The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, January 25, 1878, Image 2

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THE OGLETHORPE ' ===== T. t. CAUTT, F-MTQR. prMUtars ah t» PtoKarrot.. _____ _______ tart r*cei»« tS®0 p*t annum. LiVUtFooi- think* Of nnw gating MS ter from Walee at a coat of IS,250,000. ——- * ■ *' -—~ putting hr.- stc.. . SUM is army, :n a fighting condition. Trouble with Chios - anticipated ---- A Ns* TOM mother died of grief op oa learning that her son had been acres ted .... for stealing. .. , farmers estimate ... at fif Kah'MS corn teen cents a bnshel, at which price it isa cheaper * fuel T. than coal or wood. ; ■ --- -------- A PARTY of Arabs, weary of Turkish . tvrannr and oppression, has bought land and will settle near Jacksonville, Fla. j=T===S±vi ------ .-ill. \u.eanaL. and Lonisville , a distance of nearly J 200 miles. Thuo: . Itfndnd , ,, m.ll.on. bu.bfla heat were ra»s^u in the L uited States last year, and 110,000, 1 000 bushels spared for exportation. hanged during 1877, more than in any in tlie L'nifadStatee. 3o«th Jt=gSB5r.i= Jonw,«fNera^IH0^W0,000; Westminster, $80,000,009. ' " -— -- licaoin that State holding office by ap ..ointment >0 of the Governor i ________ .• - . ...... Dnz’s gorernment having lasted one year, all all good ct/wni-i Mexicans \fo(ipani are nro on on »hn me Iftrtt out for the next overwhelming revolu tion. Twelve months is an unusually long time for a Mexican revolutionist to kepn * nn hiM t»ins y m , The United States Senate is no longer ^RpnnhUciinhodv- a Kepnoucan ooay , nnd and stnnrelc smuggle as as will win the old Republican stags, the Democrat* will have a strong Senate majority in a year and a half from now. So lades the gmterof afrMdaaay^ Aecok DI? to a Nevada dispatch two hostile mining companies have hired each a fighting ? “ force ' and are pushing ® their , ■;.. tunnels , towards , each . other, antici patinga regular pitched battle unders ,. 1...,. r — i ™ lection monev oOSundsv l ast the deacon of a Washington church found at,eld Oaflkeedjlte forWlnimrer^, which ‘“ raed ♦ -• TooTT prospects continue to Ls-SCS entire area stricken by the I™*, there of tbe ungatheredl crops is bad, and in others the dry crops have suffered Injury. A vr.ity Snqrton. remarkable and singular ,^c f pond.bent im co quartets ot«t of an ae»e m in extent, exists on the top of Grand View agttSBggs mountain, Middlehury, Conn. Except to toj.toto> “ I*lsL bet I make him break it in a week ’ ” said a Trov y vouth when he saw a ■•■ompanioit, t . urged : by his , . betrothed, , , . take , /he pledge at a public temperance meet tng. The effort was successful, and when the young man came to his senaes he waa so much mortified that he went on a spree which ended in his death in a few days. Comment» unnecessary. , John-soji, T the terror of strolling Indians in the Upper Missouri countrv, la reported killed. He once tho %ne liver liver oi of an an Indian Indian against against whom whom he he had a revenge, aud from that incident got his name IDs pastime was killing In dtans, and he is credited with a bloody roll to.-.*.i«.toT=“' of the slain victims larger than anv menting.upon the Peter Grant, atroublesome negro whom Marshal Campbell, being unable toar ^ rest and to save his own life decided to hitting the negro squarely in the head, and being only a few feet distant. The ball did not enter the skull I• but im. bedding ;r. itaelf If,, under a the sk«n, flattened, Fs^rZeerl* 0nly ’ Whi « h - - The receipts and expenditures of the b wiwat -State ' of ..7-P Geonrin for tire V •’ vear * ! 1877 '* according to ^statement . furnished the j press by the Comptroller-General, were as follows: Receipts from all source. I, 1877, nf *564,283.93), *2,562.630.! 7, I and the disbursements, which include a part of the expenses of 1876, were| . $1,728,930.80. The cost of the r«n«d»r.i. t*ta .Convention was $46,740.75, . and there is a balance in the treasury ofl * 833 ’ 719 ’ 1 '- ' Ea?*t Tennessee wants to be a sena* * .