The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, April 05, 1878, Image 2

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wSSS" ““ T. L- CA«TT. PfftC *15 U PaorBicToft ■m*a~ Friday • • . - tprtl *.<*■* Useful Informalio*. armer wn A t*t*t apt in figare* U ■ moranda Wbii state anxmfcrly ( t*> Oja kce/and ire jjlmri' them. * tas*en ■. siding as id Mooring 4 jmtubyr '‘f # < |u*re feet rere*!.' ,tu-*e -i<ir!rg auu i 4 tchinF c»f ihF -fn ' •*»" •• - vtir seventy yyi Mil rim *’ ai:'« will ti :! them **n h ,,ii t,f Wei lime, sixteen bus? lid one btishel of hair if tiiake * ii'Uigh in^rtar to plater RlO . •, ife v a *•;.•*. • ■* ' . . ' c . three bushels of lane :„ . „i » CMbi- •■» mil I i *yl00 „ tr*. cub r**r ..r wiitt Five course of bnejt will Jay one foot in height o» a chimney. Nine bricks in i course will make a flue eight in-, nd twenty inches long, and 'in a course will make a flae whit* and cixteen inchM \ Uft ■’■ (wcrity"Vbur inches by toches square, ana ... , twenty-eight inenes ,iecp, will contain-a barrel. .V boa twenty*eight inches *by fifteen and one-half inches square, and . ight inches deep, will contain a bushel, V box eight inche. by eight inches - t-ir. and i-.eiw. .1.-;., will tain a peck. t box eight inches by eight inchest - ju ireaud four and one-eight .l.-iowill entam on-gallon. A box. four indies by four inches -'Vuiire^aod four and ohc*qnart«F- inches ll(! ep,.wili .......,. The Dav* of the Famine In Old Ire land# •?ad 4ff days H.-s, for f „. old „|,1 irclanl Ireland were.ttiuse were ihose in in the year of the “Great Famine.” It wa, at that time the infamous “ lions” took place—carrying misery to : many j* a hearth-stone, ’ and turning thou -ands . iIW out "* of ,r*u their rt ; r homes t, aufn to die i;*, from ««„* want and exposure. I Ins “"””7“ foul wrong '"'"r", 1* mad- "T • he subject of a very interesting article m the April AppletOO. W c are told that if Few stories are morn nainful than ' ' the • f . . •very reek and bud. has its of^■worldiv sweet a*n ■£S nation. All hi, 5 little xtnre house j all stocked, ’ as the English and XS, , , - . ... j uinctcruelty nnd brut.,ity. Th.nher, I r tested that no ex t on a u - trying tptbeir feelings as the leveling ol these wreached houses. “The fiercest wrath of nature even. miitd could lint .Mv stay the the .Ireaftfnl dread fill min ruin. ■» In hail and thunder, ram and snow the M^ilien^tr^Sing *^' wrrcdfireii m-pre driven fetll, into into tl.e the an trrv ,. M .ht to wander without shelter „r fund. untill God, in some uiifb^e-., way, per h a p s by deat h, s houl d have n i nr c y their misery. The story of those «,!,> turns makes . the . blood ,■ , curdle j-. and bml ., . by turns, and lurces one to look horror upon the capabilities of human nuture. Fnrtehyeari the wurkTIDiU on ; night and day, summer and winter, the “Grow llrigade” sourced the country. ihe doomed bn,rand bring ,t down ’nstantnneous ruin. Ihe wretehe(| vie urns lingered ahonUHc sScfSd piaees .uii driven away !»y more cruel blows of their ma-Hten. Such lauded proprietors its did not embark in this horrible scheme yet forbade their tenants to receive;any of ti.e, fugitives, as none wished the burden ot paupen*. • 1,i uch ucnpewaoM newauh as as had nautnemeaw the mean* emigrate emiirrat ed to America, and some landlords, in deed, paid the passage of those whom they turned adrift But vast multitudes .