Newspaper Page Text
Mr. W. Jf. Comb* to speudjiig the week
ia Room, Om.
J. R. McKinney to visiting the work on
the Marietta an<i North Georgia railroad,
but will return in a short time.
~ Messrs Captain Giddens of bpringplace.i
tlnfus Greer of Tilton, and John llunuN
cott, are in Kill jay to-day.
Mr. T. M. Hell, with Geo. J. Howard &
CO., visited Eilijajr last Saturday. Mr.
Bell is a nice, genteel, business young
We lean that John Wheeler and Bud
W dker, of this county, got iuto a' difi ally
in Jailer, and Shot at a merchaut there.
Tliey are now iu jail.
The crops on Tails Creek are reported
to he better Hum was expected. 'I he last
; rains helped them considerably.
Hie District Conference held with the
M. E. Clinrch at Ellijay, adjourned last
Sunday night. The meeting was interest
ing, and the bnsinc s transacted very sat
——- - -
There will he a Public Debate at Oak
land Academy, on Friday night the 1 Gth
of this month, by a portion of the mem
bers of ‘'Oakland Literary Society”. The
public generally is invited.
Mis. \Y. F. Robertson and family', who
have been spending the summer in Fllijay,
hare returned to their home in, Kingston,
Ga. We hope that she ha 6 gained a suf
fleeut quantity or health and strength to
induce her to come back next summer.
Lost vitality, weakness, nervous disor
ders, etc., cured by Brown's Iron Hitters.
Notice to the Tax Payers of Gilmer
Ridgeway Oetoix-l' 3rd.
Tails Greek ...... * th
Mnuntaintowii, , . „ 6th.
Boardtown.... ..,, bill.
Cheny Log. „ 7tli.
Diam0nd......... „ Bth.
( Tickauetley ~ 10th.
fjahecay........! ~ 11th.
Ball Ground ~ 13th.
Town Creek ~ 13th.
Goosawa'tee ~ 14tU.
Lenclic's 1 Sth.
I shall be at Ellijay during court week.
Early settlements are required of me, and
1 Bliall be compelled to collect promptly.
Metallic currency, mutilated or with holes
through it, cannot he received iu payment
of taxes.
G. W. Gates, T. C
Impaired organic function* restored nnd
fterVoit/ debility cured by Brovin's lion
Messrs John Sellers, John and Arch
Bennett, caught a fox this morning. They
say the fun was exceedingly faeiuating,
especially the fun caused by John Ben
nett’s spotted dog Rover, which, when he
smelt the track, run in every direction,
jumped up and down, as if he were on top
of the fox.-
The educational meeting held last Sut
ttrday at 4 o’clock ity tlm M. E. Church,
, provided for a normal class in connection
With the present school iu the Seminary,
Mid a lady assistant, also two or three lady
monitor* if necessary. Then iliey expect
to smooth atld grass the hill on which the
building stands: This will add many
charms aud inducements to the school.
Real strength given the nerves, brain
aud muscles by Clown’s Iron Bitters.
“Not a drum was heard nor a funettl
note” as the family of Dr. E. \7. Watkins
were made to rejoice at the mysterious ap
pearance of a huge baby-boy. The halls
that were once silent, are now made to
echo with new and numerous yells from
this little embryon. The Doctor almost
concludes that lie is a Stalwart; and
smokes a more highly flavored cigar, and
Wears his caneon his finger, as if he were
the happiest man on earth
Turciptown Dots.
Peaches are plentiful, fcnil are fulling off
in quite an abundance.
Watermelons have l>ecn in aliundaDt usa,
but are about to go out of use.
The farmers an* pulling their fodder;
and have to be ill a hurry to get it before
It dries up.
Showers of rain have been paying their
Visits fc* several days past, and conflict
With the saving of fodder.
There are plenty of squirrels, rabbits,
fishes, flies, grasshoppers, ants, worms and
everything that conmmoniy inhabits our
part of the country.
A girl up here said that siie loved peach
es very much. She said that there was a
sack of peaches gathered the other even
ing. and that ike and some more girls sat
down and ate until late bed time; went to
bed, slept a while; got up aud ate some
more; went back to bed ; got up next
morning and ate thirty-one before break
fast ; and in the evening of that day went
over to a neighbor’s to get a treat on mel
ons aud peaches. She ate very hearttily
of the feast, and on starting home, she
broke her a peachtree Until brush, and
continued saying that she liked the taste
of peaches.
M.irganbut, Ga., gepl. 1, IsS|.
{ Cotiriff; j
v Aft it k- uUnm
; I4<t I,<H| nj'iH-r* in
Csiotnu> | vo!uuteri to a
j f’-'V 4 it*'iti* ; f*H* i(io>m<H’U at* til ki>mv dm
:>e county and present bowe, I am j?al-
I out of her Interests and desire to accord
Iter the representation *Ut merits.
