The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, June 27, 1918, Image 2

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Reynolds Local News Mr. F. M. Carson spent Tues day in Macon. W. R. Whatley went to Macon Monday afternoon. Mrs. Homer Beeland visited Macon Monday afternoon. Colonel W. F. Weaver went to Atlanta Monday afternoon. Mr. I. J. Ricks spent last Tues day in Atlanta with his father. F. A. Ricks left Sunday after noon for a short stay in Atlanta. Miss Melissa Ogburn visited relatives at Fort Valley last week. F. A. Ricks visited Atlanta Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mrs. Woodall of Norwich, has been visiting her aunt, Mrs Sarah Ricks. Quite a party of young people enjoyed the pool at Miona Friday night. Mr. Fdgar Whatley is here to day to attend the Ingram-Whatley wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Powell and Miss Allie Hill will spend Wednes day in Macon. Mr. J. J. Saylor, Jr., visited his sister, Mrs. R. H. Vinson, at Fort Valley last week. Mrs. Sealy, of Howard, is the guest of her brother, Mr. H. K. Sealy, and family. Mrs. J. H. Neisler is spending this week with relatives and friends at Cordele. Mrs. Black and children, of Black, Ala., are visiting her sister, Mrs. W. F. Weaver. Mrs. Wilson Hicks is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. E. Saylor. Mr. Hicks spent the week-end. Mrs. Styles Mitchell has been sick for the past week but at this writing is very much better. Mr. Edgar Whatley, of Camp Wheeler, visited friends and rela tives here the past week-end. Little Misses Helen and Louise Kilpatrick are visiting their aunts Misses Mollie and Pink Montfort. Misses Myrtle and Gladys Cope land, of Nopasulga.' Ala. are the guests of Miss Itnogene Anthony. Fruit cans 65c per dozen. HINTON & HOLLIS. Colonel W. F. Weaver and Mr. J. M. Weaver enjoyed a fishing trip on the Ogeechee river last week. Mrs. W. T. Ricks is spending a while in Atlanta during Mr. Ricks’ illness at Davis-Fisher sani tarium. Eric Newsom, Rob Aultman and Willis Saunders, from Camp Wheeler, were at home the past week-end. Mr. A. G. Hicks and wife. Mes- dames B. H. Newsom, E. W. Hod ges and Thurman Whatley visited Macon Thursday. Col. C. B. Marshall and Mr. Tom. Fountain, Jr., went' to Columbus Saturday to bring back a new roadster for Mr. Fountain Mr. and Mrs. Lester Royal and Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Jones attend ed services in Macon at the Chris tian Science church Sunday. It will be good news to the many friends of the boys in the Emory Unit to know that they landed safely “Somewhere in France.” Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ciements and daughter, Ann, of Montezuma, were here to spend Sunday with Misses Mollie and Pink Montfort. Rev. J. H. Allen left Monday afternoon for Talbotton where he was called to conduct the funeral service ‘of Mrs Mary Beall McCoy. Miss Rosamond Neisler, the at tractive daughter of Mr. C. H. Neisler, left Monday afternoon for 'Mfllen to visit Miss Nannie Joiner. Fruit cans 65c per dozen. HINTON & HOLLIS. Mrs. J. H. Allen and children are visiting friends at Richland while Rev. J. H. Allen attends the Columbus District Conference at Lumpkin, Ga. Mr. Wales Ingram, who is in the army Y. M. C. A. work at Ft. Oglethorpe, arrived Tuesday morning to attend the Ingram- Whatley wedding. CL L. Pyron, who has volunteer ed for service in the Red Cross work leaves for New York Thurs day and at a later date will join the forces in France. Messrs J. A. Matthews, E. E. Barrow and J H Neisler left Mon day afternoon for Lumpkin, to attend the District Conference of the Columbus district. Don’t forget to buy War Savings Stamps Friday, June 28th. An aeroplane will fly over the town Friday afternoon in the interest of the W. S. S. campaign. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mqntfort and little daughter, Mary Jane, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Neisler, have returned to their home at Cordele. Miss Eva Draughon went to Atlanta Sunday to join Miss Marie Barrow, from there they go to Chattanooga tb spend the summer with Mrs. John Humphries. Miss Minnie McAuley, who has been teaching at Sales City is at home for her summer vacation to the delight of her many friends who welcome her home coming. I have for sale all varieties of peas, including the sugar crow- der, mixed clay and speckled, and straight Brabham. Write for pri ces. E. W. COOK. Miss Kate Hicks who has been visiting relatives here has return ed to Athens where she will re sume her school duties at the State Normal during the summer session. Misses William and Louise Waldorf and William Waldorf who have been visiting Miss Lou- rice Cuitmar returned to Macon Monday afternoon accompanied by Misses Sarah McAuley and Lourice Aultman. