The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, March 01, 1878, Image 2

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THE OGLETHORPE EtHO T. U. GANTT. El*rro2. PTBLWHEE and PMfglETOft. ~ IrWay ttOTlnc, - - Si*reli %. !*•* ; PETILTRIIX A cultivated ear—An ear of eons. Acorn extractor tStt ba*» never been patented—a crow. Baby-shinr* have proved Herod disastrous inaugu ever si ace the ont King r * t€ **' The difference between a bov and a * 10 !Ue 1)0 drop tetter, ever Vhurt?” „,iH «» whim**. Weil, tiwy w found dead sometime*! A pio Irarallerthief flirutten i, a rm fttm rhTwy—it md y-rfcyttree t ool s ' and two handkerchief*. Fragments of broken Ksolations are this season vf the f Bill.say : * i will never bay lot ♦e ■ tickets »•:* c/m bire^L m^'n ; to rob me at reasonable wages.” W«nr?=*» w* #* evening t&Ff " A* mj U st«ut ** y of* Ut - Jo t»ck ' >ni ^* L * t .Oj- “ U ; ' A suatatum itadA Acgro’by replied the to Ul* boy * fespectfully, »ae tank you ; Pomp's nose not hungry/' «3i^*52^ down intawweil andsertnc Jrulh'abon- . countenance in the smooth water. ) bflen This wislied is the ilrefcad maiden ne’er *» forlojl),” been bom, .whftj j and turned up her nose in petuientscoru bat had i at the girl, who last season’s worn. | “ 1 live in Julia’s eyes ” said an affect. ed dandy in dolmans bearing. “ 1 don’t; wonder J.t it. "replied tleorge, “ since 1 observed she had a stv m them when 1 •saw her last.” Kentucky heats them all. She now | furnishes a’citsc where a man eloped I with a whole family except the old man, who bad a lame back and couldn't get t it* a epot in time. It has been discovered that the h<* tvay to prevent apples fr*»m rotting t« to put them in a warm, dry cellar, and let a family of fifteen children have free ao resa . to Uiein every .. day. , siuii “Take a microscope and look at sugar you tl .never tiiit anymore, st New Hampshire paper. Take a micro ■ scope and look at your n<*m and never wear. »■ again. A young man of 21 went to Texas last March and is alreai y the proprietor of u l ?Srfy &»ily. aud ZZmnP'af “wire I-. wife, seven children, a hut “God God iieipm the the man.that caught helps hi helping msglf, heif man himself h ere ," is a notice posted behind the counter .of a ail venunith’f* in Boston, * A double-barrelled gun batiga near tlu; —no t ic e .— 7 ——: —: : A gentleman, visiting an Irishman,ob Served a monster pig Strutting, the noose, as kea how they got such a brute up those two ** t *' r *^ ^ plase yer’hoiior/ down be'.tubtp.» eaul 1 addy, ‘It w:t* piver to “ Ma," said a little urchin, S"i beneath .the bed-clothes* “ I am waut some more cover on the bed." "** Lie stil}, my dear,” said the mother, “ until your sister homh.fmm_ church; she has got the comforter tor ft buatle. - indebted^ " <lo tie you W»w“.tUat “I 1 in.tcnd do-don’t-i to marry and set down?” know anything alaidt. it,wudie Hngle ami seti'te up” Kentucky . An exchange says a man toS'Sh^nMS - wrtT*A “w^ - X i£ united : “ 1 lave you joined the Murphys, *4^t«^ tbf ™L 1 The"h.w eg “Yf» ••Ormd^.rrG t 0 »i>f F?nJ r gtei Well,no,not fi»h*aealea exactly her, tfcwt-but and fin fpt all over mix gers on one hnnd ; and that’* what/t*l -it trcmmrP .»