The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, January 18, 1878, Image 2

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THEOGLETHOffE ECRO * T. L. CABTT, p,.„-xW Enrroa. Pmsms **o - — - frM*7 «•»»■«• jmmmmrj IX- UffX eKST I J=TS^S“ ■m the Cbmree women and children at Maaaa. F.n-,.K-.< i the other at Pola by Pa’Ua, Nov, 6. Kestcck y owe* only about tfiO.OOO, and smpk tneaDahtttefceenJWiJai&fof the payment of the debt when it becomes ISDtAS custom make* thesquaw prop ” “ * " d " P - ----— The artesian well at Charleston, not yet finished, now discharges 85 or 90 gal Ions to the minute, and the temperature water is ove dw ;. S?.5SS3E^ ja^e.r^v'TS^ ,1c cable at the rate of 6^25 ail* a ona’Or ond or nearlv u ' r fifty time# slower than, - - the ordinary telegraph . wire. . along ---—--- WOMESand negroes, it is proposed by a bill now before the California Legnda tore, 'shall hereafter be permitted to practice asla wyer* i u that St ate. ‘ * * “ “ L'sceb the new - Constitution of f rj^,. ria theft is made punishable by perpet ual disfranchisement. Thieves will have no voice In making law_s for honest men. A cot-wry official of Raleigh, NO is unable to read print or inanusenpty but is an excellent copyist, writing page - "• -- 1 b '“‘“ hand. k«i the 1st inst -five gentlemen dying sud denly with their boots on. Some idea - of r-» the ’ dreadful r —irr ravages - of r diphtheria in Vermont may be gained by ih this, s Tweatv-one twenty one children cnitaren in in one r dis trict were attacked by the disease. ty of these died, thus sweeping off the entire school population of one district kss.-rnroitata, nearly the entire edifice, outside reliefs, Corinthian capitals, inside stature, roof and ceiling arc made of paper-^ier mocAe, made water-proof by saturation vitriol, whey, lime water and albumeo. ^ Some Englishmen unearthed an old M book published 210 years ago, which says vented a telephone by whieh it was siblc to hear a -hisperat a furlong’s imce. ThconginaTtelephoneman used a "distended wire” to communicate ’• ; ' —»■♦ «■,. — - -. TheRcj. a recent lecture in San Francisco on - Ireland’s Ja*(Btmlence,” said that there are from ____. YtWff millions of Irishmen on the globe, and that an army of two hundred and fifty thouaand could easily be raised to remove British supremacy in Ireland. A San Francisco correspondent says that gold is carted around there as much as lead ia carted inN ew York. Boys carry ♦anvils bags j,j g<,id liircugb ilto strict*. Kegs and bags of gold are thrown into carta as though they were bags of nails. In the Bank of Nevada trays of gold rert on the counter, not caged and wired as thrown around silks in a dry goods store. THE narrow .strip of land called Bessa¬ rabia, which was wrested away from the Russians and given tack to Roumania, after the Crimean war, lies along the bank of the river Pruth, and. embraces the mouth of the Danube. It is of the greatest importance to Russia, and Itou mania cannet afford to lose it, and Aus¬ tria will not ta, witling for Russia to pos¬ sess it. Its chief advantage now is in its commercial importance. —- I SI II I O • A change has come over the spirit of Henry Ward Beecher’s dream. Two three years ago it was impossible to get that eminent divine to lecture outside the Williamsport larger cities, idcrautou, Reading anti couldn’t get him at any .price, but ttbw he hasitn agent who is visiting the small towns of the State try. ing to drum up interest enough to secure him a house. In many instances they don’t want him at any price. ♦ Stai -- . Peru seems to be a promised land to the Chinese. There are now in that country between sixty and seventy thou¬ sand of these people, nearly half the whole number in California, and their condition is described by the American minister, Mr. Gibbs, as in the highest p ro s pero us. Grea t numbers have obtained their freedom; they enjoy all the rights of citixens, they intermarry