The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, December 20, 1945, Image 2

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I I PAGE 2—FIRST SECTION GEORGIA, DECEMBER 20, 1945. THE BUTLER HERALD, BUTLER, I BEVNOLVS BKIMItTMlil'T i ► Conducted by R. H. S. News Taylor Mill Newt Mr. and Mrs. Riley Windham, We are using our column in the Hixie and Kennith, visited rela- Butler Herald of this week to tives in Thomaston last week-end. * wish one and all a Merry Christ- | Sara Underwood was the Sun- : Civic Improvement Club of Reynolds | mas and a Happy hew Year. As day guest of Betty Wray Barrow. Mrs. Will Ricks spent the week end in Macon. Mr. William Parker spent a few tlays recently in Cartersville. ■ Mr. Gene Yawn spent the week end with home folks in Eastman. Wedding Anniversary , - r . rnrio the Shrine r s Snoriril tmin to In t-his pcirt of the world. Bounce the birth of a son.Decem- roue irLe onriners special train 10 r T . c Hwh^****<->*****<^"»'>*******+*^ < >******<‘********<*<k*<«» iiny ^, inl sai , L J’ '^ od bl ess every, Mr W. T. Smith spent the a.t , .. n ... . one * Personally, I want to con- wee k end i n Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hoats at- VO y to our pupils, patrons and; ^ „ . . „ , n ... tended church at Crowell Sunday friends a full stocking oi good _ Mr ' Ral P h ^° x of BuUer a,ldMr - and were dinner guests of Mis. wishes for Christmas Day and for ?? rnmy Crooke were guests of Billy Nichols. every other day in the year. Some- Mess ^ Robert and Kenneth Bar- .. T , n . day I hope to be able to play the row ^ untRi y- Mrs. Jake Bryan underwent a f a real C laus, but at Mrs. P» R y Smith and Bobby, major operation at the Mercy hes- |, resent j am the ^ schcol M rs. Josephine Reeves and Pansy pital, Macon, Friday. Her many teacher and not a millionaire, so of Thomaston, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Carson and Mrs. ] lru ’ nds Wlsh for her a speedy re- the best j can do ig to ma - KC gocd Mrs. Josephine Reeves and Pansy Kicks'- Carson spent Saturday in| cover y- j wishes. However, if my ship ever of Thomaston visited Mr. and Mrs. Maam. i Mr. and Mrs. Hoodman Parks does come in we are going to have C. B. Wade Sunday, mi Mr<; r , >n4> Vnwn an . and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brown a sure enough "White Christmas’! Mr. Harold Underwood, who has Mr.-tsand Mrs. Gem. Yawn an „ - ♦»,„ j been in the U. S. Navy for several years serving In the Pacific area, has been discharged and is homo j with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. j S. Underwood. I Eugene Windham visited Halley Busbee Sunday. Sylvia Underwood spent Friday peace, prosperity and all the night wdth Imogene Bartlett. Mr. and Mrs.George Carter and good things of life. | Mrs. Smithy Brake is visiting Ln Clay Whatley Jr., of the U. S. 1 baby of Houston, Texas will arrive Your cooperation and support Ft. Valley and Macon. Navy, stationed in Maine, is vis-j in a few days to spend the holi- have meant everything in the j The friends of Mr A c VVind Ring his parents. | days with their parents, Mr. and success of our school. May we ex- ham ^ to learn‘that he Mrs. Albert Cartter. tend our sincere thanks and our . . Kua . , Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lunsford' heartiest wishes for your contin-, R b « L ,v ■ ‘ y ' ef Atlanta, spent the week end Misses Winifred and Sue Kirk- ued suppor t. ' Mrs. w - T. Smith, Mrs. Willie