*■■----— 4 ,.. Darn if .... I don t belive the . world .. me, is and a wheelbarrow,” I’m mud revolving a jolly inebriate, the wheel on the now I'm ondryland,” t be 'fetched up on the curbstone. . His concluding re* mark, as-hia boots followed his head down an open cellar*way, was, 1 Now the wheel is broken, aud the wehicle is out of repair.” l “ e JMKOU * Itireti reiausene ioiiok . in«: Quite a startling tr.jjedy we i,x>m fin 'J^JSsasa hnrnt* rnihtiMl lar-i bia rxt urn l»*> t^e for the nigiit vv, fc niiie or two of fae looking woman came up and asked she could warm at the fire. Permission jk£fcT!EUtti"X *“ Kjw**- n ma " : w r ft nda a man's boots and pants, and the son «hiih a’roul^l hi. tuapteiom ami ^fc pM kid e“^e b,^w“r,tn H mg the man and little boy in the wagon other were asleep, with blew their a whistle, faces when two men. blackened StSteftJ stantly the throat 5 S&*sws of the who cut sitting by the fire, killing negro boy, him was tin the spot. They then starU*d for the :^;,:‘:rV^ OW ^ hd h * a , T n watrhiug their movements, opened 1 fire upon ilieiu with a double-barrel gun, killing two of then iu their tracks. The one dressed in woman’s clothes made his escape. 1'iwn examination of the dead the wh" hadevirnlly'sreVthe the factory \H£ his re«!re money at Ibf cotton, and whose object was of course thehiur der of the whole party ttndroUbe^ More Spirits ..................... Abroad in Georgia. The quiet villiage of Swainsborv is greatly exercised concerning the presence ,borriftlng !Sb“ pearance and are everybody rt nit ibeir lugubrious grounds and broom- ' stick antics. Justrrtfeteir wii«t the S»ar SSSSKSS 5 tMS in a room in the building .reterre*!’to when they heard groans as if from some iJtvativ vmd in the very ii^caine fit<m the Search a as made thrnutthouUhebutWing i,id even iradi r it, bet imtl.ina eouM lie luimn t" explain the imiMi. t Iu-house in being beard killed on the spot. Parties who ' the groaas the other night My the ; werJlfider^nitMtiaty,'e^Ml ^ ,— -— ~ in (teo^ «i*^e» huudred and ei K ht convicte. Tfmje and taenty-cight convicts, •<» tribilled to the fourteen convict cam|. in the State, which are situated—one at >•“'- -* - ■-»'«' county, one in Green county, one^at fei. vannah, one on Uhauipney’s island, iw o on the Air Line Railroad, one in Bartow county, one at {^dartown, Polk countv, :* or ,e in ^ a y^ or vounty, ■ and , ■ three , in Washington r county. AVk hum from the North Georgia « tiaen tbai * “ u ' d » ,,d "»* uer was committed . in Uaioosa county l»“t Friday night or Saturday Youh^^..her morning., negro woman was thmu-uLand there.waa e-videwe ofdes perate resietance on her parr, fro.n the blood ou the floor and confusion of things it. her house. Three are sus p-ctt-d nf ihe crime, as they had had a ,vlth h “ abo “' f™. “W .•»>• owed one of them. Two of them were arrested and put tn jaii. The other is affeeuoo^ but he’dwobeyed. M ra. Soutn - e« borrowed a knifefrum her father, and with it stabbed MUs Cnnurt to Ik>b and his ,Gfe then escaped together, »nd *ere .uled m Ibetr flight b« their wealthy relatives. A few days ago tiny were oveit-iken in North Carolina bv a w • bad accom|*amed him, was badly, woouded. S? ie a very pretend atsgtlar affair. The What it w wit! we do not to mv. matter be ihoroufhly inveatifutrd, as some tw of our people of «re the *»>««» exceeding t» »«*rtoS» / arrange ti.-'i lain* The Tillager and the s&ake. A Villager one frosty day found under a hedge a Miake almost dead with cold. Moved with compieioti, and having hear«i that Snake Oil was good for the Uheumaiiz, betook it home and placed H on tbe h eart h, w here it shortly began - «»; h «»*r»*r - «" k 7 *"™: round the curare. the villager’s son who had. not drawn a «>ber brrath in . «rek: ™>md apt see i n g - taw se rp e nt imfownng -ttw-piatit-, unvarnished tail, with the cry, “ 1 ’vc got Vm again ! Bed to the office of the * off and bemuse an Apostle of Tempera $700 a week. The beneficent snake nest fejj if 5 <> villager'! mother-in-law so severe* r-H ‘ • ' . t h.« ‘t..\c swm, leaTing the vinj.utr.WpIy , m | d o u hl/ iu iUUrfe t. .V.„-4f.-Aenuuu, iu ™w»r.