The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, March 08, 1878, Image 2

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THE OGlETflORPEECHO T. L CABTT, Edit* •a, pTBUsar* aro PnogMrro*. w - Karr* **> 1 ^ A VERT IHPREKWITE >EK10N. --sv ton, t;,l»*o t< >S a-jstn -„.™byjheBer.^a the ali-absordteg loy*ic, Hell as it had been prevtou-.y ifrfKH meed that thi, would bethe preach theme for that , day. . er* The hour for services Having arrived, Mr.«ii«on hi* teat toot (to tbeMlowing oe Umov m ianpi^e tnc n a* . I .,a , m,V 7 thverre..nd^ke Itichapter, and 2^1 verse,) ine wicaeu si 1 forget <„cj Au-1 m arid ne n _ I bra- ;• eyes, being ia torment, seefh . ham alar f.B We do giving .... the sermon not propose in full, s- it was impossible for u* to as Jt reii irom Bwiii^aiiu content oarseFveswith givingmerely an outlinr- or »ynop*i* *. of tne sernaon. It was pfooouuceu y e, ^ yery Able sermon. He anaouny*‘d that the preaeot was nntihmUrai. not the ttriyt time time, bvanv 0 means V. that the . . Christian religion haa met t»e assert»oa, 1 »luu»«h u m~- H4i»“*Uk •en*aV»nnalism had asked the question before, and ao.«rer«f in the negative; that Uii± *efmntioaaIhm utZ pare had thrastftits the world at this -^tilhc ; ffiftf it originated in the desire of u few '.hnsr.agiit nr.forietv bv the aseer tion of some proposition so antagmii.tic to ailour preconceived, notion- and view* as to startle the world by its novelty, Add thereby draw public auentiou to them selves, fly the few who are willing to sacrifice any principal, h.rwever dear to . humanity, h, gratify their vaulting am b,turn for fame !iy the few who would -bum. the teropie, for temporal fame, though the penalty were death il, id his limited time would not mit him to g v. a detailed history of ............... otts world had often met and answered the quretionalt. the aod thaltiie Wtirld to-dav, both and Christian, with a tew said from their own consciousness intelteet “there is a Hull.” Even wandering savage bends the knee trf human breast is w. strong as to to almost if not entirely instinct. He.s-fti<I b<* «lid not pfcnc.h this mot, tn gratify the curiosity of enee, nor by roam in.the region of *n«l Hpwu'lation, nor to gratify the hitimmtthe few by giving ‘hem notoriety thev seek, but with a due of hi* ri^pohiibilitr-to iia bis audience the gmit cause of Mauler; that as general ruif he thought it bad policy notice such men, and thereby call lie attention tothem, hut that the present an appropriate time, pendent ly of any public excitement this subject, to gi veins hearers ,lns and ea!l tbeir attention to the fact hell was the inevitable doom of the A nd ft>nud tluda to 4L m4 A wwth t«> cwhft Vfftn, H tooU4«. preachers thoUgliTIf bad policy to Ood V wrath and his Hell; that had better preach his love and mercy that the former was too harsh; that people would stajid the latter But be thought it was time to wake the sluniLering sinner who was lullod sleep Aindor the idea that Hell was severe to think about. Be thought it go„d lime tutalk t« thc,,, wu,« were now too , t .„,,t,vofo hear of hot who sooner or later must endure ■ actual . toruires, . however , delicate , .. . . . ih>ss , they-awafeode- . ... nerves, « 4 rcalitin, while time and opportunity ed. 3 * „ fell?'' ,A! ‘n lhe.rtm,pMe^wrr to aft did minds was to he found ... the in other, passage* iere is a > as tut. y 7 ,e ) hie ,s true and the word of God and texts h part of the Bible. He there wore ti 6 ne in his. audience who doubts the authenticity oftfie or that his texts were there, rhat ■ was folly to say there was no Hell cling to the Bible and elitimAJs Away with such inconsistency. ' But what do we mean l,y the term as used in the Itihief It means the and „„,ns of puidshnmnt of thvo brtlicLrsouI* after death. In liift discus Sion of the subject he would treat it ativeiv and sttirn, .n,,.ie «•-* '■ ' givFDfojirincipanibjectlons to the istence of Hell 4a urged by of this Idea, and the., give the answer. . 