The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, December 07, 1880, Image 2

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4 ooo fined ipliere that must ever debar hoi from self aggrandisement, that must ever circumscribo her thoughts Throughout the past, exceedingly selfish and mistaken views of her reliability to man, and to her Cre ator deprived her of the right of privilege to improve and threaten ed her with the bloom of oblivion. Then their contracting laws, cus toms and superstitions, of antiqui ty receding from her the light of civilization ceased to cage her in tellect. Woman ever unassuming but ever prompt to fill her plaoe, steps proudly into the fields of art, science and literature and .demon strates to thcastouud.d world the fact that her intellect is brilliant, potent and wonderful. It not man's equal she has proven herself fully able to accompany his masculine genius through the intricate branch es of philosophy, geometry and other sciences. Woman’s forte is not her intel lect but her influence. It was for eign to the purpose of the Deity to create two beings different in n - ture and disposition, to fill pre cisely thesume sphere. Woman was designed to bless the life of man and to tame his savage imt ire, and to this task she is admirably adapted.—Gentle, humane and sympathetic; she is inves'ed with charms which Angels unabashed might wear,which bring man whol ly within the bounds* of influence and makes her conqueior of the human heart. She is capable of revolutionizing the world and of elevating and con trolling society. Her influence il properly wielded, would rescue millions from the gloom of an un timely grave; would hash the wail of starving orphans ; and lift h burden of grief and woe that is crushing her own heart. Often it becomes a tongue of eloquence; an irresistable power. St. Pier felt it when he said, “Edward winds our cities but Philippa conquers our hearts.” Woman has hever known the power of her influence. She has slumbered while rocked by the tempest. Silently but mightily it works, while immense tasks grow ScBSCHIPTIuM Pbicb $1.50 Per Annum TUESDAY, DEO., 7th, 1880 ; Adjournment ot the Legislature. li seems that the General As sembly have decided to adjourn over to next summer. We have as we believe in common with the people ut Georgia, some very seri ous objections to this action of that body, some of which we propose very briefly to state. Our first objection is, that our Legislators seem to be inclined te nullity the action of the Constitu tional Convention in TSquiring the Legislature to meet in December. Ot course we do not object to an adjourned session of the General Assembly whenever it may be nec essary; hut we do object to the practice of adjourning every ses sion to the next summer; for this it seems to us, will be a violation of the spirit of the Constitution. Of course we admit that the body m<y by a constitutional vote hold an ..djourn term, hut in our judge ment this is allowed only when the business cannot all be transact- e I at the regular session. Legis lators have no right, according to our m 'de of thiukiug, to neglect the publii; business tor two weeks and tlien say there id necessity for an udjourned session; and iu this connection ws are glad to say that our tlepresentative and Senator are not responsible lor the adjourned session of next summer. lu the second place an adjourn ment at this time works great in convenience audloss to many parts ol the Stale. For instance: our pe"ple were uskiug the General assembly to amend the charter of our town so that our people can, il tncy desire to do it, iuauguarte u school system that many believe ;s of vital importance to the wel- larc and prosperity of our town. How if the system is to be inaugu rated the sooner the better; but the adjournment ot the General Assembly will delay the matter uuotlier twelve months,as our coun cil can take uo action until our cluu ter is amended. Wo do not I small, obstacles vanish and opposi- biauie our beuator and Eepresen- tions succumb. It is like the vol- touch. One of your former tow'usmeu, is au active member, P(W. ,Mouk, of the Bank. We hope soon to be able to make musiwfhat will com pare with any ot the older bands of the city. Our farmers are bolding their cotton for better prices. Thuuk'B to their g od judgement and economy. They are lor the first time since the war able to hold their cotton and be aide to govern the situation .ti.tco.r, *»•./, THE FALL TEftM of this old Institute will open on the FOURTH WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER NEXT. Very low rat-s of Tuition and Board, a central and healthy locu tion, and thorough instruction by au experienced and well known Fa. ulty. T11E LAW SCHOOL has This well established and thor oughly equipped College for girls (JTJPJJ g BACK ACfll wil begin its FORTY-THIRD - ■vOUfi* aw«a. ANNUAL SESSION on WodnwtlaF Sept. 10. three able Professors. Graduates are 1 Health, Economy,thorough Tench- amtiorized to practice in the Courts ing anil the best advantages in Lit- Let politics go as they - may true j °* 11,0 s, “ te wnliout further exam- erature, Science, Art and Musio, at hannin™. „.„l i„.t«.»n,m„„o .. | iuntion. I moderate rates commend it to the For Catalogues anu other infor- public. Apply for catalogue to mutton apply to w C BASS, D. D. President. JNO. J BRANTLEY, - augSl Seo. Faculty Cores by J happiness uud independence come at last to the mau only who is mas ter of his own goods, free hunt mortgages, etc. The day our peo ple all over South can say as much, that day we can say that we are free from all the evils that Radi calism could put upon us. Lot us try to get iu that very desirable condition Hoping Mr. Editor that in my next letter I may have Bomethiug ut interest to write you,I close this with my best wishes for the suc cess of your valuable paper. Respectfully, M. D. tdtive as they have doue all they euu to have the matter acted upon, ,ud have failed. We cite this as only oue iuslauce of the damage aud inconveuieuce resulting to our people liom tms action of the Leg islature; mere aie doubtless many more ol a timilar uaiuie. Let leg- eialurs word ou lu the close of the vision uud llieu it lb re is iliipor- ant uudu.sbvd busuess lmiu au .ujuuiucd session. Lusil)i legislators before the lection'kuew iiluu the Uunstitu- iuli i viplli eil me Oeiieiul Assem bly to meet; and, it their person al matters would not admit ot their attending the session at the time hxed, they Bhould have withdrawn .ud permitted the election of men ilm could spa.e the time to at- tcud to public business ut the proper time; theie ai6 plenty ol capable men who cau find time to - Head the meeting ot the LegiBla- l are at the time prescribed, and we trust the people will liereaiter elect them. 'file .Constitution i.ys the Lcgialatuq^shull meet bi- juially,but our legislators it seems have decided they will have annual f. ssions and large expenditures of money cat.Bequence thereof. We . hall harf more to say on this object lidieafter. cano that sleep for centureB enibos omed in the earth, and then breaks in Herculu an Btrengthto over turn mountains and upheave the ocean’s hod. War, famine and pestilence in their work of devas tation do not thwart itB purpose, nor arrest its progress. It gathering strength from the hand of tirno, beneath whose lenient touch, walls, palaces, towers and cities crumble into dust. We wonder when woman fully rec ognizing the power of her influence, will grasp it und wield it fur her own good aDd for the good of mau kind ? OMAN’S INTELLECT—HER INFLU ENCE. Written for the Herald.] Numerous arguments have been adduced by able writers to con- v.uce mankind that woman is not intellectually man’s inferior. The very existance of these arguments socm to throw a shade of suspicion ot. woman's side of the question : nd in no other reBpect have they tiud much effect. Woman’s intel lect cud not be measured by man's Theonedosn’t possess the facul ties which the other hasn’t but the i portunity for development that is enjoyed by the one is not within the reach of the other; hence we may not compare the two, without doing injustice to the other. The laws which govern man award to hint the precedence in all public Communicated. Foot Yallei-, Ga., Nov. > 25th, 1880. J Editors Sutler Herald: It has kei u some time since I wrote you from this place, not that 1 hav forgotten my promise or leel less inteiest in your vuluahle paper, blit a press of business that is ulways peculiar to u man of busiuess this time of the year has prevented up to this time. Local items first on docket, our town has improved as much this tall and winter as any town in Mid dle or South-west Georgia. Mr. H. 0. Harris haB just finished a very large and beautiful ware-house now occupied by Messrs. Houser & Houser. He has also just fiuislied four nice brick stores ;some of them now occupied and the remainder will be in a few days, Well the over and as the boys eomotimes say his name is A. II. Colquitt. Political mat ters are dead in these parts; n it a word can be heard from any om. Everybody seems to have a.