with home folks. soy, of Columbus and Lacrange Yours in the cause of education, Windham and Mr. Lari were the Imr 17; E. H. Joiner, Supt. the Shriners Convention in Col urn- , bus Friday. Mrs. Addie Hammock Is visiting ' fepr daughter, Mrs. Horace Cosey I Rev - and Mrs - L™ 11 Edwards, hi thomaston. Mrs. Clifford Whatley and Mrs. Ed I Hollis attended a meeting at the Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Hoats and I Mulberry Street Methodist church sesaon s Ix'St wishes. Mrs Pyron spent Monday shop- in Macon Monday. I ^* ay the New Year bring to you fang in Macon. TO PATRONS AND PUPILS OF REYNOLDS SCHOOL Christmas greetings and j and flowers sent from f .lends in | Columbus and Atliri:a were yel- For Judge and Mrs. Gilbert Town Committee of The Colonial At Sea Island Home D X’ h l?^be»„..iui 1 y .moo. rated throughout with golden col- Sea Island, Ga., De?. 16—Judge ored chrysanthemums, yellow and Mrs. S. Price Gilbert eelebrat- roses and gladioli. A buffet supper eel their golden wedding anniver- j was served in the dining ro tm and sary Dec. 12 at their home on Sea a two tier wedding cake was Island. Commander S. P. Gi!be:t,served in an adjoining room. Ti<e Jr., recently returned from the cake was embossed with yellow Pacific, assisted his parents in re- j roses and the numeral “30” cclving their many frkmds of this! a number of their old frl tnda of occasion. | Sea Island and Brunswick cat ted Mrs. Gilbert reccivDc her guesk; ’ during the afternoon, in a lovely, jewel trimmed uir- j The Gilberts have made their quolse afternoon dress. Aa orange I home on Sea Island since Judge saphire pin set in pearls and dia-| Gilbert retired from the Georgia monds, a gift of their best man,' Supreme court eight years ago. Justice James McReynold?, at theh.They made their home in Colum- wedding 50 years ago, was worn bus from 1395 until 19’.6 and in by Mrs. Gilbert. Her shoulder cor-1 Atlanta from that time until they sage was of orchids. 1 established their residence at Sea Among the numerous telegrams Island. 1 respectively, will arrive Friday to Mr. Henpr Waters of Atlanta, S p end Christmas holidays with spent the wt'ek end with his moth- relatives and friends here. «r, Mrs. Lucy Hill. ! Mrs. Evelyn Carter of Macon,' TTie many friends of Mrs. J. C. spen t the week end with her par- ; Newsome regret to learn that she[ entSi M r. and Mrs. Albert Carter, Ms on the sick list. ; tvirs. Wade Stepp returned heme Mrs. Mattie Whatley and Mrs. j wRb ber after spending some tixne | Zadc Weaver spent Tuesday R ere convalescing from , a recent Shopping in Columbus. j dlness. Annie Laurie Powell, Mildred Cauthen, L. B. StricKianu, Harold Posey Winifred Ruffin. CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS . dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Windham Sunday. Billy Windham spent the week end ln Columbus visiting rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Milard Unaerwocd and Carol of Thomaston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Underwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Windham, Mrs. Oscar Thompson. Reynolds, Ga., 12-17-’45. To Whom This May Concern: As the Christmas season ap- „„ . T .. „ i i ...... i ane and Jerry, were the Sunday te. F. A. Ricks is spending a' M |; K L f May has received his ^ th^stow^ativtty'Z ! visitors of Mr ‘ and Wrs - u - s - Ln ‘ jto# davs in Atlanta with Mr and dlsc ‘harge from the U. S. Navy and