The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, February 01, 1881, Image 2

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\ THE BUTLER HERALD- \ tonuuniua Paid *1.50 Fn Arrau* kTUlMDAY, FEB. l.t„ 1881. J the measure we are diacusaiug, be will merit and receive the with ering condemnation of his peo ple. We are ooufident, that unless there exist reasons not kuowu to the public, requiring the passage this bill, our representative—Gen. Cook—will never aid in giving it the force of law by his vote. SHALL FARMS, E rtonton Messenger.] A great deal has be-n said about small farms, and a number ofgtfcxl reason* have been given why the\ are preferable. *To tho^e who aVe in the habit of easting a look ahead, it in • vubnt that Southern farmers will, by force of circumstan ce*, be obliged to adopt the plan of small farm*. Beyond «ho question of thorough cultivation and gr-ntm- prod net iv^-- noss. which make small Lirni* pre ferable to large one*, there is a fas approa hinx difficulty in the way of farmer which will compel them to t educe the size of toeir farm*. Lft bor, iu th South, will not nlway be a* cheap *s at present. Already, the farmers a o discovering a glow ing pronens ty, upon tlie part, ot the negro, ro detu-ind higher wi- luiiou of our lathers. Had Geu.; ges This s broug it ubou* by Graut worn taiui«elf o it iu the ser- two ihuigz; the increase in th.* pop* ▼ice of his country, and it had be* l4 * #ni4, an ^ * J 11 ' come neies.iary to retire him Gen. Uraut aud Congress. There is a bill before Congress to ptflK* Gen. Grant on the retired list with the rank of General, which, as well as we remember eutitles him to receive from the Government one-half the pay that Gen. Sher man receives as htad of the army. Wr hope the present Democrat!: Congress will n it, ip the vain hope of appe tsing Northern semimeut, enact into a law, the bill to which we have referred; and ubove all, we trust that uo Southern Democrat will stultiiyaud mi induce himself by voting for it. In th; tirst place, we are satis fied that a taw ot the character to which we have referred would be contrary to the spirit of the consti that accouut, we should have uo obj* H>tiou—in fact we believe it would be our duty—to place him on tne retireJ list with bufficieiit pay to support him and liiiu fam ily in somiort during life. But the case is tar d tforeut. Geu. Grant was ambitious to be Presi dent of ibis great couutry, aud Ins ambition was gratified. Nut only this, but uiauy people believe that wheu Geu. Giant went into the Presidency, be did so with the pur post* of remaining iu it for lire; b it .‘diicati n among the diffus on of negroes. I ha nr-gro loves town life, and the increase in the population the town cauae* in those plac s a gieater demand f<>r lus labor. Kd ucai ion chum* him to value him self more highly. It does mole than that; in most instances it ren der* hiiu utterl) unfit :«r .ny kind of labor. It creates in him aspira tion which cun never la*satisfied, and unable to cruti y hisaiubition, he b c 'Uier a loafer aud a source of pectin aiy ex peon; to tile H'atv We d • not make either of th* se statements unadvisedly. We have seen the pi oof too often. We in ibis, ho lias tor the tune b.-rug. " ,m ' d noL > of these facts, .. ., v ... , , „ | • . prevent the negro s being rdueu- ta.l,a. We say ter .he time being,; ^ W( . w w *, or to k . for, it is uot by any in ans uortaiu 1 • that be will nut ultimately succeed hi h 8 design— if iud, ed be teal y outer lams such a purpose. How ever ibis may be, it -s . ertain that Uen, Grunt considered the office of Presideut, a more desirable posi tion than that ol General ot tUe ar my—although the loiter was a po sition ibr lile. As Prrsid. nt, Gen. Grant received as sa ary three hundred tbouaanl dodurs, besides other allowances to the “While House.’’ As general of the army, it would have bten mote than twen ty years beiore be would have r. ceivedthut amount. In addition to his salury as Pres ident, Uen, Graut obtained a snug fortune iu the way of presents, which he would uot have received bad be nut been President. In short, Gob. Grunt has been more munificently rewarded for bis services, ibuu was Wash ington lor uiakiug a success ot the Auiericuu Revolution. Moreover, in our judgment, Uen. Sherntuu is entitled to fur more ciedit iur the dual success of the Federal armies than is Iren. Grant. Ejr the reasons wo have stated, and for others not necessary to men tion, we do uot believe any Demo crat would be juslilied iu voting for any such measure us that which we have mentioned, Nor do we think any Southern Democrat cun with any degree of sell-reapert luvor the mailer uudei consideration.. At a time when the interest of Gen. Graut did nut require that he should ma lign the Southern people, he bore testimony to the good faith with which they had accepted the re sults ot the war, and the general good treatment aud kindness which the freedmen were tlieu receiving at the bauds of their former own ers; but afterwards, for the purpose lit promoting tbs interest of his party, be delihe.atwly, and without sufficient evidence, and upon state ments that he was compelled to know, were untrue, or nt least the vast majority of them,arraigned th e Bout horn people before the world as muxlerers, midnight assassins, allot box siuffers, aud everything that wa< calculated to make them objects of scorn and oonten-pt in the eyes of all civilised p-ople. Now, one of these statements was untrue; and as every rann in the Houih knows it was the last, we of the dll know that Gen. Grant fms |iBr<! aud slandered us for no j panose thun to advance his interest of his party, fc.SfHv these circune educated lo the fullest extent, be cause we w iiilil nut shut out any human l-eingtr ni whatever a (vin tages are to h d-rivtd from edit- u- cation. B <t even now the results of the two facts winch we have slated concerning the negro are (aimers in the luce. If furmers must pay high wages fur lab r, they cannut manage large farms profitably. In order to make mon ey Southern farmers must feme to hrr-e tbi. gs: small farms, thorough cultivation, and has labor. Small farms may be easily ob tained. Thorough cultivation may b- obtained by th use of improved implements aud labor may be les sened by the introduction of labor stviug machines which are so wide ly used in the North aud West. Furpiers may as well regaid small farms os ainon the inevitable uc- ce.-siri.-s ot the near future. VVoiild it trot be well to take time by the forelock and adopt, at once, the on ly plan by which funning in the So ith may be made to pay? Death of Her. Caleb IV. Key. The Augusta JVeies ann-iuncus the death ol Rev. Caleb W. Key, farther of Rev. J. S. Key, which occurred in that city last Saturday night He was seventy-five years old at the time of his death,and was one of the oldest and most promi nent Methodist ministers In the Stale. He entered the ministry at (he same time wi h Bishop Pea.ce, and has spent a lite full of usetull- neas in the Mastor’s cause. He has been, to the time of his death, for