The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, November 10, 1876, Image 4

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Sh t iDglcltapc vfcho. Trldny Jlni-ninjj. - - Vovoinbflr 10, 1*476. T. L. CANTT, Editor, Publisher and Proprietor. AX AI IIK AX lilMi S KL< KFII>. A Ximouri;]ii at a Savnjfe Court in Ccn . ti-al Airicu. Col. 0. C. Long, of Che Egyptian army, now visiting with I>:h lamily friends in tit. Louis, gives the following account of liis reception at the court of King M’tesa, to which he had penetrated with two at tended* only. My reception by this strange and mys terious king was unique. Covering the hill tops that characterize the mountain ous districts of the lake regions were thousands of the poopie of Uganda, as sembled to welcome “ the Great White Prince,”as they called me. King M’tesa, surrounded by his courtiers and harem, as I arrived, sent a messenger to ask me to appear before him and show him the strange animal upon wihch I was moun ted. Iw as riding the first horse that had ever been seen in Uganda. At a quick ened pace advancing toward the King and courtiers they fled precipitately be fore uie, while I, turning my horse, re- Sained the hill from which 1 haddescen cd, and, throwing my foot from the stir rup, in the act of dismounting, I was surprised to sec the people scatter in every direction in dismay. I learned from the interpreter that they had sup ()Osctl, up to that moment, that I and the torse were one animal—that f was a kind of a centaur. I was presented the next day to the; King—-a tall, graceful man, dressed in a flowing Arabic robe, bound at the waist by a girdle to which a scimetar was suspended, and with san dalled feet, who eyed my horse with an affrighted glance and retreated towards his throne. Prostrate bodies covered the entrance and floor of the hut. It was here that the King held audience with hia different Sheiks and chiefs, and the heads of the different branches of his Government. The ceremony ended in a slight inclination of the head of the King to his messengers, who unrolling from their heads neatly-bound cords, threw them around the necks of the assembled throng at the door, and dragged them, holloaing and struggling, away to an ex ecutioner, who, as the fancy struck him, bail them poinarded or choked to death, <or bad their brains dashed out. This is a sacrifice which is made to all African kings. If SUFFERING with any chronic dis ease, consult Dr. Durham, Maxey’s, Ga. - * Si— The immense number of people who apply to Dr. Durham for treatment, suffering with some chronic disease, is proof of his success in the treatment of chronic diseases. Hundred Tiiousuud people 'Will cheerfully testify to the wonderful effica cy of H>r. Gilder’s Liver Pills. They have been used for more than h;df a century, blit it is only in the last few years that they have been brought prominently before the general public. And every day people arc rejoicing jthsU at hist they have found a pill that exact ly raeets their wants. Headache, dyspepsia, ■constipation, indigestion, pains in the side or •back, and many other ailments disappear •after taking the first dase of these pills. One dose of pills and a few grains of quinine will •effectually cure chills and fever. Gilder’s .Liver bills are sold by all respectable mer chants and druggists. JUSCELLA NEO US. STATE OF GEORGIA, OGLETHORPE COUNTY.—Petition for Letters of Dis j mission. Whereas, C. W. Sims, one of the < administrators of John Sims, deceased, late of ► *nid county —G. R. Sims having died —saidC. W. Sims now applies to me for Letters of Dis mission from said estate — There are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, on or before the first Monday iii January, 1877, why said letters should not . he granted. Given under mv hand and official signature, at office in Lexington, this 25th day of Sept., 1876. T. D. GILHAM, [ss] Ordinary. J. H. Echoes. J. W. Echols. ECHOLS & CO., Cotton Factors iCommissun Merchants, 158 and 160 Reynolds St., Augusta, Ga. Bagging and Ties furnished at lowest rates and liberal advances made on Cotton in store. Money Saved by Purchasing Piano Fortes at Original Augusta Music House. ESTABLISHED ISIS. Tiie subscriber will furnish Piano Fortes at as low prices as van be done hv any dealer in the country (contrary assertions notwithstanding), and will deliver