The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, January 24, 1911, Image 2

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t* ! A Page Devoted to Reynolds and Vicinity. Edite 1 by H. A. Paris Reynolds, Ga., J in 23 1911.— Mrs H S Trawick is visiting relatives in Seale, Ala. Jacobs’ candies ‘made last night.’ —Hill Drug Co. Mr F F Paris is on the sick list this week with lagrippe. Mr Charles H Neisler visited Atlanta, last week. Paul Roger's Perfumes are the best. Hill Drug Co. Mrs R C Paiis spent the week end with Mrs Harris Thornton. Mrs Ida Anthony was the guest of her sister, Mrs Calvin Bryaut Sunday. The many friends of MrsRirk- sey will regret to learn that she is quite ill. ' ^Messrs A J Payne and J H Draughon are’ln Macon today on business; Colgates Soaps, Perfumes, Race and Talcum Powder at Hill Drug Co. . Mr Oscar Draughon went up to Macon Saturday to witness the “Merry Widow.” Mrs Sid Brown; of Butler, is attending the bedside of her sick mother, Mrs Kirksey. Miss Pink Moutfort is spend ing sometime in Macon with Mr and Mrs Killpatrick. Mr E M Johnson is-on a visit to his mother and friends at Meigs, Ga., this week. Mrs John Humphries spent last week with her mother Mrs A J Barrow and family. Mrs Ruby Grant attended the funeral of her sister Mrs Jolly iu Marshallville last week. Mis Horton, of Macon, spent last week with her aunt, Mrs Jake Saylor of Panhandle. Hou T W Pool, President of Reynolds Banking Co., spent sev- eral days iu Macoh last week. Miss Crumby of Talbottou, the attractive and admired guest this week of Mrs Ross Lucas. Mrs Spell, of South Carolina is spending sometime with her father, Mr A J Payne an'd family - Mr S Vinson, of Fo;1 Vaiiey spent last week the gueSt of his grandfather, Mr Jake Saylor, Sr. Mr and Mrs Frank Ogburn went over to Marshallville tq at tend the funeral of his sister, Mrs Jolly. Mr and Mrs Robert Hicks and children were the guests of Mr and Mrs R A Hinton Saturday and Sunday. Miss Marguerite Moutfort, one of our attractive young ladies, returned home after a delightful visit to Macon. The many friends of Miss Katie Payne will be glad to know that she is convalescent from a spell of pneumonia. Miss Ella Belle Shepherd and Miss Hortense Wadkins were the guests last week of Miss Mary Loy Aultman. Mr and Mrs Hoke McDaniel entertained quite a number of young people most delightfully Friday evening. Mis Wiley McDowell French and little son, of Virginia, are visiting at the home of Dr and Mrs J E Mangham. Miss Lola McDaniel will leave for Florida in a few days where she will spend the remainder of the winter with relatives. Mr and Mrs J N Bryan and Mrs E E Hodges, after spending- several days in Macon, returned to their homes a few days ago. Mrs P E McDaniel entertained quite a number of young people last week. Mrs McDaniel was assisted by her charming daugh ters Misses Lola and Nell Mc Daniel. The Reynolds encampment In- depent Order Odd Fellows will meet in their hall on Monday night Feb 6th. All members expected to be present, and we are requested to say also that business of importance demands attention. FOR SALE—sorrel mare, safe for auy member of family to drive; also practically new Barnesville t> u ggy- Also one large work mule. For cash or easy terms with proper security. Mrs P E McDaniel, Reynolds, Ga. WANTED. Piece work in typewriting and stenography, prices reasonable, offjee in Far mers & Merchants Bank, Rey nolds, Ga. Special course in both arts just completed. (Miss) Nell McDaniel. Mr H S Trawick, while ship ping peaches last summer had a car misplaced or lost, as he thought, but was happily sur prised a few days ago by receiv ing a check tor $250 for the aches. FOR SALE—Surrey, good as new, good make. Apply to W C Kilpatrick, Reynolds, Ga. Delightful Entertainment. Mrs Ross Lucas and Mrs Char les Hugh Neisler ’entertained at Whist last Friday evening in honor of Miss Jessie Mass, of Martin, Tennessee, and Miss Liz zie May Cumby, of Talbotton, Ga. Miss Jessie’ Mass and Mr Eugene Joiner won the fi'st prizes, a jewel case and a box of stationery;', and Miss Rosebud Dillingham and Mr'Albert Hicks won the'booby;'prizes, two decks of cards in hand-made cases. A Spend the Day Party. The spend the day party given by Miss Mary Lou Aultman last Saturday in honor of her guests, Misses