1 st. " Is there a Hell?" .The says no, because there is no reform duncanf rniormat-ion .there, wud- - the object of all puritive law is to forni the crimlhal, and "to d?«fk. . . from the coiilimiSTon.of tlieiilte The answer to this iw thiit this is the only object of the law, either man or divine. There re a justice in all systems of',.-law. dignity must be maintained, and its arranged, pemtlties inflict,slih order command the respect of its Another object.of the law is, to cat the criminat in his career after all tumt, es of reformbave been rejected him. U, si's law sayMb.e soul thiu shall surely die, fhe civil law -aye, of a murderer to reform *)«, but as J*ebalty_tq satisiy tliedeunimls of r, butive justice, to deter others, and maintain tiie dignity of the wealan.jrhe_;:iv>Llaw admit* mation^aftrrthe deed is committed, will not admit subsequent reform, before trad a. a valid deh-n-,. and loss after the remenre is jir^vnmred.. gives the rfiininal no ftlteriiatiw But laiivintnuu, ........ h»ch eft im t it given ft« alternative, it is curly between pnnishmenta. <j,>d> law more uiereitui, and gives the the alternative, upon hrechoiee, between eeuoDi ana punfoiinteni* i.t_ give* the terms imposed;* mch are »;* onerous, in thelangHKyre-’f theriavior, the “yoke eirey. i ne .inner like-the criminal’ Zs'Vet t^dlhe .W^r^iHaw^ tiie one thou shaft .nreiy die, and gives y° W attam DO freedom from sin « the plan nf miration wrought oot Mid Sn»h«i by ihs dying Savior. by belter iog “that be t», and that be is a reward er of them that diligrwtiy fcet bim fTtiaisGod’a merry to h« creatures, who® he made for himself and hi aMfruid not fur thentreises. With all wamtttga too. ami lab.r- ,n behalf of the sinner, bn aliil sayi, 1 ««! not EX&X!3Zr££ riS issxzztz Calvary, « , c, >u w, r t nr , of the eternally afeis'mercy lost, and yet, in the Lm of. all and warning, the sinner does not repent, hurjiiW refu-t* to accept the terms so and invites the wrath of The 6u nf JcboT »i, „iu ^are. him >» He i* cut off in bi« sina ^ ^ whjch „ „ er . a' d?ath Therein then no repentance ^ rrf , rm n „ r iudfHi can there bm _ TijebTmso f salvation- have been rey-c ^ ffi u«t be inflicted. tytbeiuticri&u of the penalty be uotjI refiwm * „ aybes uycd-for. ever and practicaliv abolished. If the penalty is fiaed and*defined reform atu no j take place alter it^infltcUon. The • ^ofOwl' weilas ita re* wards, are infinite, and therefore reforms a.-a result result of or the the ia innict,-.n fliction of^the of ... penal- p< **ai ty, cannot be of any avail. No system human law allow* subsequent reform to - avail any thing as v to to pan -an oirenses, ^ but dui where it seek* the reform of the criminal it only look* to making him a better and c«Ci»n after the expiration . f Lciety penalty'.' IT his punTsBment be f >r : ^ h* do inters in Ms reform. Hell, with all iu tumble afflic tions, as taug ht iniheword of Gorl, ItecSsa^Tonre'gfnvy-of-tirid^nd to enforcement of 11 is law. If could.escapc Hell after be has tonnTtn, Hell would be For I dare any none would then refuse, The criminal incarcerated in his dungeon .111 then cmfes.- to «cure hia and ao with the inn, ale- of Hell. ‘ W'tutd fail to encapc when such an portuuity i. oflered. If the law rtay to the criminal,“if you steal shall be confined in the penitentiary stupid as hot to seethe nouseuae of » statute. Such a government as which rewards obedience, hut does punish diaubedieuce. would be justly G-mpUbie and would command the spect of nobody. 2d. “Ja there a Hell ?” Tbe immortal, then Hellis reasonable. If sou! i, immortal and live after the of _■ the body, the tew of God muM it into eteruitv. ifit follows it into nity, U must inflict its penalties there well as bestow its rewards. There but very ffoy,-if any,. hul.Mieve in 'tromorTaTity of the s<uii. Lven those denv tiie existence of Hell are the .blatant advocate*, of the Settee, Heaven. We believe man is amldestined to a future atateof and pu-nishmentiv-Jtccurding tA done in the body. We.