The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, July 14, 1955, Image 7

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Local THE BUTLER HERALD, BUTLER GEORGIA, JULY 14, 1955, Happenings Mr. E. L. Harris is out again af ter an illness of several days. Mr. and Mrs. McNally of Orlan do, Fla., are visiti-ng their parents Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Childres. Friends of Mrs. C. F. Richards will be pleased to learn that she is recovering after a few days’ ill ness. Miss Fran Cochran has returned home after spending two weeks in Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Don Daye of War ner Robins spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. Claudia Locke, Miss Melodie Hill of Reynolds spent the week end in Butler with her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hill. Mrs. Morgan McCants and little grand daughter, of Macon, have been visiting Mrs. Stokes for a few days. Mrs. L. R. Adams and Mrs. H.C. Marx attended a Sub District meeting of W.S.C.S. at Hamilton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benns, Ed ward and Ann Benns were Sunday guests of Lt. and Mrs. James Braddy in Decatur. Dr. and Mrs. Gray Fountain and family of Albany were the week end guests of their parents, Mr.and Mrs. T. L. Fountain. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Borum and Mr. Robert Borum of Charleston, S. C. are guests of their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Eli Garrett. Mrs. G. T. Whitehead and daughter, Miss Virginia White- head, of Macon, spent Monday night in Butler the guests of Mrs. Irene Peed. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elifson of Ft. Worth, Texas, spent last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Harris. They ware accompa nied by Eugenia Hortman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Turner, Miss Louise Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse George, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hill Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Hortman and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Anglin returned home Sunday after spending sev eral days at St. Mark, Fla. Rev. and Mrs. Carl Marx, the former recently appointed pastor of the local Methodist church, had as guests Sunday the following friends and members of former charges served by the minister: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manard of Americus; Mrs. Adel Partridge of Albany, mother of Mrs. Manard. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Fitzsim mons, Miss Sandra Fitzsimmons and Miss Lynn Mitchell spent Tuesday in Atlanta where Mr. Fitzsimmons was sworn in to prac tice law in Federal Court. The party left Atlanta immediately after this ceremony for St. Louis, Mo. They will spend a week or 10 days visiting friends and rela tives. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Giles and family will be glad to learn that they are planning to move to Butler to make their home in the future. They will occupy the A. D. Chap man home which has recently been completely remodeled. Mr. Giles has sold his farm in Rupert community to Messrs Joseph Cook and Thomas Peart of Albany. gSBBCTBHft, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Giles and grandsons, Pat and Mike Giles, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hammack last week in Atlanta and they also spent two days visit ing in the Cherokee Mountains of North Carolina. Sgt. and Mrs. Billy Pennington and children, Cheryl and Jim, have returned home after spend ing three years in Orleans, France where Sgt. Pennington was sta tioned with the U. S. Army. Sgt. Pennington, after spending a 30- day leave will report to Camp Stewart, Hinesville, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Sikes have returned to their home in Miami, Fla., after spending two weeks in Butler with their parents. They were accompanied home by Mr. Billy Gray who will be their guest for several days. Their lit tle daughter, Ginya, remained in Butler for a more extended visit with her grandparents. Lottie Moon Circle Delightfully Entertained By Mrs. Grover Mott Mrs. Grover Mott was hostess to the Lottie Mocn Circle of the Bap tist W.M.S. Monday afternoon. Mrs. E. E. Jarrell presented a program on “Patriotism.” Mrs. B. J. Byrd brought the de votional. Topic, “Freedom”. Pay ing tribute to our forefathers who j founded our nation in integrity and piety and died in the faith not having received the promises but seeing them afar off. The scrip ture lesson was from Proverbs. Responsibility and opportunities for service based on family life and “Thus saith the Lord” using selected passages of scripture to lend interest to inspire the hearts of those present was ably dis cussed by Mrs. P. B. Childs and Mrs. Robert Butler. Mrs. T. L. Fountain, Chairman of the Circle was in charge of the business session. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Twelve member an swered to roll call. There was present two young visitors, Ginga Sikes of Miami, Fla., and Joyce Williams. Reports were heard from com mittee chairmen. The Treasurer re ported the offering, $15.25. $2.00 was given to Mrs. E. E. Jarrell to aid in fostering the Junior Girl’s Auxiliary. Community Mission Report. Cot tage prayer meetings are being conducted in the interest of the approaching services to begin in the local Baptist church the first week in August. Mrs. Robert Butler led the clos ing prayer, praying especially for the Baptist World Alliance which is meeting in London, England. During fellowship hour the hos tess assisted by Mrs. Fountain, served peach ice cream and pound cake,, —Pub. Chmn. Rupert H.D. Club Will Meet July 21 The Rupert H.D. Club will meet Thursday, July 21, 3:30 p. m. The meeting will be at the Rupert lunch room. All members urged