|. A -riake 10 the worth two ire the wot. The Salaries of Editors. £“S5:S !h», »f. Lonoerv fte nianapng wlitor of the New Y ork Herald, receives fn/OOO; S’hitelaw Reid of the Tribune, *12,000; Charles A. liana, ofthe New York Son, *12,000 ; Hurlbut of the World *10,000. Thomas Kinselia’s services to the Brook j vn E ag !e are valued at *10 000 The ™ .V. , / !, ,, I,,!/, „ k ,, ’ the editoW , the Herald, , gets *10,00n, and has just got ieave of absence to go to Europe, liissalary beingcontinued. The loading editorial writer on the Chicago Times gets $5,000, and the managing edHor jg ()00 . Watterson, of the Courier, j <lUrna l t $7/j00, and an interest in the ^. Meehan, of the L’hicag Tribune - ^b 000 . The r , . iargost paid • . Amir- , ' sum m j ica.toan editorial wister, is that received i from r the New v tr York i Herald n it » by Charles .o i : Nordboff. He gete $ 10,000 a year, and . writer when and what hi* pb-a^-s. ■ ■ ♦« A Xtsonlr _ Iaxtge hensnred. Coo.r.ry to ,he iMUal course ofilsmin ; \ c matters, the action of the Grand Mas t,. r 0 f the State of New Jersy jo censur i 4 k one-of the lodges a Miter**, has been made public, and is camming con I siderabie excitement among the freterni ty. As the world at large has known for a longtime, no man is considered a fit ,. trM i: < Utd» fnr intn rbn n hreen»a*onry wfawnmot . physica . # lly fti»eU feet, complete, uamuUhUed man. This rule or custom has been rigidly etifoced against applicauts who have lost any im porfnnt -membcT of the body, hke a leg, arm or head: btlt hot against those hav ln « 8 »« ht diafiguremeiit.- . It .. appear*, that . the Patterson lodge inquestion accepted had * »*!l •»«»» thumb «*««*•» «* • “» did * te w !’° lost the of Iii* fight had oy amputation, atnl duly commenced to in jliHte Wnl , The Grand Mawter of Neiv Jersey heard nf this, and ioformr'l the ceeded to censure the lodge for its action in accepting the ” imperfect” candidate, smJ rfuton&i tlie of the iodga for the remainder of the year for hi*non otoerv mice ol Masonic rule* and customs. The Grand aU^itiatlon* Mast er of the Siato per”»i,” also declared ’in’‘thiu of *uch State to he null and void. ~Xeic ^ J ^ ' . • j;rrrrL^ A nowed Joseph Carter «ri^ in ‘W« O- *-do„ clatmb to^be able to wa.k aad smooth water. He nay n he did this in K„ --1/L_ fove 3 „d i» ready to repeat _T_ the p«r - ? formance. « ArrLKS A ,:,~ ,n TinJSV mi liner are selling c /Ti;.wt n i eighty-aeven and a half cents per bushel fre “*»*-•“*“>'• Klli j ,lh C » uri “ *« are able to P r, ‘ on ® tHoua»nd bushels to the acre, ir prop erly cultivated. Think of this, f{miQfini t an(l evervbodvclw;" - - TH/numbe7Tf~ame./i„ _ 7853 The deaths exceeded the excfw „ - any'inern ov „ dcparturf8 Tbt . re •„ hardly t *. fr om b irth- , av M H0Wn s 0 h InlS MOe Of Ml® rOClUC. F.FTKE-N y^ra'gTTwTrkman of Fr “iT’T hfa on,y c , “ l ; a baby boy, and to have some relic r of the little one, cut off the left hand of the ^ -fcWi *>e prerereed in alcohol. f’* ^u\^t^ *t *«! in boaoe,nKbOT , bwn . rai ^ ' ‘ *^-WUWsr.- * Harper. smTKU |U! y.j<r~* mt tig wt/ofe _,PreiB. h Vaf^XfHF, Wr»f .V, A/ ngun ij^w 'I. 4t H i - . ftz . h _ m i j-*»i t h* :Ty «..« al It.** »ei , it u wi,r* ww( #ors» ■-■l-itn feci*. c«rj»rf im 01 ns -?SSK33 e-J k , v - ltd UirtSt readafn tnrv *“ ej tr diwi rrv and fielLor,, ifae :iV v Wss; . V: - usf * i the «f a . tferrv ;• the - JZ 1 the fr* ; ht ™i <*« i--* r then Jt TfiKBK* M .a- / v Hu. .* M 4 ' AZlNf;, one T*;ai r.. *4 <M 11 i*ht •'! !' s * • fey ***£ the p M90k Raster’* Mmjalkk, , f.e * A/A H, T‘» *»MF ’*blrr*» jor oxt « r^« v.r -ttarwr*Tr-trn«fe‘*U, ;« •lecft A. * K<tr f%, p { < it hr r t!,r. Xf A<JA~4 Vr., KM , *te Bazar trili he txppftrti m i’. ' tinhtff Pivie Si;RS< UJ 4 :KRS out JW-fi Co fffi. iUt X, V dinii 4-4. •i • •t'ifiM, it »J thai the *ah«fri)>?r Wttltes to with the currant Non - ill be oe&t by cipri^s. indgt purchaser. 