The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, March 29, 1878, Image 2

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THE OGLETHOfiPE ECHO T. L- GANTT, F-MYO*. and Pioruftoi. IrMU W-r»l»* . . NarrH «. Hlk tjwis< a "'w.„ ^ AJS!S«:s wnter, When jr* *i fcappe* Now I i«Mie im?." natance. mun»r r “ BO¥»- don't leave the farm.’* No,' v,. v * »u«t t&kc ine farm right along with v.i'iisM »'io«« anywhere. You lion *tll “ in the city, aa you probaoiv will. j[ »iii take three year, to finish the revision of the Bible which ia now being : - , Am erica n and TVtil then The people they must get P* heaven the best way ean with the old one. servant koto the break .a H mom and savs : - •Ptease ««*-**« there h. a L.g/or woman in the kitchen wants vometrmig aStea to eat.'" “ Oive her the wa &g sa g « M k, havinitl^tT.. wife.waa aaked ■ Mrs Swiasheln. haying declared a.tmiuT'C'r neighbor* ahtna, .anjLgtmaen.^artt. that she altogether prop«e« The tfi discard clothing more timid among them are h^ung to take to the wood*. T........:-■ - - A gentleman having given a goose to his servant Patrick, as a Christmas pres ent, meeting him a short time alter, asked L ;^.y>honer, him how he liked the goose, ■ hir-il neversec ag-c^organtherthat and w^afine ' ' m^Srarr^ur^T. , liigh tree, where the wind and sun shny. -reeling ^:,k,h, the r wh»ky the pr«er*«h on -fane, tor some time and you know f, er breath would have told if she were guilty party." ' ^i=r t —*» • 1 ■ - > jSiisa 5 Ttory* • “ A \ a &WBOE . has invented ■ fi for r rhrt the Rim siah navy « high-toned Oattling | sort R erun, wluch U operated on we eame principle as a piano. The touches the keys and the gun biases awav, moving to and fro iu a aectioivef a cir ole, sweeping the ground it covem in, a most marvelous maiiriir. -Um-JSurtwns wiRusrit BBTlieir fleet ami in fortifies lions, A Plot'H resident on Brandy street, who ha# been much interested in iho cremation system, yesterday said to his reward, I desire Jo he cremated, it a suit able furnace is acceaible." "Nva, tU love, replied t>ik spouse, “ but wW I alls you, I think 1ft- will proyitle. youriTOTfiing. _ - Thf wildest excitement prevails living sofiie of(he eRT/ehs 'orihe county near the Tennessee river ovir the tieasiou of t\ve immediate coimng of the day of abandoned final judgment. Many of them have alt business, have turned there stock loose to range through' the woods, and cutting themselves loose from the contemplation of all earthly h flairs, they go iron* house to house -iitging and praying (or the eventful day. A sad Fourth'Ward. case of destitmion A is "reported in the young luuu, High one of the brightest in the Burlington He had packed his t u , g hooka, and when was his already father, to with start tor tears .\ov England, confcasyd m his eyes, revolver,and he had Abe young student a >^ V* "**>, home. and grve^ up hi «. .jreams family are of heart-broken learning. X he with aiMraura gnu and diaapiibmtmeut. : . . * : ' . Owkn Adkins is 9b years old. He is’stiii bale, and lives ro f county. Va. A more remarkable thing about him is the fact that for many years he was a Mormon, and lived nnmo lested in the practical enjoyment *»t nia religion. He married when he waa 13 years old, .Mid at 3^ announced hia tetier that tbe dislike Bible taught of hia wife polygamy. he married Mach^. three to other the women, and built adionse for eaclwnthe neighborhood. His tdiiidreo numberTs. his grandchildren 19fj,and the family altogether so large and prosperous that the',town is callea