many years Grand Chap ain of the Grand Lodge ot Masons in Georgia,and his remains were interred with Musouic honors lust Mondnr^^^^^^ At'nnta Post-Appeal: “Now that Ass Gunn hus been acquit ted. cer ain ques.ions about th payment ot the reward are asked. The Stare lias paid the rewurd, and we believe the private r ward has been pmd. The verdict of last week would seem to indicate ihat the reward was too hastily paid Tim question is now very loudly asked; “What is going to become of I his reward ? W ill the purliea to whom it was pnid re fund it to the Ftatep’Aud row that the reward has been pnid, and Gunn acquitted, there is do reward off red for the DeFoor murd-rets. We heard a detective assert a tew days ago that ho held the key to tile discovery of the DeFoor murder, and he intimated very brondly that- it would uot he necessary to go very far to find the red-handed dcmoi s. But detec tive-wink for money, and there being tu> money i fibred for the Hr rest uud conviction of the real mu derers, he is not likely make his inf relation public The Stufe might give a reward for the pumshmont. Two Blakely preachers were paid off a few days since and in cense queues were iijnde happy, “Poor I**, poor preach, ” is an old s.ving whioh most g.-iierally is true. * To get good work nut of a preacher you will have to pay hiu). It runn against the grain tor a man to pray for the salvation of unothor who owes him and won’t pay him. To say nothing ol ths other Southern States, the substantial and liberal progess in South Caro lina alone since its release from Radical rale, is enough to give the emphatic lie to the vile misrepsen- tetions made by that party, in botli this country and England. Her State administration that cost three millions or more under for mer car|ietlmg rule, now cost about one-tenth that amount, and twelve hundred colored teachers are now teaching colored schools at the cost of the State. A stringent li cense law has just been enacted, prohibiting the sale of liquors out side of incorporated citios ami towns; aooth r imposes severe pen- alties tor carrying concealed weap ons; a other inflicts severest pm allies upon tile duelist; otters rpi ci«l exemption Font taxes to auiu.t. settl r , and uliw o’ a h.ruier ses sion ex- in ts la lories siaried in the -State freuii all taxation tor ten .ears 1'hu woild mov s, and the Palmetto State is moving w tli it. One li-.rion .Marshal, ulina Pai Ho tun, is wanted i . II iwkllis- vill to a.-sacr ou Severn uliarg s ol forgery. One evening 1 st we. k lie presented to Fule & Co., all order Irom Mr. .James 11. (Jr if for three ’l-iimlred doll is and six ty cent-. The.. d.-r w i aid, and to lie a bee forgery, lin t, u li ft town and re egruius were sunt to varii llr points a ki ig hat he lie aire-t. d i.ti Monday a dispatch was receiv ed ihat lie had (sen arrested aud was confined at Multan ia the tall of I el an com. y. An officer letl tlawkiusville rhat alieruiHiu, nil oil arrival at Mclf .e found tInti the wrong man had been ai-n-sie It is stilt hoped that llmt -u may be c -ptu ed. He i« d scrilied as . man ot medium -ire, and pre.hi lily lives, or did live, at Reynolds, iu fay lor county. Some years ago he was fir. man nr worn! pa-se. on one of the tra ns the Macon and Brunswick roBil. Brewer’s Lung Restorer. New London, Conn., June 1st 1880. Mefurre, Lamar, Rankin A Lnmur. Macon, •■ra.— I wish yon to Mind uioretxbotUrere Urow- >r'n Lnug Rcatoror by F.xpr**^ and 1 will lorwanl yon tbo mouev on rccoipl of bill, fully, I*r.