The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, November 04, 1943, Image 1

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Butler Herald 1SPING EVERLASTINGLY AT IT IS THE SECRET OF SUCCESS VOLUME 68 BUTLER, TAYLOR COUNTY. GEORGIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1943 NUMBER 2 MINISTERS AND gilberts honor official FORMER BUTLER I JUDGE UPHOLDS CHURCH OFFICIALS board of the methodist lady PASSES AT J. C. RULING IN MEET AT T1FT0N ^ last Friday nite BIRMINGHAM ALA. 1H0RTMAN CASE Annual Session Methodist Conference Opens To day to Continue Thru Week. PASTOR AND WIFE MANIFEST THEIR I South Georgia appreciation for cooperation Funeral Services Held at Crowell Suit Against Mayor and Council ys I AND FAVORS SHOWN THEM WHILE IN BUTLER. Byrd Peterman. Ministers, Superintendents of the eight districts comprising the South Georgia Methodist Confer ence and lay delegates gathered at Tifton last night for the first ses sion of the annual conference which will be officially opened at 10 o'clock this morning with Bishop Arthur J. Moore, presiding. 1 The session opening today will continue through the remainder of theweekclos ing Sunday night with the reading of appointments of pastors to to churches and charges within the bounds of the conference for another year. The eight districts of which the South Georgia Conference is com posed are as follows: Americus, Columbus, Dublin, Macon, Savan nah, Thomasville, Valdosta and Waycross. The Butler circuit is in the Columbus district with Rev. A W. Reese, Superintendent, and has had as its pastor for the past four years ftev. F. J. Gilbert, who has rendered outstanding service and his return for another year would be very acceptable to his congregation and local public generally. He with Mrs. Gilbert left early yesterday morning for Tifton to attend the conference and to visit friends in that immet diate section. The Reynolds-Crowell charge had the misfortune of losing by death a few months ago its belov ed pastor, Rev. J.D. Smith. The vacancy caused by the death of Rev. Smith has been filled by Rev. Norman Huffman who is a member of the school faculty at Wesleyan College. This change is in the Macon district with Rev. G. C. Clary as Superintendent. The conference as a whole is faced with a shortage of ministers due to the large number serving as chaplains, but the best finan cial report in the history of the conference are anticipated. The Butler charge, listed for all. pur poses $4,716, has exceeded this amount by several hundred dollars to be reported with a splendid balance in the treasury to be ap plied on next year’s askings. The asking for Reynolds-Crow ell Circuit this year was a little less than lhat for the Butler cir cuit, which has been overpaid by a substantial margin. Last night's session of the con- terence was devoted to honoring the eleven members who have died during the year. The most recent loss by death was that of Bev. H. K. McGregor, who died suddenly Sunday night shortly alter delivering his concluding sermon of a one-year pastorate at Camilla. Tuesday Morning For Mrs. Clyde Writer Blames Nazi for Detroit Race Riot Editor's Note: The following article was clipped from a recent edition of the Detroit Times and i eni ,0 the Herald by a former a ilor county citizen, now resid- ln E in Detroit: Detroit's race riot was an “ac- 111 ent,” a premature arid localiz- t ^Plosion in what was meant 0 he a disruptive nationwide ’ a 'P of racial disorders planned by Alolf Hitler. , , his Is the theory ofa man ° claims to have rubbed shoul- p. s , with every important native Clst in this country, and who Stewards of the Butler Methodist church their wives, and a few ad ditional friends numbering in all about thirty persons, were honored at an informal party Friday night at the parsonage by Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Gilbert, assisted by Mis. Ellene Rustin. The two-fold purpose for which the friends of the pastor and his wife were brought together on this delightful occasion was well car ried out, namely: Evincing the appreciation of the fine spirit of eo-operation that has been so splendidly