The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, September 29, 1938, Image 2

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/ THE BUTLER HERALD, BUTLER GEORGIA, SEPTEMBER 29, 1938. PAGE TWO REYNOLDS DEPARTMENT! -Conducted by- Mrs. Ricks Is Hostess i To The Jennie Barrow Missionary Society Civic Improvement Club of Reynolds g i ... nnnimmMrrnp[pm , mPIFFIFPF mmran;1 ^ wm ^ lg ^ ll ^ w * l ^ !iaa ^ if Mrs. Betty Whatley shopped in Atlanta Monday. Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Tinsley visited in Oglethorpe .Monday. [Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Tinsley visited 2t Macon Wednesday. Miss Winnie Aultman has return ed home after having spent sometime tit .Macon. ■Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Stemhridge of lizolla called on friends here Sunday afternoon. (Mr. Chas. S. Sawyer made a busi- Mr. Willie R. Goree who attends Abraham Baldwin College at Tifton was a recent visitor at the home of his sister, iMrs. C. S. Sawyer. Mrs. M. J. Wood, Mrs. W.A. Saun- broug , ht ders, Mrs. Erly Crawford and Mrs. 1 J. H. Brewer were Thursday visitors of Mrs. A. V. Brewer at Butler. Mrs. F. A. Ricks entertained the Jennie Barrow Missionary Circle Tuesday afternoon, Sept 25th. Opening song, “I Am Thine O Lord,” followed by an article on Prayer, by Mrs. W. M. Hollis. Min- Reynolds M. E. Young People Council Met Last Sunday Evening Ideal News The young people of the Reynolds Methodist church held their regular monthly council meeting- at the church Sunday evening with the president, Miss Audrew Waters, pre siding. Mrs. Sawyer gave a short de utes read and approved. Dues col- j votional, using as her subject, “Lov lccted and old and new business * n E People.” The 'Methodist Young People’s Council was held at the church Sun day evening. They decided to have a pledge senice next Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whatley and son, Donald, also Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ed- jms trip to Tifton and Sylvester Barrow spent Sunday with Mr. gar Whatley Jr., at G. M. C. Mil- Nest TTiursday. IMrs. Henry Hicks of Macon, visit ed' Mrs F. M. Carson and Mrs. Alice James recently. Mias Emily Taylor of Ft. Valley -Tunv'od her sister, Mrs. David Mont- 3ort last week. Kir. Julius Lunsford spent the week end here wth his parents, -Col. and Mrs. Lunsford. ■Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Carson and another, Mrs. Alice James motored to Xuoon Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Singletary of (Eofumbus, were recent guests of Mr. and .Mrs. C. S. Sawyer. The young people of the Methodist sitaieh are sponsoring a ‘‘Masquerade IBarty Friday night of this week. 'Mrs. Billie Greelish of New York ®fty, is here on a visit to her par rots, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hollis and «hildren spent Sunday with their giarents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hollis. Mr. Robert Bell Jr., who is attend ing Mercer University at Macon jpent the week end with his parents. (Mrs. F. K. Daily, of East Radford, is the distinguished guest of Hev. and Mrs. T. H. Tinsley this week. Mbb. J. H. Brewer and Miss Aud rey Waters visited Mrs. A. V. Brew er and daughter, Mariona, in Butler Sunday. Mrs. F. M. Corson entertained the BtStbodist church Board of Christian JEducation at her home last Thurs day night. Mr. Jame Griffith who recently, un derwent an appendix operation at the Montgomery hospital in Butler has irtirne home. Mrs. Douglas Tye and little son Wouglas, Jr., of Americus, are spend ing a few days with her father, Mr. W. I. Powell. Mrs. Chas. Sawyer and children, Aurelia and Hugh spent Friday night and Saturday with relatives at JLumpkin and Cuthbert. .Mrs. C. A. Goree, Mt. Terrell 1 Go- i» andi family of Cuthbert, visited tfkeir daughter nd sister, Mrs. C. S. Sawyer one day last week. The many friends of Mrs. G. H. CCoddard sympathise with her in the lias of her father, Mr. McCoy, whose death occurred last Tuesday. up. Announcement of Zone Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 27th. A pe tition on lynching from the superin tendent of Christian Sbcial Relations was read and signed." Mrs. Tinsley led the devotional us ing Scripture from St. John’s gospel and Mathew 5:14. Her thoughts were taken from a mission study book, “Never Failing Light”. Heart-search ing questions that made us think were asked. Do all persons enjoy equally shared light? Where is it most felt and why? Why do two persons