The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, December 20, 1934, Image 2

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PAGE TWO THE BUTLER HERALD, BUTLER, GEORGIA, DECEMBER 20, 1934, REYNOLDS DEPARTMENT -Conducted by- Civic Improvement Club of Reynolds MRS. GRACE TOOLE. HEAD FEDERATION CLl'BS. SENDS HER CHRIS 1 MAS :HE!>s>AGU WESLEY SNOWFLAKES (Rosalyn Prager, Brooklyn, N. Y.) See the dancirg, whirling snowflakes Forming crystaline delights, How they're tearing, stunning twist ing Through the frosty, starry nights. See the softly falling snowflakes, Gently on the joyful world. The sky’s sweet Market, brilliant white, Of snow, has lightly unfurled. See the heaven's earthly blessing, Dropping from the sky so mild, On a coverlet of jewels, Which through it, the earth has smiled. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Parks sipent Monday in Macon. Miss Mattie Musslewhite spent the week end in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Hint Mich., are expected to visit their parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. M. A. Lifsey during the Christmas holidays. , Miss Florence Smith who has charge of the music department oi Eatonton High school, will arrive Friday to spend the holidays with her , mothe. - j Mr. and Mrs. R L. Johnson, Mr. | and Mrs. R L. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs, Wyatt Johnson ami Mr. and Mrs Henrj Foy of Macon, were the I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Black mon Sunday. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM TO BE GIVEN AT M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY MORNING, DEC. 23 There will be a Christmas program rendered at the Reynolds Methouist Mr. and Mrs. Ted Montgomery i _ r , urcn Sunday momir.g, Dec. 23rd, beginning promptly at 9:30 o’clock. following this program will be enjoyed the annual Christmas tree for the chiluren of the church school in their department. Everyone interested in these serv ices are requested to be on time so that we may finish before the eleven o’clock preaching hour at which time Bishop Ainsworth will be with us. Each class in the children’s depart ment will contribute to baskets to be sent to unfortunate families. BE OX TIME! n Thanking you, Mrs. F M. Carson, Supt. Children’s Dept. DECORATE AN OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS TREE AND WIN A CASH PRIZE OF $2.50 were in Macor. Monday. Miss Evelyn and Joe Cannon spent last Wednesday in Macon. Mrs. Jack Heath and Miss Hill, ot Butler spent Thursday in Macon. Mrs C. H. Neisler and Miss Miri am Carter were in Macon Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Gray and Miss Ethel James spent Friday in Atlanta. Dr. Jelks, of Macon, spent a few days with Mr. Paul Hodges last week. Mrs. Leila Foster of Marietta, is viritir.g her sister, Mrs. A. J. Bar row. Mr.a nd Mrs. Clem Waters and daughter, Louise, sper.t Saturday in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lifsey, of Montezuma spent the wees end In Reynolds. Miss Susie Griffith of Macon, will spend next week with Mrs. Sal- lie Anthony,. Mrs. W. T. Ricks, Mr. Charles Ricks and Mrs. F. A. Ricks spent Monday in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Newsome and Miss Susie Emma * Newsome spent Saturday in Macon.. Mr. Sammie Liggin, who lias been attending college, is r.t home for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. E. H Griifith ar.d Misses Eva B. and Winnie Grillith were stopping in Macon Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. trickling and Miss Martha and Mr. Harry Powt.*- spent Monday in Macon. Mrs. Hugh Windham is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Monk, in Atlanta. Miss Bessie Causey, Siiss Eula Clay Bryai and Mr. Joe Cannon spent tiie v eek end in Atlanta. The many friends of Mrs. Mac Crow-ford will he glad to know that she is recovering from her recent ill ness. Mr and Mrs. Marion Shearer have moved into Mr. E. H. Griffith's apart ment house known as the Parish home Mr. Chesley Marshall, of La fayette, Ind., will arrive Saturday to spend the holidays with home- lolks. Mrs. J. A. Lifsey and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Marshall, of Macon were the guests of Mr. and Mrs M. A. Lif- tsey Sunday. Mrs. Foster Ong, of LaFayette, Ind., has returned home after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs. Lot tie Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McAuley, of