The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, November 25, 1879, Image 3

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Local thkhdav novxx A IHveUing Ht*• fpr HmU. For particular* apply to W. L. GRIFFITH Married, On the 20th inst., by Rev. A. M. Rhodes, at the rtjftdt uoe of the bride’s father, Mr. Jagllca T. Haruion, Mr. George K. Lock to Mins Mary Har mon^ All of Taylor county. • bargain*. We have juat received another Urge •tipple of Dry Gooda and are prepared to offer extra bargains in Dress Gooda Ac., Ac. J. W. LIP8EY A CO. Personal. We are pleased to notice in town Mr. L. Q. C. McCrary, of Macon, a former citizen of our oounty, who is apendiug a few dayu among bis friends and relatives. Just 'Deceived. W. L. Griffith haa just reoeived a large supply of superior flbur fPbtn the Kufaula Mills of AUbaina, which he is selling at former low prices. As flour is rapidly advancing in price all parties would do well to purchase their sup ply at once. Hot,in I Goods have advanced twenty per cent in the market, but we are still selling our goods at former low prices. Call early if you desire to secure good bargains. J. W. L1P8EY A CO. Nearly a Suicide, Saturday last, a Mr. Wm. Sellers, of Schley county, tried to commit suicide by beating his head with a hammer.— We failed to get all the particulsr*. Sellers was living with Hon. M. J. Wall, and said he was tired living. Low spin ts,inci dent to dyspepsia, were given as the probable reason of the at* tempt.—Sumter Republican. Avoid uaing those remedies contain ing Opium, Morphia, etc; but when the baby is sick use Dr. Bulla Baby Syrup—perfectly safe and always reli able. Price only 2ft cents a bottle. We return thanks to. Mr. Geo. W. Miller, for several very fine or anges, having just receiving a couple of barrels of thia delicious fruit from bis large grove in Florida. These oranges are very large and sweet, and Mr. Miller is now receiving a great many orders from the people of this section* THE CAMPAIGN OF ItMIO. We will send the Butler Herald with the Weekly Globe of Boston, Mass., one year for only $2.25. The Weekly Globe is the largest and best Dollar Weekly in the Uuited States, and kn wn everywhere ns the “stal wart champion of the people against the fraudulent Republican President and the monarchial Republican govern ment, and the powerful advocate of the true Democratic principles.” AH subscriptions should be sent to y > this uflice^^ , Still tu the Front! We are keeping up our different departments, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Furniture, Crockery, Hard ware, Harness, Saddles, Ac. Also Restaurant, and are anxious to sell. v ' , >'' v CajJ'Kn(^wxHinin^'ci.»L' gbojjs' antkvbe. convin<h)4>tkat \yp are still pleaders in ... >v • i;; w ; prices. j. w lip^ky a co. V > Improvementh, ± ' Mr. J. R. Brinkley, is now beauti fying the residence of Prof. W. C Monk, with an excellent coat of paint, which adds much to its appearance aud durability. *.•* . lu a few days Rev. J. R. Rexpeas, ^ * sv ‘ ' will have completed his building pear f . the residence of Mr. W. G. Bateman, which when completed will be om of tho most desirable and substantial buildings in Butler, Mr. J. R. Brink- leyfta» already givefi ‘it an excellent coat qf /petint.aud it presents an attrac- tiVe appearanoe. The colored people of the Baptist denomination have recently torn down fiioiy old structure and am now ereo ting K more substantia) on? uear that pf ikP farmer The Trial of Messrs. Henry and Jack i*arris at Hawkinaville, MIPY ARP triumphantly acquitted. As we adticipated, these gentlemen have been honorably acquitted of the charge pf Qfjgpifxtjng tjws Uta disas trous fire at H*vk}P*vj}io. The State, or rathaj: the prosecutors, signally tyuled in makipg any case against them. In fact when fill the evidence against them had been qddpc- ed, th« pounaol for the prosecution be- f.»re the accused attempted to make spy showing, stated in open court that they had failed to nrake out tlieir case , si.d that they were willing for the Messrs. Parris to take a verdict of ac- / qnittal We don’t suppose there has ever Irtcii a .irigle indmdual of this county -ho eyvn'for nCingln mnnient doubt- ;"\f- cj the of these gentlemen; but they are not known as sell throughout tlie State as they nre here st home. i)e*i<Jfjs this, many pertain* who haye hop, .