-^therrfore, ' is that the exist enee nf Hell not reasonable, but^at any «4her i* very unreasonable. If the soul after tiie death of the body, it is just .* ; e w s, o v i '. \U t e ; ■ tbftlOwf ~ then as before. If <5od be infinite in reward*, he must also be infinite in punishments. The joy of Heaven is’ feet and infinite, and therefore to ; to sound reason the tortarea of lie 11 be infinite. 8f , ,i u there a Hell f» The say g no) because God> merev and ' wi u n<lt permit him to inflict any .. . . . . - turca - .., wi „ wnral)i ^ % %tA >>n „ • ■ Fhc to ... this ... that .. r God , . , . answer is ■ ... antlr . teaches 4 , in . Hi* Word ... , that .. He m . ^ ., ,* .. A* . ^ . . . .. ^ . , .f . . ,, , ..wrath that delights in the punishment Hi 9 creatures. It is simply a wrath t0 prntcct His dignity and Ujg |gw Th(J law . maUing pw ,, c earth visits its wrath upon the ^ ^ ittw . mMog p,, Wcr doM not de j light in the sufferings of the but onlv ihflic ^ the punishment as alternative to protect itself and j te authority. It is a very mistaken suppose that the inmate of Hell i j, epn denjw t raer cy. They have i raercy ' . ith.’“ Is there ».Hell f The , a Vs there is no Hell ' because the ............ roch Hoetrtue : that original of all words in the Bible lated Held simply means the grave i Om teat.>bow* ebat tiro wmmoa j f untrue, in fact, aud that the doctrine j , lail .iy taught in the Bible. The | „. ord GelmMi aad tbe Greek word Tcrtaro. mean Hell, and ^conveyed by them is the , outs world of punishment, where the • punkbed fotever. Theress a word, Skrol. and its corresponding fj 0 Gwefc ( ; AR«l«-, 1 thfl grave, but most generally they i a place where the souls of all, the and evil alike, are placed to remain the final judgment, when the 2- good j cast into . eternal m„.. punishment. a m : are ; place of punishment is the Hebrew' i henna, and the Greek Tartaror, the Hell of the Bible, the eternal of the finally in,j^mtent. But, says objector, admitting, all this, there ia no H3I, because Christ died save sinuers, and all men are dinners, surely can be sent hi Hell, a.,,1 if there is a Hell ami any are sent there death did not accomplish its purpose. saved'at! men. and Hell hmo necessary, tliaTchrist's but entirely dShThe useless We main- X tain once of Hell, else why did He die ? If Gv.k 1 a mercy dkhmmowiOi hell and re IifVi»H m ».*MJ *‘n tr m,m ,m iu , 1 ^. / . , through the death of Christ without the iinpoHition of any term* <nv the sinuer why does it hot in like manner’roll, back the tide.ofiuimaa snflefing herebeiow'’ Christ's death fonts not relieve men from suffering m thi* worlds and was not 2 the future. If the work ^aa finished on the cross and hell abolished, why should tdirist still ask the sinn, cometmto T:T"? ome us theidn^Lt TTTTTTT bVev^.ivc^o mit W!, v :,i!a i » <w - - cession if t bereft* no penaltv to avoid ? ! : 5th "Is there a hell are' 9 ‘ f The ohioctor - - ™«.c pnni-hed in thi* life for oar tin. Christ, death proves !hU to be error, became bin death was not without a por po«. And its parpna# baa not and eae not fait Hi, death haa aot relieved the «**«■*• ..f tb.s world. The rain, de scend alike on the juat and the unjust. How frequently do we see the Mat wick ed and the nsoet iinjitetmost prosperous is - xsiESkttSz , f jsa: of!,fef We surely then do not receive our rewards here, and it is equally sure that we do not receive the wages of da here. Hi-Lath wa* therefor* for porpo«eof giving man hope and -alva tion for the future. The Bible eays, I "whom be loveth he chastenetb.” If there U no future state of ponishment and Ch-isf, dyath does not free human ity from suffering in this life, his death was useless. Therefore Christ's death proves the enSWHee and necessity of hell. Justice, reason, Christ's death, his cross, God, the fiible,and our o»n conscieucca, all prodam in thunder tones, there is a hell. Let Brooklyn and London preach people « let of ,**-£« whatever cLms and scientist^ or treed mv let there is no hell. More preachers of Brooklyn .,,.,.. and London and 11 «!