Statesboro will arrive Dec 24th, to sper.d the holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lifsey. Miss Bess Bryan of G, M. A. At lanta is expected home Wednesday to spend the Christmas holidays with hci mother, Mrs. J. C. Bryan-. The hoys who are attending col lege and who are expected home for the holidays are ltoy Jones and Mike Neisler, Mercer; Thaddeus Ricks, Tech; Julius Lunsford, Georgia; Phillip Bryan and Will Camp Sealy, Emory. Among the girls coming home form college for the holidays are: Lucile Griffith and Elizabeth Lucas, of G. S. C. W.; Frances- Ricks and Lois Newsome, Wesleyan; Estelle Ricks, Valdosta; Susan- Bryan, Agnes Scott. Mrs. Grace Morrison Poole, presi- den of the General hederation of Women’s Clubs, sends the following Christmas message tothe club worn*.', of “ and home—the two B. ^ Lifsey, of | wopds j ust n;t tui-ally go together do they not? The value of our homes to us personally and the power they are in our national life have been much ji mind lately, for the government has asked us to piay an active part in publicizing its home adjustment program ru our clubs—I opened the coast to coast broadcast on Nov. , | for I believe firmly that the failure to maintain well kept, normal homes in this country could easily end our democratic life." “At the present there is very ap parent a drift back to the home We may say it is caused by necessity if we please, that having no money we have no place to go, but whatever the cause, if we are wise, we will see the habit of staying home Becomes stronger and stronger as our pocket- boolts become heavier and heavier. And I m glad also that not only are we staying more a: d more at home, but we are working more and mure ir. the home. I wish we might strike a happy medium on this work prob lem. 1 know we overdid it in the past, but we are certainly underdoing it—if there is such a word—now. And in planning our leisure pro grams, let s teach people to work as well as play, for take work out of the world ar.d it would be a sorry J place in which to live.” In closing her message in the De- 1 cember issue of the Clubwoman, of- j ficial orgat. of the General Federa tion of Women’s Clubs, Mrs. Poole ’ cays: “I shall be thinking of you on De- ’ cember 25. And I shall be thinking of you in- relation to children. To make everv child happy on that day is the desire of every human being , but why do we stop with that day j alone ? If we should put as much Mrs. Joe Kilcrease of Butler was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pinkara. Mrs, W A. Callaway of Macon, spent last week with her mother, Mrs J. H. Adams . Mr. and -Mrs. Clyde Wilson arc children and Mr. C. Slaughter were sruests of Mr and Mrs. Walter Willis C jnday. Mis» Allit Amos is the guest of her sister, Mr. Hoke Byrd of Par.- handle. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Spinks and little daughter, of Columbus, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A Spinks Saturday. Mrs. Tom Wilson- and children were guests of Mrs. W. J. Braddy Sunday.. Misses Frances and Louise Willis, Estelle Spinks, Lillian Bazemore and Mesdames W. A. Spir.ks, 0. M. Baze more and J. W. Mathews were the guests of Mrs. William Childres Mon day. Mr. ar.d Mr. Hoke Byrd and son of Panhandle were the week end guest) of Mr. ana Mrs. Tom Aimos Miss Thelma Bailey of Montezuma was Thursday night guest of Misses P'rar.ees and Louise Willis. I Mr. ana Mrs. John Brake and Mrs. Minnie Smith, of Ft. Valley were the women will act as for the following R. H. S. News (From The Reynolds New Era) R. H. S. Selects Grademothere The following grademothers grades: First Grade, Mrs. W. M. Hollis Third Grade, Mrs. R. E. Aultman. Fourth Grade, Mrs. Troy Whatley. Fifth Grade, Mrs. E. H. Joiner. Sixth Grade, Mrs. Clifford Whatley Seventh Grade, Mrs. W. E. Mar shall. Eighth Grade, Mrs. E. W. Hodges. Ninth Grade, Mrs. J. N. Shell. Eleventh Grade, Mrs. H. E. Neis- lei. h re em an . Some Unusual Facts About Education Did you know that: American parents pay $19,000,000 | a week during the school session to send their children to college. The school children of Texas tear tne multiplication tables out of 600 arithmetic books every school day ot the year. Collegiate co-education- was started in America only a century ago; now four-fifths of our colleges are co-edu- cationa!. When Hi velock Ellis, sociologist ar 1 writer, made the statement, “1 I like to play with Hilder. By Mildred F My name is James I like fire flames. By James P 0Sey Third Grade News These “third graders” to . in a real Chtistmas spirit, -r-c^ room is attractively decorated pecially the blackboards. Large poj! settias adorn the top 0 f the board on one side and large pictures of St Nick on- the other side. ’ In art Christmas manuals hav^ I been started. All the members seem to get a real thrill out of working ( this project. —James Shell I Fifth Grade News 8 to 8:15 Bible Study. 