< that they were charged i \ with the oripio will pever hear of their honorable acquittal,’ anil hence in this way they pay be wtiiously inju red by the charge made against them; and in- ...much ns the result of the tr ial has rloitn that the was utade with not .efficient we arc fiopided- ly of ppiiiipn l|.at they have a iuvt right to fyel tl:a( tttcjr rep. be. n unjiiatly fu+pff, |l t>|..i p A Word to Do you know tKRf •omebndies childreu are behaving very baity nt our churches—especially at night? And do you knsw that their conduct hoe b. cure so dis graceful that your reputation is luting aeriously involved? I)n you ever watch after your children and try to fiud uut whether they be have thetuaelres when you are Dot there, and wkea you are ther. ? Do you take notice of them—whan they ait; aud when you are pray ing do you ever watch, as well ai pray, to see if your child ia among tba number who behave ao shame fully duriog prayer? Oh! parent* of Butler, (sod those who are sending their children here from the country) do you exereise no more vigilance in reference to the training of your children thau to allow them to annoy and interrupt live people of God io theit worship of the moat High? Do you know that if your children grow up without any fear of God, or rev erence to the abtemn act of wor shiping, that there ia a great probability that they will bring your gray hairs down to your grave in anno*. Do you ever think about the future of yt.ur children, even from a worldly standpoint? Doeaitgive you no trouble of mind that your childien may grow up to be (rest* to society, and a disgrace to your name? Surely, it is a matter worthy of your serious considera tion. Oh I what a deception ia that fancied affection which influ ences a parent to allow his chil dren to grow up ungoverned, and with liberty to go where they please and do ns they please Dul It eltr occur to you that pour fail ure to govern your children is developing a class of out laws f n vet of men sDd women that will bid defiance to all restraint; and that thus you are preparing tnob- tor riots and all manner oi insur rections in a decade or two? 1 know this is plain writing but on leas my mose critical study of these things for a quarter of a century, hpa utterly deceived me, there questions and suggestions are wor thy the serious consideration of every parent. Now don’t take it for granted that your children are good chil dren—inquire about them—watch after them when they are not sua- pecting it—many a child thought, to be good by his or her parents, is a ring-leader in crime. Suppose you have, to deprive Sou reelf of a little sleep now and then, to find out where your children are, to watch yTti-r them while they nre developing their habits, how much is this preferable to spending sleepless nights after a while when they have been developed ioto monsters of wickedne*^ end have Uiid_tb*tiJ(fttvrs JiaMq:«'Vhe thrust vc f Just iitatlon hits ai-roV upi— We do Mg» pen f trjted ppontlipm.” W' uot know what jmqae they will pur- sue. but we think they are entitled to heavy damages forth*, manner in which they have been treated in this matter. ioto a jienitentiary ?