The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, May 05, 1938, Image 7

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THE BUTLER HERALD, BUTLER, GEORGIA, MAY 5, 1988. local Happenings T. E. Tante and Mrs. T. E. v,itc Jr.', spent Monday in Griffin. and Mrs. C. E. Benns and ;hsr le S Benns spent Friday in At- lllta. jliss Annie England of Howard, is he guest of ,Mr. and Mrs. B. H, j] rs , W. D. Gill of Thomaston is ' uest of her sister, Mrs . Eliza- th GH1. Mrs. Lee Reinrart, of Peru, Ind., the pleasant guest of Mr. and Oscar Oox, BOB JONES OMMENTS ON here aw hereafter. DR, H. J. PORTER Butler, Ga. CO-OPERATION IN SERVICE Lesson Text: Mark 9:30-44 he Golden Text: For against us Mark 9:40. that is on our not part Christ As Saviour Christ offers atonement as the source of service. Human Desires . , | The desciples tremselves were en- I tlr ely wrong in. their conception of : the Messianic Kingdom. They do not * ,. . , ~ ' seem to have any idea of what the ; ‘Aeroruing to a story which appear-, nature of his Kingdom was to be. felftlHIjiK 1 ^ recently in the newspapers, a man In the fal of the year 29 A. D. re- 33 years old died. All his life he had ^ rnill g from Ceasaroa Phil'lipi where refused to visit a cemetery. But 1 eter had) made his great confession eventually he teok a trip to the city ^ared'to Peter'jam^^^d 1 * jZ of the dead. We watch the crowds go they disputed among themselves as ... „ Marv Hollis, a student at G. ^ and wonder where they are going to who was to be the greatest in this 5 p "Willed geville snent the They are a11 marohin g toward etemL Kingdom tdiat Jesus was to establish. ■ T ' ; Sol i I ty. Eternity—.mother of cycles and ’^ e J 0 X, et60u f man tehy were Kken a ’ , . . ... ! parent of ages! The Greatest ques. and how muchThey^an &£?"“' Via. *• A ' Scandrett is visiting ( tion is, “Where shall I spend etemi- When they had reached " aper'nium lditsvilk, the guest of Mr. and ty?” According to the Bible, then and gone into a house ‘ “ trs Fred Saunders. i' ' 1 J Mrs. Florence Gordy was the week -nd guest of her sister, Mrs. Jack i ja Unadilla. , - - - —probably are only two places—heaven and hell. * ®ter s house, Jesus administered a The Bible says there is no other dou 'hle reproof. The first reproof name given under heaven among men second™^ the^’^fiene^' He whereby we can be saved but ths taught them the value of coopera- name of Jesus. If that is true—and tive service. Miss Louie Parks and IMrs. Nettio I believe the Bible is the Word' ol I The Saving Service Byrd spent last week end in Macon God—.then the people who read 1 The saving Christ offers as his the quests of friends. these lines who have not accepted service, atonement. He now pro- . Christ should accept Him immediate- ceedB to teach the desciples the three Mr. Richard Turk, of Americas, mat does ifc mean ^ . & ( great events which he fohesaw in , the week end guest of his n . . . , , * Jerusalem. First te son of man must ' / Mrs Ouida Turk. I Christ ? According to my understand- be delivered into the hand's of men, > mg’ of the Bible, it simply means and by the be killed, but after three Mr. Arthur Jarrell, of Tifton,jthat I turn myself over to Him and fay® be would rise again. : the week end with his parents, trust Him and no one else to save I Obey the Teacher me. I speak reverently. My salvation 1 The desriples did not understand is “up to Christ.” If Ho fails me, 1 what Jesus 381(1 them - Tbe reason am ruined forever. I am not trustinn ?? i hey did not und f, rstan<i ^aa , , - . . H not the language was obscure, but y church membership or my good because what he said was altogether ivories. I am trusting Him. Ho will different from wihat they expected to not fail me. . hear. They were in a way familiar with the doctrine of atonement, but “Can I know I am saved?” I am' did . n , ot receiv « th \ idea that the Messiah was the atoning one. question in my They must have thought that Jesus Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Jarrell. Miss Frances Riley of Atlanta, ns the guest of her mother, Mrs. Mie Riley several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitehead end little daughter, Betty Jane, ere week end guests of Mrs. Irene eed. i j.' j Mrs. Martel McGuffin and little lighter of Pine Mountain, are this 'eek’s guests of Mr. and 1 Mrs. G. A. -berts. * Miss Marie Jarrell of G. S. C. W., often asked that evangelistic work. The Bible teaches was able to inform them more fully, that we oon know it. "These things I have written unto you, that ye be lieve on the name of the son that y< may know 1 that ye have eternal life." Some people hestitate to say they 'Uedgeville, spent last week-end' they are saved because it he guest of her parents, Mr. -and sounds like they are .boasting oi Mrs. F. C. Jarrell. Irighteousness. They are wrong. 