The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, March 28, 1911, Image 2

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A Page Devoted to Reynolds and Vicinity. WE CORDIALLY INVITE ALL TO OUR SPRING OPENING OF Edited by H. A. Pari# Reynolds, Ga., Mch. 27, 1911,— pape^t Cof'7—"* y Dress Goods,Exquisite Laces andEmbroide- Don’t forget Dr. Ballinger.^the “"“V “f;, Wednesday and Thursday March 29th and 30th Mr. Paul l rawick, of Colum- J * bus, visited here Sunday. ~ , The rain was, most welcome Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. E. W. Cook went to Co lumbus on business last week. Reynolds has outgrown her depot and we are counting on a new one soon. Reynolds still-grows and will soon enlarge * her corporate limits. Preaching and Sunday schools were rained out at- both churches Sunday. Mr O S Draughon spent sever al days in Washington, D. C. last week. Misses Mollie and Pink Mont fort are moving into their new home. Try some of our Cotton and Corn Special Fertilizer. Farmers Warehouse & Fertilizer Co. ries, Ribbons and Millinery Goods Store in full Bloom for Spring Shopping We invite you on these special days to come and look and then you can better decide what yoh want and we will sell later. Come and look through is all we ask tomorrow and the next day. W. I. POWELL, REYNOLDS, GEORGIA Spring Clothes Messrs Payne made a business last week. and Draughon trip to Macon Big day at Powell’s store Wed nesday and Thursday. Every body invited. Dr. J. W. Rogers was in town Saturday shaking hands with his many friends. The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Eldridge Cook Tuesday April 4. Miss Berta Trussell, of Butler was the week-end guest of Miss Emma Cooper. Mr H A Paris and niece, Mrs Dollie Paris Strong, visited Co lumbus last week. For Prolific corn, early corn, watermelon seed and fresh gar den seed see Hill Drug Co. Miss Marie Barrow, a Wesleyan student, came down last week to visit nomefolks and will return today. Mr. Clay Whatley, after spend ing last week with homefolks, re turned to Mercer University Sun day. Miss Katie Payne’s Miilnery Opening will be on Friday and Saturday of this week. Mr. Bob Draughon, of North Carolina is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Don’t forget that you cau get Icc Cream at the Hill Drug Co., every day in the week. Mr. George Goddard has a fine lot of Cornice game chickens. Eggs of this stock for sale. The Chamber of Commerce will meet Wednesday night. Every body cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Taylor and children of Fort Valley, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs E E Hodges. Mr. A. J. Green, of Rome, Ga. was the guest of Messrs McAuley and Farrish at Beech wood faim last week. Mr. Louis Hicks and son came over Thursday from Columbus in their automobile and will return this morning. Phone Hill Drug Co., for your Dopes, Ice Creams, etc. Bicycle delivery. Quite a number of young peo ple from here attended the enter tainment at Mr. Ben Griffith’s, in Panhandle, Friday night. Our “Cotton Grower” Double Potash Formula will give results. —Farmers Warehouse and Fer tilizer Co. The Crowell school closed last Friday with a picnic. Quite a large crowd attended and enjoyed a most sumptuous dinner. Dr. W. D. Ballinger has opened up an up-to-date dental office over Paris’ store. Prices reasonable. Your patronage appreciated. All Sunday school children and grown-ups are invited to come out Tuesday night and Thursday night and get their quarterlies. Our Warehouses turned out 850 bales of cotton last week, which was sold to the Bibb Man ufacturing Co. for about 165,000. Land is worth something around Reynolds. One of our citizens was offered JS110 per acre for 30 acres or $500 for one acre adjoining the town limits. Let the name Edward E Strauss & Co., The Big Merchant Tailors, be photographed thoroughly on youc mind. It is a good thing to remember when you want a suit of style and distinction. Just now is a good time to look over the complete line of all wool fabrics and to see the new Ideas which are going to be popular for the Spring. Strauss tailoring is thoroughly insured against dissatisfaction. A guarantee goes with every garment that makes it quite impossible for anything to be wrong. -And most important of all, the prices we quote are the very lowest for high grade made-to-measure Clothes. We call especial attention to the fact that a representative di rect from Chicago, house will be with me Friday and Saturday March 31st and April 1st to take measures. Be sure to let him fit you when he comes. A. J. PAYNE, Jr. Reynolds, Ga. Remember that your suit will arrive in time for Easter . Reynolds Chamber of Commerce Starts out Actively. Last Eriday night at a mon ster meeting of th'e^ husiness' men of Reynolds when the chamber of commerce was organized and enough new members joined to guarantee the success. T W Pool president of Reynolds Banking Co., was' elected Presi dent; E E Hodges agent for the Central of Georgia Railroad, was elected.Vice .President; J H Neis- ler, Cashier First National_Bank was elected - Secretary; J ATMal- hew.?, mayor of Reynolds, was elected Treasurer.’ Some very i nterestin^spe'echeswerecfeirver- ed. The one by Mr R A Hin ton deserves special mention. He set forth a number of plans for the work of the organization which every man present pledg ed himself to carry to perfection. There is no institution which can do so much good fox a town or community than a -veil or ganized and live chamber of com merce. Reynolds boasts of hav ing some of the best business men in the state and these when unit ed together can do any thing they Set out to accomplish. They have realized that there is streng th in union and are going to pull together iu everthing that tends to the improvement and develop ment of their town and county. If you believe all this is simply “hoi air” meet with us next Wednesday night at the school auditorium and see for yourself what is happening. Every citi zen of the town and community is earnestly requested to be pres ent as something is going to take place that will interest everybody. W 7 e will not put tbe public wise at thejpiesent so if you want to i know be sure to be at the meet ing Wednesday night. REYNOLDS Mixture Guano The Standard for 23 years SEE OUR AGENTS Woodmen of the World will meet Friday night iu their hall. All members of good standing are cordially invited. William Walker, a w^-thy col ored man near the L place lost his crib and contents, also buggy and farming implements by fire last Monday night. Receiving daily large shipments of Acid, Meal, Kainit, Muriate, Nitrate and Blood at Farmers Warehouse and Fertilizer Co. Mr D W Alexander will leave this week for an extended visit to Florida. En route he will stop in South Georgia for a short vis it to relatives. Miss Jennie McAuley, after a most delightful visit to relatives in Mississippi and Alabama, re turned home last Wednesday to the delight of her many friends. The Hill Drug Co has recent ly installed an Ice Cream plant in connection with their soda fount and are now ready to serve ice cream daily at 5c. The prospects are that we will soon have a cotton factory in Reynolds. An agent from a New York 'and North Carolina firm was here last week lookingjEor a location for the factory. Come to us for your require ments in the fertilizer line, we have the goods that'will produce results. Farmers Warehouse & Fertilizer Co. The Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Methodist church met with Mrs. C. Brown Marshall, the president on last Tuesday af ternoon. After a most interesting businesss session, presided over by Mrs. Marshall, delicious refresh ments were served consisting of Charlotte msse, ice cream, pound cake, wafers, etc. Mrs. Marshall cordially invites each member to spend the day with her Wednes day and help sew for the orphan the society supports. If you want to know what’s what and how to get it in your Spring suit, have a talk with the expert tailoring man direct from Fashions Headquarters who’ll be here Friday and Saturday March 31st and April 1st. , A J Payne, Jr. j Mr John Hollis, of Columbus, was a pleasaut visitor to Reynolds last week. Mr Hollis was repre senting the J K Harris Co., clothiers of Columbus, and plac ed several orders. An expert designer himself, the man direct from Edward E Strauss & Co., can give you pointers on what’s right in men’s clothes. He’ll be here Friday and Saturday March 31st and April 1st with the suapp’est, up- to-date assortment of Woolens you ever saw. A. J. Payne, Jr. LUCY HINTON btfcco our fa- sold in Rey- Jf*. thers chewed and nolds by "Mr M L Crook Aids digestion, cures the gout And keeps your hair from fall ing out. Chills your ribs and smooths your hair And makes you feel like a million aire. ; MILLINERY. Ou Friday and Saturday, March 31st and April 1st, Miss Katie Payne will have her open ing display of Spring Millinery, and cordially invites all her friends to call and look at her hats. Brooks Palace Meat Market. I have opened an up-to-date meat market and at all times will be prepared to furnish the pub lic with choice flesh meats. Give me a call. . 