The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, February 22, 1878, Image 2

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Y. V- CABTT, praurwr* •»*•> PtUfUIIW. gnw . rrt «A —raw- • A - rth *K*" j ris «»wd the*, there ._ ere „,W10fift men is ibe Bieck Hiile »eking »- pe day. TELBE * r * 37> negr-* 5 * JO t.’har!*-'too waiting for the ship to take them, to X^i beria. A =iu* worm consumes within thirty daysSrsOyC til its own weight of mui* berry leaves. Thl other day a man in I mon county, T kfttr. iH-vI zd a t DUs: at 8 drktanreot i-i(>Ynrh l - . _ __ I>rRlN<i —. the 7 past year no. , a ^ z. -s mile of railroad was built in Georgia, ... • r ^ A DYISG man i» New Harnf*hire haa . t ,nfr,«! ./r U.I IA U> « I mnrilM morder t thkt hat he he hiiDcil nu P w oairait twenty year- ago. • — ♦ — - - — A* eighteen year old Ix.y, and . wo . recently man forty years of age were mar wed in Lanrens Co., !>..C riUWrfa M^mt , gtewro . ^ years, l arelTh." and n _ tl^cwldren *._ *' X _ year, we .ha!! be using feel furnished by tbiegases of the atmospheric air. A TWELVE year old girl in Penn., mired a quantity of vinegar and .oda and drank it, and died from tbeef fects. A ba a .owned in the river near Peav ecworth the other day in lew than two hours, and an island sunk out of sight in leas than three. At A Camden ’ X ' J ' an infant child w.. nearly . devoured J * by dogs. m They , had dragged the body some distance and ^.covered were fighting ever it Two reputable North farolioian, fern ^v.Xye.r”dtCdon^^w how old it waa when they first had the honor of making its acquaintance. The bottom man in a fight near Bir mingham, Ala., bit off the other fellow’s nose and was compelled to swallow it to escape choking. He ran off before they could put him under bond to keep the h ■ „ ThuRB is a four-montlisaold baby in Kentucky who consumed *12 worth paregoric in threee months, drinks now one quart of whisky per week, and cries unceasingly unit?*- stimulated with a healthy drink three time. day. Tbb expenses of the House Commit¬ tees oppointed to investigate the circum stances of the Presinential election were as follows; The Louisiana committee, f84,426; South Carolina committee, f14,289 : Florida committee, $9,649. TltKNewiork Nation, in its last issue, contendsthatStatescanbe sued in the ZZ 2 .SZSZ firmation of this, the case of Chisholm ▼». Georgia, which was decided by the Bupreme Court of the United States in 1792. Fost Worth Democrat Wily Horn a resident of l’arder county, was doing well. Now hold on, there is some thing worse. Mr. Horn is forty-eight yewaofage, and la the father of Hfty-two cuildren. HEhKYM.HTAh-t.KY .’ the great Afri can explorer, 18 a native of , , 1 ... Wales, where he was raised tn the poor house until thirteen years old ' He came foThmUtHtedistates w before our Civil war, and settled in New Orleans, from which dty he entered the Confederate army as *’ o,n - tew - William Mili,er, a young man re* aiding at Newell’s Run, Washington county, Ohio, died from a wound inflicted by Miss Elizebeth Taylor, whom he had seduced. He had renounced her and notified the Overseers of the Poor to take her to the infirmary. This coming to her ears greatly incensed her, and, pro owexnp «K«* e» where he was sleeping, and literally cut m, heEd open. At Lyons, France, a few days since, the body ofa dweller in the Villette was carried down to the etreet. The coffin wa, about to be placed in the hearse when the pallbearera heard faint and stifflwl groauBand murmurs. The coffin was promptly, opened, and the supposed corpse, escaping by the merest possible chance from the most horrible of at: deaths, sighed profoundly and cried aloud : 11 Ob, my God 11 breath at last!’’ The Strohl family, of Mauch Chunk, Pa., is probably tb© largest in the United States. Nicholas Strohl is a Pennsylva¬ nia German, now seventy-six years old. By three wives be has had thirty children twenty seven of whom aae living. The The youngest child is now three years of age and was born when its father was seventy-three years old. Nineteen are married, and average eight children each. At gethering they numbered over two hundred persons. They all live in the same county. A few days ago two ladies were cro« iog Lo ss Creel^ Ala.,on horsebaek, out of whom carried a bady. When toward cama dizzy and dropped the infant into the water. Both women scr.-afnedTirlis sistance, but, none coming, they rode, oil to the nearest house and got some men out. Tiie baby was found floating a mile below the crossing, after an expos ure of forty’ minutus, face turned upw ur<i .fast asleep. It was well wrapped up. ttiVti tire- Clothes' had kept it ftonv sinking, ty, tlntiwn as lire " tHieifia (.’omnium!y,’’: it is Uiitltriiftind, liavefsir thy eterersttitre | i,f tli. ir liiitii ail iii-tuion tvnr- than L’ uhkli Inisgiven a bad eminence I Ulab. IitdcC‘1 it i-lielietleii tn.beratlrer i more prouiii^uou-in fcgatd to sexe-. in-i a-nvucl! a- the marriage, ' relation i- dis- i ! retired wit*. . nlirely. W- learn that ».,« ilon. Mr, T.utLe, tncnlber of the ■ A«*oro- . bly from New York, is preparing a bili with a view ofcleaning out this commu hity, ahd ridding the State of a specie oi iniquity tolerable than Mormon i-tn A Tlrtta ** UHL Jobs L !*tafgeoa w*s k>rfl in New ■ Brittain, Coos., many yearn ***>, and fuiiy illustrate* the victim of bad When * buy be bed mil the aches end ill* b*y-»l»ck on fire, for which be we* m tere f T w!l j pp ^. He wee engaged In • iad ho rin off With another He married . -uppo-d rreb widow, and then discovered the day after tbe wedding that all the property *hf had in the. world w&Athe house she lived io, %nd that took fire the first day he wa« in it from the carelossne** of an un governable boy, that he did not know she was pmessed otjj and burned down. The insurance *he bad was io a cmnpa nythjLt weDt j D to insolvency befo re the •!■ of tli€ toss c*juTd_ lie E»3e. ils then starteu to ’trrb~ go to to C*\ Ca.Horn.a. tfarn =a T‘»^ i.»e train ran off the track and he was the . injured. J He was swindled out - of his money bu» . wen on. The party . , ,. ’ • >-en four days out, v! -a he^hurt his foot . such . manner that , v . k he e fed »• i be in a hind the train, and was descri.-d by a party of Indians wbo aad been following the train for a grKid opportunity to attack it , *»s shot. The scalp knife had a i rea( jy begun its denuding work, whea a'squadron of cavalry in pursuit of this very baud arrived upon the scene just i u ,.„, r t „ fa i , lifc, -i m believe gc on>, that di^st. life did who not mean had much U*« B for to ' He overtook and rejoined h»^ party, »»<* «•“» » » ith ^em. At Green Kiver he lost his entire baggage by fire, and from than on was supported by the others of the party. At Hoop-skirt Gulch he hroke his leg, from that onward he was carried in a wagon. He accumulated $tt,000 in the mines Hnd , Mexican stole that and ran away. The next day, his claim wrs claimed by another miner, the decision was against him, and be was forced to seek other ^ flood which Aga |” swept h ® did away " eH ^ his * cabin t, ™ e * and bot M(j accumu}ation9 left him 8tran d«i once lfpt „„ „ ind accu . : ^i^tHher^h^ "^' ^ om”»h.rtt M tub. badl 1 ’, after brilHant ■ year . at , the faro table-of h1 the cty, the . ' conccrn was hopelessly insolvent, The j youngster hat) atolen most of the capital. lle r8n * w »y " ll)l what »a» left, and the »*other firmly declined ,o die which left >>■"> w» h «he major part of hw troubles on his hands After all. ’ Nothing went well with him, and he j was beginning to assume a pictureaqtie appearance There was an immense bald spot on his h ead which the Indians had