11 know I am saved not because I Miss Mary Frances Jones, of Jg. I feel it because I know it string an<1 Miss Frances Posey of, Feeling is ment i 0 ned just twice in the a® <*e_ Messiah. They thought Ataita, were guests of Miss Eliza- i Humber Sunday. Yet they were afraid to ask him. They must have 'had some idea of the answer that Jesus would give and they did not want to hear it. It would break to fragments theii fondest hopes. To say the least they kept silent on the matter of su preme mportance. The twellve had a very pronounced misconception con cerning the Messiah as they return ed to Capernium, They had at last come to the fuller recognition oi Col. H. P. Wallace returned urday from Savannah home after' ^ so ' Bible and it is never mentioned in ft wa f 3 fusing: ancient . , . lhey fully expected him to establish connection with salvation. I know i . the ; Mes9ian i c Kingdom soon. Where am saved because God’s Word tells I they were wrong’ about the 'kingdom The Bible says, “He that was that they were expecting (pending- several weeks the guest of Mh the son hath life.” The best 1 ! worldly kingdom and from this be- k. <4tar. Mrs. Marion SL. tom W I have «c,pW Christ * ' 8? «. n , . , , I m y Saviour. If I have accepted dom. Qii Hie trip to Oapemium they Miss Mjra Byrd, a senior student Christ I have Christ. If I have Him I seem to have had considerable argu- the University of Georgia in have life. Tfiat is, I am saved. Now ment. This argument was not about Athens, was the week-end guest of if t doubted my salvation after hav- the foretold death of Jesus, but W P „ U ,Mr. „,d Mre. B. J. ftrri.L, ,,„ Christ, then! iSWS* ffiJdSf IS Mrs. Irene Peed and Mrs. Walter am doubting the Word of God. No what had recently happened it was i attended the Rose Show at man can ' know that he is saved to be expected that they would dis- ThomasviWe Friday. O n their a-part from the Word of God. “We return to Butler they were guests ox hnow we have passed from death Rev. and ,\I rs , E. Hightower at unto because we love the breth ren.” The Book says that. After I was converted I loved the brethren but I would not have known' that was ■ connected with Vanianding- a sign I was saved if the Bible had ims Service Station, has recently \ not told me. People talk about hav- wri to Ellavillle. Mr. Gill will be . mg the witness of the Spirit, but •NWtfeil with his brother, Dr. Paul they-would know nothing about the the rank which they wished to hold ■" the drug .business in our, witness of the Spirit if they did not ' n te new kingdom. They still had to ^ City - have ®ible. When I was a boy we jf^ew kingdom. Theyliad y^ ; WM. Brown of Howard, 88 , S 0 age ’ was Sunday guest |yy e reac j our title to a mansion in 1C daughter Mrs ' °- Brown the sky in the Word of God. He that Bidet; Among those to call on jhath the gon hath lifc . If we h , ave Christ we have salvation. W< have forgiveness. We have regenera tion; We have heaven. We hav< everything. He is all and in all. Alfepulpis, Ga., Friday night, Mr. Julian 'Gill, for the past few cuss among themselves who was to be the greatest in- the kingdom. The considered that Peter had re ceived' special endorsement upon his great confession. It would seem that priority had been given .to Peter, James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration. The ignoble part about the whole thing was, not that the competition among them as to what service they could render, but 1 Frown while here were Dr. H, Porter, Col. W. E. Steed, Messrs J*- McLendon, J. P. Posey and J. ”■ Edwards. PARKS—RUTLAND Ctizens of Butler will be glad' to 1 that Mr. and' Mrs. R. N. Jones Charing have recently moved to 1 <%• Mr. Jones has been cor- . .... . , tr> m i , .. | Their many friends here and else- 10 the Montgomery hospital , ... . , , , erefnr , , .. . i where will) be interested to learn oi ej°r several months but it is re- the marriage of Miss Hazel Parks , , w that Fis condition) is showing 0 f Howard, to 'Mr. Carl Rutland ox Upatoi. The marriage took place Fri day night, April 29, at Columbus. Mrs. Rutland is the attractive daughter of Mr. and) Mrs. H. H Parks of Howard. Mr. Rutland is a valued employe of the Central of Georgia railway with headquarters ini Columbus. Mr. 