manifested between pastor and his official board dur ing his four-year ministry here. And, secondly the opportunity of inspecting the many improvements that have taken place at the par sonage during the tenancy of Rev. and Mrs. Gilbert. These improvements include re painting the building, both exter ior and interior, enlarging the reception hall, library and bath room with other improvements to dining room and kitchen, the ad dition of new draperies and hand some rugs. These improvements represent an expenditure of approximately $1,500 contributed by members and friends of the church while the pastor devoted much time and ef fort in supervising all work done and every change made which within itself has by no means a small part. At the conclusion of a delight ful social hour the guests were invited by Mrs. Gilbert to the din ing room where a most delightful three-course dinner was served to groups of four seated at separate tables. A business session of the official board followed the dinner hour at which resolutions of thanks were tendered the pastor for his untir ing efforts during his pastorate here to improve the physical property of all the churches on the charge and to awaken the church membership spiritually as well. It was further directed by the stewards that the assessment against the Butler church for an other year be increased $150. Oth er churches on the charge having obligated to make some increase the charge will in all probability be listed as an $1,800 or more rather than a $1,600 appointment for ministerial support next year. A musical program by Mrs. L. R. Adams and Mrs. Julian Ed wards II was rendered for the en tertainment of the ladies while the men were holding their busi ness meeting. 1 The statute of limitation of four Mrs. Clyde Byrd Peterman, 59 years of age, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Stewart City of Butler First Heard by Justice G. C. Smith. Judge T. Hicks Fort, of the Chattahoochee judicial circuit, up held the verdict of Justice G. C. MR. BEN F. SPILLERS DIES AT HIS HOME AFTER WEEK'S ILLNESS QUEENS CROWNED BUTLER SCHOOL FRIDAY EVENING FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR WELL KNOWN TAYLOR county Miss Mary Wright and Miss Gloria FARMER AT TURNERS CHAPEL SATURDAY I». M. Bazemore Honored at Hallowe'en Carnival. at Birmingham, Ala., Saturday c ^, uv , „„„„ , „ T IT . . ,, ’ , i Smith in the case of G. J. Hort- several vve 0 e£. WmS ^ ° i man vs ' mayor and council of the Mrs. Peterman w Miss Mary Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wright and Mr. Ben F. Spillers, about 58 years of age died at his home Thursday night, Oct. 28. He suf fered a stroke of paralysis about Miss Gloria Bazemore were a ™ ee ^ ^ ofore Bls death. !elected queens of- the Hallowe'en Mr. Spillers was a wellknown Carnival at the Butler High , . City of Butler in which cuse the tcilmcr of tickling Mill communi-1 schooll ast Friday evening Miss Tavlor countv August 11 1884 the I plaintiff bought suit for salary ! ty and was a life-long citizen of, Wright was elected from the high daughter^of tht Tate J S I for the m ° nthS o£ June ’ July and i this county ' I Bchooi and Miss Bazemore from and Mrs Belie Kirksev Rvrri Rhe August at the rate of $50.00 peri Funeral services were held for the grammar grades. ... , y y ' month. j the deceased at Turners Chapel | Those selected from the different The issue taken by the plaintiff church Saturday afternoon at 41 grades to participate in the con- was married in early young wo manhood to Mr. Joe H. Peterman yea°rs P ago ded ^ SGVGral discharged 3 "’wUhout^notic^ "or hom^ffidating.