ornamented him with. His left leg had been set badly every time it had been broken, and was shorter than it, mate by four inches, wTiicb required the wearing of a cork sole of that thickness, ----, and, inmldjtion, —-----—_ f helort ------ the — ----------- j his left arm in a threshing machine, hand and f had three fingers of his right cut j off by a buzz saw. His left ear had been t»Vi*n taken Aff off Km by Hnmlf«n drunken wnlttsr miner, and and bi« his uosc had been broken by a fall down a shaft. However Agreeable he was in conversation and manner, he could not thehabit of drinking, and altogether life was not to him a row® tinted dream. An aunt io Connecticut left him 110,000 and he went to Chicago and went into business. The great fire left him pletely ruined. He went to Boston and started in asmall way and the Boston fire rr. bofel and out of maney. A relative in ; Hartford, to whom hi. Condition was j made known offered bin an asylum for the rest of his life, and his friends made and «n.t him thither. Hew op the train that went down at Tariffville, and h>d hij 0|her , brot{ . n in ,* 0 i . .„..t ,;i_ .„u otherwise bruiaed. His lock is after him . vt __________ - m t rr - — Horrible Cruelty. dently , been - overrated. 8 re ”i ial Ana r* rubefacient w evi - or blister maker it undoubtedly has its charms, but as a cure for defective metical knowledge it is absolutely useleiw. Such at least was the conclusion, in sub stance, that the New York Tribuue draws «e girl about six years old and SZSZ'ZZ'Z no further The photographer and his Wife whipped her repeatedly until. the blood ran down her back, and yet, strange tn say, she could not count beyond ,il Then they dropped tbe rod and took ud the pincushion. The husband heM the struggling child in bis arms while the wile pricked her writs and hands until they were red with blood; but the little waifcouldnotor would not count more tbansi*. fNbtferptt- 4eW to . bed and called for the mustard can. ■ Haifa dozen large plasters were put on the child’* arms, Wg« ami body and kept! ‘ W * : seven. The mustard , plasters , Were re uewed again and again and whites of eggs were beaten and mixed with the mustard to make the child’s suffering more accute; but notwithstandjg the pains that were taken to draw, he mn.l, emetics out, she could not count seven. having discovered the case have protest szzxzzzz’sz purvurd^tlremlpg it tmUer she «Jo’tiltl up in ignorance.: A Unban Graveyard. One of the-Havana excursionist gives description of a Cuban graveyard ; The burying grounds are not very large, only an, acre oir two,.across in pa rolled - lines, immense walls masonry built, and into these vaults chambers are struck just large enough a coffin, tlieniontli-ofthe same Hiese cataeomos present an ap; nof unlike a-huge martin, bi>x, iml—eaHi ctll or ebaniber being mini and a recnril kept—rent- are r, two hundred and fifty dollar a repti-e of ten year-bciiqt the aver price. At the end oftlre-e leases a i- fi.rinally demanded, and. if cd or refused, tb- vauld is forth broken open and,he-k.nny corp-c and- cremated or sold to ..the . societies or, perchance, ground nto fertilizers to be. used On^ur Georgia “ Cnfn Ikr W Ik, M»W m Harper's Mag Mine. ILLUSTRATED. • "'TT ^ SSSSS&SSrSS totb* Inetm .aa *» hni s urf ro . «t rert«W e<rftr.v«l,d«oreTT w> ^ jaw « r^LtlyL <h"th'frra-irrS fjvihll «, ln .| MCk , rHinam , i- ,Ui edremal vfepamnents Unw a*iben.—jBmt 9 nJ<r*r*al. TER7IN: pcjt.uir- /rtt tv ait Sub*rT.fjTt in the V. S. Harper* Magazine, one year..... $4 (** inelcAes prepayment of U. &• ps^tage ^ ^ HtMi AeP . \w»*- npttt’rt Hanna's Mao AZIXE, t w ?***{' fin* *?*!r?*’ //?*' r^prnoJ* h,r •'il*. ~ - — - A» Firtr* f •>;>■/ Aaiab of > 'h*rth* M-viazim . W kv.klt, ,. y vM bf * /<>r # .r ¥ 0»Ae/. Five SrB^aiirE«» \ ^ ; ^ <*>. C' j■ ■ ye-fr, <*?