The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, October 13, 1938, Image 2

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PAGEWO THE BUTLER HERALD, BUTLER GEORGIA, OCTOBER IS, 1938. [REYNOLDS DEPARTMENT! Hbward News .Mrs. Lewis Hill and Master Wil- Ideal News Mrs. J. W. Tarrer and Mrs. J. *D -Conducted by- [Civic Improvement Club of Reynolds| Mrs. G. W. Fickling is a visitor in Hlavilfe Mrs. L. T. Barrow is visiting in Buena Vista. (Miss Josephine Weaver spent last week in Atlanta. ,Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Tinsley shop ped in Macon Monday. Mr. Walton Hodges of Mercer, came home for the week-end. Mrs. Howard Neisler and Mrs. Nell lucas were in Macon Monday. Mrs. E. E. Payne and Mrs. Hugh Sian are visiting in Savannah. Mrs. Dan Beeland is improving at St. Joseph’s hospital in Atlanta. ’ Mrs. B. E. Flowers and Mrs. E. H. Joiner shopped in Macon Monday. Mr. and Mrs. David Montfort and j day. children alient Saturday in Ft. Val- Jsr. Mrs. L. T. Barrow and Miss Thel ma lihrrow spent Thursday in Ma- IDO.' Mrs. Hugh Fain and Mrs. Mildred Cray; were visitors in Macon last week . Itev. Ivey of Perry, a former be- loea pastor of the Reynolds Baptist church was warmly greeted by many friends during his visit here this week. Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Tinsley, Mrs. W. C. Johnson of Oglethorpe, and Mrs. Emory Johnson of Atlanta at tended Quarterly Conference at Ideal Friday. Mrs. Irene Whatley, Thurman Whatley, Jr., and Mr. James Shell spent Sunday in Milledgeville with Mrs Janie Shell, who is studying at G. S. C. W. The barbecue lunch on Tuesday and basket lunch Wednesday were greatly enjoyed by the three hun dred delegates anl visitors at the Rehoboth Baptist Association which met in our city Tuesday and Wednes- lia m Martin of near Geneva visited Tarrer were Saturday visitors oi Mf. and Mrs. Desmond Harp an-1 aounco the birth of a daughter Oct! it. .Miss Choyce iBarrow of was a welcomed guest in Reynolds Sunday. Mr. Pat Hodges was at home from 'Ueorgia Southwestern, Americus, Sunday. Rev. J. C. Midyette is the dis tinguished guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. JL 'Hinton. ■Miss Anne Taylor of Atlanta, spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. David Montfort. Mrs. Braxton Turner is with her •jrarents, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Barrow dor several days. Messrs R. L. and Ed Swearingen ittendcd a Chevrolet demonstration im AUantp Monday. fi , Mr. and Mrs. ifohn Saunders', have as their guests their son Mr. Eugene Saunders and Mrs. Saunders. , fRev. H. F. Jelks announces Oct. The Rehoboth Baptist Association was entertained by the Reynolds church Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Dr, Spright Dowell, Presi dent of Mercer University, Macon, was among the distinguished guests and speakers. Rev. A. W. Reese preached his farewell sermon as Presiding Elder of the Macon District on the Rey- nolds-Crowell charge Thursday. The occasion was the Fourth Quarterly Atlanta Conference at which resolutions of appreciations were read for the splendid work of Rev. and Mrs. Rees. A plate dinner was served at the noon hour. Gordon-Carson Chapter U.D.C. To Be Entertained At Chapter-Club House The Gordon-Carson Chapter, Unit ed Daughters of Confederacy will be entertained at the Chapter Club House on October 27, 2:30 p. m. by hostesses Mrs. Clay Whatley and Mbs. Frank Mussiewhite. ' Historical Program, “Salt” The history, production v and uses of salt. Also its relation *W the eco nomic condition in the South during the Wbr Between the .States, by Mrs. ’■Etftey. Vocal Duet, Mrs. Hinton and Mrs, 39-23 as the date for the Fall Revival j Carson at the Reynolds Baptist church. | Paper on the life of Admiral Ra- | phael Senvmer whose birthday was Sept. 7, 1806, :by Mrs. Gray Hieks. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hill last week, Mrs. Horace Martin of Albany, was the recent visitor of Mrs. J. H. Brawn. . Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Renfroe “and family spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mrs. Beulah Pickard and Miss Fannie Pickard were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Culverhousc and family Mr. and Mrs. Felts of Ft. Valley, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hill dur ing the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bickley were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jinks. Miss Eloise Renfroe left Sunday to accept a position in Atlanta. Mrs. Lillian Brown is spending sev eral days with her daughter, Mrs. R. O. Morris at Tifton. Miss Marilou Averett left recently for Dawson where she has accepted a position. Mtb. J. W. Edwards and baby oi Butler were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rod Brown. The Sewing Club met at the home of (Mrs. James Brown last Wednesday afternoon. Cross Roads News (Written for last week) Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kirksey and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kirksey Miss Erma Gill spent the weekend with home folks in Butler Saturday visitors of Miss Rheba Stalnaker were Messrs Leonard Windham and Orval Powers of Co lumbus, and Miss Elsie Simmons. Miss Elsie Simmons spent one day recently in Atlanta the guest of her cousin, Mr. Emory Cromer at the Emory University. Messrs Joseph Barfield and Paul Nose spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bronze Barfield. Several from this community at tended the Freewill Baptist Associa tion held at Little Bethel church 1 Macon County during the week-end, Mrs. Jimmie Felker. Miss Lillian Barfield and Messrs Morvice Tarrer and Lynn Jordan were Friday guests of Miss Myrtle Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Standridge made a visit to Americus Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Payne and lit tle son and Mrs. Lewis Barfield of Oglethorpe spent Sunday in Macon with Misses Louise Payne and Lannia Cromer. Mr. Clyde Ohapman and Mr. J. D. Tarrer made a business trip to At lanta Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hill of Ogle thorpe spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tarrer. .Mrs. H. C Kelley and Misses Vir ginia and Leggits Kelley were the Monday visitors of Mrs Paul Cromer. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Payne and Mr. Joe Arnold were in Montezuma Sat urday shopping. Mrs. Jessie James and children made a pleasant visit to Montezuma Saturday. Miss Myrtle Payne spent Sunday in Oglethorpe with Miss Helen Bar- field. S Good Seed-Half The Battle OATS COKER’S FULGRAIN The oat we have sought for 20 years. Cold proof, rust proof,(smut proof. Heavy yielder and beardless. STRAIN 1, RECLEANED, 65c bushel STRAIN 2, RECLEANED, 80c bushel GOOD RUN-OF-THRESH OATS 50c bushel WHEAT & RYE GEORGIA BLUE STEM - - GEORGIA RYE , - - - . - - - - - - $1.25 • - - • - - $1.50 COTTON SEED Pleasant Hill TAKINC ORDERS NOW FOR STRAIN 7 CLEVEW1LT— Coker’s latest. 5 to 10 days earlier than strain 6, staple 1 1-16 to 1 1-8 inch. Absolutely pure, recleaned and trealed with seresan. It made a normal crop for us this year because it beat the weevil to maturity. Ask Capt. Walter Butler about his experience with No. 7. GUANO Mr. and Mrs. L. Henry, of Albany, were Wednesday night guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Myrick. Mr. Houston Janies visited Mr. L. B. Shirah Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green of Fountainville, Mr. and Mrs. Thelma Guy of Midway, were weekend guests of Mrs. Pearl Guy and children. Miss Mary Kilcrease was the Fri day guest of Mrs. Frank Short. Rev. B. T. Gill and wife of Thom- aston, were Saturday night guests of Mr. ond Mrs. L. B. Shirah. Mr. Houston James was in Ameri cus Friday on business. There was a good