The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, January 31, 1911, Image 2

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i Tii-. '■■Vtf A. Page Devoted to Reynolds and Vicinity. Edite 1 by H. A. Paris Reynolds, Ga., Jan. 30, 1911.— Pound paper and envelopes at Hill Drug Co. Mr Henry Hinton is In town today on business. Our town is full of gypsies with quite a lot of stock. Mrs Hicks is visiting her sister at Howard this week. Mrs G. R. Lucas is visiting her father and family this week. Cheif Police Sanders went up to Macon Saturday and returned Monday. Miss Florine Ogburn is selling out her hair goods at reduced prices. Hudnuts Toilet Water 75c. at Hill Drug Co. Mr and Mrs Oscar Davis, of Butler, are visiting Mr Ira Kirk sey today. Miss Hattie Simpson is the at tractive guest of Mrs Lester Car ter. The boys say Jack is recover ing now as he has at last heard from Mississippi. Mr J H Thornton while in Ma con last week treated himself to an automobile. Mr and Mrs Sid Brown, of Butler, are the guest of Reynolds relatives today. f We pay the highest market price for chickens, eggs and coun try produce.-Draughon & Payne. Mr Dan Payne was out driving one of his high steppers Sunday in company with Miss Moss. Miss Alice Griffith and Miss Clara West were the guests Sun day of Miss Eloise Seay. Mrs Tom Turk returned Sun day from a visit to her father, Mr M T Chapman at Butler. Miss Katie Payne is still sell ing her beautiful hats and at £ very reduced price. Miss Imogene West will delight her young triehds by giving them an entertainment soon. Miss Winnie Newsom enter tained her young friends most de- lightfully a few evenings ago. Mrs R C Paris enjoyed a most sumpteous dinner with Senator- elect and Mrs C B Marshall Sun day. Mrs. S. E. Bateman, of Butler, and Mrs Jeffiie Bateman, of Atlan ta, are the guests of Mrs. T. W. Pool. Our spring dry goods and no tions will arrive soon. Wait and see them before buying.— Draughon & Payne. Mrs H S Trawick returned to her home after a pleasant visit to relatives in Columbus and Seale, Alabama. Mr A J Payne and his daugh ter, Mrs Spell and children are visiting his daughter, Mrs Branch at Tifton. Mr Jamie Barrow was out rid ing in a new style automobile Sunday which he seemed to ^eu- joy immensely. The best self-rising flour on the market. All groceries fresh and of the best brands. We ap preciate your patronage. Draughon & Payne. Miss Jessie Moss, one of our popular teachers, spent last Fri day evening as the guest of Miss es McDaniel. Mr F F Paris’ numerous friends here and throughout the county are glad to see him out again af- a very severe attack of lagrippe.“ Mr E M Johnson will have to arrive very soon the largest and greatest variety of embroideries and laces he has ever had. Mr W A Ware has sold his Palace Meat Market to Mr Lon nie Brooks. Mr Brooks will con tinue to furnish the best and freshest meats of all kind. Go to Hill Drug Co., for Ear ly Corn, onion sets, garden seed, watermelon, cantelopes aud all kinds of early seed. Look out for the photographer who will arrive here next week and be prepared to do good work. He will be found at the Mitchell House. The many friends and relatives of Mrs Jack Kirksey were pained' and saddened when they heard of her death which occurred Thursday last. Mrs Kirksey was one of our oldest and most high ly esteemed ladies. She was a consistent member of the Metho dist church and leaves a large number of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. . Give our new barber, Mr J A Maxwell a call and you will be much pleased with his work as he is a graduate in his profession. He runs two chairs in his nicely furnished apartments. Mrs C Brown Marshall was the guest of Mrs E C McAuley one day last week to dinner. Mrs McAuley is a gracious hostess and her affairs are always delightful. Rev T B Standford, presiding elder of this district, will preach at the Methodist church here next Sunday night and will hold his quarterly conference Monday morning. Dr J W Rogers left last week to join his family in Macon where he will reside in the fut ure. Dr Rogers is one of our most highly respected citizens and a splendid physician and specialist for eyes,nose and throat and we bespeak for the