- >st-v r #;./>.r all ,S~</mttfTf cnit at tune*. ' r * - ,,r ‘‘ f,r V n '‘ r ''”''. with the X-iimbcrso! -Ini r of When no time is sp*-* !; 15 . :! will be »n j«niua?d that the >ab«?nber wishes to wuh th. t »,r*\l»l.r. A < omj.lete ?>et of Habi'Er s MagaJhsr, now eompriaing 55 Volume, in iu*at cloth hr mail, ^pe^L?. postp^'1, .v^r tbrbiiMlmg.Sfi by. t‘i'dh^;^ses, ceata, first Cmupleto Aoriytieff -Ht Ir»!.v M the T v .H ; : ' ^ l r i Tr s which comlittiUic this pwiwti aJ a i«?r!e* t il* ISTfuNou? ! . .. _ . T P . «*^ • v Sf mfayirt are m to u>pg tin, n-feertoo mai.rukimt ikattfmu order of Hum * Hrothbks. Adiinws HARPER A nitOTHERS, N. Y. -- --T't u A Complete- Pictorial Hiftory of the Timen.” —“ The beet, cheapest, and mcM tHfCt&ful Family Paper »» the Vuion." Harper’s Weekly. ILLCSTRATEI). The IF«*^U periodical S£ St™, puh!i the Pres*. and he<l mnrt in this, po werful illustrated s eoun * r v - ««*«rial» are scholarly and conyinc . much weight. Its illustrations mg, and carry the Th?r™*^ day that il'tte its essential miy Hlmtrated charact^tira paper.,f is in n cvtumal pa,-r .-ttrootlm Acgrr. __ TKHMN. t*,„ r fmto «n Smtmmbfr, t» thr V.S. ^7 tiubecriptivn* h ,,...hh-h .-A to \ Harpfrs Maoazink, ro oar addrut /or m, gear, *7.00; piwtoyc to?, * tMor.. be supplied Or MaoafiSE. vntti*for v ;mki Cj4 y.’*'HasM octH ever* qf fW <M yMr( Kxtra eopj/ijor *20.00. the year When no time U mentioned, it w ill be understood that the subscriber wishes ne&v illumes of Harpkk'h W The An nual V« * krk* ly* in t«loth binding, bi will be sent by es* S^s { ense, ^ ’dollar, prowidad .rowdaJ the freight not exceed osq for *7.00 each. A A cnmnlete contjtfric Set. Set, eoimirisimr comprising Ttm Twenty-one IV ^ Cloth Case* tor each volume, suitable for on Pa ‘i. .niv’ 1 “ Xrnpoprn nrr ,«M to copy IAi« advtrti,* oioft wt/ioiit the exprest order of IlAHPKlt A “ Ad.S"ilARPEB * BROS., New York. — ------ — ~ ———— "A Br/wUory a/ FaM, m.Ptnuure, and /» , nrwiom," h« p .sw H.I.l 8THATE1). Jrtd.^S^«rh:;rfuimw5ridXw Xo^Oirp- , .‘' ; authority in all #ud it ie rtc matter* nuM ^ The llazar eoriunends itself to every mem and her : of the household pictures, to -to the yoongSadtes bvtts 1 foshton jiretty plates endless variety, to the m Went dren’s clothes, matron topair^milm hy it- patterns byJiWttsteftl tor_th* ,IhJ. ‘ f °. r pni ^ r,,|l ' ( ~ r, ' < tile T of *flss»«;5£«iCEt AoMr is uniformly of come an estahlwhcd authority with the ladies of America.—A. J. JKvrning IbH. TERMS t Postage free to (iff Subscriber* in the C. S. ! by R“m,q’nd«^“w”Sf the publisher*. vtii ^ £»r. «dd«*“ M «ar T.o« ; ys-tojy year, withoutertra copy,/or be $>0M. time Back yumber* can "applied at any •* understood that the suhseriher wishes P> The Annual \nlumw of Harper “* ^ s Bazar, ^ ^%ed „"!e dofinr Vt' 5, ^.pX^t S fl for .t /r*&e«vr*» ‘ ' guitaWe f „ r w llin will hi mail,postpaid, on re of #1.00«ieh. - Indexes'to-eaob-vdlome seat gratia on mrnt without th, rs P m* otirr of J1ARPEK Hrothkrs. AJ.i r.--s HARPER A BROS,, New ’iork. QWVAP . QTT|T SI ' *-|F lK - *9 ^ 1*9 ••mthfisid St. put*ba>th. passBsssassia SHOT 0 UFS S5JR V2SUJ5r,%S 2S5.fS.tXf .SS RhYOLV bRN ■y-arfidtiSaTslSr' •iUoni Ma* or full n--ck«i for Rim or Fir# telSS54«ffilKS&S«*? pistols.• irkiadaradnM*. from ti.WtottAM Lapffg L 8 *T IllBStrated Price LiSt^iWfl^ISST H. JOHMSTON, WORKS, GREAT WESTERN GUN }io. 1«9 SmttlvReta St. PITTSBT7ROH, PA. iPfSiiSSS ,”»? j,w;Es; r,s«ikiJ K T ACk«,.akutia: nsrs.'aoiei, u»*s, j? - **. }-.» «■« " st»w «,»«ii» # »»-uii»i.«iMS«iW.toodu»toi»,ntow»i»Sai^ ■ kl^nraSu«i“.'54K«n5 , ,S 1 n?Sil3 , , ........ . iHMfl * jstYAiiEinWTRfiAUV, AND POSlTIvaf CUBES WWLIO hEtPME ^ ”cw"!ST*WAl"NST0NTi).6 J w'y SMIUEL LUMPXHI. NEW FURNITURE CMTIBUKNSEXT. J. l r. WILSON >„> Mailt, oeer Braves* Si*?