The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, March 22, 1878, Image 2

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THEOafirHORPCEOW T. k. OANTT. fp TT«)E, xsb JSt'-ivxirroa. «arek tt, >«TW the IlfMF I LOWER**. A Letter Rhr«rrO#ii*e »f «n« F'ewale, rrathwtt artHl * (*■»»*« »f n«r*a* f:*n Cttt, Fu., M^rth 12, 1979. f<*rQyhtitrpf Echo f -<>uth Florida, on tiurretracx ana t, I thought I would Writ* jr«u » -bort twr. dereriptive of ihe won try, for iblieattoa. \ftcr exploring revcral of , Oie t swamp,, traveled and soon rea* toward bed Orlando. tb.e«t ^ This e ver, .-the coonte-aeat of Orawge, and U a nail, hut energetic town. Being cw*e ba< a means of trarupor , n-TOtwsiuent’.y,the country around > .. one r«at orange grorc^ From Orlan tv * **«w W «wswpy B*r. Htihiboro ty . Tamp*, the c(i«uty-«e*t, is * thriving young city. io those who -.-ter eiperiewoed campra* r«t, e.peci w in each-woods and country as Hon ■:i. ht me say they hare mimerl a pleas, ” -iKu,e. re - ^Tb,” The camp-fire g*ve» one ape ar zest, and rolling in a blanket by it* side, with the star* to twinkle you to make* one utterly oblivious to 't-.itiicr beds. rid i-g through and among suen an oitt ni< region creates is marreiona. w ith nj, it a most ueautiful and enjoyable trip, arid one full qf absot bmg icter»t. I visited and pasaed through rousi'- « Uu. Wlp. ■f'ttk 4 ".?'" The land comprising tt >gi ' T. and well adapted to fruit and vegetable farms. It is mostly poor land, metto bunches, and in m~*mm little or no cleaning. ne ca borse and buggy any wherethrough the who help tliem in any "ay they can. I have somewhat described Tampa, but will add Jhat it has about twenty Mfiirep/three druggUU, three hotciii, no „ private boarding hous^ «d the r^jun-ite number of shops, warebou ses, wharves, etc. Ship building la car riel on here, as also brick making. Her magnificent bay is .destined to make Tampa a great, when con ticclrd with the world by railways. There is even now considerable shipping being done in fish, oysters and vegetables. Hillsboro county possesses a loDg line ol i-caCoast, an adjunct the value of which t, not to be estimated. Folk county does not border on the r^H coast atall Is^rm^yearaL, It was taken from tbe east Bartow, ♦ the »t county-seat, rf , intv pat is i- situated M ; tua ted nfar near Pease creek,;or river, as it is sometimes cal,cl. ,t is. growing town, contmuing ,w , or tbrec -tores .u te .graph o^, ^t^^the princip,,wire. in the Union. Tbi* give* an advantage * *» * «.K;reU nntrht tn injure it* advancement. Fort Mead some ton mi lea below Bar tow, on the banka of P eaae creek, is g lively place. Fome five or six stores are established hero., and it is a place of cwUSldtJaLU busixke^-'" Most rri the ding ia with the stock men and stock traders, who handle more money, as a general thing, than any other class in South Florida. Fort Mead has full ac cc*s to the stock countries. Polk county joins Hillsboro* Sumter, Orange and Brevard counties, these com prising the great orange-growing section of the xState. Polk abounds in lakes, stocked with fine trout. Its surface is 'modulating. Io the vicinity of lease creek is large boditi* of rich lands, both pine and hammock, which are well tim bered ; aud some of the most pleasant settlements which can be found in Houth era Florida are here. T he pine lands, generally large bodies, are elevated. The population of this cotjnty is about 4,000, very few col or ed. It favorably compares with Hillsboro, in farming, eto. In my opinion, Polk possesses a region • of r lake u country unsurpassed by any section Among it. hill, and lake, invalid, would revel m earthly glory, and there eeeking a retired and oeautifol winter residence could find no place that afforded abetter. But it lack, one great esrential—’tie not opened up, Uolated and but thinly aet tled, with no eelabliebed communication with the outer world. Of Orange county I can only mention the .mall portion I saw. It follow. Hill. boro in it. general