Doctor a large and lucrative practice. His many friends regret to see him leave. When a cold becomes settled in the system, it will take several days treat ment to cure it and the best remedy to use is Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy It will cure quicker than any other, and also leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. Sold by But ler Drug Co„ Butler; JG Hill, Rey- nolds.Ga. Tuesday Evening, February 7th. Under the auspices of Alkahest E. A. Goddard Dealer in Every thing That is Sold. Every person has an individu al reason why he or she trades exclusively at this or that store in their vicinity. Some of these are: First, tor honesty and satis factory dealings; secondly, their goods are purchased direct from the best and largest manufactur ers thus being the lowest in price and newest in manufacture; thirdly, courtesy and a' friendly welcome accorded all patrons. There is a positive combine of all these qualities and a pleasant blending of each at Captain Goddard’s store at Reynolds, and these have made his place fa mous for the past quarter of a century or longer. Individuals and families are tied to him and no inducement could ever sever that tie. Every town or city has its “Big Store” and. may truly be said that no community is more proud of its large institution than this. Cap tain Goddard not only carries at all times a large stock of mer chandise, but it is a well select ed one, purchased by . himself with the able assistance of his son, Mr George Goddard, who is a young man, full ot enterprise and energy and who gives to the business bis very best efforts and studies the needs and wishes of every customer. The attractive manner in which the meichan- SOUTHIAND ITEMS Lyceum system will be present- dise is displayed, either in the grocery, dry goods and notions, hardware, furniture or household furnishing lines and the courte ous treatment accorded every one who enters the door are features which tend to increase Capt. Goddards’ popularity. Dependa ble goods at right prices, appeal to all communities alike and the knowledge that honest values are given for every dollar spent at the Goddard store is one of the most valuable assets of the store. As to the merit of his goods, we may by reference to a list of manufacturers with whom Capt. Goddard deals dierct, at once see they are without question. By inspecting the stock we have found the following manufactur ers’ own cards attached and any- ed. at the Reynolds school audito rium next Tuesday evening Songs and Stories of the Red Men by Mr and Mrs Albert Gale. They are accomplished musicians and splendid entertainers. Mr Gale is a vocalist, pianist, and vionalist, capable of handling the best music, a lecturer aud a good story teller. He was for several years at the head of the music department of the University of Washington. Mrs Gale has a rich, deep contralto voice and is a good pianist. Their voices blend beautifully. NOTICE. I take this method of ing my Taylor county notify- friends and patrons, that I have opened an office for the practice of medi cine in the city ot Mico-, Gi., corner Cherry aud Coctou Ave. one who knows anything at all that I might be with my family of meritorious manufacturers while educating my children. I know that these can not be ex will however be found in Rey-; celled - For instance: In Clothing nolds at my same office every Saturday Thanking you for all past favors and your continued good wiil I am, Very Respectfully, J. W. Rogers, M D. T. E. Chambers, Dentist Will be found at the Big Oak Hotel all of this week. He is well known in Taylor county haying had a very large and suc cessful practice in this section of the state for 25 years or more. All work guaranteed. Dentistry. I will be in Reynolds Monday February 6th and remain until Friday afternoon. Will return the following week if you make appointments. J M Whitehead, Dentist. Have Your Horses’ or Mules’Teeth Floated. Many horses and mules suffer for lack of attention to their teeth. All uneven or pointed teeth should be attended to the same as bad teeth in a man’s mouth. Mr A J Payne has re cently purchased the best set of instruments made for this kind of work and will be pleased to serve his