4 <>r uf. jh-t t »1 utH..-. t’indVngyi* by jji.iij. f ■ bv wail. :ir * Vor cents, t*. by i the first (<* HMFeraJPeriodi ( . a }^ on |y. M*i* »l rr4 i * ipuytrctM OTCMUt lx copy a i - ** ~ fiJ vUUout tk t expreta order 0 /HA«r 8 B : ,.rjiklus Address HARPER A BROTHERS, N. Y. — , “ A Comphtr Pictorial UMnryaf the Time,." - ;" The be* Pap,, ckm,,<* mtke Varna. a,X maa mccac/ul iane,l s , Harper’s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED; Xi'tiers of the /‘rets. The H*t fkly is the a‘btc*it.nnd mv»t powerful illustrated editorials perioflicstl published scholarly in and tins convine- ■ ■ !■■ ilj’ fun are Itsillustmtions and cam* mat h weight. Tire prepared i by otir ,l best ne»ign«w.— iMum-itl? . anrm • JfarprraH rrt/e shonM i«.«TOy throughout J higher-toiieii, the laml, as a purer, illustrated more intt*r- 4Wtinj better p^»er is not published in t-hjs oraiiy other country. ,’pv-./ n, iii.- ..niv iliu^t rated phist of the dav that in it* easciitiad eharacteri*ti«» it ^ a, a aafi..i i a| paper.-W/f» t TERMN: /W-iv'- frer to off Subirrihen in the V. S. ^-e by thepnblisliers. llsai-ras M*w««g. //.“/•”' /ViWiw! >« »»' nddr,*» .for mu .year ,'. $7.W; /elrfayr / ,dn M< * E Co of rthtr • •••: /Ac_Mao - • axix - ; rtnt py k, : \Y h k *4 . v 7 -rW^vCTB«H7/ftr J- *> > ^-,*4 , / . > » / •»* / ■ »' ' vni,m,t Pnr.t ^ ie, „,,e, row.jor ^VolumMifTheHvXeonimenS mentioneil, whh the vt-ar. When no time will be understood that the subscriber wishes -t« 'eoiiioieneewith the Number uext after the of his order. The Annual Vulumesof Hahpeb’sM’eeK' r tloes not exceed one dollar, for $7.iKi ewh. Vvi A ronififrtr S>-t 9 comprising CHfd* Tu&nfjf-tn* the ratcof n>»f* sent <>n reo*i|»t of «t ^U per v«»l., feriif/tt hi expens e qf pvrrfniftir. t loth t Ws tor each vo’,nine, nUU able ior nii'l. «>uiv. received -I’m’ffwrsdjt: ’ cats -'"'W rs are not. to copy this nirerfise* uki>“ th> fsprrM order aj II aki’I; K ii Hkoi Address JIARPKU A IHIOS., X a York. ■ “ .1 Av/o/»ry y,,',,,:.T!e^u: ad /„. j * h Bazar. Harper’s .............. mem nft ^ lKUIaehf ,, d . tolI , ( , lhl|( , r( . l / b y <frolI , : -i ;' a. , t./u dn.'i.uii«-t by its i fc»tnoii-|.1«« in ei.dl, --variety, to the clothe, » Tm t n,ii by i m |M t Q‘ ,/iaxby rn n > . .. tasteful .Iren’s to pater him designs tor embroideml slinpers.ami % nwlmg-nianer o.istfr^siiig-gowns. thv uniformly Put xv«*Hcnw. <>t /Ai 2 <t»* i« *>t mvit t “"JgSn ol rva * r: ■ jffiw - ft? ' I "‘ “ TKRflKi Pottage free tanil Subscribers in the U. S.. IIakcfi/s Hazar, one veiir.. ...........-$4.00. ^ „,w«» om 'year, 7 .U 0 U »>«tfl«r ■ f, ,e, /i M ‘ ^ ’^ E ’ year, mtJinut extra copy, for TiLUOO. commence with the Number next after the receipt of bis <»r.ler. -^5 freight at erpewte of mtn hoxer. voiame ^t P .,, B on rv **(Kfb«-riptio only. P ii« teeeiTed lit Harper’s Period ic.-iN AVa-.pW«» thieadcrtw arena', to aq-v s*sr*Trr,"*™ AAln ' HARPER* BKOh., New *«rk. *"—~ CHEAP QUITS! QKAT^fESTERW^ r*«p.T... r e<»Mre« - -Nr^ s / 49 tea '•"ifhfleld BL. Plttebnnrb. Pa. giMKum.ftw* RIFLES^^S^igrSSti tw.wtfmae oo. hb*S«. T»ri**orr*m 4 ?ii/w fifTXC nrebiaimHiui. nmi kh If V* 5 -*wm *fSr t* hoot«*.r»rp*w- cUwiWSi u'u or tun **** pUuS, • *** ®uSiPTiOT^W U 6 11 JOHNSTOM, Il " u “-i - J. H. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, «, ' tea St. TTmnvnan,r*. Mpmdt ^arethwtNiatoi tor ihMttaa Miw fiiyS j ffyjM Xt^r^v^r^r^r'‘' A f m ’ ........... ....... Hre|nH«Mto| I |T|Ta|«UaRHB^9toHHH| ||u|Lld39|Btoal*]9T|3nB - i mmsmssm " A. WMWMtfShkt BEHTLEYi ‘ VMHCtWS, SAMUEL LUMPKIN. Counwellor »t LaWj LEX1SGTOS, IU.' Pr-rra-v. rag,d*r!v in threw, ties of V|«fi*on. Kibrrt • ■ - • new FURNITURE ROTA BLIMHM £!