■,---------------__ Knoxvtll^.Chronicle ___ ; ! ■' arid , its , correspondents lead the chorus, One of them says : “ If there ever was a section ofa State Dunked bv natural geo- : graphical boundaries, and peopled by [ those of a distinctive difference otdispo ^ition, taste, temperature and interest, authorizing a separate .State organiza- . tion, East Tennessee is that nai 8ecn section - rp. Inere are natural reasons, wherever rea sons are required, for such a separate j organization.” ' A dispatch from Lead City, three town. AM the streets in the town have been oeenjumped, iumped and and all all road-leading roads leading to to the the quartz mills are m a like condition A meeting, called by . the trustee* of the tow, was broken ‘nt up the mob electing g the-olneera. f, - They passed S their 1 own laws, . " f ,’ vhl ' h 7“ ty theeffect that !he street* should be but twenty feet wide, The mob is veiling ajid shooting Jo through- armfng ton the town. The citizens and organizing to protect life and prop- ^ erty. Bloodshed isexpectfd. . Jutiv. At-the foot of Mount Gargaoo a buriVd town bat been laid bare, the fcou being twenty fee? below the surface. A temple of Diana was nr*t brought to SsSSSsSsS? 5 ■ In the year 1861,19.1 per cent of the population of Ireland spoke In Irish, came is. 1,105,586 person*. the year 1871 y,ig ; lr oporti.,n had sunk to 15.1 of the population, namely, to 817.875 persons, Thus it appear, the use of tho Irish ton the rate of than 200 COO persons m ten years—a fact “* de still more obviousby Mother table, showing . that dunog the ten years in question the morf proportion of ages had changed ? still markedly The than One f aUfesrni'ng k Manner cen € ration are English. of tbeir and only the parent* retain the uae native tongue. The Last 44 Sell.” Last week a gentleman in Coinmbas , received asrjSssaSSsj an India rubber finger, which is m*»hed. This gentleman being fond of 11 catching” people could not forego the f»n «hf Uil<rhi»ir th«*XI ' ‘ at » L? d went search_ ? f pbyakiao, him. Each .0 and „k t b c i r aid «i relieving , every doctor to whom he went groaned with sympathy when they bebeld the ?J. lT” a a=5:g ) a5r ““ , Negro Se W era . rat . a ..u sabre i.i»... into the Bands ot the Ob' er of water into a fiery son of Mars apd eapensive.- fights nobly, but.« Mason a soldier he is too Gen. testifies before the House Military Committee that c 09 ^ 8 One-third more to maintain a color than a White troop of cavalrr. And * t a \\ come8 f roin t h e colored soldier’s carelessness and wastefulness—his care fully cultivated disinclination to take care of things. Gen. Masoti says, too, that the colored troops “ ^ive themselves U P to ever y lorni of vice,’ and that “the l iceD ‘ i »u»hei« of these troops kept In f orce( j gtalc 0 f l( jl e nefl8, is something hor* rible.” And then the Indians complain that their wool!. » ’**£ 1 »un_ anything[ , better be. rem^totheeoUonpateh. The Tronble of Silver rhamr*. * * np \ i ti The a, St. Louis r ■ u Repobtiinin wt- mentions gome of the troubles that will follow the new monev: sa ss-tuss-sar »*«»<* you run for a street car “ve^nmp. Vhen yoS tell P your wife i^ssztsstsi-Jii\ y° r e Dangers of Ether. A l’aris correspondent says: “Asa CaUt m c,dent | QB orthe past T"' few ‘, days, mU8t .RtEough »» itisof the most painful nature imagina A young lady of 18, remarkably s «ent. ttyjrjttKilfgTS In an instant Uie ether ignited, himself seriously 8ac ^ exploded. burned, The but doctor was the young |*,jy He? was | n token a lamentable off condition, nose side was of her completely, jaw laid and j ene upper was “ heedless to say that she is horribly disfigured for life. No one ^ this dreadful accident. L is rumored that the doctor has committed suicide.” —-------- Worth norm of ui a a ng,.. H».