The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, April 28, 1938, Image 2

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PAGE TWO THE BUTLER HERALD, BUTLER, GEORGIA, APRIL 28, 1938. Cross Roads News REYNOLDS DEPARTMENT -Conducted by- Civic Improvement Club of Reynolds l ajSOJSJBEiS'MSISMSfSSISMEISMSMSISISMSISEMSjSMSISril IMrs. Elsie Carter was in Lump kin Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beeland were in Macon. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gleaton visited in AmericuB Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sawyer spent Saturday in Macon. Messrs F. M. and Ricks Carson ■pent Sunday in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. David Montgomery were in Ft. Valley Sunday. Rev. H, F. Jelks is enjoying a fish ing trip in Florida this week, Rev. T. H. Tinsley is conducting a meeting at Morgan this week. Mrs. Braxton Turner and baby are visiting Mrs. L. T. Barrow. Mr. James Griffin spent the week end with his parents in Molena. Miss Ru'by Jinks spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bell. Dr. H. Sams and Mr. Arthur Sams of Dalton, visited in Reynolds last ■week. Mrs. E. F. Boyd and daughter, Mary, are visiting Miss Martha Powell. " | i _ Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Fox, of Asti- liurn, visited 1 friends in Reynolds Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Swearingen, and Mrs. K. H. Joiner spent Friday in Macon. Mrs. Aultman, Misses Winnie and Gbaurice Autonan spent Sunday in Macon. Mrs. G. W. Williamson of Butler, spent Sunday with Col. and Mrs. Dan Beeland; The friends of Mrs. Frank Sams ■re glad to learn of her improved condition. , Mr. and Mrs. Lester Halley and Mrs. Troy Whatley were in Atlanta Tuesday. Mis» Marguerite Hatteway, of San- dersvilUe visited Mr. and Mrs. James Shell Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Saims am- •ounoe the birth of a son, Frank, Jr., on April 20. Mr. and Mns. Harry Chambers and' cildren of Decatur, visited Mr. E. H Joiner last week. Mr. and) Mrs. Ted Montgomery and daughter spent the week end with Mrs L. T. Barrow. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Parker, Jr., of Cartersville, were the weekend guests of their parents. Miss Mary Smith and Mr. -Phillip Bryan of Atlanta, spent Sunday iwith Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Bryan. Mr. and iMrs. Clyde Wilson, of Cordele were the weekend guests ot Mr; and Mrs. Howard Neisler. Mr. Siweet Draughon entertained The Young Matron’s Class of the Reynolds Methodist Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fowler of Ideal were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Ilaburn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Emerson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Childs and children were recent visitors of Mrs. WESLEY will have a spend-the-day party at J. E. Locke. the home of Mrs. R. E. Aultman Wednesda. . Misses Rheba Windham, Lucy Bry an, Frances Neisler, and iMr. Pat Hodges represented Reynold's at the district meet in Plains where they won the cup for R. H. S. Mrs. Lizzie Williams, Miss Me lissa Ogham, Messrs Robert Bell and Carol Tinsley attended a high school debate in Ft. Valley Friday night where they acted as judges. IMrs. Earl Wright, Mrs. Homer Beeland, Mr. W. L. Carter, Mr. Al-1 bert Carter, Mr, Fred Carter, Mr. | Dan Beeland attended the funeral of Mr. John A. Carter at Talbotton Sun day p. m. League Union Held At Reynolds Church Rev. Tinsley Presiding Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Chapman and family are visiting friends and rela tives here. IMiss Leona Peterman spent last week end with Miss IMary Whitley. Several from here attended the singing held at Mt. Olive Stinday aftemoom ( Miss Mary L. Stalmaker spent Monday night with IMrs. O. 'M. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Windham and family visited relatives here last week end. Howard News Pleasant Hill News Mr. and' 'Mrs. L. B. Shirah, Mrs. Emma Lowery and Mr. G. P. Payne were dn Rllaville Tuesday on, busi- The League Union was hold at Reynolds. We all met and had a very interesting program. Several questions were asked by Bro. Tinsley concerning the resurrection of Christ. A story given by Mrs. Sawyer was enjoyed by all. Our main business was to discuss a training course ler Sunday which will help all of the young people who attend. We want to get everyone interested in' our Junior League Work. A business meeting was held at the home of Miss Wilma Gill an Butler a few days ago. In this rncet- Mrs- Mack Hill is visiting rela tives at East Point. Mrs. J. H. Browm spent several day last week in Macon. Miss Ludie Renfroe spent Satur day at Lakeside near Macon. Mrs. Lewis Brown and Mrs. Carl Brown attended the funeral of Mr. John A. Carter at Prattsburg Sun day p. m. Mr. Frank Pickard of Macon, was the week end guest of Mrs. Beulah Pickard and family. Mrs. J. M. Brown visited Mrs. 0. 0. and Miss Dorothy Brown in But- Mr. and Mrs. William Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Suggs of Butler, Mt and Mrs. Robert Suggs of Thomas- ton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Suggs. Mr. L. B. Shirah was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Bazemore of Jig V _ \y. T. Grimsdey Fridlay Butler are spending this week with ^ ^ Tate and liule bro . their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ' were ffuelit3 of Mrs . L . B . Wllhs ’ 1 Shirah Friday, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wilson and , „ Miss Bessie Wilson spent SuHffay , Mr. C. C. Cromer and family spent with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson. j the week end wth retatlves neaT Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. I Vienna. W. J. Willis included- Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mrs. Emma Lowery spent the week W. A. Spinks, Mr. and Mrs. Fred end with Miss Susie Odom. Jarrell, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Adams, ! R ev , aTU i Mrs. B. T. Gill of Thom- and children, Mr. Grady Wilson, Mr. aston, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Parker and little son, and Mrs. L. B. Shirah. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Bazemore of But ler. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jarrell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spinks. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wilson and i family were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. Royal. Miss Leila Willis was the Friday night guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Bazemore of Butler. Mr. nd Mrs. Merier Downs and chldren of Ellavilel and Mr. and Mrs Charles Downs of Butler were Sun day guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Downs. p. m., Pleasant Hill church. You cordially invited. Those attending the birthday <Ji n . ner Sunuay included: Mr. and Mrs B. F. Cook and IMr. Abe Cook, 0 f Griffin; Mr. Dan Jones of Ideal; Mr and' Mrs. Luther Lovick, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. James, Mrs. Wm. Car lisle, Mrs. Mary Bloodworth, Mr. J Grimsley and family, Mrs. N. C, Farmer and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Pate Lowery and' children, IMns. Odom, Mrs. Emma Lowery, Mr. and Mns. Cemon Odom, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Grimsley, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grimsliey and children, Rev, W T. Grimsley and family, Rev. E. t. Grimsley and wife. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Shirah, Rev. and Mis. B. T. Gill The Rev. Gill conducted the services ■it 3 p. m. His text was Gal. 6:19-21, Everybody enjoyed the occasion fine. Miss Ella Shirah spent the week- Sunday school next Sunday at 2:30 end with Mrs Leila Odom. Get a Genuine General Electric NOW! Mrs. Joe Brown and children were recent guests of Mrs. Sarah Fickling at Butler. .Several from here attended quar terly conference at Wesley 'last Fri- we had many things to discuss, j ‘“V* the most important thing was to se-1 Mrs. Lillian Brown and Mrs- G. D lect officers for the following league were Su ndOy visitors of Mrs. quarter. We selected officers which , . .. . we thought would be co-onerative.! Pterce and famil V. nearf y Waverly co-operative,; most interested, and ihnd the best ability for the work assigned them. The following were chosen : 'Mrs. Sawyer, Adult Counsellor. President, Lewis Cosey. V.-Pres., Evelyn Hotrtmun. Secretary, Audrey Waters. Pub. Ohm., Alieenel Arnos. Treasurer, Corliss Brown. Worship Chin., Rachel Montgomery Evangels! m. Church Relationship Chairman, Willma Gill Leader of Citizenship and Com munity Service, Dorothy Bazemore. Recreation and' Personal Develop ment, Edgar Whatley. Chairman of Leadership Training, Frances Carter. Each church also decided to pay 25c a Union Meeting. A Union Re vival 'has 'been planned for the young people Hall. Missionary Society Met Wednesday P.M. With Mrs. Jarrell SAVE MORE IN MORE WAYS! The Wesley-Unlon Missionary So ciety met at the home of Mrs. Fred Jarrell Wednesday, April 20, with 12 members 1 and' one visitor present. ■Mrs. W. F. Bembry, the president, presided' over the business session Plans were mode and the represent atives were' elected to attend the District Conference to be held May at Centoal 8011001 building to quilt their quilt. our Union and get interested in the meetings. One of our duties which we want to fulfill is getting every individual interested. —A Member. Turners Chapel Miss Frances Aimes was the Sun day guest of Miss Selma Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Barfield' were Sunday night visitors of Mr. a.. Mrs. Grady Payne. Mr. arid Mis. Marvis Chapman were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Clyde Chapman and family. Mr. Maynard Melton was a Sun day visitor of Mr. Howard Tarrer. Mr. Robert Payne spent Saturday night with Mr. Hubert Arnold. Misses Lannis Cromer and Myrtle Payne were Sunday guests of Miss Mildred Janies Sunday. Misses Tessa and Florine Barfield were the week end guests of their parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Howard Bur- field. Mr. Grady Payne and Mr. Lewis Barfield were in Un wlilla on business Friday. Mr. Jake Giles spent the weekend with home folks. Mrs. Emmett Barfield was the guest of Mrs. Grady Payne Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Barfield were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hill were the week end guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tarrer. J Be thriftier! See this refrigerator that started a new "save wave” in Amer ica! Check the multiple savings of the new G-E— in current, upkeep, long life, ice, food, convenience, etc. And we believe you will own a General Electric. S«al«d-ln-Ste*l » TRIPLE-THRIFT UNIT with Oil Cooling The only seeled mechanism that has had the benefit of 12 years manufacturing experience. The finI choice of millioni it NOW POPULARLY PRKEDI Sallie Anthony Circle Met With Mrs. Shealy On Tnesday Alternoon The Salilie with iMrs. E. Anthony Circle met Shealy on Tuesday, about 65 friends Friday night in ^,p r ;[ y9, Mrs, Gray Hicks presiding. honor of Mr. Henry Payne’s birthday. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fickling ot Macon, spent the wee kend with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. G.W. Fickling. Miss Doris Williamson and Miss Ruby Gouge of Atlanta, spent the week end 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beeland. The people of Reynolds are glad io welcome Mrs. Henry Waters who has returned to Reynolds to make her home. Members of the Methodist church gave a surprise reception for Mr. and Mrs. Tinsley at their home Fri day night. ' ■ ' Miss Katherine Hutchison and Miss Marguerite Tarrer of Atlanta, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson. < • ! ' Mrs. Howard