feature., lacking the seacoast and bay. It j. sett ing up very fast, and being put in fruit cultivation. In genera! South Fonda or that «ec ticn of Florida embraced between lati ..tndc--7.and.4P prise, a section of .......... tbe excel . leney of which no one comprehend*. affords an easy livelihrotd for every one, i rum the poorest Ur the richest A far¬ mer here has not to toil twelve months living. Corn wlH _____ y ______ lrid fro to earn a 10 to SO bu.hrt.por .ore, and t« tlal.60 per bn.hel; sweet potato*aver age from B)0 to 400 buHhela per acre, and sell* at from 40c. to $ 3 ; rice yield* 40 to 60 bushels in tbe hull, and brings $1 50; sugar eanc will yield from 260 to 400 gallon, ot fine syrup per acre, worth from .40 to 76c. Fruit and garden vegetables arc profitable early in the season, the latter being the «>urce of a largereve nue. There i. plenty of vacant land now, but I can safely prophecy that in leas than three year, there will be very little of none at all. N ew comers should have a little capital, esp ecially if they ; are going into fruit-growing. Orange trees commence to bear io seven year*. One who does not farm, and trusts alone to this business, must wait this time be¬ fore he realizes any return. '" “ ... ,n<3 : wi P°°f ‘ Wah^Tafc^ r ,gn T. d' a “ *,V d , im ver lered “ w W ilh them a few h head of r cattle, a pony, Ll ! i " g on t *’ * Te no fear of rtarritur ,, apita. can B ere find „ , field an immense wchtoTvefon ^ it • andrirt^l a “ en “*yei-°ped . ^ Inearth -« ~h«at spot «-> I , w»H ... refer r the climate, now to and in * *o doitig will give onlv euch / faci* ** •«. "*? rex,. ,.i otsmstion s..v. .i„n t. has experienced - and , reliable au.hormes funmhed. ff append a table of mean temperature, for every mouth iu five^rjiTeT, 5* F* tV’u^ 67,7 ■ April 71 8 - Msv 76 6 « >oy - 9; I)ec 6 2, 0; - . 1; spring, summer, 80, 2; autumn ?'■ 8 ' ^ e ” r ' l 9 ‘ This is r,r ' ti * r * 1 -bitUude- : '• 28 grees. and the aUi tade from 20 to 120 rM "iTa JT£h ^ ff>« .rersg-_atiiii— Imiw ' od tare of alT,u.p. twelve rear*, foc thc.i.Nf vai 84. 4«e^re«*.; I The nriulrnuro temperature of summer rarely exceeding the latter except i« the northern part of the State. This fact is l , JCUlrrto u* i »p , «.!» OE «,*™ii,«. tt , rUjB ^ fay the public outside of the >ute, a tel to many tbe statement dottW , appe r * *ra iacrediWe. It need not ap «*»***,however,w»B , _— n x —__ »w* pear ao is North Temperate me0)bem | ,h,t the t ,. M Ae j, T8 a„ !oD ger and the nigbu gorier during the summer. We ad* Ian re from the lower to theHigher !ati consequently the ray* of froa!t b e , un are longer concentrated on ,b e earth’s surface, with a proportionals , .hotter night for cooling by radiation, -jbe re rer»e being the caae in the winter, . { ^that an «faal diatribution of f or ve*r in the lower and higher atifndesof the same rone, are in, ured ^ inter deficiency being compensated by the snmmrr There in a summer re f* k«P‘ 11 *k® principal-botela. It Joe* not show a heat so high as in some oftlje >* or thern States, but it lasts for a { OD g er p^ r i<>d. Winter i» S very dry sea ^ bere w j t h very little rainfall; but the wet ’reason comes in June and iasbr _ Wo or three months. In tropical and se ,ni-tropical countries we may expect g reat humidity of atmoapbere and great : rain-fall. Astothedrynessbfwinter, c j :n)ate 0 f this peninsula compares vor.bly with OaJifoml., the rain- Ml lot the reason being about the same. O. W. Boltow. --- ■ * — " -- . Awful Holocaust. , An ; At Tientsin, „„ the 7th of January,. terrible calamity occured. A fire broke outlt ten o’clock in the morning, atone i-„"r,,VZ‘;rs ' scarcely an hour passed before all the sheds were burned, and between two j thousand eight hundred and three thous-; n n( j women and children were *uffocat* ed or burned to death. As correct an , eg timateas I can get gives the number ofinmateg ^ three thousand, of whom 0Illy . Uttl( , ove r one hundred escaped, The location of this soup kitchen was 1 uafortun , le . On the east side was the cit f jjt c h: on a part of the south and ; w.est sides was an ice pit, while bouse* li ne d the remaining sides. In addition, j ^. a8 surrounded by a strong fence of u. Ihi.h.Lrcwas u i:. ne stalks olastered with mud in j * on”h.tam«ng nnlvnne cate “ and it '» “ ld AM on the buratt^ forth forth of the the “T* *** ek P *’ ^ r*. g And mn a * ay * M « * ny ° r f the Ch,ne#e gbowe( | much courage in trying to ren- j rf( , r ^ assistance as testifie.1 A. bv an 2» eve , itD who, pasaiug junt h&fl ,, KaJ lle M in tcflri „ K JL-!