Adkins, the number of voters that he reared is said to have been ferpbl « safeguard against prosecution ;'■■ ytsfrniy, ^ - ■: ^ | TBEWtisacurious contest what going called on in Pittsburg, Ps„ between is the “Law and Order Society” have and the -iloon Ireetaen The society un Jertaken to enforce the law closing the saloons on Sunday, and on last Sundav fh*v were vretlv nearly successful in shutting ap every liquor place in retaliate the city. Thtfliquor dealers propose to day. They threaten to stop the street and steam untii cars ; the work o’clock on the Sunday daily papers after 12 night; followed ami in Aunday. fact every More specie* than or work this on they declare^they wiii go to the t s and will make the drivers of the car ridges that carry the religious law nnd ler people to church, vacate their seats, on the ground that their Sunday work idea of tlrem'from'iin anecdote t‘rten« told me. A very steep rock irag id be stormed, ami it mre fifty to feet, the height „f Mr® bumlred* . aud waa , jaiauuiLte Buitsian hwllei tea. A TUilt-' -h Colonel, scrambled desirous to first set an by example help to is men, up the f fM-frtsitfkTkal rkprsiwtmnH in thfv rf»ft sMrtJstsfS'wrs mazenuut. Their gous were pointed t his breast, when their General gave be order not tti fife, hastened to the Turk- i b Colonel and called out to him, " Col ,el, »«once, you *aid see you nothing. . are . one. 1 Ire brave man , .e frt/MHl still a moment, gazing at )us itmies; then turnetl and went back '•;fifiy.aa he came A!! the or» beg.kji jn < , ap .-Uxeff usimaatni — t ,ier him. • Not His Shirt. Mr- a. - evening b„sv oiaeriag some muslin , Mr. Jone 4 * *at • king at the rich display she was male r ana at !a-t said : “ Why don't vou fix up mv under fanev " i i thing rvifiiid too ’” "OK Mr.. J-.bc, " men don't i reexboutsiichilkitp. Of they do, ■ answered . her ■ ! ‘ course 'band but the women are too care* > and lazy to take the trouble . to put her A fern night* afurward*. as they were r*>l reunng. ir-ntr Mr JIT, j It.iiai IfilAar^d ijiinrw Sb b« jUll' booting -lulling. h*t.*Met , j^v£j:*jss t as tortar&'trrvt vobv mpit shin fisvd xi)> S* you *» ii you WuuW iixe it” And lurlhtr namina lion showed tBCMlOBisiiW Jone**, tMt hi# shirt 3*3, ornamented with a frill around llie bottom, and g ruffle around ry ran i ' Joke decided, . , , , b» , wife .. pot «U »j Ms « eaore other shirts io the wash,so that- rar onre hr was compeUed to sierp ia this taney t. and a.i li e ■■ api ewi.u ii w intir got Sbetier up in the morning, be was not sure he w«a hi««U orhome woman. At hi* request hi# wife Vvk off the fancy fixing*, &h‘ Janes called them, and he■ Aj iter w*r t h < compimaM ihat. she wiy* « «?■••. ■ -■ l»M vuitit.rt. 1 i«, .'n:"V. ----—- A nder*on i IlK - * *-* Availing myaelf of a gotal opperiuni v:.;-v::;- •.. Cemererel mm ..heXnitc'd upon an elevated hiU, and has .tales fla f hoUed -^.n . ah.8 h*«n, umevy-a.x from Mew f^t Jersey from whom I teamed the following facl*: Dae of the woperintendeot. The nttmber of Federal soldiers buried there ii i thir. teen thousand seven hundred and fifteen of which the names of moehundred and ofsiaWal twenty-one arc unknown. Ibe graves soldiers are off - ves^owerelmng by federal *,!