with whites, and their prominence in trade is rapidly increasing. To encour¬ age their immigration still further the Peruvian government ha* made provis¬ ion for extensive transportation from Aiia. ’ _ Mr. Beecher, in a sermon preached recently, indicated very clearly what his views are upon a question wbich ha* been somewhat , discussed of late, via.; “ Is there a belt I' 4 II.. ; “ If you V • this world sweeping its i nhabitants like dead flies into hell, you ask me to wore shipadevil worse than any medsval devil ever imagined, and I wont do it. I J, wont worship cruelty I defy f ~ iiirUstice 1 ana i will worship love—a love as patient as that of a mother with a sick child, The kind of heaven that must exist with ^LuToffi mat 1 non t want wa^t^to”' to go to. ° f W . . a in™*, in Bakerfield, G.UfomI. had r peculiar features. The mob deman ded fi with the keys of the jail. Three hours of hard work with sledges and crowbars, however, delivered the five culprits Lm into the lynchers' hand# A A coart m ..rt room was ’ opened in I tk. yore for the prosecution and defence, and a jury was chosen witliont troobfe* tat there difllo,u- ’ V tZ - P was ! , «<anouy , a d, ®™'U fbr the about prosecution . WLtoess. ■ . ^7uL?td’, 11 il T ay - Thejury prisoners Were sfn/nccdto'b el ang^d inT AT VhM ■ p t>7Ttt few k h£'ln£ agox-veral > SToL* of the ! i0 af.r» » waning* •‘old ttairmfcnda bojrajLaroi * and numb, admirers, r 9f iaier core- talk-j ' ers, wer* c&d ^ on ouTb^ki.--" “ It wax e veryfaUer for bimsetf in* £3S£. ,jyjAgrji , 22S«3?St ' l J ' ' ” ” j»rge pa^rofMD^ato«aprf^b«for j I was a rough lookin’ customer. I had on an old roundabout or mixta, that SMnrt t-ita w a s f ro m P i ka . trQUi bWs~s4r>s’-■*— ^(hattfas ready to drop off me and a ! d “SrjSiSift. iTSni* CTiSS wa«... “ ^ > “f oue pair J for moot my trouble. As they eresouol aB d better than my old pantaloons, I jumped at the chance, KSMiiitoJtod*^ ‘ ,BDg °“ ‘ Zxz SX&'&iSS&? 1 *"■ bn^s of w i» make my toilet. The wash in’ and dryin’ bad shrunk thedsawers to si }, an eatent that it took me half an • , They »h»» , .. . . wa» ™Tj Oght, and ' Uck^sta inches of toachm w&lk d up and down the bank of thecreek a long time before I could up my mind to go tack to Mmp. I"* 0 ^ of 0 ^1-reechM, btttol had thrown cm into , the creek in the start and they had floated off or mk /walked Op and down thar by the e ™’” « When I laughed, went to camp everybody roared and some rollin' them ^jjRsrattsi •“SFsirzr.' 5g;iss 1 " overUtoUl had to stand all the fun that people saw fit to poke at me. Here comes the great crane of the dwert! some would say, while o.hera called mc ^5 " When I got to Hnn gtowb I foqnd __ J that there was to be fc grand ball terin’ „i g bt in the into edge dinerent of town. partaofthe Before m* 1 out eoun g °' ^ h "* * b ’ g tSSS&jsresi-ga » lot of crotchet in which they had laid doles, coverin’ the whole with pine and ! SsUUUn ^ed like!brick 5F2i y.“ "ftound two or three fiddlers mounted pi-o»««- r d « iu * th T •, ?i!" " ith , clarinet. They were maktn’ pretty fair j music, and a great crowd was dancin eacited like, «... b„ m „„„ dra^ra.and^M j got forgot iL all about my J nto t hi c k ut : {be business with a big like county gal dow tfl. her L h eile ^art hang;in half wny n to . ‘ J 008 I **? . c Wtelly®“ % rW w *“«^ myslrawers t t*w-4“*‘.#I might i XSton^in^. tbe^hole p^ p i looked ^d «f ^■^mtui. ry^ftoaCno'/^tall!!.^^ them :x long, green l^s of mine zVo:r: f n T x° e zzu ^ child at the ball. got so excited about ail the sensation I wa* maltin’ that I cut sstss?j»tf ss side ^^Go would nollcr, anti go in fellers I did. ri nally a couple .