**® firr . p tprrihle bevoM d**-erintion'■ ^ * ; . ' d«ne its work wa* ghastly and horrible, s ;. e p* !r v« re c f it rir,cs before ST.y Biiud M 0Qe ^ never . be effaced. Tho e ontortion» of the features, the positions 0 f t j ie bodies, hands, limbs, mouth a nd e the7ame aswben~tbe flame “and ,,^^0 overtook them, reminded one of ^ descriptions of Pompeii. Ifad the g H t e been left open probably many more might have made their escape, but so rapidly did the flames spread through t ^ e ma t. 8 heds, and in the straw and mat8 8 p rca d 0 u the ground a* protection a g ft j nH t dampness, that before an opening CO uld be made in the fence, few even wer e left .to linger on in suffereng. How the fire originated, po one seems to know — a possibly, tn’iUet from the range where Rt the {ime the was cooking, j Execution of Gus Johnson. Gus Jonhsnn was hanged at Rome last Friday for the killing of Daniel Alford, a man> in the fall of 1876. Johnson was the son of respectable pa* ® n< t the only indication of blood i thirstinc8S gmoDg his apce8tor9 ia 8howo ; jn thc fact of hb fjkther havi ODee ; foMghl #duel , !ut thu Gu , John . . t0Ilj j(( it tppea „ i one ofthe mMt Ti |] tin . , ous mBrfere „ that has ever lived in thi. : 1 The history of hi. crime, would be tod l long for recital here; but, suffice it, he j i« known to be the murderer of, at least, i three human being., a. be himaelf ; cUilns . gl)d pcrhap8 for morbid rcMOO>) j he hu ki i led m4ny othere At one tim ^ JaiOMn in aaJwcr to a | no y Ce of $26.00 reward for the return of , stolen hor9e a „ d the thief, delivered : the horge hiras( .| fand demanded the e r ! war(J But where i« the thieff” asked ti, c us ner di the nor.,, Drawing from bis pockets pair of ears, he said, “I ^ hiB . , )Ut j gM hia ear> „ A few days afterward the man was found dead, with his ears cut off aud missing. ^ Again, be went into the house of an Me d colQred jamWBwr. n 8nd> after carving him into ^ wHh , gab shot him g „ eral t - me . Again, it is said, and e&ee by bimretf, he carved a little negro baby into hag¬ .^0.^ ;^ of the body for fi , h Uit j ol „„„ n , 10w dtllit8 that he commitedsucl, a deed, -:r He seem, to have a natural hatred for colored people. It is Mid that he killed i a colored man in Selma, Ala. Heclaim. ! I to have kilk . d , w0 DK . U in Texas Hu „, )loiu , have all taken place since the war Bob Ingereoll to the Widow Tab Cott. In an interveiw published recently, the widow Van Cott, the famous evangel ist, now conduetihg a Hvety$ reviva l at Grace Methodist church, «' denominated: Robert G. Ingeraoll a poor, barking i d «g ” Col. B„b, who lecture, here this i evening, L; ha. addretoad tbe widow thi. ! | c l, arac 8tic Bcffalo, Feb. 24-Mr.. Van Cott My Dear Madam—Wereyoncon.trained by the love of Christ to call a man who ha. never injured you “a poor, barking d0g? ’ Did 7™ * a >’ thps « words illus trate in some faint degree the refining fluenee upon women of the religion you preach? What would you think of me if 1 should retort ■/* u*imr ^7, vour language ^ changing L only ,. the sex of the - . last word? I have the honorto remain youre truly, | R. G. Dtoersoll. Z i —. — ♦»- _. intererted^ ■»»* r «>*dJ" “ • ^ bne of railroad ^ to Mexico them in favor of a subsidy to $50,000,000 for a line through Texas to the City i of Mexico. The targuiaent ured isthat this would do more .for the .development of Southern trade than the Pacific road. A ' e lathe care »f a min oa tha roml with » ,»tt which be th» >P«»pki zed: “ Coaw hither, ftapuat? W o-«-o£ Pre« entered into conversation with the man ^„ WKBkW ft« 1 a«, plicabie to a bullock team. ** Well, sir, you .d-i-iautaMi *ee ” said he V “I calls this the HH e^b.n«k O o the offside lending; I tail him Baptist. \SVil be. crowing the creek presently. ,„dhe’U be bound to m*te for water. That the . near side, . . he*s , , ,r» Pucopa one on [j an • cau ^ e he holds bia bead »o werry h ,gh. That bullock m, the off aide of the pole, the one with the crampled,horn, I calls him Presbyterian. He »the moat oot-snd-OQt knowing bullock of the lot. The brindle in the same joke with him, he’s Helbodial. He*s always a grunting and a groaning, an if he waa dragging the whole load. Bieaa your life sir, he*a not pulling an ounce." —--• ■* — . SoiBe Intoxicating StaHatics. It is estimated that 3,500,000 tons of iee will be cut in Maine this Now, allowing a quarter of a pound of ,ce for a mint julep, and making allow ance for those whodon’t drnHr, the rest ; of the people in Maine can have about forty-nine drinks each. Saving that see en drink, will make a man feel tolerable happy, out of forty-urns driaks he eaw manage to have (seven drunks, and one man drunk seven times is, of course, bo seven drunken men; so the drunken men. Suppose that from ten of those who get drunk seven times, one b» the jim-jams, 210,000 men be thus afflicted-^about one-thirf the total population of the State ! K of there unfortunate men see. one thousand anakea. there will be 210.000.000 ' snakes seen, and allowing two snakesto *" ---- BkUeVF.BH in miracles will read with interest the story of an actual occurrence at a prayer-meeting near Rochester, Ind.^ Several young men, including Robert King and KUre Bidinger, went to .be meeting to make sport of it, and to ere ate a disturbance. Th«y were' reasoned with by the pastor but his exhortations were in vain. Suddenly there came np a thunder-storm, the church was struck bv lightning, and Bidinger was instantly killed, while thesoles of King’s feet were blistered. As soon as the latter returned to consciousness he was converted, andlhe meeting adjourned. -------- T «^ colored people of the South are ^ icte d with the Liberia fever, ami at length a ship ha, been procured for the purpoae of.transporting a few of the . ? th 1 , dfp . nfrfnm . ,.' Itl Xt • f rc ^^ ^ L ^'stktX r-z outb Carolina * are said to'be aoxioualv awaiting passage . __ ^ ^ ^ _________________ Davis A Medford, Mass., man named is said to have been buried alive recent ly. He fell senseless while shaving, and, though prononticed dead, the body was kept in the house and closely watch ed for several days, because he had ex pressed fear* of being buried alive. Since thefuneral hiawidowand daugh ter, having dreamed that this had really taken place, caused the grave to be open* ed,disclosing the horrible truth, as the corpse was lying on its side, with the . face badly bruised and the top of the coffin broken, Of all domestic fowl*, the goose is tbe longest lived. One died a few days ago, near Baltimore, that was hatched in 1824, on the day that Lafayette visited that city, its life, %udd«^ its the fifty-tan.. living at y, -u ad¬ .? owner, now an vanced age, believe* that she ban realized from feathers and goslio* between five and six hundred dollars. Although this specimen was not the fowl that laid tbe golden egg, she produced for her owner a pecuniary reward nearly equal to her weight in gold. Pettenoill says “that the first re* turning boar d, of which he has any rec* ollection was a shingle in the hand of his father. The three—father, son and shingle—used toroid frequent commit¬ tee meetings in the back shed, but the re¬ turns came so swiftly that a fair count was impracticable.” We rather suspect that the old man was chairman of the board, and had a good deal to do with shaping tbe returns. An eg ico man living near Basbi, was shot in a singular manner some two gesticalstions or artioul&tions, he could surround bin bQdxjxitha-iu uKiu aimut that would be impregnable to shot or ball. Two young negro men and a vtbite man fired a few shots at him with-' out injury, when one of the negroes fired at him again and shot him down. He died in about a week. Tjie _ Mormon „ elder, M di.puto .. , the „ will ... » f ! »»e Brigham A oung, on tbe « rOUnd th * t he ” ind ! ed the . c h nfa h f of * 2 ’ 500 ;°? 