8:15 to 9 English. 9 to 10 Arithmetic. 10 to 10:30 Recess. 10:30 to 11 Silent Reading. II to 12 Geography. 12 to 1 Lunch. 1 to 1:45 History. 1:45 to 2 Writing. 2 to 2:15 Spelling. 2:15 to 2:40 Oral Reading. 2:40 to 3 Civics (Monday) Study (Tuesday), Art (Wednes-I day), Picture Study, (Thursday)' Chapel (Friday). recent guests of -Mr. ai d Mrs Robert j sometimes feel hopeless about eou- Brake. Miss Estelle Spinks was the Fri day night guest of Misses Frances and Louise Willis. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pir.kard were the Friday night guests of Mr. and Mrs C. C. Cooper of Butler. Mrs. C. C. Heath is the guest of Mr. E. C Perkins this week Mr and Mrs W. A. Spinks, Johnnie and Estelle Spinks were guests of Mrs Willie and Mr. Alton Parker Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mathews who have been spending quite awhile in .•vuguu.a, nave returned home. Mrs. D. W. Wilson, Miss Bessie and Mr Grady Wilson were Sunday cation,” an 1 a check-up was made in the graduating class of a certain col lege, 92 per cent of the girls in the : : ;,ss admitted that they had been kissed. We might be using our brain too much, for a New York psychologist slates that everybody will be crazy- in 105 years if the present insanity increase rate continues. The process of thinking steps up the body’s heat production about 4 per cent. B. VY. Hinton, Jr. Natunl Sixth Grade News We have had two new pupils to ( ter recently: Arthur Blair, who sail late beginning because of illness i Ralph Eubanks, who has been attend-| ing school in Butlei. This makes out total enrollment 25. Mrs. Clifford Whatley, whose Edwards, is one of the most popu!a| students in the class, was unani mously elected Grademother. —Sara Neisler. The ladies of the Woman’s Im provement Club are spo..soring an Outdoor Christmas Tree Contest to any who wishes to enter. You don’t have to be a member of tiie Club to win the prize, ihe ob ject is to nave the most attractive tree to win. Should you not have the proper piece of shrubbery on your lawn or place you wish to make your exhibit you may use any kind of tree from the woods. No limit to size or deco ration Lets everybody try for the prize for it will not only be interesting m winning the money hut will surely '•reate a Christmas spirit and make our little city more beautiful during the holidays. This is a free contest so enter at once and begin planning on one right away. Those wishing to enter the contest please register with one of these la dies: Mrs. Walton Hodges, Miss Blanch Marshall, Mrs. Lester Halley. There will be out-of-town judges and the coi test closes tomorrow af ternoon, Dec. 21, 1934. —Press Reporter. Crowell News Miss P'rances Foy spent the week end with Mrs. D. E. Byrd. Mrs. J. B. Byrd and Mr. Robert B\ rd were in Macon shopping Fri- aay. Miss Beulah Barrow spent the week end with home folks. We regret very much to hear of the illness of Mrs. John O’Neal. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. J. W. Lancaster and children of Mauk, spent several days last week with friends here. Mrs. H. E. Neisler and Mrs. L. T. Horton were Saturday guests of Mrs. D. E. Byrd. Miss Lonnie Parks is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Clarence Horton. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Young and Mr. and Mrs. Osgood Young were in Ma con Wednesday. Mrs. W. C. Cosey spent the week in Macon at the bedside of his daughter, Mrs. Henry Parker. Mr. Turner spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jenkins spent Monday in Macon- shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Gray Hicks spent Sunday with their parents here. Mrs. Osgood Your.