them at manufacturers’ prices, with stool and cover, at the nearest railroad depot, for cash or city acceptance, freight paid, and send a competent tuner to nut them up and leave them in good order, thus relieving the pur chaser from all responsibility. References given to hundreds who have purchased (from nim during the last 28 years. Agent for Stein way & Son, Bacon 4 Karr, and other first class makes. Pianos from $250 to $1,200, furnished at short notice. First-class Cabinet ORGANS furnished. Pianos Tuned and Re paired. Orders from the country punctually attended to. GEO. A. OATES, 240 Broad Strec George Osvtes 9 DEALER IN .SCHOOL and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. AND STATIONERY, and everything else kept in a first-class Book Store. SCHOOLS supplied at reasonable prices. BLANK BOOKS in great variety. ~~ GILDING, LOOKING-GLASS ~~ PICTURE ' 'FRAMES! Patronize Pome industry, fTUIE ONLY GILDING ESTABLISH JL MENT in the State where Gold Frames can be made from the beginning, and all kinds of old gilt frames can be regilt and made equal to new. All work warranted as good and as cheap for the same kind as in any city in the United States. OLD PAINT INGS restored and relieved. A large stock of CIIROMOS always on hand. Send on your work and satisfaction guaranteed. Look ing-Glasses. both French and English, fur nished at Manufacturer’s prices. Refers to the Editor of Oglethorpe rSciiO, GEORGE C. OATES, seplO-tf 240 Broad st., Augusta, Ga. POPE BARROW, ATTORNEY II LAW, A TIJ L-Y.s', - - _ GEORGIA. \Y, A. Garrett. W. A. Latimer. Garrett & Latimer, COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, No. 8 Melutosh Street, AUGUSTA ~, G EORGIA. Liberal cash advances made on Cotton in store. Buggipg and Ties at lowest market J>ric*s. sep2'J-3ca w* “ c \ adav at home. Samples worth $1 vU H 0-v f r-vu, SUtuj.i J; Cos, Portland, Me A TURNS. J. F. WILSON & CO rjIIIE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE REMOVED JL to No. 12 Franklin House Range, Broad Street, ATHENS, OA., where they keep con stantly on hand a large and beautiful stock of FURNITURE EVERY DESCRIPTION. to which they invite the attention of the pub lic, and which will be sold ASTON ISIIINGL Y LOW ! Coins & Biirial Cases Furnished AS LOW or LOWER than by auv other establishment in the city. The citizens of Oglethorpe are cordially in vited to call and examine our Stock when they visit Athens. We will sell them Furni ture CHEAPER and MUCH BETTER than they can purchase elsewhere. Will take great pleasure in showing them our stoek. Be SURE and give us a call. J. F. WILSON & CO. GOTTHEIMER & BRO., Of LEXINGTON, GA., are Agents for oui Metallic and Wood Coffius, and keep a full assortment of the same on hand at all times. Parties can purchase of them at same prices as from ourselves W. A. TALMADGE, PRACTICAL Watchmaker 8c Jeweler, DEALER IN tieiWctfK, Wnti lies, Clocks, Jewelry, ; Musical Instruments, Cutlery, Canes, Guns, Pistols, handsome BIRTHDAY and BRI DAL PRESENTS, etc. Guns and Pistols repaired in the best man ner and warranted. The sole agent for J. MOSES’ ELECTRO GALVAN IC SPECTACLES. Mr. E. A. WILLIAMSON, a practical jew eller, will be found here, who solicits a con tinuance of the patronage from his friends. College Avenue, Opposite Post Office, oct6-tf ATHENS, GA. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FTJJVEIE 3 BUY BARNES’ DOUBLE-ACTING STONE FORGE PUMP ONE that at the start brings the water pure, fresh and cool, as it is in your well. No stale water standing in it. No slime or filth collects on or in it. No snails or worms from wooden piping. Is free from rust or other impurities, and discharges the water much faster than any other Pump. It works with ease—a small child can operate it. It is of stone, glazed on inside and outside like glass, and cannot wear out or decay. Thoroughly ventilates your well, airs the water, and makes it like living, moving water. Im proves the water more than if there was no Pump in the well. With hose attached, it becomes a Fire Engine, ever ready at your door, reducing the risk from fire and the pre miura on insurance. Is easy to keep in re pair, and works with two-thirds the power required by any other Pump of same capacity. Gives universal satisfaction, as all our nume rous patrons will cheerfully attest. Is a home enterprise, permanently established. Relies