■ I- O'Vr-^y also are the grave, of BSflgaeaars .rotutt* kh u ««»«* PBr^imv. -.......r™ 0 . WnUnd If,. force. The following area f-^ol f them . ’ treat i them .; kindlj, to kill t beiji, treat lh » , , 3 Kasi I , ! them * ill fif «■‘ he “;-. ” r h ^®,?, 0 r kl ?l“,ndiree- ( enrkscrew-ia the only thing . . oe#tachw tbj turn. , ... “ A few-days ago the freedom vf w®W I A'ork city was d presented enutf box. to 1 Mr. here \ au j W Bj^« gol was : freedom PonJyM|t-MO»^he thatNew Yorkhas enjoyed for . Mwomw We areinfouned jtiphabet that twenty*»four.let- he changed ters of the can w bv tll[ , ffipulSSoiTof the wholeworld twelve , in ^ thousand years. tb«“ Again, interctiange biit ft Would positions 4;^),^Wil, wOD tmira, take them n»>t lens than years Accomplish this number of changes, ii • fin* conWu.ive hours daily if any tweive of oiir readers doubt the correctness this *tatemeut experifiient. they suouW H gtt they together and try the 1,843 per* form the task in less time than years, they will please notify us by postal card. The fifty-two cards of au ordinary pack of playing eanla; with thirtecti to each ot the four jdayera, can b« distributed^ in_ -be player doesn’t get a good . hand firatdeal, he may quintillion be more succe^atui shuffle, on the lorty-aeveth 'hi"' Tb “ iact “ ay , '" lco ‘““ A ACW kind , of # 4 torn, . i - : 2FdlWrtiafia ^ n ogm'lmmeowproffoS. -„. the ,; / Sl ^ <rf lllte ate., there is a fair prospect of ite being iarge , )y . iBCreMrt eyeI1 though the enlarged. acreage p| an | e( j this cereal isnot A new vatiety of maiie. the result of care ful hybridization, has been brought into the market, which, if all that iB said is ! true, will materially increase the : dubt of this grain per acre. The stalks average from eight to ten feet in height, j producing each from four to ten well , e( j earSj averaging from called eight the to ten improved inches j n j c tfj j Jt pro j ific t lH «f the white varieties, , arjd ia j^mi/fing auacenjtible of being made into a floUf in taste and appearance i tKat „ lade fr „ m the best wheat. : p Cns earlier than the ordinary variety, of I lo ,jf rom the extraordinary each stalk number the. sjeld ear9 pro a uce d on J per'acre-Is put * at 100bushels,where the | ultil . ation is wbat is s ],ould be. fjueer Sllsseb. of War, An Indian Prince of the name of Mortlra, was bescigiug bullets.coming some English troops, and, suddenly finding lus bethought bun of to an of end, which he had a 1 pile tin canisters some where captured, and which, as is usual,, he rammed whole into his cannon, sup posing that the tin cans were all freight ed with canister shot to their camp ported lobster, jugged hare, anchovy and bloated paste, venison, i pickeled herrings, ni<*ly-cooked grouse, of j chow-chow; season. and The the canisters other delicacies nothing butbermeticaiiy-sealed the of victuals lasted for ions, and storm three (toys. — T Yon can go to Witcher A- Jarrell’s mid cheap for greephacka, gold or stiver. ^silver ___.' »^iow par, w. h on. JYBKELL ^ ...--' . ; . "Witoher* Jarrell hdve instore mid mar rive Corn. Huniware Meat, tnrd, Pocket Chfliw, Table Sugar, <'utlf-rv Bice, Mmol' and sjtsiA-fiTsw“«i j. , -___ We would suggest to'our friends who want: Pioturcs-or Frames, that they will find it to their: «*»«?; interest »-see Mr. J ay O. Manumetnr Gailey, ths-j S” *«? Kirmtnre iSk TuU \h7 am nmaMingmsefe'-from j *| m ^ ^ ^ la , a^ortment in of-'i tliatean-he feand in. *» * r ^" ' • . Yes, vve «an rhange a fifty d«»U ar bill if you - want :r a u bottle of the Globe Howcr tough JSyr up, file- lae gre atest Cough and Lung Remedy in tlic world; or if you wy nt t*> trv it fir*t Y tnd K»s of Georgia,.sav about it is true, you can & get a-sample bottle for u-n ev.»L- nt Haire J-atimerV “fore, that relieves an ordinary c<-!d. The Ctlolic Flower Cough i*yrup in ver fi;ul an equal for coughs, Cfdds and iung aflec He*, 10f. teuisr «», Bftv d««, - - g-' .. For Wiminw Corni«*e, call on the Athens Furniture Mauuhn-turiag Compaayv »* >4 Nf ... . §m* Em U®d « *Tr»l DART Rffc . r ihwf' AMt «btcfc w* fe» l#ve *»* ^ u> I*itBJ? elaewlitefc J»l Sf - _ - 1 — ^ _ r/, S S££hJS£E!