« T. I 1 • •*■ ver Rr;;mi *”• t, Aihvu», Ga., he>^ ”<£ega * wr btMueet iaJfcis iinr/aud kitA- nf Burial fi<es, __ pgmitnre, CoUius. lt/Lruy id «aiiefi»ct*oBgu:ifWan-wl. ail h »4. .0 Fsouisrh Ji ipceiaS ry* Haviuc a »np|»lv <U meattlmy* «*n nan«i. be ai«»‘ a ' wiii Frame Picture* at *i**t tneuctt m *«i*»*ri*«r style. examine httfUck nd jail . id a pro-e-. ___ NOTICE. r+fjriM*d give* iiwQ%- that j ^»g^ Eh*. i*tiAt f ft L t >i* BhN TLs i iiV, in whirh h.- i- i r. jmr. -i ?•» «k» ail k intis «>1 «>-rk, be a!-«i k.. up hrs IfWhf.UA ESTAfiid^K sold II iir, all« m b*th pr*»ft afe. ; ST»«i aba. .T irei»a*ipd ei’MfWtW'fe. 11 > I«M 1 iiroiis will In* atti ndr i frtttmr kfflieiioeulkatiOB l»y mail B. CHEDEL. “U“NRIVALED ! /Ssp N / - , i Pianos and Organs , j SPECIALREDHGTIOX ; for Jaunty, W7f*. 40 to 60 PER CEOT.apWT From Catalogtic Prices. ~ _ ^ l»C#WEST PRICES —and— • BAMESV TWM 8 EVER OFFERED. --- Purehasera can *m* from S60 to•lOO* | sl ct* mg h- 4 -nuikvr*: ! 0HI0XESIW}, MATHOSHEK, EAELET&BAVIS, KNABE. glEIBWAT, McPHAIL &.C0., ! 8IICP80H ft 00., HAINES BEOS., I BILLINGS & CO. 1 mm P | |H AR on 4 tin \ 11 fil emn/li ) 1|(|1 anoilci IH j - * * f ilHt VIl J T n Til 11U II Vllll.lill) • **" **“*>“• %«**«* Mt*, . Prescott Organ Oo._Uoagh « Warrea. Monthly Installment, the best ranging orPiano from ft. to«25, secures made in America, Organ ’ 1 S 1 spate-to v ^ - aJi % ' ^ • sS^i -r T 7 . n. koi:i.nn *->. | Ll lUli S•* H.\f Ls. G. 0. Robinson & Co. Have Arranged to Make tin*; : AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE In eomn'i’tion with Ludden A Hates’ SAVANNAH MUSIC HOUSE 'Do < ir. ai } l!ii^-ViTr' ° r ~ k;u,hh S>ltiikrnstates?" m: I o r . rent ^ .......... ,fWre »W. =- *»h ^ri»iU«*Qf own ' rjijv y| vft BITP UDIVU I L litU AX n liLl A1 til In V» H ’ PIANOS, CHtRCH, PlPi: and IlKKI) S and all kinds of M«MyuUn»tru TuhSUinritepBir^l b^skUled undone twAL.L, of the H , T^ V the 0 a w [, workmen iSomk^Mr. f» T.vyi .ok devut* nearly fifteen year? thy nom»tnn imn of in ! * hr Af,i, ' STA M, ’ 8,r n0V ** ' Low ——r ( Sam: j X RIFES Fit K ! — ... • --- ——«—- • ,•• | fcSTAKUMIM),^ twits* 1"^* ’ ’ ” Fmiilanfl illllUUUU Nfflri^s, H HtHW. U*. . "J M’W«*. ' . . »*. V ^^ITM •, mm. Irfft, Ro**\ LyCrghtna .....-'srr;-' t»ltiI|b"M-. ! for shipping. I’riees lower tlmii iuo»iot the leading Northern Nurseryimn. > cmi i i’WHWSOH g. wiwsox AHorney and Counsellor at Lai, LFXINUTON. (1A.. cJ^ ferre;W- , j!S^.'ra^‘wil^ < SIS^X' j ; |> IV IT/IIT A; “ IV Ij'tJ IkI V AY .fe- if lit ITT I II k? h rseafiwrfkX' 2 ( and PROVISION BROKERS. Strict attention given to the storage »alc of Cotton 'and I ’n» visions Lib**ral advancetmnM made on Cotton 1 stored. i- Consignments and orders aalicited. | Qpr f»B. irv: : CLAVTO.V 21 THOMAS & TIIOMA ST. Wakkiioi 8 STS, sk triicvs. c;\.____ ' f* fl as . , . ! .» ?a»r«K asssii a-sewto tee mi G£»ERALT|C«ET#GtKCY ;£i££SSi»™SSsl IN THE UNITED STATES. .jpef' Pu-v v-. u* Tickets rn--Athena and get all info mutiou .r n,^ ^ w ILtUMS _ A^t AjW.G,. TnffnT^li'Niif' AKSfyeih tciuHifealZl j-’-i.'Brarpt ' ui fT-— i WV tow ■- * PETER KEENAN, OF AUGUSTA, CA., II \, vow OS HASP AS1> lOR JSAf.lvA STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES luriv ’a| by any b «► in the Southern Stater, and. the only ho RETAILS SIH'LS AT WHOLESALE PRICES! Every article s>.!t y hn.i v faitlifally repreaeoted, and exchafigwi iaside oflm. tlw, « r THE MONEY REFUNDED! lle wpwtfii i«k* ! pan ..... r uf bis fnernb* in freorer I Sri lb t'amiina. aiwJ with <Hit detraei T In-to the- n.writ- t f 'other boa-w, e ribdvtitiy a-. c urc> tf 1 a sating of *45 i*rr rm A.. fcc;.Iu_ J crawk HF jc’.wkif be kc * p* . PKTKR KEEN