The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, March 07, 1935, Image 2

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PJWJB TWO THE BUTLER HERALD, BUTLER, GEORGIA, MARCH 7, 1935. REYNOLDS DEPARTMENT > ——Conducted by— «• Civic Improvement Club of Reynolds EDGE OF NIGHT (Rosulyn Prager, Brooklyn, N. Y.) The birds echo their last bit of song. Amt bid us a sweet "good-r.ight". 3 he sunset gold and coral Are giving th elast beauty glow of day. The rippling streams murmur “sweet dreams” An owl begins its flight. All is still ai d calm and peaceful— 'ine sunset has vanished away. Crowell News Mr F, Macon. A. Ricks spent Tuesday in was in Butler Mr. F. A. Rick.' business Monday. Mr. E. W. Hodges was in Monte zuma Wednesday. Mr. Charles Ricks visited in Thoinaston Tuesday Col. and Mrs. J. R. Lunsford spent Monday in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Dean visited tives at Irwinton Sunday. Col. and Mrs. Dan S. Beeland were in Butler Thursday. Miss Ruth Wilson was a weekend guest of relatives in Butler. Mr. Roberts and Mr. Davis, Thomaston, spent Saturday here. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. McCorvey, of hi\e 1 units were Sunday guests ol Mr. und Mrs. D. E. Byrd Mrs. Nettie Byrd lias accepted a position at tne Une-M:nute Saimwich Shoppe at Butler. Her friei.ds wish her much success. Mr. and Mrs. J C. Fuller were in Macon Wednesday shopping. bpend-the-day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. 1-uller Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. William Lowe and children of llobrta, and Mr and Mrs. William Horton and Billy of Macon. Miss Frances Foy spent the week end at her home at Five Points. Mrs. Roy i’hilmon and little daugh ter Virginia spent the week end with Hun. and Mrs. L. T. Peed. Mr. and Mrs Charlie Horton and Mary Ann of Reynolds were Sunday rela- guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller. Miss Sara Neisler spent Thursday r gi t with Mrs. Ruth Neisler. Mrs. Calvin Jarrell and Jackie Sue of Five Points, spent the week end | with their parents, Mr and Mrs. 0. i R. Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. McDaniel and i daughters were guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Calvin Jarrell Thursday night. WESLEY Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. M. Royal and Ro bert, of Newnan was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wilson Mrs. R . C. Pinkard, Miss Lola Heath and Miss Lillian Bazemore were the Wednesday guest of Misses Frances and Louise Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jarrell were the Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spinks. Mr. and Mrs. Baker Baldwin and MAUK NEWS Miss Thelma Woodall spent Sun day with Misses Anna and Nellie Peterman. Miss Spiders of Crowe'U, is spend ing the week with her sister, Mrs. Waller Horton, Mr. and Mrs, R. D Waller and children visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Waller Sunday. Jean, the little daughter of Mr. Mr. Frank Butler were the recent \ and -Mrs. J. W. Lancaster, is real sick guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Heath, this week Her friends wish for her Miss Pauline Cooper, of Butler a speedy recovery, was the Friday p. m. guest of Mr. Mrs. Monroe Chapman returned to ami Mrs. R. C. Pinkard. her home in Atlanta Sunday after Mr. and Mrs. William Childres an 1 spending several days with Airs. J. T Bildlie, of Butler were the week-end | Chapman. guest of Mr. ami Mrs. O. M. Baze- j Friends of Mrs. J. L. Anthony will more and family. | be glad to know that she is recover- Mr. und Mrs. Bentley Adams were ing from a recent illness, the Sunday guest of Mr. and Airs. \ Rev. and Airs C. L. Wall and chil- J. T. Beeland. 