£ ni)ix tenalilR Vnv Ronds william gottheimer. l,i:.\INIiTOy f 1*1. . THIS ^ „n ofer wy raoy MhkU j #n>i eusioioer* unusual in tv err line, having knight at will wire* greatly re dw»l ore- I»h ware, 1 mtatfaw a xBprrb line of Ladies’ r>R£d!^ (t(M)Pb ; nECE 'OOQm, Fauey vary .iylia!. Trimaiia?*; awl diesy I wTi'INS and |;..».ivn.^*fe < J.i'THIN,, 5ate»t style*; »>• In mans -• -.•* f t'.'A jTS and SHOPS al l i manner of White < mods, <fcnalmrgs, thet-ka ^ £*rv nnh£ rnnmrj^^, - h-r nl ;t t- r 1 -c; ■ i . : i- ,. Hn tp > 1 ~~Z '<.*;- . .uj W «*>H in th> • - ’tnij. 1 keep no »k«Wy »«wk aad wjllibelNM . ££>ifSsjssBssit I respeettnuy ay a i»o^ «* y -.. X ' ; g^.,L i R?^-3m)_¥^OgWfH H|MgR. ^ DR.W.S.MOORE 1 f > ,: *' r ;•■■. , Qr P l AM lWg^^ L««f Pl»* rpilit; A BEST PIIJ- ever oAenaUodhajmh. i lir, n.ud r«-‘ xup^rv^^mi utl*w«r | g^J-^ perhuni’a pijis Bflte will Si} ‘ZZkIuXuSI Cure Biiiioasnew. -; I ; : n. iiurham*. lr h«nN PiflawiH fare Vertigo, stomach j , ; Pills wdlCnreWieit i : .Ihirhaiu's Pills wiliCure Backach e. • j ■; DrtgvWhejB ^ SSS? ! worths cmiund, sit Intel. The OtaS,, Yonhe 'S^m A McWhorter. An : d4r, in the town of Leying*™, F.lewuSharw. ; ..ftiie Capital Stock in the Georgia Railroad i «»■*'’“* «"• h-h.ngine t„ the estate i <>Hi' u/di#tnf>Hti«m ri fv »,**''!; arn'.vng the N»W legatees, *w the parpUse grftnSfiS* uEv.Ti. '•'.•ai:ch; 8 ta, g*\, I F you wapt Heed that you can depend ‘d/.oiys on I I ‘-miiing up, buy only Blimf.S. pur.'■ amf warranted fre.'li. Those who haw ailed'.with other wed front year to war, try /tio.w*.«. Cabhaji, Buiat’s .targe Rrumiieail and Fiat i Batch FtsssT in the world. Field , Corn and «ras hand. Write for ; j ,. J# . 'orresnoiideneitsoiiciteif. orders from Physician* a k , ( , ja „ n < F. IIKAI-I,. Druggist A SSeaismau. niarT-.xiu . .....^ t\YllTIVI 11 (• JlTr (kt A T lTAfRT/111 |l||T|j!K : , J-*£igfflfsttJ> l.t t Tl.F, „ e,.,dosi.’0! at trawl,ml ili' »r. l iukui.-loio:. M. 5.. IVoWIi *-oUeae, » t«»S »?'»> n.eetmi,. ' ;« „ f will .remain at the offiec all the j time. ulm \l is « unable will keep viwit a good otbi»\ team, niifl and nny one <o <»ur wf RHu, Jl? m OTSafc i^^nr u<J j ; hom ^,j,aWe O ■ priceA.- T^Matrear j - | am thankful for pa«t paironage, aiid trn^t ; that all the new desire firm will be regarded with work favor [ j by IN-ril, w#« wiravtol faithful without ami nine skilful d d«reA ^ Crawford, March 12th, 1§78 tmi _ W O TIC E r L .y,,ic UI idersign«i gives notic- that rnm> liotwithNianduig he is eu«a««d iu PRACTICE OF OKNTI.STRY, in which v T^»‘% A Kw^«b k u5S: MKNT aa heretofore, aud will do all manner of work in both prowfsb)?*-. “:t mast i\.-.uiiT*a t,tg rales, aml^jiarao retbnded., tep* » -swdsfertton furnish urmnnv.v also any ““ Mv wheiuQred.whfiuiotifiaitiei) ... iin be Attended at their homes by mail orotherwiseiN^lven-mt;, ' B s. CHEDT3I, vbcm/ami. . j wpft IU TDCCDRCCCDC I lltor HOotnO. A a LI. persons arc herebv warned againsl trespassing, in any manner whatever, ’ of lands in Oglethorjte county, Onendcrs upon any will my be thl* of prosecut<*a to S. H.COX. extent the law. j ’ZT T —— || TT I r t | if A Jlfl nt\ I M H S | lili Af 1 ,11 1 • Xil X.I it U Ii vV L U f f Manufacturers and Dealers in DOORS, SASHES, i Blinds, Scroll Sawing, ; — A!tO - ;--. W OOD — p..