_ ilow '"true ‘•< of .prevention in worth a pound of. cure,” when e.l to moral nialhdies, as well' as when applied to^pbysical diseases? Here let me suggest that alhrMtig boys.. JfiSgoout'at nights—Thom bntj*«tf. “down town;" and allowing boys and girls to gather in crowds and fit about the street corners—the fish pond—the depot, or even in private houses, on Sundays, ia prolifiot of great evil. Once more, what becomes of your childreu after the Sunday school dismisses? Why ate they not at church? Ought you not to go to church yourself, and set a good example—take your children with you and make them sit by you ? • A Parent. Texas Correspondent. Chatfield, Texas, > Nov., 17th 1879. j Editors Butler Herald : We are norther, which makes overcoats a luxury. Cotton picking is about over and farmers are making arrangements for another crop. Until last Friday (14th) it boa been very dry here; almost impos sible in a great many places for stopk to get water, but even with tljie difficulty to contend with everybody seems -to be doing well I propose to Confine this little commuoic&tipn chiefly to tl.e sub jeet of Sheep-raising in Texas. In this immediate ^icinity there are quite a number-of sheep-rais ers, and from observation I have collected facta to ub< ut this .effect: For instance; wn will say a man invest! four hundred doHpr* in sheep gt two dollars per heqd; he will have two hundred sheep. In one year ha will shear from those •brpp four or five pounds of wool per head; say fopr poped I, (anil it is a very poor she. p that wit) oot shear five) that will he eight hundred pounds of wool ofl' th. entire flock. This year wool has sold readily at twenty-five cent* per pound, and at that price the wool would bring two hundred dollar.., fifty per cent or the cat.ital invested. Now let us examine the capital a little first; we start with two hundred sheep,worth four hunJred dollurs from which we have sold two hundred dollars worth of wool; under almost any circumstances we would raise one hundred lambs, then while we have realised fifty per cent upon the capital invested our capital has increased in the same proportion. The expenses in keeping sheep io Texas does not amount to much. 1 would advise any man who can raise two hundred dollars to invest it in sheep. It may seem a small business at first but with pr.qmr sltrntimgwill soon develop into a large and profitable business J. Taylor Reiipess. Oin House llurneil. We learn that on Friday lest, at about one o’clock r. u. the gin lions, of! »«.e bitf.' old friend Mr. Samuel Duke, iu j i^nd ouithclKof itfrawbairie*, aud other Ainu 11 county. w*» burned end every tiling io the building detanked. At the time the fire occurred the gin wee running; Mr. Wilson feedii^ iu The theory of the ^ccident (Imt there might have been u match dropped in the cot ton, and that when struck by the gin- HMWx it caught and thus fire was com municated to the cottou in the lint room, when of courae the whole buil ding was soon in flames. It was with aome difficulty even that-the horaea were saved, the mont of the family be ing at dinner when the fire broke out. The loss amounts to at least five hum* died dollars. Our old friend has our dee|iest syuijiaw in this loss he has sustained. J-Jl Macon'» Mayor, We notice that th»* Telegraph and Messenger chroniclea a visit of Mayor Muff to that city as an item of news. From this we infer that Mayor Hoff does uot favor Macon with his presence as much as he di<l m days of yore. Even if we aie not smart, we know what to do when troubled with a oough or cold. No doctor bills for us. We take twenty-five cert*, go to the neaivst ding store and buy a bottle of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. One done relieves us and one bottle cures um entirely. It is pleasant to the taste. The real value of all pnbliculiooR- espec ially agricultural and horticultural,u in pro portion to the pr» rtical intorrraitoj of the publisher, and editor. I f he is a practical fruit grower and fnrnier-bis writiDKe will be prac tical . The Fmjit Kkoordkb and Cottaok Gaudnkr is one of thia clash, whi'e pal Imbed M Rochester. N. Y.. the center of ooe of the bent fruit sections in the country, the editor and manager, A M. l’unly,lives on his large fruit aud floral farm, near Palmyra. N. Y. twenty-live years be 1ms grown fruit — kn TheAtlaataConstitiition During tl.e coming year-a year lhut will witness the progress nml culmination of the most lutereatioii piliticAi contest tlmt has ever tiikeu place in this country—every cilixeti and every thoughtful poison will be compelled lo rolv upon the newspa pers ior information. - Why nf»* get j the