7.' Lonnie" Brooks, Reynolds, Ga. YOUR APPEARANCE. Your dress may be ever so beautiful and stylish but its ap pearance is marred without the provision of a suitable hat. Fre quently a beautiful and expen sive hat is not becoming because ii does not set on the head prop erly. By the proper selection of a hat one to fit the head and match the dress, a plain face is made pretty and a pretty face made much prettier. Let us help you to make your selection. We are well,prepared with a large and varied stock at reason able prices. With every hat pur chased at $3.50 or over we give a beautiful rhiuestone hat pin. With every dollar cash purchase from April 1st to May 15th you get a ticket one of which is go ing to draw a handsome black Willow plume. Our formal opening takes place April 4th and 5th. Remember the date. Come to see us. 1911 * Increase Your Yield Per Acre •* With our own mixing plant and Carolina Chemical Company, and representing the Virginia- Royster Fertilizer Company, we are in position to offer the farmers of Taylor county the best there is in Fertilizers. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY.- Nitrate Soda, Cotton Seed Meal, Kainit and Acid Phosphate a specialty. REYNOLDS, GEORGIA SOUTHLAND ITEMS. ■Leon“ Writes Interestingly of the Closing Ex ercises, of Pinaknot and Pilkinton Schools and Picnic Friday Last. Miss Florine Ogbdrn, Milliner, Reynolds, Ga, Clothes for Easter. Your suit will arrive in time for Easter it ordered Friday or ! Satutday. Dont fail to come to see us on those days. ". A j Payne, Jr. Messrs Duckworth & Hobbs are now prepared to do your horse-shoeing and all kind of black-smith work. Satisfaction guaranteed. 800 Bushels Corn For Sale. I have eight hundred bushels moi£ of good corn for sale at 80 cents per bushel. Those needing corn will please send at once. A. W. Hicks, Reynolds, Ga.’Route 2 POSTED All persons are hereby notified the lands of T C Parker & Co;, known as the Gordon place, are posted and so registered in the clerk’s office. Trespassing for the purpose of fishing, hunting or otherwise is strictly prohibited and violators will be vigorously prosecuted. T C Parker & Cq. A Mother’s Safeguard. Foley’s Honey and Tar for the chil dren is best and safest of all coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and bronchitis. No opiates. For sale by City Drug Store. MELINERY OPFNING. Friday and Saturday of this week are days set for Miss Katie Payne’s millinery opening! She cordially invites all to attend either or botfi days. She is mak ing extensive preparations for a banner day iu the exhibition of Willinery goods. POSTED LAND. All persons are hereby notified that the following lands beloug to the undersigned are posted and so Registered in the clerk’s office: 68 acres iu lot number 210 in the first district. Trespassing for any purpose is strictly prohibited. Yiolators will be vigorously prosecuted. . F. B. McDaniel. Clothes for Easter. All orders takecr for Clothing Friday and Saturday of this week will arrive in plenty of time for Easter. A J Payne, Jr. Delightful Dinner Party. Mrs J W Rogers, who, with her husband, Dr Rogers, have recent ly moved to Macon from Rey. nolds, Ga., and are pleasantly lo cated on Orange street, are charm ing additions to Macon’s social life and ar,e being cordially wel comed. On Thursday Dr. and Mrs. Rogers enterained several friends at a beautiful course dinner, at which the decorations and all details carried out a charming color motif. Their guests for dinner included Mr. and. Mrs W. A. Waldon and Mr and Mrs J. S. Waldon, of Loraine; Mrs. R. C. Paris, of Reynolds, and Mr and Mrs. Charles W. Rice,—Macon Telegraph. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of - Friday was the closing day of Pineknot and Piikintou schools. They had agreed. previously to meet at-Bateman’s Mill. Well, they met and a very large crowd met them, a conservative estimate was put at three hundred; they came from every direction ti 1 the noon hour and all seemed to enjoy the occasion; Some stroll ed, some played ball and some of the oldtr ones-ttrlked~-about the weather,'when it was going to rain, etc , “I ,wantT<Tplant corn, and wantitiaxain-oefore I do,” and so on tiil dinner was announ ced. Then the conversation was changed. Two long tables were, filled from one end to the other with every thing-that was good to eat from fried-fish to chicken pie, which was spread in abundance and after this large crowd was satisfied there was enough left to I have fed a goodly number. Af ter. dinner. Mrs Eva Sutton, who taught the Pineknot school, had :a platform built for the purpose of j having some plays and speeches (from her pupils. Seats wcie ar ranged in front to seat a good 'many. Mrs Sutton announced that she had not drilled her pu pils. but very little, hence she ask ed patrons aud friends to be pa tient and.give their attention as a means of encouragement which Was done as well as we ever saw, and speaks well for the people. The program was about as follows: * i Address of Welcome by Miss Loy Hand, which was well ren dered and well received by the audience. 