‘igo-ofmytolg, of children come waltziQ XSfio circus th/hea& & green litfle fashion, over the SSMipi 1^ over, child, and said ahe another old the cock, wife wa# of my i# now Senator W-s/#>f California," “ I am the very man who gave you the green baize drawer#/’ said another of the party. I remembered you as soon as you mentioned what happened out there on the Humbolt.” ‘ •! wond.rfu I” cried Bud; then turning to a pioneer sitting be said : “ And you 7” “ Dvmfino,” said the man addressed. "Igaesi traced I the roust moccasin.!” abin the Injun you ■ A We. revet, rrmw CSmnselem .*'■*• Be severe to yourself, and to others; yo» thus avoid ail resent ment.” “ The wise “‘n makre equity and jus and ^Ja^ressiXss fidelity serve him for accomphsh “Love virtue, and the people will , be virtuous; the virtue of a great man is rsssissssittts: “Children should practice filial at, home, should and be fraternal attentive deference their Abroad; actions, they their in words, Joving sincere and true in all. with the whole force of thetr tioo. ’ / “ .Return *««>ty and rn.»W fi?r done to you, and pay goodness by good Without the virtue of hnmani.y, . one can neither be hones^ in poverty, nor contented in abundance. “Real virtue consists in integrity taart and loving your netghbor aa your K What ' V I I desire that other* should fl! not 4o x to me, T I emialIv desire not to do to ^ ^ ........ past, when one has reformed his conduct.” — - — ■» # — ; , . Ao llonret *s»t. *“ a ** e ot>er d S e D ® beautiful sets of genuine coral jewelry . t for c the low sum of one dollar.” He explains that they ^ were goods purchased at auction in Paris, staff.. ftf- T^/dw That s how they came to #• ••» were^nuine and in eaeli "oral when sales case ready to de : eemtofwATr’^»you md 0 youknow know t the ta tmtare n ,taro 0 f ** Well, let me tell you that you should keep f that carefully^, jewelry and in a if cold place, handle . attending » party p® ear-drops begins to melt yon cait’t save **• The real coral -ts heat, while the imitation won’t hardly meU in the oven.” ' Lots of agents wouldn't havetaen SoS»r;rof w t. a 5 on * tree in the yard will know that they A ! ■« Fn ImH fWK. the l-ourt of appalls involving the most h*rro»inglneidfiato vre have beard of fer » fong time. It wa* ca. a ea*e ■ . ien^ aod *« pro wt STSfiSiiiSSftSiWf On the aSgal,.v~! doctor tain, orwed to aave ttr the coootrrj.ithir, twcctr-foor hour day. afterward the grave was totare agiri.hnd “SwSS? .t waafouoo the jr_y^ body of the woman. excited populat The report got de~ n * u um mandeffan mstfnnii . vwttgatrew, $g3tSSZlS2VS?2:& sr' ffittSflSttfthrS: drattl to tcarW.der , the ribbons by which they were tied to ge'^er. Wore! of all, *he bad . birt ■ b ■ to giveii a ^Td?out *“J»d ijft. tad - £ I l;! fAppeals,on the o. ^Tc^^trent'^I cS^dC I U»J» * 1! »V>ye,“ do** bj;*ove>rwn with jltoet indulgence. I^galito, yet , *«* 5 the circumstance* tb^^^M^Talue case, if well j aaaiy»»d, nbow Ifl^ which ib ‘ attached to human ^S,, «>» country, -£■> gf ^ iBJ>etfm preservationoflt.------- which J c,t tb » w.tehb.ri,' ABrell... , " Jennie,” tiie said Mrs. Jones to cher : daughter vj other and morning, borrow “ go her over flat %*?- . *- ‘timoson's unpS0D ‘ “ d ' , ° n0W : JwT/* * en a ndret urned .* , J. t,lout !t ' ••Sbe^hefyoJ j , aboU reS U her ’” w„h- h !■ I v ^ lt Q h did f th ' «* t€ful ‘ thine. - “* I'll unirra * about it too ” : *fiS 5 t«‘a i sa.*s ■ss ^/en^how word do yo/dare to send by-my ^ daughter’ gucb M u me Send your old washboard homo f yon’vc forgotwhout them pota-: toes and tliaf flour you have never paid back » 1 •• r a i n ' t foraot nothin’ ioa’t-roogoio Sirs Jones ” gajffMrs Siwon higWutin' “hot uttill < 0D airs ntaut me. ? W *“»b«ard V It wa* bran new when “ tb ®? ’drunken worthless'husband of ur ’n was atarein’ and freezin’ you to d "^l, , . ,, „„ ai „ % „f k/owit’ “ATSS*- u » r fe>lar hy'pocrito! still tab and 1 J, He : Bdrink R b , rre | , n d no t show it on - that oW red face of his, and everybody | 1 dirttor'kitoheb ........ g hav/ }5g^K , hi „ 5, PWtaS thanvou I’d 1 brolhe Where’s , ofounir that sister j n j,jj of J.J] that •' yours was u n b e tte i ti ta n she onghtto b«r----- shouldnA People throw who live i» T’veTieard glare bouse* tates stones. ; ^ TZ'XpaXXXZel tiZZ *» douS thf^’’ " You know a nowerful sight about 7 «S 4 S’ JSS y 0U get to abusin’ your neigh)>ors and l ie tten and refusin’ to do bv them bh X -------- — ■ * ---- imta BHli«i» ! “Thui life is tikdagnme of card*. Wo must plav the hand# dealt to ue. and the credit is not so much in winning as in playing a poor hand well." “ When I hear a man bragging about what he did last year f and whit he’s going do next year, can tell pretty what he’s doing now.” “ Don’t despise your poor relations. ! They might get hardto rich some explain time things.’’ and then jt would beso j “ ih, repuutt.m a gem from hi* ancestor, wanta about a* much altering ! 8 8 the,r rlotlie ? w ? ulJ - ! " There . ta no woman stationed on the , f ace 0 f th e earth who trire ao hard to do I r j„ bt aa< j f a ji s often^r than the avernge mother-in-law ”' .. An enthusiast Is an indivdnal who be srstsixxs»S " Falling in love is like falling ?—- down stairs—i>Is hard work to find out just how the thing waadone.’* t&s “ A rnan who has been S waiting *^ for the ’^maSTaY^Ln’e jszss s fpet, andl faare £ Mm , Jwe^like w' tTswap lire ing^ with ” an^here " J Mice can live tllev ftium comfortably slowly but u a eborcb . very they can't io « c h uro b. Thia prove* that Jive on religion any more than a minister “ The worst tyrant in the world i# a woman who is superior to her husband , n d lete everybody know it.” - " Love is like the measels —you can’t have it but once, and tb® latorin lifewe have itthp thinfers toU(!her it Kac8W ith us.” " Great are to ta groat w ^ I ^. ere * When * man CM t think of anything he begin# to whistle.” “The man you have to work on a " Neatness in my Opinio.. ; -•.• ibavealwaysconsideredVtwin o jti virtues. sister to chastity, but none work so hard ** the ''icrira «f static neatnre*. I have seen a neat persons «howould pot let a wall weary fly rest long enough on their best paper to take breath, and who would chase a aingle cockroach up and down CMsq/gta>,"g.g^ rettarkable. ^Tht ’fiineC i in favor, and is now at knowlclgiff second to ' „ th( ’ f h!i5her . 0 iK p„ , t0 p r< a lu . e present Kt^t^=^wiU haul tiouiN. That thev have succeed Z i : Sd.audiwell, ThexSW too, the thousand# of readers Texas of i *ato-red from Main* to aud writtmrbr the | '“^t hesrrothimnjf jn^^t/ the raynnm ".lav, and I great variety of information interesting to ’ vvvry.ono. 'The subscription price of \hu Ledger is only *i.a>,« year, twiage paid. 0 pjw’mhe iSltoanv^'v v h - f ?0 hlk. iMf u< BiU luiUmrm. n« •ilia:. Attaata 6. awj ^ \..nb«n>srorii yeUev Mat wwfc Ks „ rw , r Hear , . iWnmrkrt. W, vt! pirn WIB “ **• All other ware proportionately agag low. line, at 4* loweet market rate, for o*h. ---- fgmm » Srttm™. - This sterling J firm have taken the ball by ^ hpm ta bRTf g OTie ™e ? u r ) J . iBte ,h f . manuta«are of sash, door*. winds, etc. The T-metey * Bebuwnw da man great K^TX oar to their advertisement which speaks for iureif- dre21~tw ,, . -. .-.T- .' S' _ jt< r ndi»«, „ - „ ,,,, SSTZZlSTS Igzzrzz'd ^w^xS *^ u J,™ & KnghXli^ili S m A MaSSbtni r,» m8 n ( the Athens Furniture iag company, at Xo. 12 Broad *treet, re^K>cfc examine tfa«»ir i'urerttm-.Tarlor btumtiful an<jl_e3U trn»w of all kind* <ff (ino,l s etc. --------- ----------- LEGAL NOTICES. A , nuiviaTnvmrs dglithorpr HAI.P. ^ (H e rat*, the Court Connry.—By of Ordinary virtue if e or Ode am order from Ttlfa thorpe DaT County, refiiWy, will be sold onthe first in I87S, st public outary SjS,TU5?££i? Islington, within the legal hours of sale, the S of Indian creek, in ** ,(i <*>«« ty, on the waters adjoining land* of Wm, A. Cnnainghaco, Jm. , B 3 afl. , a«uft * ' JOHN i. IH’N'SICUTT, Adm’r. (»15) Dreemtar.list. 1877 . S tioiNTY.