The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, October 21, 1937, Image 5

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r 1 J 'x mm : ■$ •w": V Y£ A fjS, THE CAR THAT l$E0MPLETE, HHj O’Rear Is jjg Faculty Member THE BUTLER HERALD, BUTLER, GEORGIA, OCTOBER 21, 1037. Butler School Journal Butler, Georgia, Thursday, Oct. 21, 1937. Five Points | Mr.and Mrs. Ralph Jarrell and j«(o. 4. children of Thiomaston, were Satur- ' , lay guests oif their mother. M Wto «— — «TO, Walker. | I ana! Mrs. Phillips Jarrell of Thiomas ton spent the wek end with thoii Parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jarrell Miss Blanche Haywood of Thomas- ! ton was the Sunday guest of Misses ■ Myrtle and Margaret Walker. ! Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haywood spent I Sunday with their father, Mr. Hen ry Adams, near Reynolds. | Several from here atended the fair in Butler last week. Mr. T. D. Jarrell and Miss Emily Jarrell attended the funeral of Mrs. Valley Friday. Mrs SMILES DEPARTMENT [Hiring each school day one of the msiest, and' most pleasant spots in " lllg h school is the mathematics * whose guiding spirit is Miss (idle O’Rear, of Atlanta, another ' teacher. Here large numbers ot school boys and girls each day knowledge in the fields ot Jusines-a arithmetic, plane geometry, l- e bra and health. Tluit they are not disaippointed is ilv gathered from a remark your 'orter heard by chance from one the boys. It was, “I was scared do'ith of both Miss O’Rear and U. subjects during the first few V yg 0 f school, but she’s making this Lflinetry so plain, and easy to un- jT«tand that I sure enough am real- enjoying it. I <widh I had more isscs under her.” That remark brings up the whole Hude of the school toward Miss VRear during the first part of this tenn There was something about u,. that made them all step, and the iaW9 soon got around that she was 0 „e to he respected and maybe [ C .,red But time has slightly altered, if'not changed, their opinion, and toil first respect has ripened into jeuuine liking. Hiss O’Rear is a big, jolly, happy „ rt of person, and laughed with ,cl,kh at the thought of being inter viewed and “written up.” But she *„j accomodating and told lots about kcr days at Piedmont College, at Dcmorest; her fun in high school in Atlanta, and heT enjoymejit ot teach- in,; during two years when she taught mathematics in the Living stone high school, at Covington "Put teaching here in Butler tops lull my other *ood times,” she said ending the interview. Where do ti many people come .from? How im a little town, like Butler have so nany? They have certainly eiy to the teachers, and .rmreciate it.” , Wp don’t know whether you reacl- 5 ^ Miss O’Rear at the fair or not, but we happen to know that she spent not a little of her time there, enjoying the fun, admiring the ex hibits, and being just like a pal to us tills and boys. And that all sort _ of urns her up in a nutshell—she’s just rand sport. Miss Huddleston: Billy, spell ba nana. Billy: Ba-na-na-na-na—oh, teacher I don’t know where to stop! IMiss Redfearo to eighth grader: Name the three departments of our government. E. G., promptly: India, China and Lowe at Ft. the United States. Lowe was before her marriage Mis* Daviston News Mrs. J. W. Ingrain and eon Billy are guests for a few days of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Parker. ’ IMrs. F. L. Purvis was a Monday visitor of Mrs. G. A. Parker. (Mrs. Henry Cosby and mother were Monday guest* of Mrs. Charlie Rut- i ler. Mrs. L H. Moore and daughtacr Frances, were Wednesday guests of Mrs G, A. Parker, Miss Corn "Mae Whatley of Colum bus spent a few days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Whatley. Mrs. Charlie Butler was the Sat urday guest of her uougtwor, Mrs. James Brown at Howard. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Parker included Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Funderburk and family of Talbot* ton: Mr. and M,rs. Bentley Aiinms Teacher: Morris, why are you late? Anne Jarrell, daughter of Mr. and and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ed- been we do Mrs. B. H. Jarrell who formerly re- a t sided here later moving to Ft. "Val- . ley. Mrs. Lowe’s death came as a I sad shock the our community. We extendi heartfelt sympathy to the be reaved husband and other loved ones. We pray God’s choicest bless ings on each of them. Miss Margaret Walker of Butler Sunday at It a. m. each day spent the week end with her parents. 