— _. TURN |n INC. Ruihbng ....... Material of everydescription ... man ufaetured at prices a-low if not lower, than j »»y other market. Wc make a specialty of - TVTfUfiV /\f | rt xAm xb* OljUD, I,ul,at a .. ‘ ” . GLASS, 00L0BS, ETC, i Before you buy send for our PRICE LIST, f or estimate for any Material you may need, J which will cerodnly please you, Jt. XX. JaXlilU - Ok ~ evn Ntv., *Vw2iiiV: { J , wu^ov »» M*i«r m m ilu, ■ i a nt-w business in his liiu*, and is preparedfurnish all kinds «t ' FUmitUre, * CollillS. vwimho, Burilll CfiSfiS. w, at reasonable ; etc., pn<vs. Jas-Ksf’dssftsxas.t style. snperi-.r Call and examine his stock and priew. jal 1 •„ j, 0 mabhshrel „ longer a ftebtha. tiling of the imagination,; neighhoring j bn, an our ‘ ! "?’: K ' h « n \ bi » l,iuh ? 1 '"*fh »* j'jSreaehe 1 the wiin from wS'leh >troiw eompanv carries a stoo-k equal te any j.„ mint'd, iu d in the larg^ei lie* Sooth, and is doter- will jf low price* and variety of stock do it, tohoTd uu- irnde of Northeast Georgia LIME! 1 f HAVE jnrt wWrf »V Cmrturt, G*.,■* 1 will tar can jzr*"***'^*™. All kinds and cite* of Coffins and Burial Ca ses, at the Athens Furniture Manufacxur { Company, No.. 12 Broad street OTATE OF GEORGIA, OGLETttORPK C* * * rriwni—itm William If. *a*i Tbo*. J. Kd»*r*i* •dm.nuan.wr* nm tht* mat* « »€ Edwards. d*rrrit»ed, *pf»y t» are for LeiTrr- of ^TrT^ Ifoimtegion cikwd^ #11 pfW**®* tsWTCSWX -i t«..tfre»e»nse, ?f *nr thrr r#s, thv (br *>nI , &.®a# IN. teniMM m »*«•=£# SJs^.'bws OllJ iA rrfes M. Onli a. jyr*. Til' v- D- narjr. -. ^Bg^Tl^lM.LEtHORJ’t tulSTY.— \jf Ixaiwu*, lo Kailnwilf^uck.—An * {l re *traistf*tnx' of iVtv i-fstau* - f T ■ d ?* e,) applies to rue oftxrewrete R*tt raid estate: The**? at** therefore to eiu* and «ish all concerned to show cause, at my ,uhee -j;,!;’..»» ho the first Monday i« April tisl seat, V>h. 2(>tS, why ..h.-uM i..a t» rr c y ej . ---------TH*o f*. «rH .HAM.r w* rary. o, T yjf; OF* GEORRIA, (WiLKTHOHPK Letter* t NTY-A,.,^". of <■ Whereat Se«!b Heard, a. *?******-£**’ / l 3 J ^ te 4 *..* 'f^.T * ,* \ -a.lW.ciSh 4 .,.,..'^1; 5 htse «r--th.-r» r»u-1« >• ? ail km* voocetiwd l» »!>. 9* ,. au ^, at an-<.n the first MunOar if ' Goaniiansb •9 1 i.H.HAil, OnJinary. tump, l>. ■ S ; .CiVf\ Th,*», Iberel«. m do and ad <^SS 1 i Slay, ir 1 ?*. +-*. i, rare. ;“A7 ' . THOS. l>. (H1JIAM, Grfiaart. SAMUEL iJHITlUCL LUMPKIN UUIfirnin, ; Counsellor at Law, ’ LEXINGTON, GA.J p„ rtK .,.. :„ 1h|imlinti i t WHITSON G. JOHNSON Attorney and Counsellor at Law, i f«r>: and iw the Supreme Oust of Georgia WLTO 3 |fi®CY railroad tickets . IN THE UNITED STATES. j aiimtormmion ««- Buy yonrTietets from in Athens su.i get * i Sbuflwrn CAPt. ,1VM; WJLLUJ1S. r .. Ajp'nt tx)»ress Co., Athw»,liii .^s ^m= - AH ^|*S“ harden Seeds af at 50«. S 1 *r c pay on all Seed exte|jt Beaus and Corn, for which we add ie each i»per. Pt*»» and 25c pt.; postage 13c. l* per quart; postage t'3e. Bulk Needs can he sent chea|»er by express TO MERCHANTS We can ..iter I.otV PI W K Ep t j N-«d li.-t <d NFFI* wanted, and lie sure to -send Money for Heed and Postage. . We keep everything in th. PiiNYANDWiiGUSE ; which we .Si lLh V\ fo\V tar t wnU. it_W. «• w.TWrw T ftl l ff -Ar-flft tu., : -vuiu.v.., u.i ; - CTNaiVALED ft S' LSi Pianos and Organs SPECIAL REDUCTION For January, 1&78. 