-copied the situation and gone to work to mend our broken fortunes. are a few persons yet who are look ing for county offices that think there is still something to be gain ed by keeping up a small racket, but they have it all to themselves, and one day after the election not a word will be Bpoken, let who get the office that may. Well we have a local institution in our town that we feel proud of— Brewer’s Lung Restorer. We would rccouinioud to all who have di*- jjed Luug* aud 1'Lroat, this sterling modi- ciua Numbers ot Consumptives eveu iu tlu ages of this tumble disease whole there n a small (loruou of <he lung left, at Uiey uricsicil the diseubu Dy Using ouiy two or three butties ct lirewer's Luug licttorer. Their Pfiy*ic>uu prouonmed them ruble uud lull tlurn to piu« owuy aud die death would have soon been Uio result but tor a uuieij use oi this article W$ well awure that we havu a good deal to teud with iu this remey, there huve beeu so mauy worthless nostrums sold htretoloie but wu ars so tiruily convinc ed that we have now the long looked for thus we are ready to say to all who have tais disease, that we lirudy and couuci* mtioasly believe that uo mutter how fur gone they ore, if they will use the medicine by the directions tuey will live long years afterward* living witnesses ot Uie virtues of BREWER’S LINU RESTORER. It has uo equal in Bronchitis, Sore Throat Hoarseness, Shortness ot Breath, Intlenzu, Pain in hide, Olergymuu'H .-oro Throat, Out* arrah and other diseases of tlio Throat and Lungs. In Asthma, it gives almost instan ts rebel. It gives tone to the whole system und taery bottle will add from live pounds to xuj one's weight if tukeu regulurly. An infuut cau take it without the tuigutesi injury and we would urge parent* give it iu coses of Whooping Cough, Bait Colds, and other disrosee where such a nicd* i needed. Unlike tho greater poitiou of Cough Medioiues, this has not a parcel ol of morphine or othor opiates in it Lamar Ranking Sc Lamas, CERTIFICATES Macon, Go., March 1st, 1880. Messrs Lumur, Ranking Sc Lamar, Dear •Sirs:—1 hod frequent hemorrhage before Brewers Lang Remedy, and had been trend ed by Dr. Crowell Johnson and other skill ed physicians without bciug relieved, anl- usiug tLree bottles of your medecine tho Hemorrhage was stopped and I have never ' me since. I am now in better health over before, aud feel it my duty to state i public the effects ot jour wonderful Consumptive cure ou me. Yours Truly, Mrs. £. G. Avaut. Macon, Ga Messrs Lamar Ranking A Lamar, Dear S.lBt— 1 hail been troubled luj a long juiure using Brewer’s Luug ltestour, with louioihing like Asthma, and alter using uulj two hot tics oi your medi urn I Unaided pa lly tree uud nave felt no symtoms ot tin disease since 1 urn confident your tnedtciui I me, and I cheerfully recomeud it to all wh« are suffering WIU* Asthma. Yours Truly, John D. Ross Macon, Ga., March 25th, 1880. Messrb. Laniur, Ranking Sc Luu.ur. Dear Mrs:—have used Brewer'* Lung Restorer, for Vertigo, and huve never been troubled with it since using me medicine. 1 cuunoi ay too much for ft, and eheerlully ctcout- ncud it to all who need relief irom Vertigo. Yours Truly, J. B. Arlope. Macon, Go. Messrs. Tamar, Ranking & Lamar, (Jen■ tlemon: — One bottle ol Brewer's Lung lte- r cured me ol Bronchitis in a time, I will wunt a few more bottle intend keeping il iu my house uii the time i I consider it u vuluuble medicine. Yours Respectluliy, lleury Davis. Messrs. Lamar Raukiug Sc Lamar, \lacou, Go., Please send me by Express another bottle of Brewer's Lung Restorer, helpiug me right along, uud I think it will ire me. Very Respectfully, Bauil, E. B Lester Augusta, Ga., Taylor Co. This is to certify that I had Asthma tor thirtty-flve years aud used a great mauy dif ferent kinds ol medicines. Was trated by Dr. Iloiton five years without finding relief. [ then used your Luug Restorer and fouuk in it a permanent cure. Yours Truly, Z. J. Parka, Messrs, Lamar Ranking A Lamar, Gen tleu'i-u;—My wife had boen troubled for eral mouths with Bronchitis, and during, that ume, tried nearly everv thing imagii able, without the slightest benefit. A friend hers to whom I mentioned it, told get a bottle of Brewer's