best! Abroad the Constitution n> recognized, referred to nml quo'cd from ns the leading Sou*hern Journal -as the organ d vehicle of the best Southern thought aud opinion—and at home its columns are consulted ior the latest new*, the freshest comment, and for nil matters of special nml cur rent interest. The Constitution con tains more matter and later telegraph ic news than any other Georgia pa per anti this particular feature will We largely added to during the coming year. All its facilities for gathering the latest news from all pars of the country will be enlarged ami supple mented. The Constitution is both chronicler and eommenter. 7ts edi torial opinions, its eon I ri billions to the drift ol current discussions, its humorous ami satirical paragraphs, are copied Iroin one end of the coun try to the oilier. It aims alwava to be the brightest and the best newsy, original ami piquant. It aims par ticularly to give the news impartially and fully, and to keep its readers in*, formed of the drift of current dis cussions by liberal butconcLc quota tions from all its contemporaries, it aims, in short, to more than ever de serve to be known as “the leading southern newspaper.** Bill Arp will continue to contribute his unique let ters, which grow in savory humor wtek by week. “Old 8i” will add his (ji'gint fu||.to the collection of good. thjiigV, nml . f 0ncle''Remus'’ ba^fiT- prepflration asei ie§. of nigra* mytli legends, illiistrnttog the folk-lore of the old plainnjiou. In every respect The Constitution for 18S0 will be better than "ever* r ConMi'iition is a rare- >mt>cndiiim ol the news of the week and contains -the bent and tresliest matter to be' found in any other weewlv from a dail^ office. Its news ahd miscellaneous contents nue the freshest and its market reports the latest. THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR. This, tho best, the inRst reliable and most popular of southern agricultural journals is issued from tho printing establishment of the Constitution. It is still edited by Mr. W. L. Jonca, and 19 devoted to the dest interests of the farmers of the south. It is vent at re duced rates with tltrWcckly edition of the Constitution. - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Constitution one year $10.00; six months,$6.00; three months,$2.50. Weekly Constitution, one year, $1.50; six months,$1.00; Clubs of 10 ,one ycaV $12.50; Clubs of 20 one year, $20.00. Southern Cultivator, one year, $1.50; Clubs of 10 one year, $12.50; Clubs of 20, one year, $20.00. Weekly Con stitution and Cultivator to same ad- ... drees for one year, $2.60. pirn ted this morning by a etiff ^Address THE CONSTITUTION. fruits iu pr»|>oi . »n. Mr. l*iudv now Iumh fruit furm umr lUlmira of about 130 Herat, on which U no*- growing 5,(NH) peach tr*>w. 1.200 apple Irn*. 1.200 *tar<lard pear trees, 500 dwarf pent*. 500 plum tr**, 500 caer- rir» ami 600 orange quince,bennies over ttfty acres iu arawbernea. notberrieM, blackberries grapes. Ac., ami large aud exteruive gre-u- bottKea. hot-bedx, Ac . &r. Hia ‘'walks »ud jottings” over Lih fruit farm, “meat from du abeH.” in wliicb hesi'mctathe pith frt»m bit large exchange list, with "qiicNtiona t»nd an- nvmrh,” and valuable iiat of citrreapoudenta, kmving notbing ol hia own particular e*lito- riala—all “filled up to the brim" aixlMD pn- ges monthly, makes the KKCobDBa'an exceed ingly vuliiable paper for both fmtt-growers and flortat.iiud well worth the low price of $1.00 per year. A single spefimen, (which Mr Purdy aendt free to all i will aatixfv any person of its grett value. Persona sending in to him (ut Palmyra. N. Y..) $1 00 Tin*, mouth, get either hi* id tgnificent Urge fruit Chromo. or hi* “banket ol flowtra" Oliromo. or it they prtfer the laat three n-ontba ot 1879, or hia 61 page f*unvt. Far it IatnrRrc- tor. The (<hrou:<w meusure 13 by 16 inoh- e», and are really beautiful. Seud for a copy of the Kecobdkb if yon do noibibg.i^ore Atlanta, Ga. A Shocking Affair. A MAN SHOT IN THE BACK. Talbotton Standard 18:—On Satur day night last, one of the