friends. Wanted—Boarders, Large, nicely furnished rooms and table board the best that the market affords. Rates reasonable. House familiarly known as the Souder place. Apply to Mrs G. R. Lucas. MORE THAN THREE DECADES. we find the names of Weiner Bros, of New York, Daniel-Mil- ler & Co., of Baltimore, and Sonneborn 81 Co., of Baltimore. Shoes, W L Douglass and the Hamilton Brown Shoe Co. Hats and Caps, G S Howser & Co., of Baltimore, and John B. Stetson of Philadelphia. Dry Goods and Notions. Dan- iel-Miller & Co., of Baltimore. Carpets, Rugs, etc , Alexander, Smith & Sons. Furniture, Rome Furniture Co. Musical Instruments, Lyon & Kpally of Chicago. Hardware and stoves, Belnap Hardware Manufacturing Co., and Atlanta Stove Works. The best gas light now on the market by Acorn Brass Lamp Manufacturing Co., of Chicago. A summing up of the business of Captain Goddard would be in complete without due mention being made of his son,Mr George Goddard who is a live wire in the business. He has made a genuine success in the mercan tile business with his father, and his close application to the store, his energy, courteous manner and high integrity has been largely responsible. REACHING THE TOP in any calling in lire, demands a vigorous body and a keen brain. Without health there is no success, Rut Electric Bitters is the greatest health builder tire world has ever known. It compels pefeet. action of stomach, liver, kidneys bowels, pu rities and enriches the blood, tones aud invigorates the whole svstem and enables you to stand the wear and tear of your daily work. After months of fluttering from .Kidney Trouble, writes W JU Sherman, of Cushing, Me., '‘three bottles of Electric, Bitters made me feel like a new man. 50c at City Drug Store Farmers art plowing and talk ing guano. - There is a young man who visits our school and being a lit tle nervous Iris heart beats so lotid that it disturbs the children. Think he is in love with one of the young ladies. Mr Chas. Barfield, of Fitzger ald, was here on business last week. Mrs Ethel Snider has returned ed to Montezuma after spend ing a week with relatives and on Red Level. Uncle Wesley Hill is still very feeble and not expected to live many days. Seed peanuts both kinds at W. G. Hills.’ Reuben Childs, of Macon county, has moved to Mrs A. M. Payne’s and will run a two horse farm for her, r The new-eAjfeSs office is prov ing very coUvtp-'ent for our peo ple. r Garden seed and Bliss potatoes at W G Hills. Mr W M Hill has bought the C A Barfield property and Wal ter Hil] will occupy the Barfield residence. Mr A Shirah and little grand daughter made a pleasant trip to Byromville Saturday and Sunday. Robtjarrett is cutting shin gles again. Mr Arthur Hill, of Rllaville, was here Saturday. Plant early garden seed and arrange to live at home. Clem Adams and brother left on the noon train Sunday for Oglethorpe and returned Mon day afternoon. Mrs C A Barfield left last Wed nesday for Vidalia. Mr Frank Callahan, our depot agent is now making head quar ters at Mr A Shirah’s. Ask our agent did he apologise to his best girl when he heard the train blow for his fl3g at Southland. Mr Bob Hill and Mr. Hog of Eilaviile, came through South land in their auto. Mr Montoe Hill, Jr., and Miss Belle Kilcrease were married the 15th inst. We wish for them a long and happy life. Mrs W IVsHill is quite sick. Mrs Wal|;r Hill is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. T. Cochraa at Rupert. Mr R E Watkins, of Rupert, was in Southland Tuesday on business. Mr and Mrs A Shirah went to Ideal Wednesday afternoon. Miss Arrie Barnes is visiting Miss Genie Belle Adams. Leon. REYNOLDS Home- Mixture Guano The Standard for 23 years SEE OUR AGENTS A Generous aiulCliaritable Wish I wish all might now of the benefit I received from vonr Foley’s Kidney Remedy, says I N Regan, Farmer, Mo. His idneyf and bladder gave him so much pain, myseyy and annoyance, lie could not wor nor sleep. He says Foley’s Kidney Remedy completely ured him. Sold by Uity Drug Store. POSTED. All persons are hereby given due no- I tice that lands herein described are I properly registered in the office of the clerk of the Superior court of Taylor county as required by law for the post ing and non-trespassing of the prop erty. All violatons of the law will be vigorously prosecuted. 