Jung Restorer, which I bid and less than one bottle cured her entirely. I will recommend it to all who ai similarly affected, Yours Very Truly. Nathan 0. Munioa. GEOKGIA-i-Taylor County. Wit ere as Cornelius Bachelor Ad ministrator on the Estate of Joshua Bachelor doc’d., represents that he has fully administered tho estate of said Deceased, and applies for dismiss ion from Btiid Administration: TheBe are to cite and admonish all and sin gular the creditors aud next of kin of said Deceased to show cause, if any they can, at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the First Monday in February next* why said Administrator should not be dis missed as prayed. Given under my hand and official signature. This 2 dav of iVovember 1880. JAMES D. BUSS, m3in. Ordinary, GEORGIA ) Whereas Mrs. E. V. Taylor County. J Holbrook applies for guardianship of the person und property of Ina Holbrook, Mary E. Holkrook, Henry Holbrook, Annie Holbrook and Abbie Holbrook, orphan minors of H. C. Holbrook, late of said county dec’d. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concern ed, creditors and next of kin to show cause if any they can, at the court of Ordinary to be held in aud for aaid county on the First Mouciay in De cember next why said applicant should not be appointed gunrdian of the por- sous aud property of said minors as prayed. Given under my hand and official Signature. This 2 day of November 1880. JAMES D. RUSS, Ordinary. Commissioner’s Sale. By order, of the Board of Roads and Revenue of Taylor county, Ga., i will >n tho first Tuesday iu December next, within the legal hours of sale be- the court house door in the town of Butler, in said county and State, tliut lot or puicel of land iu said town lying between lota of Dr. Bryant aud Tom Wiggins ou the north, the public • ou the eust, uud the street ou the south which running in front of tho residence of B. S Battle and by the residence of J T Hurtley, aud bonud- ti»e west by the street running in front of the Baptist church and the residence of J W Lipsey; said lot containing one acre more or less. Terms cash. This November 22ud 1880, C A J POPE, nov23tds Sheriff. orC. W. SMITH,D.D. Secretary. And all diseases of the Kidneys, Blad- and Urinary Organs by wearing the IMPROVED EXCELSIOR KIDNEY PAD . It is a Marvel of Healing And Belief. SIMPLE. SENSIBLE. DIRECT, PAINLESS POWERFUL BE8T IN THE WORLD! AGENTS WANTED. Employment for all. $1000, mado in 30 days. We want every body to write to us for full par ticulars of a business in which monoy can be made easily, honestly and rap idly. We are soiling a Household article that is needed by every family iu the world. Tho profits to Agents are from 100 to 600 per cent,— Whether you want to engage in our business or not, we can impart valua ble information to you. Either la dies or gentlemen can oonduct the business successfully. It will cost you only ONE cent to write to us. Do not neglect thia opportunity; the bus< ness is light and pleasant. Full par- •tffaira thereby affording him abun-' our Brass Baqd u nder the ic6truc'-Bo“«‘b M’V’o Oafltjtoii, Ohio. TAYLOR COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. FOR DECEMBER. Will be sold befoie the Court Hoare door In the lowu ot Butler in said county on the first Tuesday in December next within ilia le gal bour«- ot sule to the highest ami best lid- tier lur cash the fullowing named prop- rt > to wit. One yoke of oxtn, about ten years Old, one red named “John,” no white and biindie spotted named Roland.” One yoke of oxen about 6 years old, white and red spotted uum- ud ‘Coon’ and ‘Henry.’ Also two yokes, two bay horse mules 6 years old nam ed ‘Jim’ and ‘Bill,’ one ox wagon and one two horse wagon and harness, aud lots of laud nos. 196, 196 and 197, the ldth District of suid Taylor couuty, Ga. All levied on as the prop erty of T F. Luyfield, to satisfy a li. fa., issued from Taylor Superior Court in fuvor of Dennis L. Downs, vs. T. F. Layfield. Property pointed out by plaintiff in fi. fa. Also at the same time and place, lot of laud no. 226, iti the 12th District of said county of Taylor aud State of Georgia, and the machinery of a water mill, (grist) now occupied by H. J. Averett; all us the property of Bait! Ayerett; Levied on as the property of H J Averett, to satisfy a fi la, is sued from Taylor Superior Court, in favor of Charles Kuowlton, agains H J Averett. Property pointed out by plaintff. Also at the same time