40 (0 60 M IHI' OISCOBIl ppmi Catalogue Pri-ce* LOWEST PRICES ~ASO— EASIEST TERMS EVEITOKPEREI). PttrrhascrR can save from loflOO selecti ng from the fill lowing celehra tetl makers; CHIOKERING, MATHUSHEK, KNABE, ' HAUET4DAVIS, 'SSSlUJSgiSS: PARLOR AAR (IRIH ORGANS Mason * Hamlin, Reonbet 4 Pelton, Prescott Organ Co. Clough 4 Warren. - yjonlhly rnstallmentw, the best rwngingltoai Organ Piano ti tb«3$, secures or made in America. -- - I . -f * .~-ir s^ r g = g : a = a" 1 g r -^. mHaBMilrl IT ■ If \ O.O. SOBINSO.V. ;| LCDDEN A BATE-. G O. Robinson & Co. SAVANNAH MUSIC HOUSE *Pte Dwtiibu ti n g Pn i n l- «rf - Pift t » eii Ok the ■■'_ •' ^ ' prices to gavanomhawd.Wnsta alwwv. tt,e ,.uni- and always ni.ead of all conus dtinn. . __. .. ,. arr^rr.^ar---'"*....... FT ; \I\IJ A5fD Rli P ATRI opA .\ vV!®' S ..... ... ..,/ r^ff a ‘Lt all kinds of tin "™cA1 w t”; i.o ^ Bj tire l**t skilled !i n d one of the m.^tthor rly ?•«•»>« S ’* utb ' tfteeoflstruction k Mr ^YLc^ lVvo^ of m ’^ xc'tirsTV ler at 1 , AtuiaA Mr<!<HorsF JOW. P KICKS fv PICK- S-U.ES AND SHOE SHOP. who> ISSJSt. Ktofci? jSS* i ■ GREAT REDUCTION IN THE SINGER ACHISESI C|? ii __ \\7 H _ t i 3.W V . _ fl __ M fASULT+EmxP tzj XA'WIMX .~j>, *BJ be mhl ,, >-*_r.V.-H - r . ... «&uy«- ,,, .VFTFli WteUl Pla'a Mactse,SiSi hot 1 * 1 * 11 *fate, » —-**•“ ....... agent fok bazar patterns. je@- geoA for RlasTrateJ Catalogue and Price livtvjtei J. B. TOOMER, Agent, <x®« at aid inser stsnJ Is-lror Tahnadgk, Hodgson * CSV store, ATHE.VS, G A : J. H. HUN f KI1, Local Agent, Antioch,,ra. 1 2" E 1 ST -A. 3 ST a OF AUGUSTA, CA a a NOW OS HAND ANi> FOR SALE A SfiW K Of : BOOTS AND SHOES turn !!ed 1-r 3ny tenseln tte Soothr-rn Stifles, arel the only one who RETAILS SHOES AT WHOLESALE PR10ES! Eamy «d*4l - him will h, faitl .«!y V- *• .1 »—*. THE MONEY REFUNDED! ________.ciiVl. A. the !..iw.e of hi. friends in Ucorgiaaad Smuh Oaeolina and with — them a .. M l, * rrrn, lMfr " PETER ' KEENAN, . “ - j ' " - i THE I1UI GREAT U lUlfl « I ■ __ 1 ?TT _ T1 r ___ I I 'T II _ T _ T | r —- / if ,h I i TY K P N 1 . « A ^ A A / J V A I I 1 I M J 1 J IV L J » ------- 1 RAHAMA DM PI Ml VIM SOLUBLE GUANO ! , __tvn_ ~ ” • _ v TrT=r tw-,-,— * ■»ri RAW-BONE IT _ WVIXL. GUI SUPERPHOSPHATE, LIU HVUI l » u M mavI'I'ACTFRUi MANt e At iCKe.ti RY__ • - ; W’ ^ A I .TISOIV* * AV'IIA.TVIV & CO, ^ -o»uK«n’^?i 7 ^ rlTA v, )S wxvviaamsorooimaomimnvKiMW ' ' nyc^ m^yingwin ^ (’ottoil Option, * FtHeell OOllts I HI. H. ARNOLD «t SON, Igeitta. Prawfnril, ha. = |;fiA«h~ : WVVW gft T5 s”- Q U'ft U ?" AT M:+ ■ LOW' 1*R ICES ,W " ! • • • . — --5----w—-— . MAY CO i Al/V/ ROH I A I T1 • & -------------MA- N ANii MKALI C' KS i.y'~ ' tvl;cl ltosairam w Harness, Saddles, Trunks, HAGS, V.VMS1-X SI I< >1*3 FINDINGS, LEIIIItl! (IF III mils, IIEIIIW, ETC. Carriage Materials, Saddlery Hardware, Whips. Lahrellas. Bit. RKIWITOHIFS AND SAl.I'.S ROOMS 208 Broad Street, Augusta, Ea, 88 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga i.oirr H. may, J. T. MAY. A. 11, GOODYEAR. Pacifiic Guano Company. “ u_ ‘ f - - $ 1 , 000 , 000 ! O R- S. MARTIN, :: CRAWFORD, CA., v “ SELLING AiiENT OF SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO --AND COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE jj-or C 'ompoHt iny with Cotton Seed I arm bust osstificate: of SOLE _ i BLE r FACIE IC, and there One-fifth of the Fertilizers sold in (Georgia are «i» b ™ nd -« ld «• “*? «««• CASH PRICE!_____ B>* Tew v-.!,<«rp.aSK.< NoloMe Paelttr i-nruir Vmnn (.nano ....................... .. ........ M 17 ^ 50 - Per Ton pound.': Add PbMphatr...................................... .15 00 m, I IMfcd J 1>H tt ,p • . ! (Without Interest—COTTON OPTION, Fifteen Cents.) Per Ton -j.wa>iL«d» (2,-000 pound. Notable P>elfle tinua------------------------ 97« 0» Per To,. aci a rnowpiiwie -------------------------- . 