- _ Mr. Mr. Robinson, Robinson, in in his his “Notes “Notes of of Afri* Afri | :- ca .” gives the'following anecdote ofrhi* administration of justice in that uncivil* ired quarter of the globe. “ At Tantum, the mother of a child was attracted by cries, .which were caused by a pigatealing something eating; from natural, it, of which it had been n« w?i« the woman struck 4.he pig with a stick which happeued to be iresr. This blow, the owner SihTK pie contended “SEni? caused H* its ■££ Ji-.L death ySi -ra Tbe . unnoticed, f° butit was at length brought I rw ®rd,and urged with such tiett^ vigor that took- place, As.the animal waa a female, , fhedamages and the werg calculated at-a higher rate > result was that every on connected by the most distant affinity with thc u nlla ppy mo tber, to the number t“the I'T^w' W er ChHd 8 °. ld ,T %.* jTe muneratton lo ss of P avarice ofthe chiefs, who received a por^ tiou of the spoil, was only restmfned I when J^ ^;* there e ^“ was nothing more to be dik* ( | adopted on the In'* of fowls and w^ the *'« tr^ f j a <<lc “* M,I,lon8 of Chinese m the , provinces tion, owing of China the failure are dying of their by starva to ftom drouth. For months the been consuming everything hands on 1 ikely to possess any insects ^nstainingalimcnt—even .ba rk grass, refuse moss, of trees or any cou rd- allay have long ago consumed their reserves for seed, and that is why their condition is said to be hopeless even for the next JX. poptilattcm dJnse fnd rnnlttS nous to an extent fairly populated.section, inconceivable by us in this sparsely, i s h^oming .solitude. Death has swept >ffa 8® .porbw,. a " d ‘he remainder have abandoned their homes under any offered for food. Months ago the people were selling into slavery for the mce of iood. _ It was common for the ““V/** “®->S 1 ^ ev ? rywhere - Chin table relief is '"tposstble, far on The account of the'vast be fed it. with the people were too to meagre supplies inadequate depopulation transportation, but the roct task ' s? withinthe ought of charity to bring compas ! ' ___. . IT is new admitted by tbe best and most jiulgi* that thv VrtvhyilU*.Comn»t*r- ' , ir‘w? , T & *' ' V , " ,r ? r, ‘* s in thf *u » i r ’"X ; them W!th their patronage may r ^i v L DETILTRIES. ‘ -,. 7!-. A dang?wi3 game-paving the deu^. . u Aroae” by another came would be “got up.” «» T!^ the ni « hU * re ^ Very ft* brass bsnd. in » mUitorr ps rade can T^lay aa many aim as the drum major puts on, a Detroit man who has been stone deaf for eighteen heiing. years was receotly taken into court for •* How’s Tour husband this evening, Mra Qu««, T" “ So improvement, doc Ur i 0De » ay or the <*|ier.’’ A great many people _.u, resemble Itoston a,,.. m . one particular-lheysre always about forty miles from Providence. What is that which lire, in the winter dies in the summer and always grows wfth its roots upward* An icicle. The present cold snap is accounted for 5* 80 J ne newspaper scientists from the f “‘ ‘ tat B*ecfcerh« reduced be1 to i- r > The reaaon why circuses don t pay du . A western paper says: “ A child was run over by a wagon three years old, and 1 aaid : “ A young woman , died in my neighborhood, the gospel yesterday, in while l was preaching a beastly state of intoxication.” sweetheart’s hand ihe beet w. fi " d ring it,” wa»>. has mply. Ho long as woman only two arms !t . g M a aayaa; lo, j’ The - f 1,er oae " m **y the fi |*t syllable word. hI and ( leave l yon to complete , the 8m ° Dg ™ C Le *' mgtoniaM mat now, ■ A father of three sons and fire daugh ters was asked what familv he had. The answer was: I have three sons, * n d replied they have the each interrogator,” five sisters.” what “Mercy!” family!” a A man iu Illinois committed suicide by drowning in six inches of water. He couldn’t have done it alone, but his wife, with the self-sacrificing devotion and helpfulness he«d. so characteristic of her sex, .at . r declare in the name of Almiehtv L God ,^ a , n0 man [ lna ,| le r i e bt to worth *IOO,OOe,WO.-ITal»Hdge the We declare Wlt h afull rrailuationot enormity of is about to be marriedL Of course this is nobody s business, but then how do | m,supposeshe^^syould be like to bh told j that her dear departed was world now spending his time in the next chuckling , ^ i| Lveseen the time?’said .noth the 2 EiaK! 5 iS «w= arsrris» ! * It goes fast enough to suit us. If you don't like the rate of speed get olf and ■ plied «V the .setting ’” 1.vnuld; tmefc ■ the seat, ■? but passenger my friends wouldn't in lor come . me until the ?