and plaoe, one four horse, iron ginning aud threshing power, as tho property of Richard Walker. Levied on as the property of Richard Walker, to satisfy a fi fa, issued from Taylor Superior Court, in favor of James H Bivins, vs Richard Walker. Property pointed out by plaintiff. This November 8tb 1880. C. A. J. POPE, nov9tda Sheriff.. Imrar* Bl-Carb loda la of m •lightly dirty while color. It »»f appear white, exaatlard by Iteclf, Kit . COMPARISON WITH CHURCH Si CO.’S "ABN AND HAHMBH” BRAND will H.OW Ik. dlffbreace. See that row Baklag Soda la white aad FvllB, aa ahoald ha ALL JUX1LAB. BVBITAICEI meed ft* HcraMkeepera who prefer bread made with yeast, will Improve tta quality, mako It rlaa better and proven tit from souring, by adding eno-half teupoonful of Church k Oo.’a flodaio» Baleratua. Deaure and not uao too much. The uaeofthla with sour milk. In preforenoe to Baking Powder, mrm twenty timae lU poet. Bee one pound package for valuable Informa tion and read earefully. SHOW THIS TO YOUR RR0CE» FOUND. It CURES where all else fails. REVELATION and REVOLUTION in Medicine. . Absorption or direct application as opposed to unsatisfactory internal medi- otnes. Send for our treatise on Kidney troubles,sent free, 8oid by druggists, or sent by moil, on receipt of prioqj $2* Address *n The 'Only” Lung.Pad Co. ' iriLf.IAlttS BLOCK. DETROIT, MICH. This is the original Had genuine Kill' noyjPud. Ask for it und take no other. (Nalnr»'i why) ATT LUNG DI8EASE8, OmU THROAT diseases, BREATHING TROUBLES. It EitlvBS into the system cu rative agents and healing medicines. It draws from the disjuad parts the poisons that cause dgJB- Tkousauds Testily to Its Ylrtaes. ED AND cim Don’t despair until you have tried this Sensible, Easily Applied and RADICALLY hFFEC TU A L Remedy. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail oil receipt of price, $2.00 t by , The‘Only’Lung Pad Co. ' WILLIAMS BLOCK,. DETROIT, MICH. Send for Testimonials and our book, “Three Milliq^la Year.” Sent free. * .1 A REMEDY that is a sure and ef fectual enre for all diseasos of the blood Hkin, Scrofula, Cancar in the worst form, White dwelling, Catarrh, Cancer of the womb and all Chronic Sores,no matter of how long standing; we guar antee a cure if our remedies are used according to directions. Smith’s Scrofula Syrup AND STAR CUR1NE With thfse’two medicines combined * have cured hundreds of cases of the different diseases mentioned above. SMITH’S SCROFULA SYRUP Is an internal rerady, one of the best blood purifiers known to the American people. STAR CURINE. . Is an external remedy; by applying it on l he outside, and taking Smith’s Scrofula Syrup, your case will be easi ly cured. If you will call on or ad dress us wo will take pleasure in showing you hundreds of certificates from parti* s living in this State that you are well acquainted with, that have been cured sound and well by using Star Corine and Smitli’s Scrofu la Syrup. If you are afflicted willi any of the above mentioned diseases do not think your case will get well with out treatment; do not delay; the soon er you will be restored to health und happiness. Call on Daniel it Marsh at once be fore it is too late’ and get a bottle of Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Ou rine. Read the following certificates; January 19th, 1879. Messrs. Daniel Sc Marsh, 13 Kim ball House, Atlanta, Georgia. Gentlemen; This is to certify that we have tried Smith’s Scrofula Syrup iu several old ohronic cases of Catarrh Canoer, Sore Legs, etc., anti we cheer fully recommend it to the public as the best, safest and most reliable blood purifier that can be used for all dis eases for which it is recommended. Respect. R. HARTMAN «fe CO. For sale by Walker <fe Gann, Butler Ga- S, S. Monk, Carsonville, Ga. L. Potter, Prattaburg, Ga., Freeman Mathews, Howard, Georgia. All communications should be ad dressed to to Dauiol & Marsh, sole proprietors, ^nd manufacturers 13 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. [ GEORGIA Taylor County. Whereas W. H. Jenkins Adminis trator on the Estate of H. C. Hoi brook late of said county dec'd. ap plies for leave to sell at public or pri vate sale Lot of (wild) land no. 139. ii the 13th district of Talbot county said Sf 'te—the property of said Deceased: Those are therefore to cite and admons ish all persons concerned, creditors and next of kin to show cause if any they can at the court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the