot gieat merit,and the illustrations which number about 1UU are admirably exe cuted. The price ol'u single copy is 2b cents; tlie uniuiul subscription $3, for six mouths, $1.50; four months. $1. Address, Flunk Leslie’s Publish ing House, 53, 05 uud 07 Turk Place, New York. fi. la. dec. 9-lds. 1 be January No. of the New Y»>ar will be i.-uueit DeueaitK*! first. «u»l wi 1 coniaiu tb- opeuhig cbaptsim of one of lb.* Ivst serial slur rs ever printed in an .Imurleuu Mitgu- ziue, by CII Itl TIAN IIKID. ••Valet •lie anile Aylmer,' MOHLYN0 FORTINE TAYLOR SHERIFFS SALE. FOB JANUARY. B ill be sold before the Court House doo iu tbe town ol itutler, Tavlor County, Ca , ou tbc to ft Tuestiay iu Jauuitiy next lbHO, within the legnriioiirs of >-tls to the bighesi auil bcivt bullin'lor i-Rhh, t*o following dis» erinod pro|ierty to-wit: Lot ol land No. (1811 one Ituntired aud eighty .-lie, iu the 3rd District of suid cwuniy Levied on as the pmpt rtV of Jmuu* B, Dea- HHiihiy a fi. tit. issued from Tailor •'Upetitir Ceurt, inluvorcf A. G. lVrtjiUHU. executor, Ac., v«. K. C. lurieli. auo Imuir B. D.uvors. i'royerty |.oiuiedout bj E. M. !uu, l-lainlilt'a atw-l tny. C A. F0PE, il*.'.linls. cm-.rifl. We have enangeil a Full Corpse of DIs tlllfralhluMl Wlifers, whose « mirrilHitunu* will enrich Uodey's Ladj’s Book during tb- year .Vend !»• your Olntis at once. Yon can ado any uatne ulterwords «t bailie prioe its Grig'- nal Club. TEUE8—Cash in Advanck, A O Shot Hevolver Free. The famous AinoricAnModel 0 •Shot Bull Dozer Hevolvor is Iimflo of select metal and neatly liuiaiicd. The cylinder revolves when the hammer is raised. Cau be loaded in un instant. Just the thing for Tiamps uud Buiglnrs. Hav ing perfected arrangements for an im mense quantity of these llovolvers, wo are euabied to nutko thu following und heretofore iiuparalleled offer. To intro duce the Mumuiouih Gut at into new Homes, we offer to neud uu ekgunt art premium anil one Revolver free, to any who wiil^eud 75 ueuls lor u six months trial subscription. The Maui- uiouth Guest is ouu of thu largest po- pors published in the world. The fuui'» ily favorite and home paper for the million. It has 10 pagas, 04 c dnimiK, uowdod with illusirated articles, sto- •iea, poetry, aketches, \\ % it, Iminor, fuu •eceipfcs, Ac.,ttc., by the ublcst writers. Our sole purpose in making ibis great offer is to introduce our ^rnper; well known we can secure hundreds of sub scribers in almost any town, his offer is open ouly 60 days. Remember you get a 6 Shot Revolver free. Please re'* mit 3 cent postage stamp.Onler at once und address, J. A. ROARTY, Philadelphia, Pa. THE CAMPAIGN OF 1880 We will send the Butler Herald with the WfcEKLY Globe of Boston, Mass., one year for only $2.25. The Wekkly Globe is the largest aud best Dollar Weekly in the United States, aud known everywhere ns the “stal wart champion of the people against tlie fraudulent Republican President und the monarchial Republican govern ment, and the powerful advocate of the true Democratic prinnipli 1“ To all whom limy concern. Ordinary of mi k of Adm mil pro; Ridley D nty and . 'I K. Alien, of suid y, has applied to the il .State and count} lor nihirulioii un the real •rty of the estate ol deceased, lute ol cite and ad ii coucerued, sin gular the kindred ami creditors o lccunscd,lo ho and appear at mi \\ illilia the time prescribed hi law, then and there to fhow cause (ii iti)wliy letters of Admani rat Uni < hould not be ii plioant* Gi ei Official Signal u ante ot salt! dace •<1 to the said up* $3.70; three < copies, ami n $(l 60; opv.i -M l -rttiag np tl Now In the time to Make up Your < li|h*. float to Jtcmit.