^ train comes in, and I don’t 1 ? 8 '"":r ’?-'^..r , rfass te' "ra l iy.; i rh ashamed of yourself to-ask such a ques tion? from Do you suppose that Igo*cootin”rouml just 'cause-Tni the eonntry in one atocking?” Then the clerk man ; wanted toknow the size of the stockings she required; and she said*he guessed about eleven inches would do for her ^ i -ThTSHnW^r"' The Old Subscriber. ■ He came wearily up to the sanctum [steps the yesterday basket afternoon, upside down and tarniug down fcUC W***?..™**** waste u,,w “ sat «*own ! SaSa£s u »P< P° > n '* «.*'‘h H with tornadoes a a sigh sighthat that and might might whirlwinds have have been been cutu P ,nt0 cn J n, S h to go aroundtalf a doxen *“*“* ^‘r^m^lhongh to- hi r be’en ee n Trying u t'*JS to,llc » na <» u| dn tnna a „ doctor. , His c ® at w “ ra gg ed and P*tched here and th ® r ew»th a prosperous and clannish ^ 0 ®® un,t proof 3C°l vockie ou11 buuu> } tl that tfyou if stack stuck wnebr them them were the the so arranged *at you m ill river river the the “ 8' !"l anced „ }\ savagely ® 1 “ k i h X. at a ^5 Kansas fe ” d - paper and » 0Ur - eIChttBge, - bef0rehe *" Wered ).® “ Well, 1 pndty miserable, jjf** thank and ye ® —t, **— y i ? I e‘<hsr JU»‘had to sell u the sixdogs.or get along, . cut dow " the «*!*»*«, ,orafi othe f ®! 'the ST'tJ S° rro T* V 6 n? C 1'5 n a e -j- ^ ere ^JL fo,k ® dld ®^ »* ***1™*waflt to ,en ^ then papers, and so I finally lost sight right of it off. altogether. Tbe. first Then thing trouble I be- 8 ^sTo^^, U! n S knew, I I don’tluow .“thing ignorance agent it,“ bu’t "the j judge said these hs how days when the State wasn’t no > excuse in was so full of papers that you couldn’t fire a stone out of a winder without hittin’ an 1 editor. Then in a week I was^ arrested and fined twenty dollars for violating the wud fisbery I £ldn law, t and know when anything I !^?8 el1 aboatit, off and s the judge asked me-where I was raised, and remitted dollars of the fine for J _ two me - -wTth:-^^"t^kihWr thought I couldn’t get in any more scrapes, and I sorter hung op to tbe^^two : dollars. In.about three days after, 1 was j | ^toMnt“ I may die if I kuowed on sl^y; it .^*1 Sunday, ho^ i was an’ I had to sell tl» gun to get out of the ; Then fellow along jng a came and [ crib, boujht for every grain of cqrn I had in the ; six cents less than I found next day it was worth in the market; then I lost two of the best cows vod ever saw, and they was took and advertised, and all the time I was huntin’ all over the i whole eoimtralb^m^n’ wlven I found word about il, and every week since I • stopped the paper I've of paid out marc would money keep to keep out trouble all than : me in newspapers my days. Put my name on tbe list. ’' • Washington Bled of MptberU Ann.remiv dintheria is not a new dis ease, ington as died most of people tbemalbdy, suppose. while Wash- letters of Walpole ‘fi show thata disease very sins ■ ! fn “‘ <“e was »« epidemic among ce.nain of the Eng ““ Line, in Xrmars at Vr*. B. H. Witrher, Mb* Di«i #«. *swfc, 1ST?. I»vfd one, thoagb lost limsnng to hamaaaighi, I | W e feel thy spin* pint feel tbeliyht liojtera&g as awu, a r, — — A* fleftlv « we acnaapbere. That uvmUes tl»r u<h dreamless the < j vrcsa* thv rest! s&o m o cra caha SMt baeak. O. ________ deeper pale, with Iourx paim-ie* thmhao brm*t, l ache. Vonr head will no “irKSsfes 521 ’ Vifu- 7. iuTSf _ rr one to us «odear. rt,Father, *mie our feet, done Aad shea our time on earth is We a.k to meet oar I wed one there. w^lta5A«M£«b» tender halo that plays, sweet feee, qtound which a Sti n with that«pre-ire all days; grace That made her lore!