with the same amount of light do and act differently? Ib light to ‘be looked at or to reveal what it shines upon? Where do we find light today? We have the privilege of get ting It from the inspired word and in _ . _ . „ ., _ , , , ... , ,, , , Eugenia Joiner on Friday, Oct. 28th, deeds and actions of the revealed . ... , ledgeville. Messrs E. H. Heath, M. L. Hawes and their wives, also Mrs. Martha Johnston, of Stillmore, Ga., spent Sunday, Sept. 18, with Mr. and Mrs C. S. Sawyer. Quarterly Conference for the Rey- nolds-Crowell charge will be held next Thursday, Oct. 6th at the Rey nolds Methodist church. Lets have a large attendance. The many friends of Mrs. J. A. Pendcrgrast are glad to learn that she has such splendid music class in Tliomaston. At present she has 62 students on roll. Friend of Miss Lucile Wilson will be interested to learn that she has I seeing the peoples of the world: No- returned home after undergoing an gro, delinquent, underprivileged ? If The committee chairman gave -re ports on all work done since last meeting. Under new business the council voted to cooperate through theii committee on Evangelism, with the committee from the Adult -Church Council in making plans to observe “Childhood and Youth Week”, the third week in. October. It was stressed again that each chairman bring written each Council meeting. The motion was made and carried to hold' the Council meetings in the homes of the Council members as heretofore, and the time will be on Friday nights before the first Sun day in each month. The next meeting will be held with Miss 'Brown of Oglethorpe was the Friday guest of Mrs Wade Terry. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Payne were Thursday guests of Mrs. Peggy Rob erts at Pinehurst. Mrs. J. W. Terrer and Mrs. J. D. Tarrer were .guests of Mrs Archie Hill at Oglethorpe Thursday, Misses Hattie Vanson and Doris Rayburn were Saturday night g-uests of Miss Myrtle Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Payne, Mr. C. B. Barfield and Mr. Joe Standridge made a business trip to Americus Saturday. Mrs. Paul Cromer, Misses Frances and Helen Cromer visited relatives ill Atlanta Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tarrer were Sunday guest of relatives near Ella- ville. Mr. Alvin Rayburn of Americus, spent the week end with his parents, reports to Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Rayburn. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Payne and children were the Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Barfield. Mr. and Mrs Marvis Chapman were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Chapman. Miss Jencie Giles visited relatives in Americus Saturday. word,—persons— reflections of the light of Jesus. First, think of full exposure of light. Second, the amount of light it can furnish. Third, reflec tion. No reflection will be of use un less the light falls right. We cannot reflect until Jesus shines. We are not here to absorb but to reflect. We are prone to enjoy sermons and good things, but not willing to radiate them. Light! In what light are we appendix operation at the Montgom ery hospital in Butler. The ladies of the Methodist Mis sionary Society entertained the mem bers of the Perry Zone here Tues day at which time a splendid attend ance of local people and visitors were present. Plans have been completed for a Masquerade Party to be held at Rey nolds Friday night, Sept. 30. Each member will come dressed in Mas querade and bring sandwiches and a nickel. Be at the Methodist church at 7:30 p. m. Presiding Elder A. W. Reese, of the Macon District, will preach at the Reynolds Methodist church Sunday morning.This will be his last Sunday appointment with us before annual conference and the expiration of his term as our Presiding Elder. Let’s have a fine crowd out to church. Come and bring some one with you. Mrs. V. P. Folds and Mrs. C. S. Newton of Butler were visitors here to the Perry Missionary Zone meet ing Tuesday, We are always so glad to have these and the other fine la dies cometo our town .and church.Mrs Folds has recently been made Colum bus District Secretary of the Mis sionary Society, taking the place of Mrs. Olin Hammock of Sheliman, who resigned to become Conference Secretary. Recent Bride Honored At Home of Mrs. Hicks unless otherwise announced The meeting was closed with prayer by Bro. Tinsley, after which the Worship Chairman took charge and with her committee rendered a good program, the regular Sunday night program