First Monday in December next why leave should not be granted to the said Administrator to sell taid laud as prayed. Given under my hand and official signature. This 2 day of November 1880. JAMES D. RUSS, W4w^ i Ordinary. WATCHES We have a number of the celebrated Waterbnry Watches, which we abln to dispose of at a small advance ou the manufacturer’s prices, thus sav ing the profits of jobbers and retailers. They are full size,excellent tim0-koep^ ers, stem winders,handsome in appear ance, and very durable, and front every place in which one is sold,orders for from six to a hundred and upwards follow. .They retail at from $10 to $16 oach. Sample watches will be sent by mail, registered, on receipt of $6. We refer with pleasure to the publishers of this paper, with' when, we do busiuess. Address MERCHANTS ADVERTISING AGENCY, 62 Broadway, New Yoryk. LANDRETHS’ J. M. W .CHRISTIAN’S Bar and Restaurant, 88 C&©WJjr Sli>cot, MACON, UEOB8IA. FINE LIQUORS, WINES, CHAMPAGNE, PORTERS AND- LAGER BEER. ^ , IMPORTED DOMESTIC CIGARS ALWAYS ON HAND.. ( We again invite our old friends and customers to our well furnish ed BAR and bountefull; supplied tables, which are ready at all times ' for their comfort. We bIbo furnish FIRST-CLASS BEDS FREE OF CHARGE, to our customers who stop with us. When visiting Macon don’t fail to call and see us. aug31tf. J. M. W/CHRISTIAN. 0. A. ALLEN, . W. J. GRIFFITH. ALLEN & GRIFFITH East Side of Ceuft House Square. BUTLER, GEORGIA., DBALERS fS Dry Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Glass and Queensware. Choice Btaxlo and Fuaey CvocerlM. And all Goods kept in a Retail Store, at Lowest Cash Prices. All. wishing articles in our line, will do well to call before purchasing: elsewhere. ATTENTION TEACHERS ANU PARENTS! SCHOOL BOOKS FOR TAYLOR COUNTT SCHOOLS. Butler, Ga., July 6th 1880. At a meeting of the Board of Education of Taylor County, held: to-day, the following resolution was unanimously adopted, with the advice and consent of the leading teachers of the county : Resolved: That the Board of Education of Taylor county, after careful examination, do ht-reby prescribe for usj in the public schools, of the couuty, the following Text-Books, viz: New Graded (American Educational) Readers. Cathcart’g Litei- ary Reader. Swintou’s Word Book of IS pel ling. ISwintou’s Geog raphies. Swinton’s Histories. Robiuhon’s Arithmetics. Spencerian. Copy Books, Webster’s Dictionaries. A true extract fiom the raiuu <*• W. D. GRACE, A. M. RHODES, President Board. County School Commissioner. These books are to be procured at Introductory and exchange rates from the following Agents. Pope & Prepies, Butler, Ga. 8. S. Monk, CarsouvillH, Ga. Freeman Mathews, Howard, Ga. F. M. Moulton, Cedar Creek, Ga., and H. T. Coleman,Reynolds, Ga. For Sp'cin eu copies, terms, etc., Address S.OS3&R.T X. PAEZ, General Southern Agent, Macon, Ga. * IMPORTANT INFORMATION for the-PEOPLE: SOME VERY HARD NUTS TO CRACK. 1. Companies have sprung up in every part of the. Union for making an “Imitating .linger Machines ” Why are’ not siipilar companies formed for making imitations of other Sewing Machines P The public will draw its own inference. Gold is continually coun- terfited; brass and tin never. THTEE-QUARTERS of all tha Sewing Machines sold throughout the world iti 1880, were genuine “SINGERS,” made and sold by The Singer Manufacturing Co. 2. The Singer haB taken the FIRST PRIZE over all companies more than TWO HUNDRED T.MES. Why ? 3. THE PEOPLE’S AWARD TO THE “SINGER.”—The people bought Singer Machines as follows: 1870, 127,833 Singer Machines; 1871, 181,260; 1872, 219,758; 1873, 232 444- 1874 241,679; 1876, 249,862; 1876, 262,316; 1977, 282,012; 1878,366,: 432. Many of the manufacturers of other machines refuse to state their Bales. Why? Wast no money on inferior counterfeits. Prices of the genuine GREATLY REDUCED I Sales of 1878 oversales of 1870, 228,- 699 Machines. A THREE-POLE increase. We Wnmnt Even SKnefalue field fef Ue. The Singer Manufacturing Company has 1,500 Subordinate Offi ces in the United Stat and China, and 3,000 Offices in the Old World, and South America. A»*8end ior Circulars. THE SINGES MAMUFACTUBING COMPANY: G* W. LEONARD, Agent. 42 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga.; ; Branch Offloe, Augusta, Ga.; Macon, Ga.; Columbus, Ga. "3 - -Thomasville, Ga.; Charleston, S. C.; Greenville, 8. 0.: Florenov S. 0.: Jacksonville, Fla,. teb.lO-lj. ■A