^HUerr^n^wa^'in Mrs. Peterman's remains were j counciMook^he pStion^haT the^ E shipped to Butler where funeral had thp th p u.. services were held at Crowel l 1 ,“ J•« 1 disharge the and Felton Posey, Elbert, Herman church Tupsdav "rrinrrdncr set'll P^ a ' n ^^ without notice or cause and James Spillers and Tommie enuren luesday morning at 11' a nri that he did nnt have the . , , _ TT , _ . and that he did not have the McCrarv o clock. Rev. Hugh Dozier, % pastor ,.j P ht to have a trial for anv of the Byne Memorial Baptist cause The case was heard before Mr ' SpiIlers is survived by his Church of Albany, officiated. He Ho n. G. C. Smith, Justice of Peace ™ ,£e ’ the ., former , Miss . Cora Mc I was assisted by Rev. M.T . Gault- of Butler District seV eral months Crary of £h t is c ° unty: sons and ney of Butler. Interment was in ago after hearing the evidence ° ne daughter, towit: Messrs Ben Crowell cemetery. Nephews of the and the i aw governing the case, *• J . r " *? ur „ w f d - G C., Clifford, deceased acted as pallbearers: j us ti C e Smith rendered a verdict ^ auland ^ alv \ n Spll c ler . s . and °. ne queen each grade was in charce Walter O’Neal, Lewis Byrd, Rus- in favor of the plaintiff, G. J. ^ughter. Miss Lucy^ 0 ™^ ^ total sell Byrd, Byrd Posey, Helon Kirk-; Hortman on the ground that the £our brothers , namely: Messrs $3 S was taken in durine the sey and Talmadge Kirksey. I charter of the City of Butler, that Naught ° f Tampa, Fla.; Tom and,° r J^ d ™ as ^ It test for queen were: Grammai Grades Fourth Grade, Theresa Ann Wallace Fifth Grade, Cynthia Bush Sixth Grade, Ruby Jean Johnson Seventh Grade, Gloria Bazemore High School Eighth Grade, Irene Spillers. Ninth Grade, Margery Brown. Tenth Grade, Louise Vann. Eleventh Grade, Mary Wright. Aside from the crowning of the .j- am. 6 c 1 cnarter or tne uity oi Butler, tnat . T “ *“V ’ V, * , 1 evening of which S216 was de- Mrs. Peterman is survived by the mayor and council did not Arbhl ! r of Butler; Alec, of Mauk l popularity contest four daughters and two sons as have any legal right to discharge and Joe Spillers of South Carolina; a rom ine popuiamy contest, follows: Mrs. F. A. Stewart of said plaintiff without cause and ^ nr one s * s t er > Mrs. Allen Rogers Birmingham, Ala.; Mrs. Jack then to give him a trial for the of Adams, Alexander City, Ala.; said offense which he might have! Mr. J. W. Edwards II, of Ed- Mrs. Harold Lee of Savannah, been guilty. wards Brothers Funeral Home, Ga.; Mrs. Tom Bailey of Tal-; The case was appealed from the was in charge of arrangements, ladega, Ala.; J. S. Peterman of judgment rendered by Justice 1 —— Good Water, Ala.; and Sgt. J. H. Smith, to the Superior Court for Peterman, of the Army Air Corps, hearing. Judge Fort held with She is also Survived by four sis- Justice Smith that the mayor and ters and four brothers, namely: council did not have the legal Mrs. M. T. Gaultney Sr., Mrs. right to discharge the plaintiff as Roy Byrd, Mrs. J. W. O’Neal and marshal of the City of Butler Mrs. David Posey; and Messrs without cause. Singleton Byrd, Clermont, Ga.; B. Cols. C. W. and R. S. Foy of J. Byrd, Butler; J. C. Byrd of Butlej; represented the plaintiff Reynolds; and Paul Byrd, l). S. while Col. Jule Felton of Monte- Navy. Quitman Pastor Dies Following Concluding Sermon Of Year Rev. Kenneth H. McGregor, 57, who left the pastorate of St. Paul’s popularity This money is to be used to purchase school supplies. Immediately following the Car nival, as has been the custom for a number of years, the youngsters dressed up as ghosts and witches roamed the streets of the city in celebration of Hallowe’en. The youug people are to be congratu lated on their behaviour, although pulling many pranks such as strewing lawn and porch furniture and soaping windows in the busi ness section of town, no real damage was done. Ten Taylor County Men Georgia's Woman's Prison Papers, Magazines Is Called ’One Cf Worst’ Sent To Men Overeas By Federal Official Lawes without Requests zuma represented the defendants. Methodist church at Columbus i last year to assume the pastorate ! in the church at Quitman, Ga.,! JchcdUICd TO L69V6 For 1 died suddenly Sunday night after ! preaching the concluding sermon | of his first year there, i He is said to have complained j of illness during the afternoon, Induction Next Week Reidsville, Ga., Nov. ing the Georgia state 1—Describ- prison for Eight of these draftees are Ten Taylor County men will and died at 8 p. m. while sleep- j leave next week for induction into The local postmaster announced ' ng> | l 1C Arrny> women as “one of the worst I have Monday that newspapers and for ^ er te ^^ et by a “ S ,^“ e ' c ^| white men ever seen,” Penologist L .E. Lawes magazines may now be sent to ™ er s KennethMcGreeo*of The white men wil1 leave *>r in- Monday recommended sweeping members of the army serving ov- ofSlu’m Auction at Ft. McPherson Nov. 12 changes in the use of the state erseas without a written request Kicnmona, miss., Ann or Yoium neeroes will leave for Ft prison's manpower and materials, if they are sent under first-class the Misses Mary and Howaru a " d ™ negroes will leave for Ft. t ' , nnct „i ratoc - of Quitman; two brothers \\. n. Dl -miing inuv. io. Lawes, consultant to the federal postal rates. McGreeor of Monteomerv and i White men selected to fill this government's prison industries Previously postal regulations McGregor °^ ^ ontg ^ 1 ^ ry and call include: , branch and former warden to have not allowed publications to gapt John McGregor^ of Augusta, | Hpnrv ^ p Sing Sing prison, asserted that be sent overseas, unless they were Uliee sisieis, ivirs. “the women's prison should be pecifically requested or sent by son, oi L»a\ twice its size to handle its pres- the publishing house as subscrip- McGregor oi ent population.” tions. Henry Carl Peacock Tellie Woodfin Taunton Shelton Junior Wainwright Hugh Key Sealy Jr. Robert Lee Sutton, (Transferred wrote “John Roy a book called “Under- ,. n . an expose of his findings e ‘- the alias of ar lson” in cover.” Carlson, whose real name is H»ii Ul . Der °uman, gave a Town 0cture before some 2,500 p .°, ns at the Fisher theatre. Pickets with Carlson i s a signs declaring Communist,” pa leaf) U1 front of the theatre, and trihnt . den °uncing him were dis* , od by followers of Gerald K - Smith. the 1 / 0 ,! ' n t erv Lew, Carlson claimed sowrw 1 * 8 °f race riot had been b rn „„.. re b y Nazi agents and ^nlzations/ 10 ^ by natiVG ° r ' and^in er p l anne <l race riots here jo r i„ a . over America. Hitler had he wanted the war to d for him,” Carlson said. years being removed by the con ference and with the request for the return of Rev. Giblert there is a possibility of the church having him as their pastor for another year despite the fact that he has just concluded his four-year pas torate here. Your Ration Dates With Uncle Sam November 1—Airplane stamp 1 in War Ration Book Three becomes valid for one pair of shoes. November 1—Green stamps A, B and C in War Ration Book 4 be come valid for processed foods. Expire Dec. 20. Sugar stamps 29 in War Ration Book 4 becomes valid for five pounds of sugar. Expires Jan. 15, 1944. fj ov . 7—Brown Stamp J in War Ration Book 3 becomes valid to expire Dec. 4. Nov 8—A-6 gasoline ration coupons, good for three gallons, expire. v Nov 9 Eastern motorists begin using' A-8 gasoline coupons worth three gallons each. Expire Feb. 8. Nov i4—Brown stamp K in War Ration Book 3 becomes valid. Ex pires Dec. 4. Nov. 20—Blue stamps X, Y and Z, in War Ration Book 2 expire. For further ration information, call by thelocal ration board of fice. Dawson, Miss Virginia i Atlanta and Misa, Maude McGregor of Waycross. Accompanying Lawes in a sur- “In the absence of a request,”! Rev. McGregor was graduated , vey of Tattnall aimed at indus- the postmaster explained, “publi- in 1907 from Emory Lniversity, c arr i Robert Peacock (Transfer- trializing the state penal system cations of the second class, if and had been a member ot tne . - Local Board Rmrta Term were Maury Maverick, an indus- sealed and not exceeding eight South Georgia Methodist confer-, jj m Qooner trial director of the WPB, Maj. W. ounces in weight, may be accept- ence 27 years. Recent pastorates H. Burke, chief of the WPB’s pris- ed at the first class rate without were in Douglas, Baxley, Sylvama ons branch, and Frank Etheridge endorsement. Vienna-, Swainsboro and Colum- of WPB's regional staff. State Di- “Publications entered as second- bus. rector of Corrections Miley Moore class matter when mailed by the He was a son of Rev. W. D. was host to the advisors. public to army personnel oversea? McGregor,, who died six years ago Said Lawes: • in response to specific requests at 82 after serving in the South “I don't understand why there may be accepted either