Emmie Harris and Ella Bess Shepard, was very much en joyed by all. The fortunate ones to be invited were: Misses Min nie McDowell, Mae Powell, 01 ivcSanders, Ev§ B Griffith, Le- la and Nalle McDaniel and Ma rie Matthews. We played various games and made music (mostly with our tongues) till dinner was announc ed, and Oh! such a dinner, five full courses and then desert* I will not try to give the ineuu, but will only say that Mrs Ault man planned it. Every one who has once been so fortunate as to be the gnest at her board know what treat her dinners are. After dinner the big farm wag on was brought around and though heavily freighted we dimed in and the tune of “Wait For The Wagon And We Will All Take A Ride,” we drove off. Mrs Aultman as chaperone we took in the town stopping at the prettiest places to take kodak pictures as mementoes of our day spent together. As the sun sank from view we dispersed to our homes after a whispered agreement that we would meet at Mrs McDaniel’s after supper, and with a few of the sterner set play games and have some music. True to our promise we marshal ed our forces and were on hand at half past seve -. V hough our visit was a complete surprise to Mrs McDaniei she rallied to the occasion,—she being a good Christian woman of course be lieves the nearest way to young people’s hearts is down the ; r throats—served delicious fiuits in abundauce. At a late hour we took our leave, hoping to meet again some sweet day. We wish to thank especially Little Paul (Bubber) for some vocal solos, which would have done credit to an older boy. “One ok the girls.” When a cold become? settled in the system, it will lake several days treat ment to cure itaod the best remedy to use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker than any other, and also leaves the system in a natural and healthy coudition. Sold by But ler Drug Co„ Butler; JG Hill, Rey nolds,Ga. Wanted-Boarders. Large, nicely furnished rooms and table board the best that the market affords. Rates reasonable. House familiarly known as the Souder place. Apply to Mrs G. R. Lucas. Subscription List for the Monu ment Fund. Subscriptions and cash received by A S Wallace to the Confederate Monument. Amounts sent iu hereafter by courtesy of the But ler Herald, will be published from time to time. SUBSCRIPTIONS. Ruffin & Pool Dr. Turk Dr Sid Bryan Chas, H. Neisler R A Hinton • Tom Gostin Will Powell and wife Ed Hollis Howard Neisler Sleight Hill F E Glover • CASH RECEIVED. W H Elistou C L Pyron Emory Seay Jas. H. Whatley Albert Hicks $25.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 2.50 2.50 5.00 $2.50 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 RIVER SIDE ITEMS. (By Rosebud.) Reynolds, Ga., R F D No 1.— We have been enjoying real spring weather until the last few days and it has changed to win ter again. The farmers have been very busy preparing their land for planting season. Mrs. Sol Byrd and children spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs Roy Byrd. Mrs Harris Thornton spent Sunday with Miss Nancy Beeland Miss Nancy Beeland and Mrs. Josie Byrd spent Tuesday with theii sister, Laura Pope of But ler. Mr and Mrs J B Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Duke spent Sunday with the family of Mr. J. T. Davis. Miss lassie ?Jd wards has return ed to here home in Macon, after an extended visit to friends and relatives. Mrs Mollie Marshall has re turned to her home in Talbotton after a pleasant visit to her daughter, Mrs Joe Pierce. Mrs Carrie Kennedy and Mrs Belle Martin spent;Friday after noon with Mrs Tobe Byrd. Mr Jonnie Adams has moved his family from Crawford couu- ty into our community. We give a cordial welcome. Guess what young man is quite lonely since his best girl has re turned to Macon. Mr Sam Driskell has returned home after a pleasant visit to Co lumbus and Fla. Mrs Carrie Horton, of Macon, Panhandk News. (By Cracker Jack.) Rev Earl W Anderson filled his appointment at Crowell’s 3d Saturday and Sunday. A large congregation was present on Sunday and enjoyed his sermon very much. Messrs G J Young, T D Pbil- mon, E C Pierce and Dr W R Hall were in Butler on business third Saturday. „ Miss Eva Rhodes, of Butler, was the admired guest of Miss Rena Fuller third Saturday and Sunday. Mr and Mrs C E McCrary en