0; L,ke lh ® pf “ d f * ra voted ^. hlm Jifc « :lfa . f ,n . «Iary»f ’ U | fanC 7 $50,000 “Xfor’eii* for ugh teen years. A MtNSBSOTA farmer’s boy ITTirvillage editor an ear of corn was truely wonderful for site. It meas lired iij inches in length and 10$ in circumference, and contained 1,602 kernels. t:~~ — ■». ♦ — - ch ™P •» *•*»• lh \ ,a f' , ^ „ e ot ’“K™- bn “"broken can be had for f $12. The finest Spanish pony, wild asm *«?««. coetio * » 10 bre * k ’ •*“» for ; * 10 ' » —— m , - _ j A healthy man will Inhale about 266 : cubic feet of air in the course of24 hours, j and while this is bcirg inhaled, an ex halation or “ throwing offof from ten to twenty ounces-by weight-of ear ; bonic aerd gas ensues. ------——— . tt « ivwt th«> »* fGovernment Government 85 xo.tsi 187 to io fun the revenue office at Frenchman s Bay, Me., last year, and the receipts were $8,85. RESEAT in Chi^ .rct.ires show. , bat the t wag bulU women All kinds and sixes of Coffin* and I?srial Cases, at the Athens Furniture Maiicfactur iog Company, No. 12 Broad street. Fob Window Corniee, call on the Athens Furniture Manufacturing Company. Jfwc OftATE OF GEORGIA. OGLCTIHCR nWaks.-VhcnH, 1TY.—ApfMrariiia WtHws for H. Letters Tfcaa. of tad SKfS * r 1%n* w ftwt« t» cite »®J whaenah not' SSSKl-S fe- disbarred firma the trust refused • t» % PPLICATION ft)H ElEMPTfON OF P*-fw>i^tv. under of tbe Conrtita- ' Gon of J 863, and toe laws amendatorv thereto. A ISTK. TH08. D. GILMAN, OnUauy. pntkuli, OGLETHORPE WSTY. Application to Sell Railroad gtocfc.-An ; iiif Uoiiim, T administratrix deceased. of applies the estate of Joseph Ian ni Eight a*, Sl.are.of I jeergia to Rail- me for leare towll ™?^V*Th£ ^ therefore tn cite and ail concerned b> »how r*n*r, at my 7S.'»l m THOS. 1>. (»il.H AM, Or dinary . OTATE~rTh' TiKOHOIA, Witfif HOKPK P ««’NTV.-Appltaatir* tor \jett*n ^ H , HH ,*rf ^w i Bpotke, te m e hr „Latere of tiuardiamdUp IlSd/dwwSdt of Sophia Heard-and tknk Thowarethereftretocit* an<i admonish all persons etoawrned to show should not X«1.- u> the said sJeilla Heard. This Feb. 2fi,18'a. _ ,,, Wami-sion. i otNTY.-- Geo. ApDlkati4s if. LeNterand for John Letter, A. Hon j’ of* Dkndnioo apples To me'for^i*t of said de . ter- from the estate SSSi why the JftZZS said Lodre andHuniilcuTt 1 shoufd ; be discharged from mid trust and rreelve MarTs'S. " ‘ m y Kd>. tiffs. T HQ8. I>. tilUIAM, Ordinary, _._ OAm CAMUCI ULL LU i ilMDIf III "*111, IM LEXINGTON, counties* GA.* iwtieesrermlarlv H^Tolfaferro, in the of Oglethorj^ Madison “-«“?• Elbert, - Wilkes, ^ * WHITS OH Q. JOHNSON rT -iL.aar fe ^-assi'tenB&'ga® and the ttu|)re me.f„urt of Georgia rro; in pra]rni| ULHtnALilUnL TIPtfCT AbtiVUl IPCIIPV I » » —aw**** —^■ota.wrnyta,wi ; RAILROAD TICKETS I ' * *»*«« "SS?, all information from : - ff-.\ ■ wtilKL TO llt:T ’— _ Crenw *Vn*a* wit U nsJ * wArerel H \ JL*^ I X i VVfK V\ and have Good on Seed., hand a which Large Stock offer of th we to refers omc>XHO at the following rate,: All Garden Seeds at 50«. IH>r (loZ. Wepay postage on all Seed except Bean* and t orn, for which we add 2c paper. has and Beans—15c pt.; postag 13c. e TO MERCHANTS * - - *en4 Money for Seed and Postage. We keep everything in the C. W. LONG & ATHKNS, GA. *U"NR1VALED ! f to Pianos and SPECIALREDUCTION For January, 1878. 40 to 60 PER From Catalogue Price*. LOWEST *—At*D— EASIEST TERMS EVER Purchasers can save from £60 to selecting from the following eelobra- ■' ud maker*: L CHICKEHIN6, MATHUSHEK, KNABE, HALLET 4 STEINWAT, McPHAIL & 00,, SIMP&OS at 00., HAibiiM BHOa., . BIEEINOS A 00. mb (m bums Mason &. Hamlin, Pieonbct A P ratcctt Organ C o. Cl ongh-fit Vafren. Monthly Installments, the best ranging Organ from Piano $4 to *26, secures or f Hare Arranged to .Make the HOUSE In connection with I.uddeu 6t Bates' j SAVANNAH MUSICH0USE The Crest ^^lrar, Bint, touting Point Af P i.