* which her g T that sweet smile o’er it shed' A beanty like the light nerer|e«l. of even, tvfnklSMbSS’Si^^^^ tvhosesofteifwessicn __--- oJbjSffe g jitu-n» in thr soft dark hair. blessed dear «ne, (there. tvVil know thee there? we'll know thee Jan 4fA> 1?m Hisau. ______________________ A then* Karuitnre Manufsctu ^ re^hed the point £r«»m ' tL tf-SfSu it tobold trade of Northeast Georgia. -------—.. ———- . It will pay you for your tiojeV, when in D.^In^bmMV. the .mtcr», of ’ before the Court House door in of sale, town thdi J Lextoghm, within the legal hours » «*'d emjntf. — ***—*«” ^JjgggP^ *“ g’ T ',^' interest in the Go^n .,„,i iv ,,i P a half Sprine. tract HUNDRED of Land, supposed to <*,, H taif t g EIGHT in.the acres, uiort* or !«**. situate, lying and being county half of Whitfield, in said State. The ether interest in said G<*rdon Springs place is iu>w ow ^,|,j J; )r t h e IwoSt of the’ heirs of said es tat- T^rm^casb. Adm’r. J0H.N A. HUNNICUTT, December .Hist, i*j~ —- W *) !' STATE _ & OF OKOliGlA, OOLKTHOltPE Sell tX>UNTY.—Application for I^nve to Land.—Whereas, David t'. Bartow, w. ad "r&v totoli t b, lands Wlonging tottmwtevt «* said am ,n, g the heirs at law.dsiid deceased— Thw- ur,- ib,r.i..r,- to cite and admonish j »11 persons interested t» show cause, if any they can, why leave should not be granted owhy w : pray«r -*rf. on' *»dw S in i «?£*g£X'! THUS; D. tilLllAV, Urdinary. i eS!ft! TTUTiS {} F iT ,ni mm ■oi-r, ■ Whereas, Kirhard I; liair; rove and Charles fj. Hargrove, KsnniCon , f Charles S. liar grove, deceased, eacentoraf t’vwetope ttowli,. ^s ssa s Ea’;;r........ras-i; ,;ssii: S l A '/..lit V ot-Ul- ^ . t IIORI K . ‘.'d 5T'Appheation tbr letters j o! 'hamwsmn. Whereas Mrs. Mary i. .John of Dismission frorn the estate of said deceased: The»- are, therefore,, to cite and admonish . all persons interested to be and appenrat my mwle amt provided. Ovtobor 24th. ts;r. T D. OILHAM, Ordinary. : TCijfpfnT^piTTiTi^ip^-BjTSjTTBES () SALES.- SALKS.- Will WUlhe be sold sold bell,re before the the Court Court i ■ SaSrSSSS; thorpe House n„ u5 e door, door, in in the the between town town of of the Lexington, Lexington, legal hours Ogle- Ogle-! of j i -at. county, th.Kl ilST TUESDAY i j fm «trfuSfTffl in i j ! : containing five hundred and eighteen acres, j n ,ore or less, adjoining lands rsfc^| of N. M. Mat-.; tox-C i:,gsi= said ti 5 ,hl' 3 -tD homestead “?">« wjs taken thereon by said W. F. -St on to satisfy a «. fa. issued from Oglethorpe ; Superior Court in favor of 8, H.Stokely vs. ^Ahiofat’The same ?ime"and plan*, will be SnbdhiifettX adjoinin^sndsof hmJdrml oUlw J. 1». Mathews, W. T Fat man and others. Levied on as the property 1 of Hamilton fro < h Latimer, »®Kg«r nob, ' ’”" red, rt »f to OgleihOrpe satisfy a “ - r H “ U ‘° n *^ r ' Al««,a£ <bc same time andulaoe 'Aornton will be gold tract the of Land** interest Oglethorpe .of Robert 8. county, contain- in ^ ing six hnndred andsixty aeren, more or le«B, adjoining lands of <>. Stevens, Isaac Dillard, JAMES T JOHNSON, Deputy Sh’ff. jT po^^irWimi he sold before the Court FF't? House door, the town of Lexington, Oglethorpe between the legal hours of sale, on TO EsD A’T m Fehruary next, one,tract of Frank ^. Tiller, Buck llo^colored, d. otiiers. Levied do fo satisfy a fa.from Cotin tv < -urt ,>f Oglethorpe g--Tfmngfrd^ count v, in -7nTr7trfr t way & Clark, vm. (ireendfoll.aud other fi: ,B ^,5 H&Tttiryl ho».^ e < vrI^ U - the 1.yal of Jam- E. hundred !l« and in a 4r»« nmetythm of. land >n sewn less, «aid adjonnug acres, the of Walter in .fohnwm, county, Mrs. Crowley, r i> r 'H»ksan<i mherv. Levied on as the iifo &wtij Jf'jiffin Ilfe'estaie beinc «ubiect to be de M r>. W 'Court of jJR, ttid^sntv' in fivorofS vs. K M-'.r... and will be subject to The forcing cemingenviea. 27,,to77. ■ l$m -V—, at «ht .ame ir-»sl tune and gpd, jdaw. with a lot etm aer . improve .SMton ™, 1 ^TiS’ hffiers^/t JT'W'J j,dV,» being the which Grisgatw. now n»idy>. Uvied »>n as property of i harius Gnggnby, by virtue A. Hunnicutt, a- wlmmistratorv of L. §» _ . CCHCDAI utfltnAL I ILftt I RutHuT { f t ***'*«*»*•«*>*■■. —----- | TIClCETS f for saleby Allfioutes toail Principal Poim* i IN TME UNITED STATES. - AU “““ d «“ ^ * c G’APr.AVM. WILLIAMS, I . €6 A^tns, Ga, * K p r U (JK. ^; rp LR H U LS , (fe II t liii. j C2 , O r I‘ ,r l' * , #'k ^ hsakia.