tertained a number of our young people at theif home on the evening of Jan 10th. Mr Clifford Smith, of Talbot county, visited his sister, Miss Garnett Smith recently. Miss Rena Fuller entertained at a birthday! party Saturday evening Jan 14th. Mr Harvgjfogpotb, of near Mid way atter^wfljkeaching here last Sunday>fMP^K Mr Ray Lujts visited his sis ter, Mrs M H Carnes, at Roberta last week. Mr Roderick Dugger went to Roberta Wednesday to fill Mr H K Sealy’s position as cashier of the Bank of Roberta during Mr Sealy’s illness. The schools* at Crowell’s is steadily increasing in numbers and interest under the able man agement of Prof W R Hall, of Gainesville, as principal and Miss Garnett Smith, of Talbot county, as assistant. The entertainment at the res idence of Mr 2nd Mrs S B Mont gomery oa the evening of Jan 12 was very mucj) enjoyed by all present. Mrs Sterling Horton, of Macon, visited her cousin, Mrs R E Cosey, the past week. We are glad to hear that Mrs A D Windham is improving af ter a recent severe illness. Mr J T Davis and daughter, Miss Irene, were called to the bedside of his daughter, Mrs R H Raines in Upson county third Sunday. We are glad to learn -that she is improving at this writing. The old, old story, told limes with out Dumber and repeated over and over again for the past 36 years, but it is always a weteonus story to those in search of health -Hiere is nothing in the world that cures coughs and colds as quickly at Chamberlain’s Cough remedy. Sold by Butler Drug Co., Butler, Ga. J G Hill, Reynolds. Ga. REYNOLDS Home Mixture Guano The Standard for 23 years SEE OUR AGENTS MORE THAN THREE DECADES. Foley’s Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for coughs, coughs, and ailments of the chest and lungs. Contains no opiates. City Drugstore Mules and Horses For the remainder of the seas on I will sell to the farmers of this section mules and horses as cheap as can be bought in any market, and will be pleased to serve my friends. J H Whatley, Reynolds, Gt. Wanted— Boarders. I am pleased to announce that I am prepared to furnish the best table board and nicely fur nished rooms at reasonable rates. Conveniently located for pupils attending school or persons en gaged in business in Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Payne. MOUJIK WEDDING FEAST. Russian Peasants Celebrate Nuptials With Riotous Joy. When the day’s work is done the Russian moujik’s recreations are of the simplest. Perhaps he dances or plays the concertina or sings Some melancholy air. But when a wedding has to be celebrated and the priest has duly united the cou ple the peasants -give themselves up to the enjoyments of the occasion. The writer well remembers peeping into the brightly lit rooms of a tiny two roomed log cabin where sucli a revel was in progress. The evening was a hot one. In one room, so small that only four couples could with difficulty wheel about, dancing was in progress. The perspiring couples had made up their minds to enjoy themselves. There was a kind of determined-to-see-it-through look on their faces, and evidently they had great staying powers. In the same room, closely packed and lin ing the walls, were onlookers wait ing till a couple should drop out to take their place in the dance. The second room was laid out with refreshments. A side table groaned with all kinds of dishes dear to the peasant palate. One knife, one table napkin and one Ware’s Palace Meat Market We have opened an up-to-date meat market in the house re cently occupied by E A Goddard as a furniture store. At all imes we will be prepared to'furuish the public with choice Fresh Meats. Give us a trial. Ware & Long, Reynolds, Ga. Farmers Warehouse and Fertilizer Co., REYNOLDS, GEORGIA. Gov Brown Commutes Sentence of Talbotton Negro Talbotton would have had „ .. Governor We are now open for business in our large Fire-Proof Brick warehouse and respectfully solicit the patronage of the farmers of Taylor county. We have secured the services of Mr. . , , t ^ ^ W. R. Rodgers as manager and with ouropen fork did service for the part}*, but • • n . some scorned even these aids and i board giving all an opportunity to bid, we are picked up here a sardine, there a 1 hoping to render services to the public that hunch of melon or tore at a hard sausage. One thought