•bed j. ui swamps, the i mountain-, • and , . by the road-side,'or found a little longer way to the grave through the house. _ ____ HON. A. H. Si f.FHfc.VN. Z*!5StoMtS&: "KBg&K arwasrssE! t^iKtSSf 8 *' r '* 'fcurkJjtor The ex Vice President of the Con* federate States has been so mentioned in various remiuiscencH? that aome account of him, with additional anecdoteH, may not be out of place. His ancestors were English, and his grandfather, a rtL^wsiieitr^ennL of theUieavuher Mwafd (called r the me pro- * tender), and was, therefore^ opposed to the house of Hanover, of which family George !JI. came. during This ancestor came to America the Indian and French wars, and served under General ^Ueck near Fort Vaqueme. He serv t .<l«i 11 later under Colonel (afterward S^'Lid^’SyivIlirndu^ the of independence, and the war was friend of Stephen Hopkins the Quaker signer of the Declaration of Indepeud cnee. In 1795 the .Stephens family settled on Kettle creek, in Georgia, and remov ed to the prseent homestead in 1805. The father of Alexander H. Stephens ■latter ? l ^«i“e.;ihuf was in lus M»y teens. , His mother, Margaret of Grier, the United was cousin to justice Grier, .States Supreme Gourt, and sister to the once fam«l au thor of theGrier Southern Almanac. Of the son of the old calculator, whose weather predictio ns once governed the planting which shows of southern that nelda, his famed a story is told cousin Alexander was not the only one who was quick m repartee. One day, the Grier meal chest being empty, the son put the bridle oh the ulu mare, a blanket «•« the her back to keep with eo the the horse horse hairs hairs out out ol grist, and with no no saddle, saddle, started started j to the mill. A stranger ranirer overto«ik overto<»k him him • ••'. the way, and finding out his name 1 began Stranger—Then the following dialogue; you are a son of the ; great alinanac calculator? lather . SmliPtinie* I try it .... 1 • sir. Rcallv. And how do your calcula tions mmc »ir!i Iii*?”' “We are never more than a day apart, air. i ount “That for s.ucn is astonishing r» nu. K.tnu Can agrceinent. you ' ae “Perhaps so. You known father a!-. ways * knows the *iay before it will rain.-” Precisely— always f sec.” it “ And I ' know the dav after : ' ' • I he at ranger begun i , :to_ „ look at , ,, sity and soon, rode a Way, 'l’h at was a day when young men of W e ans i v trr rr n - Dw t e - d rr f • t->w j|g v > on l y . lonely When foreut Aleaander road. H. Stephen* hespin ihe practice of law, there wan a * hoe tee i. rv •« the |<U'iant village and of the t'rawford * coffee, iw**. Jrac* and work v men partoo* of thar — . bread and bacon, 10 the suit at tbe front door. Stephen* walked One day '*» hi* F** „ of , them very. rapidly, jo* was wont, on* mhl ended hi* tin cap near his lip#, an i jtjttd ow**gb for ttu*. young man to T ‘ Wh** is that little fellow' that hefe M i fast of morning-?'’ A ied, ‘Why, man, that's a law third thought he saw the y 4 h>ke, and burst into the negro “yah’ yah: with, “ A law vfiu -av’ Now data tes> 5 tti ©Mile whipjiiag jwt fur stealing r ft was young ^tephene « h» wa* • .... ih,. isdiiimcBt on r, iraai flsw now you, I thought you was the htlle*t man 1 -vrf — * «i; but now I knows you. you looks big as* «pine tree.” The por»r ne gro, and a poorer white woman, who«e ol.iA waa aWftsd by Stephens by means the writ of hiJUn* ct,rpm from the oppres H iAri4 of cruel lamilv to whom she had e*rth to see hi« real greatness. Hr: Stephens was once a'candidate for’' thd ministry of tne Preabyteyian Church and still profess to be a member of that what fringe J h N Jftheni 1 *'j^ple^who , of a bool that *ay<*h; •‘So mur-: dcrer hath oternanl life abiding in him ’ xbOKtm'meatgKatlemeittificlmndto be, .