^. PROVISION ^ BROKERS __ _ I ^ qre ^' Consignments and erdera soUclted. '• 0kfic ... „ TIIm rfx'x „ a tIt, L _ ,«'»=ctv ... j , or w. rLyy LLATTON T 4 THOMAS STS., : .. I . ATHtvs <» TI.p'^Tw ___ TA TO THE PUBLIC. j and after the fihit of December next, I will be prepared to visit patiecte in any given SSST^ to all c ailu, uightordsv; < barges will PETER KEENAN, OF AUGUSTA, CA., HAS SOW US HASH ASD FOJt sale a stock of BOOTS AND SHOES I’ari.alifi by anrliOBae in the Southern States, aad’tHe only one who RETAILS, SHOES AT WHOLESALE PRICES! i Um,*u.UU hr hi- -ill hMU? of» «■**„ THE MONEY REFUNDED! He rwvp^tfuilv tsk* the patroaage of h» friends in Georgia and S**uh Carolina, and with «u per detracting fr‘>m buying the turrit* the elaaa of of other goods hoaxes, he keeps. ctmfidently a*»«rea .hem a NSfiag •! 25 rest. t> T PETER KEEN AN. ‘SSSSagS?- GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES! ROBT II. MAY & CO • MANUFACTCBERS of and dealers is * EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. J PLANTATION & LUMBER WAGONS, J Harness, Saddles, Trunks, l^AGS, It S. VALISES, SHOE FINDINGS, LEATHER OF All KiMIS, 8ELT1A0, ETC 288 Broad Stejjj Augusta, Ga, 88 Cherq Street, Macon, Ga. fob’t a M t J. T. MAY, A. K. OOODVJ S. 8. PABMELEE r|V |() . F FT lU PT J TITjTf ^ J- A JL J-A-i A KJ AJAJXVJ , • < --AND Especiall y to Our Cou ntry Friends! We wish to call you-attention to the remarkable low prices and deduction at which we are »nw selRng nQIlPO uKUuS, MrniOllirC MEDICINES, DAIUTC PAINTS, fill OILS, C CTC ETC. We can save you Cou^y 2( percent in vour nurchiuiea ___,, by jv buying bnving of of us. u*. Special inducements Physicians and lud Couifry Merchants. Merchants. ITaviug Havi on hand a very large s’touk of Fresh Drugs, bought Ion, enables u*fo offer goods St bottom prices. We guarantee to satisfy. SPEWAIx INDUCEMENTS s BUISTS Warranted Garden Seeds, Potatoes, Inion Sets, Peas. Leans ami Corn, in bulk, just received.. Flower Seodw and llnngrin|w llnsUotN, ANY COLOR PAINT, MIXED READY Kw at 28. and *2.25 CIGARS, the best only 5e. W*c and «. TOSS** &• “ ,e AUUADl.t *11 ADINOII JL.iOt mlton gallon. 'TF.ETHIN A Teething Powders, 50c, cures the child ao$ wives the parent cure. TOOTH •BWWHtS. from 10c to^Oc. ’■ .* VIS® TRUSSES,«. ^ C ° U ° H X. BRUMBY & CO :. ------ATHK >S r r ,A._ impciptawt UU ^ to all s ------------- ------ DRY U “* GOODS UUUUU, BARTS HUU IU, SHOES HATS NOTIONS fl OTHINO ” |)||| nnrt ft , pt.IITv IflK T Till IDV.t Vk^k T.i' TIV mh.PPm- TlIRlIllk If If IHU'I illtlrLiI) ' IlllIR'I) Il't IvD.lUVil) T To ^ I la ft I J ftL.-_ gP f,_ A..I rlHln r, r:v. & L ',U' l M ,l trt . , J^GIVE US A CALL BKFORK BUYING ELSEWHERE, AND SAVE MONEY.-** , . ..... ..... . . . — ■■■ ■—■ r*THT It I V f |'L 1II 1 I IV I) T I AT D jj. (llll UliAHliT (I, ' oi \U I A A »■■■- g. I Ihl 1 |V| /\ 1 a ~ BOLTS ., IUI . V more at me . Forest City Foundry A Machine Works, ALGLOTA^ ArnrOT . C3A. qjjq QBO ' o LOMBARD I * OMB ARD * C Engines, Fstlsa Screws, < ~»w-. -WHERE TO GET CSt ,—, ■ . „ .. | .,,-n o wto. ^ IN l H ■ readers W^feioodSec^iS ofthe ECHO goffer to at the following rates: All (inpdpn Sppds ®«Mh dl f JU6. VOe JMtr nor tin/ We pay f^won.ii Seed except Peas, W ' “ dd ■* Bulk Seeds iwwhw i wW i t cheaper by eispress. m Q MY1RP17AMTQ «UittUUA« ID We can offer LOW FIGURES. 8end list of SEED wanted, ami be sure to PAJNT we 3t.LL AN VERY D DRUG LOW for Cash. LIN L Xff W. lilllllT T AlTf! Of jfc flA Ijtl— ■ ■ ■ UvAlV VVip , ATHENS, GA. FREE ALMANACS, such ns” Greer’s,” FHfEchean" SStS? A^tewf eti to any one buymg to worth of Drugs fro m us. HAIR 25cshoUle. OIL, Hair Tonic and Vasiline at i* WHITF I F X T> si 1 nor 100 lhs pirtteoil-.r {rffiaffmtft. n«r *.