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Twitty, of Pelham, Ga., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McAuley. Mrs. Twitty, familiarly known as Miss Jennie McAuley, has hosts of friends who are always glad to know of her presence in her home town. Miss Myrtle Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis, of near Reynolds, was one of the honor graduates at the G. N. & I. college, Milledgeville, this year. She is receiving the hearty congratula tions of many friends having com pleted the prescribed course- at that college in three years and re ceived a diploma at the recent commencement exercises. Marriage of Or, HXWhallu Anil Miss Glairbel Ingrain Notice To Reynolds Chapter Red Cross Miss Pink Montfort is in receipt of a large box of cut garments for Red Cross hospital use. She would be glad to have all mem bers, and any one else who can help with the work, call and get these garments. • The chapter did not succeed in getting off a box during the mon th of May. The officers are there fore very anxious to get the pres ent allotment finished and sent in just as soon as possible. Come and help if you can. Thread for knitting may be ob tained from Mrs. Hinton. Help and suggestions will be given cheerfully by either Mrs. Hinton or Miss Montfort. Our grandmothers sewed and knitted for the soldiers during the 60’s, why should we not fol- One of the most beautiful wed dings ever solemnized in this city was the marriage of Dr. Henry Clay Whatley and Miss Clairbel Ingram, which occurred Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Julia Ingram. The halls and parlor were beau tifully decorated with masses of cut flowers and handsome ferns. The bridal march and other beau tiful musical selections were ren dered during the ceremony. The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. H. O. Fowler, pastor of the Reynolds Baptist church, after which congratulations were received. At 3:20 o’clock Dr. and Mrs. Whatley left for Atlanta and other points where they will spend several days. Mrs. Whatley is the daughter of Mrs. Julia Ingram. She i§ ar«au- tiful and most charming J»ng woman and has been a^Rcial favorite in Reynolds sincexhild- hood. She was a member of the Reynolds school faculty until re cently and in which position she gave universal satisfaction. Dr. Whatley is a prescription druggist and is one of the firm of the Reynolds Pharmacy. He is a young man of the highest charac ter, and one of the most popular young men of this section. jCj To the Memory of Mrs. iL A. Mathews. low their example? Mrs. E. P. Hodges will be in\lbeloved parents as follows: charge of the Red Cross work Ip- anc * Milton room every afternoon this week "jmLI at 4:00 o’clock. Bargains in Gars. Being called to the colors in the near future find that I must make quick sale of my automobiles, all in good mechanical condition and offered for sale at much less than their real worth, therefore offer the following: One. 1918 7-passenger Buick One 1918 5-passenger Ford One 1918 Ford Runabout D. W. PAYNE, Reynolds, Ga. Ralph Allen will call for and deliver your LAUNDRY Your patronage will be ap- • preciated. : : : : She Does. A girl may not let you kiss her, but he ehanees are she appreciates your ranting to.—Tiger. As the evening sun was set ting on May 22nd last, the death angel visited our home and took away our dear mother, Mrs. N. A. Mathews, who was the widow of the late G. VV. Mathews, who was called to reht Marcn 17, 1918. Dear mother, how we miss you. No one knows our sorrow save those who have had similar experienced in suffering ti.e loss of ’ both, father and mother in'the space of only a few short weeks. Our grief seeus more than we can Dear, but the Lord knows bestf'Mr the, glory of his kingdom. He had a better place than eartlufor both of our beloved parents, and took them there where there would be no more sickness, pain or sor row—nothing but peace, happi ness and perfect rest. For several months mother had been in feeble health, tho she remained up until father’s death, from which time she gradually grew worse, and later suffered a paraletic stroke, which rendered her spechless. From then on until the time of her death she was totally help less and almost speechless. All that loving hands could do to relieve her of her sufferings and restore her to her wonted health was to no avail. All that we now can do is to trust in the Lord and do His will that we may meet mother and father in that better world. Six sons and daughters are; left to mourn the death of these' J. Mathews, Mrs. ms, Mrs.' Della Childers and Miss