*—. X j— f ^ ['(jp;] jtti|*t\ ’ Burial I'atieS. v. at reasonable- prices, itepairirjeail kinds of Furniture a sp-eial '•iu'^'^K^^b.nd will also Frame Pictures at short notice he in famine hi-ira-k and pricra. jail NOTICE. 1 pHK potwitiaNtandins; n m bwgs ed be i* eacsat-d ihat in jOR FRA<TICE OF DENTISTRY, in which he is prewarrd his to JEWELRY' dp all kintbof ESTABLISH- w.^rk, h«r al.-so H p MF.NT a> heretof ^ ami will d<* all manner ( ,f vtf }[ i n | H oh professions, at me.4 reas-'^a* . ^j,. rat*^, and ■ifuaraotc*?'* perfe**! sati^fe* r ’Ot or h-.-ney rvftmdtil. Wiii also A»n*»--h any inthe Jcwelrv^liat at astow rateaathe ^ be parcha w edda n rtffg. * \|«• I»»ntal .fere.l.wheanotificu™ pwlrona will be attended at their ! home. .!>« by msi! ,. r otherwise i< given me. B. CHEDEL m m IW1% Bi f% | I W #% A | &w BJ C mJ V j . W • j | - , ' ■ 1 i A | j i Pianos and Organs . SPECIALIeDUCTIOaN ] i For January, 187A. 40 tO 60 ^ CENT, 01SC0UIIT Tmm C.Utognc Pnc™. LOWEST PRICES —asti EASIEST TF.HMS F.VEROFFERED. -- i **^5% nd makers: OHICKEBIHG, MATHUSHEK, KNABE. HALLET4DAVI8, - axrTlIWAY McPHAIL BB0S,| A; CO 8IMP80H 4 00., HAINES [ BILLINGS & CO. [ DIDIAD | llL"fl ,l I I'll lII fOrU’D I fill III II vlWAlIvs ftRUII’S. | llaaon Pfesoctt & Organ Hamlin, Oo. Pleoubet Clongh fc * Warren. Pelton, i j secures made the best America. Oijan or Piano iu “ . ■ i w —T| | |pr ~I! lgTr & ' Ms R fl Va IIUUIIIOUII RnhUISfill «. 1^/ fjO WUi ; Make Have Armngetl to the AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE j In wumection with Ltidden 4 Bates’ SAVANNAH MUSICHOUSE The r-mitessf Croat Distributing Point of Piano,, ; i p, ic es in Savannah and Augusta always the j y Galway,ahead.f j ri i eq gr etiti g n, Good. «ut by Express anywhere in the Soutbi C.O. IK, op itwipt of (rfwace exwws ! —-——— TITMJVI3 1 UlxIilU awn ■* Plt’P liLI lUIUtHl .4DltSTfi t . [ANOS . t iiritt H, PIPE and ; 01!6ANS ,^1 a« kindsof Mnsiea, he Y#M< ,A m , Repaired J d by Mr.C. h»mo H.TXv- U > mn , t an t * tor “^| *g^'”^ u 5I , ',| *Voitrtmufou <1 < y 1 1 of im the \|JGI\STA MUSIC HOUSE - !--------------——^—-—- | jw Pai€E8 QuiCK Sales ESTABLISHED,.....1856. - Fmitlanil I 1 UUIUUU^U |in»riiB IU UUi 1UII, P J BERKMAN Pr o p ’r ' j AU0 EST stock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Roses, Evergreens, Greenhouse j uud ■STfflJSSjWt'SSS! Betiding Plants in the Southern States, euliurist*. oOO.CWO bedding-plant- now ready j my4-ly for Catalogue. 7~ i 7 T : ~T^7 ^ 7n^ ' WHITSON . O. JOHNSON JUtOnC* Ut COUlISfillUf A 111, ; LEXINGTON, GA., Oglethorpe j j I Will pratice in the counties of Tuili. ! ra.,o. »■■■■. - .......... tr.-u.,,, .....i ferro; nn*i in tha>4«prrnie Court of Georgia ! RUCKER & HULL - f-OrT^TtlV v ^ v ' a -at*-' nnAtiiMnki PROVISION nnnumfi BROKERS. Strict attention given to the storage and s^c *f Cotton ton. ^ Libera! tolvnnctanepta made oa Cotton _ r^-sj^vjssr *™«**,«* __ GENER&LTICKETftGENCV ppurn,, TIDI/rT«rrUPV ----------- . . ______ RAILROAD _ _ TICKETS _^ - J I ^ vV %v* mA«^ eN«.«"<y -rnrav.cKJweyrec- mamavI J-r bv All Usmt** to all Pnnc’pal Foi.,i. • .N THE UNITED STATES. / vLl. Y'M. >MlX1AMsS. . Agent Sotttlieru Express to., AtltoUS, Ga. =__: MESON ACADEMY, LEXINCTON, CEORCIA. rr-HE i:\KKi iSl.s nf tliis lustiiution will I l-._re-uro.-l pn MONDAY, Mliv«l .lanu ,, year will omsi-t of xa-ntlfo, (wine div-dvi into foarquarters of »'«» week- raefi. AA'.A'* 7 - SS Higher Kiigh-li Branches ,pf*r quarter, f oo, “ % Student, prepared for any class in our Cot THOS. B.At<>SS Principal*j i i December 21,1877. dec21-tiw PF.TER KEENAN, of aucusta, CA., HAS NOW ON HAND AND FOE SAJ.E A STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES I'.nrivalled by «sy fe*tw»»» the Southern States, and the only one who Every article sold by him *91 be****^ represented, »d eioharuM in»d« of * maths, or THE MONEY REFUNDED! II. respectfully M t, tk. mtronacr of his friends in Georgia and South Carolina. an.! witb <«* detracting-Iras, the a*r.v- at <db»r poods bwa be keeps. cnUtnly bmm them a sat tug ol *5 prr cent, t>y hoyia s the.cia— of PETER KEENAN. Near AUGUSTA, Central Hotel, GA. GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES! “ ROB T I [. MAY & 00 .. • if A X r FV CT P K EES OF AXU DEALERS IX evekv dlsciuphon of CARRIABES AND BIGGIES j PLANTATION & LUMBER WAGONS, Harness, Saddles, Trunks, BAGS. VALISES, SHOE FINDINGS, —lomriinm be mw Carriage Materials, Saddlery Hardware, Whips, I nlirellas. Etc. : ^K»ITORIISi AXD SALES ROOMS: .. ?S 9 Broad Street, loggia, Ga, SB Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. KIB’T H. MAY. J. T. MAY, . A. K. (AKiDYEAR, 4- ». 8. PAK.MELEE TO THE PUBLIC! . —and Most Especially to Our Country Friends! AVt* wi«h to cal! your attcnt,|ri to-the remarkable low prices and deduction at which we arc now selling ] DRUGS, MEDICINES. cvA PAINTS, OILS, ETC. \\ e ran save you Zft per in your jwtrchiww bv bnying of iih. Sfieewl tnduceme nts o Physicians and < ouutry Myehants. Having on hand a very large stock''of Fresh Drugs, bought low, enables ns to off^goods *t bottom prices. We guarantee to satisfy. , SPECIAL IXDlTCFAtENTH : BUIST'S Warranted Garden Seeds, Petal*., Onisjj SifedN Seto, Peas, Bean, art Corn, in bulk, just received, FloWdr ttH«l IlanfflnH Basket!., ANl a XT V COLOR n A1 nl) PAIN niTAnn 1 At M 1 IVIVIA A LI) RLA nnt DY t V , For u*e, at 25c pint, 4oc quart, and *2.25 gallon. CIGARS, , th# best only oe, W*™™’** ***■■„„ KINO’S TOILET POWDER , for sale , by M. II. Arnold&sw», t ruvrf.wti. ^TTvrmvr'T^f"''''!'- chiici tLe* ' rent'carc i Mn. ' cor™ the aiid TOOTH u * id itR(T&f!F<3 80c’a si* tr >-&5 ' ,„, ACK nYK , bottle. yjiLK FINETRlWsI. OF M AOVIST V ’ 50c a vial AUGUST FLOWER and COUGH HANl>SOAP,SOcslid SYRUP, 10c a vial. 7Sc adoien, HAIR DYE, as good as the best, t*)0c box R. T. BRUMBY ATHENS, (iA. & CO., A. K. CHILDS. K NICKERSON . _ Y, H. WYNN ___ ___ I mFck xl I __ ELlwOv^l^ fbsom W W », L/Q r n No. 15 Franklin House Building, ATHENS, GA., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in -» J P=5 (WT f]|l ST fTl"ITITT it llttlllN i tt ru J A tilt l UAUljiJj Pi Pi 11 *-taaX HORSE AND MULE 8H0E8, HOEKE 8HOE NAILS, A—rienltural Ianlementa LftaAs Oils GUaM Varnish t’otton, Manilla and Jute Ro,». Carnage and 8add!er>-Hardware Fellows 4,1,1 Hub,, Spokes FAIRBANKS STANDARp SCALES, CiDeR JNILLS, bTMUP sYMUP «...* iff ILLS W , will Any article in ohr line not itt stock, be ordered wnendestreo, with tUe least possible <*elnv. Cnll »d examine ottr stock and prices. -------- r—i --------j ------ — -i- s —su- .— ......... j.- i ' - ■■■.■■ --—v—-—-w ' «|k JV/I Jg" A\ JE rV|_H J_» "H' H ■ ■ V ,J*» V 1 t In X# 1 9 I 1 8.......1 , ■ . * ... — . » <*KEAT RlhDlCTIOIV I>' PRICED F MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES And the convinced work wtill that maintained to the highest with fair state and of perfection. Fall Designs and get and my prices and be you arc dealing a square man, prices at ruy Yard. Specimens of woyk on hand f< or Hale. A. R. ROBERTSON, Sculptor and Monumental Hoilde . Marble Yard adjoining Reaves &. Nicholson's Uotton Warehouse, ATHENS, GA - TO a IMPORTANT- ALL a a 4 -------- a , 7 p 7lT 8TO< ' v OF flRfiPffig llliUuljulJjU, g DDY JJli I fl/lflM Utiuilu, DltU 1 CUfiPC UltUljU mATTAMC ATUlMr' U, J H n A »tc 1 b, WU l iUINb, ri tLU 1 HlHu, II11 III >h STtlVES. 31'M Lh TltSIR I llld n i't TIN llil) MiffllS. IMU.lUWil) H IL RBW1RF Hll fl If (Vlit If ills Tn * y bfi %J\J Sold IVI ChfiaD 11 VC* p for I I/I fash VUOIIf AT THEJIAMMOTH'STOftE OF . -j H AIKC m IQP J& V I LA A TIMFPffi MIVlBK O r LEXINGTON, GA. Jj*-G1VE .US A CALL BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE, AND SAVE MONEY.-** - - “ y 7 -- - Gil GEARING, ' SHAFT m. NG. ■ * ■# mi ■ ■ M 7 15 JDULl*Wd AT TQ CHEAPER than ever before at the , . . ,,.