as taken from the Epworth Highroad. —Pub. Chairman. Crowell News Paul had not heard testimony of Jesus and seen Jesus reflected in Stephen we might have missed the light reflected by those books in our Bible. First, how long would it take to make Reynolds truly Christian it everybody prayed about it as I do? Second, how long would it take to make the nation Christian if all gave of their money and time to this cause as I do? Third, how long would it take to make desciples if every body took the program of Jesus a3 I do? Fourth, have I moral courage to ex pect of others more than I give? Song, “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning.” Articles contributed frbm the Outlook were given by Mrs. Saw yer, Mrs. Carson and Mrs. What ey. Refreshing drinks and sandwiches were .served by the hostess. —Pub. Office: My crown is in my; heart, not on my head; Not deck’d with diamonds, and In dian stones. Nor to be seen: My crown is called content; crown that seldom king enjoy. Whittington-Hargrave 1 5-lb Sugar... . .25c i 110-lb Sugar.. . .49c i j 25-lb Sugar.. .$1-22 | f 100-lb Sugar.. .$4.85 | f 24-lb Victory Flour 65c j 124-lb Flour 75c | •s Blue Plate or Duke's { Mayonnaise, pt ..25c t A Blue Plate or Duke’s 1 Mayonnaise, qt .. 45c | 14-lb Lard . . . . 45c I 8-lb Lard . . . .89c f fBiaek Pepper, Salt, Matches! { Potted Meat.. 3 for 10c 1 LE.Aultmanj REYNOLDS, GA. Mrs. Albert Hicks entertained Mrs. Lawrence Cook with a Cocacola Par ty last Tuesday morning. The home was beautifully decorat ed with Fall flowers. Thirty-five guests called to meet Mrs. Cook and- to enjoy Mrs. Hicks’ hospitality. Cocacola and sandwiches were served. U. D. C. Holds First Meeting Since May The Gordon-Carson Chapter held its September meeting at the Club- Chapter House Thursday, this being their first meeting since the month of May. The Chapter voted to pay thirty cents per capita on Jefferson Davis Memorial. The secretary read the hostesses for the fiscal year and asked that if not convenient for them to entertain the month assigned, please exchange. Mrs. F. M. Carson was elected dele gate to the .State Convention which meets in Gainesville in October. The Chapter will sell pansy plants again this Fall. Mrs. W. E. Marshall Sr., and Mrs. Earl Wright are on this committee. The hostesses Mrs. Earl Wright and Mrs. J. D. Beall served' sand wiches and coffee. —Press Reporter. The following engagement r.ouncement of Miss Minnie Frances Whittington, formerly of Reynolds, to Rev. William L. Hargrave, of Co coa, Fla., will be of interest to their many friends in this section. Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Whit tington, of Merritt Island, Fla., an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Minnie Frances, to Rev. Wm. Loftin Hargrave, of Cocoa, Fla. the wedding to be solemnized in St. Mark’s Church, Cocoa, on Monday afternoon, Feb. 13 Miss Whittington, who rwas horn in Reynolds, Ga., moved to Merritt Is land in 1923 with her family, where she has since lived. She attended school in Cocoa, where she made a commendable record, being editor of the Orange and Black in her senior year and graduating with highest honor in her class. Later she attend ed business college in Jacksonville and returned to Cocoa two years ago to accept a position with the Barnett National Bank. Mr. Hargrave was born in Wilson. N. C., the son of Mrs. Frances D, Hargrave and the late Dr. B. W. Hargrave of that city. He attended the public schools in Atlanta, later graduating from the Atlanta Law school, receiving his L. B. degree After three years with the Miami Bank and Trust Co., and the Silver Bluff Properties, he returned to school in Monteagle, Tenn., and At lanta. In 1932 he graduated from the Virginia Seminary in Alexandria, Va. and went to Cocoa the same year to take charge of St. Mark's Episcopal Church. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to those who were so kind and thoughtful to us during the illness and death of our mother. Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Ricks And Family, Mr. N. P. Edge. WESLEY Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scandrett of Macon visited their mother, Mrs.Hat- tie Scandrett. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wainwright and family spent Saturday in Macon, Miss Helen Neisler of Georgia Southwestern College, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Neisler. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hart and fami ly visited Mr and Mrs. T. O. Jones. Mr and Mrs. Will Jarrell of Ft. Valley spent Sunday with theii daughter, Mrs. Jewel McCrary and family. Don’t forget to attend the Circus at Crowell Saturday, Oct. 1st, 7:3< o’clock p. m. Miss Eleanor Booth of Americus spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mr. H. H. Booth. Miss Janey Neisler visited Miss Florence O’Neal Sunday. Mrs. J. W. O’Neal and son, James were visiting in Andersonville la9t week. Mrs. H. E. Neisler was in Ameri cus Friday. Mr. and Mrs. iLanier Scandrett of Ft. Valley, visited their mother, Mrs. Hattie Standrett. Be sure not to miss the fun at the Circus Saturday, at 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. George Young were In Butler Wednesday. Miss Beatrice Windham and Miss Gussie Dukes spent the week end in Thomaston with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beeland. Mrs. T. J. Ilortman spent Friday In Macon. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Lewis spent Sunday in Crawford county with Mr and Mr3. J. T. Lewis. Master Clyde and Howard Cochran of Roberta spent .Sunday with Mil lard Bloodworth. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cosey and Mi Tom ‘Montgomery pents Monday Macon. Mr. George Young in Milledgeville Monday. Don’t miss the fun at the Circus Saturday at 7-30 p. m. IMPORTANT NOTICE MAUK SCHOOL FACULTY ENTERTAINED AT DINNER The sinking fund commission the City of Reynolds has given me orders to collect taxes due the City of Reynolds. After the first of October, levies will foe made on all delinquents. I will be at the Rey nolds Pharmacy Oct. 1st. This September 21st, 1938. A. J. PAYNE, City Marshal. Mrs. R. D. Waller and Mrs. L. R, Pike were joint hostesses in enter taining the school faculty at a six o'clock dinner at the home of Mrs, Waller Monday evening. Those enjoying their hospitality were: Misses Rita Peacock, Nettie B j Hill, Ruby Rustin, Prof. H. H. Lump of kin and Prof. J, W. Lancaster. Miss Ruby Jinks who is spending this week at home, was also an invited guest. Ingredients of a Haggis T , ingredients of a haggis are the chopped hearts and livers of sheep, mixed with onions and herbs, and boiled in a lamb’s stomach. Mrs. O. 0. Brown of Howard has been the recent guest of Mrs. Clyde Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Bazemore of Butler were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W J Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jarrell were the Sundty guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A Spinks. Mrs. Addis Scott and little son have returned to Thomaston after spending sometime with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Downs. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Adams and family spent Sunday with Mrs. J. H. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Bazemore of Butler are pesnding this week with their parents, Mr. and IMra. W. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson and family were Saturday guests of Mr, and Mrs A. M. Greathouse at Thom, aston. We are sorry to learn that Mr, Walter Heath is seriously ill and hope he will soon be on the road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell and little daughter of Talhotton were the recent guests of Mt. and Mrs. R. M, Suggs. The Wesley school opened Monday morning with a very good attendance The faculty for the term is composed of the following: :Mr. Herman Ellis- ton, of Rupert; Misses Bessie Childs and Hazle Hortman of Butler; and Miss Katherine Duvall of Reynolds. AC0MPLETE POULTRY SERVICE -Combined With= CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING Starting, Growing and Laying Mash and Scratch Feeds Turkey Starter and Growing Mash, Dairy Feed, Hog Feed, Mule Feed Fowl Pox Vaccines and Poultry Remedies. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Mail or Phone Your Order, or Tell The Salesmen On Our Trucks. We buy in car lots and are in position to give you lowest prices consistent with quality feeds. EMORY F. PARR i „ r? i Dpwm ne R; F. D. No. 1 REYNOLDS, GA. BUY THE BEST! ALC0 POULTRY FEEDS Sold By E. F. PARR, Reynolds, Ga. Alco Feed Mills, .... Atlanta, Ga, “FEED THE FUL-O-PEP WAY” FUL-O'PEP POULTRY FEEDS —■ -Manufactured By THE QUAKER OATS CO., Memphis, Tenn. Sold By E. F. PARR, Reynolds, Ga. SUPER-QUALITY POULTRY MASHES AND SCRATCH FEED Manufactured by STANDARD MILLING CO., Atlanta, Ga. Sold By E. F. PARR, Reynolds. Ga. Lading Mask Guaranteed There Are More Eggs In Jazz 22 Per Cent Laying Mask. Sold by E. F. PARR Reynolds, Ga.