turn _to the otory of nativity, so derwood ! here. 1 Mk! 1 May formers on^chapL^'t a Luke’s GospS'. | r ^ ^ Youngblood and mr. Thomas Horton oi Millodge- 1 va llobbs, has been making her fl ^.gs Pl by'^^^'ITie'sky' 8 ^!!,:!' Mrs - g An(hew ChlldrM. W1 * *' 2,1 witle spent Thursday with his'home with her parents, Mr. and fl * uc f^ S£ f "h d ee a ndblue and ! Mr ‘ and Mrs ' R - Mclnvale and «*>“•“ c - W - HMts - Iband's^bsence' 5 ’ < ‘ Uri "* "" intend'l^e aSioadne thfih ' children spent Sunday with Mr. Miss Ann Howard Neisler will j arrive Wetinosday to spend the Among those shopping in Ma- burned brightly and warmly holidays with home folks. i eon Saturday were: Mrs. Hoodman the human mind. , . _ I Parks and Joyce, Mr. Elton wright The stars, as Robert Browning | snopping Saturday. IWi-s. Ada Hicks, Mrs. Desmond Mrs. Eugene Joiner and Thomas, has written, “shot out in fire their . e Junior Girl Reserves entcr- *«T» and Mrs. Eld Swearingen Mrs. John Mims, Mr. and Mrs. P ent knowledge.” Suddenly the tamed the Wolf Cubs at a Christ- intenscly live, anticipating the ful- fillment of hope that had long an( ^ Rs ‘ Roi Peacock. j n | Mrs. J. W. Windham and Mrs. Harold Gates were in Thomaston Suddenly spent Thursday in Atlanta. j Desmond Harp and children, Mrs. radiant scene was filled with mu- mas P ar ty Thursday afternoon. Mr. Lamar W Jinny Air Corps hii; mother, Mrs. Jake Bryan. , ri£? ht of Uie t; c ! Bam Hobbs and children and Lt. sic - as th e heavenly host sang, j Barnes were played after which ifatin? vioittmT Carolyn Wadsworth. ."Glory to God in the highest, and ; delicious refreshments were serv- t . is ting ; on earth peace, good will toward j ed - | men.” The joy of hope was ful-1 Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Greer ! filled. Christ, the Saviour of the and children of Tifton spent a few Dorcas Class Enjoys Christmas Tree at Home Lieut. Garland Byrd is visiting kis uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mis /f* Charlie Byrd in North Carolina. j Mfss Eugenia Joiner who has a Cf Mrs. Whatley Fit. Hite pourtion ln New York will spend I holidays with homefolks here. days with week. relatives here last Or. and Mrs. Phillips Bryan and «HuIdrcn have returned home aft< r malting relatives in North Caro- Christmas tree at the home of Mrs. JSna. j world, had come. 1 The Spirit of Christmas i3 the ; Spirit of Happiness. Happiness Hudson Poole of the U. S. Navy j consists of making the best of, spending his furlough with his ! whatever situation we may be in,; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm rr*i_ T-. „„ ,,, , .. „ striving always to lift ourselves to Poole. M D t ° h rca , s f Class ° h f . th , e Re y a higher level of useful living and nolds Methodist church had a so- , lt to the high >ldeals K ^ nd cial in the form of a supper knd principlcs of the Christmas Spirit. „ , . , , _ Again, Christmas speaks of Edgar Whatley Friday night. Mrs. many other such as; Sid James and Mrs. Clinton Woods Ch which the blessedness of 1- \A/&m hnetneena unfh Mre \I7T-» o f 1 » . , giving brings. Taylor Mill's Christmas Program The story of the birth of our Lord is to be presented on the stage here. This is a story that never grows old no mutter how Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Parks an-j were hostesses with Mrs. Whatley. , o w he f r»il^ a M!v?I :EaCh T G ? lf r r present .brought a Happiness? which never thrusts it-, many times” we hear