singly or Georgia conference 58 years ago. is a cry in Tattnall prison over in quantities at the transient Funeral services were conducted the shortage of guards and yet I second-class rate, or the parcel- in Q U jt man Tuesday. find four men parading around post rate. In each instance the re- 1 inside the women's prison, all of quest should be presented when them armed with blackjacks, stout the matter is mailed. The wrapper sticks and pistols. I didn't have or address label should be endors- i that, even in Sing Sing. You won't t >d by the sender ‘mailed in re- find armed guards walking around sponse to specific request’.” even inside Alcatraz.” I He criticized the prison kitchen as ‘-‘filthy” and declared: “I saw insane women sitting up in beds in the middle of the dor mitories where the sane prisoners are confined. They were scream ing insane mumble-jumble that ■ certainly must shatter the nerves of the other women around them." Lawyer Challenges Right Of Congress To Kill Poll Tax $30,000 Is Given For Marsh Island As Game Preserve Jim Nat Cooper Garland Blair. The last two men have been ac cepted by the Army Air Corps. Negroes selected to fill this call: Willie Joe Felts William Lockhart Jr. Delegates To Be Elected For State Farm Bureau Convention In Macon The Taylor County Farm Bureau will hold its regular meeting at the court house here Saturday. All members are urged to be present ! as at this meeting delegates will Atlanta, Nov. 2—The state game be chosen for the State Conven- and fish commission bought a tion which will be held in Macon marsh island between St. Simon’s next Tuesday and Wednesday. Island and Sea Island Beach fori Pecan Trees Tree planting time is here again. $30,000 Tuesday and will use it as Washington, Nov. 2 — Charles a game preserve and to aid in de- “This place needs everything,” warren, 75-year-old attorney, writ- velop) jnt of Georgia's once added Lawess. “The only good er and 'lecturer on constitutional flourishing industry. point I could find in the woman's i a w, challenged today the right of Since tne seller was the state The sooner they are planted the prison is that they have a com- congress to outlaw poll tax re- properties commission, the trans- better results you may expect; petent trained nurse. How they quirements of eight Southern action only involved some book- j also early buyers get choice trees, induce that woman to stay in that states. keeping. j I have connection with the most filthy place is more than I can Asserting he considered require- Other bidders were the Sea Is- reputable nursery companies in understand.” ment of such a tax as a prerequi- land Co., $1,000; J. H. Taylor, At- this jection and can save you on Fruit and Nut Trees . _ _ is sec All the government advisors g R e f or voting “unjust,” Warren lanta, $200; B. J. Lewis, Hapeville mori^it c agreed that there was a waste of asserted it "should be abolished” $50, and J. E. Malone, Columbus incla$ng the famous Mahan Pe- material at Tattnall. Nursery Co., W. E. STEED ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Special attention given to investigating and abstracting land titles and preparing commercial contracts. Ofiic* in Masonic Building Butter, Ga. by “the soverignty that created it” five cents an acre. can from Monticello i not by Congress. Sale of the 930 acre island was at Monticello, Fla. | For many years a Washington ordered by the 1943 general as- Will appreciate Your Orders, lawyer and a one-time assistant 6embly in a resolution declaring J. T. MATHEWS, Butlre, Ga. attorney general, Warren testified that the marsh had no commercial — - before the senate judiciary com- value and was of no use to the LOST mittee which is considering a to the state. After a bid was Bundle containing blankets and house-approved bill to prohibit sought objections were raised to qu.„~. .awtcu A blings Mill and collection of such levies as a re-1 the sale and the game and fish Thomaston. Finder please notify: quirement for president and mem- j commission announced it would Mrs. J. R. Bennett, 110 Mallory St, bers of congress. like to have the island. Thomaston, Ga-., and get reward.