1 dren have returned to their home at Mr. and Mrs. Luke ‘Adams were Leary after being at the bedside of Sunday p. m. guest of Mrs. J. H. | Uleir mot her, Mrs. J. L. Anthony, 0. Aiontgomery, Supt. Church serv ices on Saturday evening at 7 o’clock before second Sur.dav and on Second Sunday at 9-30 a. m. Welcome—A cordial welcome is ed- temled to all visitors. Notes for week ending Alarch 2: A few pieces of shrubbery that have been planted around the church are growing nicely, and plans are un der way for planting of annuals. Jean Lancaster of the Primary Class has been quite ill w'ith an in fected throat this week. Her friends hope for her a speedy recovery. The "Willing Workers” enjoyed a hike down to iMrs. Ella Woodall’s Saturday p m. A regional conference of young people will be held at Andrew Col lege the 16 and 17 of this month. It is hoped that the young people will avail themselves of the opportunity to attend this conference. Program, lectures and all entertainment ar» planned just for the young P e, )plf . MEN WANTED for Raw),;„i Route in Talbot County, Ft Vallov and Thomaston. Write immediately Rawleigh Co., Dept GAB-42-SAF Memphis, Tenn., or see J. C Full..' R. 1, Reynolds, Ga. er ' BULK GARDEN SEEDS CORN—BEANS—PEAS RAPE—ONIONS—OATS ORDERS SHIPPED DAY RECEIVED Send For Our Price List Wallis Electric Co. Opposite Post Office AMERICUS, GA. IN BUSINESS SINCE 1913 Adams. Airs. C. C. Heath and Miss Anna Heath spent Sunday with Mr. Airs. Hugh Perkins of Howard. Mr. and Airs. Herbert Sealy children were the Sunday p. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. kard. Those attending the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Alusslewhite, of Atlanta, were guests of relatives here Sunday. The many friends of Clay What ley, Jr., regret to learn that he is ill from influenza. Air. ami Mrs. Robert Beeland of Atlanta, were guests of Col. and Airs Homer Beeland Sunday. Mrs. Bertha Sunday were: Air. and Airs. J A. Heath, Aliss Lois Heath, Alex Bald win, Curtis Allen and Mrs. J. H. Adams. Mrs. 0. M. Bazemore and AIis= for several days. Air. Lewis and Aliss Ruby Rustin ami v i s jt e d .Mr. and Airs. L. R. Pike Sun day an< * f Air. and Mrs. E. C. Lancaster and m - Aliss Ruth Lancaster were Sunday P' n " 1 guests of Air. und Airs. J. W. Lan- 1 caster. ' Aliss Rita Peacock has been out of HOWARD Air. Carl Brown, of Columbus, was the guest of Air. and Airs. Lewis Brown during the week end. Air. and Airs. John, A. Buckner were Sunday afternoon guests of All' and Mrs. Walter Keller and family Rev. Jas. A. Ivey, of Marshallville, at Baldwinville was a visutor in the home of Air. and Airs. R. A Hinton Sunday. The pupils of the ninth grade, Reynolds High school enjoyed a Wei ner Roast Friday evening . Mrs. W. A. Saunders visited her daughter, Mrs. Earl Jones and Air. Jones in .Atlanta last week. Misses Winnie and Laurice Ault- man, Aliriam Carter and Marianne Powell spent Sunday in Macon Messrs Fred Carter and Bill Bar- field, of Atlanta, were guests of Col. and Mrs Homer Beeland Sunday. Tne many friends here of Mrs. J. E. Mangham will be glad to learn tha tshe is improving following a re cent illness. Misses Bessie and Miriam Dreizin Aliss Alarilou Averett was the re cent guest of Mrs. B. B. and Aliss Willa Watson. M rs. C. M. Renfroe and Aliss Elo- ise and Miss Ludie Renfroe returned Saturday from Holly Springs, Miss, where they spent sometime with Air. Renfroe. Several frorp here attendel the fu neral of Air J. It. Montgomery at Norwich last Thursday. Aliss Willa Watson and Airs. Mc Lendon Hill were in Junction City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jinks have moved into the Fain residence. Several of our citizens spent Tues day in Butler on business. Air and Airs. Herman Ethridge and little son, Tommie, visited rela tives here Saturday. Aliss Leonora Anderson, of Butler, of Butler, attended the show “Bright was t he recent guest of Mrs.Herman Hendrix at Woodla: d | sc h 00 l several days on account of mumps. She is being relieved at school by Airs Dock Pike. Alumps are quite prevalent in our community just now. There are six cases in the family of Air. and Mrs. Lillian Bazemore were the Thursday ' H- v . Yarbrough, and Chester Yar- guests of Airs. William Childres at Butler, Air. ar.d Mrs. Hoke Byrd and sou were guests of Air. and Airs. Toni Amos Sunday. Alesdames Clyde, D. W. ar.d Lu ther Wilson, Misses Frances Walter Willis ami and Louise Will' Eyes” at the Grand Theater, Satur day evening. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist church held a special meeting in the home of Airs. E E. Hodges Tuesday. Rev. Wales B. Ingram, of Heaths- ville, Virginia, is expected soon to Vanlandingham. FIVE’POINTS (TAYLOR COUNTY) Air. and Airs. Walter Parker, of Dunlin, were the week end guests of visit his mother, Mrs. G. W. Ingram, | their parents, Mrs. Willie Parker and , H g MitcheU spent Tuesday with Mrs. Tom Wi'.- on. Airs. Durward Spillers is the guest of Mrs. Sam Wakefield this week. Air. and Airs. Lcther Wilson spent Sunday with Air. and Airs. W. J B raddy. Mr. and Airs. R. C. Pinkard. Alisses Lois Heat hand Mary Suggs attend ed the picture show in Tnontaston Friday night. Aliss Frances Downs and Air Earl Downs were the Sunday visitors of Air and Airs Alercer Downs at Thomaston. LEAGUE SOCIAL Group No. 2 of the Wesley League which was the loser in the contest, delightfully entertained Group One Saturday night with a Marshmellow Roast at the home of Alisses Nellie and Lillian Bazemore. Several enter taining games were played during the evening and everyone enjoyed the occasion very much. FIVE POINTS (MARION COUNTY) Mr. ar.d Airs. F. F. Killigsworth announce the birth of a son on Feb. 21st who has been named Franklin Delano Miss Evelyn Brady was the Sun day guest of her grandmother, Mrs. j brough is seriously ill with this dis- ! ease. j Airs. Al. B. Pittman spent the week , end with her little daughter, Marga ret at Grace hospital, near Augusta. Because of so much sickness and some deaths the play at the school j building here was not as well at- tedned as such occasions usually are, but those who were present enjoyed j it very much It was an excellent ’ play and each character did their part well. Anna Pittman took Miss Peacock’s part and she is to be com mended in getting it up so well on such short notice . MAUK METHODIST CHURCH Rev. W. E. Hightower, Pastor Church school every Sunday 10 a. m. except on second Sunday. Mr. A. md 1 other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Poe and Pat, Billy and Barbara Poe, of Macon, were week end guests of their par ents, Mr. and Airs. Earl Marshall. DORCAS CLASS NOTES Rev. J N. Shell will teach our class for a few months. Let all mem bers come next Sunday and give him a cordial welcome to the class. Mrs. Gussie Taylor, chairman of social events, is planning a spend- the-day party real soon. We will have this party at the home of our class president, Mrs. E. H. Joiner. The next business meeting will be held onthe third Sunday in Alarch to discuss our aims for the year. This class is sponsoring a picture Thursday, March 14 Let us help ad vertise this. See You Sunday! LANGLEY—DIXON Mr. Alton Parker. .Mrs. Hugh Cneek and Alaryluna are the guests' of their parents Mr and Airs. F. C. Jarrell. Airs. Calvin Jarrell and little Sue spent the week end with their par ents Air. and Airs. O. R. Aiontgomery in Panhandle Mr. Claude Singleton, of Miami, arrived Saturday to spend sometime with his parents, Air. and Mrs. G. C Singleton. Air J.W. Norman, of Richland, was mingling with friends here Tuesday. Air. and Airs. J. A. Watson and children of Opelika, were Sunday Air. and Airs. E. D. McCorvey and j g Ues ts 0 f Mr. and Airs. J. S. Watson children and Miss Juliette Jarrell were the guests of Air and Airs. N. L. Halley at Reynolds Saturday. We regret to state that Airs. L H. Aloore lias been quite sick and her Alisses Doris and Vera Singleton, Alessrs Weston Roberts and Otis Byers attended the basketball game at Plains Monday night. Air. and Airs. W. H. Preston and many friends with for her a speedy son of Ellaville, spent last weekend recovery. J^ri-Uj^-their parents here Aliss Nannlou