A number of health, and pleasure seek
as from Middle and Bouth-eaat Georgia
are boarding in onr county, and report
that many of their friends were desirous to
come and change their hot, malarial atmos
phere for the pure mountain breezes. A
lack of boarding-house accomnn.datims at
this place frighten many visitors from
making the trip.. AJI that are here are
wilcf with delight after a visit to the tops
of our grand mountains. Except among
our inhabitants the magnificent grandeur
of the scenes from two of our most lofty
peaks, Ihe Horse Shoe mountain(some
times called Marlow Knob), and Willsoot
Peaks is not known. Ten days ago I con
ducted the first visit to these spots. They
had traveled much ill the Southern States,
and among the mountains of the Blue
Ridge, but such magnificent vista of hill
anti dale, mountain and plain, gorges and
precipices, they now lie re had seen. The
view extends nearly round tile horizon and
comprizes a territory of abotu ten thou
sand square miles Without the aid of a
magnifying glass. With the advent of
our railroad, hotels will be built at these
places, where the ice water of numerous
springs clear as our pure air will Impart a
rosy tint to the sallow shock ot thousands.
Illicit distilling here is fast “on the
wane” and will soon become a thing of
former days. Thanks to the iron hand of
| the best government the world ever saw,
that the young stripling with no moral
back bone can no longer-spend his Satur
day niglUs filling the black bottle at his
neighbor's still. Undoubtedly, a good
temperance law enforced will create true
temperance principles. The change of
temperance sentiment among our Fannin
people in twelve months is ample proof.
1 estimate that half a crop of corn will
he made in Fannin on up land ; on bottom
land, two thirds.
While Those Morris was lillsent-lrom his
home six miles from Morganton, a bear
climbed to the top of his house, went
down the chimney, cut a hole in the door
and made his exit without further ceremo
Wealthy citizens of lower Georgia are
inquiring for locations in the mountains
ot Fannin, on which to build residences at
summer resorts for themselves and families.
J. W. Davenport.
Railroad News-
Special to the Constitution.
Cincinnati, Sept. 3.— The lease
of ihe Southern railway was tins
afternoon awarded, under the
WoJffe bid, to a combination, con
sistmg of the Alabama Southern-
Hie parties now operating the
road and other parlies in Cincin
nati. The vote was three to two.
Tins action lias to be confirmed
by the sinking fund commission
era, which will probably be done
on Monday.
t’olumhus Times.
We heard it stiongly intimated
last night that this road will
change hands again in less than
ninety days, and that the lire h
mond and Danville railroad com
pany will be the purchasers. This
will be a great benefit to Colum
bus and one for which our people
hail ceased to hope. It will in
sure us the outlet for which we
have long been so anxious and
free us from the clutches of Ihe
Central railroad company. We
trust that Hie change will be made.
Boston Advertiser.
The first mortgage six per cent
bonds of (lie Marietta and North
Georgia railroad are offered as a
conservative and safe investment
by the l’acific national bank of
this city. The managers of this
road have purchased a conserva
tive course by limiting their first
mortgage bond issue to $7,000 a
mile and relying upon the mani
fest strength of the bonds for
their successful negotiation, in
stead of largely increasing the
amount per mile of bonded in
debtedness. and trusting to a bo
nus crl stock or other junior secu
rities to make a market for them.
The Boston safe deposit and trust
company is the trustee under the
mortgage, and the interest is pay
able there.
Politics and Religion.
Correspondence Boston Herald.
In Georgia there is a gentle
man of ability and iutegrity who
has for many years failed to' win
political prizes solely because he
belongs to the Episcopal church.
They are Baptists, (hose Georgi
ans, and the Episcopalian spi
rant has always had a Baptist ri
val. Senator Joseph Brown is a
Baptist—a fact that must not be
forgotten in connection with Ills
unusually successful career.
| There is a parallel case in North
! Carolina. In the fourth Con
j gressional Distrio Cos!. John Man
-1 uing, who once served an unex
■ pirod term in Congress, has for
inauy years been a candidate for
the Daiuocratic nomination ; and
h** would havo succeeded long
ago but for ills well known .tdva
oaoy of in;• Ii church KpiscnpaiUtu-,
isin. Ills MKVcitftfo! com noil 11 ,r
was (oi many years a MfthoUitU
These force* are seldom mention
ed, of course, never mentioned in
political conventions or diicus
sions, but they are powerful in
aa unconscious way.
The Inflow of Gold.