on its own merits, and through them asks your patronage. If you want such a Pump, .1. W. GILLELAND, Agent, at firm of Gille land & Betts, Broad street, Athens, Ga., would be pleased to serve you in that line. Satis faction guaranteed. lie is also agent for a I*OW I*l IS I*| ! MS’, made on same princi ple, with either Lever or Rotary Motion, for railroad, factory or mining purposes, moving from 40 to SO gallons per minute, bringing the water from bottom of wells, and throwing a half-ineli stream 100 feet from hose nozzle. Also the Little Giant Village Fire Engine, Throwing a stream 133 feet on level. Call and examine, or address J. W. GILLELAND, Agent, At firm of Gilleland & Betts, Broad street, Athens, Ga. oct2o-6m Qeneral icket RAILROAD TICKETS For sale, bv all routes, to all principal point IN THE UNITED STATES. Buy your Tickets in Athens, and get all information from Capt. WM. WILLIAMS, Agent Southern Express Cos., Athens Ga WM.WALSEMAN I jl ASH ION ABLE TAILOR, at Reese & Lane’s store, Athens, Ga. Earnestly so licits a call from his old Oglethorpe friends. THE REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE! The Latest The Best ! rpHE REMINGTON SEWING MA -1 CIIINE is the best Machine now before the public. This statement is based upon the testimony of experts who have exam ined it thoroughly side by sid. with other first-class Machines, and have unanimously given it the preference. It has taken PREMIUMS over all other Machine*. exhibited at the Fairs in Athens, Griffin, the State Pair at Macon, and the Alabama Fait at Selma. At these Eairs ALL the First-Class Machines worked in the South were on exhi bition and in competition. These FACTS should convince everybody that the Remington IS TIIE BEST MA CHINE. Don’t buv until vou have seen this Machine. L. SCHEVENELL & CO., novX2*lm Gen’l Agents, Athens. LITTLE STORE^CORNER HERE THE CITIZENS OF OGLETHORPE will alwav find the Cheapest and Best Stock of FANCY GOODS, LIQUORS, GROCERIES, LAMPS, OIL, Etc. J. M. BARRY. Broad Str., Athens, Ga. bell & CO., HARDWARE MERCHANTS Ducpree Block, ATHENS, GA., AGENTS FOR BROOK WALTER AND OTHER Portable Enjyines, THRESHERS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, Etc Our Mr. SUMMEY is at present in New York, purchasing the LARGEST STOCK OF HARDWARE ever brought to this market. ATHENS AD VERTISEMENTS. R. P. Eberhart. J. B. Eberhart. \v p Varney R. P. & J. B. EBERHART & CO., Manufacturers, AN liolefcale and Retail Dealers iu Boots and Shoes of Every Description. Our Manufacturing Department is turning out sixty pair of shoes everv day which we warrant to our customers. \\ e keep in our retail department a full assortment of’all kinds of Boots and hoes, as cheap as the cheapest. In the repairing department, which we give espe ual attention to, we have some ot the best workmen in the State. Those wishing repairing done or new Shoes and Boots at retail, will please call and examine our facilities for supply ing their demands. \\ holesale customers w ill receive bottom prices and warranted goods bv calling at our stand No. lo Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. oct27-3m. ' More Mews for MSs ofOgtetliorpe J. H. HUGGINS, Has just received a large and well selected stock of New Goods of all kinds, and is now pre pared for the I all Trade. He desires to call special attention to his large stock of FINE AND CHEAP BUGGY HARNESS And his new and well selected stoek of SADDLES and BRIDLES, which were bought at low prices and can be sold cheaper than ever. As usual, his stock of Crockery and Glassware, Lamps 8c Lamp Fixtures is full and complete. His stock comprises family and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Leather, Kerosene and Machine Oil, Lime and Cement. And owing to the fact THAT IIE IS NOW SELLING ONLY FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE, HIS PRICES ARE GREATLY REDUCED! Remember the place. J. H. HUGGINS,. No. 7 Broad street, Athens, Ga. THE “TIMES” THE GILT-EDGE COOK STOVE OF AMERICA! AT THE NORTH-EAST GEORGIA Stove and Tin-Ware Depot ATHENS, GEORGIA. J. J. C. M’MAHAN, an,, WITCHER & JARRELL, AGENTS AT CRAWFORD, GA. Silver and Plated Ware, NO DRONES IN THE STORE OF S. C. DOBBS. EVERY MAN WORKS, PRINCIPAL & CLERKS The undersigned, just returned from the Northern markets with a full and varied stoek of almost every description of goods, bought