—Application ,,y <it;oitrtlAi O«t,ETHOHl‘E l!avid tbrU-ave to Sell Land —Whereas, C. Barrow, sr, i«i ministrator dccc*«4/appr.e. upon the estate of Henry W. Bar r»», thvUade to me for leave toreB »r;ii«Tvssa« butitm acre*, al1 to" 0 "’ interested te show cause, if any ^why lea»e*»uld wttag^ited m _^JT. ^ ’Sal (, k, w«U« SiSVTR r i the e*tat« of Mm C-Wlmetdeere*d. sell the land* ap plies tome for leave to bation **“>?* th< ’ hei,s »* ta * of ,h„ufd n„t be granted as prayed for on or be fate the «rat M«n^, M GTnTATrrog iro ag alVI - KTiTJsn. t*,8. T. i>. . ■■ T 1, STATE O «»D OEORGI A, ion OGLErTHORPE S3S?™»IS'^ Cdt-NTY—A p i ilica l foJ 88 n^«HA M ,owta^ h A J ROBcTa, Application ' SOLETHORPE for Letov of Oi W sm B itsion. XT Y feJ=TSSi-»SJ^ therefore ^ and admonish all These are to eiU; concerned to »»e and appear at my aam Letter# of Dismission should not l*e gran led in accordant with the law in *«cl* m.-ule KiKlprovided. OvliU-r I’-lth. l$?7. T - D. GILHAM, Ordinary, /OGLETHORPE COUNTY SHfi»4FF« U SALES.—-WHl in the be sold of Lexington, before the C-ourt Ogle House floor, XV^TVV^Krtr^n town *«rpe “>'{ Thre“Jr inS oTa W. P Oglethorpe MaUov certain tract of Land in and eighteen county, containing five hundred acres, more or fas**., adjoining lands of N. M. Mat tox, Goss Power, J. Jtoper audottare. The a^'^dtuenaSn MU , te therein, which said homestead was taken thereon by said W. F. Mattox, as the head of a family, under the constitution and laws of this State. Isivied on to satisfy a fi. fe. issued from Stokely Oglethorpe Superior Court, in favor of S. U. vs. w -*'• *J “"h* will b , sgaasaairtssre min amf others. Levied ». ^e property 7 k oa of Hamilton Latimer, colored, tosatisfv a fi. fa from the Superior „1Lrot,^r tomrt of Ogletlwiipe *L^wU t un 5’J“ J^ r of J same time and TWuton place wil! be wild the interret of Robert S. in a tract of hundred Land in andsixty OaletborpecoaBty, contain S indireded oSS StoST sllir >>* the mtere* death of being hi. fifth mother. Levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from Oglethorpe superior Court,in favor of Stephen H. 8tokeiv va.ttobcrtSJThornton. Ja»-2,1878 JAMfeS T, JOHNSON.. Deputy Sh'ff. r»OSTl>ONED SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will S be sold before the Court Oglethorpe House dtsir, in f he town of Lexington, county an L L a „“to eighty t'd acres, more or less, adjoining o^SS^ lands of Frank T. Tiller, Buck Hoff, .-.'lured. , and other#. Levied on to satisfy a fi. fa.from the w ay A.fV.;:’., vs. Greco Uwl.and oth er fi. fas. “-jtMEs'f. JOHNSON,’ i’p iXj'SmW. p pl- ch f i. t -o ..rr Wm tareW on ttetai TUESDAY in Fehruarv, t87S. oftexi'ngtoo, before the Coitrt House door i„ the town leeai of sale, Oglethorpe the life county, within the hours estate j of Mrs. Jaue E. Moore iua.traet of land con ! estate of Mre. Jane F.. Mom*, ander the pro feated by the inarnage of the raid Mrs. Jane } ready toeu laid off and resigned to her in two j SSSSYCk ?«5?rX& I Superior Court of said county, in favor of S. H. stokely vs. Jane E. Moore, and will be subject to the foregoing contingencies. ; *«:•»-..... sitStoln mt^rfherMn,’ cnnnty,-and adinimng town’ of Lertyn, lots of the 1 Methodist Tliawli, others, it colored, being the W. lot !l. onwhich WiIIhw- i ham and j Pataey Griggsby now reudaa. Levied onre tohnT.^o'nnicuttT re adi^tratore of^ I PETER KEENAN, OF AUGUSTA, GA«, >ow - on HAND AND FOR SALE A STOCK OF H4f . AND SHOES BOOTS UnrivwlkG »y boose in the Southern State*, and the only one who mm & shoes at wholesale prices THE MONEY REFUNDEOI „ . .h.Mtrenfwv of his friend* in Georgia aod Sooth Carolina, and - 1 ■—*— ’ •'” ^ ’*“■ pETER KEENAN, ’VvifSK'St AlUUCTA> **' 1 ' COOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES! ROB T H. MAY & CO ** manufacturers of and dealers in ' i EVERY DESCRIPTION OF C ABU AGES AND’ BUGGIES • PLANTATION & LUMBER WAGONS, bagsL Harness, Saddles, Trunks, alises, shoe findixgs, ^Hiniin 4THER OF VI AH Ul kl\DS, BELTING, u "“!