The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, January 20, 1880, Image 2

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al Rad and '"Mr 1 ' Kg more than £ on ' j nta with all '* 8 l ' n " , much >n the dark as lyored cities. , ThereJfTlS foot that stands out . CHAl’TJCR XVII. Tho surrender of Cornwaliis was a virtual termination of the war, though peace waB not proclaimed until more than a year thereafter. It became necessary for Hales to decide what course he sh^hl adopt. "■ -eturn to England ^fclt might • tgerous, since lie Nittn t have some vague recollec- ildhood,’ which it mica ted t^fc'there, might intin'tym tl,8t woul1 ' in the discevmt-y of his vil- >ult av After dwerj .iv he decided to He had no f«j the wl election there- ■pninin in \mer- lar ol his prac- heing known IhvWmc he lmdde- that we have named dFeatcs a huge | id(jd t0 remain, '‘MX*; e present.— and powerful monopoly; it control. ( w , „ eonstst^f of gold and Ut amount Aney and can | • »| Pence he Ad no appre- Ja IV oppress o«r people i ‘he ^ tUllt an, c„nfis- P 11 -niTulod. "“have cution laws would^h him that they | H(d(a having deoti 1 Ur It ■ . .. i. Ilf*. nrenjnent'y anil>»nnot he dined, ^ durin g ' an itiiat Ufthat thA arrangement | . n Kew York city ied wcfttfB ft 1 mftke a reply, she answered her self. “Yes I did say it and I repeat it I am not a fit companion fora girl like this; it is euough that I am ruined myself; I don’t want to make anybody else what I am now.’ ‘ The woman s deranged or what is the same thing turned Christian, said the man. Come Jane call back your senses or 1 wills ud you after them in sljprt order.” “I don’t care what you say to me or do with me; I wou’t help drag the girl down to what I am;” As she said this she re-entered tho room, and closed the door bchiud her without awaiting a reply f.oui either. “It seems said Hales I've come in good time: l might have lost the child if I had stai» d away lon ger. 1 wish you joy John of your mate. 1 shall expect to hear soon yon’ve had preaching in your house Good bye and look sharp*to your woman.” Hales directed his steps to his home and ns they waik d along, Nma aske 1 him where h • was car- Hotne Journal : A most re- JiistNiioo of sagacity in a but so « ccUitcu iu IVn y so mo weeks ago, aiui has just been told us by a friurnl. CUout-i C. C. Duncan lmd a horse that was not well and had linen left loose in the lot, Lain in the night he was awakened by a noise at the window of lus bedroom, and on going out found (he horse rubbing his head against tho window and verv sick. Attention and physio were at once giv en him, but he died next day. Tuere was no gate leading from the lot to the yard, ami the hoMb’s track showed that he had crossed some narrow steps over the fence that not even a pig had boon known to cross before. There coulii he no doubt but that the horse being in gtvai pain crossed in to the yard rfbd aroused his owner in order to obtain relief. This vciniuds us of a true story told us by tyjor J. W. Woolfork, of this county, relative to the sagacity and spirit of a pointer dog, and we will tell it oven at tho risk | his ordering “pistols and coffee for j two,” for we are certain he couldn’t I hit us. Several years ago he went out I hunting bit da with a lino pointer I named Don, Monging to Frank Furniture, Chairs, Matres:C£, Spring Window Shades, Wall Paper. CARPETS, MATTINGS. ETC. A LSO EL EC ANT META L CASES AM) CASKETS, Cases, Coffins and Caskets, in all Wood. ORDERS BY TELEGRAPH PROMPTLY ATTENDED. NEXT to “LANIER HOUSE,” — — MACON, oc. ‘ i. J. T 1! A Y W L C K , Wholesale ami Retail Dealer In HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS Stoves glees end Wooden were. LAMPS, LAMP GOODS ami CROCKERY, CUTLERY ETC. f Manufacturers of Tin-Ware MALE BUTLER, - INSTITUTE, - - • , GEORGIA. W. H JONES, A- Iff, President, ^ NEXT SESSION will begin SECOND MONDAY IN JANU- ARY, 1880, and continue six months. JJoard and Tuition per Session $60 to $72. Tuition in Primary Class per Session $12.00 Tuition in Second Class, per Session $18.00 Tuition in Frst Class,per Session #24.00 •VO IJVCMEJV7HL FEES, Tuition payable one half in advanoe; balance at mobile of Session, unless satisfactory arrangement be made. Students charged from time of entrance to the end of the term, J. D. RUSS, J. R. RESPESS, dee23tf Secretary. Chairman Board Trustees. .<>: directors are so m their promise: however intend to b..,efit-*-Vt to mjme- ople. 1‘erlnM s the promt.- solved i ed to remain i send a per- about one-half! of his iil- I. *? the interest ol the people/ 0 | ",, ind „„d have it deposited to his dfcrest of*the new comp*i>", i' 1 ' i ° o, The amount he tmnsmited short time BanU was fii'y-thousand ght and - would nugl Ueipts. At all events or ogfeiving the new a fair trial k« !orc r> tuined dollars; the balance for tho purpose of eigaging in business asi oihumstances st. Of eiu «e he could Bgement upon it. * ‘TacUronnectcd with o of the ablest the who'e South t» wit: Col. Cole n; the latter oc- such might sugge . j„ little or nothing peace >d andh was com pell his authority itTVfiial of Col. Cole. Gov. . nut the man to give up he occAjcd lor a sub-’ piatc. » officers of the several roads | have been leased, retain their ‘" r the present at least; has supervising power « 1 "Sdiu e Mr. Wurbey and I under him. Glance. tIL bl| cang>n Maine ar. tUl^IIS o fGarceloo placing soldten u* cupitol building in Au- I to prottet the Legislatuit t 1 he tjneateniog attack of a Tin se men even ‘•f th : s country /•Ciuse S’sfejTfee ac kin reel on. It i« t me’hitter to protect lure of Maii^Jrom tin i mob; but it tyts •pa- rant to send a squad of • the’ hall of the peoplei fives in New Oil-ans and ^the members who Tad , legaMy elected.— of Maine are j they have no I action of Gov wm proclaim* rd tlier 1 tore to emple Hb time in the city as he-* h« n „ f \ miainess at piesented . f was to muke >nv perma- letarrangement conctfSig Nina; and after mi:ch reflect^ h e derji- dud on hiring a ll.tuse oiIl 1 ipurrtei "f town to which he Itj sent her and on hiring an oldw charge of it for him houskeeper. He hi d love for low ascoeiaies uii e and here in the qrarle ci'v wh r h he decided to home lie con'd indulge Is sions to nis heart's eon ten object lie lmd in view was Nina to feel wholly and al dependent on him aud si ject to ' take Uumi. Don pointed several coveys of rying her, which much to her sur- ] t |, e Major got about « prisa, he m.ule a pleasant reply, I ,k>z>-u splaudid shots, but missed every “I am carijiug you said lie to time. At last Dou gave him a look ol your new home. I want yon to contempt, tucked his tail boiwocu his like it and I oness you will.— legs and started home. No amount of Ylou'l not he lonesome nnyraoie calling could hiitrg lain back, and lie i* i , ) Hover wduiiI follow the nuiioi* into the 1«»r 1 am coin>r to have muse and i V .... ” field H&Hin. lhe saino ew*mng, tue I T KEEr A FULL STOCK OF THE ABOVE NAMED GOODS AND WILL SELL AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON GOST. NO 40 TFII 111) STREET, - MACON. G A. ake hii pflE- mother cause olutely ms he I com il and r»d for J tr^at f not u -ted [rci lon utid his , terrible crime people w a man who i ussurping llie Governor's plan f force and