«l F Blown, President Browu <A>U**u Gin Company, Now London. Maoon, Oi*.. Jrne 9lb. I88(». ilemrx. Lam ir, llankin Lamar, Gt nlle- mtu:—Knowing Iho c Hiiixmi'iit part* of Drawer’* Lung Heston r, I do not lKwitati' 10 nay that in m.v belmf it iu lh« ht*t rt niddy for ('oMNumptinu, llronoliili 1 * and otl'cr tliroal and lung diaeOPOM, ever dUcover**d, and i lake plmHurw in reconmu-udiug it to all who Mjain Hnch a mmlwiue. It ia nnlike all l.'ounumjilion remeditH I have evui tteen, iu that it hint no opiate*; and an opiate iu m.v opiuiuu in tho very wond (lung that nan bp givt-u fo any cue who>o ayalim b-ioonuw tx- ,anted by Consumption. G«* THE SAVANNAH umim Hsws i Thin reliable newspaper coiubint H vety teat me cnlculattnl to umke it POPULAR WITH ALL CLANSKS. It i* in'lepeiidcnfc of cliques, but oxtends itn earnest support to th* National Democratic party Pub lished at the priucipat seaport of the South Atlantic States,it gives prominence to all matters relative to Commerce, as well as to the Agroialttiral, Mechanical, Man ufacturing interests of the South. •Its State, General, Local,and mar ket ilept-r-tmeiits are acknowledgeil to b* die b*vt in this setion, while its Telegraphic Heb*»rts of tl»e m w»* ot the day are in I and comprehen sive. Price of Daily, $10 a yeur; $.» For *ix months. SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS. Contains 8 |ta^e* of re idin-; matter, ootupNsiiiu nil tho news of the week. Tcle^rapnic Dispatcher up L. W. Hunt. Dr. A. R. Nnrtou of Savannah, write* lour fa\or of 14tli imi. in at baud. Ian ire yon it a lord* mo plvahuro to giro no .ipn*vft\ aud cerliffti'Hte in favor »>f your i.,ug /fintorer, having given it a lair trial uitmber of oa->oi wUerw ii proved hhu«u« it i he irwi'metnof Bronchi tire amt (^urennip- li«*u. Five yearn ago my witc ware for g< ’ouKuinpuon, alii* hud buen ooutiiutd (•ud the gi miter jutri of the liun-, for itlih witn Fewi eery day an«( li . »ll« lioor nt itnimr In nn.aa Air. 8 bill Hut- liopw of tiw reouvery.* bat by 1 u ' e l,n “ fi" 1 ",'. V l r ' * s > 4 God, hei rieill ora. Iihuis, Urt^iiml, »Serials Only a jreiw; S l for six iKirreeverrucv nth the bl.-w.iiig* ol uigH ,»ru Hf-tiay p« riccrly so uud. I gave •r no other Luug Mcdiomo thud yours Hud uo.tgh h.vrup I make. I have genetnlly 41*fii them together <ui I have retrong laiih both. I reui’cnat-it iu oim-iog a uuiul*r uopvlevt ctuwre nun ft-gard llrrWer’re Lung Iti-^t .n r are it Vory valuable preparation. Muisr rerii l me per Kxpn -re one g'dlou are I au ueuriv out. Send mil of name and i oil reinii promptly, vishiim von good u. Vo ittofly, U. Nortou, M. D. W**t Broad and Uarrni S*s. bavauuah. hlliut* •Walter A. Tiylur of Atlanta, ►■*>•*** I hav. jeon purehiug the reulo of Brewer’a L*i*ig itc :orer, aud Milling it at overy opimiinnity ed am reatisfieit tin ‘ *d« lor iL l do no nntanoe where X hold ouu hoith* but Ue party did n»t return greudv la-Uctilir-d •> g 1 the Hi-oon«l battle. I will cxt*e« t t*i well rapidly in tholall aud w inter. Yoiiih Ti u- iv. Waiter A. L'uylor. Drugitiret, Atlautu. Gu McHrera. Lamar Itnukiu A. Lamar. Gcutle- net:: l am indmed from your advur.He* i. ul of Mrewer’re Lung HvMtoitr, to give it u lal on a nicuitau of ot my taunly who bae -•-d tbrvv hetnorugeH teceuUy aud ia now • ry tre ble. Th- ltu*i hoiuorrliiige wa^ ubnut ■•ir veekre ago. 1 hud dt-e ddd u> oenil her 0 Ga.uerevide tne tret of July, but Wireh to ry your Lung Restorer before she leaven. 1 lenae forward rnaou*' b.-otle to I'oehnui. Go., by Expraw. R reportfuHy lUv. A*. S. Me*.'all. Mat n. Gu. . Guilt le* w. Lamar, Rankin A L i My lit ie girl ciuhi yen been foi reonie lima ironbied with a auvtr.