5» Otl J. O. MATHEWSON & CO., febl -3m t'*Hnpany’s Agent#, ACOfJSTA, GA. ! A. K. CUJLDS. R. NICKERSON.' Y. H. WYNN _ CHILDS, NICKERSON&Co No. 13 Franklin House.Building, ATHENS, GA.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, M, 5 ,„,KSK ANi> M.XK SHnF.s. llo«s B jHDEJUJW, - - Agrtcnlt^^Inpleme^, x r | „ "iT T nn l«ni*titit Lfta^g Leads, -'Oilfi OUS.GiaM, ftlaftfl "Pflimjch Variusi) HAKNFxNsS lihATHEH, M1L11I ll.N W AllO^h, ! Cotton Mabir,, and Jim Tb»»K, t'arriwite and S»d<Herv H,r,twsr,, Follow., Hubs, Spokes Bnggv •’ wSm. Fiiulimm, Anvils, «>;• BeUuWs, Rubber .Vmw, anH.lwsthcr hollow Ware, Bolting, etc. MU! Saws, Mill * M«niifartnrers' asrentjs (tit the #ale of s ,ani>«»» •cAiei. oiw nasw «nwe Any nrtn-h- iii „ur line not iitnOsk, will be ordered wiien desirni, with.the Most po-flrfe delay. ,M sn.i«xnminv our stock and prices. IMPORTANT TO ALL * — • ~ — ..... .. " — O — •**'■'——— A l.AftOE STOCK OF GROCERIES, DRY N0T0NS, GOODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS, SHOES , HATS, M% IU TOBAKOS, ii, HRlft I«ia HA III VARE, To be Sold MAMMoiuWw Cheap for Cash, at the HAIRE . . & LATIMER'S lkxiivgton, oa. nroivE. va a call beforebctisoelsewhebe, and savejiosey.-^ A ttention, North-j^ast Georgia! Buggies, Pli*toos, Carriages. Rockawajs. Wagons, k. OF THE OLD RELIABLE HODGSON MAMJFACTU RE, ATHENS. CEORCIA. NS^The T-arge^t St<»ek in the Sxptb, at Grealljf Ketluml Frk*r*. $ggr- Repair Work a >» e salty t~** if— Bv Material anti the Finest Workmen ia the .State. JfcBrl'aU and Examine before l’urchaj»ing Ei*e*' re re A ** k t cooK': iSTOVES ‘SOLD A. A Ii. XT /WT VfjtlljLjJO TIC OC ir W* ATHENS, 1 An'n 7 \ A~' READERS PT * HTD O the origin and history or tub RUSSIAN?^TUBE -law* now publisted, iy,00ty«CTIV6 ACENTS WANTED. Those desiring Territory ihi.. Work should X avail’themselvesotrnearly Also Agent#'WA&tecl appHea for ttott. SM. 1,000 our GRAND COMBINATION PROSPECTUS, 2 =Cir^a;js^ FAMILY BIBLES, English and German, Protestant and Fath* olic. for their Awarded, Invaluable superiority Aids and over Superb at! other*, Bind¬ ings, at. the Grand .Centennial Exhibit ion, !!>:<». AiWwm .'HY-' Particulars free. .foHA’ ft v Pubtixh-r*, PHILADELPHIA PDAMDTAU’C UnHifll I UPl « IMPERIAL SOAP ' ' ....: • ■■ i Sf THE BE«T 0 < Y;im|>f..n’s Iwjurlal Snap i* Gif Br»C. < > r.' , n)p !.re'‘Y ! tiqu'ri'i t 4 h v i lore . — --- Crnmpum’s Inijarial Soap is the Bnd. i-'nimpteo’s Imperial S«» : tp is the Rest. rrn.mpton\s Imperial Soap is the Rest. Crumpton’* iin jh- rial Soap is the Best. Cnuupltfu'e imperia,) t>oap is the B«».>*t. Crkniptou’s Imperial Stiap in the Be* 1 a#*- Ait Vcgetalde tfil, ts wurnmted fully equal to the best imported CA*tiIe Soap,and at the same time contains all the H-gy)lil)w >>m? .-»* -- Si ;j -i- ___-- ing properties of the eelc brated Ger • s man and French Laun¬ dry Soap* It is therefore recommended for use in the Laundry, Kitchen and Bath Rofim. and for general household purpose*;. SISoTorTrinters, Painter*, Engineers and Machinists, as it will remote spot* of Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc. from bands. The Huntington. Pa., Monitor of April 5tli, pronouhee#. this soap the best »n the market, As foJlows ; - - f Reader, advertisement we don’t want, amt you to suppose that this is an pas* it over un¬ heeded. Read the lit-... advertisemeixt We want to “ Crompton’s direct your attention to of Imperial trmp.