The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, December 13, 1945, Image 2

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rAGE TWO THE BUTLEH HERALD, 'BUTLER, GEORGIA, DECEMBER 13, 1945. ! REYNOLDS UEEARTHEIVT R. H. S. News Conducted by . The honor roll for the Reynolds High school during the second six-weeks was as follows: Grade Two Emily Ann Montfort, Mary Anne Taylor Mill News Civic Improvement Club of Reynolds ^ <• -w- -><-•!•••• ■?» o-i- <• o ♦ ♦ o Mrs. Eva B. Griffith shopped in Mrs. Ernest Childres, Mrs. Tames 5^ U , SS ^’ o°un rn M ‘ mS ' I ' rank Sams , visiting his mother, Mrs. Sa’llie Miss Brenice of Atlanta spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Windham. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Perkins and children were Sunday visitors of friends and relatives. Mr. Foy Morrell of Alabama, is Meeon last Friday. (Gray, Mrs. Hugh Windham, Mrs. 1 E. E. Payne, and Mrs. Emma Og- Hr. and Mrs. H. K. Scaly were burn shopped in Amerieus Mon- fist Macon Monday. dav. Morrell. and Anne Harp. Grade Four „ , ,, . ^ _ ,, , 1 Mr. and Mrs. Boss Busby and Patty May, Jeanette Trussell and childron spen t Sunday with Mrs. Mary Blair. ^ J Minnie Busbee. Mr. and Mrs. Rintz were in Ma-j ^j rs j] arry Powell represented: , , e , Miss Jeanette Barrow was the cun the past week-end. (be Taylor County Educational) ^° 11 ^° nt o Skippy Ogburn, Babs j rece nt guest of Misses Dorothy . v ■ Marshall ' Association at the G. E. A. meet-i Rain ’ Barbara Hollis, > and Marselle Crook. M^day in Main. l'"* Atlanta Thursday and rri- Swoarlngen and Sh.rley, Mns . Maude Yol C U '' ^ Grade Seven and Mrs. Earl , , , r ^ , , .. „. 1U i Mrs. Maude Youngblood and i Norman, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc- .. r , „ , I Daniel and children spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee of Cor-j Julian Hollis, John Carson, Bet- j n Macon, dele visited Mr. and Mrs. Lamar ty Nelson, Joyce Fuller, Mary | w , d . h nvdo and Mr. Joe Pyron of Atlanta, spent ■ Russell Sunday. Miss Lynn Russell WainwTight. I Gradv AmfrSfn Mm Cadfste Mr tshir week end with home folks. | returned home with them after an ~—•- —— | Grady Amerson, Mrs. Carlisle, Mr. extended visit in Cordele. Miss Elizabeth Parker spent the past week end in Atlanta. Mrs John Mims and Mrs. La mar Russell shopped in Amerieus Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Marshall visited Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Marshall in Perry for the week- Mrs. John Mims and Mrs. La- £ , nd going over to Warner Robins mar Russell spent Monday in jj Unday afternoon for “Open Amerieus. | yj 0 use” and the Air Show. Mis. C. L. Pyron will spend next | week end in Atlanta the guest of nArHAn.rilitAn ftlAnfar Miss Elizabeth Griffin. i UOrUOfl LarSOll UlapTcr Lt. Carolin Wadsworth of War- j Will Meet December 13 »er Robins, is visiting her cousin, [ Mrs. Sam Hobbs of Reynolds. ' and Mrs. WaJnwrlght move into ' our village. I Pvt. John L. Youngblood of Ft. ’Benning spent a few days with his i parents, Mr. and Mis. Luther | Youngblood. At Local Club House Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hoats spent the week end with the family of Grade Nine Constance Barrow- Grade Ten Mary Pierce. Grade Eleven Carol Barrow. , o , _ _ . ... Mrs. Tomlin and Phyllis were Receive Fanmaii&hip Certificates Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. The following young people have Jim Windham, received certificates from the Na- j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gait's were 1 tional Board of Examiners of Pen- in Macon Friday, manship. Those from the fourth ; Mr . j. w> Windham and Supt. 1 grade receiving the Seal of Ac- | Gates were in Macon Saturday ceptance Penmanship Certificates - buying gifU3 for the Christmas are James Hartley, Mary Blood- ( ree to be given by the Sunday : u/r*rth Jonnottr* TYnsLQirill Virainia * 1 i j