of the cave dwellers and wondered what refine- Brown had not commuted tile sen- tence of J >hn Smith, a uegro, for the killing of another negro al a church SLciable la9t year. R Leonard, Leonard Parker and T H Persons, all prominent and influential citizens of Talbottou, appeared before the prison com mission last week and asked that Smith’s sentence be commut ed to life imprisonment. The com mission so reeommendeJ, and the is visiting friends and relatives in 1 poritiouers immediately took the our midst. i papers to Governor Brown, urging that he give action at once. Mr Persons stated that all of the best people iu Talbotton favored the commutation, and had signed the papers. He said negro fusse9 might be put in two classes—“a frucus” and “a rucus.” It was admitted that this was an instance only of a “rucus,” where one ne gro had killed another at a socia ble alfair. Governor Brown, on the showing made, approved the commutu'ion to life imprisonment. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA Many school children suffer from constipation, which is often the cause of seeming stupidity at lessons. Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab- Ists are an ideal mediciue to give the child, for they are mild and gentle in their effect and will cure even chronic constipation. Sold by Butler Drug Co. Butler, Ga; J G Hill, Reynolds, Ga FOR SALE. Thoroughbred Plymoth Rock Eggs. 75 cents per setting of 15. Mbs. G. J. Young, Reynolds, Ga,, No. 1. REACHING THE TOP in any calling iu life, demands a vigorous body aud a keen brain. Without health there is no success. Hut Electric Bitters is the greatest health builder the world has ever known. It compels pefect action of stomach, liver, kiduevs bowels, pu rifies and enriches the blood, topes aud invigorates the whole svstera and enables you to stand the wear aud tear of your daily work, .liter months of suffering from Kidney Trouble, writes W 31 Sherman, ol Cushing, Me., “throe bottles of Electric,Bittors made me feel like a new man. 50c at City Drug Store POSTED. All persons are hereby given due no tice that lands herein described are properly registered in the office of the clerk of the Superior court of Taylor county as required by law for the post ing and non-trespassing of the prop erty. All violatons of the law will be vigorously prosecuted. 121 acres in lot number 174; 30 acres in lot number 175 and 41 1-2 acres lot number 144. E. E. Fuller, Also 59 acres in lot number 146 and 100 acres in lot number 145, O. B. Montgomery. Also 50 acres in lot number 140. All of above lands being in the 14th dis- r ict of Taylor county, Ga. L M. Montgomery. *Dr. y. fflogera, PHYSICIAN aud SUKGFON REYNOLDS, — — — GA. Tenders his service to the citi zens of Taylor and surrounding counties. Special attention given to cases of EYE, EAR NOSE AND THROAT. Imperfect sight corrected by glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. the father of the bridegroom, and it was having its effect. One tall man was pointed out as the station master of a tiny wayside station near by. He was conspicu ous as being better groomed and less savage in appearance than his fellows, and one heard afterward that the seductive charms of a wed ding feast made him forget on that | evening his duty as signalman. A I freight train waits two hours be- fore a signal at danger, and then— I for the signalman is quaffing his vodka and dancing at the wedding —the train proceeds. The driver reports at the next town. Result—• two months afterward the station master for neglect of duty in his capacity of signalman is degraded to a charge at a smaller station. Surely such things happen in few other countries than Russia—Rus sia, the land of a great future, but whose inhabitants in the main are only awakening out of sleep.