fraud, and who a* pn as the support of the Federu : hips was withdrawn took to ht. ' Such art* pobticul ethics ol publicans. We verily believe at publicans are cincerely of ion that Democrats have no - which they art* bound to re pn mid itrmiKwi ute spiiiied Ituilrond DOiice, Gov. Col y fl umlny Inst to L Thu biihlinp wj fr'lhu tend wtuafii ‘knock. (1 «IT at the Imi.tlhon * of $11)4,000 ]>er Hi.niim, to pioiy i*ontpoM*d of Europei r York mijLlhuiiKwick (’Hpitiilista •esrntMl l.y Mr. of N. [rj^cit). Tho hsKH« K will ininW uk of exteiiding road to AUmitn. The lefLees hi to have unipio means U* oh villi all tho r* «udr(*nu*iits of 4! bis coutrol, thinking that vould the more readil; pletely monld her to his purposes. Moreover he the same reason decided t< change his beariing towards her hi her at least in a pleasant, kind find affectionate man Accotdingly he hired his file best house' to be old ined iu ilie quarter of the city wli cb has d* scribed. When be had linislied iiis house and installed his house- ke« per he sought out the place to which he had cans d Nina to be carried for the purpose of taking her to her new home. “Arid so,” kh d the man f o whose Imrge she lmd been en listed, him wheulla’es in ormed of ention und paid him I berally liiiMTbulde, ‘and so yoil have determined Coles to take your it tie girl to a home of your own? VV Ilit y na ewise you can yet umk‘ m ney iff, that chi d.” ‘As hi.w qiierrud Hah*^ VY n ay here mention by way of p* nthesis that Ha es was not called by his true name otrside tlie British army, but by tho assumed imtne ot Cole s. “Why man* don’t you sec? Litun hei howto dune*, dress li i up mid d. n’t let her do any hard work to spile I er b anty, and in four or fivu yeais from now all the rich yi ting bucks in (liecity will be wild about her and !)•• ready to s| ,md all their s iplu- cash upon her; or what they don’t I pend on hi r you can with the help j of a IV « ml or two win ' “1’il think about what, you vc said replied I’.hsand perhaps I’b .lie able to n uke something cut of it. in the ‘meantime Imve tlo gin brougntout. for I intend takintl dancing and you shall learn dance if you like it. Do you think you will? “I don’t know she answered; l never seed any body dance, but I’ve beam a fiddle and I love that.” Nothing more was said until they reached tha bouse when Hales said to her: “Here is your home Mary how do you like it?” JJTyp a pretty house »he s »id, and if you’re good to me all the time like you are now, I know 1 11 like it.” “Very well returned Hales ; 1 recon we'll get along; and to show you tlmt we will 1 11 tell y.»u now act % asj that you must throw y« ttr ell lost his j cloth* s away iu a day or two for I aming: i will dices you up us fine as a doll of the | and*you shall not do anything but what you iike.” Oh! said the child, if you’ll only he go *d to me I’ll be so happy and love you we!l. v “Well, yon do the- loving and I’ll do the dressing. Come with me said he and let me show you my house keeper: I want you an I her to live to-gether without any troub e; she will nor have much to do with you, and so I reckon you'll both do very well.” With tliia be carried Nina into the room occuped by his house- ke»p r whose name was Margarett Jaudon among her acquaintances she went by the name of Meg.