ltTchristmas 1^. ' covered dish and a gift, lhe na- se jf upon us, though sought for, carcds wR T be sung, some by the , tivitv snpnp from T.nUf» ^ pnHirkrw-*** onri i— with llte,iKht - | tivit y scene from st - L » R e was ■ - be easily found. “ ' i audience and others by special, Miss Winnie Griffith of Colum- were nlaved Were SUnS ’ ^ gameSRea , dinCSS ’ WiUl CXRressions Bug vrill arriveWednesday to sDendl W rf Play d ‘ ♦ _ t kindness and tender considera-1 Those taking part on the pro- amvoweonesciay to speito i lho se present were: The teacher tion for others. I gram are: - Mis. E. A. Hollis; the class presi- Industriousness, which weaves the. Reader, Sara Underwood, dent, Miss Annie Monk; and Mrs. Spirit of Christmas into life. ! Shepherds, S a mmle Crooko, Rev and Mrs. W. B. Hoats and'^ ^ rs ‘ R ‘ E ‘ Quitman Sharing, be it ever so little, and Maurice Morrell and Eugene' •Mldren have returned home after 1 L> Swearingen, Mrs. Jenny, the joy that comes thereof. j Windham. j » visit to Mrs. Hoats’ parents Vv ° rth( ; n > Mrs. Van Livingston, Thankfulness, for the birth of the! Wise Men, J. W. Bryan, Halton! Kentucky. i ^ IrS ' Sawyer, Mrs. W. M. j Christchild, the Saviour of the Albritton and Halley Busbee. fee holidays Criffilh. THEATRE Tuesday and Friday . . . . . 7:00 P. M. ISonday*Wedii6i»day< '^iiudey 7:15 P. M. Sundsny Sfcows . . . 3:€ f O and 8:45 P. 99. O <* *2* *2* *•* *!« »j* *3» »j» •> *** »** {»«*« Friday and Saturday, Dec. 21-22 ut* Starring Adele Muni and Keu Rushin And Starring Tex Ritter and Russel! Haden Last Chapter ’‘The faster Key” Sunday and Monday, December 23-24 “Irish Eyes Are Smiling” Starring Monte Woody, Irene Davis & Diclk Dayman Tuesday, December 25—(hristmas Day umup .14 Hollis, Mrs. Paul Hollis, Mrs. Leon world. Those of the college set home ■ Ed ^ arc ^’ ^ rs - Mitchell, Mrs. Meditation, certainly a challenge ton- Ux- holidays are: Misses Gloria KThatciy, Dorotliy and Elizabe.h lltioton, Misses Virginia Butler, "Marin an n Hollis, Messrs Gene €*j»y and Reginald James. F. M. Carson, Mrs. Ruth Drcwery, to "Thing Think on Thy Way” Mrs. Gray Hicks, Mrs. John Mims, ! Adoration, for our Lord, so beauti- Mrs. E. H. Joiner, Mrs. B. E.. fully expressed ln one of our Flowers, Mrs. Sullins, Mrs. Pen- ■ best-loved hymns, "Holy, Holy, dergrast, Mrs. Roy Clay, Mrs. Au- ! Holy.” dry Willis, Mrs. Terrell Waters, Sacrificial love — “Greater love SUPER STORE Reynolds. Ga. 25 UvFour Roses Flour 25 Lb Pure Gold Flour $125 $1.35 $' 35 $1.35 1 Lb I9c Mrs. Elza Barrow, Mrs. Joe Roye- lon, Mrs. Ricks Carson and Mrs, lientz. hath no man than this, that a Mary, Betty Wray Barrow Joseph, Bobby Smith. Angel, Mary Julia Palmer. Announcement For Mayor City of Reynolds jrrr ring wir^r Sunday School Party far Taylor Mill Young People end the Intermediates The two Sunday School classes may lay down his life for his ’ wR1 enjoy a party together Wed- friends.’ ’ j nesday at 7:30 p. m., in the au- These and other thoughts are ditorium. Supt and Mrs. Gates harbored in the minds and hearts W M be ln charge of the games, of adults, while foremost in heart We are expecting all members to of children, Christmas speaks of be present for the entertainment, happiness and cheer. Their faces | Don’t forget the date, beam with happiness and their Taylor Mill Clubs Sponsoring Community Tree The Man’s Club and the Wo- 95 Lb Hollyhock Flrur l.b Sweet Lilly Flour JKtispy Cracksrs . fiSlijacum Box i5cT23c j