1 iMiss Juliette Jarrell of "Butler spent the week end with her parent* Mr. and Mrs. G B Jarre!. I (Too Latc for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Starling and „ Mr8 , n , A Pnr ker were Mr. and Mrs. Taurton of Thomaston Way Qf Ml , and Mps . Whatley. Ulmer: I overslept. Teacher: What! Do you sleep home as well? Basketball Teams Are Making Progress Both girls’ and boys’ basketball teams have been making fine pro gress during their practices at re cess and after school. These nippy fall days have just the right amount , , ... ... , of “kick” to bring out of us the best wore Wednesday visitors of Mr. and basketball we know so far. Mr. Ox- ^ rs ’ Hen r .v Jarrell Taylor Mill News (Too Late for Last Week) (Mr. Frank Rogers is visiting Mb parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Roger*. Phis is Frank’s first viBit homo since joining the Navy sover(a months ago. His many friends are glad to welcome him. Mr; and Mr. William Roberson and children of Columlbus spent the week end with Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Roberson. Mrs. Anna King, Miss Laniu* Childrce, and Mr. Stanford Rogers visited Miss Ann King at G. S. C. W Milledgcville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C, H. Moore spent the week end with friends in Abbe- vill*. Mr. Eddie Will Rogers of New York City is expected home this I week for a few days’ visit to hi* | parents Mr. and Mtb. W F. Rogers, i Miss Luttie Windham, Messrs j Thurman Greer and Leonard Wind- monson and daughter, Mr. John Bee- ham were dinner guests of Miss land anil Miss Ida Culverhouse. | Rheba Stalnnker Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Purvis and! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Caldwell children attended the funeral e>7 ~-,-r . Leonard Windham of Columbus aunt Mrs. Watson at Adel a fe<w! <5>«nt the week end with relatives i days ago. Preaching at Shiloh Saturday and DAVISTON ford and Miss Red’feam are fast adding to that knowledge and ability and soon we’ll be shouting things like “Bring on Reynolds!” Although the boys have not yet elected their captain, the girls have given Delia Gaultney the job oi Howard News Mr. and Mrs. Fijartk Fain, Jr., and children of Perry were Sunday *«••***- «•» selected a motto which they felt would be helpful and appropriate on Rod 1 Brown _ _ Miss Willa Watson wa s the guest any occasion. It is: “If we win, let us win by the code, with our com- I “f’ Frank Pickard of Macon was age and. faith held high. And if we the week end guest of Mrs Beulah should lose, let us stand by the road £«*"d> Mmses Frances and Patsy and cheer as the winners go by.” I l lckaro ^ Girls' practice is during every re- Mrs. Lee and iMrs. Cooper °’ . .. cess and after school on Tuesdays near Amencus, visited Mrs. Lee and atK i Mrs. Charlie Willis. Miss Elizabeth Parks of Howard, was the Sunday guest of Mrs. Char lie Butler. Mrs Woodrow Amos and son Billy were Friday visitors of Mrs. L. H. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cobby and daughter, Vivian, and their mother, Mrs. Gilbert, were Sunday guests of friends at Tnlbotton. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Gadeett were Saturday guests of their sister, Miss Carry Spinks. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Willis ana sons were week end guests of Mr. and Thursdays. Boys’ practice is on Miss Willa Watson Sunday. Mondays and Wednesdays after! Miss Virginia Perkins who is at-1 school, and supposedly on Tuesdays j tending school in LaGrange and Thursdays at recess. However, j t1 '® week epd ' ier T ^ a . I '?