Washington, September I.*— ln
j order to make prompt payment
for foreign gold bullion, the influx
of which has commenced, the
treasury deparment lias increased
the bullion and of the New Yolk
assay office by the transfer of S2O,
000,000 in gold coin. It is estima
ted that there is now on the way
from Europe about eight or ten
million dollars in foreign gold
coin and bullion which will arrive
in New York in the course ol the
next ten days, which will be fol
lowed by other large shipments.
This bullion, upon its arrival at
New York, is taken directly from
tiie vessel lo the assay office,
where it is melted, and as soon
as its value is determined by the
assay, the depositor is paid in gold
coin without delay, which is quite
an important matter in the pres
ent stale of the money market. A
million and a quarter in foreigr
gold bullion arrived at New Yori
yesterday and was deposited a
the assay office.
-Via W. & A It. B.
Lv Union Depot, Atlanta, II 16ii’t 2 ,Y>pni
*• Marietta 1 flun’t 3 Mpm
“ Curtoi'sville 2 tSlini 4 30pm
“ Kingston 2 30um 600 pm
“Dalton 4 Ilium tl 3s|iut
Ar Boyce,, Cin. Junction) 5 08am 7 43pm
Via CLN’TI. SOU. ll’Y.
Lv. Union Depot sOOtuu 7 30pm
“ Boyce, (Gin. Junction) 5 loam 7 Supni ,
Ar Junction City 1 50pm 312 am
“ Lexington 318 pm 4 20am
Cincinnati 0 2 pm 7 00am
I.v C.. 11. & I). Depot 0 If,pm 7 30am
A i- Cleveland 7 10am 2 43pm
“ Buffalo 1 10pm SOOpin
“ Albany 12 3Jn’t 0 10am
“ New York 0 45am lo 30am
Via N. Y., I*. & 0. It. H.
Lv C., 11. & I>. Depot 0 23piu 1 OOprrl
Ar Salamanca 319 pm 745 am
“ Hornelisville 0 40pm 11 20pm
“Jersey City 0 30am 0 20pill
“ N ew Voi k " 0 60uin !) 25pm
Lv Little Miami Dept 8 40pm s 00am
Ar Columbus 12 fiOa’t 12 20n’n
“ Pittsburg 7 50am 735 pm
" Baltimore 0 35pm 7 40am
“ Washington 752 pm 9 02am
“ Philadelphia 0 45pm 7 34am
“New York 9 3,|>m 10 35am
Via B. Jfc O. JC It.
Lv Plum Street Depot 7 Stpm 9 loam
Ar Parkersburg 1 50n't 4 55pm
“ Harper’s Kerry 12 19nn 4 30am
“ Washington " 155pm0 3Uam
“ Baltimore 303 pm 7 40.nn
“ Philndelnhia 0 35pm I 15pm
“New Volk 9 2opm 330 pm
at. Louis, Chicago aid the West
Via W. & A. It. It.
I.v Union Depot, Atlanta 12 Ifm't 2 50pm
“ Marietta 1 oon’t 330 pm
“ CartersviHe 2 ISu’t 4 30i>m
“ Kingston 2 30n’t 6 00pm
“ Dalton 4 01am 0 38pm
r Boyce,(Cin. Junction) 5 08am 7 43pm
Lv tluion 5 00am 7 30pm
, “ Boyce, (Cin. Junction) 5 15am 7 50am
Ar Junction City 1 80pm 312 am
“Lexington 318 pm 4 20am
*• Cincinnati 6 20pm 7 00am
via Kankakee line..
I.v Plum Street Depot 7 02pm 8 02am
Ar Chicago 7 00am 7 25pm
Lv C . 11. .t D. Depot 7 50pm 8 15am
Ar Chicago 7 lo am S3opip
Via O. & M. It. R.
Lv O. a M Depot 7 00pm 7 50am
Ar Louis 7 10am 0 UOpm
Lv rium Street Depot 7 02pm 8 02am
A r Indianapolis 10 40pm 12 40u’n
“ St. Louis 800 am 8 lupin
Lv Union Depot 0 00am 8 25pm
Ar Kansas City 8 30pm 7 30am
Lv Union Depot 8 22am 832 pm
Ar Kaesas City 8 45pm 7 22am
Lv Union Depot 8 40am 8 45pm
Ar Kansas City 0 42pm 1) 02am
|3TPullman Palace Cars via Cincinna
ti southern Railway, on 2.sotrain. Atlan
ta to Cincinnati without change. Thence
to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Ual
f|n|ore. Washington, Chicago, St. Louis,
•T of* Jo, Cleveland, Buffalo, without
JJSfPuHman Palace Cars on Midnight
Train, (open In Union Depot at 8 p. m.y
Atlanta to Rockford.
HTSTDreakfast Station -on Cincinnati
Southern ltnitwav, affording passengers
NATI BCUTUERN. connecting with all
'Through Trains in Cincinnati at 6.20p.m.