<tepheue .hot at, possibly lath on who the ground scarcely that is a can make » shadow without an overcoat, i ?nd that if he turned sideways he would hewas Mamincft a boy, startingto Athens, Oa., t„ he for the fr.-d.mat, class,he wastoo poor to rhle in the «*Mge, n ^*^„friot^m u - fauiily then bhhaeMwun| owned afine a .. . k plantation and country house in (ireene county, And utopjied at the gate, hot and with his wklk, to ask lor u drink tiim as a tramp, asV-d trimrinto stay all night, thus.makmghmh-rgik-1. girl-baby that he A little took up iii . his arms became very fond of him. The next day a farm his wagdti helped It,arse,tne wnv, ami a htnelicon of cold chicken land bread and butter was hi* college. only repast Many si umii until he ue after after arrived arrive*! the the at su. bov boy the bad the ny years years of his pmir poor itniver won first honors dtjr, . had . , been . n in in thnCWislature. the Legislature, had had beer, ,th* m-atw .‘^e^onhe*" uf building vvllig .the great.-t at .last the leader of the v\ lug party m owner of a thousand acres of land. It was then that a poor widow. r,a«mofthe lax habit of her husband tal 5 ,D * recent*, her whole estate, onchalf of the nroperty in save it fur her. He took the great la rT i, “tey^^mtr^^^Xm ® **^ 5 ^ . ., oh yes. I do; for he was a» fond hPrT“ This "Yei,‘‘ is her with he snid-'- me. On 1 you kuiiff am Voudo the poor boy, and anything, now I pay for my I still bill nut owe me owe you my 1 UVB .” When little Mary Parkes married her ! ‘m: ^-epheu! puir:mor«y had bvcii - On tin* lie graduated, and tn-gau Ihe -indy t)f Uw t | lc u (i[ll of May lS'lt. lie refn-ed an oiler of $1 .500 a year ivitl, a T c d tin fo a innn th. bl ae own lie hooW, had gr..».nted and made hi* own liiaown horse {alter oue.l, p,also, Mr. Stephens made telta, $«0 with the. first glee, I yaer. his first great It story of going to court. was tlmrMtito at leMt^ioi'l'heiiwIiw) bvedliSl troy 6n t'he towii^of than j.,. walked to procure the horse. ?. eatraiiee thfi more^impressive <>* town, and-aiter wa*»hitig face . in a starched to resemble the white Uiieii worn by ^mhern gentleman Thin, I re8 h oud Ueau, he madthia entry. Ht. :impre9Jjeabylus '.^ oeA 1,01 MA y that d the 8play> court but waj he much | say that ou leaving town be undressed in the same thicket, arid put oh hi* clothes for the weary starlight walk home after st^esnmn he should return the horse. T l,e great has had't.bearthe consequence* through hi. whole life of n slight deficiencies form mid^boyish have had mostly look, 'but only these an amusing ^tJ^er“l‘l and-sometimes an agreeable, iC X t ,i , ISIny en.ien of : llie great speech of the occasion, consent erf to do so. Ills lame had already ex : tended beyond.Lite country in which he lived, and expectation was greatly excit* edat his arrival. To avoid the. crowds , at the hotels he had asked twb merchants, • who were of the party, to engage him ! rooms at the holel where they were to stop, and in due time he arrived with ihem - T “ elmiy w,i ° engeged ^ hn iu great outfor excitement her was who of m looking much guest, 'President, was but as she consequence least as was not in the aware that he had com.. In the meantime the tired statesman had thrown himself on a lounge, for the ined pur pose of repose, anJ his two friend* near him. The lady bustled in. and s.