* cough, which pliyrtmua prononitoe Broil* euiuK. Sue nittpl but little, omighing Hour ly 'ho enure night and w« La-1 to get n* y oftoii to help her out, tue cough ware *»n ere. At ymir reolicitntinn I bo*ght a bot- of Brnaer'* Lung Ite-itorer a*»U rhw U- i to improve at mice nnu Imre lnv u releep- tdociy ever since and 1 firmly believe rei.e will l»e peruiaiitly ourml, I asm very much lighten d a* her condition uot long reiuoe, jut am now rejoiciug at hcrrupid recovery, four* Truly, «»m>. F. Wing. Muttren* ijtimar. Uatikin A Lamar. Macon. t«„ Geutleiuen.* —A uiamber of my fiimily whom 1 icured iiad Cmuumpiiou Imre i*e* ii itircly ourfl by the ureo of Brewer're lamp Uu torer. Hire rsniditiou ware v. ry alarming all of ua aud we did vV«ry thing w« could think of to i.en< lit Inin, without reucceres. nnut l goi him a lottfo yont Lung H— retorcr lit begun to improve Alter the first lose and before ho had takeu two bottle* wtire BUtirrelv erred, where I feared u*i ouk* w;u* [mereible, and I unml uhjerludy loomuiiuudH to all win) have liny afiiH'tioUH of the Lungs. He wu« oughiug aud vpitting all the hum. *o litcearettu'ly tb it it orevciili-d hire reieet iig at nigiit a,id what Utile atop be got dm not refrf-U him in the learet. Had but little up sit,.! * app. tite it* very roach belter. I linve i nv.hing act no promptly and effect a c ii red relit rt a tuna. Wireldug you gnat re o»H and liopiug the above may t-ifl.i uany to try Brewer’s Lung Rereiom, wl they uteri a iucOmmiu* to rtrcugthen and the Lung* in a healthy condition. ih.s|>ecifiilly. D rr h liortmi, the o.ti and r* liabl- purti*r ol the pa^afiuer depot ti Alacttn, ia d* a*l. He was ouu of lit laraiiiiarkH of the Uciidal Ci»\, utid was quite popular with the uaveliug public. The Macon Herald ol Tuesday, says: For several days the panio u arc of a certain allair having cauda Otis nature have been whis pered about, anil though the tu>>- r has assumed a starling situa tion, \vh do not parade extended y iu print any of th« di'cloretires (Satticieat be. it to say, that it i* the old, old story of woman'* weak ness and man's erreng (li repo-it ion A lost situation, a oroken mar riage engagement and an nMeinpt at suicide constitute the finale of thiB affair The State Fair. The Columbus Enquirer sjie.ik ing ol the State Agricultural Con* venti'*n at Bainbridge on tho 8th ol February, says; Another ques tion to cotue before the oonveutioii s as to where the next Stat*- Fair •'ill be held. This is a matter over whicii there will 1>h a strong cou- est. Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, Thotnasville and peilmp* othen will make an effort to secure it We merely throw it out us a sug gestion that it would be a goto! idea lor Columbus to make an ef fort to obtain it* and it would be a good opportunity to again inau gurate a fair. There is uothing iu which our citizen omild invest that would benefit the city more than a properly conducted fair. Ourmer- • hunts aud business men generally will contribute towards erecting the buildiugs The city council will no doubt appropriate a goodly sum for the purpo-e. Air-Line Accident About two miles east of Se ton a station on the Air-Line railroad sixty*two mile* above Atlanta, there occurred another accident ctrly y stvrday morning. A through fre ght train, in two sec- tioMS, was approaching that stat ion. when a portion < f the fiist section Is came uncoupled, an*) bef re it could lie taken up again the engine ol the second section ran in o the cub, driving it into the sti ck car just in advaute of it. The car was loaded with mules, and the acci dent was the CA"H6 of the death of tour of them. The tar was so 1 Copper, by virue ol a fi. fa. issued thoroughly demolished that the out ol the 8u|>erior t ourt of said Ft* Gliey.