*?. ETf. _ li _- Hardware, K'Um, LabrrflaS, _-•■ Ett. Carriage 7^- A&jtpjal*. StMfclT ' * v ’ ( ---- REPOSITORTE8 AND SALES BOOMS: ?08 Broad.Strert Augusta, Ga. 58 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga HOB’T <>fc)PYEAR, J. T. PARtlELEE MAY. A. B. S. S. TO THE PUBLIC! -and Most Especially to-Our^Country Friends! ! w« wUh to call your attention to the remarkable ..... low pricea and deduction at which we are '"“drugs medicines is^vs^z^sSfpsssi paints ohsttc: n55srwa?ttsar BUIST’S Warranted Garden bnlk, Seeds, Pot atos A Onion'Sets, Peas. Beans an d Cora,, in ja *t received. Flower Seetlis and Ilanfflner llasketB, ANY COTA)It PAINT, MIXED READY ■ CIGARS, the best only 5c. *• IRON TONI0,50c and $1. KING’S TOILET POWDER, for sale bv M. 11. Arnold A Son, Crawford. AIXADIN OIL. 50c gallon. " TEETHINA” Teething Powdere, 50c, cure* the child and save# the parent care. TOOTH BRUSHES, from 10c to 50c. 8HF^,JSstofe BLACKi>VE,50c a bottle. MILK OF MAGNESIA, 50c a vial. F1SE TRUSSES. *1. FLOWER ** and COUGH HAND SOAP, 50c and 75c adoken. 1 as as 50c tax M mmm QQI IJ NE IV! I tj n\J Qi O {** C aC J r%s » a Wy *T.'“ *, I — W W M ATHE JiSy' TiA'i A ______ ■ I jV>| D D X I AIM A M T I TO I U ALL All I t ^ - aTaI^W^F 0 RDV Uni PMW trUUUo, fiuUlo, dflUiii) NOTIONS. CLOTHING 9 HATS JMR J() be W|l SOlO mpmx CheaD winninenn for si HI CaSH, null- sun ft, r n ft re 1 at THF i t na M .w ajiaiva A\!MOTH* n ..jjhc- 8TOIlR OF vt____ I || 1 M1 AIRC ^ r’t^rT,^, |_ A TIMER ”” C11 9 SHAr i IIMu f 1 /I'W w we N ■ Jrn^ «JL ^7a CliEAPER than ever before at the Forest City Foundry & Machine Works, AUGUSTA, GA. GEO. R. LOMBARD &Co Englneis. IsSluti Serew®, Mill Hearing anil Machinery ul all Minos Made anil Repaired Promptly. ——WHERE TO GET-- 2Lsjrssh«c*sr All nlTOS iVu8 x„ ftt r.A„ dw. pfr U0Z. .1— Beaus?Sd We &ro>r po,,^ on all Seed except Peas, each whieh we add 2c - I „^^«n -CTAPir4s« TO fl|^ilw2 rl aiiX V A O We can offer L«V FIGURES, H»«d «*t of s »EP wsnt«l and be sure to send Money fiwSejd and Porttge. We keep every tin ug in the PAINT AND DRUG LINE which me SELL VERY LOW for Cash. C. W. LONG & CO., ATHENS, GA. GENERAL TICKET AGENCY 5 HAlLROA3> TXCMRTS-j fo? fslo by A 11 tr? sU 1 IN THE UNITED STATES. 1p9~ Buy your Tickets in Athens and get information fro Si WM. WILLIAMS AgentSnuthero Exlires* 1 «■■ AHivns. C.a. -rww'-r/'YriV'TXYt K UGKLlv kV k TTTTT 1U 1 Aa, f COTTON —AND— PROVISION nart „ IC>mlI BHUIttnO.. OOnRCRC SSblit lU-ioa* totaai of Cotton and ^ io«ungnnient# \ and order# n solicited- soliciivd. . stfissf.™*—™- 21 THriMt 41 ST. WabMMcs* j dwitl-3 m ATHtW. c4 ’ —-—-T ...... •• TA IU T1IC I Ht PURI rUDLIlf. IP /^x and after*, first of Ifovorotar nexhl n ffi m ,r dav^'o^rgw will Attention, North-East Georgia! Phaetons, Carriages, Rockaways.Wagons.&e, * OF THE OLD RELIABLE HODGSON MANUFACTURE. GEORGIA. ATHENS, nw coomsmves fim‘THE‘MbfiH ma uovsmsm FREff ALMANACS, such ss “ Greer's,” given flee to all who will call and see its. FINE Brumby’s PEJIFUMES best Cheap. A bottle of bllving $5 of Cologne Drugs &om given to anyone worth us. HAIR OH,, Hair Tonic and Vaailine at ^ 35c abottle. PURE WHITE LE AD *11 per 100 lbs. PUKEOI L at 8 5e per g allon. - TURPENTINE at 75c per gallon. BUNCOMBE Cabbage Seed 60c per or,, direct from Buncombe county, N. C. BRUMBY’S COUGH MIXTURE, 25c BLUE MASS, 10c a^ox. — jt#-In fact, if you want anything in the Du* Urere.1 on trv that I have reoentlv y added added to to my my Black- Black smith shop a k first-da## first-cla*# Wood W.kmI Shop, shun presided iire*idrd ouciLhy, I have also one secured of the heat the service# wor kman of in first-class Georgia. a Trimmer and Fjmsher. Mr. Jame# T. Lloyd, the best nafuter south of Baltimore, ii also in my employ. I will make to order any kind of Vehicle desired. Prices as low as^the same class of work can be had any where id the L\ S. Blacksmith and Repair work a specialty. Be sure and give me a trial. All work war¬ ranted. U’. O. TUCKER, Crawford. PICTURE FRAMES. V17E and keep Picture the largest Frames #tock Athens, of Mouldings f y in