-‘ Having used it in our office ihe past yy r?y; M-e egi>Yw<a^ntend it ite the ‘ quality of soap in usa*. It is a rare thing ; to printing get a soap ink that the will hands, thoroughly cleanse lin from a* Him* from eiailjr SU and mavhtnist*. adapted for printers, it will painters, engineers of all as remove greas*' the hands as well as clothes, with mtle tatexr. F«»r excelled. general houaeholdpur i» cannot be Manufactured only by CHAMPTON BRO’8., 2, 4, d, 8 and 10 Rutger’s NEW' Place, And 33 and S5 Jefferson St., YORK. For Mile in Oglethorpe county by J. J. C. McMAHAN, Crawford. C. 9. HARGROVE, Crawford. G. C. HALL, Crawford, M. H. ARNOLD A SON, Crawford. WITCHER A JARRELL, 'Crawford. BA1RF, & LATIMER, Lexington. J. T. M. HAIRE, Lexington. SMITH A YOtJNG, Lexington. WM. GOTTHEl M ER.Lexington. i ,! WreFLfr re^tmttv h.- < “ r i! ) <•-im »»«>(• t smith Mhop a first-eiaje* Wood Shop, prctndei! (ieiirei.. over by one of the iwt in Arimm^UnTpirnlhllr Inromernml hinwher. "’SrumLi »r. JnttwsT. T^T Mojd, ikyd* th#» hfnt ptunrer n<»uttj of BaJtinv«?r<\ m also in r«£txrJ8jwrrias{.- Be and give trisl Ail work sure me a war muted. W, ». TUC’KEK. Crawford.. GIN GEARING ’ slH O t I **™' A V T" I 41 Q ’ J3UL1D, AV, ‘ IHTA ’ UA ' ft. LOMBARD &Co “f*n ki-a. _>w »mi *— f- ' Sa I i f Wy ! i I O -1-TTTI THE IRON KM Twn THE BEST mm the cate _ city| 1 iMSiS LOOK MOVeS Have no superior in the Viitted ^States. These 1 celebrated Stoves and J.CtmKIKS' “PREMtUM" THMRE MER. For sale U\ in XY.kv.fnrd Ixexjngtoubv hv €. HAIJR' HARGROVE. LATI¬ »ro«i*<»>co UMT« ■tiM Of PI' ; i I ■w f 4 Nwr. . ' V . % t»> 1 Ii m l f i^ riTTO^g g } * r u fc* m t*fm mmsA* e -i SP .« h: ii i 4 m - - — ——--—r" - : WE OFFKR THE ABOVE Todbe Magnificent Planters of Gcorgig, and Ammoniated hesitation in recommending Super-Phosphate it to the fuH*»f have no extern • We shall endeavor to meet att legitimate competition, and feel Assured that all who use out articles will be highly pleased with the results. We also offer our ii EUTAW ACID PHOSPHATE,” Which We beJteve i* equal to any <m the market. "Cotton Option given if dfslrftl. Call oarotlf Agents for terms and price*. (.1EO. W, WILLIAMS A ( «.. Proatietarv Charic^don, H. t Agent #at Lexington, IIA1 RE A LATIMER. d<*cl4*4m THE ADA EB [CAN " ,~ 55 WING , . ~‘s“"“' A . "‘53:?" 7 - ~ {figgfi Hy‘m] —- . % mmngsa I 3;,- mun > ~ , , i. ‘ . l ‘ EUT Needfilm mi ‘ o .. 1‘- No NEEDLE TO SET , It Sells the Easiest and aIWays Satisfi'es; AGENTS we as}: you to try it, ‘and (offer you Special! ImlucenwnL-,. Send fur Circular & l’riCes lo ' I". Wo-Ix‘ourm 31., Qineinnafl, 0. ‘ L. c. NESBIJVGER. annual". , 'r f 0 "va L i-fAl ifiFT. ^>•31 _ -r.iT. war-txi hz* in tSorkSan.hSf. fllHSHod i« equal toaChrCJTCe^cr flrst’CfasSjPjajlO. *'**>'™* ^ rsCOiVefi DS ClOgflfitljf highest awards a*‘ho_Viennaand SIB. 3 C«rt»f«wi «wo the SltlOHS- .» IT S&WS ONE'FOlifcTH t‘ * t . - & - • > A Ot* tOV mac h(hfiS. ItS capacity is unlimited.. ThGif-OfO mOl, WILSON MACHINES Sold in tSlS United StatOS than trt0 COfTI&inCCf S3*G8 Of 3»l tflO fhft OlnClaic- -, h „ ra -fi i#*0 , uvilgQM Wih.oW.ra “ • rl#V|| V1IH W!I|M (nN^nt^C K(”I* WANTED.! If IbwUlV yhWIIIJ nlnVlIllVb V. • 027 & 829 Broadway, New York; New Orleans, ta. ; Cor, state & Madisw Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, Cat ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS! The jfiibsCribers having Wen appointed Sole Agent* for the celebrated New England Organ Company, V^honmoivra.^ai^tpnaittmr-utlm Niete>J*«jh. 'erMtlta^wrhr*, » oatf^ rro^ OAiE5> pKw., SSOBS-TO or/l A. OATES, 244 Broad Street, AUG^TA, 04 SjNCE AUGUST E 131. mm.