-. ie»ir« ti» call the attiutiou of the pub lic to the above voluntary twUiromaulre oi the well known per.-oure whnae nautre are at lie Itottoin. We are yet to hear of auy one who hare not been buuctitletl by tLe i *u o Brewer's Lung Uesiorur, but ou the nthei baud oil who irieil one Imtile come bark to (ft from three to mx twiile*. *a.uuf< they h id rtoeived kp-hi beuthi Irom itre urec. H e have a Mter Inm a gtiillenmu at Toombs* borro, Ga , reaviug. *T have had Lung tU- retaree four or five yeurre, using during the time inuny UiU'erent ri'miHlivre, but h'tvtdc rived more , nil benefit /, oro this ont boUle ot Hreictr t Lung Htslvitr limn from all the l*i(- lance put Unjaher. i waul six more bottle*, which pleuree reend at once, us 1 wuh to get them by the timeiue bottle i now Lave give* out" Higned II- H. WuJktnH. We are aurei in receipt of «u orler from I. F. Browu who is president of the Brown G. ii * Join pony New Lonuon. Goun., who reay* he hsu boeu told ot *Lo cures mad. by Brewer’s Lung Iteretorer, and request us lo send him six botllvH We propose to keep tue lau b.fore the people that Brewer’s Lnug Kanorer gives reaiiretuciion in every TAYLOR COUNTY SERIFF SALES. FOR FEBRUARY. Will he reold befoie the Cnuri Hoaree door in the town ot D liter in aaid amDiv oi legal ho. Milder ti rty to wit ot reale to tho high, ht hdiI best caih tho tbllowiug named prop- Ou»- undivided half in’erest iu and to lots of laud Nos. 183, 192, 194, 2<»5 »*nd the north half of lot of land No. 20G; all in the 14th district of Ta> lor county, Ga., a* the property of A. U. (JiKiper. Lev ed on as the property f A. G Taylor county, Gu., iu favor ol O. M. Colbert, vs. A. G. Cooper uion‘ Iih. SOUTHERN FARMER’S M0IJTHIY. \u lliUhtn I’d .Ion inti. Containing OtigiU'f and Svbcted Agricultural .Matter, B iitahle or the Fa m and Kir*sde AIh«» an llln*tia • d Fa>h- ioti Department for the ladies Price $2 a war; 81 for G months. . * J. II. E.VJ ILL, Sava- a 1 . G‘. anti! BACK ACBX And til of the Kidneya, Blad- nnd Urinary Organs try wearing tho IMPROVED EXCELSIOR KIDNEY PAD It ia aXarrel of Hesltng and Belief. SIMPLE. SENSIBLE. DIECT, PAINLESS POWEFUL t CTtm^lS wliere all el-e falla A RKYELATIO aud REVOLUTION iu Medietas. .Uxtorption or direct application, are opposed to nnreattetaciory internal tn**.ii' cine*. Rf*nd for our tr*-aMiie on Kidn*J trouhle*,Hent fr«>. hold by druggireta,or reeut by mail, on receipt of price; $'2# riDDBUB The ‘Only” Lung Pad Co. WILLIAMS BLOCK. DETROIT, MICH. This ia tho original and genuine Kid ney Pad. A«k for it and take no other. For mile by Hunt, Rankin d Lamar, wholesale diuggista,Macou and Atlanta (Ja. W ANTED AK active.Vuergotie*Clin chance TO MAKE MONEY. Such will ph-rec hiihwcf tliU advertireement .