all re |K»rt# to the contrary notwiihstanding. If yon want the lowest yonr prices, Framing call done in before good having ttyle and at on us your work done, and %ee gaav.dee satisfaction. BURKE A FLEMING, Booksellers mid Stationers MORE NEW GOODS -AT % J • WOULD moflt^ respectfully hi form my tna- and returoed ‘ select from stock market, of where I bought a lifge DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, notions, crockery, hate, tin boots, hardware, shoes, and groceries, TIES, tobacco, cigars. And BAGGING, other articles, ROPE, which I will numerous sell at very low prices. Give me a call. J. PHILLIPS, Millstone, Goosepond dist., Oglethorpecn. Ga, A great WANT SUPPLIED. Simmons ^ f 1 c m ‘ | | • i| (or LivrR !pF j r : Should he preferrei m a tonreiiro ^clMmara'the andal-! w'jt MmlSXlveofidUAt ! ‘ 1 tranquil f ** 51*3^^^rortato SSHraSSSs I n-FftSSflCIi bettor than a down cordials to relieve ami j make it sleep, Constipatrou tontaimng and no «mdy«- tic bowels' « will enre f al« thoworst keep of; regniar. It »n cure care [ g j" tamSS/tS’f ^•*- Iwto : Vw s a le byil AiBE 4 L ATIMKE tn dTT -'- ------------ - --- ------- ; • 0R ANS, ORGANS; ORGANSE ‘ IORGANS 1.. m blcrlb-n inning been a_ppoimq Sole Apnuror the eel med ' New England Organc mpany, . ~ 22‘: mmmmmmfimrgaamhmm. mthsm'anx'5233325 F6 Beauty of, Case& Sweet ems of 'l‘o‘ne.‘ om? Mm I'm mmm‘rsdmmemmsmm.fissimfimz eYM SendfoGChlogue‘; TheOldFAhblinhed mofoA flwxnund dorm?“ _ $1 , g . ._ ', ‘ , , BU ‘ OBS 1‘0 GEO. A. Guns," ' 244 Bron! mm. AUGUSTA, QA‘ jOftooTMOERl AliE CALLING FOR THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN nr ■» " h ' TDEK And the great contest now waging between them. Our Russo Turkish War Book is the most with Reliable, 300 areuratc Engraving*, and Comprehensive ; and Elegant Map* end Plan*, the most showy, desirable and useftil book now published. 5,000 ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED. should Those avail desiring themselves Territory ou early this applica¬ work of on tion. Also 1,000 Ageuts Wanted for .•or GRIND COMBINATION PROSPECTUS, Representing 150 Distinct Book.,. Of universal interest, including Agricultural, Biographical, Historical, Balm Religious, and Mis¬ cellaneous Work#. made from this pro¬ spectus wheu all Single Books fail. Also ou our 100 Style# of Premium FAMILY BIBLES, ...... IMPLHIAL tq 10 1 11 u p t> nr P -^-d Cnurpton’s Imperial Soap ia ths Beat. Crampton’a Imperial Soap is the Best. Crumpton’s Imperial 8oap is the Beat. Crampton’a Imperial Soap is the Pest. Crampton’s Imperial Soap ia the Best. Cramptun's Imperial Soap s* the Best c rampton’s imperial ooap ia the Beet. Crampton’s Imperial Soap i« ffie Bes This Soap is manufactured from pure mate rials; and as it contains a large percent age of Vegetable Oil, is warranted ftilJy equal to the beat imported Castile Soap, and at the same time contains aii 7 ” the washing and cleans- : : Ing properties of the eele _____,.. - .—-.fixated-—............—.—- ■ Ger¬ man and French Lann- . dry Soap*. It is therefore recommended for use in the Laundry, Eiteb?!* *•?»'! ??.«»> Pa'O'v, sod for general household purposes; also far Printers, Painters, Engineers and Machinists, as it will remove spots of Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc. from hands. The Huntington, Pa -Monitor of April f*ib, pronounces this soap the best in the market, aa follows: Reader, we don’t want, yon to suppose that this Is an advertisement and pass it over un¬ heeded. Read |it. We want to direct your attc.nfw*!' *o fhe advertisement of “ Crsmptod's Ti ” Rev* s. 3 .. • f ,f ; the _ lor past year, we can recommend it as the best quality.of w>ap that in will use. thoroughly It is a rare ckanse thing to get a snap printing ink from the hands, as also from lin¬ and en : but know Crampton’s. whereof laundry speak, soap will do-it, we we it is espe¬ cially aqd machinists, adapted for printers, it will painters, engineers of all as remove grease dewriptions from the hands as well as clothes, with little labor. For general household pur poses it cannot lie f led.' Mannfoetnrri mflyJ*_ CRASIPTON ___i BRO’S., And 33 a^i ?»