E. P. WILSON, G. i . & T. Ag’t.
' ciugilipaii, Ohio.
Atlanta, Ga.
2905 i
The above is the name of a famous
Worm Remedy endorsed by Physicians
ittia Druggists as the best Vermifuge
known, it is put up in the form of pow
ders, divided into proper doses, and is
pleasant to the taste. Children will not
hesitate to take it a second time after once
taking a dost*. Drs. Hunter, Wane hops,
Bacon, Niblack and Roberts, of Lake
City, use this preparation in their prac
tice. Thousands of testimonials speak its
efficacy. Fold by dealers in medicine at
i25 cents. Sent to any address on receipt
:of price. K. A. HALL. Proprietor.
Lai.e City, Fla.
jyßuitul k spin kK*s,-orvrv.
lit . .ii,,,- *t -in i .. ,„
, Oi'diuary „( usSpl.m,, Mill i, r -old
jeu riic hrst I uesdAi tat N. < is-i ~
| In,-en 11,0 1.-.-MI low i vtte Ik.
ol land No*. 4b, 49, UltoH. ; I ae,V-.
oft of the North Kaat Mtfo*. <>( |„r .\, K 4 - .
all iu the 13th dint. Hfid*ce!i..i. ...,,,7 ;
cooty ; containing <HPM'r.-4no e or 1,-hW '
This being the l .utto Mi Which Issue Psrt. I
get resided at the HmfM bla death. Kel]
as the property of said lease Padgel de I
ceased, for The lionet* of the heirs *v,|
creditors uf saM tleccafed . Terms of sale
cash. This Scplemtoflfcths sth ;M.
J aster M. Prrt ir,
Sept.2sth 4>r. (130 w.t
Ordinary’s Office Sept*ntbr, sth. 1881-
W here**, F. N. Mulltiiax, administrator
of C. L, Corban deceased, has applied for
leave to sell the real estate of said deceas
ed. This is Cos notify ail persons concern
ed to file thejrtjijections if any they hare,
within Ihe fm* pr<Bribed by law, eise
leave will lie granted the applicant as ap
plied for.
W. R. Am.ix,
3*pt.-7-4w.(66 w,) • Ordinary.
Whereas Daniel as the admin
istrator of the eatatwof Itohert Douthit
dec.-ased late id said county, shows that
he has fully adminUloV-d tire estate, as
appears by proper vouchers 0 t tile, nnd
prays to be dischnrgfa thcrel'ro.n, and
from said trust. Tinjnafore all persons
concerned (will show ei.use, il any iliev
can, at or iieforc the Sotreir term l.isi,
of this court why at gMterm the said
Daniel Doutbit bi,o.:ld|BPb* eli,u gcd
from said trust.
Witness mv hand aiuflMidu] signal lire.
Sept, alh 1881.
Sept.-Otli 3 in. t 100 w.) Ordinary-.
Mothers! Mothers!. Mothers !! ! !
Are you disturbed at&jght and. broker,
f jrour rest by a sick suffering and
•rying with the exeruiiftiiig puin ni <-iu
utg teeth ? If so, go mt’mfc,. and get a
nottie of mrs. nvinEcwts Hou'rrr
tNG BYIITJP. It tiie )K.or
.ittlc suff.-rcr imniedlffcly—depeiul upou
it; there to no milGakypulxait. There is
not a mother on eart h
it, who will not Jlmt it
will regulate the n ' i ‘ t *°
the Mother, ami
child, operating liken Hg. It is- perfect -
ly safe to use in pleasant to
the ta.-le, and is -1 ..a.- of
the oldest and best f*9L physicians and
nurses in the Sold every
where. 26 cents a tol.
Will be sold at tiiflflftuft. bouse door in
said county on 4-he liS&Tuesday in ()<-lo
ber next within the tipn hours of sale lot
of land no. 233, in tlmlfth .list, and 2nd
section in sard comity,fas t-lid property of
A. C. Harris, to sattofv a justice omi tIT
fa from the #32ud disk G. M. in favor of
Mcßride & Go. vs A. C. Hairis. Li’vy
made and let mated to nit! Ity J- F. C’roy, L,.
C. Aug. 20th 1881. ; - ■ i
H. M. Bkami.ktt
aug. 25, 4.W. bhff.
Tetter and Jiiiitj Worm Specific
Never fails -to rqmavo Tetter, Ring
worm, WwM-Hnad. Dr.
G. 11. Hunter sayrfwife was trem
bled with Tetter for a number of years,
and nothing relieved her until she tried
‘Hall’s Tetter ami Ringworm Specific.’