— Chambers’ Journal. will be appreciated; come to see us. Farmers Warehouse and Fertilizer Co., REYNOLDS, - - - GEORGIA. A Generous andCharitabie Wish I wish all might now-of the benefit I received from your Foley’s Kidney Remedy, save I N Regan, Farmer, Mo. His idneyf and bladder gave him so much pain, uiyseyy anl annoyance, be could not wor nor sleep. He says Foley’s Kidney Remedy completely ured him. Sold by Uity Drug Store. Excursion Fares Via Central of Georgia Railway. To New Orieaus, La., account Mardi Gras Celebration to be held Feb 23-28, 1911. To Pensacola, Fla., account Mardi Gras Celebration to he held Feb 23 28, 1911. To Mobile, Ala., account Mardi Gras Celehratiou, to be held Ftb Feb 23-28, 1911 Knoxville, Tenn., account Sum m r School of the South to he held Juue 20-July 28, 1911. For further information apply to nearest ticket agent. FORCED TO LEAVE HOME Every year a large number of poor sult'crors whose lungs are soar and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. Hut this is costly ami not always sure. There’s a better wa/. Let Hr King’s Sew Discovery cure you at home. It cured me of lung trouble, writes vV K Nelsoc, of- Calamine, Aik. “when"all else failed anil I gained 47 pounds in weight, It’s surely the i king of all cough and lung cures. , Thousands owe their lives and health to it. Its positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaCrippe, ffsthama, all throat and lu ng 'rouble. 50.; aud $100. Trial bottle free at City Drug Store. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the (signature of SEEDS BUCKBEE’S SEEDS SUCCEED I SPECIAL OFFER: 'MaJ. to build New Biulaeu. A trial Will make you our permanent customer. Prize Collection J1 the finest; Toralp, 7 »plen<Ld: Oaloa, 8 beet r» f Be*; 10 •prlaff-flowsrUf Balb*—ti varletie* In ftll 1 GUARANTEED TO PLEASE. Write todays Mention this Paper. SEND 10 CENTS l to cover portae* and packing And r*c*lv* this valuable J * Beedt postpaid, together with my bi* t, Beautiful Seed and Plant Booh. , l t«u« nil shout th* Beat variatie* of S**d«, Plant*, rtc. , . H. W. Buckbee. MULES, HORSES BUY - SELL - SWAP Fifty extra fine mules bought since the decline in the market Mules all sizes, from seven to thirtee i hundred pounds See these before you buy. Can uiake prices attractive. J. L. WILLIAMS, Buena Vista, Ga. Conquest of the Air Vividly Described and Pictured in Walter Wellman's Great Book, "The Aerial Aire." As Wellman recently broke all rec ords for sea flight in a dirigible bal lon, S0 bis book describing his thous and mile adventure in fog and tempest will enjoy a record breaking sale. For years distinguished as an able journal ist and as a forceful writer on general subjects of national and international concern, it is only natural that "The Aerial Age,” detailing his experiences in the Arties should be widely read, especially as every civilized nation is on the alert for what will happen next in the world-wide struggle for the conquest of the air. Wellman has surely dared much and accomplished much in his two trips in quest of the North Pole, and more recently in his notable attempt to cross the Atlantic in his great dirigible “America.” What he has thus dared and thus done, is vividly told about illustrated with striking photographic productions. “The Aerial Age” is a handsome volume of more than 500 pages, and oontains forty-eight full page pictures, detailing the construc tion, the fights and the finish of the great balloon that Wellman planned and put in motion . He touches the whole subject of aerial navigation, not only describing wliat has happened but forecasting what will happen in the near luture. On the whole, it is pretty «afe to say that everyone who wants to get at the greatest subject now claiming the world’s attention, and to get at it either from a scientific literary, educational or prophetio viewpoint, will want Wellman’s book Going Like Wildfire to describe the wide- Tbat's the wa_ spread demand for Walter Wellman’s Great Book "The Aerial Age” One critic calls it a “fasinating rec ord of scientific adventure;” another compares it to “a swift sailing ship with Science at the helm, and Adventure in the foretop;” still another says that “it bristles with adventure, and is brimful of education iu aviation.” Anyhow, it is a great seller, as each day’s orders show. AGENTS WANTED Send today your application for ex clusive territory, with 85 cents for 32 page agent's prospectus and successful selling canvass. 1 lednet the 35 cents from your first remittance for 5 or mure books. Address, A. R. KELLER A C0„ MARBRIDGE BUILDING BROADWAY AND 34TH STREET, NEW YORK. F. E. GLOVER REYNOLDS, GA Dealer in Dressed Ceiling, Flooring. Weather Boarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shingles, Building Ma terial of allkind, Coal, Etc. • v