-g spent Thurs day in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Horton and Mrs. Robert Cosey, Jr., were in Ma- ton Thursday. | Pay your taxes now and avoid the penalty as the tax books close Thurs day, Dec. 20th. £ 1 g] G. A. ROBERTS, T. C. effort into giving our children the ; viitors of Mrs. Emma Spinks, right kind of a world in which to Misses Frances and Louise Willis, live, as we do into giving them a Lois Heath, Mary Suggs, Thelma happy Christmas, the minimum ! Bailey ai d Mrs. R. C. Pinkard were would come much faster than is now Friday guests of Miss Estelle Spinks, apparent. Let’s think of that as we say to each other and the world at large “Happy Christmas to You.” FIVE POINTS Mrs. W A. Jarrell was the Satur day guest of her mother, Mrs. Mary Smith oi Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett and children, Mr. John Bennett, of Mu- rella v ere the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs C. F. Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scandrett of Macon, s-penl the week end with Mrs. John Scandrett and family. Mrs . Martha Jane ltiley is spend ing this week in Macon the guest of Mr. and Mis. E, P. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Britt McChargue, Misses Eula a,.d Maigaret Vvaiser, uf l'homaston, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Walker Miss Margaret Adams of Reynolds was the week end guest of Misses Fannie ar.d Thelma Jarrell. Miss Abbie Youngblood was the Sunday guest of Misses .Mary and Jessie Adams. Mr. Lanier Scandrett sper.t F’riday in Griffin. Miss Mary Wall spent Sunday with Miss Minnie Carthen Miss Edith Parks spent the week end with .Mr. ami Mrs. H. H. Parks. Miss Jessie Baldwin of Dublin and Mr. and Mrs. E. P Stone of Macon, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Join Scandrett and family. Mrs. Oscar Posey and children were the Saturday guests of Mrs. J. P Walker. Miss Wyoline Carpenter spent the week end with her parents at Ru pert. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McCorvey and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foy. Mr Jim Mitchell of Roberta, was the Sunday guest of Mr. Edgar Gaultney. Mr. George Booth was taken to the Georgia Baptist hospital, Atlan ta for treatment a few days ago. We wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Kendrick j were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs Tom Kendrick. Miss Janie Peed was the Sunday guest of Miss Mable Foy. Mrs. Willie Farker was the Friday guest of Mrs. Annie Jarrell. FEWER COLDS 1 Sewing Club Entertained The sewing club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Rob ert Halstead Wednesday. The room where the guests assembled was deco rated with Christmas decorations After several hours of sewing and pleasant conversation Mrs. Halstead was assisted in serving delicious ambrosia and fruit cake to about eighteen guests. There will not be an other club meeting this year. HOWARD Miss Willa Watson has returned home from a pleasant visit in aiacon. Mr. a..d Mrs. Evans Brown spent Sunday tiie guests of Mr and Mrs. G. L). Locke at Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hill were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hill and family. Mrs. Cecil Gunn- of Columbus was the recent guest of her mother, Mrs. .-crude Downs. Mr. Carl Brown will return home this week from Columbus to sper.d the Christmas holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown. Messrs Clyde and BillLoyd visited Mr and Mrs. Frank Scott and family Sunday. Mrs. Frank F’ain and children will arrive Saturday from Birmingham, Ala., to spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brown and ether relatives here Mrs. W. T. Morris, of Centerville, visited Mr and Mrs. Herman Van- landingham recently. With best wishes to the editor and all the readers 0 f the Herald for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. R. F. D Notes The Sunday school at Mt. Pisgah desires a large attendance next Sun day as the classes are arranging a Christmas program to begin at 2:00 p. m. The people of the entire com munity are urged to be in attendance at this program Mrs. John Locke had as her week rnd guests Mrs G. L. Peeples and children of Thomaston. Mr. am! Mrs- F. H. Bone will have as theii guests during the holidays Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bone and children and Mr. Irilmore Bone all of Colum bus. Messrs E F , F. H. and J. M. Bone spent Thursday in Amerieus on business. Mrs. John Locke is the guest this week of relatives in Thomaston. T.he Subscription Campaign The subscription campaign enuea uccessauny as tne senool realized $lu and six pupils were awardeu prizes tor getting two or more sub- enptions. loose awarued