2 Play, 1 A Hot Day,” which Ford Automobiles Price: $680 F. 0. B. Factory Fully equipped with top, speedometer and wind-shield. 9 44 jFord.’ The car that is worth the price. Specially adapted for sandy roads. Will go over any road that any other make of machine can travel. Simplest in construction and easy to operate. Any of the above styles for sale by C. H. NEISLER, Reynolds, Ga. was well acted considering it was a old day, but they saved the hay alright. 3 “Getting up a Picnic.” This Was played well by the kids Some wanted a fishing party and some a lawn party, the question was debated pro and con, a vote was takeu which resulted in two votes for each. That called for more debating and another vote, the result was five for a picnic and one for a fishing party; it] vas agreed to make it unanimous for a picnic. 4 A practical use for peddlers. This was. good. 5 A recitation by a bqy whose name was Jack, which was wril delivered. 6 A patent right, 7 A Law suit. There was good council on both sides, each speaking well-tor his client. The Court compromised the case by- making each pay his own cost. 8 A presentation address to the teacher by the pupils in behalf of Mrs Suttou. 9 A farewell address by the teacher to the patrons and pupils of Pineknot school It was a real nicb speech, Well spoken and well received by.pat 16ns and pu pils as well as the whole audi ence. A stiff breeze was blowing but Miss Eva spoke loud enough for all to hear and they were) anxious to get every word. This ended the exercises. It was agreed that this was the largest Powell’s City Market I am prepared to furnish you with choice fresh meats. I also, run a lunch counter in connec tion with the market. Your pat- crowd that "had ever been there ron '« e w '* 1 a PP rec > at ed. at one time, but would be larger] Eugene E. PowEEL. when they met to dedicate the. factory which will be built in|_ ialc ? to I?°k into every - the future. Leon. Potterville Items. By Hope. Pretty spring days. Mr and Mrs French recently visited in Macon. Mrs W H Tucker and children visited relatives in Panhandle. Mr John Kimble was on the sick list last Week. Mr Henry Crook and his friend Mr Braddy visited the former’s relatives in Schley county third Sunday. Messrs W T Loviek and B. C. Crook attended preaching Garden Valley third Sunday. Mr W T Pearson, and Miss Bessie Adams, a very handsome congenial couple from near Beth lehem, were pleasant guests of Miss Corine Tucker second Sunday. A little soa is the recent arri val at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crook. . Messrs W A Blair and V S Hightower have each treated themselves and family to a hand some piaao. Mr and Mrs M L Crook were among their many friends here third Sunday. Thanks “A O 23.” I like your items too. Take time to look project that is suddenly sprung ou you. Life’s greatest successes, come out ol the most careful con sideration. Group is most prevalent during the dry cold weather of the early winter months. Parents of yuuug children scould be prepared for it. All that is needed is a bottle of Chamberlain’s couah Remedy. Many mothers are never without it in their homes and it lias never dissapointed them. Sold bv Butler Drug Co., Butler, Ga., J G llili Reynolds, Ga. Dr. J. W. Rogers, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT MACON, - - GA at Residence Phone 1757-J office Ellis Bldg. Office Phone 956 Cherry and Cotton Ave. Every Saturday in Reynolds, Ga. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORI A W. S. Weaver, jC a w y o r REYNOLDS, - GEORGIA Office in Neisler, building. Prac In all Courts. Reynolds Shaving Parlor. Hot and cold baths at all times; under the Big Oak Hotel. Your patronage will be appreciated. Full cribs of corn and snug bank account will surely follow a liberal use of the brands of fer tilizers we ate manufacturing. Farmers Warehouse & Fertilizer - Co.