— re, Sfthe •aattaaua- rarne retd alw.ya .Hereof rtl eompeution. regnra^ r tiou given if - : TUNING and REPAIRING OEUANs’^d? „ of* if ariSd r kind, meats Tuned and Repaired by Mr. C.H, Tay t nearly fifteen years in the eotwtrurtion of in *truroent*in mme ofthe be*t fa^orie* in thisd country, and is the only authnri*ed Ti oner at ^ AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE, , | J T - io " p RICES QlICK Sales BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. sfejddy work rill lave bi« establishment. -woA wre*pIS^dl t hf,^S3Kl? !l j8S? f i GREAT REDUCTIONjIN THE ; -- SINGER CC W — I G MACHINES! r.*Jffif.'E«*/.Tt; _ rA«//.V7-v‘»i’.l AFTER t«h the he mW for CASH % folio* s ; ft™ <“*'mi Cneted Micliise, Ws SiDf-LeafTableM hWm, Ml. All Machines folly ^ r *m**d *»d deli*’rrd fr«* of expend. ***** Machines. Pare hpern Oil a aneseatar. S. B, -Parties are cautioned against using *»eh Machine Oil as » pvt op and add by Druggists. AGENT FOR BAZAR PATTERNS. j:£T grad for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List. J. B. TOOMER, Agent, lO*« at old Sm^er aaad, . . . below . Talwrad^, * . , „ Herfpe.ito . . ,, . ..tere, . _ ATHENE. 1THrva OA. ... ^ J ‘ " " tS * TEB ’ ^ **”“• AMK,Cfc - ^ PETER KEENAN, OF AUCUSTA, CA., Mas so* os hand asd fop. sale a stock of BOOTS AND SHOES rnrivaiied Inr any honse in the Southern States, and the only one who RETAILS >H 0 ES AT WHOLESALE PRICES! &«»r artiele wdd JML-_ braA.M bnfci.hfaUr renrewnted. .mt.xchmrred inside of» month..., lp MONEY | - w REFUNDED! • aNk^fhe He respectfully jtntrunBtre of his friends in Georgia and Sooth Carolina, and wrfth oat detractinr ^ fri.m the n^erifii of other house*,^confidently azures them a saving of 25 '**’**" *** ' npTFlV i;'1717 Y>i rii 1 Ctll ZVlltjbaiY V A \ lV, APfirSTA, «5A. ; ___ A V 7 A XdLXji I-T TdT A I) ^ I 4. ^ J w J) 1 . ^ I ^ __ X I J I * ■ V * , - _.—*»» IV! mm OSX r* tSD 6 C 3 ! V 1 10 Alts* UUf P/»t GOU I flirV eiril Crlnnrjo TIGriQS I J ----J 1 * i w « "?? h *»« r l four attention to the remarkable low prices and deduction at which we are ; now Wc DRUGS, MEDICINES, purchases PAINTS, bv buyingofxa. OILS, Specmlindacementa ETC. ; caa mre yaw 3 9 percent.Jji.yottr o pl.ysie«n, jndCouurv MervhanU. ftaviug on &*nd s very large stock of Eresb Drugs, BUISTS Warranted Garden Seeds, Potato, Onion Sets, Peas, Beans and torn, in bulk, just received. PlOWdr Seeds and Hanging Baskets, j ANY COIdOR PAINT MIXED READY F _ n at^yc “ nint ' 4^e auart and ^ (Hi A BS. the belt ontv IRON TONIC 50c and $1 i KING’S K TOILET-POWDER.' for «tle b, » H AEeAIMN OIL, 50c gallon. “ TBKTHINA" Teething Powder*. 50c, cur ”* the child and saves the parent care, ^ j BLA.LEl)VE,50c*boUle. kZ-rZ' in **1. ■ : i MILK OF MAGNESIA, 50c a vial. : FINE TRUSSES, «. AUGUST FLOWER and COUGH SYRUP, 10c a vial HAND SOAR,50cand 75c adoxett. HAIR DY’E, a*good a* thebeat, 50c box ! R. T. BRUMBY ATHENS, GA. 4 CO., . ____ GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES! -----— ROBT H. MAY & MA.VUFACTURERH OF AND DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, PLANTATION & LUMBER WAGONS, , Saddles, Trunks, Harness, HAGS. (VAL1MKH, SHOE FINDIXGS, Carriage Materials, Saddlery Hardw are, Whips, t'nhreilas, EU. REPOSITORIES AND SALES ROOMS: 208 Broad Street, Augusta, Ca. S8 Chenj Street, Macun, Ca. ROB'T II. MAY, J. T. MAY, r ~X~ K. GOODVEAB, 8. 8. PAR MELEE —— Pacifiic Guano Company. Capital, - - - $1,000,000! R. S. MARTIN, :: CRAWFORD, OA., B ELLIN G AGEN T O F PACIFIC GUANO -—AND COMPOUND ACID For Composting \vitli Cotton Seed I i OUR BEST CERTIFICATE: One-fifth of Hie Ferlilitrrs sold in Georgia are of SOLUBLE PACIFIC, and there are 120 different brand, .old in the State, CASH PBICEi .Per Tori (?,(W0 pound,) HoIttMe PaclHo Umas................. .........947 *0 p^r Tob (-j;b00 pounds’ Aeld Pls«f»ph»t« f ......................... .......... »» , i TIME PHICEt ‘ (WlUoatlloterert-COTTON OPTION, Fifteen Onto) Per Ton (2,000 ponni) Holttbic Paelllc G.anS.......................................970 OO Per Ton 2,000 pounds! Acid Phoiphale.................................................. 