• letter. «re«tuning reiamim for rvj'ly. relating h>«t t.iiremeres tiiMV L v«* Urem migaged in ouu but tiiowu wuu mtviii ImsineuR need up- ply. A.I-lro-a Kinlbt, IIaKvxy & ('a. ,i>t>t.v. lv Atlanta, fla IE8T 11 THE WORLD ! •llfktlf d Mv while talw, U mmv mppwmr whits, suwl«< 4 M. ttotlf. kit m conrimioi encncH * ro.i ••arm aivd Si2!ft R " BRAKD ^ rUl " is* See tkatnar laktag Me le vrkiteeed rtmf, *t ikeeltl k* ALL SXSeXl«AB SVBSTSJICKa meed fw Honnktmn whe Maftr'Viwd made with JM*1, wlU Impmru IU qaellty, m*he it rlee WUtModpmtttlll hea eoattsc. hy wlftlng eee-heiftaeepoofiftilorCharctihOo.'eSode or Mrtetna. Bfiauvfeaadnotnaotoommch. Ihe rnoMUi with aoar mlllt In fMvoeoo fte Baking Powdar, urss twenty ttmaa Ua ooret B— one jKinort ptclift for valoabl* lofreao Mon aad road oarofaUy. SNOW THIS TO Tout IIOCEfr FOUND. AIko at the same time mat place nt 1 Hid Number two hundred tuck escaped and quite a time v asapent in n capturing them. A dtuverilt charge of the car hud hie arm slightly hurt, and this was about all tie duning- d- lm. It re-'aud thirty une in the fir.-t district quired four hiilira to clear the | of Taylor county, Ga. Levi, d on ns truck.—A'lantn Constitution. I the jir-p;-rty of .James Well-man. — I Levied on 1by virtue of a tax fl fa., 1 he (arrest b. ar.ty is olten mar ! i s(m , d liy Joiah l’yron.Tux Cnllcc- ed by unsightly . vtdence of.a.dis-1 u <t of Taylor cniifity. Tennant in vnsed liver, but Poitaline, or Tub-1 poasnwion notified, ler’a Negefable Liver Powd r cur s i This .January 4th 1881. Hiliousnu-s, Dye, epsia, Hour Stoiu- Q, A. J. POPE Sheriff nch, and removes s llowtu ss, mak ing thuoomplexii-n e'ear an I at tractive. Small bottle 2oe, regular size 50c. White’s Cream White Vermi fuge, the beet Worm Killer. For. I sale by Peed & llalley, Butler, | Cr.| UJjgWM gsdfyiLJSsi A HKMKDY tlmt ini* tin.a an*1 cf fccmui cure for ml discaHw* of the bloorl Hkiu, Scrol'ulrt, <^nncar in the worst form* White Swelling, Catarrh, Cuncer »f the womb and all Chn'iiiu SoreR,uo natter of how long H anding; We guar* an tee a cure if our reiuedica are us«:d according to direction*. Smith’s Serf a la Syrup AND STAR CURINE Willi th* be two inndicinc* combined we have cmed hundreds of canere of the different distune* mentioned mIhjv*. 8MITH8 SCROFULA 8YRUP 1* an internal reuidy, one of the best blood pun tier a known to the American peop e. STAR CURINE, Is an external remedy; by applying it on the outbid**, and taking Smith'* Scrofula 8yrup, your caree will he eu*i« |y cured. If you will call on or ad tires* us ue will take pleasure in Hliowiug you Imiidred* of certificate* from parti* * living in thi* State that you are well acquainted with, that have been cured *ouud and well by using 8iar Cnriii* ami Suiitli’re Scrofu In Syrup. If you are ulllicted with any of the ubove mentioned diseases do not I kink your cu-e will get well with out treatment; do not delay; the i er you will tie restored to health uud h*ppiiie8*. Ljull on Daniel «k Marsh at once bc- f.iru it i* too late' and get a bottle of Smith'h Scrofula Syrup uml Star Cu t ine. Head the following certificates; January 10th, 1879. Mererer*. Daniel <k Muiwli, 13 Kim bull Houhh, Atlanta, Georgia. Gentlemen; This ire to certify that we have tried Smith'* Scrofula Syrup in several old chronic case* of Catarrh Cancer, Sure lag*, etc., ami we cheer fully recommend it to the public as the beat, Haft-ret aud must reliable blood imiitier that cun be used for all dis- easen for which it ifi recommended, llefipeot. R. HARTMAN & CO. Fur realo by Wu.kei & Gann, Butler Gu- S, S. Monk, Carsonvilie, Go. rotter, I'litttaburg, Gu., Froenmu Mat bows, Howard, Georgia. A II coinnitinicattona hliould be ad dressed to to Daniel & Marsh, sole , ,, proprietors, %nd tnanufacturers 13 ION8|PBuak l PA Kimball House, Atlauta, Ga. [aprfi.ljr c *"* bJ AK0IPT101 » s **«**v) ATT LUNG DISEASES, “Wl THROAT disk ases, BREATHING TROUBLES. It KIUVKS INTO thu systum o«- rative agents and healing inedioines. It draws from the diseased