^ s ' I yo ur friends. M... Mi™ tt. nv.nirunlo of Little IMiss Helen Perkins enter-. * Preaching at Horeb church every Becond and fourth Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Come and bring [Officers Elected By Senior Class The senior class, an enthusiastic Ip-oup of thirty-nine boys and girls, licrently elected their oil’icers. Their Iprcsident is Eleanor Booth; vice [president, Margery Walker; and sec- Jretary treasurer, Ruth Bazemore. These three girls are very compe- Itcnt, so with their leadership and □the backing of the entire remaining lihirty-six members, the class should Ireally “go places and do things” this Can You Imagine The chair plane making Delia [Gaulmey sick. Pauline Cooper being a “gold" logger. Ethel Jarrell and Alice Guinn |mad. A Guinn without a Callahan. ,lohn Pennington with -four girls at |be fair. Miss O’Rear on the merry-go- ^ourui. Inez Johnson changing her mind anout Reynolds so soon. Pauline Cooper and 1 -Margery Walk- l " not laughing. Walton Neisler choosing White- water creek as a setting -for a fine [romance. Why Wilma Gill got so mad in ■study hall Friday. I Hiss Huddleston getting “bit” by l , " c Dingo man. Musical Life Mrs. J. W. Edwards, Instructor in Music . to those interested in the appre- ■fiation of music, there is reason for l^uch encouragement at*the present I, Reports, from neighboring l-owns and cities, show that classes r larger than ever before, and I utler is not an exception There are |»rty-five students here studying ljomo branch of music. Here’s hoping I, e y will be really in earnest, realiz- 1JR the value of' music study, and liM ** le re ' at 'on between parents l*Jd teacher may be such as will get faults. • * • Wedmsdays there are the ,;•&! classes in musicianship, and advanced class has an interest- o- 1 , text book in musical history. ' ub work will be resumed this |Th w *th all the usual activities. St 6 ,- 1 ? autum a .program for the I will v ’'’ a tiigh School Music Club Ifor u Wednesday, October 20, and I the MacDowell CluiL, October 27. they follow the example of the girls, or perhaps it was the hoys' idea first, to practice every recess whether the court is available or not. So everybody who is interested, whether you’ve ever played basket ball or not, conic out for it and join in the fun- FIRST GRADE Wanaie Avery, Noel Cotney and Henry Martin Parker, Jr., have ''-eon absent from first grade this week because of illness. We hope they will be able to return soon. We are having fun in our reading, Every day we try .to learn two or three new words and for each word an apple is placed on the “Reading Tree” which is made on a poster. Our names and the words learned are written on the apples. We are racing to see who can get the most apples. In health we are climbing the milk bottle. We must drink milk and keep our bodies clean, to be able to climb one steal every day. Our “Good Health Corner” will help teach us to do these things. Halloween isn’t very far off. W< have decorated our school room with cats, witches and jack-o-lanterns that were made in art. SECOND GRADE We have missed Walter Matthews and Lillian Parker this week at school and hope they will be back with us soon. We had been looking .forward to the school parade and fair for a long time. Wednesday was a big day for us. Merry-go-round, ferris wheels, candid apples, and cotton candy made our day a very happy one. THIRD GRADE We have a new -pupil in oui grade. She is Audry Amos from Reynolds. Audry came to school at Butler when she was in the first grade and we welcome her back. Our room looks very much like Halloween is near. We have made Jack-o-lanterns, bats, comshock men and a Halloween poster. We have a Jaek-o-lantern contest in spelling. We are working to see who can get the most hundreds by halloween. SIXTH GRADE The sixth grade is reading a very interesting book called “Earnest, the Policeman.” During the month of September the sixth grade read 72 books. We are keeping a reading chart of books read during the year. We are glad the fair came to But ler, and we hope everybody else had as good a time as we did. We enjoyed very muoh last week birthday party which Jeanette Jinks gave in honor of her eighth birth day anniversary. She had a delicious eight-layer cake and other good re freshments. We enjoyed lots of games too. tained a number of her little friends with a birthday party at her home I Saturday afternoon in honor of her eighth birthday. Get your Permanent Fall Wave now, at Ruth’s Beauty Salon in Butler; phone 95 day or night. and friends Miss Ruby Roberson who i* at work in Americus spent the wed! end with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Peterman of Thomnston were guests of Mr.and Mrs. R. F. Childree Sunday. Mr. Carl Peacock seems to have fully recovered from his fishing