-e- 3’e“me?nTo P “e1h^ghL r L!id ntir Stephens, actually bis occupning the be-t said, place, with and shoes kindness also on but the sofa, firm- she great some rtesa, i4 have My son, you should let the gen« feet tlemen the best seat, but put your 1 on the floor, for we are trying to keep things nice for the'^ great Mr. Wlieu one of the ™iiiu| laughing hoi-with merchants ihe hd, } wonderful Hon. A. H. eyes Stephens, and said, madam,” “This and is the he j the ; arose and gave her his hand, Iject preseiou ot her countenance was a sub for Hogarth. mft ft is geneally know that'. Mr. Stephens deotof tbe was Confederate much talked States, of for and Presi- still leas, that he came much nearer In being President of the United States. 18«0 the Democratic party could have elected whom unite<l: they W hen pleased Stephen if the party Douglas remained wit A. neseed newed . tlie the opposition opposition to himself at CbArlestoo, Charleston, he he proposed propose to defeat the Yancey malcontents moionniontu Stepheus. and onrl Breckenridge Rra kmiriritr*. whom men bv giving wav no'hopefui to on there there couid could be be hopeful di division '* of the no South, and whose Union sentiment would would carry carry th« the North. North. A arrested in a New .. young man was Jersey town* few dav»«o on the charge ,? of . carrying concealed , weapon*. On searching his person, a bowie knife was found in each boot leg, a seven shooter in Ui a hip poeket, a sing-shot in bia in H,de . nocket poet eta a cavalry ca vai vy «woarri slid down uis, a billy m each coattail pocket, and a dagger Up each coat sleeve. That was ail He'was discharged- Viiw when no eTT.’ainefl f' th-,f be wms ’ uiv'n i rincetoa - Lojeege , to enter f fresh ... ruan class, and had merely taken precautions to protect himself from the attacks of ; 1 ----1 flSEg 3 u-r* of Dtnmisttiuft from iLe estate —^fTt r The*. are, therefor* to eitr *»4ad nmniah all )*na» itiumtrito «h..«, c**» - ! ft *»'■> 1- -'■ • H ' mV ^k«selfr.« «j I «u.leo *ive I^« « iM-OB fc>»Mon «»J» Ui« fir?t Moirtlal J *■ MiiV ls7 « Feb. 4. 1ST TIK>S. l»..i •ILHAM____ Ordinary. LjTAtK'OK >\ XTY. —Application <;» »KG|A. ta.LLTUOKP fir Letor* < < ^»W*. Will, «o II. and-Tl .f I •o* ate r Letp* nun fn " e •r** f , di not »n*» tffW ffpo w u t |»en.. •11 1 tfw fir-f « juteT in i< 5 :. tier, t nr* ¥rb. 1^7*. Tilt*.'Ih r 1 MI AM. On New Spring I O Goods jy^r uel'FJYth at the ' V “'«- A '«.ke S.OH ~ J Ut J U* G v« lUUiUl' MCHAHAN. 1,11 *J * CRAWFOI:i>, <i.\. « « y chatomen and the public at h me*- an* Jl reajteytfully not that my SpRINCi STOCK i*> re*« in store, coBiprUine all the qualities and latest mles.m ' KKApVmAOK PR INTV, DUK-SjS OUOD6; HATS, SHOES. ep>THJ.N«, WHITE OOOUS. TRIMMINGS, JEANS, CAHSIMEKES, Etc. I have also on hand alarge stock of fifOCBUCSt PCOIISIGIS &L PlSntOfS* SilppllfiS I„ (act, I am ^nablwl to offer my jwlron* this «ii»on unootwl b»r;oti»» ioevery liny, as )i>tir<;)«»«l my atlerttow &urs». I *i.U om be <•»*»»«., * .[„T,. Vi is o' oleasiiro'to ^oit gL ? a „ don't see trhatyou want »«k. ,f it can’t he had otherwiwt we will "‘mb J?f'‘.'We.WAIIAX. - --- ~ - - ^PUINO. ’ . «W SPRING ... h« hem aad ^tiful Mot-k of Pn/l/IAnnltlh \HnNflHn fl IH ITrtlir i^RW flnnilrl ITlIlIIIS UUUwUliUUlU 1? U if UUUUlJ AT THE CHEAP t’ASIl STORE OF WBJ.IWI GOTTHEIMER, ti.%. |,eMX«iT«N. I s rH |< can ,dbr my many fricala and t ustornew unusual indueeriient* in ev cry line, having bought 1 at will prims greatly 're-1 d U e«l over last year. mention among.' wy sumialtiee, the,b«a. P1UNTS, H v,Wfur , f |>h;,'k -JJ" K ,*i;'<KKHWr GOODS, jjSh^DKE^SIrtW! stylish stylish and. ami. cheap; .