to attend and new members always welcome. -•-Reporter. IIIIBIIIIIBIIinBIIIIIBIiniBlliliBlllllBIIHIllliaillll ii'»i!K4 : Bring Your Pirseriplions I To : SMITH’S PHARMACY i ■ We have an up-to-date stock of fresh, pure 1 drugs and our prices are reasonable | SPECIALS 3 6-12 ! INSECT REPELLANT I Keeps Gnats, Mosquitoes, Red Bugs and Yellow Flies Away ] 49c Size For Only 27c ! SACCHARIN E1000 89c Ladies of Howard Church Are Hostesses To District W.S.C.S. With apologies to Mrs. Lynda Bryan for not publishing her in teresting avid explicit article on the day’s program, a brief account is here given. At 10 a. m. Mrs. Hugh Cheek of Butler called the meeting to order. Mrs. Joe Brown at piano played softly strains of “O Zicwi Haste.” Mrs. Hugh Cheek, sub district chairman was master of cere monies. The Welcome Address was given by Miss Mary Lou Averett. Mrs. L. R. Adams gave the de votional fou’nd in Ec. 8:4. Introduction of President, Mrs. Jack Shepard of Cuthbert was made by Mrs. Cheek. Roll call found 12 of the 15 of ficers present. District Chairman, Mrs. Jack Shepard, Cuthbert. Sub District Chairman, Mrs. Hugh Cheek, Butler. Vice President, Mrs. W. S. Cox, Fort Gaines. Pro. Sec., Mrs. C. E. Ward, Cuthbert. Treasurer, Mrs. R. T. Norris, Co lumbus. Christian Social Relations, Mrs. Frank Graham, Dawson. Missionary Education, Mrs. R.T. Blantcm, Columbus. Youth Secretary, Mrs. R. K. Mid dleton, Columbus. Spiritual Life, Mrs. L. R. Adams, Butler. Status of Women, Mrs. L. W. Cunningham, Columbus. Literature and Publication, Mrs. C. L. Massey, Bronwood. Supply Work, Mrs. A. I. Simp son, Columbus. Dinner was served followed by Work Shop Panel. Butler, Wesley Talbotton and srounding area contributed their quota to the occasion. The day at Howard will long be remembered for its uplift and in spiration. Hostess (to a little boy at the party): Why don’t you eat your jello? Little boy (watching jello close ly) : It’s not dead yet. PAGE SEVEN MAUK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hill and Mrs. Eldora Thompson and baby of Kenmar. Tex., visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Hill recently and attended the reunion at Concord church. Mrs. N. C. Cromer of Butler spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Woodall Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Whitley and Mr. and Mrs. Ossie Pike visited Rev. and Mrs. Fred Johnson of Hawkinsville Thursday p. m. Mrs. E. H. Morrison was called to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Lillian Turner recently. Mr. Charles Lancaster Jr. spent the Fourth of July with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lan caster Sr. Mrs. Jewel Lancaster of G.S.C.W, Milledgeville, and Misses Reba Lou Turner and Gloria Pike, of the University of Georgia, Athens, spent the holiday week end with relatives. Mrs. Lizzie M. Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Guy Jr., were recent vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wood- all. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Whitley and children were week end vis itors of relatives at Richland. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Watson vis ited Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rustin for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Greene of Macon were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Woodall. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trapp and son Bobby, visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ingram were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Pike Friday evening. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Morris of Al pharetta, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Hill and Mrs. Morrison Sunday. Mr. Jimmy Earl Hill spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Watson, Mrs. E. A. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hood and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pike visited Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Pipe Sunday. Our rugs and floors give evi dence— Enough to wear our patience thin— That one small boy with two small feet Can bring a lot of outdoors in! Cemetery Noh'ce Persons having friends and loved ones buried at Mt. Pisgah church cemetery are urgently re quested to come themselves or send some one, to assist in clean ing off grounds on Thursday, July 21st. Cemetery Notice Those having loved ones buried at Union cemetery are requested to meet there Wednesday for the purpose of cleaning off the ceme tery. Please come and help. Those who can’t come will please send a donation. DEAN BUTLER, CA. Monday and Tuesday, July 18 and 19 Monday and Tuesday Shows Start at 8:30 P. M. Esther Willliams and Howard Keel JUPITER’S DARLING” (Cinemascope) Wednesday X Thursday, July 20 and 21 Wednesday Shows Start at 8:30 P. M, Judy Holiday and Jack Lemmon IN UnUFFPTI) PHFFFT’ (On the Wide Screen) Friday and Saturday, July 22 and 23 Saturday Shows Continue from 2:30 to 11 P. ML Rock Hudson —IN— “SEMINOLE” —Also—- “HAPPY THURSDAY” YOU GET MORE! Most SIZE of any low-price car, for a truly big-car ride... most beauty with beautiful, all-new Forward Look styling . . . most comfort in the roomiest interiors in Plymouth’s field . . . most SAFETY and economy features . . . two top engines: the 6-cylinder PowerFlow 117 or the J67-hp Hy-Fire V-8. In fact, you can pay as much as $500 more for medium-price cars that are smaller than the low-price Plymouth! Model for model, medium-price cars cost much more than Plymouth — check price tags and 3ee how much more car Plymouth gives you for your dollar! Drive a big new Plymouth today 1 Plymouth named "America's Most Beautiful Car" by famous professional artists, the Society of Illustrators PLYMOUTH BEST BUY NEW; BETTER TRADE-IN, TOO SUGGS MOTOR COMPANY Broad Street Butler, Georgia