This cured her.” Space docs not admit
of our giving tbc hundreds of similar toe*
tiuinnials, Try the remedy ami he con
vinced. Priyg! 30 cents. Sold by dealers
in medicine, or sent by Express lo nnv ad
dress on receipt ot price. Address. E. A.
HALL. Proprietor, Lake Oily, Fla,
Sandcrsville , Ga,, Aug. 27,1881.
Being aware of Hie caution
which Soul hern Publishers prop
erlv exercise in accepting “tlue
bill ads,’’ as well tie ilia ground of
their objections, we would assure
you that the ad. ws offer Jon is
not one on which tlie publisher
has lo pay the full value of the
article received, in cash, ws i g of
ten the case, hut the watch we
furnish sells readily for a price
which will pay you handsomely for
advertising it. We could lumish
many, letters from publishers to
establish this but with the testi
monials in the catalogue we only
add two—the iasl received:
Jefferson. Ga., August 25, 1881.
IV. 0. GILES a CO.—Gents •
The ‘-Boss Patent Watch”
is a good thing and takes well is this sec
tion. The one I got from you was hand
some and run well. It is not one of the
many bogus concerns which the Soutnern
Editor has to deal with so Often. Would
like to renew my contract when it exp
lores. Yours Truly,
It. S. 11. Wiill),
Pub. 1H raid.
Conyers, Ga., Aug. 11), 1881.
W. C. GILES &GO:— I ordered my
“Boss Patent Gold Watch,” soon alter
you contracted with me for the advertise
ment(lßßo) aud have been wearing it ev
er since. The case shows ns signs of be
ing anything hut what yon ree oninended
it to be, and the watch keeps perfect
lime. I atn well pleased with i* and con
sider it a cheap and good watch;
Hespectf dlv,
W. K. llAiiP,
Pul*. Examine).
wanted! r> y- J - vv - Brau -
Embracing the Lives ami Wonderful ad
ventures of MU) BILL, BUFFALO
FORNIA JOE, And other celebrated In
dian Fi'diterf, Scouts, Hunters and Guides
A true historical work of thrilling adven
tures cn the plains, aud in western pro
gress ami civilization. Fights with
Indians! Grand Buffalo Hunts! Desperate
Adventures! Narrow Escapes! Wonderful
Shooting and Riding! Wild Life in Hu
Ear West ! UT"100 Illustrations 1 10 Full
Page Colored Plates ! A grand book for
Agents. Outsells everything. 548 pages,
price $2.00. Agent's complete outfit, 50
cents. Outfit and copy for $2.00,
iHTWritc at once for agency, or terms and
illustrated circulars, to N. I>. THOMPSON
dt CO., Publishers, 020 Pine* Street, St.
Louis, Mo, s ,o •
PI ex TO :'T "f. ~r; — " |,.-M C'.Hr-V
it G— -) 7 .Mi 4 M-.-tt . :lf LV
: -mw 4 u tflsfos* #***• ‘ ,,r ;h " ! "
! * i j t•* .wwl- >* i v.ralr^
(i ***** .’rUMe. t VA
r*’* * V ' < • -ft' f<-r U tioi'i
viM Miuvraf,4btMl,
!’ ' In
& 1} t tux,
1 DR.J. F. WOOTEN & CO.,
will ikqfiie.u,- prices | B Atlanta, Knox
*-1 tdle, or Chattanooga.
• Dr r uii!s J Physicians.
1,9 m.
\MII lx; 1.l lafforo Uie Cnart-houac
ilaor in the towa of Jasper, Pich'iis conn*
tr, 0.t., on the fitst Tuesday in October
iwxt, during the legal hours of salt*, the
folk wing property to-wit •
,r°l No. gQj in the 12th Dis
tr.c. ami 24 section -of Pickens county,
Git., fifty abres more or less of aaid lot,
l/cvicil mi ns foe property of T. Pickett,
to satisfy a .1 ust ice Court ti. fn. issued
fiom Dislr.ct, U. M , in favor of
A. McUau, vs. Asa Pallcmm, pi in.,'ami
T. Picket, security. Proper* pointed out
hy T. Pickett, security in fi. fa. laevy
niiule unit returnetl to me iiy \V. !,. Ful
ton, L. fj. l ine August the 17th, JBBI.
It. S. HKNIfEIIvON, Sheriff,
bvpf. l4w. (13 ! wurtU.
To fill whom it may concern :
Plinths Crow nml rVilliam Tate having*
applied tor probate of tiie will of Aim”
kirn Crow, droeatsed, to Wan eh liiey c’otrm
to be Lxecntrix mid Rjjcoutor, being ki>
named iii the said will . This is to cite
the heirs at laNiy creditors and all persons
that it may concern, to lie ami appear at
the Ordinary’h office, tit the Court-hints'- of
Pickens county, Ua., at the regular. Octo
ber term, 181, of Hr. Court of Ordinary
for Said cfltnffy ? -t’o attend the probate of
said Witness my I and and official !