121 acres in lot number 174; 30 acres in lot number 175 and 41 1-2 acres lot number 144. E. E. Fuller, Also 59 acres in lot number 146 and 100 acres in lot number 145, O. R. Montgomery. Also 50 acres in lot number 146. All of above lands being in the 14th dis- riot of Taylor county, Ga. L M. Montgomery. Foley’s Honey and Tar ha9 been a J household favorite for coughs, coughs, 1V\T|>viC VtlWWDlTTIl and ailments of the chest and lungs, riJI.r. I ^ l\lllnl r.l rll.lA Contains no opiates. City Drugstore FOR SALE. Thoroughbred. Plymoth Rock Eggs. 75 cents per setting of 15. Mrs. G. J. Young, Reynolds, Ga., No. 1. Bruice McDaniel, SUCCESSOR TO JOHNSON JEWELRY COMPANY, REYNOLDS, - - GA Repairer of watches, clocks, guns, pistols, bicycles, and jewelry of all kind. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. &R Backache Kidneys and Bladder SEEDS BUOCBEE’S SEEDS SUCCEED! SPECIAL OFFER: to build New Bnilneu. A trial Will ^ make you our permanent customer. Prize .Collection 8S&sa»«BiS;l f U the finest; Turnip, 7 splendid: Onion, 8 best varit- V ties: AOspring'Uoweria? Bnib>—<8& varieties in all. 1 GUARANTEED TO PLEASE. Write to-dayj Mention tbIs Paper. SENDIOCENTS I to oor*r postage and packing and recsiva this valuable J \ oollaction of Seeds postpaid, together with toy big 1 I Instructive, Beautiful Seed and Plant Book. A \ tall* nil about the Best varieties of Seed*, Plants, etc. , .H.W.Buekbe8, 13488u aW. i River Side Items. Reynolds, Ga., R F D No x. Mr S Thos Montgoineiy and son, Alma, of Junction City spent several days with relatives in our midst last week. Mrs Roy Byrd spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs Sol Byrd, j Mr and Mrs W C Duke spent i spent Sunday afternoon with Mr j and Mrs Joe Pierce. Mr and Mrs Raymond Beeland and little daughter spent Sunday afternoou with Miss Nancy Bee- land. Mrs J B Griffith spent Thurs day afternoon with Mrs Josie Byrd. Mrs N E Elliott and son of Macon are visiting her mother, Mrs F M Griffith. Mr Ed Byrd has moved his family into our midst. We extend a cordial welcome to them. Miss Rosa Kennedy spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs Roy Byrd. Mrs J T Davis spent Sunday with Mrs Tobe Byrd. Mr Bob Martin has been on the sick list this week. The many friends of Mrs Sam Kilby will regret to learn of her illness. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mrs Mattie McDaniel, of Nor- jwicb, is visiting her son, Mr ■Tom McDaniel near Crowell’s church. The residence of Mr Roy Byrd will soon be completed which adds very much beauty to our Route. The school at Clayton Acad emy is flourishing under the able management of Mr Emory Parr, Guess what young lady and j young man were seen driving I thru our ville Sunday p m. «' Miss Ida Wiggins spent Fri- ! day afternoon with Miss Nancy Beeland. Mrs Carrie Kennedy and Mrs Belle Martin spent Tuesday af ternoon with Mrs Sam Kilby. Mrs S A Duke, of Reynolds, and Mrs R L Hals'ead, of But ler, are visiting their mother, Mrs Sam Kilby who is quite sick. Rosebud. Excursion Fares Via Central of Georgia Railway. To New Orleans, La., account Mardi Gras Celebration to be held Feb 23-28, 1911. To Pensacola, Fla., account Mardi Gras Celebration to be held Feb 23 28, 1911. To Mobile, Ala., account Mardi Gras Celebration, to be held Ftb Feb 23-28, 1911. Kuoxville, Teun., aceouut Sum nur School of the South to be held June 20>Tuly 28, 1911. For further information apply to nearest ticket agent. CASTOR IA Infants and Children, The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Conquest of the Air Vividly Described and Pictured in Walter Wellman’s Great Book, “The Aerial Aire." As Wellman recently broke ail rec ords for sea flight in a dirigible bal lon, so his book describing his thous and mile adventure in fog and tempest will enjoy a record breaking sale. For years distinguished as an able journal ist and as a forceful writer on general subjects of national and international concern, it is only natural that “The Aerial Age,” detailing his experiences in the Arties should be widely read, especially as every civilized nation is on the alert for what will happen next in the world-wide struggle for the conquest