at Low and Panic Prices, consisting in part of 50 bbls. SUGARS, 200 rolls BAGGING, 16,000 lbs. FLOUR, 100 boxes TOBACCO, assort’d 200 kegs assorted NAILS 4,000 lbs. Hemlock Sole Leather Sugar-cured HAMS. 50 bags Rio COFFEE, Upper and Harness Leath’r 200 sacks S \ LT, 20 bales Fac. YARNS, 16,000 lbs. BACON, Leaf LARD, Kerosene OIL, 1,000 bdls. Iron Cotton TIES, 1,000 pairs Home-made and Northern Brogan SHOES. Boots and Shoes, Bats and Caps, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Cotton, Hemp and Jute Rope, Saddlery 8c Harness, and various other articles too tedious to mention, all of which he offers to the trade of Athens and the surrounding country for CASH, COTTON OR OTHER COUNTRY PRODUCE, at at low or lower prices than can be bought in the State of Georgia. He makes a specialty of LOOKING AFTER COUNTRY MERCHANTS who wish to buy goods to sell again, and offers goods to the Jobbing Trade, and guarantees satisfaction. [sep29-3m] S. C. DOBBS. FALL DRV GOODS AND MILLINERY M. MYERS, COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, GEORGIA, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Oglethorpe and surrounding country that he has just received and opened the best selected stock of the Latest Styles of DRY AND DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, MILLINERY, 3?liiladelpliia Made Boots Shoes, Hats, Fancy Goods, Notions of all kinds, which he will sell as low or lower than any house in Athens, having purchased the same at Lowest Cash Prices, in the Northern markets. My stock of DRESS GOODS is, as usual, large, stylish, beautiful and extremely cheap. My FALL PRINTS are of the latest styles and best brands. Anew stock just opened. My stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING cannot be surpassed in st\ le, quality and price in the State. I only ask a call, and your cifstom is insured. From Hie finest to coarsest. In Boots and Shoes I offer the celebrated Philadelphia makes; universally acknowledged the best made. In Hats, Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Shawls, Cloaks, Furs, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Knit Goods, Table Damask, Towels, Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Needles and Thread, I offer uimsual inducements. I have full lines of these articles. IT IT U 11ITT T TNI?PV comprising the latest styles in Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, 111 L 111 1 Li Li 111 1J ili I , Laces, Bows, Flowers, etc., was selected by Mrs. Myers in person, who, through long experience in this branch, never fails to give satisfaction. POTTMTOV A ATTQ Will find it to their interest to examine mv UU Uil IXI 1 illlli lllj 11 A IN ILJ stock before purchasing, as I can offer them as good inducements as can be had in the State. Don’t forget to give me a call when you visit Athens, and I insure perfect satisfaction. oet27-2m M. MYERS, College Avenue. F. P. TALMADGE, DEALER IN 7 American and Imported Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, GUNS, PISTOLS, Etc. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in a neat, workmanlike manner and [ warranted to give entire satisfaction. Ornamental and Plain LETTER ENGRAVING a Specialty. 13. College Avenue, gs§K D gr 0 o g R | R c o o^N T E H R E ATHENS, GA. GILLELAND “TIETTS BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA., Are offering BARGAINS to the citizens of Oglethorpe and surrounding country, in FAMILY AND FANCY GROCERIES, Comprising Flour, Sugar, Coffee, and the best Leaf Lard in the market, Tobacco and Cigars. WINES AND (LIQUORS, Of all kinds, for both Cooking and Medicinal purposes, are among their specialties. AGENTS FOR ONE OF THE LARGEST PACKERS OF CANNED COODS In the North, and are offering special inducements in these goods. Thev have also a small stock ot CROC KERY and GLASS\\ ARE, which they will sell at less than New York prices. They are also agents for one of the Largest and Best FLOUR MILLS in the Western States, and can sell Flour as cheap as it can be bought. They deal also in STAPLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS! It you want anything to eat, drink, chew or smoke, von will find it in endless varietv and at the lowest possible prices, at the new store of foct2o-3] GILLELAND & BETTS. M. C. & J. F. KISER & COMPANY, JOBBERS OF Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats & Notions, Corner Pryor and Wall Streets, (Opposite the Kimball House,) seplo-4m - ATLANTA, GEORGIA. MOORE, MARBH & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes & Hats, i CORNER DECATUR AND PRIOR STREETS, | seplo-lm ATLANTA, GEORGIA CRAWFORD. New Fall Goods! T AM NOW PREPARED to offer to the peo- X pie of Oglethorpe countv GOOD GOODS FOR LESS MONEY than the same quality of Goods have been sold for since the war in this market. All I ask to convince you of this fact is to call and price my stock, which consists of DRY GOODS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, PROVISIONS, FAMILY GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, TOBACCO, CIGARS, FURNITURE, &c. I am also willing to 'pay a fair price for Cotton. My Goods are NOW COMING i:V ALL ARE INVITED TO COME! UC. McMAHAN. SEE JHERE! Witcher AND Jarrell, HAVE received a choice stock of FALL GOODS, which they are offering to their friends and the public generally AT VERY LOW PRICES! India Soap at Witcher & Jarrell’s. Seed Wheat at Witcher & Jarrell’s. Boots and Shoes at Witcher & Jarrell’s. Go to Witcher & Jarrell’s for Pocket Knives. We will buy our Salt at Witcher & Jarrell’s. Witcher & Jarrell have pretty Calicoes. Seed Barley for sale by AVitcher Jarrell. AVitcher & Jarrell sell Bagging and Ties. AVitcher & Jarrell sell a great many Goods not mentioned in the Echo. Give Witcher a Jarrell a call before buving elsewhere. AVitcher & Jarrell will continue to mark cot ton for any who may wish to ship to their factors. Try the celebrated Orokonoko Tobacco, sold BY WITCHER & JARRELL. Dus, £ Dentistry. Being permanently located at CRA WFORD, GA., I aw now prepared to do all kinds of DENTAL WORK! at short notice, in the best style and on mod erate terms. My references ar. Close who have kindly favored me with their ,-ttronage. Having also opened a DRUG STORE! I am prepared to supply Physicians ST A NDA RD MEDICINES ! and’tlie public with all such articles in t Drug Line usually needed in families, inclu ding a full line of Leading Medicines, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, Lamps, Chimneys, Perfumery, Stationery, Soaps, Toilet Articles, Cigars, TOBACCO, Blue Stone, &c., &e. AVhen you have given me a trial and failed to do as well or better than elsewhere, I will not complain if you withdraw your patron- M. H. THOMAS, M. D. DRUGGIST AND DENTIST. LEXINGTON. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT THE Mammoth Store OF ill & LATIMER, LEXINGTON, GA WE respectfully announce to our friends and patrons, and to the public gener ally, that we have on hand a complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, Etc., Etc. Mr. Latimer having selected own stock in person, with great care, we are prepared to sell at unquestionable reasonable prices. Cotton is low and money is scarce ; hence it behooves every one to exercise care to pur chase goods at minimum prices. Consult your interest by calling and exam ining our well selected stock. AYe are confi dent we can please you both as to goods and prices. Tf&f* Highest market price paid for Cotton. lIAIRE &. LATDIER. -At Big- Boot Haire’s, TIE BIGGESfLOT OF SHOES in the county, at bottom prices, at JOHN T. M. HAIRE’S. THE LARGEST STOCK OF NEW CLOTHING in the county at JOHN T. M. HAIRE’S. THE ONLY “GEN. COLQUITT HATS” At JOHN T. M. HAIRE’S. GOODS OF ALL KINDS So per Cent Cheaper than ever offered by JOHN T.M. HAIRE CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Q"l rt a day at home. Agents warned. Outfit and terms free. True Co.,Augusta Ale AUGUSTA ADVERTISEMENTS. W. DANIEL. C. A. ROWLAND DANIEL & ROWLAND, COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Jackson and Reynolds Streets, AUGUSTA, GA. Consignments solicited. Bagging, Ties and Family Supplies furnished. octl3-3m q. V. SUCCESSOR TO ECG. ROGERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, 147, 147a, and 149 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, G\. C. GRAY & CO., (orner Broad and Al 2 PIIPT A ni Mclntosh Street*, fiUbUoTfl, GA. o Next to the necessity of voting for “ TILDEN AND REFORM” comes that of Buying Your Dry Goods Cheap ! We have on hand and are daily receiving a SPLENDID LINE OF FALL DRY GOODS DlnmHnn e o a , u Pedalty J ® A NS and DOMESTICS, and all goods used on the Farm and I lantation, and can conhdently recommend our stock of these