„. kg Al i*\ >J.\, Mill Wearing *nd *~*.i«org T*ii im WadcaadUewml v Pr, p ‘ , »l'"> ---------- : ' —WHERE TO get— JCj ^ JCL*-±J -p-* » \\TE have.nn htuid aT-argC St*ick ofFre*h \\ and Good Syeiis, we offer to th reader.- <>f the El: J.K» at'the hoi. .wing rates : Be-nikiid i'Mt ;°f,.r which we add xe rash paper. s^fwr qiiiirtTpret.ici- _ eliwq-'r i.y-M i’-'. . * !l '*k »«d« cinj-he rent 111 TO T LGW-EH-URES*. ffi RffHAHTS We ean oiler aqabesore to Mend list of SEED wapfe-l, ^ *- 1 4 AIN . 1Vf « I AND 1V1 r\IYT^/ 1)K10 < T L1AL IVU «hi«hwe SELL VEB\ for Lusn. C. ¥. LONG & CO., ATHENS, tiA. FREE ALMANACS, such as “ Greer’s/* given free to all who will call and see us. FINE PERFUHES cheap. A bottle of buying Rrumby’s *5 worth best Cologne of Drugs from given to any one us. HAIR OIL, HairTctiitumd Vasilioe at 2v5e a bottle. r PURE WHITE LEAD 111 per lOfflba. PURE OIL at 85c per gallon. TURPENTINE at 75c per gallon. ■ BUNCOMBE Cabbage Seed 50c per oz., direct from Buncomlie county, N. C. BRUMBY’S COUGH MIXTURE, 25c BLU E M ASS, 10c a box. ■ *54B*-In fact, if you want anything in the Drug line call on ...........-.......-■■■ - ■ ■■ - Buggy and Wagon MANUFACTORY, ISSX - ^ thnrpeand sh rrmuui i n«cou »tgtiSSJmamBLi over by one of theb«t workmen -m Georg, a thh tt X isaakursasisssr best painter south of Baltimore, is also in : tiass of work.can be had anv wherein the \. | DirTIlDr PICTURE TDAlWrC FRAMES. «r i and ^f iFioture the largest'.stock Frames in Athens, of Mould .tlf ink ! Tv ' i>- re ! ports M,e e,.ntrun rawing iii,twithstanili|ig. «-hi it von want v<«ir Y «lon 'WMhlet'iileUinA iff the. work lujreei prices, and call onbefore havinsr yniir ——-“• —-------—- -----— ' ■ |V| D IT _ |t| IT \Su ^ iu || It L 11 L Vf U UUUh/ V --AT-— MillstoneStore I WOULD m©st respectfulry irifi n.i my ma I d-t friend* ami customer* that I.have just reiurned from market, of where 1 bought a large • Hi 1 M'lect stock DRY ULOTHING. NOTIONS, KKBY, HaTS. TIN funns., AND HARDWARE, SHoKS URc»( GRO( EILIES, ToBA< < 0. ( IGARs. BAGGING, TIES, ROPE, .will And numerous other articles, winch I sell at verv low prices. Give me a calk Millstone, J. Gooaepoud PHILLIPS, di*L.<.>gleth4jrpe«>r G«, — Attention, North -East Georgia! Buggies, Phsfitoiis, Carriages, Rockaways. Wagons, &c, OF THE OLD RELIABLE HODGSON MAN UFACTU RE, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Materia! and tt^’inest'Workmen ^lieik^^'‘a^[viandKzamiDe^cforera?hMitV £foe«i»re. *Ai! wSmTuATuS COOK STOVES SOLD ’ A. K. CHILDS & CO., ATHENS. ' ORbA-bS, 1" ORGMS, "Y ORGAhS, V .* ORGAM xw'w !: I Z The subscriber! having been Ippoinwd Bolo- Ageuufor tho cvh-brhtcd ' > ' ‘ y, ,L New England Organ Company. , a ‘ _ keep Whose A huge Imtmmenu monmem Ire pmununoed nfthene Splen hydjudgu‘ id ( RGANH, m be the of best vuriom mud» styles, in the which mumry, are unnqrpasned will3 alwnyn. _ For Beauty Of Case 3; VSweetnem-I ot‘ 'l'cin‘e. - ”l'he'y lure Chumhen received um‘ Riga! Ptemiumn Every m the 1m “mum Fairs Nunh; 'flwin Hurgniviw given Munuto 3nd Se oo‘ls. ()rgan hall a Wmnnm- from the Makers finr Flu Venn. Send for Cumingue. TheOld l-Inllblinhed Hume of (1&me 1 ll m:nd out no inferior Iniclu. ‘ ‘ - I - ‘ OAIES BROS . . ! ’2. % ‘ , SUCCWORS T0 GEO. A. DATES, . 2+1 Broad Street, A U4 :USTA, GA » o > FOE THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY ; OK THE bu ___ rst ___ aw nntit j A them. „ a tbe Our; grea Busan , contest Turkish now .YYar wagingbetween Book is.the ; most Reliable, accurate and Comprehensive; dMfoabfo"“d'^^Jfttl 5 oooACTIVN AQ9NT9 WANT9D j Tho« desiring Territory on this work ! "houldavai! themselves 0 !fcnearly appliea -------- GRAND COMBINATION PROSPECTUS, R**j»ivwent»ng^504>wttftCt Books, < »f universal interest, including Agricultural, Biographical, Historical, Sales Religious, from and this Mis¬ cellaneous Works. made pro* spectus when all Single Books fail. Also on bur UK) Styles of Premium i FAMILY BIBLES, 1 English and GermXh, Protestant and Fath l olie. Awarded Invaluable superiority over all other*, Bind ; for *heir Aids and Superb ; ingn, ot the tirand I’entcnnml Exhibition, I 1876. fete Particulars free. Address JOHN E. POTTER <t PHILADELPHIA. CO.. Publisher*, aep7-ly _ CRAMPTQN’S | IMPERIAL SOAP > ; IS THE BEST. C'nunpion’e Imperial Soap is B»e Best, i CrainptouVInxperiHl Bttap is the Best. Crampton’s Imperial Soap is the Be«t. 1 Urampton's Imperial Soap is the Beat. Crampton’s Imperial Soap »■ the Best. Crampton’s imperial Soap is the Best. Crampton’s Imperial Soap is the Best. Crampton’s Imperial Soap is the Bes Thin Soap is manufactured from pure mate rials; and as it contains a large percent age of Vegetable .Oil, is warranted fully equal to the-best imported Castile Soap, and at the same time contains all the trashing and cleans-. { Ing properties of tbe eele . hr ated Ger¬ man and French Laun¬ dry Soaps. It is I therefore recommended . for use in the Uumlry, Kitchen nnd.Bath Room, and . al... f..r I m.urj, "SS I air ers, Engineers r. _ ............ ..... ! r „.................. the he-„n the market, : this it ™, is 1 cr,»..h..,-t»:o,i.y,„.o.™,, advertis.-n.ent and,,- r an Iteadfit. \\v pg-s duvet h*‘*‘*tc«J. want to vour -tt.’iiti.m to tlie adveniscmentof " t’ s imperial th.r j\osi}>. Having cart.rmimuieiid used it in our omee th. . «.'* .past year, we it a |^« 1 V‘ SS ami «e Urmw whereof \Ve «f»eak. Itiai-sp* iallv adapted t’“f print.-r«. paiiitefss *?ngii-y« r< and description* from th< hands ax well as cloth vs. with little la l>or For general .-household pur (m»m*s it cauiipt be excelled. •".. MaiiufHoluretf only hy ORAM ETON* BROS.. For‘sale in Oghjhd.r|«r McilAlJ\N, county hy J. J. U. t rawford. ■ HARGROVE Crawford. ' <’ > WITCHEE* JARRELL, Crawford. j 11A IKE A LATIMRR. uxingtok . J. T. M. HAlREj Ix-xington. SMITH & YOUNG, Lexington. > WM. GOTTHEIMER,Lexington. 310 Si m - ' i - — _ ?• 1 THE IBON KING ■ i THE BEST ' • ’—— ANf>—— THE CATE CITY : ■ Cook Stoves j? Have no superior in the United State*. These celebrated Stoves and " J, C, WILKINS 1 "PREMIUM" TINWARE For sale in Lexington bv II AIRE & LATI¬ MMMfree MER. In Crawford by C. 8. HARGROVE. fr— -i THE AMERICAN SEWING w r Machine* Hothlsg to mm BUT THE Needle. NO NEEDLE TO SET It Sells the Easiest and always Satisfies. AGENTS we ask yon to try it, anti offer you special Inducements. , Send for Circular & Prices to SfT Wm Fswlfc St., Otaelanaii, O* JL. C. JYEBHrtir.R, Manager. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE T SINCER SEWING MACHINES! AFTER this, the FAMILY SEW1XG MACHIXKS will be sold for CASH as follows Plain Machine! $35; Covered Machine, $48 1 Drop-Leaf Table Machine, $48 NEEDLES, TI CKERS , CORDERS AND snaioaltw,. OTHER V- A TTA _lVvtiot CIIMENTS ^aittinnoH nt Chicago adkitKt priev. ’.*■ *»--»« «•»•••« 4 kll a R ara using such Machine Oil as is put up and sold by Druggist*. i»m* Also, a fine assortmect Ott, CIIllOMOS ANI> FRAMES ____------------EXCEEDINGLY CHEAP! J. B. TOOMER, Agent, (Office over Tulm-'l^e, IJo,lg»on A Co’s .tore,) ATHENS. GA. J. H. HUNTER, Locsl Agent, Antioch, G#. \ - • 1 ygz IjAt M mi _. ffNI __ tjf// #J®*««btiu2eb’ T* " ■' : *' ^ *C_ ---- i _ TV - \ V.'-V W. '■ J. V ^ m C\ 4 . ‘-jj. n S if ,- IS-: ■ Jdefj, * WE OFFER THE ABOVE \v. -hall .-nih-avor to meet all iegitimato <orr,petition, and feel a^ireti that all who u*e ouf Arth h - will V»y highly pntiml with the;result*; We also offer our “ EUTAW ACID PHOSPHATE,” given if desired. Which wel-diev* i« equal to anv on the market. “.Cotton Option fall on our Agents for term, mrf pnera^ Coi, ^ WILLIA M S A Proprietors, Cbarlestoo, 8. Gr Agents at Lexington, HAIBE & LATIMER- decl-M^ SINCE A'UGUS'IE' lst',»1876