gj r ;< s ASholetic Club S*et ortonationMilk 1 Y c p. Lar jo Can 9c SpOHSOr Doiitfi FRUIT CAKES |Hb $1-00 4 Lb $1,50 jl&QLbsSalt $M5 1 15 Oz Seedless Raisins 15c CSGA SettES~ Kfc 3 for 50c Carton SI 65 cy for Mayor of the City of Rey- ^ . th(y nolds for the term beginning Jan. c CRristmas tre ^ 1, 194G and ending Dee. 31, 1947, JS, t !J p f ' om dear old CM i a t ,»ta i Santa Claus. And, strange as it i •••'* * ,auj * ^ wuu anu vut? wu* fhMii nf th^riil n ,^ nd re £ ula ' may seem, exactly the gifts their' men’s Club of Taylor Mill are tlons of the City Ordinance gov- , hearts deslred b sponsoring a Community Christ Regardless of age, ChrLstmas is mas tree Satlrdty at 7:30 p, m. a time of good will. Lasting The entire community is invited to friendships have been based on be present. A special program good will toward men. I would ad been prepare. And there will be vocate the following: | Old Santa Claus, too. So be pres- If a’body meet a’body on a ont so he can give you your pres- Christmas Day, i ent. Let a’body greet a’body, tip his j All children up to 12 years cf hat and say, t age will receive a gift, so be Hi, there fellow! Glad to see you cure to be there. Everybody come and do let me say, j and enjoy the occasion and le * The Butler Girls’ Athletic Club 1 wis !\ y ?,i‘ Mc 7. y Cb^mas in the have fun together, is sponsoring a New Year's Eve - ° d Ray K\ser way erning such elections. The election will be held Tues day, Jan. 1, 1946. Will appreciate your support. Respectfully, R. L. SWEARINGEN. Hotel Merry Christmas “everybody!” | The golden rule in life is mode- stairs 1 My way is the "Kyser-way” of ration in all things—Terence 40c; time 7:30: all oroceeiis will' “7 ry , Ch'lstmas to eo to the Community House. Coun,y Soh ° o1 Sup<!rlnlend, ' nt ’ Mr - dance at the new Dean Admission: Couple, 50c; IE. H. Dunn, the County and Local that eac h and every one of you WANT MAN TO work farm Boards oE Education, Reynolds may have an enjoyable holiday Gi^r^ioeo AN r TO | ORK f FARM - SchDo1 Superintendent, Mr. E. II. season and experience a profitabl. F^t-class two-horse f arm in jo^er, the second grade pupils New Year. 75C |lfr^ n ?n% Dlst . llct ’ f ood mul p s ’ and parents. I wish to express my! To our pupils and their parents, ' I m!nt° w d f modern farm equip- appreciation to each of you for the we wish to express our apprecia te : | ,?!!! f i P. art you havc P la V ed in making tion for their splendid past co- Wedne^day and Thursday, December 26*27 Short Siilijsots EXTRA TASTY BREAD} lb Ltn P. A. Tobacco P A. Tobacco W- H.CcC o llbSScji^ ,he a — Bailey's Cctfce 33c I uZ \ M tuziame Cottfe 3'3r-r church and sch ° o1 : on school bus season's greetings Mine. Phone or see, ■ Y - —1'----- -. n ..^n—niiiM,-1 Emory F. Parr, Phone 1353, Dear Parents, Pupils and Friends: '■ i “- i'f^ Reynolds, Ga., Rj' F. D. 1. We desire to express our hope operation. It is our belief that the coming year will contribute to the progress of our community. Sincerely. Lucibelle Booth, Mrs. Otis E. Ogbum, Margaret Phillips, Mrs. noy ciuy. BECAUSE IT’S FULL-STRENGTH — this active fresh Yeast gtxw right to work. No waiting—no extra steps! And Fleischmann’s fresh Yeast helps make bread that tastes sweeter, is lighter, finer-textured every time. _ „ IF YOU BAKE AT HOME —be sure to get. Fleischmann’s active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. Depend able— America’s time-tested favorite for more than 70 years.