goods a. u 'c t® r S„ a r"iSr hed SHIRT[NQS “* 8I1EETI!TO OUR STOCK OF DRESS GOODS V I 8 Drge, well assorted, and best of all, exceedingly Cheap. : : DOMESTICS AT FACTORY PRICES. LINENS, HOSIERY AND NOTIONS DEFY COMPETITION. WE CAN DO BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE ON Blankets, Shawls, Comforts, Cassimeres, Etc., and that is saying a gieat deal. To be convinced, come and see for you selves, or SEND FOR SAMPLES. Q. CRAY & CO. “ FOREST CITY” FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, 170 Rirokß, Ola. " CEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., PROPRIETORS, MANUFACTURE Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES HORSE POWERS ; and BOILERS; Graham’s Improved Solid Rim, and other SAW MILLS; GRIST MILLS; styles of GIN GEAR ; SHAFTING ; PULLEYS ; pff- Special attention given to REPAIRING GEARING; HANGERS; Etc. and OVER HAULING MACHINERY ; IRON and BRASS CASTINGS ; Promptness and GOOD WORK guaranteed. PLANTATION and MILL WORK, all kinds Send for Catalogue of MILL GEARING. AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated Eclipse Double Turbine Water-Wheel, The Judson Governor, and the Niagara Steam Pump. SA SH IVi:i II TS in any quantity. Send for Circulars THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE IS THE WORLD’S FAVORITE. AS IS INDISPUTABLY PROVEN BY THE FOLLOWING LIST OF SWORN SALES . Sales, 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. * THE SINGER 131.260 219,753 2182.144 241.079 249. *52 Wheeler & Wilson 128,526 174,088 119,190 92,827 103,740 Howe (Jan’y Ito July 1 84,010) 145,000 No returns. 35,000 25,000 Remington 26,110 Domestic 10,397 49,554 30,114 22,700 21,452 Wilson (new) 17,525 9,508 THE CELEBRATED BAZAR GLOVE-FITTING PATTERNS! FOR SALE AT OCR BRANCH OFFICES. Fifteen Rood Agents Wanted tit Onco TO SELL The Great Singer Machine I Address THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., Augusta, Ga. Sir WT4TT\TFY formerly franklin & whitney. • FtL. tt XXX X J-N XI; _L Cotton Factor and: tom. .Verrhaat, 159 Reynolds street, Augusta, Ga., returns thanks to the many friends of the old firm, far their liberal patronage in the past, and solicits for himself a continuance of the same, and will guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Special personal attention given to weighing and selling cotton. Bagging al Ties fur nished. Liberal cash advances made on Cotton in store. Agent for STARK’S CELEBRATED VIRGINIA DIXIE PLOWS. The books, notes and accounts of the old firm of Franklin & Whitney are in my p**- session. All parties indebted to the late firm are requested to make prompt settlement of their accounts. sep29-3m S. M. WHITNEY. THOMPSON & HEINDEL, MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, NEWELS, MANTELS, BALUSTERS , VERANDAHS, Etc. DEALERS IN DRESSED & UNDRESSED LUMBER A LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Hale st., near C. R. R. Yark, A||P||CTJ PI JBfeY“ Send for Price List and Circular. nUuUu In| uni HI. P. STOVALL, ~ Cotton Factor ail Coinon Merchant, No. 5 Warren Block, AUGUSTA, GA., continues to give his personal attention to the Sto rage and Sale of Cotton and other Produce, Liberal cash advances made on consignments. 06 J. and. brownT Gilder, Looking-Glass and Picture-Frame Maher, 49 Jackson Stbeet, Augusta, Ga. ipfr- The Augusta (Ga.) 'Gilding. Looking-Glass and Picture-Frank* Manufactory is the only place in Georgia where you can have made to order, HOME MADE from beginning to end, every kind of PORTRAIT FRAME, Ornamental or Plain. ALL KINDS OF PICTURE FRAMES, made to order at short notice, equally as good and at the same price that,you can have the same work done for in any part of the United States. The best and most respectable references can be furnished on application, and esti mates given on work. VS-I claim to be the only PRACTICAL RESTORER of OLD OIL PAINTINGS in the State, having had eighteen years steady practice in the Souths (7 years in South Carolina and 11 in Augusta). 1 have restored Oil Paintings worth thou sands of dollars each, and never fail to give perfect satisfaction. A trial is all I ask N All kinds of PIC TUBE 1 RAM ES, Ornamental or Plain, can be re gilt at ONE-HALE THE EXPENSE of new ones, no matter how much tiiev are broken or defaced in the ornav ments. A trial is all 1 and satisfaction is assured, 4- BROWS*