The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, June 20, 1918, Image 3

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THOMAS H. INCE PRESENTS & i n “WOLVES OF THE RAIL” (An ARTCRAFT Picture) AT THE AMUS-U THEATRE, Reynolds, Ga. FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1918 Thomas H. fnce presents Wm. S. Hart in this production, which provides a new char acter for the famous star, that of a railroad detective running down a gang of bandits during the early days of the West. The story is by Denison Clift and provides Hart with sensational scenes and thrilling situations. He performs heroic feats, the climax of which is his daring ride alongside a runaway engine which he boards while his horse is going at a mad gallop and prevents a collision. Vola Vale, the beautiful and accomplished girl who has played the leading feminine roles in Hart’s recent pictures, enacts a charming romance with him in this photoplay. Most of the scenes were photographed in the mountains of California where a complete railroad station, switch tower and division superintendent’s office were erected. From the beginning of the first scene to the last picture is replete with rapid action. Hart is introduced ks a bad man, whose reformation is brought about by the prayer of his dying mother—a scene of infinite pathos. “Wolves of the Rail” in addition to being an extraordinary “thriller” will also rank as a superb dramatic offering. The Amus-ll Theatre J. T. BARROW, Manager Reynolds, Georgia