%Sk For sale in Oglethorpe county by J. J. C. MCMAHAN, Crawford. C. 8. HARGROVE, Crawford. O. C. If ALL, Crawford. M. H. ARNOLD & SON, Crawford. WITCHER & J A PaPaEIX, Crawford. HAIRE A LATIMER, Lexington, . J. T. Mr HAIRE, Lexington. SMITH A YOUNG, Lexington. W M. GOTTfiEIMEF.,Lexinet^n. GRIER’S ALMANAC 11878 old reltable Georgia Almanac by the , Athens, La. " )-'K-gmmfiwmezsyATHENS- THE IRON KINO THE BEST THE CATE CITY Cook Stoves SI Hare no superior in the United .States, These' - . celebrated Stoves and. JXHMDS' "PREMIUM" TMM For sale in Lexington by HAIRE & LATI- arosncsrco MER. In Crawford by C. 8. HARGROVE. MARBLE I GREAT REDUCTIOIN I1V PRICES -OF MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES And the work still maintained to the highest state of perfection, fail and get my price* aed be convinced that yon are dealing with a fair and square man. Desypis and price* ti my Yard. Specimens or work on hand for sale. - A. R ROBERTSON, Bevlptor and Monnmental Rallder, Ma rble Yard adjoini ng Reave* A Nicholson's Oitton Warehouse, ATHENS. QA A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. . Y. H. WYNN --- ____ CHILDS,NICKERSON&Co No. 15 Franklin House Building, ATHENS, GA., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES HORSE SHOE NAILS. Agricultural Inplements, Leads,- Oils, Glass, V jQroish HARNESS LEATHER, M1LBURN WAGONS, Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, I>eattier Krllfivg, Fellows, Sill! Hub*, Spoke* Buggy Wheels, A air*, K \>riugw, «te, Rublsr and Sawn. Mill Finding*. Manufaeturers’ Anvils, Bellows, Viaea. Hollow sale of Ware, etc. agents for the FAIRBANKS’ STANDARD SCALES, CIDER MILLS, SYRUP MILLS And Evaporator*, Watt Plow*, Farmers Friend Plow, Circular 8»W*, Pump#, W I NS HI P AND .8 A W Y E it 8 CELEBRATED. AXflTUSLdUJiB. Any artiele in our line not in stock, will be ordered when desired, with the least pow'bk delay. Call and examine our stock and prices. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE SINGER SEWING M ACHINES! AFTER this, the FAMILY 8EW1SQ MACHINES will be *>M fi,r r.tsn ss follnre Plain Machine, $35; Covered Machine, $49; Drop-leaf Table Machine, SIS. All Macjiinvs fully guaranteed and delivered free of expense. with __ ______ p nhnve _ Machines sold on HALF-GASH plan if desired, OTHER an TTAOHMENTS lelvarH-rmcnt rd on hlcago prices, pnew. NEEDLES, TUI’k’SUN, COEUEJIS AND A al, for all Machines. Pore Sperm OH a speicalty. ..N. B.-.Parties are raulmned sgsiM using such Machine l hi as is put up and sold by liruggists. .'-ta- Atso, a-fine susartiueiit of OIL CHBOMOS AND FRAME# EXCEEDINGLY CHEAP! J. B. TOOMER, Agent, QA. {Office oyer Taltnadge, Hodgson & Co*# store,) ATHENS, J. H. HUKTER, IffOCAl Agent, Antioch, Ga. X m SJ-fe; A. -Xji M £ -ta. • / it :*C’ a ^W r*-’ M .. prs WE OFFER THE ABOVE Magnificent Ammoniated Super-Phosphate T<* We tha shall PUatar. endeavor eUtowgia. to meet and all have legitimate no hesitation competition, in rreommsnAine acd feel assured it thi* ^ articles also will be highly ’ pleased with the results. We offer *»ur . “ EUTAW ACID PHOSPHATE," Which we believe is equal to any on the ■ “Cotton Option (fiveri if *»<**; . Cali on our AgcuU 1-i' t&xz* -.--a prices. WILLIAMS A GEO. W. Agents at Lexington, HA1BE A LATIMER. declaim M erz |f I (NVfflfig THE VVORLU RSWOWHEO m „ Q ^ i i s s '« >■* in workmanship is ’equal to a Chronometer the as elegantly highest awards finished at as the a Vienna first“ c i7iss and r^dno. Cer.t 3 r,^i«ff . c :J . sitions. machines. IT Its SEWS capacity OKE-FOURTH is unlimited. X " woe the United Stare^ th4r , WILSON MACHINES sold in h*r */. soW the aBWffisasiMmi'Sffsss^!-- combined sales of ail the ot r , reP airing. WANTED. AGENTS i 837 * 829 B