•igu-lure, this Butu Aug. lhsl. I
VV . li, ..ALLEN, o.‘Hilary.
sej;t. 1-i.w. (imi i
.Whereas, A. Crow was appointed Ouar
diau of fhc person ami |itouurty of Thom-,
as and (1. 'A. Towiisrml, Ul.ots, and Ida
letters having nbtfvd hV 'reason of his
death, and whereas, Phndia Cmw having
applied to lie appointed Guardian of the
18-t‘ljj u and jmiperty of the said Thomas,
ajiil 0. IV. 'Ludftsand, id'iuis, resid.:nts of
sitld County. This is "to cite all peisima
Colieertitsi In tie amiSipprai at the October
Term, 1881, of the liku/t of Ordinary of
3ttid county, apri show cause, if *ny Uiev
can, why s<dd,PiDbe Crow, nr s, iipe ait her
fit and propdr pci's,*!, should not tm in
trusted wit It the Ouardiansblp bfthp per
son ami property of said Thouias umt O,
IV. Townsend, idiots. Witness my li;itk!
and official signal are, this 2Utle,u< August,
IV. 15. iId.EN", Ordinary.
sept. 1,4 w. (Ido Words'.) “
L V h-r,
T Mil now turning out, from the Ellijay
Tan-yard, ad good Leatlier, of alt de
scription* ns can bn found ia any market,
Pm Upper, Bole or Mur ness Leather rtf
the best quality bring either the
Highest cash price paid for green or dry
isavt-tt-gsd,.* -J—£>..a*t.‘m ttc-trrfe
ilersigncd at the Tan-yard.
Win. J^poiujci*.
June 80-ff.
W. 1. UK HI
Si u<>4* > Ki ii.i i one ry,
lieg leave to call public attention to tlielr
line of goods, ami the facilities they pos
sess for selling on the most ncconunoda
ting terms. Buying strictly for cash and
having small current expenses, we ate sat
isfied with a small margin of prolit. Our
stoett embraces
School Hooks. Blank Hooks, Music Hooks,
Sheet Music, Note Paper, Hotter I’aper,
Cap Paper, Hill Paper, Box Paper, ICn
velopes, Albums, Slates, ('iwfuet, Vases,
\l atclies, Clocks, Picture Frames, Ac.
Chairs from fift writ's to sls carli.; Ta
bles from $1 to $23 c.teh ; Bedsteads from
$2 to $25 each ; Unreaus from $8 to S3O
each ; >•'ardrobes from $lO to $-IU each ;
Wasbstands from $2 to $lO each.
We keep a full line of furniture, and
sell at prices in competition to any house
South. We wish to give prominence to the
f cl that we arc possessed of capital
and buying only for cash, we will dupli
cate Atlanta, Kmne and 'Chattanooga bills
on all goods In bur line; and thus save
freight to the purchaser. Special atten
tion given to orders for anything not in
stock. I'lease giye ua tv call and test for
Aug. 11, (I m,
Whereas n |xitlt ion lias Iwxm filed for a
public road from New Hope church to
Ucfoor’s mill in lObtlUi dist. 0. M., and
reviewing commissioners appointed to lo
cate the smite who have made a return,
and whereas it appears that the said return
is satisfactoiy except ns lo the changes
hereafter named. Kpw the road with its
amendments as ppiposed to he created and
which appears to have been opened, be
gins at New Hope church, thence the old
road to the lands of Titos. Frisby, then a
slight, change ,to % left to top of ridge,
tln nce to old road and Tims Frisby’s on
same, tbeiide old road about' one fourth
mile, thence new cut road to old road, by Alsou Moreland’s to Defoor’a
miii with-slight r-Moge oh lull near Moi'c
land's .And whereas it appears that great*
er satisfaction will exist by the same be
ing-located as above described. Ordered
fti'Ht art persoliß objecting to the same show
cause liefore tn<f on the first Monday in
October next, else said road will ho crea
ted as aforesaid.
Witness my hand aud olllfiflj signature.
! Aug. 23rd 1881.-
J. C.
j aug' 23, 4w. Ordinary.
j tikoiuii a- FANNt:* coujrrT.