worth, Jeanette Trussell, Virginia school. The Gordon-Carson Chapter of Hancock Woody Nelson, Sue Rob- | an( j j^ fS Mrs. Hoats 7 son, Mr. Walter Hor- the United Daughters of the Con-; bins, Patty May, and Mary Blair; 1 ch y idre “““ J °^ r A ™° d d Um of Macon. , federacy will meet at the Rey- - from the fifth grade are Mattie Payne Sunday nolds Club House at 3 p. m.'Lou Eubanks and Sydney Winters; ‘ ; Petty Officer Virgil Powell, Mrs. ( Thursday, Dec. 13. land those from the seventh grade and "“ S- Ralph Underwood Powell and their childron are vis-1 Special features of the pro-j receiving the Junior High School. s P° nt the week end in lhomaston. Kiirsg in the home of his father, I gramme will be talks by Dr. 1 Certificate are Julian Hollis and' Mr. and Mrs. Millard Underwood llr. W. I. Powell. .Frank Sams, captain; Dr. Philips Mary Wainwright. Each pupil who an d Carol of Thomaston were the uru n mod Bryan, captain; and Lt Garland took part in the contest was Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. Mrs. Clay Whatley, Mrs. C B. 1 J v > ! Byrd. | awarded a National Writing The public is cordially Invited ! provement Certificate, to attend this meeting and to | Hicks; Mrs. Willie Suggs and Mrs. Frank Musslewhite were shopping' in Macon Tuesday. I unite with the Chapter in honor- i HOWARD ITEMS Kite. J. C. Bryan has returned ing these recently returned over- j w * 4 fcnrrt the hospital in Macon much seas service men. improved in health to the delight trf her many friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Harp and children, and Mrs. D. J. Hicks were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swearingen Sunday. Remember the date is 3 p. m., I ^ ra - R y d * a Williams of Colum- underwood Thursday, Dec. 13th. I bus ,s visiting Mr. and Mrs. Me Coy Williams and family. j m . S. Underwood. Mrs. Tomlin, Misses Dorothy and Marselle Crook were in Macon Saturday shopping. Betty Wray and Willowrene Barrow spent Sunday with Sara , Mr. M. L .Crook of Macon Announcement For Mayor Gty of Reynolds r> , „ T 'spending a few days with his Miss Pearl McManus was the re- 0ll „. , : . . , „ . ...... mother, Mrs. Susie Crook. cent guest of Mrs. Rupert Willis near Howard I Mr - and Mrs< Rex Mclnvale, M. j . TI . ' n . . , . L. Crook and Mrs. Susie Crook Miss Helen Perkins of Amencus attended teh barbecue given by visited her prents Mr. and Mrs. Mr Noah Fulford . Hugh Perkins during the week- . . j The friends of Mrs. Bartow Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Hoats and t , . ... Children have extended their visit 1 f announce ray caa a ‘ to Kentucky because ot the serious Zu ° ,T%„ . . , ' - are sorry to learn of her Illness of Mrs. Hoats’ mother. , J: __ t® 1 . ^ I ^ rs /. Fannie Mardn of^ Butler,, m ness and w ish for her a speedy Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carter are 1, 1946 and ending Dec. 31, 1947, ] was the recent guest of Mrs. Lee rt?coverv subject to the rules and regula-;”'-*— ■ y ' lack home and welcomed by the tions of the ^ty Ordinance gov- wtajiie town following the termi- < ernin S such elections. matiem of Mr. Carters war job. | election will be held Tues- , day, Jan. 1, 1946. Will appreciate your support. Respectfully, R. L. SWEARINGEN. Miss Bess Bryan, recently of DaliJ'.onega, is with her mother and is expecting to make this her tawnae. Her many friends in this ncirafy are extending her a glad pArtH pQI* PgAfP QflVG welcome. i vmvv viitv Watson. Miss Jewel Peacock spent sev- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard King of ora j days i as t week in Manches- Newnan spent the week end here;t er with relatives. j Jake Windham and Riley Mrs. D. W. Martin was the week, were in Macon several days last end guest of Miss Frances Sealy: W eek the guests of Mrs Wind- at G. S. C. W., Milledgeville. ' hams parents. Miss Carolyn Brown of Fort { Leon Smith spent Sunday with Benning visited