of the air. Wellman has surely dared much and accomplished much in his two trips in quest of the North Pole, and more recently in his notable attempt to cross the Atlantic in his great dirigible “America.” What he has thus dared and thus done, is vividly told about illustrated with striking photographic productions. “The Aerial Age” is a handsome volume of more thar. 500 pages, and contains forty-eight full page pictures, detailing the construc tion, the fights and the finish of the great balloon that Wellman planned and put in motion . He touches the whole subject ol aerial naiigation, not only describing what has happened but forecasting what will happen in the near luture. On the whole, it is pretty safe to say that everyone who wants to get at the greatest subject now claiming the world’s attention, and to get at it either from a scientific literary, educational or prophetic viewpoint, wfll want Weliman’s book Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema Are cured by Chamberlain's Salve. One applies tion relie ves the itching and burning sensation. Good News “I write to tell you the good news that Cardui has helped me so much and I think it is just worth its weight in gold,” writes Mrs. Maryan Mar shall, of Woodstock, Ga. “I do hope and trust that ladies who are suffer ing as I did, will take Cardui, for it has been a God’s blessing to me, and will certainly help every lady who is suffering.” B 52 The Woman’s Tonic No matter if you suffer from headache, backache pains in arms, shoulders and legs, dragging-down feelings, etc., or if you feel tired, weary, worn- out and generally miser able—Cardui will help you. It has helped thousands of other weak, sick ladies and if you will only give it a trial, you will be thankful ever after. F. E. GLOVER REYNOLDS, GA Dealer in Dressed Ceiling, Flooring. Weather Boarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shingles, Building Ma terial of allkind, Coal, Etc. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S C A S T O R I A Butler R. F. D. 3. Mrs Leanna Harris was the guest of Mrs Henry Cox Wednes day. We regret to state that Mrs Cox ; s on the sick list. Miss Myrtle Parks, of Reynolds, was the pleasant guest of her sis ter, Miss Carrie Parks and Mrs Ida Rogers this week. Quite a crowd of young folks were Seen out driving Sunday p m. Mr Lester Shirah filled his reg ular appoiutment Sunday. The party at Mr Burrell Rog ers’ Thursday night was highly enjoyed by all present. The Sunday school at Lebanon is fiue, everybody that can attend is urged to come out each Sun day. Mr Luther Harris was seen out driving with his best girl Sunday afternoon. Miss Annie Stringfield was the guest of Miss Carrie Parks Sat urday. Mr Norris Carpenter |was hap pily married to Miss Lizzie Mc Daniel Sunday. We wish them much happiness and a long life. With best wishes to The Herald and it3 many readers, au-re-voir. Patsy. FORGED TO LEAVE HOME. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are soar anil racked wilh coughs are urged logo lo another climatG. But this is coetly and not always sure. There’s a better way. Let Dr King’s .Vew Discovery cure you at home. It cured me of lung trouble, writes VV ft Nelson, of Calamine, Ark. “when all else failed and 1 gained 47 pounds in weight, It’s surely the; king of all cough and lung cures- Thousands owe their lives and health to it- Its positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaCrippe, ^ethama, all throat and lung ’rouble. 50c and $100. Trial bottle free at City Drug Si ore. MULES, HORSES BUY - SELL - SWAP Fifty eztra fine mules bought since the decline in the market, Mules all sizes, from seven to thirteen hundred pounds See these before you buy. Can make prices attractive. J. L. WILLIAMS, Buena Vista, Ga, Farmers Warehouse and Fertilizer Co., REYNOLDS, GEORGIA. We are now open for business in our large Fire-Proof Brick warehouse and respectfully solicit the patronage of the farmers of Taylor county. We have secured the services of Mr. W. R. Rodgers as manager and with our open board giving all an opportunity to bid, we are hoping to render services to the public that will be appreciated; come to see us. Farmers Warehouse and Fertilizer Co., REYNOLDS, - - - GEORGIA.