I Whereas. John A. Me wart, Ailtdnis
i tiat'ir l>f John W. Itrasn. r.-fire-. tla 1,1
li' 1 . *" ***“ l> , uii<M .tidy Hb-il and
enUre.l „f. iieuril, tfcat b- 1.:.. f u |h a d
I miMb.Ur4 .1. t\ , Tbt*
i ‘“‘"IH 'V wte -111 pc*i —om. ca, i rn
j ..1. 1 ‘ amt icjlt..lx, i-.smo#
'•* "* * .uni, whyoaM AttiefflKlrMer
ftiuMid uoi-1.0 Jq.. Imrgcil li,.m in* ,-Miiiilu-
Istrr.tlon anil reeeiie I.< tu-rs of IMs nit •-
sioii *ll the Hint Mot day in October. 1881
Ihiaduii* fkh, ISM. *
t. . - , ti. A. THOMAS, Ord.
June lr, Sin. (.SSwouln.)
u, 'ofiii A. Siewjit, Admiuis
ualorof Havid C. Viinluv.i;, rt prwertts
to the court in kis petition duly 4n ,f
entered en, that he tins fifdv ad-
Miinistcrctl L>.C. Viinhook’s estate. Tills
is, therefore, to cite ati per*..ns oouetmeil
simtr.d in-1 erciHtont, to slimveiuis* if
any they can, why said Administrator
slioiild not lie iltschargcd from hi* ailiniii-
Istrattnn ar.d receive Lett, is of Dismis
sion on the first Monday in Octouer next
t his June mil, lhHi.
, 0. A TIIo.MAS, Old.
June IG-3ui. (Wwords.)
M'licrens, Jnjin A Stewart, Adminis
trator, fie bonis non, of .John I’atlorshn.
Ueceusetl represents to the court in hts
petition duly tiled and entered on record
that he tins full) lulminis.ercd John PaU
teison s estate. Tliis is. therefore, to
cite, dll l>eisons concerned, kindred and
creditors, Vo show cause, if any they can.
why said Administrator should not be
discharged from lit* administration and
receive Letters of 1) omission on the first
Monday m October, 1881. This June (ftii,
IS V' <l. A. THOMAS,Ord.
June Iti-Jm. (Sf words.)
J. M. WATKINS, SI. I). | i. R, JOHNSON', U. D.
Druggists & Physicians
Dr ua s’, me t> fctnes,
Ciietnictiis, I’ainls, Oils,
Ferfumery,Toilet Articles,
,-| r Clartlcti Seeds,
Cigdfs, Tobacco,
Slalionery, Inks,
I’utt?, IVncils, Notions
• >'
IN fact, everything usually to la; found In
a first-class Drug tftore will he kept in
stock, nml sold at a moderate ndyam e on
firat cost. We shall discard everything in
the way of merelmntatile goials and deal
in uothing Imt the purest Drugs ami Med
icines, thereby giving our customers as
much in quantity, and the best in quality
j tor the same amount of money charged
for goods where drugs arc not made a spe
cialty. Try us.
march 18-tf.
l%fillin<£ Public*.
undersigned Jakes pleivuirb in in
4 frn-tning all who contcnisfptr l.nii.iin.,
anew, or reconstructing old dills sml who
dji not wish to Incur the risk of failure to
mtnnn-rtirr tnait-mnitls, it will pc trt
tlielr Interest td consult limr Id f ae closing
contract for your Mil' Improvement. Jl u .
sideH being fully prepared, after years of
study and practice, to do all kinds of Mill
work in the best etylr, lam
Apt for all tia-rs of Mil! Machinery
ef the most improved pafleni.-, and guur
antee-to sell them at Msnufaottm-rs’ and
Importcis’ prices, lucludlng the celebrated
leffel DauWe Tnrhlne Water Wheel.
Firm'll TTnrr Warn,
Machines, Hrttsh Finishing
nine Dufour and patch Ancnor Uniting
Cloths, Lusting*, (h-uriugs, Ac. Also
Sergeant's Mill fliur Driver and
Portable Mills, Belting, Middling Purifi
ers, Kleyhitor Belting and Cups, Mill Dres
sing Machinery' of til kinds, including
Patent Press, Ac., Ac.
Now, if you want anything ih my line
I promise satisfaction in ivoi kmansliip ami
priee. Call on or addfefis
Dee. 20-ly. EHU.TAY, GA
Jno S, Young,
I Vl'* IT a' C i B W r JTiS,
Knoxville, Term.
July 2!-:tm.
PIANOS lit ?75.00
PIANOS til 91-200
ORGANS ul $500.00.
. Uinta to Purchasers.
When selecting a Piano Forte or Organ
it is important to remember—
1. That there is more economy in buy
ing a really first-class instrument, at a rea
sonable figure, than in purchasing another
merely because it is much cheaper.
2. Always give the choice of youi pat
rynnge to Responsible Dealers that liaudle
established Pianos and Organs.
A Iways Lay an Instrument with
a Soul in it.
ttTHerd for Catalogue anil Prices. Pi
anos and Organs tuned aud ‘ repaired. Pi
anos and Organs Exchanged, or received
in part pay for new.