moht out** ragoous crimes that haa ever been heard of,took place three miles Norlh of Tal botton on the Bellevue road. Mr.Win. Boswell, a young man who was spend ing a day or so at hia brother in low 's, Mr. Henry Edwards, was cruelly shot in the back under the following cir- cumstnnets: Mr. Edwards had a tar kiln near his house ami Satuiday night during the raid l.c feared that the lire pi it had beep put out, so afu r the rain oeofpd )ie asked Mr. Boswell to go and $M frbofrl it. The latter took a large torch, tho night being uery dark, uud proqeeded to tho kiln and attended to It winllw Hs on jiis way back tp th liouse still bearing the torch when souip one fired on Jpm fropi the public rpad about twenty y.^e off, *{ul tW latll too|( effect ip l.i» book, juat Udder the figlit klluuIJrr blade and penetraled hia rlb’ld luj'ff. He <mnicdia(..iy i nn to ti.e bojiae and gave tlie but tl.e night a'aa ho dark that tlie perpetrator could not, b« traced. Tl.e wounded man was welloh red for and at thia writing,! hough rrating easy ia in a preesrioue CDdition. Other |>a|H.ra of a more recent date h. ing tlin sad iuteligcncn that Mr. BobwcIJ ia etill in en eluiuet hoimleBa J«»#t(cqi,—®d. BUTIER RETAIL MABKtT. COBItEOTED WEEKLY BY W. L. GRIFFITH. These Prices hb»lrt goo<t ouly lor to-day NJVli.t^3B2ih 1870. COTiON Good Xfid.ltiog 11 Middling 7..... 10} «<• 10J Low Middling ij Oood Ordinary 10 to i- . Or.liuury 9 to 9| HACON— Bnik Sides 8 t«» 9 Balk Shoulders 7mH SALT—Virginal $2 On Liveq«Hil SI.50 MEAL- pcrbumel *1."(» * OltN -|>er bn-hi'l 75fii'8.» FLA>UH—ptr l*bl $8. ^$ BICE—per pound 10 LABD-per p<•uud 12} COFFEE—per pound 20 MUGtR-ptr pound 10012} SYRD P—P*T .on 40 Qy 50 “HKES—pur pound 20 NAILS -ptr pan ml* 5 PEPPEIt .oid .'PH’E -per pound . .40 8NUFF—per |>«uud *. 8U io $1 iki TOItACOtj- -per pound 50 («} 75 MACKEltAL- each b WELL BUCKETS—each 50 to 75 KEliOhENE OIL—per galon 25 BAKrKK TRADE. CHICnENS 10 to 2 » EGOS— per do* 15 BUTTER per pound 15 Io 20 BKEeS W .(X- jH-r pound 1£ to 20 TALLOW-per pound 4 to 5 bRirD PEiCHES 4 to 8 POIIK -|>er |*euud 6 to 7 BEEF—p«r pound 3tcf Goisy’ Itiifs Book The Oldest and Best Fashion Magazine In America. PIIICB. Reduced to$2. per Year. Subscription* will l>e Received ut f Office Jn Hubs with this Paper, The. batter Herald and iiodey’* J.ady'* book for one Year at $3.00 SEE WHAT BOOEY’S LADY’S BOOK WILL CONTAIN. mr 1880. Nearly 1200 png<*<nf first-cl MftLitt<Tsrv mat ter. 12 hteei Plate Jkautiful Oramm-titii 1 Eit^raviufpt. 12 f«rge and Elejfii'.it (.’oloretl Fashion Pod** 24 Pf/ed of V.kxiI aud In- Htruuieutal Mu*ic. 900 Engraving*, on Art. Science and Fashion 12 Lir^e Diu^raiu Putter, a of laadlcs slid Childreu'm Drtsaes 12 4rtrhit«-cturAl Deki>;OH for lteantiful Houica. 200 or mort Original Koreipta for Family Use. and the usual Original l>epart- ment matter. fhe Januanr No. of the New Year will lie iHAtied Deoenib* I find, and wi'l contain the opening chupt-ra of one of th- tteat aerial stor es ever printed in au Ainerituu Maga- sine, by CII 1C( HT1AN REID. *hc snlhor of “A Getifle Belle," “Valerie Aylmer/' “Morton Hours," etc , entitled. RONEtYN M FOUTtmK We have encagetl a Pall Vorpw of I>ls ti ups inked Writers, whoae <;iuitrilaiti«ma wilt enrich U«Mley'a Lady'a Book during the .Send i*» yo«r Clnt« at once. You can vki any name afterwards at aame price um Origi- iui) Club. TE.KES—Ca»n is Advanck. N3W C0HPL2TX! II 10} A SUPERB STOCK FOR FAL 1870. —}0t— * P HiHAPNthe largest and moat varied as sortment of Price Goods ever offered in his city, including ChRVIOTb, DIAGONAL^. BEaVEBE, TIUCGfg and A S.VI ME KEN, of Scotch, Englinh and VIROINIA C A SSIM ERRS, TEX A 8 CA8SIMERES, AND HOME MADE K. A 1’JEANS, All can be found here. Come and give your order and lef^rour Suit be made ii|> in exact occordadce with your taste and wishes. We give as good value an you can find in the United States. G. J. PEACOCK. Clothing Manufactory, 64 Brosd St., Coin minis. Go. sep\16 -tf. PONTAGE PREPAID One e copy, one year. $2; t 70; three copies, one year. 45 25; Four copies, cue year. $6 60; ive oopp-a. on* an extra copv.toihe (terstm getting np the club, making nine oopiea, .414 (ML Now Is the time to Make up Your Clubs. How to Itemit.