Iva Mathews, all of Potterville community. Mother was a member of the Free Will Baptist church at Pot- terville, and was a true Christian a kind, loving mother and wife. Her remains were tenderly laid tc rest in the cemetery at Pot- tevville, funei’al service being conducted by Rev. C. H. Moore. CARD OF THANKS. We thank the good people of our community for the kindness shown us during the sickness and at the time of the death of our mother. We also thank Dr. Maugham for his services. May the Lord’s richest blessings abide with each and all of you is our -prayer. MRS. DELLA CHILDERS. Our National Ash Heap. America annually registers a $250,- JOO,000 to $300,000,000 fire loss. This ^ several times in excess of any other lOuntry’s contribution to the ash heap. E. A. GODDARD FUNERAL DIRECTOR Reynolds, - - Georgia Equipped with Motor Hearses. Calls answered day or night. Taylor County’s Honor Roll. 'these are only a few of ourboys in the service of the United States. We have made and are still making dili gent effort to secure the names and addresses of each and every one in this service. We will certainly ap- prciate the help of all persons in get ting a complete and corret roster. Hudson, Lieut. J. E., 'Co. B. 326 Inft. American Expeditionary Forces, France. Hudson, Willie Pope, Co. D. 121 Inft. Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga. Pierce, James H., Co. C. 106 Engin eer Regiment, Camp Wheeler, Ma con Ga. Pierce, Felix, Co., 329 Bakers, Camp Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C. Garrett, Lieut. S. . T., 52nd Inft. Camp Forrest, Chickamauga, Park, Ga. Fuller, Henry Grady, Co. 30, Casual Department, 157 Depot Brg’d., Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga. Jenkkins, Sargt. Roy N., Q; M. C. Tioga, La., P. O. Box 1 1. Thompson, Henry G., Co. 326 Inft. American E. F., France. Fuller, H. G., 1st., Canidate Bat. 4th Officers Training School, Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C. Hill, Walter, M. G. Co.,304th. Inft., Camp Bevins, Mass. Shine. Tom B., M. G. Co., 121 Inft., Camp WTieeler, Macon, Ga. Wilson, Thomas F., Co., E. 307th Eng Regiment, Am. E. F. France. Mathews, Mack, Co. 12, Coast Artil- ery, Ft. Hamilton, Brooklin, N. Y. Parr Emory F., Q. M. Detch. Q. M. U. S. A., P. O. No. 708, France. Shealy, Theodore, 30th Co., 8th Tr. Bat. 157, Depot Brg’d., Camp Gor don, Atlanta, Ga. Wadsworth, Alma, Co., 2, M. C. Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga. Boland, Herbert C., Co. K. 2nd Pion eer Inft., Camp Wadsworth, Spart- anbanburg, S. C. Kimbrew, Maj. V. M. 2nd Tr. Bn. 157 Depot Brg’d, Camp Gordon, j Atlanta, Ga. j Shealy, J. J., Co. K., 325 Inft. Camp | Gordon, Atlanta, Ga. Gray, William, colored, 58th Co.,157 DepotBrg’d., Camp Gordon. Atlan- ! ta, Ga. J Robinson,, P., Co. 21, 156 Depot Brg’d j 6th T. B., Camp Jackson, S. C. Respess, Corp. J. R„ Bat. B. 127th F. A . Camp Cody, New Mexico. Butler, Maj. H. L., Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga. Butler. Lieut. Walter. J., 254 College Street, Macon, Ga. Riley, H. L., Remount Department, Belair, Ga. Nickson, L. C.. 16 Evans Drive, For McPherson, Ga. Carson, J. T. Jr., 121 Inft. Machine Gun Co., Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga Carson. Robt. C., 121., Inft, Machine Gun Co., Camp W., Macon, Ga. Montfort, O. E., Co. I. Sec. 3, Reg. 5. U. S. Training Camp, Charleston. S. C. McCants, J. Morgan, Co., C. 1st., Pri mary Inft., Camp Wadsworth, Spai’tanburg, S. C. Edward W. Hicks, Supply Co., 80th, F. A. Camp McArthur, Waco, Tex. Estes, T. H., 128 Abercorn Street, Sa- r vannah, Ga. E irris, Otis P., Co. A. 151 M. G. Bu., American E. F., France. - iwls, Joe W., Co. B. 151 M. G. Bu., American E. F., France, indham, Hoke I., H. Q. Co.. 151 Mg Bat., Rainbow Div., American E. F. France. Hodges, E. P., Emory Base Hospital L’nit, No. 43, En route to France. E. W r . Hodges, Emory Base Hospital Unit No. 43, , En route to France Barrow, Willis E., Em’y Base Hospit al Unit, No. 43, En route to France. Elam Griffith, Emory Base Hospital Unit No. 43, En route to France Waters, Terrell F., Forti'ess Monroe, Va. Alley, R. E., Co. B. 43 Eng. Amei'i- E. F., France. Respess, Z. D.. Radio School, U. S. Navy, Co. 12, Cambridge, Mass. Trussell, Sankie, Co. K. 325 Inft. 82d Division, American E. F., Farnce. Wilson, Herbert E., Supply Co. 311 Camp Stewart, Newport News, Va. Shealy, F. P. Fort Monroe, . Va., 1st C. A. Co. Freeman, Elam M., Co. C. 46 Engin. eers, Camp Sherdan, Montgomery, Alabama. Nelson, G. J., 30th Co., 8 Tr. Btn. 137 Depot Brgd, Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga. Anderson, Henry F. 5th U. S.Inft. Empire C. Z. Panama. Musslewhite, Frank, U. S. S. Geor- Gia„ care