'and Mrs. Rutland are now making their home in Upatoi. °f improvement. l "ILY runion held at home of booth family A family reunion was held at. the , 0rne °f Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Booth mnday, t,iy s occasion of r ' ^°°th’s birthd'ay anniversary. 11 Proved' °f those most enjoyable day tot present the guest list "K: Mr. and Mrs H. M. Parker ^fan and ■ Question Jesus When Jesus and the desciples reached Capernium which was to b< the ho-ur of teir separation, Petes* house was open and ready to receive them. Jesus always made Shis home his home when in the city. They had rot refreshed themselves after enter ing the house till Jesus asked them an all important question. He very candidlv asked them what thev were discussing on the trip. EVen i.f Jesus BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. andl Mrs, Ernest Coker, Jr., of Brunswick, announce the birth of a daughter on April 23 to be called Mary Jane. Mrs. Coker will be pleasantly remembered by her many friends as Miss Flo rice Hill', of Ru- IMertejpert family . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ham- family, Mr, and 1 Mrs. Jamie •^-r. and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ter- > °°th and family, Mrs. (Merle son, Mr and Mrs. Char-1 ns M° Ck ’ Mt- and Mrs ' Dan9 | The Butler baseball team will play , p‘ Irs - Bessie Downs, Mr. and EVaville team Sunday afternoon. fc n , jj Wa fd, Mr. Clifton Me- Roth EUaville and Butler have good If, j divi rs John Brake and Mrs. K., teams and this will' doubtless be a am onson. SPECIALS Orange Pekoe TEA t,u lb 30c Raisin BRAN pack 10c 3—10c Pks Aunt Jemima GRITS 25c Cash Grocery Company Phone 19 Butler, Ga. did not hear the conversation he wa aware of it. It was now up to him to heal the rift in their friendship. , Silence ! To the question that Jesus , asked not one oi the desciples had the courage to answer. Was it because the Master had discovered then’ jealousy that they would 1 not ans wer? While the twelve were silent Jesus prepared himsely for action. He sat down and called 1 them for they were the disputers and Jesus and 1 the twelve seem to have con- i stituted the whole company. Jesus' did not, as they might have expected ■ rebuke, but rather re proven, them i and showed them the better way. He i told them exactly what constituted I greatness in the kingdom. He told I them that “If any man would be 1 first, he should lie least of all. and, servant of a".” Tn other words any titan to halve first honor must .be first in service. The kinedom of God is | not s kingdom, of self-seeking but of i sacrifice. I Erample j Jesus could) have offered no better I model than the one he chose. He ] took a little child probably the son | of Peter and sat him in their midst i and 1 threw his arms around him. ■rt. small ciiuu) nos no pnue; uoey I no,, ‘iiiovv hiijrcmug unouc earuuy I lame, neither does R care, it is ' sm^pie, loveable and is temmabie and capable o nuuing impressions niauc upon it. Vvuien Jesus drought the iit,c.e cn’.id in une miust ox tne oe- scipiea it was an enect lesson to teir deceit, tie let tnein Know that Unis littie child was uueir imouel and not thegovernor’s chair or the em perors’ titione. if one is to enter tiie kingdom ol heaven he must be child like in order to ibe Christ like we must be childlike. extern, hi uuus, h..^> uesuu iinai uc Alien One Iwung out uemons. .11 ms name, ."iu mat imu uesonpius .l>ade nun stop ior une leuson mat lie Was not one or uie ueseipies. oumi seems to tmiiK uiul no one uiad power to perXorm inuracies uiuess he was one ox tne twelve aescipies. Jesus piaiiny tells him to not interfere wain tne man for there w no iman who shall do a mighty work in my name and be able to quickly to speak evil ol me. He seems to have wished' to inn- press upon the mind of John that it was not for hi to pass upon the .property or passing upon the acts of others who were doing the will and work of the Master. This man, who ever he was, was doing a great work He was already casting out demons. Not only was he casting out the de mons but he was