~iivX a Post-Office Money Order on Philidelpliia. or .* Draft on Philadelphia or New York. If you cannot get either of tho-c.M-nd ll.Tifk note, and in llic latter ea»e reg ister your letter. To parties intending to get up Club*. .1 specimen copy will In* sent oil np- pliratiwti. Address, GODKY’S LADY’S B<>OK PVH.CO. (Limited), 1006 Chestnut St , 1 hila- delphiu, Pa._ FOB SALE. WHEELER & WILSON NEW NO 8 ?EWLN(i MAUHNK'. a j..i i;"r imt or TIN-WARE ALSO HARDWARE CBOCXERY. G103.RIES AND DRY-GOODS. BY W. L. GRIFFITH. WEST SIDE HOTEL, Jiif S3 West Side Broad Street C3LMMBUS, A. ! Thia Hotel ia now open for the reneptioa I of tianaient and |M-rm»nrut boarders. Being receuilv opened, everything is new and in “applepie order." No labor or ei|>enae -paretl io make gnesta c>>mforiable, and. aa my nitw* ire verv rt-SMoiiiibk', thuae who atop at (he “W*j*t Hide Hotel," caunot fail to be plet.Hed. My old friends from Taylor and «*urroend'ng <x>uoties will meet with a hearty welcome ai thia ffouae. GtG. w. RADCLIFF, Proprietor, sept 23-if. LANIER HOUSE, ■, DUB. Proprietor. .MACON, _ — _ GA. -o- I'liIS ROIJ8E i* now provided with every iK trzogiry oonvenieint- f«»r thenccoinmods!ion uni comtort of ita pstno*. Tut iocutiou ia h-aiMbie and convenient to the tHiaineua por tion of the city. The Tables /Live the beat the market iffiK Omni bus to aud from depot free of charge, hug- aire ImiulPst iree ot charg*. The Bar is supplieo with the Imt »ine> aii 1 brondiea the market affords. MACOirS DRrB()0D8 EHP0BIB11 aan _ _ 39 and 41 Second Street. # 7he Acknowledged Leader in LOW PllCES ! Urge and handaome stock of DRESS GOODS, 0D0THS, CA8- S1MERE8, JEANS, FLANNELS. BLANKETS, BLBAOHING8, SHIRTINGS, TABLE DAMASKS, TOWELS, HOSIERY, CAR PETS,CLOAKS AND EVERY THING THAT GOES TO MAKI UFA IRST CLASS EST'tLIHMENT. Their Carpet Department. ie the moat handsome in the city. Carpets from 20 cects to |1.8| per yard. This is the Store where LOW PRICES. rule io every department. Their motto—a goal article at the lowest possible price. CHARLIE CALDWELL io with thi, firm an.I will aer.r his friends with fidelity and sastaii tha enviable rep.Hat ion the house haa established for fair and liber al dealing. Samples furnished nn application. Express or freight paid on orders amounting to fin. 0 or over. j. w. axes <& co. leader in low prices. 39 and 41 Second Si reel. MACON, OA. 5. d ISON TONIC It a PrataraUM •» IRON ut CAUSAYA BAM. ia nafrlaH— with Om H—ptmim, EaOMwed by Um Medical FroCeMloa, and raconncnded by them for Dyape^eta, General DcbUUy, V*» auUe DUeaeo, Want of Vitality,Ac., Ac. ■aaathefred by Um Or. Barter BedMaeCaw Ma.MII M. lata Mlreet, St. XmwU. The following la om of Um very many teetl mow tale w» are racelvtog dally C-teUm^-aooM three Bkoatba ami bewan the aae of Urn. Hiirn'i laoa Toxic, apon the advice ofmaay friend* whokaewju vlnuea. I waa wiSertn# (Tom geiMral debUlty to inch an extent that mt labor waa exceedingly berdeneoftM to me. A vaeatloa off a month did not five me much relief, but •• tlie contrary, waa followed byIncreaaed proctratlon and sinking chills. At Utls Ume I began the ase off your I how TOW If. from which J realised almost Immediate and wonderful result*. Tlie old energy — * ■* tur natural fore# waa aot permanently abated. 1 have used three I * It I have done twice the labor that I evardld In the earne time darias ■ ssar '•WOT. 0.,/M. f. IWS. isa iXh e twice the labor tl >Wi3 haimt'd Moet gratefully yoi 4. P. Watson, f*a I r Christian Cbarch. Troy, O '■•■tel Beaten Everywhere. GENEVA HOTEL. GENEVA, GA. The undersigned tinnounces to tlie public that lie is prepared to accom modate them ir the best of style ut al! • iincA. The table will be supplied *vi:li li e beat the country affords, ooitis, airy and coin '‘or* V .