AX. "sasff lit 1 COOD COODS AT LOW PRiCES ! ROUT H. MAY & CO.. ft •,yTFA C rCKE'-IK t)l' AXD DEALKUS IN evert description of CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. PLANTATION & LUMBER WAGONS* Harness, Saddles, Trunks, U.V<iS, V VI.1JS12S, SHOE FIMHMiS, .MHtfi W Mt Ll!li, BtlTISIl, W. Carrbgc vitrials, tSadillerv Hardware, Whips, I nlireflas, EH. •' 11 F.I’OSITOBIKfS AXl» SALES l«K>Mfjj 303 Broad Street Augusta, Ga. 53 Cheny Street Mum, &a. T.on'T'T liailiVKAH, MIT, S. J. T. PAKMEI.EE MAT,----; A. K. S. r CO THE PUBLIC! -—A XI:-- Most Especiallyjto_OurjCountry Friends! We whh (»cad your attention to the remarkable low prices and deduction at which we. are now kIHU DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. j We can hvo y u .nper rent, in vour pnrebasrs by buvwig of u**. Special inducements o Physicians um! '‘•••iiitry Merchants. Having on hand ft very large Rfen-k nf Fresh Drtu's; . Wight Ion, ’enables ns to f*tTer.goods at bottom price#. We guarantor- to satisfy. WI'IXTIAL INDUCEMENTS s BUIST’S Warranted Garden Seeds, petstn >, Oui.ui Set*, P«t*. itcaus and Corn, in bulk, just rcc.irod. FlottiM* SimmIn rv,\ rtncl vriV\n !Iatl <r ilP*' vAn UilNkfls. l\x» AN 4 vi- \ /./), ( 01A>R „ PAINT, , , MIXED v ltEAlTi n n t • » r „ S , H at 25c pint, 45 c quart, and $2.25 gallon. dlGARS, tie best only or. ----^-4 FliKK ALMANACK, such as “ Greer’s/' . IRON fofirr«J$l. ^ F’fvF i^S; “"TfeTrU KINO’S by M H TUI.Cl A * S.«M>w*1. l“i IWDEIt, for sale ; ' uiLLA R w^./ffc Ai’R'2 e $£?£ 7 f i n I!/.!.?,/.' 1 LL! HIN\ teething \ <wden», .»f)c, s , HAIR 2 je»Wf. OIL, llairTonic and Vasiline at | emes iLa* etw-l and sh v*^ t he pami t care, : l’< frtf' 11 f HU v 1ILS. fn un TlTctf) 5flc. ! PURE OIL at 85c per gallon. norMiix TURPENTINFU*t 75c gallon, ' per OF Ml( 1X1*1 A, 50c a vial. j BUNCOMBE direct from Buncombe Uabbage Seed 50c N\ tie r oz., | MSB TltllS-I^. *1. j county, C. i BRUMBY S COUGH MIXTURE, 25c AUGUST FJ >NVER and COUGH BLUR MASS, 10 c a bux, I f SYRUP; A XI) SO 10c A '. . Vial. ”>0e and T5<- dozen. j I u j T'VIn fact, if you want anything in the H A III 1) Y E, good as the be*L 50c box Prug liue cull an 1 R. T. BRUMBY & CO., i ATIIEXS, OA. - t; tc rutrm^*r- —~ -ir y rcK e r fo xt-— * Y. II. \v yNM CHTL » tn No. Htam* Btfihbnjr, ATHLXti. a\ , HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, i HuitSK AN 1 > .SHOES. HOUSE SHOE N-AILS, Ag fjCllltlH^I Qjltf, HARSK 88 LEATHEK, MJLBURN WAGONS; ‘ _ AI „ AKK9 . sTANoilwsmM^m* ttri. 0 *. . *i M i ^ S'-Ti'Xwi? OI\> • delay, (u!’ tnd examine ««r numk gnd pneea. j— - - / ~~ j "IV IV# /P* I X /V ^. *C3 1 I " "S I --" ■"'."1 W * » JLY.L iIh 1 " J U Vs a li * \ ■ I ! ■ * ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * a ■■ i ------ I--;— t€ -----— ; <iUKA " r r Tt.KT>¥ 7HPIC>TV ‘ PRICKN __ () ,,v ! jSStWWk <l.7h AND ” TOMBSTONES * aod^ft TTiov, | fonvinccfl -oil tlmt dealing witli. « fair a(a «c and perf.. .,„o. mil ifewigQ* aud my and t>e ymi are sate. a square man. prices at ! mjf Ylirtt ‘ fc l HiCUWlM ‘ wt -work <>« h»*wd tor _ **• DOOTOTonM XOUli •*• | Sealptor and .tionumrntal Builder. ^L^lLLl^^g^iaBjl^BinBiHiMlimHaBicaBBaaaaKBafljBUBDEncamnaaBaaaBKUBBm IMPORTANT TO ALL! .. „i_v_S- V -- - —— --- 9 —— - —— - A l.AKGE STOCK OF ft unUUMlLd, m)nifl]T 1 l(i Tilly UK I fSpnilQ liUDDii, BllUli), UlTlT'Q VUfikV SnllfiO .. K!A*r!AMr 0NS ® Cl CL0THlNG A'T’ 11X1/^’ ’ * | BRIliS, STIIIES, tT n, y* THINKS, TO, fil f. ■ ^ f if., kl I A 1-01-1 l\A VAlf OL. I flAJSA TAr „ l.JICn ,U U « T 7 VMMomW T f E M OF LIAIDPV HAIRE St I LATIMER'S ATI IUI EBfft T J^XI iVGTONa 'Cw-Jkito ! '^* KIIV6 **. A CAfcL " l:KoKE PUY,! * G EGSEWHEKK. A.Nlt SAVE MONEY.