«'»»• ■ - I BRUMBY’S COUGH MIXTURE, 25c | BLCE MA8S * 1#c * b ° 1[ - . IT R||O*0“U #1110 I III \A/n0*A|T DU &&y df,U W “g 0 * 1 MAN ‘‘ UFA t TO]i Y ' I Sr ^9’®**™“?,■ „ „ J 5 # — owr 1 have by also one secured of the liest workmen in (i«>rgia. the services of a^hrat-clpss Trimmer and Finisher. Mr. James T. Lloyd, S^rtKfdJtod' mr XC‘‘‘"wm mfke to‘oX’m.?'k'i,"! th? ofv(»k'pI n \]«3ki?ihpSii^ work'.. s - Ghuksmit h and Repair -|*ee.mlw B.««-Jrje “ bU1 - O. me Tl a « tnah KfcK. All t rawtord. wode war ______ PICTURE _____ FRAMES. poris to the eontrar, notwithstanding. If you work done’tiud 'wt^wmntfmtin/nctumj bCEKE * FLEMING --gooktotter, and Sutione, MAD lflUttL IT HffW ll t W CAAnC UUUU5 j “—AT A . :Tt|A K)l 1 Irif , Vf #u . 1 lU 3 III IS IU nfin QG OlUl n|}A 6 —- T 1 MOULD most ruapeoifnVix inform bj.v ma- ' ny friend* a„ d cwtomen that I h{v«- jw-t returned from market, where I bought a large , KATtnS^hfiTx^^vShs ^ shdes will And low prices. SlSra^h call. I will at verv Give me a J PHILLIPS 11 7 7* fc " ir T MillBtom-, » ,, Goosepund dist., Ctglethorpeco.Ga, „ ; j A * rRFAT C-B EAT Wt WANT kt apppr SU PPLIED. irn ■ | ^ $\($1M0NS' f T ! *3- ■■■ | ■ , — --- — a l ; —^ - j ; T- ^ ^atic _K 'Coma % ^ \ j ^ ; :t' 1 1 I o ' %t - A i f ; V ifORbYTRp^: 1 ™ 1 BT ! 1 ^- --—-— , , spimtion; relieves the from i,toWto.'SSSjn? fref^hTtttTra'Tiififb ^Ilhillv V iftsrr UtSZZ™ to ^ ? "ht *f the m.M <Jrtoi» WVER IsEtiULATOKs' know,,. It will remove wind from the Is,w via and heaVe a few dr..,-, ro’nli:M- to » W totter that, a dozen re!i.-v. -and --k-'b d-T •up. Containing no .....1, Slw* i cure to'wiif Constipation..and will a)** a'™ i mS» ke 1!f ular. It uroer Complaint Complaint Stomach, tomach, and and stimulat#- stimulate J»v*ent> I>v«murv. the the ry. Liver it will cure. i> s to ion, relieve Heartbu “*■ "* “ sal/bv lator of th For HAIRE <fc LATIMER and J. T. Attention, North-East Georgia! Buggies, Phaetons, Carriages, Rockawajs. Wagons, h OF THE OLD RELIABLE HODGSON MANUFACTURE, ATHENS, CEORCIA. m£m .nd .S?f‘£* *%?**.Sw-tU^L" __. S&e. „ . COOK NSTOVES iSOLD _ A. K. CHILDS It, CO., ATHENS. :ORbAh i VT‘Wi'I s, 01mm, WY » ORGAIN '7 8, ' 01mm \Yl 2 f lubecrili-ers 3 Sgeufis‘for‘the 'cclebnted ‘ ._ l The hgving been appointed Sole w } ’ New A 1 l ‘ England. Organ - Company. 1 ’ 4, l g j Whooe lmtmn'menum pronounced hyfifiudgea 50 be the best made in the. country, will ulflnya km I large month!“ 9! these Splen n] BQA NS, ot‘vuiolm stylu‘ which are umurpngned For Beauty of Caxfie & Sweetness of 'l‘o . They hnve‘i-oeivgd the Highest Preminuu it the. m. Written rum Nnrth. \Vnrrnn'tee Great {mm Bugslnn the M ivrn ken Dlmunum (?humlieu tad Schoola. Every' Orgln Old has Establish“ 1 House of (DATES will send for FIVE Ynn-W Send forleognr. The out no inferior urtiqlu‘ CA ' I ES BROS“, V ‘ ‘ SUCCESSORS T0 _ GEQ A.‘ DATES, 244 Brand Street. AUGUSTA, GA ---- 11 00,000 REAPERS ___ j ^T«»W RUSSIAN the TURK . :aid with 800 H-m<U iaa"m*w, top* -»* ,.«c« ^“I^VeltOEMTS '• A ? T £ Teo™™.'VhT/wTrb WANTED T ^* - 5 . o \L *l„, I ilno Agents Wanted tor our ■ ■■ mm, a»sar«5«s» ?=£*&£&r*te I Aiwoi our 100 Styles of Premium p X AMUiI a TyrtT.V TlIIlT.TlS oIDDDS, English and German, l’roteatant and t ath ‘in™ 'me. at the Grand Centennial Exhibition : Particulars free. Address CRAMPTON’S ; ' IMPERIAL IS THE BEST. • J Cramptou’s . luqwnai . . itoap is the . Beal ., ! : frampton s Imperial Soap Is the Best, 1 Crampton’s imperial i-Z- Soap is the Best. Ctompton, Soap is toe B-. Frampton’s Imperial Soap is the Bes - This Soap is manufactured from pure male rials; ami as it eontaius* large’pereeut age W«T- of Vegetable Oil, is warranted b, .he best import ^ T™ • waabincandoleans- TnTnm i n g properties Arties ofthe cele brated «-“* - <**7 Soaps. It is . therefore recommended for use in die Laundry, Kitchen and Bath Boom, and for general *?:„■_, household purposes; . ... _______ _ Ink Grease Tar Oil Paint, etc. from hands. The Ilnntingtoo, Pa., Monitor of April oth, pronounces this soap the best in the market, asfolb.w,: Reader, we Isn't.want, yen to suppose that thi* is an t^eSVeSwm^or'Cm^pffi adyertiseim-nt and -pa^. it over on* l^hio W' «5« tatorial Itovtog used it ia u ’fee best the »««t vYar, *e «n njvemmvnd It is it as thing the uualiiv «f soap i.