R. M. Fortress Manire VA. Whatley, James Edgar, 121st Inft., Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga. Newsom, Eric A., 121st Inft. Band, - Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga. Aultman, 61st Brgd. H’d., Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga. Montfort, David T., Qm. Department, Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga. Saunders, Willis D., Amb. Co 121 S. N. T. N., Camp Wheeler, MaconGa. Fountain, Jim A., U. S. S. Apache,6th Navy Divs., Charleston, S. C. Posey, Brooks, M. G. Co., 121 Inft., Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga. Anderson, Hillyard, 30th Co. T. R. B. N., 157 Depot Brgd. Camp Gordon. Scrimshire, Robt. E„ Cook, Co. C. 18th Engineers, R. Y., American E. F., France. Scrimshire, Herbert, Third Inft. Supply Co., Eagle Pass, Texas. T. W’. Wilson, U. S. Naval Hospital, Operating Ward, Portsmoth, Va. Thornton, Brown, Com. B. T. D. Ga School of Tchnoiogy, Atlanta, Ga. Adams, L. R., Com. B. T. D. Ga. School of Tehnology, Atlanta, Ga. Brown, Alva Lee, Com. B. T. D. Ga. Gchool of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. Cooper, Joe L., Co. B. 3225 Inft. I American E. F., France. Peacock, Henry, Co. K. 325 Inft., American E. F., France. Fuller, Candidate H. G., Co. D. 4th Officers’ Training School, Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Windham, James G., Co. G. 327 Inft., Amei'ican E. F. France. Anthoney, R. E., Co. E. 66 Engr. Camp Laurel, Md. Auams, Luke, Co. E. 307 Engrs. Am. E. F., France. Heath, R. B., Co. E. 328 Inft. Am. E. F., France. Sealy, Olin F., Supply Co. 309 Q. M. Am. E. F., France. Garrett, Yancy J., Q. M. Sergeant 2 Co. W. P. B. G. Ft. Pherson. Ga. is There a Baby in Your* Home? Babies and Children Need BABY EASE. Absolutely Harmless—A o Opiates It Keeps Their Little Insides Right. For Constipation, -^Diarrhoea, Worms Cold, Feverishness, Loas_ of sleep Sour Stomach, Convulsion, Colic, and Teething Troubles. Druggists sell and recommend it. None Genuine without the signature fafl/UlAcM ?. P. MARSHALL, Manufacturing Ccemjs*. Atlanta, Geo-gis. Daily Optimistic Thought. The infinitely little have a pride :hat is infinitely great. MOTOR RURAL CARRIER EXAMINATION The United States Civil Ser vice Commission has announc ed an examination for the County of Taylor, to be held at At 3 p. m. on July 12th 1918 to fill the position of Motor Rural Carrier at Reynolds, and vacancies that may later occur on motor rural routes from post offices in the above men tion county. The salary on motor routes rangees from $1,500 to $1,800 per annum. The examination will be open only to citizens who are actual ly domiciled in the territory supplied with mail by a post Office in the county and who meet the other requirements set forth in Forms 2121 and 1977. Form 2121 may be seen posted at any post office in the county for which the examina tion is held, Form 1977 and ap plication blanks may be ob tained from the post offices at which the vacancy exists and where the examination is to be held, or from the United Seates Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C. The ap pointee to this position will be required to furnish, maintain, and operate a modem motor vehicle with a carrying capaci ty of uot less than 800 pounds and a cubic capacity of not less than 800 feet. Applicants must file with their applica tions astatement of the equip ment they will be able to pro vide in the event of appoint- forwarded to the Commission at Washington, D. C., at the earliest practicable date. NOTE- During the continu ance of the present war the Commission will, in accordance with the request of the Post Office Department, admit wo men to rural carrier examina tions upon the same conditions as men. By direcetion of the Com mission JOHN J. McILHENNY, President. KENTUCKY JACK Services Reasonable L. G. CLARKE. Owner Reynolds, Ga. (Route 2.) 0^ DO YOUR FEET TIRE EASY? You can put spring and life into them again by wearing a B LTi&BSjgj Wizzard Foot Appliance and a shoe that fits. Our expert, Mr. B Wilson, has been trained to understand feet as well as shoes. Let him examine your feet rnd tell you how to get rid of “That j—n 1 [ Tired Feeling.” Examination free, without removing the hose. ) . jl REYNOLDS MERCANTILE COMPANY v —• / 1 9 Another Carload Chevrolets gByaeaMMM ■ iihibm b i in Just Arrived These cars are the latest design with all the improvements and com veniences that puts the Chevrolet Cars among the ranks of American- made automobiles. Better Come in Now and get yours before they are all gone. The price of these cars are now $776.81 , delivered in Reynolds. Used FORDS on hand and for sale at all times.... C. B. MARSHALL REYNOLDS, GEORGIA