•oard 4*2.00 per day. 1*. A. S. MORRIS, Liqhtest. Running^ * Ifct K WILLIAMS, Pho: graphic Artist. CO .XT3W1.BXTS. - — a A. (nailery Over Witirh «fi liinscVs Store. All kinds of Pirtur s taken from .Lit**, or Copied itny d« sired Size (I’rices lov.) 1 Dtiz. Card Photographs, A “ 1 “ Cabinet “ i •• “ 8x10 Photograph* in Frames front §1.00 up. Compare til* ae prici- with those of any other first class Artists and you will s.e that they are the cheapest in Georgia. Special attention ;min to copy ing and enlarging front old pic ture*. Call und see me or send your orders. Satisfaction guar an teed no all work or no pay. L. D McLANE,late of Euluula. Ala., is with me. $2.50 1.5" 5 00 3 00 THE SOUTHERN run mr. ^cr\i\«tvrcu\ar JiewHmerii The BestTntheWorld. JTqeirts Vanled, Address:^, 0.0^04 Jhier 1 ®? sauna MACHINEC0 ',+ S'“ CHARLES.ST. SALT1M0 RE. I — Self '^egulacnq tensions S/Q) ^ m tg,<P c qcntsl Vtaha' :«riptlty E. Thoma*. ('has. ColenaB. THOMAS & COLEMAN. '.TTORNEYS-AT'LAW, CO J A1J i, 3\ W’ill practice in State and Fe«l- •ral Courts. s«*pt.23-ly. j. iiTRUsSa ATTORNEY AT LAW. BtTLKIt, GA. ITaving gone regular! y into thr practice of Law, respectfully joluils a portion of the lejal lioai e.sH ot Taylor ami niirroundii'g • unt'es. juQ.2i-ly. WANTED-.-' TO MAKE MOV S..-h will^>lpAs»- it i - .y Ivl.iT, <■'«<.g s.iiiu|« ".r i Address Fini.fy, Ma ■Sept.2- ly .’ (iEOItlil A—Tavi.oii C. FmHii... tVI'..ll..iiii Wiii.llm...) tm Commissioner's Sale. Ill It v Exempt ^ ( (.om ot llie pcopcri * os -»• Wilidlutin loi llic hciictii .. ilv of **:,id " iudliaiu) nud upon tlie name on '1'iiexdav December al lu o'clock •• Office. ilAMK> |t iiov.18w2\v. ', Ga.. i:. Administrator’s th.r I'C t Ho »r in th< •• in kukI acuity on liu- first I’ ceinbt-r next, within the h*iu •• (helbliotoing defttilwl pnq* r. hundr.Hi an.I forty-hcveil ii l .lores of l<.| ot foul No 220 in ir»ot of Nii«! Boiiuty. us c ot J. I euefit of Jilin or- tnit I at ti' ml c of the Horn ruble Sti .xt. ilioMi fine .mil valuable Mills, sit n A hite Wm.r creek in said county, nown as Shelne .V Batcui.ins Mills;t« rwuh 1400 bundled am* of Inml. Th- se Mills iirehaatcd in a popuhr (ai of tbc .couiitv. nttd upon a never I ice, with goiHl dwelling anc iiplct**, g|f<l fine v The , horn bout 200 acres of op. n l«!:d on the plan ell improved nml ir a high state of cultiva- !On. 7’itles good, Sold for the purpose ol liviRion. Terms cttub ou the day of sib. Uot 28lb, 1879. O. M CnbUElM . A CAltsON, Pct28-tds CwnmiH iioners. TAYLOR COUNTY SHERIFF SALE. FOR DECBMBER. Will be said lieiore the (ionrt House ‘lair, n the town of Butier, in mud county, cn th( irat Vue-day in Decembtr next, within the ■gal hours jf sale to the highest and best addif lor cash, the following named propel ly to- it : Lots No I tnd 2 in block No. 11 in the own cf lteynoldii, levied upon as the pn>p- •y of Vincent Montgomery, t > satisfy u ti. lu. sailed on a forelosenre of a uiechanies lien, te'ied before James 1). Russ, ordinary. Proferty pointed out y Plaintiff iu A. fa. Also at the same time and plae*, Lots ot land Now. 225 and 255, iu the ITth I>i.stricl ■>f said conntv. Levinl on’as the property •t Lucy aatisly a fi. ta. issued from Taylor Superior Court in favor of W. S 'leteon, against H. A. & Lucy Parris. Property pointed out by O. M. Colbert, i’iaintifl's Attorney. Alsiat the same time and place, the west halt of lots of ism I Nos 216 aud 201 in the ■3rd District of nrigiually Mnacoge^, th. u S jrsar. Ssiuple copy tfi . J. H. ESTI 9 Wbtuur Street, Nsrstm* OPTICIAN ! RAVE YOrU FsYES. (f your vision i« fniling- gfOtyliifl nenr-siphted, o sight troubling you in f > ou arc your eye ing way, call Mr, Ch. Refold, Optician- and vour eyesiglit wilrm-mfihd i.y lu- siq« - rior Spectacles a iui B*v.* (ilasses. Tl.ey ail I remove all dimness, iilnrn. cnnfttuioOH mid i fi outing specks, and moot Kinsitoe eye will Im nutored to ita normal and heaiihv cond tion; Having fatigue, nqninng lrsu kht and enabling the w«m r to %iev pia.nly all rein to objects. Thsreux<ful and nnappiQiiehi blc iilass*a sun only be procured ttifiu Air. CH. BKFKLD. 