59 OO J. O. MATHEWSON & CO., febl *3m Company’s Agent*, AUGUSTA, GA. A K. R. NICKRILSON. Y. H. WYNN CHILDS, NICKERSON&Co No. 15 Franklin House Building, ATHENS, GA., Wholesale and Retatl Dealer* iu H ARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, MILS, HORfiE AND MULE SHOES, HljR^E SBfflBNAI l * «-«J!SEt!SSL AgncnlturalIaplements,Leads,Oils,Glass,Varaisb ®tr. Rubh-r JSSL2SS and lather Melting, Mill S.we, Maggy Wheel, Axle, Spring,, e_ w j s ^GTTuT GINS ^ cffiiSSLSS “ud w ‘r“ S. order ‘"' W,KU de " ,rM ' , " h the “■* p ^' bl * P IMPOR TANT TO ALL! a large stock of _ HATS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING.’ iks, sto®, mm th, Tiiim uwna a, m • j I Lmm W HAIRE It, 'dr LATIMER’S . tt fT'X A. ySHHVE US A CALL BEFORE BUYIXG ELSEWHERE, ASD SAVE MOSEY.-SS i FREE ALMANACS, such aa“Oreer'c,” „ given free to all who will cal! and *ee us. F,NE PERFUMES ^ cheap.' A bottle of ^ II AIR OIL. Hair U * ,rTon,c Tonic and Vauliue at puRE WHITE LEAD *11 per 100 lbs. PUBE OIL at 85c per gallon. TURPENTINE at 75c per gallon. BUNCOMBE direct liuncombe Cabbage Seed 50c N. C. per from County, • BRUMBY’S COUGH MIXTURE, 25c BLUE MASS, 10c a box. e^rltt fact, if you want anything in the Drug line call on Attention, Nort h-East Georgia! Buggies, Phsetous, Carriages, Rockaways. Wagons, k OF THE OLD RELIABLE! AJ-V-a TI()I)(tSON A—^ -a- i l\f ANTFACTlJiF A-X 1 A llv M- A-%AJJ^ ATHENS, CEORCIA. The Larj?estiMoc1t in tbe South, at Greatly Reduced Price*, tef* Repair Work a Specially. JSSp-TTit Bewt Sd«*-(ej Material and the Finest W orkmen in tfte^ate. Sajr Call and Examine before Purchasing Elsewhere. All w«rk Guarantee? COOK STOVESJ. ,sou) A. K. CHILDS & Hi ATHENS. 33> r tneomgmmdhistori oe the DTT0CT mUmM&U A XT <111(1 fJlIT JL UMBt 1)17 ' the And Ami the the great great contest routes tvow waging between them. | aml with the 300 Elegant Aowy, finpraring*, durable and Map* snrf smsi A 0^*0 ENTS WANTED. ! should Those avail desiring themrelve, Territory o7rn on early this work GRAND COMBINATION PROSPECTUS* | Of Representing 150 instinct Books, universal interest, including Agricultural, j Biographical Historical, Religious, and Mis : r ‘ ’ l>r °' i s WO^irf n Bibles, fe^um j family j English and German, Protestant and Gath jfor ; olie their Awarded Invaluable superiority Aid* and over Superb all other*, Bind | ings, at the Grand Centennial Exhibition, iIK76. Particular* free. Address JOHN K. POTTER A CO., Publisher*, *ep7-ly PHILADELPHIA. CRAMPTON’S IMPERIAL SOAP IS THE BEST. -0 Craxnptou'* Imperial Soap is the Best. Oamptoii'e Imperiul Soap is the Best. Crompton’s Imperial Soap i* the Best. Crompton's Imperial Soap is the Best, Crompton’s Imperial Soap* i* the Best. Crompton's imperial Soap i* the Best. Crompton’s Imperial Soap ifi <he Beat Crompton’* Imperial Soap i* the" Be* Thi* Soap i« ttmnuiariured fruiw pure mate rial*; and a* it,contain*a large percent age of Vegetable Ull, Is warranted fully «iual to the best importeil Castile.Soap, and at the aame time contain* all the washing 5n-I cfefMWj ing properties of tlie cele l* rat»Hl tier man sod French Laun ¬ dry Soups. It ia therefore recommended for use Irt the Laandry, j sl*o fbr Prititer s.