— She app aredto be about fifty years of age an*I wlieu young had been very b- uutitill. Mieh id belonged to the demi m nde; but her beauty having faded she was forced to adopt some other means to earn her livelihood She had a bar i, bold look told at once her histoiy. * Thi-is my little ni ce Mary said ILiles to his hone-keeper: 1 wunt yon to tuke care ot her when n*c<88 ry, aud as site is not spoiled 1 reckon you mid h r uill get along plea nut y to-getlier ’’ “I ve no doubt *>t it Mr. Coles she tepl ed: her lace and hair l-uk lik * she stole tin in Imni a l’.iiry: yon must dress her up and then she ii Id on* sure enough.” “1 11 try to do my part sai I l*e,ai d that reminds me, that remit.ds tin tha: I want you t<» see dint she i- sutab'y dressed for the bdl to-mor- iow i ig t that 1 int ml giving.— ‘ Seu*l out invitations to abo it two dozen of tiio girls and le about the mine umber of yotui< men of the city know it go tha* wi can have some tun. I want Mary to see the world Mid have a p ant time “Leave it all to me and ii I *lon’t have tlii'gs to your sa isl'action, I 11 give you pale to turn me out and try somebody” Hubs now conducted Ni 11 well fmnisbed room, and telling [' l.*r that here she was to sleep and I major having just had bis residcuuu painted very white with sine, several partridges flew against it and killed themselves, being evidently a detail sent an a substantial token of thunks for Iiis bad shooting. Don picked up the birds one t v one and carried them to Mrs. \V., Gut nothing could induce him to carry one to the major. Strange as it may be, the above are uue narratives and cau be proven iu every respect. _ ITiwkinviile Dispatch: Mr, Henry 13. Mnrr, of this county made last year, up n his planta tion, with one plow (or one mule) twinty-fitir bales of cotton, be sides the u<tml small side crops ol peas and point- cs. Thi« intorm Dion doe* n »t r aeh us through Mr. Murr, but was furnished u* without Irs knowhlg.*, by a neighboring planter, who is one of the b st far mers in this scion A good mule aud a yo d bund c.m cult.vate l»r- y a* res * f Inii i iu tics part of the State and if the so l be birujb* up to its full cipteity by ft-r ii’/ ng and proper cu’. tuv, one could care ly realize the re lilts, Mr. Murr is a Kent tick an. lut liu* b en ngaged iu planting in this county tor tea or twe vc yeais. Coining from a section noted for fine sock, lie shows Iiis native pride, aud hi* four-mule and other teams, when seen in Hawk usvilie, are pointed out ms the fin st in the county. II.s mo csty, however, has pr- eiit d him fiotn giving us un item -f any ki*rd as to his sue/* ss in cot- on culture, but we are determine I ro publish such resnlrs of farmii g in our sicti »i*, «-veii though we mat h ive to rely upon outside part'es f**r the facts. The g«ntleumu wlm s .w tIre cotton in the hight of its growth, says that -t seemed then s if iw« nty-fi e b i'es would have been gathered. MRS. A. S. WOODRUFF, COTTON AVENUE, (Next to Mix & Kirtlund,) MACON, GA. , IDEA LEE IN Millinery Feathers; Flowers. Laces; Rib bons; Ornaments; etc. Fancy yoodtt, *Votions Zcjt/try HV»*S- teti canvas, HEADQUARTERS FOR Etc. STAMPING. \gpnt for E. BUTTERIOK'S QelebratBil Patterns for Ladies and Children. Mrs. E. S REES, -DEALER IN- Millinery And Fancy gcods ZEPHRVS, *VOTJ!Oa4°S, Etc. NO. 7 COTTON AVENUE, — MACON, GEORGIA. ISAGOISr, GEORGIA, Mrs. AY. F, BLOWN, Proprietress. baths free of charge. COMMODIOUS ROOMS KITTED UP ESPECIALLY FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. GAS AND WATER THROUGHOUT THE HOUSE. ! TAILOR COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA AES PREFARED TO OFFER TO FURNITURE .TUBE, WIN- URUSSELS, IN BtJYEHa The largest and finast stack of all grades of FU DOW SHADES WALL.PAPER, CARPET GRAIN AND THREE PLY 601 ol tli« elira;,'s' and h"Bt BEDSTEADS evor offered in Macon The lies' goods ul. I ,west prices. Metnlic and Wood Burirl Casus in all srvles mud ■. PHSONIX JEWELRY STORE & 1?) lnl 11 roal St. c — COLUMBUS, GA G old W atclies J ewelry and Diamonds. NV Kill: ENQUIRER-SUN, SILVER AND PLATED-WARE. S^QTAOLES A SPECIALITY. ii ** ti* tin- i • .ami last for many years without change. Jewelry UNPAIRED by Competent Work- si*pt 16-ly. cka DM114 )> J. II. ANDEUSON. C. D. AkDERSON & SON. HOUSE FURNISHING EtEil, EMPORIUM. 