-**., Gi GEARING, SHAFTING, BOLTS, tTlKAPKll than ever before at the Forest City F-miidry A Machine Works, aUBUSTA, GA. GEO. R. LOMBARD &Co lingineti, ('ofinti «rrew*. " nsrs ,M liv anil Ih‘]’:nrvii I r<>iu|>tly. ' e. VVIft-BK TO OFT V\. ITiL"Iffi'.riSr , ............ «»lk fl«wla enn .he sent cheaper by espies*, TO off/l/tv MBR0HANTS «V can I IiHritfX kwp recrvU-in* in «'» PAINT AND DRUG LINE which we 8£LL VERY fX>W’ for Cash. C. V. LOSfi & CO., ATHEK8, GA. Buggy and Wagon MANUFACTORY. f l WOULD form the citizens respectfully of Oglc- ini thorjietuuisurronndiiig.ciHtn. over have by-one also of the best the scrylces workmen in hrst-cfotw fleorgia. 1 secured of a my of* employ, 1 will make to order any kind Vehicle desired. Prices as low a« the same class of work can be hud any the U. S. Bhicksmith and Repair work a specialty, Be sun* and give me a trial. All work war ranted. H'. O. TI'C'KER,. f’rawf*»rd. ' • • - ____-_____—— - FRAMES. ...g Vl ke ,. ffcuirt- p t)l , taw », ^nek "f MniiMings nn.l Frnm- n ll, Athrli., »I 1 r.- poriM to the eoniran mitw itiistanding. If von want viinr Framing ng 4*-n*t* < i» fynxi etyie ttnd ttt the lon'ett prices, cidl uuns liefbre having voiir work .dime, nndrat . s UiefortiOi:' & FLEMING? Booksellers and Stationers mUIlL MAR F NF Ii L XU I* fl UwvU A A r\ C J —AT— TheMillstoneStore T \VOi’i.!l most respectfully inform my tna * **'*•**• “iit'et'XreTwp i h“ V a’‘ li^ returned from and «« Ici;t>t*K*k nf - — DRY -.(ioons, HATH, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, TIN AND, CR«h KKRV, CKiAKH, (iltOCKRIUH, TIES, TOBACCO, BO'PE, BAGGING, article wliieh 1 Jwilf And numerous other sell at very low prices* Give me a calL J. Gocrepre* PHILLIPS* di*,Ogtotli«rT/«». MSlrtoar. Attention, North-East Georgia! BllffffllS. Pl]*tf)DS. OP Cafflip, THB OLD 11 il( kaua\ ' S. lapnL t HH < MANUFAf RELIABLE irn S!V tmaaa -< k ◄ > ATHENS, CEORCIA. Material The and Largest lb# Finest ^toCk in the South, a: Greatly Reduced Prii &®T Repair W. ft a S' Tae T H url;men in the State. ftqp’S l an«t 1 xaunne before Buy g h’-t •st ?t COOK , syroves: SOlLD K. CHIL DS & ATHENS. r (?RGA‘AS, I I l é011mm, ‘L ' T 01mm, “v Yjfi' - 01mm \ '1 j \ 2 ll . , ‘ 3 hubccrlbérsvhlving , I t The )een appoimzd Sole Agentufnr the célabrmeol ' 1 { g. , .New England Organ Company. , : Wham- Instrument» Me pmnnunwl liy judgu to he the beat mack- in thr wmn‘vry, llnxurpuuwd will nlwayf ‘ keep I lug? Immem of these Splendid URGA S5. of varioug sityles, whia-h um l’ar lleauty of Clue & S\Vcet.ue~u Off '1 one. ‘ ' They hit; mind the‘llixheat Pn'miums m the late Fairs Ni'rth. GreatE llnm Hnmnim uiwn . Diorama :41 l'hun-hu‘lnd Bchools. Every flrguu has n Written Wurmmw the. Hull?” for FM! I'M. Send for Catalogue. , Theuld rinulbliplml lh-use of (DATED! will semi an! be inferior widen. ' . , _ . _ :scmwms' 1‘0 GEO. A. DATES. - 244mm street», wmrs'm,‘m o ARK 20 Q= GO THEORJGINAND HISTORY OF Tlf k RUSSIAN:;::.'TDBK ; Aud the great Huaso>Tiirkiiih contest now War waging itiiokDai between itie th« in. Our most He liable, oeeunUe. aud Comprehensive ; anil w ith 300 Elegant Engravings, desirable Mo/* useful *n>i Plans, the most showy, ami hook now published. -*,000 ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED. Those desiring Territory on this Work ! should avail themselves ol . n . :>r ly appliea, tion. i^-Also 1,000 Agents Wan twl for our GRAND COMBINATION PROSPECTUS, : wWO^ll.'rfpI^mn. FAMILY BIBLES, r.ii/ rm»ii K h »ml Herman Protestant and <’flth stiiieriority over all other? f„r ( heir InralmMe Aid. and Snperh Kind tms.'at the Grand Centennial Exhibition, 1^7 0 . .