—Cot * Posl-Office Money Order ou PliUidelphla» or « Druft on Philadelphia or New York, if you cannot get eiilu-r ol tlie-e.sctid Hnuk note, ami in the latter cure reg ime • lotto o parties intending loget up Clubs, a specimen copy will he sen* ou a plication. Addi^-s, GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK PUB.C< (Limited), ltlOO Glmstnut St , 1 hiiu* dolphin, Pa. Southern at home its columns are consulted for the Intest news, the freshest comment, and for all matters of special and cur rent interest. Tbe-ConstUution con tains more matter and later telegraph ic news than any other Georgia pa per and this particular feature will he largely added tv during the coming year. All its facilities for gathering the latest news from all par;s of the country will b« enlarged und supple mented# Tlie Constitution is both chronicler and commeuter. /ts edi torial opinions, its contributions to the drift ol rurrent discussions, its humorous and satirical paragraphs are copied Irons one end of the coun try to the other- It aims always to be | the brightest and the best newsy, 1 ordinal and piquant. It uims par ticularly to give the news impartially and fully, aud to cep Us readers in formed of the drift of eurreut dis cussions by liberal but concise quota-! lions from alt its conleoiuorarieB. It' tiiiiiH, in short, to more ibnu ever dc- rerve to be known as “the lending southern new-paper.*’ Bi 1 Arp will continue to coiifeibute his unique let ters, which prim In aavory humor week by week. “Old 8P* wifi add his qoniiit fun to the collection of good tilings, and 'Uncle Remus*’ has in preparation a series of negro myth legend**, illustrating the folk-lore of the old plantation# In everv respect The Constitution for 1886 will be better than ever. The Weekly Constitution is a cage- lullv edited compendium ot thu news the week and eon tains the best uud freshest matter to be found iu any other weetly from a daily office, lfsnewaahd miscellaneous contents uue the freshest and its market reports the latent. THE MOUTHER* CULTIVATOR. This, the beat, the meat reliable ami uoet popular of southern agricultural journals u« burned from the printiug establishment of the Constitution. It iuHtill Mlited by Mr. W. L. Jones, uud it devoted to the dost interests of the lurmers ntthe south. It is sent at duct'd rates with the Weekly edition ol the Constitution. Is • Prstaratlsa t« IRON aa$ CALIIAYA BARK, la ssatelaatlsa vttti tM Mssptitx, Endorsed by Um Medical ProfbMloa, and ntomndOlby thantoe Neasrol DebUlty, Fs» ‘ male DIMUM, Wantsf VllaUty.*c., Me. . ■eselteMite by Ike Bv. NmEer NedMaeCe^ He. SIS V.Hala MmLILLetl* Tbc following UomoT Um very mmi f >1tmiliH we an reoetrln# dally niaSii.e. Some (Aree montbe a«o I begaa the ass of Da. Hama’s lacnr Tome, epen thestele* the cootrery. weetetfowed by loereeeediMtefis Ume I t***n Ue mm r4 Tsot, O., Jm. t, 1WS. J.P.WATSOM, Paetor CaWKlM Cbereh, Troy, a THE LARGEST bTOCK OF FINE CLOTHNIB, AND HATS, jy the staJ is yotr offered at IP k cm her l.Vi 'J. ilec.9w4w. id uml he 8th of Dc- ? I>. HUs>8, Oi'dinurvw County: A. A. Mont fort, G mil dial itud fur s ilay in J;: tfort, has applied ti II all of tlm Real Jv rd lying in More in Hind IStaleofGeo refine to cite ail pa (I ilore and next of if any they Ordinary l». fo (In: first Mo FOR SALE. WHEELER &WIL50H NKW NU. 8 SE WING M A CHUNKS. A I. A ItOE LOT OF TIN-WARE ALSO HARDWARE CROCKERY. GiiOCEftlES AND DRY-GOODS. BY W. 1. GiflFFlYH. T HEY HAVE BEEN DOING THE LEADING CLOTHING RUSINE^N hFre for >eurs, and confldeuil; nnsert that they have never before been tble to offer such dticementA as they are now offering their oustotners. Cood as Wool Casalmere Suits at $10 and Upwar<f*» Many of tltese goods have beeu tuadu expresaly for u$. As w# hav* a large regular trade to supply, we take great pain* in select ing the b< st of everything in our line. Our old cuntomerp know where to find the best goods, und the best arc alwaye the cheapaafc. H A T 3 , Have become the leading feature in our trade. We keep all grades or men and boys, from Stetson's best to the lowert grades. Wo were the first to offer — S HI RTS At the pretent low prices. We will sell the b#»st fitting shirt tliaflt we know of for $i 00 Ws have a large line of g-» hIh suitable for la boring men and tell them at close prfow. BRING ON YOUR BOYS Ami fit them out with Clothing and Hats while "iiratock iscomplate^ We have a large line of sample* fmtn one of th^ best Merclimte Tailors in New York. Fite Guaranteed, WIN8HIP & CJLLAWAYr \*A'\ ^eennl •i'-.'