casting them out in the name of Jesus. It is very prob able that he was a Jew .but he was unknown. The miracle that ho per formed seems to have been in pri vate, .but for some reason John had been a witness .to it. In reporting to Jesus he said “ihe saw.” John did' not wait to learn what kind' of man; that was casting out demons or Whethfei he wad n favor with 'God in so-doing nor did he care in the least. He not only denied his right to work when they should have welcomed as a fellow workman, .but fonbm fvtm to continue his work. Furthermore, they were trying to destroy his faith. They were jealous for their Master’s honor. They thought that if the man was to do work in the Master’s name he should! confess him and ioin their eircle. It must have wounded, their dignity to th'nk that an 1 outsider could db the same thing thev eould, Their intolerance was not approved by Jesus. They were to know the difference between loyalty to Jesus and arguing over their own narrow prejudices. The Rebuke Very decisive and sternly did Jesus say forbid him not. He was doing a good work and it was cer tainly needed. The only fault the de sciples could find with him was that he did 1 not belong to their group and they felt that they had 1 a monopoly upon work done in the name of Jesus. In this assumption they were entirely wrong. “For there is no man who shall do a mighty woik in my name and Ibe able to ouidkly tn speak evil of me.” The mighty work noun nets him to 'Christ’s cause. “For he that is not against us is for us. This man imav not have belonged to their circle but be was on their side. So the two utterances are in per fect harmony if we only bear in mind that there is no neutral zone. There fore we are either for him or we are against him. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LESSON-SERMON 1*AGE SBVOT | close game. “Adam and Fallen Man” is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be read Sunday in all branch Churches and Societies of the Mother Church, The First Chruch of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. Among the citations which com prise the Lesson Sermon there will 'be the following from the Bilble: “And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts, crying, Albba, Father” (Gal. 4:6). The Lesson-Sermon will also in clude the following correlative selec tion. from the Christian ScTence text book, “Science and Health with Key to the Sbrintnres” bv Mary Baker ’My: “Whatever Indicates the fa I of man or the opposite of God or God's ansence, is the Adam-dream, Which is neither mind 1 nor man, for it is not begotten of the Father . . As mortal® begin to understand spirit, they gi'-e nn tbe belief that thoro nnv true existence apart *Vom Cod” (pp. .82, 283). Don’t forget that Saturday. May 7th is tbe last date to qualify for ’•'ifie.o. this year. DEAN THEATRE! = Butler, Georgia — — SUNDAY AND MONDAY, MAY 8-9 Sunday Shows 2-4-9 ‘Charlie McCarthy”, Edgar Bergin, Ritz Bros, and Adolphe Menjou goldwynTollies izel Reddick) I Tuesday and Wednesday’s Shows! Discontinued Until September 1st THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MAY 12-13 Matinee Thursday 3 o’clock Night Shows 7:15 and 9:00 o’Clock John Boles and Ida Lupino FIGHT FOR YOUR LADY [ (Henry Payne) SATURDAY, MAY 14 Continues From 1:30 to 11 o’Clock William Body and Frank Darien CASSIDY BAR 20 | (Roy Fain) Doctors Tells Us the Best Remedy For Hot Weather Is: DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT. DRINK PLENTY OF COLD BEVERAGES We wont attempt to tell you how to keep from worrying, but we do sell several kinds of beverages Grapefruit Juice, 3 for 25c Pineapple Juice, 3 for 25c Orange Juice .. 3 for 25c Grape Juice,. .. i-pt 20c Tomato Juice 5c and 10c Bilk Tea .... lb 45c Lire Oak Tea ^“ h . 6-oz 25c Bliss Tea 4-oz 15c Coca Cola, 6 bottles 25c Partpak, any flavor 10c Buy where quality merchandise cost less. Bankston’s Market Phone 30 BUTLER, GA. We Deliver DR. J. W. JOHNSON Atlanta, Georgia Registered Optometrist a aoc «QiuSpf- 4j^VKES H 0LASSg$ Will Be At Our Store ONE DAY—TUESDAY, MAY 10 PORTER’S DRUG STORE BUTLER, GEORGIA ALL WORK GUARANTEED BY US Only Regular Prices Charged For Glasses Os&ss We are well equipped with special machines for sharpening and repair ing lawn mowers the factory way. Bring your lawn mowers to us. We will fix them like new. SUGGS GARAGE & MACHINE WORKS Butler, Georgia