parts the poiaons that cause death. Thonssail Tentlfj U> Its Yirtaes. m CAN Bfi RkUIVcO AND Don't despair until you have trto4 this SenaiblUf liaai y Applied and it A MV ALL 1* EFFK V TU A L Remedy. A . Sold by Druggists, or sent by nail ou receipt of price, $H.OO t by The *0nly’ Lung PadC. WILLIAMS BLOCK, DETROIT, MICH. Si-nfi for TuvitiuonUL and our twok, “Three Million, a Year.” Sent frea. For sale by Hunt. Rankin A Lamar, WhobwaleDruggists, Macon and Atlanta, Ga. J. M. W .CHRISTIAN’S Bar and Restaurants •• Chonrr Stvoot, MACON* CHBOBCMA. FINE LIQUORS, WINES, CHAMPAGNE, PORTERS AN 10 LASER BEER. IMPORTED DOMESTIC CIGARS ALWAYS ON HAND We again invite onr old fi iende and customers to onr well fnrnislt- ed BAR au-1 bountefully supplied tables, which are ready at all timea for their c -mfurt. We also luruisb IKST-OlvASS BEDS FREE OF CHARGE, to our customers who stop with ns. Wheu visiting Macon don't fail to uall and aee us. uugiJltf. i. M. W. CHRISTIAN. ATTENTION TEACHEKS AND PARENTS. SCHOOL BOOKS FOR TAYLOR COUNTY SCHOOLS* -:0:- Butler, Ga., July 6th 1880. At a meeting of the Board of Education of Taylor County, held to-day, the tbllowiug resolution was unanimously adopted, with th* advice and consent of the leading teachers of the county : llesolvtd: That the Board of Education of Taylor county, after careful examination, do hereby prescribe for use in the public schooW of the county, the following Text-Books, viz: New Graded (American Educational) Readers. Cathcart’s Iiitet- ary Reader. Bwinton’s Word Book of Spelling. Bwinton’a Geog raphies. Swintou's Histories. Robinson's Arithmetics. Spenceriare Copy Books. Webster's Dictionaries. A true extraet from th* minu es. W. D. GRACE, A. M. RHODES, President Board. County School Commissioner. These books are lo he procured at Introductory and exchan gw rates from the following Agents Pope & Peeples, Butler, Ga. 8. S. Monk, Carsonvilla, Ga. Freeman Mathews, Howard, Ga. X. M. Moulton, Cedar Creek, Ga., and H. T. Coleman,Reynolds, Ga. Fur Spiciu-en copies, terms, etc., Address ROBERT X. PARS. General South run Agent, Macon, Ga. IMPORTANT INFORMATION for the PEOPLE SOME VERY HARD NUTS TO CRACK. 1. Companies hnve sprung np in every part of the Union lor making an “Imitating Singer Machines ’’ Why aie not similar companies lormed for making imitations of other Sewing Machines? The public will draw its own influence. Gold is continually coun- terfited; brass and tin never. THTEE-QUARTERS of all ths Sewing Machines sold throughout tho world in 1880, were genuina flUlMilL'IIU H imnrlu unJ a,>1,1 hv f l V»m ftinrrnf Mumifantijj-jDg Go i companies “SINGERS,” made and euld by ’Jhe Singer Manufacturing Co. 2 The Singer has taken the FIRST PRIZE over all compauii more than TWO HUNDKED T.MK8. Why? 3. THE PEOPLE’S AWARD TO THE “SINGER.’’—The people bought Singer Machines as follows: 1870, 127,833 Singer Machines; 1871, 181,260; 1872, 219,768; 1873, 232,444; 1874 241,679; 1876, 249,852; 1876, 262,316; 1977, 282,012; 1878,366, 432. Mauy of the manufacturers of other machines refuse to stat their sales. Why? Wrist no money ou inferior counterfeits. Pric< ■ of (he genuine GREATLY REDUCED I Salta of 1878 over salee of 1870, 228,- 599 Machines. A THUEE-FOLE increare. We Wawaat Evere MaeUiie Keli ftf tfa. The Singer Manufacturing Company has 1,500^Subordinate .Offi ces in the United Stat and China, aud 3,000 Offices in the Old World and South America. *S“8end for Circular*. THE SIEGER MAMVFACTUBIEQ COMPART. Q. W. LEONARD, Agent. 42 Marietta Street, Atlanta,!}*,