«ewhere . equal j ability * arid-more pietr f aav there ^ alien 1 eopie, me worm ' over, ; .«m>^ mere is a hell. Even the pagan and brathrir^ tmw Trora their own sense >f .. justice . and , c >n crousness, -htre u is « a hell, llow can we say there is no hell, l! IJif * »«d the Messed .savior f ' ’ . * 6 th. M M ya the ktm hell.heatUre you cant Ionite it. Where I shall not Attempt to locate it. It in me W attempt it. It would KThevnereid-apeculatien on my tion. and baa no Practical importance whatever. I might tickle yoor imagin atiou by fancy add aurmiaea butit would only beaurmn® at laaL We know tt ■ ***'> ts - e know it, character if we bavaaufiiccntly examined the Bible. Iu j pumshments are inexpressibly severe and horrible. The criminal coSa«oHred SSStfiTJUrit .the punishment surely awaits him. H« too may,,«cul»te as to where it will bo. The death, sentence of.the court does not inform him of the- exact : The cr.mmul. before hi.- imprisonment, may not know where the public jail is buUhtafccl is up consoiatiou to “* 1 - g»»ge » only. figurative and does not | ; S mean naw ^got .ter,'I^l-lire. a guilty conscience, but only mean, eatire the , ,r " , “ f‘ r 7* nce of find > < «®K 0 lthat kind. v\ e say,in reply, there is no consolation , , j tl fit h wh '' S ' *' trav ' on we ^* 1J t if tne language i» nguriitive, -'todt only comes Vhori of describing 1 ^ tiveit horror*, is only of'the intended real. tr> If owly give human- figure ■ i‘jcpq«i-linn*fils “PP^ximate of hlea hell nf (is described its terrors. in I tbe word of GikI are as severe as the hu man mind can conceive IfLe^seven Punishment was t'o be indicted of course less, harsh language would be used, and the exact punishment com prehended by ^ | literal or more severe. yunf-hment It nifty i< be that j . this languaged« figurative, and that every ; due wil I carry h'is own worm and inatra | mente of torture. This is more specula* | tion. which way Milton 1 fly is says, hell, I “me myself miserable am hell.” I 11,0 question for u* is not |'* ; * ome hel1 kind ' VV somewhere. e know t,,em We 4s must a lle endure ^ ! it, and how can we escape it, are grest<|t,«»t.<m*that «bo«M mmt concern «». How cv> we erea,,-. The i cornea m»m Oafvary, ‘ from the Sepulchre, ‘ the . Wounds , , and blood of the dying ha- -. . 1 vior. ________ The blood . of r it— the T lamb _V taketh 1 .1 away the .in, of the world. The work j waa finished. •Salvation is free to all that will accept it. Ootne white, the pottunity is still extended. And death does come, an it must aoo&er or later ' t-o all,you may draw around the dying j body the drapery of death,and bid defiance | to bell and all its terrors, and bid the spirit wing its flight to the ciesrial realms above, with the victorious “ Oh .grave, where is thy victory ! Oh • The death, where i* thy sting.” same , . Ht-wcr.ho , .. the punishment .. o. : ^ * e * S l of »•* righteous , in Heaven. Lnch is ‘“"T a, ' e ‘“ 8 ff l n,,IIH ' urie,lls aml rewards. If there is no ; ’ th . * t f eVe *.* . . rev ‘‘‘ , ls *eother. , . , ■ f £“* L‘ ! bo “ r f, ’vT f d “ ? >f tbtre » » «»ven, : Tbf **' | ”>»»«“. S l”* '"f »*»■»*■ ia "f >* «P »:‘ n 8 ! l ^ 8,0ry regained, of the it? hell that 1 18 shunned. ................ V I have discussed this question purely j f to-idtehurmstty, r6m a aen,e (,f dut I . v ’ have and sought not to to pander } my hearers that bell is a startling realty, t0 induce them to flee the wr«tb to ’ c ' ,me “ ud ac ‘ T f l ,h *‘ lcrms " f salvation 90 *w»ly offered while time and oppor «* • •■* **• But whether there isa hail or not it i* plainly our duty, to prepare-■ «ur anul* as far a*‘in our power lies, to rightfv and fully enjoy the happiness of an eternity in Heaven, iu the presence of God, - right bond of- our dear Savior, who - freely gave himself as a ran-om for our ‘ nins, and who ever liveth to make inter to the. ■ Bible ami the plan nf salva tion" therein revealed,and exhorted his hearer, ^onui duty t^kemsei^and to thnr God. Study it for the truth. i ' ---- ——r— fo’ui"of *« Town ^'.here they loan foilw eon a . .e B on»o..i-Lj-HH.U Ahi.