Gaultr.ey, of Thom-T’ ^ui*j|^ 1 ||(nber of our citizens at- aston spent the week end with her I tendeiT^Iie^ funeral of Air. J. T. parents, Air. and'-tMi*, Eli Gaultney. | Chapman at Alauk Thursday. Airs. Gorman Jarrell, Mrs. Fred j Alisg. Glail.ys, and Air. George Bra- Jarrell, Airs. Hugh Cheek and baby, dyv spent ijjjw week end with relatives Alisses Hazel and Alarie Jarrell were in*Columbus. REYNOLDS FERTILIZER CO. REYNOLDS, GA If it’s Fertilizer, Fertilizer Materials, Sulphate of Ammonia, Cal-Nitro or Nitrate of Soda, we are prepared to serve you. Our LUNDY SPECIAL 8 4-4 No Filler that has been found so satisfactory by our customers and meets the exact requirements of the Georgia Emergency Relief Organization Specifications need only a trial by you to realize what good Fertilizer is. AH of our Fertilizer has been made up and now gone through the curing process and will be in first class condition for using at any time. We will appreciate your business, along with our other customers, and will strive io serve you. Reynolds Fertilizer Company C. H. NEISLER, President A. M. HALLEY, Hunger - . A marriage of much interest was that of Aliss Estelle Langley and Air Lewis Dixon which occurred Wednes day afternoon, Feb. 27. Mrs. Langley is the 1 daughter of Air. and Airs. Langley who have been residents of Thomaston for the past several years. Mr. Dixon was reared in Ft. Val ley. He operates the Patterson Shoe Shoppe. They will make their home with her parents on East Lee Street Their many friends wish them much hapiness and success. j Saturday guests of Mrs. Henry Ac'ams and Aliss Aiargaret Adams near Reynolds Air. Wilson Jarrell spent one night last week with his parents, Air. and Mrs. T. D. Jarrell. Aliss Aiargaret Adams spent the week end with Alisses Fannie and Thelma Jarrell. Airs. Tom Kendrick and Air. How ard Kendrick spent Tunday in Thom aston the guests of Airs Shirley. Air. and Mrs. A. C. Adams, Air. Lamar Hinson and Christy, and Misses Nannlou, Iva and Alary Adams were Sunday visitors of Air. and Mrs. A. W. Adams Air. and Mrs. J. P. Carthen re turned from Sanford, Fla., Alonday night after a week’s visit. Mr. and Airs. E. D McCorvey, Jo- Mr. and Mrs E. J. Adams of Charing, were the guests of their parents here Sunday. Air. and Airs. T. D. Roberts spent Tuesday with Air. and Mrs. Clyde Hill at Junction City. Mrs. J. C. Hawkins and children, of Columbus, and Mrs. P. L. An thony of Ft. Perry, visited Airs. F F. Killingsworth Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brady and chil dren were Sunday guests of friends near Brantlev. Su .day guests of Air. and Mrs. D. E. Byrd. Miss Alary Gill spent the week-end in Columbus. Aliss Alma Wall of Amerious and Air Russell AIcKinney, of Cordele, were guests of Aliss Frances Brooks sephine and Alarjorie AlcCorvey were ' Sunday. f £ £ I I £ f T £ J £ ♦> f j t t T £ T t £ £ T £ J £ ? T £ £ f A DON’T TAKE A CHANCE when GENUINE CHEVROLET SERVICE COSTS SO LITTLE! Even a Chevrolet should be inspected periodically. It may be that unless you have had your Chevrolet inspected within the last two or three months—you are headed for trouble— and the most unfortunate thing about motor car trou ble is that it generally comes at the most incon venient time .... Further more, by having minor servicing done you may save major service opera tions. Therefore, we urge that you drive your car in now and let us give it a careful, thoroughgoing in spection, absolutely free. . AH of our mechanics are specially trained in Chev rolet work. A11 parts used are genuine GeneralMotors parts and we have recently bought new equipment in order that we may better care for your service needs’ . . , Again we urge you to bring your car in for a free inspection. This precau tion at the present time may save you money and annoyance later on .... If you want to get the very best service out of your Chevrolet, then give it the best attention that can be had. Co. Taylor County Motor Reynolds, Georgia