Foreign and American Sheet Music.
Guitars. Violins, Banjos, Strings, and all
kihds o( Musical Merchandise. Sunday
School instruction Clmir of all kinds.
Hound Note, “Skapd ’ 'Note*. Address,
W.M. 8016 & CO.
HiMtox, Ga.
Aug 11, sm.
1 —i 1 p >■ ■ EWMiiii.
1 TIS -
WILL visit Eilija, and Jfor'nton *
both the *prii# ~id h' p . ; er - fl‘ e f.
perinr Court snt ofi-: r,- -is-., --
tract when sulfic ;r' wcrV-ia
to Juatlry me in making tn Vi
droa* as above.
J*i . Cuba <>. L. KKAfr
€i; BB A: vV \,
BUCKHOa.., \
Iho usually quiet cooununitv c x
town ts ablaze with tweitenv-nt in*
uof my KKW STOP. It, wl.c -
;cari crane and i-uy r.kxl: as cli-m
--any Nortli Ga. Mnr-ct. t)ur s'
ways embrace ev. ryttring usuaP
round m a first-dess eomtry store, >
yoabavn’t tmraev will |„k efcicki ns.
corw, wjivm, fathers, wool or .•
that can be eaten or Bold, Brinii
yoor money and pfrafuce.
tf - t?OBB Sc HH.VRL'Y
IASS f,, “
Fm Mm's Efcz ff mm
Positively restores the ffearing, and
the Only Absolute Cure for Dvif.
osh Know t)i
'I bis Oil is extracted from a peonp i
specie. f ot sum Ii .\y 11 jt j.; Jl' '! K
t u.-tit 111 the Yellow Sea. known
itmcliui'iidoii K.uoleletJi. Kverv chi
Do lirtvcnV k s fI " H iK U ’ 1,6 *
poi time of hcaruig Went if,* a,vert'd in- .
I>U‘rtlint alioi, t !*f>c vctif 15T^
i iircH were so mimennis and t-ti'i
s.-emiiyiv ralmodoua, that the -r-
Vina ,)(ir,-;a.:!y |,To,-hiimet*. overtfx- , : .j.,
Li'ipint. [ts use became so -
that Toi over .d_Kt vein sno Deafht-. > .
existo,l nin,mg Hi* ClifnavepeoDih.
pel- to *" } a -
Only pnpurted by It A Yi.OCK A Cos.
- hie Agentk forAuieri,-;,, tub. am
Its virtues unquestionable and i
curative character al-solitte, as th' v -
Can jtr,malty testify, j,,th from e
cnee anil observation.
Among the many readers of the ‘nc
view” in one part nml anothef -c -J -
country, it is probable that mini!, r a
nHlicted with, deafness, and to such it nt>./
be said: “Write at once to Haykmk, ,i
Cos., 7, Dey Street, New York, enclosing
*l, and you will recieve by return mail E
remedy tha| will ennlile you to Lear lilo
anybody era!-, and whose curative eSt -
will bo permanent. You will neve; r grel
dolhg so.—lfdltor of New York Mer.-an
tile Hcvlow, Bo,tl . in- JBBO.
veto uamaanT a sens, rati&tipjat **
raYHK jiailuoat> is :.
JB. will be a home mart .t fo
ot nourne every otic wbo owns
want, an orchard. Th- undeivi.
Agctit for tliecc!' bran and
of Franklin county, Tennessee,
would lie plensed to receive orders t
ajj who want ttrst-elio- o all k:
“Cimiler'f nfllce, \V. h'. i’ Ti!'!' J
may 27th, Um. Kllijsv. L
Ellijuy SviiLiiiai w
Mala and Fem.cs''
Cr.AsstOAt, SoiKXrrpio Aitn Pit a.
Students prepared For the higher
versify classes or for business life.
For furtherparticulars addrtss.
M G Hates. A. />,,
jnly 0 If'. Principal
Tills Wonderful
Is wAmnta) lo iwa-roo* lolaOirr. mis
ataa. and saura cord wonrt or toys of any i '-
day mail two ntrn can chop or saw the olu w-.
Kvart ISrmor and Lumberman needs ore.
. Mtao IMKill UIHHTWH U.
•SSloXxu WntlW &L, OiQ,
Attorney at La ay,
el|ijaT, g...
W ILL practice in the Supc-tJon• <1
of the Blue Kidge Circuit. iPrer i at
teutioo given to all busim :i cptru • to
hife Cade
Attorney er* Leas
M'ihL practice in the Sup, rim
the Blue Kidgc and Cherokee
in the Supreme t’olut of Gge
in the United States (joint- *
Will give Special atte,it : r. : .
and sale of all kipds f rc.i*-
land litigation •