attendance at prayer service at the home of Mr. and .Mrs, L. B. iShirah Saturday night. Rev. B. T. Gill of Thomaston, was in charge of the services. Mr. B. C. Brewer is numbered among our sick we regret to learn. Our special brand for grain. “GRAINGROWER”—well ripened It gets results. HINTON & CO. REYNOLDS, QA. Mr. Robert Bell who is a stuent at Mercer, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bell. ■Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ruffin are ex- meeting their daughter, Miss Wini fred Ruffin Friday from Valdosta. Mr. S. D. Harrison, of Houston factory, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs H. C. Whatley Tuesday night. Let all members try to be present ut this meeting. —Pub. Officer. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Three-roofh house, good barn and six and one-half acres of land just outside city limits of Reynolds. For Rev. H. F. Jelks will begin revival immediate cash sale, $375.00. See me at once. 10’6’2wp) MEETING OF CROWELL 4-p’s wrvices at Roberta tonight preach ing each night through Sunday night. Misses Susie Griffith and Lorena Coleman of Macon visited their aunt EKrs. Sallie Anthony last week end. Mrs. Lewis Saunders’ mother, Mrs. J. A., Wilson, of Junction City was iOie guest of her daughter here this Break. Rev. W. W. Williams of Macon, -teas the guest speaker in the intro ductory sermon at the Association i&cre. Mrs. Fuller and Miss Eunice Ful- Ber of the Crowell community, visit- ltd Misses Etta Mae and Beulah Bar- Bow Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whatley will sseet Edgar Wratley, Jr., in Macon Triday. Edgar is a student at G. M. C., Milledgeville. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sawyer and ac&fldren Aurelia and Hugh, spent .ifest weekend with relatives in Lump- tin and Cuthbert. 'Dr. iMcGinty, President of Bessie 'Sift College, Forsyth was an out standing- speaker during the Baptist Association here this week. IBev. Harry V. Smith of Forsyth, Beached the Missionary Sermon at tffie Association which was in session idtfe Tuesday and Wednesday. The many friends of Miss Alice Hicks are interested in the announce ment of her wedding last Friday to Mr. John Edwards, of Trion, N. C. Delia Mathews, Reynolds, Ga. I 5-lb Sugar 25c j j 10-lb Sugar 49c j j 25-lb Sugar... .$1-22 I j 100-lb Sugar.. .$4.85 j | 24-lb Victory Flour 65c j j 24-lb Flour 75c | 4-lb Lard .... 45c I c i \ . /The-.Oapvell 4-H Club met a| the school building Oct. 5th, with twelve :ctnnou$<ira.: . r members present. Miss Elton talked to us about what we were expected to make in order to complete our work for next year. She also gave us some lxiille- tins and sheets treating on this : in formation. Officers (were chosen as followb President, Fannie Mae Bioodwprth V-Pres.,' 'Carblyn Booth Sec-Treas., Wilma Montgomery Reporter, Patricia Fuller We are expecting a delightful Club year tgether. —Reporter. WESLEY 4-H CLUB The Welsey 4-H Club met at the school building Wednesday, Sept. 28 Miss Elton talked to us about what we were expected to in order to com plete our work for next year. 'Sev eral bulletins were given each mem ber. The following officers were chosen President, Lillian Amos Vice-Pres., Margaret Smith Secretary, Doris Culverhouse Reporter, Mary Frances Gilson We are expecting to do lots this year. —Reporter. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LESSON-SERMON 8-lb Lard ■89c | = Salt, Matches, Black Pepper, I Pottad Meat j | 3 for 10c | | Tomato Juice, No. 2 Tomatoes i j Vienna Sausage, Jello, Pork | I 6 Beans | 2 for 15c I No. 2 Corn, Tomato Soup, = Fruit Juices, Pineapple f 3 for 25c Mr. James Wright Joiner, who is a afcnSent at G. M. C., Milledgeville, [ 9 w£B spent the weekend with his par-1 | «nts, Prof, and Mrs. E. H. Joiner. jR.E.Aultmanj REYNOLDS, GA. “Doctrine of Atonement” is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be read Sunday in all branch Churches and Societies of The. Moth er Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. ’Among*"the , citations which com' pviseithe .