- PsiPtsrSi Engino fpotaof e r * and Machinists, as itwiJl remove "Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc. from hand*. The Huntington, Pa , Monitor of April 5th, pronounce* thi* soap the best in the market, a* follows; u to suppose that out HtiU p&rti* it over j ! heeded. Read Jt. We want to direct your attention to the ndvertiaementof “ Crompton’s ; Imperial 8oaf»." llaviitg used it in our oifiee 1 tor th»* fwisr vear. Wo can rwommond it-a* th«* i toi quaiifv of soap that m will use. thoroughly it i* a rare thing j to get a soap also*from cleanse |"en ! printing ink from the hand*, as jin ; hut - Crompton's laundry soap will do it, and we know -whereof we speak. It is rope* i cially adapted for printers, painter*,engineer* ; and machinist*, as it will remove grease of all ; description* with little labor. from the For hands general a* household well a* clothes, be excelled! pur poses it camiot Manufactured only l>y CRAMPTQN BRO’8., 2. 4, 6; ^ and JU.fiutger’s Place, And 33 and 35 Jefferson St v NEW YORK, j' I'or *ale J.J. in Oglethorpe McMAHAN, county Crawford. by C. C. 8. HARGROVE, Crawford. G. C, HALL, Crawford. M. H. ARNOLD A SON. Crawford. WITCHER A J ARRELL, Crawford. HAIRE A LATIM ER, Lexington, J T. M HAIRE, Lexington. SMITH A YOUNG, Lexington. WM GOTTI!El MEII,Lexington. Bug gy and Wa gon MANUFACTORY. J.(UnSU« ritiren* ..f <>glr «i«k £&%&*$£*&£ T, fJovd. Trimmer Sad KinUher. Mr. June* tgSSj ^ GIN GEARING, 11 ^| BOLTS, CHEAPER than ever before at the Forest ('ity Foundry A Machine Works, AUGUSTA. GA. GEO R. LOMBARD ACo Entitle*, 8ww», Cvttaa Mill Gearing and Jiaeklnery afall kinds Made and Repaired Promptly ____ ! jp| ”5 1?s> ^ T j THE ■ ■ * BEST ■“ ^ ■ I THE n _ CATE J ,jfigS CITY ^ fi ,011^ 1 Ai M flVPS UUUH UliUfvO no mirriorin t heVnlt*d State*. Them J. . C, p WILK NS " PRtM UM TIUUliDf I KWlRE L i d ' U ’ W,LRI "° rBt " IUI " "" n * nl For aale in Lexington by HAIBK & LATI¬ WmarMCfrca ' MER. Iu Crawford bv C. 8. HARGROVE. re***v*» 4 : 'V it* m % jT memm it; ' |pj re j , [tj ■ £ Nr*' WE OF FER THE ABOVE To Magnificent the Planter* af Georgia, and Ammouiated have no hesitation in reeommending Super-Phosphate it to the fulfest extent. We shall endeavor to meet all legitimate competition, and feel assured that all who use our articles We also will offer be highly pleased with the resalts. our “ EUTAW ACID PHOSPHATE,” Which we believe 1* equal to aay on the market, “ Cotton Option given if de«ire<f. Call on our Agent* for terms and price*. * GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Proprietors, Charleston, & C. Agent, at Ix-xiogton, HAIRE & LATIMER. dycl4-4m HHE’ AMERICAN" I ' ' . r \ -. , »- . ‘ ;. ‘SE-WING _ , a “ By; I _ ‘.L 1 _ / amuf Illfll' 4' : «3 A . ~. §’\ N0 NEEDLE‘TO SET 1?. Sells the _ Easiest and always sum ' AGENTS we askybu to‘ try it, and offer you special ' ‘Indum‘aments. ' . Send forCircular& Prices to , I" w. hunk 93.. mum“. _o. V L; C. WEARINGER,VJIM¢-;e.r. ' , FUE a v THE JZ&*' WORLD RErf^WKFB i: y. W, fk: ri. WR39M In workmanship 13 equal to a ChronorrteterWatch, and the as elegahtty highest awards finished as the a Vienna first-class Plano, it resn-ved at and Centennial Expo¬ sitions- IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FA3TE?? than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold In the United States than the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON MENOINC ATTACHMENT for doing ail kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHINCy given FREE with each machine. WANTED. ACENT8 [WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 837 & 829 Broadway, New York; New Orleans, La.; Cor. State & Madison Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and 8an Francisco, Cat ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANh! The (Bibscriber* haring bw-n appointed Sole Agents for the celebrated New England Organ Company, Instruments ar* pronounced by judge* to he the best made in tbe, country, will &i w«S£ a large aMsortmenf of these Sp!ebdidW>RGA5fS, of various styles, which are gnapt ym^ d For Beant.v of ( 'tine & Nwrelnt'.. ofl'one. They have received the Highest Premiums at the late Fair* North. Grca* Bargain* given to i 'barehes and .Schools. Every Organ has a W f\lkn WajTsnfe^ to*® toe Makers Five Year*. Send .for Catalogue The Old Established House of OAflfi **111 a*n 4 noipferior articles. OATES ^ M ^ BROS., _ _ TO GEO. A. OATES, 244 Bread Btre at, AQOUST A, Qg SINCErjAU-cusr lst.. 1876.