**-Particulars free.' Aiklress ' lOHN K, POTTER d‘ CO., Publisher*, K en7-Iv PHILADELPHIA CRUMPTON'S IMPERIAL SOAP IS THE BEST. CraaipWa Impevmiboapthe Beat. . ■ T'T'T* >Z ^t T* • Cftunptorr’s Imperial Sonp is the Best, C^ampton'ff Imperial Soap is the Best. Oarnpton’s imj»erial Hbap is the Bent. Crampton’s Imperial Soap is the Best, frampton’s Imperial 8 oap is the Bes , This Soap is manufactured from pure perceni mate rials; and as it contains a laTge age of VcgetaWe Oil, .is warranted fully equal to the best imported Castile Soap, and at the same time contains all the Washing and dcans . ing properties f of the Cele¬ brated fJer niunaml French Laun¬ dry tkiapSh It i-*r therefor** recommended' : * r - «» "»• ■ j Kitchen and Bath Room, and for general household purposes * and Machinists, as it will remove spot* of r Ink, Oreiwe, ’far, Oil, Paint.- ^tc. from han<ls, ; Tht 1 Huntington, Pa . M-ai!<>r of April nth, : pronounces this soap the best iu the market, j *«v> follows : ! this i* an »dv«rti».-ni<- 7 itail<J |>a-v „ nv.-r un h««M. *•' l 1 ’; AV. want v ffm-rt y,*r attention to the aovernsement of ‘ t ramptop s - Itof“ rial -f laving used; it in qmC-«: l, ' r the .past year, we-can rtconwnend it aa the quaJitY of vmp in use. It is a rare thing to get a wiap thui will thoroughly-cleanse lin printing ink from the hands, as. al«i from cn : but t.'rampttmV wlieri^f laundry speak. soap, ,Iti« wilt do it, and wc k-riow. we «Kpe eiallv adapted for .printers, ill |n*i»tterv, engineers nil and machinists, as it w reniove grefute *»f *h*ncripti"its^-from the handsa* .household well a* ehuhes, with littU* ialior k't-r cac-eik-d. gene! rjil ’ pt-<*> it cannot be Mnnufiutured only by CBAMPTON BROU, And-M, For -ale in Oxfethor)* «mnty by - - I d. C. Ml MAif ACraw/bnT.' i f.». HAKGKOVE, (rawford. fi-CHCLI., Crawford. . If. H. A KNOLD A SON. Ctawford. * WITCHER * JARRELL, Crawford. I HAIRE A LATIMER. Lexingtoa. 3. T. M. HAIRE, Lexington. SMITH A YOUNG, Leiiagtox. WM. GOTTHEIMEilAreteCten. 310 a Mm •f'# ■nw. % ' a THE IRON KING BEST [|W?S -—AND , . THE Cook CATE Stoves CITY|^ “*111 ■ Have no s uperior in the United States. These celehratefl f'to^es nnd ' ; “PREMIUM" TINWARE For sab* in U'xingUm bjr HAIUE &. l.ATI- !>«• MLR. Ip Crawford by CVS. HARGROVE. •L THE AMERICAN . itot SEWING ¥' * i ••>4 ■ * Machine Z<P Vcthieg to -U L IfiMi . a BUT THE r*gi Needle. • - 1 NO NEEDLE TO SET It Sells the Easiest and always Satisfies, AGENTS we ask yon to try it, and offer you special Inducements. Send for Cimilar & Criecs to If V W. PoKrth Bt.| CiBCiaimti, O. Im C. JWBMreER, Manager GREAT REDUCTION IN THE SINGER * SEWING MA CHIN ES ! AFTER this, the FAMIl.Y SKWiXfi .W.tC/UXKS will befor CASH a. follre.: Plain Machine, $35: Covered Machine, $18} Biop-Leaf Table Machine, $15 ■ All Machine« folly guaranteed »nd delivered fret: of eXperiw*. Machines sold oir HALF-tASlt plan if desired/ffitlt an advancement of #5 tin above ftficee. r ,\ej:i/u:s. titkeds. cohpeps andotuek MTAt nMExrs »trhte o* for All Machines. Pore Sperm Oil a s|»eicalty. N. H. Parties are cautioned agaiMt using Much Machine Oil aw i«' put ijj> and w* Bruggbta. Alao, a fine awtorUaept^t OIL. Ckijwr.vivfn A^S*» »’' A, *--Wf - ' ‘ • EXCKEDIXUl.Y CliKAI’l J. B. TOOMER, Agent, kATHENH, 04. (Office over Talmadge, Hodgson A Co’s store,) J. H. m:XTF.R, Lssst Agent, Antioch, a* ,„.SiN .. ■* *>■ • * A j mjL ’ fwrr. i /fcSSisi Mm : A ' T JM * ■ WK OFFKR THK AROVK Magnificent AtotoOniated S U P B r-P h O .phatC M *&** frat all who |M. W will i.- highly pl-iuied .with die results. VPe also offer oar . - " “ EUTAW ACID PHOSPHATE,” Opffoa girea If dreirad. Whfrh we believe i« e*|ual to an iy car tli. rnxtket. "Colton Call ou owr AcvuIn M terma ami price*. GEO. W. WILLIAMS At CO,, Cb Prepritter*, **Zt&* 1 OrwI. a» Lexington, HAIRE * LATIMW, SINCE “fiUGUST {st} 1376..