^reai ]ivx.t V ^importir.^ jucuiicAioikitt»o u-,e th i'ugijiu fur.-. <<t u ri .., UUj L-. H.UIV aV bin.,',, - w-il hut one -ttra|»Ie IxittK* t»» the h»ih.- |H*rs..:i > i t ' ?r ,,n '‘ en,s ; '’ut there .ire ttu-iu . ill,« w.. w,te‘'iw d!^!iw T JSfiwfbM. basm vvrlweo knewn to failii, the cure „f i when taken SS't&ef ilim*te*l, fcm^ matter of how aa no 3 SssSSB* augf-iy My**,. # 1 . • —re Tea, we can eiiang,' a fifty, foliar bill if you ImmI*h equal for coasrhs, colds *ud {K ' n "‘ B I»w«itiv«ly curra «)rt*u«nntiGn when ^ ^ OTATE of OF/lWiiA. OGLETHORPE O 0OPSTV -—AfuStmUm H. U*te»»od tor John Letter* A. iiws- of Krajitetoa. It**-. the o*»» of itere eirott, teJicinHtniter* oa J Ueaprre, d««**f, apfJiw to tee for let ten of. fr'-ta tie estate <rf -real <te reared. Tbrae are, therefore, to crt* tbotr »nd-wi. ^Ar _ ifbW interested to dischajgvd and Hmnimt*»M from said tram and rewire *j“» ^ ‘’jS.'fTwJ. *”**' * ---- ffBSri. f». _________ GILHAM, Ordinary. ,*»««* *u «.u«crnted to draw eaase. at my **** **&£*g l EMS Js7 ^ TH• *s l». l^piAM. Ordinary. S ^ TA f t Ot OLOUiUX, QGLEXHQlO’k: >m ! i«TV.—A ft'bereft*, A npheatkm Sriil* for Letter* Jhttrd, of a apwlief to me for Letters of <,a*r(iia&&hii> of BCfk SgS2?ZSi££Se ia Heard ami harsh anti admonish *)i persona e»ne«rr .*1 to show «-T saidScilUHeard. ' U(>1 twae to the Th^Feb i^MW. „ . • ■ jr == -^ Ag “ f r FfihrlX^7girgTtio g gE IHrai*si«o.—Wlierea*. William H. *od LkfUc-w Rismiahon from aud estate— Th«e are theref.« to -dte ands-teonish ^.H n persons interested to show eaaae, u An * . they can, dischvg^ «l»y the «ud administnitowdioald not be revive from tAe trust Pwmiftdon refused in .hem. and letter*, of. on fh( . Monday in Jane, ISJS. This Feb. 28, lSTjS OF A 4 PPLK ATION FOR EXEMPTION WaWNAl-TY.~AI«aamterH*.rts 6 «Id, o( apjdw® t»«u* for an Ks ^emption of Personalty, under of the ronstt iu - Mardb 23d;TJ*7?t,- attvWlfiek a. m. This Feb. : TMOg. P. OILHAM, Ordinary. ClMliri |IIMpV|U ■ dHIHUUi LVMrilill, Counsellor at La w s LEXINGTON, GA.' ' pntcticiaregu!»rly amTftarW^i^'ehewhere^by^lweiwi^eem »theooaotiea of Madimu, tract jant-iy WITTTfiAV WHITSON A O. ynUVeAV JOHNSON U(flr||i>| SIH) COBBSellflf at Lai, LEXINGTON emrei, GA o? Clarke, pretire Madiwin, to llhiit, Wilke, OdKhrepe ami Tatii : ftr»f^l^^upremuO^ j^Gregju generalticketagency KAILKOAU XK.U.EIS ! 1 IN THE UNITED STATES. ulforernureu. ^Buy-yuor Tickets in Athens andget ^ wnjnj[s Atiwt»s-«u Agent Southern Express Cm, ! “ „WliESi''To'oCT^-“. . <s EHE ! 1,1,1 1 ‘‘ 3 ID " .Tj \\ hlmv^, hand a ^rgc^s^ . fresh prayfofx of the ELHiHbrfoihrwing rate*; AH (iai'llpn Sptdls at 50o. ppi* «l 0 Z. VVc pay pwtace on all ftted except Peas, B^m* ami ( urn, for which we add ;.4o each 'XV, „ m | He,.,,, iV ,,t. : postage 15 c, . < miun Scti*—_'>c pvr tjuari , p.wuagt* i-V. - . Bulk TO S,**!* MERCHANTS earttie w-nt- cli^*r by express. We eon offer Low FIG DR KS. ; and \\e km'ji everything in vhv * |> 4 W I VT * \ VTVT)T> ^tv f 7 /j I J X Y T ^j ie 1 '^ r> y\, r 'Yt ‘ ' “gift _ |* Vi— I if I fy 8 Y Cm fill A Tilt >■ r,\. ■ - 7 .. Tj mmmm TVKb fftl y^j 3 17/51 f ALCV f flF% ■ ! ' BStti * S . ?F T! $ K, Pianos anil Organs SPECIAL REDUCTION For January^ 1 fj?8. 40 to eowcar. Er«>m Catalogue Prices^ LOWEST PRICES —AND— •EASIEST TERMS EVER OFFERED. - -. --- - - ted makers: CH i CKBBI | [flr BALLET &DAVIS, gTEINWAV, MePHAIL & 00,, SiMBSON & CO., HAINES BROS., BILLINGS & CO. PARLOR WW am Mil Mawa 4 Hsnrftn,- • Pinmihet & Prescott Organ Oo. Clough A 'Warren, Install hTh^t “nZnnSTiuJ''* 25 ' see urea f made in America. igMMEMBH # ■ ■ u 'c '-'TaC M ^SKtAir'-- ' -Gaff* saw I _— a MBINSON, HLCDM^^Ss; n Q n Q m « n * JJ nOOinSOD <X UO 1 . ». ,, ,, i h In '•o'm’ei'oa W|th Ludd-n * Bate.' SA VANNAH MUSIC HOUSE The Great andJIu-a^Wnmnat* l,i«tiihatmg Point ..f-TiaewCV ir ir“re ,.w tlo- ; __-_ .Prices in Savannah and Angn-ta always the saute and alway* iriiwdet all.....wpedtlon. ; *'•»*• «'«* by K, press anywhere i„ the ! c - °* *':• tm ***?