* Mi#-:. Qm." TERMS GF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily OoiiHtitutiou one year $10.00; •ix moutliH,$5.00; three montliH,$2.. r i(). Weekly Constitution, oue year, $1 50; mx months,$1.00; Clubs of 10,on*y*'ui $12.50; Cl iihs of -0 one year, $20.00. Houtherh Cultivatu', ona year, $1.50; vHulm uf 10 one year, $12 50; CIuIm of 20, one year, $20.00. Weekly Con- Mitutiou und Cultivator to baiue ad- Ires* for one year, $2.50. VddreoH THE CONSTITUTION. Atlanta, Ga. LAN I EH HOUSE, B, OUB, Proprieiur. MACON,. — — - GA : ms Hoi;sr. i 1 US |>-| lesiMbh aud eouvenicut to the UntiwHs por tion of the city. The Tables Huv« the best the market .iffiD. Omni bun toauiliroai depot free of charge, Ijiir- 4*«e Uauilb-U frre or char«*-. The Bar is nupplietl with the lw*st wine- and hroniliea tlie market affords. aiid realty « ny hand and Doc. 1st 1879. 4.11V lll.Xt, ot bo grim vl.y Mid Gu IROli BITTER.'. ITviffLOTBS / signalmic. J. IX RUSS, •/. £$> 11 US8. ATT O R N E Y AT LAW. BUTLER, GA. fTaving gone r*gularly into th f practice of Law, respectfully IRON S1TTER3, IRON BITTERS, IRONBilTtiRS, IRON BITTEnS, IRON BITTERS, solicits a portion of tho legal bosi- neftB ot Taylor aud surrounding | counties. jan.21-ly. I ■•tin? Sold t y ill Diugx -•>. THE B80WB CUUCKUTzCO. B4LTIHORG, Mi D TUAirrrn a limited number Yf £ tj||OF aetive, energetic canvas- Latest Running WEST SIDE HOTEL, 5/ it) 5.7 West Side broad Street Beiiif COLUMBUS, CA. This Hole! is nmv o|>tu Iu# li e tmubicut uml peruMiiettt bonnlen uutl.v opniol, ovnpliiiiR it> new ipplopte order." No labor oi exp urnl to niiikt* cuchth comlbruiblu, uml my rates axu very ram.inutile, ibono who at the "West .Sale Hotel," cannot fail to b« pieuMed. My old ftipmlH from Taylor am eiinoirmUna counties will meet witb u heart; welcome ai thi*> house. OiiG. W. UADCLIFF, Proprietor. sopt-23-tf. BOND,BOYNTON&CO. WHOLESALE AND BEYAIL CROCER8 and Commission merchants* Will keep constantly on hand a well relegted stock of tiesh Gro ceries, etc-, which we will sell u * lowest prices. (CHRISTI aN’H OLD tJTND.) 33 Third Sfml, JHMtCOJV, G,/. era to eni{A(te in huaiuflHS. Good ohunoo. TO MA«F, MONEY. fluoh will please ouswer thin advertisement by letter. eHclosinR stamp* for reply, stating what buoinuM they hav^ been eu^aged in None bnt thorie whe mean l>urine»>a uta-d Bp- il PIJT; All subscription, should be sent to Address FlHWT, Hahvey & Co. Ibis tribe.. 8rpl.2* I,- Atlanta, Gm. ^iewAmericwi I fes machineco. *«4 H’.( CHARUZAT. V4nted GENEVA HOTEL. QKNEVA, GA. Tho undureignod announces to the public that ho is prepared to aecoin- rnodate them in the best of style i times. The table will be supplied with tho best thu country utlbrds, Rooms, neat, airy and comlbr’a 1 Roard $2.00 per day. P. A. S, MORRIS, Proprietor. 8ALTlM0RK,MO.r (trilby F. Thomas. Chas. Colcmau. THOMAS & COLEMAN. ATTQRNEYS-4T-OW, COd.MIiO, BA Will prartic. in State and Fed eral Court#. if'pt.23-Ij. CARHART & CURD. IMPOBTF.RS & OUBEUf OK F01UQN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, 6UHS. ETC. ETC, ~13BICU LTXTH-A.ii IMPbHMENTS, Iron, SUel, &nd Carriags Makwi Material. Agent For Knirlianik Standard Scales. Also Agent for O. W. Mmo. x-etMr -ml lirswoaM Cottoijgin. .«3S OHI^BY 8TUEET — — -r- MACON, J