92 CHERRY Street. MACON, GA. —WHOLESALE NAD RETAIL DEALER IN— Crockery, China, Glass IMrirp, Chan deliers Hall Eights, Lamps, etc. TABLE CUTLERY, POCKET CUTLERY,KITCHEN KNIVES TIN-WARE, AGATE-IRON WARE, JAPANNED TIN WARE, WOODEN WARE, BASKETS, WILLOW-WARE. AND STOVES OF ALL KINDL. Agent for EXCELSIOR HOT BLAST COOK STOVES. 8cn,l in •I'li.'ii Ci I A'i 1 S3 j an Sp.'fial iiiducoinonts otl'orod to >f orolnuts. MA COX, T T O N GEORGIA. FACTOR C O Commission Merchants. WAREHOUSE CORNER OF POPLAR AND SECOND STS. OltEET l'hoir pntrotw with the announotanent that their large and con.raodioas Ware bonne bp* been entire! v rebuilt in lirtok for their better acoomniodation of COl’TON connigiied to them, and are confident tb it their facilities for handling the next crop c-in- not he surpassed by uuy house in tho State. Their office and Salesroom have been rearranged with a viow to itnprovo light on Samples aud the comfort of visitors, uud a cordial iuvibition is extended to all to call aud Hue them. Thankiug their friend lor tho liberal patroungo extended them i continuance of the ionic, and promise reuuwed cfloito to please. Oiders for Hugging and Ties Will rective prompt attention, Advaueee on Cotton in Store made when dosiied, at lowest Bank rates. Kept.2t* i the past, they ask a T. B. AETOPE, DEALER IN Marble And Granite Work. MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES, BOX TOMBS, Vaesjron Railing, Coping,Building Wrobs.&c. AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED STONE BUIIIJEING .VV.J V US ES FOR GRAVES. SECOND STREET. NEAR CAMPBELL & JONEV WAREHOUSE MACON, - — - - QEIOR, fA. l'ost Offiuo Box, No. 425. K,'1.1.2 COLUMBUS SASH, DOOd AND EMPORIUM ! B m WAREHOUSE li^ission merchant*. Fouuii Street. IHcon, Sa. \d\: i:ct s Ml(1cuii Cut on instore. >Q lut-i; i„tl liy B. L. WILLINGHAM A SON.) ;7 ‘x'ics Furnished at (. nVF.ST MARKET PRIlJES 1 ’ I- G QU.VWTKUS FKEK TO CUSTOM 1 us. i '.TiPLE'S NACHINc «*' 1 ['refer it over DEALER IN Sash. Doors, Blinds and White Pino Mouldings. ALSO LUMBER, LATHS, PLASTERER’S HAIR, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY AND WINDOW GLASS CHEW AULA LIME BY THE BARREL Ott IN CAR LOAD LOTS. AGENTS FOB THE I KNI' Kalsomta?> ia "Use, Anyone wanting nnythiug in MY LINE by oories|ini.ding WITH ME shall have |iromjil ottuntinn se m-A WILLIITGHAM’S WAREHOUSE. all others.aud AGENTS selling it find it just what the PEOPLE want. It makes tho Shuttle Luck stitch, runs easily, dues tlie widest range ot work, uud winds the bobbins without running the worlt9 of the machine. Write for descriptive circulars and full pa. ticijars. l'llU\. MIMi HAOIilNE CO. . BIlTToWVOOD, ST, rhii.ADEL/u, r.i. I take pleasure in informing my friends mid 1'ntron tlmt l am better prepared to HANDLE CO I TON this s--uson thin ever before. I am now located on Fecund Street, the finest stan 1 in Mnconforthe cotton business. 1 have made arutnge- ments to get money at a vpry low rate of interest, on Cotton in Store. My scalesman, Mr. Hugh AVillet, a son of i rof. Will t, B accur- te and reliable, Mr. C. B. Willnglmm still bus charge of the finances and books, und is always read) tu serve my patrons 1 have for my^bstomers, fiee of churge, a lot and wagon yard* a Is sleeping apartments for tesuisteis. Very truly, B. L. WILLINGHAM. 1 MACON 's 1 / ; -