prizes were Pat Hodges, Emily Wnattey, Winifred Kuliin, Nora Coolik, Nita Mae Winu- nam anu Lnarne frank JVieLrary. The Supervisor’s Visit Mr. E. M. xnompson, state school pervisor, paid our scftool a visit. He congratulated our superinten dent, E. tt. Joiner, on the well equip ped and modern school that we pos- essed and the change of our curri- C'Jium along more progressive lines. Below is a copy at the letter sent to Supt. E. H. Joiner by Mr. M. L. Thompson: Supt. E. H. Joiner, Reynolds High School, Reynolds, Ga Lear Mr. Joiner: 1 wish to congratulate you on the well equipped and modern school that you have in Reynolds. My in spection shows that all of your equipment is satisfactory. 1 suggest that you secure a daily newspaper for your school. I wish to congratulate you foi your plan to change your curriculum along more progressive lines. As stated on my visit, 1 shall he glad tc render whatever services I may in ob tabling lor you state aid for your home economics work. With best wishes, 1 am Yours very truly, E. M, Thompson. T.he Seventh Grade The seventh grade returned Mon-1 day with a hundred per cent attend- - ante. We wish we could keep this up| all through the year. During a spelling class Miss New- some said to Guy Windham: “Guy,I you must learn to write. I just havi to study and study to make out your | words.” Guy: “Why, Miss Newsome, if 11 learn to write you’d still be fussing at me. You’d fuss because my words [ were misspelled.” The class knows to whom they will | go if they should know the meaning of “sachets.” They’ll ask Lucy Bry an. Miss Moore who had been discuss ing the evil effects of smoking while I teaching Health in the Seventh Grade I room started to ask the grade to stop | talking. She sar.d, "Seventh Grade, let’s stop smoking, let's stop smok- | ing.” —James O’Neal. F'irst Grade News Mrs. E. H. Griffith, Grademother for November, entertained the first grade Tuesday p. m. before Thanks giving. A bonfire was built on the lawn and seats were placed around it. Thanksgiving in Mother Goose land, a play, was given on the lawn, tensively in the United States. Biography of Eighth Grade Teacher Miss Mattie Mussleswhite (April 15, 1907—???) Miss Musslewhite was born just a few miles from Reynolds on what is no known as the Musslewhite Estate, She was born in a family of just 14 of which she was the ninth. Her childhood was uneventful with the exception that the ole gang was harum-scarum, which she say's caused many a scolding in school Miss Musslewhite was 11 ) ears old when influenza caused the death | of her mother, and only 14 when her father died. She graduated from R. H. S. in 1925 with second honors, attended G. S. C. W. for three year, and Mercer University one summer. She received her A. B. degree in 1928. Below are the places she has taught since finishing college: Chatsworth 1928-29. Dawson J929-30. Weston- 1930-31. Reynolds 1931-??? Miss Musslewhite has traveled ex- She ar.d Thanksgiving songs were sung. Then we had boiled Weiners and buns. Afterwards, we toasted marsh mallows. Many thanks were extended to Mrs says that her hobby is “going places seeing new things and meet ing neiw people.” She tells me that the main places visited are Mianu- Fla.; Bisbee, Ariz.; Chicago. 111. Griffith for this happy time. She was i Washington, D. C.; and Harrisburgh, assisted in entertaining by Mrs. C. ! Pa.j but just whom she met and what M. Crawford. We were glad to have Eugenia Joiner and Winifred Kirksey as spe cial guests. —Louise Montgomery. Second Grade Here are a few rhymes as quoted >y members of the second grade; My name is Earl And I play with Pearl. By Earl Marshall. My name is Leroy I like to play with Troy. By Leroy Hartley. My name is Monroe Winters I like to catch minrows. By Monroe Winers. My name is Julian Whatley I play with Leroy Hartley. By Julian Whatley. My name is Mildred she did will remain a secret forever —Tom Horton. Ninth Grade Enrollment Girls—Nora Coolik, Marie Free man, Sara Goodwin, Ruby Griniw Ola Mae Hobbs, Minnie Hortens"- Betty Neisler, Virginia Saunders Mary Alice Shell, Ruiby Strir.gfelW*’ Christine Wainiwright, Louise Mat ers, Josephine Weaver, Virgin'* Young. Boys—Willard Brunsen, Ham' Byrd, Thomas Byrd, Barron L u ^' Jimmie Joiner, Edwin Jones, L 01 ® 1 * Jones, Nat Lucas, Jr., Charlie”l |U ‘ ^ McCrary, Thomas Perkins, Poole, Henry Posey, Jesse Gr-P^ Loyce Shell, James Underwood, lard Windham, Hubert Young- —W. R. Cosey,