trip to St. Marks recently. His color Is coming bank gradually. Wo under stand Carl missed the fun since ho was sea-sick the entire time. We had 179 nresent at Sunday whnol last Sunday. Mrs. R L. Oliver, Jr., of Califor nia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. F Oliver. Girl Reserves Have Meeting The R. E. Smith Club met Friday night and 1 discussed ways of making money for our camp next summer. After the devotional and usual routine of the Club was over, the program on Appearance was contin ued. The topics, hair, teeth, airf- posture were discussed by many of rhe girls. Those taking part in thi* discussion were Chamie Poole, Rosa mond Gox, Beulah Cofield, Mozelta Cox, Lanmis Childree, Misses Finley and Luittie Windham. Many things were brought out that had never been discussed in the Club before and this program is going to be of great benefit to us. The meeting was brought to a close by prayer. Woman’s Club Has Meeting The Woman’s Club had its regular monthly meeting Thursday night, Devotional was led 'by Miss Ines Finley. After the roll call, dues collected, and minutes read the Club discussed od and new business. A chicken sup per was scheduled for Saturday night, Oet. 17th Miss Bell Gardner gave a ve-iy interesting rending during the pro gram which put every member In • jolly spirit. After the program delicious pine apple salad nnd tea were served By the refreshments committee. The new officers presided at tide meeting. They were, Mrs. W. f. Oliver, president. Mrs. Rufus Smith, secretary; nnd MIsb Edna Under wood, treasurer. Girl Reserve* Meet The R. E. Smith Club met Ism! Friday night. Wc opened our meet ing by singing a Girl Reserves song. The roll wus called minutes road aad dues paid. Old and now business was dl» cussed. We sang a month err song, “Oh Wor ship the King” nnd repeated 1 tba slogan, purpose, and code, followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Lannis Childree, in the program closed our old unit on Appenrano* and introduced a now unit. Beulah Cofield gave a talk on Health As H AiTects Personality. Miss Finley closed the meetin# with prnyer. —Reporter. Get your Permanent Fall War* now, nt Ruth’s Benuty Salon hi Butler; phone 95 day or night. Kernaghan-Goodman, Inc, SUES A ARMSTRONG RELIABLE GOOD* OMUT 411 Cherry St—Phone 836 EytlndAvKMbrEifHh. Iv,| Juh S Mbooo, Or. seventh GRADE v We are sorry that Clarice Adams has been absent from school on ac count of an operation, last week. Wc miss her and hope she will soon be back with us. We have a new set of reference books in our class room. The state has given each pupil a dictionary which we enjoy using very much. MODERN-MODE STYLING^ PERFECTED HYDRAULIC GENUINE KNEE-ACTION (WITH SAFETY GLASS ALL AROUND) ALL-SILENT. ALL-STEEL BODIES Giving tn« mo»* •fflcwnf combination of power, sconomy and dopond-' ability. VALVE IN-HEAD ENGINE Giving protection against drafts, smoke, windshield clouding, and assuring each passenger individu ally controlled ventilation. it FISHER NO DRAFT r VENTILATION;, •ON MASTER Of LUXE MODELS ONLY OCTOBER 23rd CHEVROLET PRESENTS THE NEW 1938 CHEVROLET THE CAR OF LOW PRICE THAT BRINGS YOU THE NEWEST, MOST MODERN, MOST UP-TO-DATE MOTORING ADVANTAGES Chevrolet cordially invites you to visit your nearest Chevrolet dealer and inspect the finest motor car Chevrolet has ever produced the new Chevrolet for 1938—the car that is complete. To see and drive this smart, dashing car is to know you'll be ahead with a Chevrolet ... to own it is to save money all ways . . . because, again in 1938 as for 27 years, the Chevrolet trade-mark is the symbol of savings. CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION * Central Motors Sales Corporation DETROIT. MICHIGAN General Motors Installment Plan—monthly pay* merits to suit your purse. A General Motors I alue Styling as different at It le beautiful, for this bigger- looklng, better-looking low-priced car. Smooth—powerful—posi tive ... the safe brakes for modern travel . . , giving maximum motoring protection. (WITH SHOCKPROOF STEERING) So safe—so comfortabl* , —so different . . . "Itio I world's finest ride.” Larger Interiors—lighter, j brighter colors—and Uni- ; steel construction, making each body a fortress of safety. j TAYLOR COUNTY MOTOR COMPANY Reynolds and Butler, Ga.