home folks last Charles Moore, week end. ■> v ; ’ s j Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parker and Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott and! Miss Lill > Bartlett motored tt Eton't forget the “Clothing for 1 The Woman’s Improvement Club; family have moved to Butlerl j Manchester Sunday. Europe Drive’’ sponsored by the will sponsor a food drive for Brit- Mi M A williams visited The Girl Reserv es and the W Woman’s Club. Their committees ain. Each member is being asked I Miss Bett for the week end | M. U. appreciate the public co will be knocking at your door any to bring two cans of food to the I ^ * J * ' operation in the buying of ham- day now. Decide what you can next Club meeting which is to be I Mr - Carson Parks ana family give and be ready when they call, held at the Club house in Rey-j bave m o\ ed *” to T> th f Adams resl ‘ j nold Dec. 5th, which is the next i Qence which Mr. Parks has recent At the last meeting of the regular Club meeting date. Woman's Improvement Club, County Superintendent E. H. Dunn appu-aled to the Club for help in ttfse USO drive which has been completed in some sections of the county. The Club voted to spon —Reporter. WESLEY of burgers. The last two Saturdays we have sold hamburgers and ex pect to have more for sale, so be ly purchased from Mr. Rod Brown. the look out for these sales. Mr. and Mrs H. N. Culverhouse; Don’t forget Sunday School and were recent visitors of Miss Fan- church next Sunday. Sunday nie Pickard. Mr. J. P Massangale visited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Burtis Bickley sor this worthy cause and com- ! Thomaston were the Sunday | IjDton 4 * Mill News mifiees were appointed for the Suests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert' canvas. At this same meeting the Whatley. | Club began its drive for Food for' Mr - and Mrs. William Maxwell! Rqy. W. F. Cheek of Amerieus Itritain. Every member and every ctfcer person interested is asked to take two cans of canned food to the REA Office. Aultman SUPER STORE Reynolds. Go. !5 Lb Four Roses Flour $125 Si Lb Pure Gold Flour $1.35 3S> Lb Hollyhock Flrur $1.35 25 Lb Sweet Lilly Flour $1.35 Krispy Crackers l Lb I9c HI. Ho Crackers Box 15c 6 23c F«f! or Carnation Milk Large Can 9c FRUIT CAKES I Ui $1.00 1[ Lb $LSO $1.15 m Lbs Salt KS Ox Seedless Raisins and children and Mr. R. M. Suggs preached at Lebanon church Sun spent Sunday in Thomaston the day. He has accepted thep astorate guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert of the church for the coming Suggs. j -v'" • ;i-year. Miss Mattie Julia Whatley wa^ Mrs. Mollle Pilkinton of Jriacon, the Tuesday night guest of Miss was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mary Frances Gilson. ' Mrs. D. M. Harris. Mr. Charlie Slaughter is spend-1 Me. and Mrs. Robert Whatley ing a few days in Columbus. | were Sunday guests of Mr. and Seaman Lonnie Parker of Camp Mrs. Henry Barrow. Perry, Va., is spending a few days Mr. Leroy Stringfield was in with his wife and little son and Columbus on business one day other relatives here. ; last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downs and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hurst of children spent Sunday with Mr. Amerieus spent the wek-end with and Mrs. J. M. Downs. J Mr. and Mrs. D M. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Warren White and' Mr. and Mis. Ambry Albritton Mrs. Royce Whatley of Columbus of Thomaston spent Sunday with spent the weeked with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Harris. Mrs. L. S. Whatley. | Mis. Leroy Stringfield and Miss Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan of Edna Stringfield were in Thomas- Macon spent the week end with ton shopping one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Heath. Mrs. C. O. White had as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John S. Barrow, Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Cheek, Mr and Mis. C. W. Hurst of Amerieus. We wish to thank our many Mrs. Mae Cox spent Sunday with friends for the kindness and sym- D. M. Harris, pathy shown us, and the beautiful Mrs. Lucy B. Harris and Mr. floral offerings sent us in our re- Hinton Harris of Thomaston were cent bereavement. We deeply ap- 'Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. preciate these expressions of your C. Jordan. Card of Thanks School begins at 10:15 a. m. We are glad to learn that Miss Lois Bryan is improving after a throat infection. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Lovick spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Zack Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Swafford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Poole. Mrs. Lee Posey and Mrs. Helen Smith were in Macon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Childree spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs-. Andrew Childree. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Youngblood and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Boss Windham. WANT TO BUY Am in the market for good milk cows. Heavy springers or fresh-in D. W. Payne, Reynolds, Ga In Starring Role • 15c CIGARETTES tki 3 for 50c Carton $165 I Lb Can P. A. Tobacco 75c P. A. Tobacco Uc ML H. Coffee 1 lb 35c Salley's Coffee 33c bzianne Coffee 33c love and friendship to us. Geraldine Williams, Frieda Williams, W. A. Williams. Mrs. Hoodman Parks, Mrs. W. L. McGinty, folks this week Mrs. Alice Barrow has returned home after visiting relatives and friends in Columbus. Pvt. Wanza Wisham of Ft. Mc Pherson, Atlanta, visited home- Mrs. Clara Eden, L. E. Williams, Nettie L. Jones, J. D. Williams, Lucile Williams, Alma Farrow. MULES FOR SALE Messrs Jack Harris and Carlton Jordan made a business trip to Thomaston Monday. Miss Ruby Wisham of Amerieus spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wisham. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hurst of Amerieus were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Harris. Pair of nice mules 7 and 8 years 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stringfield I k® 8 * by taste-test! “ old. If interested see or write, of Charing spent Sunday with Mr. I NEHI BOTTLING CO- f t RANf) THEATRE : REYNOLDS, GA. Tuesday and Friday 7:00 P. M. Monday-Wednesday- Thursday 7:15 P. M. Sunday Shows . . . 3:00 and 8:45 P. M. Law Friday and Saturday, Dec. 14-15 TEX RITTER “Enemy £ And JUDY CLARK “Kid Sister” “The Master Key” Chapter 12 Sunday and Monday, December 16-17 !] GARY COOPER MADELEINE CARROLL flaunt fatstoa GODDARD•FOSTER PRESTON-Akim TA lOD CHANEY. U. NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE //? Zec4o/co/o/ m Prilacel tal Oirectll If CECU I. taMIUf Plus RKO HEWS Tuesday, December 18—One Day Only V. a cauaiM ncrmtE Starring ANN MILLER wtt WILLIAM WRIGHT RISER! WILLIAMS RAY WALKER “Manhunt ot Mystery Island” Ho. 13 Wednesday and Thursday, December 19-20 ...A BOOK IN A GENERATION A WOMAN IN A MILLION! I&0SAUND RUSSELL with JACK CARSON IN WAINCAS* roughly Speaking directed by ** MICHAEL CURTIZ ROiCRT MUTTON • JEAN SULLIVAN • ALAN HALE • DONALD WOODS ANDREA K1NC • Scum loaot laaM P.nao. Dm 6a leak"lutUt Sgukm" Mass faimal mi AAftpJ b Ha stum Also “AIH’T WE GOT FUN’ Charlie Horton, Reynolds, Ga. J. A. Stringfield and family. ► • SONIA HENSE, star of International’s “It ’aa Pleasure, “says,“Royal Crown Cola stars with me—it won my taste- test!” Try it yourself. Say “R C for me!** That’s the quick way to get a frosty bottle of Royal Crown Cola— Thomastoo. Ga. LIME SOWERS ’ We have a number of tractor drawn lime sowers of the latest model. These machine can also be used to soda grain and cotton. Please come by and get yours before they are all gone. We have a supply of bicycle tires \ at $2.00. Reynolds Track & Tractor Co. _ Reynolds, Georgia s