'his «tabU'k«uem-No 26 Sict.nd Ft. klac<n Co. 2di District of\sail ilie piopcrtv of (i. a fi. fa. issued from in favor of A. H. Col neral. the sap'e time and plane, Io d Nos. 161 and 192 in *he 3rd Distn Levied on as tlo- proper' IRON BITTERS, A Sure Appellsor. IRON BITTERS, 4 CoMpift* iu.b( IRON BiTTERS, IRON BITTERS,* IRON BITTERS, M^XTSSSfSS vase* mfurlnwacrriala and vtAdvnt TO.VIC* repeeimiy In 1*41*4**. eerm, 11**1 •/A j* . {ireiglli, ‘iVSk Vf ^rtbn-bi'oss: k "■Kras Aged, tadi md chil dren requui.ig recuper- esh, as highly recommended. I» eetmfUkm m «Awm dyspeptic gyn^aouia. ▼MV IT. Sold by ail Druggists, TREBROWICHOnCALCOk BALTIMORE, Md U t:. M. \ B. C. Brooka, issued from TsyUr Snpmior Court iu tavoi of Julius Tniuer. vs. II t\ M A B. C . Brooka. Pvupepy po;ulei\ out Uy I'luiiuifi- ; /tltorUey. Als<», at th( aniH time aw! pkica, will 1» sold oue Wlleoler Jt Wilson Hewing machine levied on as the uroperly of tho Wheeler A Wilson M.mufareuriug (’o , ta subtly u fi. i . iMopd trom Taylor .Si.|s>rior Court in fa , vor of idftvrs ot court against tho Wheeler .t Wifcoq MsuiUacto(iW v f N »niixiu,y. C. A. A. POPE. uov.4*tds, Sheriff. GKORliiA Tavuop County : li ('. Br-u k-* ha* appluj! tor Exemption of 1 orsou.dity aud setting :u*art »h 1 valuation . of Ilotiostiad uud 1 will p.iss up..«i the -aim at 12 o'clock w. on Smntdiy let da} ot No ( •mlat next xt iu} oOl’T. JAMES J) 11 (IK*. il4 2l Odinary. •Li'ii rr, Ga.. Orf , Loth, 1879. 0. 22 I CK OF FINE CLOTFNIG, AND HAT,^ ; is IP k THE LARGE if STOCK OF IN THE ST.* 1 IS SOW OFFERED AT 'T'HEY HAVE BEEN DOING THE LEADING CLOTHING BUSINESS here (or It X years, and confideutl} asgert that they have never before been ible to offer such in- ducements as they arc now offering their customers. Cood as Wool Cas9imere Suits at $10 and Upwards* Many of these goods hove been made expressly for us. As Wfr have a large regular trade to supply, we take great pains io asta*- ing the bt st of everything in t«ur line. Our old customers know where to find the best goods, nnd the best are alwaye the cheapeft- H A T Have become the leading feature in our trade. We keep all grade* «»r men and boys, from Stetson’s best to the lowert grades. V* were the first to offer S a IRT At the present low prices. We will sell the best fitting shirt th-xt we know of for $1 till We have a large line of goods suitable fir la bor ihg men and s*dl them at close prices. BRING ON YOUR ROYS J An I fit them out with Clothing nnd Hats while otir stock is complete. We have a large line of samples fotn one of the best Merchaa* Tailors in New York. Fits Guaranteed, WINSHIP & CALLAWAY ,.• •• , 'No.SOSecond Street, Mioon.’Ga E. M. PERRY. WITH THE -T? NEW YORK STORE. I re»|wct(uily invile my iriead., ani ' ^ le iMibiic neraily to ffisw me a call when they visit Mar on. I will take great |.|enmire fn ahow- ing y*u the LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST STOCK 0V DRY GOODS, that is kept in any retail store South. Ii yon cannot come to see me, send your orders, and I guarantee to satisfy you at 1 well Bs if you were present to make your own selection. It you unr in want of DRR8S GOODS, HAM BERG TRIMMING, FLAN NELS, JEAN£8, CASSIMER8, WATER-PROOF DOMESTfCS ETC , do not hesitate to send for samples with prices; they will b* forwsrded bv return mail. All packages are delivered to your near est Express Office FREE OF CHARGE when bill3 amount to and over. Direct your orders to NEW YORK STORE. MACON, GA Requesting that they he -filled by E. M. PERRY. K. W. Bosi> S. H. Boynton, 8. J. Bond, J. T. Bond BOND.BO YNTON&CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CROCENEi and Commission merchants. Will keep constantly on hand fr well eeletjfed stock’ of fresh Gro ceries, etc., which we will sell at lowest prices. (CHRISTIAN’S OLD BTAND.) 33 Third Street, JMf'W.V, CARHART & CURD. IMPORTERS 4-OBRBR? OF FOBIOS * DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS. (TG. JIG. . ^•ORIGTJLTUBA.I, IMPLEMENTS, Iron, Steel, and Carriage Maker MatcrieL Agent For Fnl-bamk Standard Scales. Aka Agent foi O. W. J’rsto. Nculsior aud tirswould Cotton giu. . .um 0HKKHY 8TREET - - - MACON, GA. ■A