Neisler, Mrs. J. A. PendeTgrast, Mirs. B. E. Flowers and Mir. E. H. Joiner attended the dis trict meet at Plains Saturday. Mrs. R. A. Hinton, H. F. Jelks, Lewis Saunders, Mrs. C. L. Pyron and Mrs. H. C. Whatley will attend a W. M. Rally in Fort Valley Wed nesday: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tye of Americus, Mr. and Mrs. Bland An drews of Waycross, and Mr. amd Mrs. W. M. Powell of Coxton, Ky., spent last week with Mr. W. 1. Powell. There were 12 members and two visitors present. The meeting was opened with the song, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.’’ Prayer was led by Mrs. T. H. Tinsley. The finance committee reported $7.U0 was made on the cake sale. It was voted to pay $1.00 on milk for ill anan; 90c was paid- to add with operation on. child'. It was voted' to pay $1.00 on prize for Temperance Essay. The fallowing program was given Devotional, first chapter of St. Mark, Mrs. Anthony. “The Rural Chuirch and Changing Conditions, Mrs. Robert Bell. A Poem read by Mrs. A.V. Brerwer “The Rural Community, a Field of Opportunity, Mrs S. B. Askew. Delicious refreshments were ‘served. —Pub. Chm. Mrs. Lonnie Holloway Hostess To Bridge Club Mrs. Lonnie Holloway entertained her Bridge Cluib Tuesday afternoon, The living room was beautifully deco rated with pink and white roses. Those playing were: Mrs. Earl Wright, Mrs. A. L. Gleaton, Mrs. Dan Beeland, Mrs. Ricks Carson, Mrs. D. W. Harp, Mrs. Elsie Carter, Mrs. Will Foy and Mrs. Lonnie Hol loway. After four progressions a delicious salad course was served. After the business session we en joyed 1 a very interesting program ar ranged by 'Mil's. Woodrow Amos. It was ais follows: Song. ; Scripture, Mrs. F. C. Jarrell. Prayer, Mirs. A. H. Jarrell. Talks by Mrs. J. E. Spinks, Mrs. T. A. Robbins, and Mis Bembry Poem, Mrs. Fred Jarrell. Round-table Discussion on “How to Improve Our Community.” Prayer, 'Mrs. J- A. Heath. During the social hour Mrs. Fred Jarrell assisted by .'Mrs. Cheek and Mias Hazel Jarrell served delicious ice cream and cookies. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. A. Spinks. —Reporter. I****!! irict\*** e l dollat th»° IB curt* eve° 1 , ctttt*®*- \b Vlele^ onortrt- M. J. WOOD & CO., Reynolds, Ga. M. H. Coffee.... lb 28c Show Boat Coffee.. lb 25c Post Toasties... box 7c SALE ON COCOA AND CHOCOLATE Small Size Baker’s Chocolate . 10c 1-2 lb Chocolate. . 15c Small Size Baker’s Cocoa ... .. 5c 1-2 lb Baker’s Cocoa 10c 1-lb Baker’s Cocoa ..15c 2-lb Baker’s Cocoa . 25c R. E. AULTMAN Reynolds, Ga. A.A.A. Certified Test. Run Again Proves the Outstanding Economy and Performance of CHEVROLET TRUCKS AT A COST OF LESS THAN i/s-CENT PER TON-MILE, stock model l 1 /2-ton Chevrolet truck travels 10,102.4 miles carrying 4590-lb. load. 15.07- MILES PER GALLON of gasoline ONLY *1.35 FOR ADJUSTMENTS TVTO TESTS are more rigidly supervised and exacting than tests conducted under the supervision of the Contest Board of the American Automobile Association. Ail figures listed in the column at the right are facts—certified and convincing proof of the great performance qualities and dollar - saving economy of Chevrolet trucks! Modernize your truck equipment now. Save money all ways with Chevrolet trucks —with low first cost, low operating cost, low maintenance expense—and with rug ged, durable Chevrolet construction that gives extra thousands of miles of capable, satisfying operation. SANCTION N». 3562 READ THESE AMAZING PERFORMANCE FACTS... Trial ■Unticmn* . . IMIMril* Pijka*«ri|tt UNB. Glass «ri|M UMtt. Imiaiiari WIxiJl Trial|«sa)aaisaisaaS . . I7M|s0hs Milas lariataaliasataa . . . . 15J7 OllcaasaaaJ II lasts TMalast(|ri.rilttriatfa).. J1M.7J Trial pstaa-ailaast JJWI Gmtwol Mill! j Imelolmmt Plan—Convenient. Economical Monthly Payments. A General Motors Valuo. “THE THRIFT-CARRIERS FOR THE NATION’’’ TAYLOR COUNTY MOTOR CO. Reynolds and Butler, Ga.