*** *4^0^/- *”«' -'-iUy~wa^.wuh-pawWg» <»f- vganuna- . Tf,\IXi* ■ “«k Rj* Y*°\ I'P |\(f ANB I'l.VNos, tilCP.t'Il. I'IPE aud ItLKG and all kind..,f ,Mii.ieal lartru. workmen. South, Mr. TaY tf»B devote AUGCWTA MOiltfIIOL'SE* • I l V^l'ICK '« fe.M,Eri RICES ANO SHOE SHOP. W. dy Iwnii n<rthi»gbnttH«be*imal«ri*l bis e*tahludiro«il. # 4 * 1 work will leave l GREAT REDUCTION IN THE SINCER SEWING M A CH IKES! AFTatWa dM FA MUrSXwErO tUCBIMfS will he *■: ’ „ ih»»; Plain fochkse, $\ Cowed Machine, Wi Biop-Leaf Table Machine, MS, Misarr-egWatR^-aw^sr: USBaBgpse&SSbmsassei FHAMES EXCEEDINGLY -HEAP. J. B. TOOMER, Agent, iOfiec over Talnukdgc. Hodgson 4 Co’* store,) ATHENS, GA. J. H. HUNTER, Local Agent, Antioch, Ga. PETER KEENAN, OF AUGUSTA, CA., EA 6 NOW ON UAX0 AND FOR !?ALE A STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES l urivtiiM by any h«u*r in the Seuthvra States, and the only «n*> who TtKTAlLTTtlOES AT AV HOLES ALE PRICES! Every ank-esoW by him will be faithfully represeoteiL *nd exchanged inside of 91 months or : THE MONEY REFUNDED! j |l ? resp^f«u v 8 *k» the patrenwre of hw friends in f^orgia and South Carolina, and witfe out detractia«Trom OieWfento of other house*, confidently azures them a saUag et 45 : cent, by buying tiie eiass of gaitf* he keeps j . - PETER KEENAN, —^ THE PUBLIC! -AND Most Especially to Our Country FrieriSs! We wi*-li to eafl your attentioi^to the remarkable low prices and deduction at which we are j now seliiu.' i DRUGS, ...«,*,»«» MEDICINES. PAINTS, .... OILS, . ETC. ___ Plrvwciau- W« ean save aud j<maS peleentln Merjhante. vour pnA^ H by hand buying of u*. Special of ^cements o ittftn.,^re.£ Country o«*d»d Having on a very large stock Fresh s a,^homim P»1>LCEML!VTS ^ . RI DWlOl I 1S I ' O Q lA/tel WflfTaflTea PP3 ntPfl fiorHpn 1^3(0611 OeGUS, Rpprlc Potatoes, OniorSWi., Peas, Bans aodctini, in bulk, just received. i Flower W.'ftls (Hill II:m<>intt UuKkpts, any color paint, mixed ready IRON TONIC 50c and 81 KING’S TOILET POWDER, for -ale ! by M; H.-ArauldAgn n, Crawfo rd. ALLA DIN OIL, 5l)c gallon. “ TEETH IVA'' Teething IWere, Site. )• pomufeure. 1 iunweft- !»!«£«% ** ‘’ W ‘' It U ’ ° •, : HNBdM Ti-rdflts | * «YHFPl(«a via}. * HAN D st \P, 50c and 75 c adoren. j HAIR DYE, as gotld as.the best, 50c box R BRUMBY ■ ■ a m r~w. ■ j- A A CO ^ i %• 1 | • warn m %# 1 ▼ w fc# my . * ^\ r riIK^r^ CxA. g%f\f\W\ fwAAnC mJ §\ At I I hlAI wlr W* DD^rC fml T w _■■ -. •• ■ ' ----- |-\ III /■'v ill V'k^ni I ¥ I "1 I iVI *"■ k V jr -AT t\ f /'- 4 .f /\ 1 i aTXi.1. /l V-/ •% «. * M. A !s UFA 01U U EU.S O F AND DEALERS IN VVl fcV EKl m>v l)r<»S(.Kl*1 ni u jiiMiiTiav H/a nc ---------- vf .....A | T) II Ti U T I i ft li T1 ft A 1 IT n J J I TT || fl It li It T TW H\ A H \ IU PLANTATION & LUMBER WAGONS, Harness, ^ Saddles, _g» Trunks, - VALISES, SHOE FINDINGS, LEATHEI1 (IF M KIMIS, BELTIMi, ETC, Malfliials. Siui.llery Hardware, Whips, Inbrellas, ttu IlKl'DSlTORIES AND SALES ROOMS: ZBB Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, 98 Cherry Street, Macun. Ga, EOtVT U. MAY; J. T MAY. A. B. (iOOBYEAH, FA RM ELBE Pac J fiic Guan « Co “^ ny * IfSpitdl, - - - vj)l,uUU,UUU! ft O R - FORD > SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO ---AND COMPOUND — ..—___— ACID PHOSPHATE __—__- - __ 5 -'.ri- Comj)t,Kfin<> with t-otton ! OUR REST CERTIFICATE; One fifth rtf the Fertilizers sold in Georgi* are nf SOLUBLE '.PACIFIC, and there are 120 different brands sold in the State. CASH lAHICEs Per Ton (2,000 |«ViDd*d Solul>Ic I’at ilir btiatm, 9147' SO P « rT ‘»n (i t myrnwh\ Acid Phonpliwlc,......................... . ... .. OO TIME PHIOEt (Without Interest-C0TT0X OTTO, Flftf-en Cents.) Per Ton (2 t Q0!t»imundk) tfolnble Pacific Gnaito................................ #70 OO per Ton “OOtf-ftUUiwl* 1 tebl fi*lac»M|»la«vt«».........................».................. . ,1» OO . . /, U. 31 \ f At l r BI HhW IP Vl T 0O\T pU ' 41 UA., / tf \ W • febl.flm ■ Conipapys Agents, Al'GUSTA, GA. “ — —.■ “—' —'—'——-*—■ ■' ...—. . A* A- GHlLDts. R. NIflKEHfiQN. V, H. WY NN | DS IV! If) IC h R Sfj I\I fV Cifl I *1 WlVLllwV/l * W VV Franklin Hmise I5uildin«r» Jiins ATHENS, OA„ Wholesale and Retail mils Pealets in 11 *1111/ If -jilljiy kjlljIJiiy .ctcbi. llailiU) ___ — IK ) ];; ■ !] - A X 1 > Milji S 1 I 0 E 8 . HORhiB EjHOE NA-ILft. a ___i ev;v_ TSsCi-~ J Varmsb HAtt^M lihAlHkli, llLltLit.V WAWIAS, ' n-ass VtaniMa. Wheel*, and Jate a Knpe, t'arriage and ftiddfory llarrtware, Kelfows. - Ifubs, flps-fo i MaAttfimturer.' tmeuta&r tfce.wde of ‘ Ainl Eva^mr STANP/UHjr^ALEa^ \VattTl«'w>, l-,iriu*Ts Irien.l C1D£a Plow, iircular 3inr<i. I’ntnjis, M fCt . Hi p AND > A W Y EEs CELEBRATED u FTUN *r|N> Any art »'«■!» i», <>„ r iine not in stwk. will be Wiled de.‘in*d. with the }.‘**----bic <hif' »; j .-.xamin e twr stwk t>ml prife<. I I A IVil ilSosnTA Ufl LJ ■ S\ KIT IVI I -P^S 8 [1 All A 1 I ■ ^lY I IV/ MLL I \ LAUiTE flTOt’K Of aRnpFfiiF? UlLUU ljlH 11 11 DRY UlH cmiK UUUllOl mow JUuU I 0, OflUIlU, ™po , . UATC ‘ ‘ N0T0NS TftIlifTilii ff OTHINf. ' ‘ STOtES, M\i% T ||lrl'P TW, TlA TOBACCOS, HAB0II.4RE, III!! minus kl fit ki sn' lo be Sold MAMJTOThWe Cheap for Cash, AT THE OF ® AIRE . 11 LA TIMER I BIWS Bw ^ ■ wb f S , IjKXIi\OTO\ CSkSv* VS A CALL BEFORE BUYING EINKWHEKF, AND ^ MONEYS ! i given ffise hr all who will e»U and see us. WfB I’KRECM ES cheap. A bottle | R Oil HairTmfo I ,d vLiline ^ Une I pvjRE WHITE LEAD *11 per 100 j PURE OIL at «5c per gallon. direct fromi liuncunV comity !Vii\ j BlrlbMASt., 11 cl L l. l ’ JP€T ln fact, if you want anything in i'nnic line call on Attention, Nor^^&st 3ccr^ria! Buggies, Phaetons, Carriages. Rookaways. Wagons. &e, OF THE OLD RELIABLE JJQDQSON ATHENS^ MANUFACTURK' GEORGIA. Material _ _ The and Largest the Stock in the S>oth, at Greatly Reduced Price*. §*#* Repair Work. • ®pe< ia’iy. *n, Fined Workmen in the rotate. ffc»“ Call and Examine before Purchasing Elsewhere. \ ork " ~ ■ 1 1 ~~ ■ i— 1 --- — 1 1 ".— 'is 1 .....* ■»—- .........— . . .. — . . , . cooK sTovEs sou: ; A H. L/gllliill^ /NTTTT TkC |E L/U*. PA ATHENS. IflA IUU,UUU 01111 DfARCDC nLAUtnC Aitt: CALLING FOH JUC lilt ODjejM UlllHmHHWIlMtUm »«{) HISTORY l»¥T«nr RUSSIANTURK I »T «ml IDimn mart Svliubte «s-«rete and Csm.preheu.tve; Iwfawt jmldlahed. • . \T A « T,VF f C ENTS WANTED. on this work ist- Also 1,000 Agejits WamfOor ear,yam, diva* tion. our GRAND COMBINATION PROSPECTUS, „^srssr£Z^. iik*raphiSd;iH»mriad, Hrligious, and Mb’ Ln «in^ M>V "" 1 Alston lOOfltyle* «f Premium our FAMILY BIBLES, English and Herman. Protestant and Cuth olio. Awarded sui'erh^rity over all others, for their Invaluable Aids and Superb’ Aind ingn, at the Xjratul .Centennial Exhibition', im. '^p^’ _ ^ Partienrai^ftw. P ° rlTli ‘VfHLA^SrflA Addrcw> __ —-—-——— CRAMPTON’S f | M |f |T DTDi LHIn A I L Ov“l CllAD ,« THE n F 8 T ' -o Cramptoh'*''Imperial Soap is the C'rainpton’a imperial Hoap is the Best. *^-.^1^ Crampton’s CM^;.i«piri«La»pj.tiitot. !ni|x*rial So»p is the Best, t riiioptori's Iraikerfftl Hoap is the lies age of VegrtaUle Oil, is warranted folly cqlul lo ilie Sh*si imported - I'aatilv.fioap, and at the mine lime contains all the Washing anil clean* ~ Iirg—pmpj.rtjcc • of the eck** br ( ier mannnd French Eh un¬ dry Siaps, It is then fbrc rcfoimucndcd for use in the Laundry, • Kitchen and Bath Room, ami for gcfkerrtl -huusthold pn rjvws ; ___________ also for Printers, Painters, Engineers .jjnd Machinists, iu» it will remove spois dT Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc., from hands. The. Hnntingtou, Pa., tytmtew t>f April 5th, -po. mo uu c y s this soap the beyrin the markr! r Header, Ion't wan f, y.«u to stipiw)^ Sc that fhr? i? 5n; advo j-tisCtneht.and pass ft nvcr.Ji.ij* heeded.’ Jieiid it. . M*' want to direct your attention to i the Hilvertisenieiit of *' CrHlujifon's InipertHl Soap ” Having used it in our oflice tor the pant year, we cuiv reetM««umd it-as tiie bear quality »t wiap fii L is a i art- thing tn yet a «>ap llm' will thoroughly ricaiim ami i;«!"»J| Ihei-wt oil, «-.■ adivpLnd know w.--peak U .ciatlv -pr»Hfo»y-p«nter*rrTrgfnrrr- ill rViiiWyc of all and riuiolTiuists, ns ii w :.1 grease r descriptions fronj the'hands • as well as clotheK, with little labor For_g**nt*i ral pou^ehold pur it cfinnot W excelled, M a nuffte t u ret I only by CRAMITON BRO^., ‘J, i, ft, * and 10 flutter’* Place, And 33 and 3*» .fetTvrson St, NEW YORK. Tor wvle in Oglethorpe county hy J. j. €. McMAHAN,.Crawford. t . %. HARGROVE. Crawfoni. G. t:. HALL, 1 eovi'nnl. ai MH. ARNOLD SGN, Crawford. WITCIIKlt A dARRKLT,, Crawford. H i Ihf A LaTIMKH, IteXingfoa RWTH uJ * itviViix.n», YW^t^L^Xm - l . 1 . r, (. OTTIILIMLRjl .exi ngton. n Buggy and j til Wagon HAS L’FACTORY, T WorLfj respretfullv in- — '■{vfitlt that TflgC* I •nt!v smith — th* shop a first fit-- ei , U ..I river hv one of the ! thetwh-eTof afirbelaxii Trifled m? reVff I>r»,-e* a*lou «„,o' .*hU*« t.f W<*rk.t*'htvl fthv"«h«r**- in the'l'. • BbAsmAb itrt»U»iv.-*. n„.l iTpuir^ofk.asj^Hhv All : me a work War-i ranteiL W. O. Tlt , KFB.('r:i tff"pl ^ ftt\T I' J V fiPV'n'TVfl It pi KlV lx U I il .UliAUIilU, SHAFTING, A m m. ■ ^ * XlUJullJt *1AT flVO i than ever before at the 1 Eo.csi City Foundry A Machine Work*, AV<mrk 4 GA, I'olt.n Hrrpmm, Mill Gpsriafi au4 Hide NMhlMn Will Mate and HefM:rM Pratoptif. 4 *T £ Lw*g kl n . h-stJm isms Wits --V TUP T HE I [ DAW KUN l/TOP KIND ] SI f '*t. t t -- X - | M C ^ DC D t CT - I ’ • - r V; W - - am— oityP^^ ■* ">"■ the cate ljUUlV UlUlVU r . ' pi :i| Have no.superior Uj”. in the rnilid KfatesTTlifse elebrateiLfttf^res siriii TINWARE For salt* in Tjexington bv (\ IIA IRK A LATI* acuchfkco MER. In Crawford ht S. HARfiROVF. j j I Tt 2 b. 1 . \ A .^res -.A ! ‘i:lfIiP*re'%^k mm Ma E , I ■i SSS 1 *-^ m are i • i m Jj ....... i IVE offer the ABOVE Magnificent To the rlantcr.s of Georgia, and Ammoniated hare heaitfttioi) in rccoiixmcnoiag Super-Phosphate it tiie iuB-'si no ‘o < vf> i, Wvrshall Will endeavor highly t»> pleased mo't all with lei^itmiatv competition, and jrel as»»iwi that vl l VS he «* articles be the rckulw. We also oiler our (( EUTAW ACID PHOSPHATE,” Which we believe Is cqval to any on the market. "Coitoh Option if deftim! y [ Call Rnd prices. n j" t*n oar Agent# for- terms i GEO. W. WILLIAMS iVC<V, Vroprictors. Lexingtoti, Charleston, 8..C Agents at HA HIE- A LATIMER. decl4~4ra T’H 1}: LA l‘v{LE R I CAN ‘ i 51: WM 6’ , gi'Hs‘; L V 13% '. i.“ 14! “9’13, 1:1: ' Mneluny ’1 .. f‘ u in ‘ ,fl." ’3; VNothizg“ ‘ » l.“ “1L.’ i5 I ilflflfln I cam THE . ., r~:‘-"*".:.l ' > I f “9% 7N0 NEEDLE TO SET It Sells the Easiest and alwaysfSatisfies; AGENTSEWG In{lucégmems. ask you to ttZy it. and offer you special I L 1th Somli'c‘yr‘Circnlank I'n‘wsu. ' m w. mp, emcmnam o. ‘ ‘1: €1JU'EBIJVQER, Manager. - V ' £ " ' ' - ^ ’ {jg^p if"f-L pfg 4 '^V ...' * •» 1* ft» *4? '-A 7 G:.' J' t-l- t sir* ■ , 0 !s .• ‘ ^ V'/< ; rkff!3ns:|" *3 ?.-• - *he hlghcg awards at ;! f • sitions. If SEWS '•>' ' n •oi-.v; ‘ m a c h in ®S« !iS CapaClt; unl-'j ----- * art r z 1 WILSON WAQHiWES 8 p,ri if- tv. ' Atl ' BlliSKl' T ’ -• :• -f «-'■ V: ' WITHOUT PATCHINCy given FffcE •- ^ - * tTl^lClTV* %r- * - .©• « - CENTS J l t BAf WV || 91 XflM AAll Si* |flf ic H1 fe. ^ ^ WANTED.f VW Ibwlllv vl* WW li“W m llfllllfllllMii. £b n V ."I r Cor. ^ State & Madison Sts., Chicago, **® , ail' Hl9.; ,,,<,rk and * San g^*’i*evt Franc-tsco, Oak ORGANS, ORGAN’S, ORGANS, ORGANS! The r«h*eriWis having hf’f-n fthpoinfefl'Sf.h- for the f»:!*«•.h-d New England Organ Company, Whose Instrument* ate prdbomjced hr ifkigf ia he the’best made ;fi th" fliiifilry. *bl ft'way* keep a larcv wosoftthetd of these splendid A N4. of various <i l**, which are >m«tirpawf J I-’oJ- IleatJf .A of* Cane & if«*ss of l one. „ . out ao inferior RriU’ir., OATES BROS„ eveemtem to oec, a. o tits, 344 Bread Strert, AyWWfA, CA sINcE AUGUST m1 we.