^ will'' use .thoroughly a rare cleanse ! to get u ^>ap that printing iiik from the hao k, «so from lin an <l we know wher^r «^k vie «p^ik P F"ls^ ax w espe only by CRAMPTON BROS., . aui 2.4,... s an d M Ruteer’. Place. And 33 M Jefcraon8t, NEW YORK. sale in Oglethor,* i-,.unty by J. J. MrMAHAN. t'rawtonl < v. HAIttiRoVl. • r,MV.nL i 0 c - HALL, Crawford. : M. II. A ft SOLD A BON, Crawford, .j WITCHER 4 JARRELL, Crawford, j HAIRK A LATIMER. I^xington, J. T. M. HA IRE, Lexington. v 310 ‘ * *' ■“?-- \ « mwi THE lip KINS THE BEST —xxn— J THE CATE CITY Cook Stoves. m Have no su perior in the United States. These celebrated Stoves and J.C.WILKiNS' ‘Hr IHWSi MER. For sale in Lexington by llAIRK A LATE 1SST’ In. Crawford by C. S. HARGROVE. . GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES MONUMENTS ANlT TOMBSTONES And the work still maintained J to the highest state of pc rfectibn. Call and get my price® and be convinced that yo u are dealing with a fair and square man. Designs and priees at my Yard. Hpecimcns of work on twndrlbrimte.' ----------------------- A. R. ROBERTSON, Nrslplor and Honnnieutal Builder. Marble Yard adjoining Reifofi A Nichclaon'a C«4ton Warehouse, ATHENS, C A . A. K./CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. IVYNN childs:nickerson&co No# 15 Franklin House Building, ATHENS, GA., W holesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWAl^^My TT ^ mT y t Lm., . TrrTT . shoe.. s »os ^ncultaxal In P l«me>its,Leads, Oil., Glass, Varnish Mill liedlug., Sfeautacturcrs’agentofor Anvils, Bellows, Vw.^Hollow Ware, cdT. the sale of 'AWBAMIIS’ STANDARD SCALES, CIDER MILLS, STNVR WILLS IN Al1 SHI :' E'sjs.rator,. 1’ AND Wan S A Plows. VV Y Burners E11 ’ S Friend CELEBRATED Plow, Circular tow... C'UTTON Pn„ M ,. ( , GINS Aiiy article .........-.......-.......— in our line not in stock, will be ordered when dnared. with ih« feint pwblt GREAT REDUCTION IN THE SINCER S E W 1 X G MACHINES! AFTER this, the FAMILY SEWING trXCUIS’KS will he ssM for CASH as follows: Plain Machine, $35; Covered Machine. $19: Drop-Leaf Table Machine, $45, All Machines fully guaranteed and delivered free of expense. Machines sold on HALF-CASH plan if desired, with an advancement of $5 on above price* for NEEDLES, all Machines. TUCKERS, CORBERS AND OTHER A TTA ('IfMEATS at Chicago prices; Purr Npcrm Oil a speicalty. N. B.—Parties are cautioned against using such Machine Oil as is put up and sold bv Druggists. Vw. Also, a fine assortment of Oil. CHROMOS AND FRAMES EXCEEDINGLY CHEAP! J. B. TOOMER, Agent, (t >fiii-e over Tuliumlx**, If.KlgMin & Co’. ) ATHENS, CA. J, H. HUNTER, Local Agent, Antioch, Ga. Sffi Hi it i* 1 tt i 5 - m -s—- - ^■ c iSi- ' •• h smf rf;-j ' WE OFFER THE ABOVE Magnificent Ammoniated Super-Phosphate To tbe Planters of Georgia, arid have no hesitation in recommending it to the fullest extent. We shall endeavor to meet all legitimate competition, and feel assured thw all who a.<e.our We also offer our “ EUTAW ACID PHOSPHATE,” Which we believe i« equal to any on the market. “ Cotton Option given if desircri. Call on.our Agents for terms and price*. GEO. W. WILLI A MB A CO., Proprietor!, Charleston, 8. C: Agents at f^-xington, HAIRE A LATIMER. declaim P'A VAinAslf iMNUllfc THE WORLD HEN.OV.'KEO WILSGN SEWING SACHIN aS „ wwimmstoti. elegantly finished “■«*“ QS a “ flfSt-cla3^ • «i»~ass *!r?isa It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial -BkOO* gjtionS- IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH PASTER than Other iSii hlnCS. SSS Its «Ua capacity Jea inlrf la unlimited. There are more WILSON M MACHINES a 1 SOId s in n the the Uritad WrttOO 8 StDteS *Mm t*>»tl the combined sales Of all the ethers. The W..8ON MENDING ATTACHMENT for doing,ail kinds cf repairing, WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with ©aoh machines WANTED. I WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. ^27 4 829 BfOadway f Pi©W IWfc Vork » ^ . , fl©W _ ^nPranC^ OfteftflJjLD* u C t . . l. SINCE. AUGUST lst. 1876