^Lesson-Sermon there will beMij|j»’Ko/lp*.“hig from the Bible “Tnoliyh ’he-'ite'e a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he Suffered;,,apd.being made perfect, he beJfydibfe.^S'ntithor of eternal salva titfn unto all them that obey 1’ ’ (Heb;.'6:8-9). The Lesson-Sermon will also in- clude,'tlj£. following correlativt selec tion' 'from 'the Christian Science text book, “Science and Health (with Key tc the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy: “Meekly our Master met the mockery of his unrecognized grand eur. Such indignities as he received, his followers will endure until Chris- tiariity’a last triumph. . . . We must have trials and self-denials, as well as joytband victories, until all error is destroyed” (p. 39). In Memory of Mrs. Odom Mrs. Clara Odom was bom Feb. 15, 1919, and departed this life Oct. 7, 1938. Oh how sad it is to give up our loved ones but God is our comforter and He judges all things wisely. Mrs. Odom is survived by a grief stricken husband, her parents and a number of other loved ones and friends who are grieved at her un timely passing. We will sorely miss her yet our loss is her eternal gain. There is a vacant chair in the home and a va cant place in the community that can never be filled, yet we hope to foe re united in a world that will never end. Mrs. Odom was sick only a short time bearing her suffering w.ith great fortitude. May God help and comfort the heartbroken husband and other love ones and help them to bear the sorrow that is cast upon them. May her loved ones be assured that Mrs. Odom is not dead bui sleeping peacefully in Jesus. —Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Shirah. ICE CREAM SUPPER TO BE GIVEN FRL NITE An ice cream supper will be held at the home of Mrs. Bob Martin Friday 1 night, Oct. 14. Proceeds will go to the Home Demonstration Club ladies of the Glover community. Ladies of the Glover section are now selling tickets for the recently completed quilt. Proceeds from the tickets will likewise go to the H. D. Club ladies. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere ap preciation to our neighbors, friends and relatives for the beautiful floral offerings, many acts of kindness and words of sympathy, bestowed upon us in our recent bereavement in the loss of our brother and uncle. The remembrance of your loving deeds will ever be treasured in our hearts. Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Heath I And Family. RD OF THANKS We wish'to express our deepest appreciation to our friends and loved ones for their many acts of kindness and for the beautiful floral offering during the illness and subsequent death of Mrs. Odom. May God richly reward each of you is our prayer. Clemon Odom & Family, Rev. & Mrs. W. T. Grimsley And Family, ACOMPLETE POULTRY SERVICE —Combined With= CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING Starting, Growing and Laying Mash and Scratch Feeds Turkey Starter and Growing Mash, Dairy Feed, Hog Feed, Mule Feed Fowl Pox Vaccines and Poultry Remedies. GENERAL MERCHANDISE il or Phone Your Order, or Tell The Salesmen On Our Trucks. We buy in car lots and are in position to give you lowest prices consistent with quality feeds. EMORY F. PARR R. F. E>. No. 1 REYNOLDS, GA. BUY THE BEST. ALCO POULTRY FEEDS Sold By E. F. PARR, Reynolds, Ga. , Alco Feed Mills, . . . . Atlanta, Ga. “FEED THE FUL-O-PEP WAY” FUL-O'PEP POULTRY FEEDS Manufactured By THE QUAKER OATS CO., Memphis, Tenn. Sold By E. F. PARR, Reynolds, Ga. SUPER-QUALITY POULTRY MASHES AND SCRATCH FEED Manufactured by STANDARD MILLING CO., Atlanta, Ga. Sold By E. F. PARR, Reynolds, Ga. LayiugMash ’€ Guaranteed There Are More Eggs In Jazz 22 Per Cent Laying Mash* Sold by E. F. PARR Reynolds, Ga.