-heap; ; and-Fane^- Fatwy very very (o'skL; Trimming*; Trimming*; S . MOTIONS \i phons mid • Roiolv-made t'LOTHINU, of ,,f IloOTS 1 «><)TS and and SHOP> SHOES stylos; all an all immrns,- !»»«.*• .stock stock ; ........ -ft, i-mihure., fhecks,!>, ‘ilw*^”^"- I have for sale ‘S-iS. article . }ru . ( ^ kepi flrst-elass every thai • f . V e r in u eotmtrv store, , an Iv hud as cheap as the same ipialily* of • £ ,r,.4„ivnt ha? &5ZSS&8L that chinu-teri»,l m.- in the ! 5 5 1 ___ _ I , w rising all the latest «tv!« and m-vettles. i Having bought at GiiKATi.Y r—lueed prices, j t-ro-a M - 1 .,,,i l ,e KNTItvUdUiXN.Vt; ; 'GAINS in every line. My stock, in part, eon-i'M nf OMhinff, Dtvw Gmb, .-Aolimw, <' 0**1 meres f Jean*, White Goo<i* f j nn-i imotlrvtl!* **f other nrlWt* bent in frr*»- ' : • 1. • • „„.rv-n r,. M> -n-k ..M’ltlM* ; TniNlN isnnnsiiallv-largeandiwaut^iL ■.^..-rnr’feii: md haying give the be .Mill-nm,. wiUed store a trial, and'goads. vim aresurc-to pri.-.s a ' BUI1 nlLlalr ■ IDC Vs r W) — DR « DURHlkM S. Yuggilib * U S UlllU1U Liiiir W 1 U1 Pilfel 1 iJW ‘ , itS SXS • : purham’s Tills will Uure BilliouiinwM. •; i ! ISUSft ml 5 ! 1 ' *' ^SMSSt ! ! ! Durham's Rib will Cure v ;-riigo. : Pilu CurehUck^Te! . j will ! : j Durham's Duriiam'H iMILs Fills will will Cure all Dy^H-psui. troubles • (uw; * : «*ii.stomm-»«. arising from a Torpid Liver or lAerang- i : Htor*«sing the worthless compounds sent );; r ! , 'f rii humbugs, .and us** I»l H BAM I I ILL. , ami he c<»n\uitMil of their ! ^inu'S/uivl^'w i^tCik % 5^0.1. n"»;,rhHm sSThlTSl .'Ingnm; I ^ Or Glade; .Thom,,*, Aouug Gmwford; & McVVlnirtor, Dr. Dav™-, -An* j |*rt, ; ; ‘•\A lliA b3Ti, I,aydstown; \V. I . Me m jjfc Bniot’o JJulM U P UU! T Qr(lpn UOil ^PPfk UUUUW Are SohpOniy by—— F. A. BEALL, Drnggbi and Spedsman, Al’OtJSfA, GA. . 1 F y-u want Seed that you can -depend on 1 coming nj*, buy ouiv BU IST’S.. A/ieap* ■■pnre and warranted frerii. Those who have “ T|e ^? rt, £ ot V r ^ f{ fr, , ’ n v - ? f j ss^Krvjs , Corn and <;.*** »e«l on hand. Write for' ; sevd listund ortU-r Ihnr Se«l>, Drugs Modi cine*, i’.outs, oHs, Window Glass, etc. Prices ! low as the low cat; Orders from Physicians a - spe^ahy. Corresi«mdenee rtfcitod.' l , vJ Sri Seedsman, ! n nr " W ,A ite-l, A, f : T DlWIAL hUX i m 1 T XTAITITilTI BiUlIGll. f *,**£'« H A), fc 7gradua“Iff wlth * r me 0 Jho , i “ Tbiladliphi; th< * &**<*. j> e aul Uoilvee ’ a voune man of rare mcchun f fc&! talent: ' ; One of us will remain at. the office all the : tinu*. who Wy iannable will keep to vigit a good office, team, and andde-j any one our ? ,res u> w ^ rk lor m >. * u Oglethorpe or ad | SSfcSiKj^SPSSlSK , ££ homes. We propose to do good work at res-; j sonable I am.uiankful prices. for past and i ' th*t the firmwill lie patronage, regartbsl with favor trust new : hy all who dvsife faithful and skilful work., j | - ..asWMjOncted wiihm^>«in.rf.droi«L j Crawford, March !2th, 18‘g. mar!5-tf j -^r—:-- itOTICP :——— --- —.................— - ; ...... | notwithriatoRnglfe - is pneoKwi in the PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY, in which he knfps is prepared his to .JEWEI.RY do all kinds of work, he also . : up FSTAni.ISH S ENT as heretofore, and will dt, all manner work m both srrjttsSS professions, al most i hie rates, and article in the Jt* rwelry line at as low rate as the same can be purchased elsewhere. My Dental natrons will be attended at their r ...... ............—■—-* T I f I \ i% T I fl i'V I f . . 1' A , 1V1- -I 'A * rHAVE 1 jnsl rewive.) at ('ra«i..r.l, Gai, a lurse su|.|.jy nf-sttperier I.UlF.wliklil Yo, ‘ _mh- “ «i !»***» 2tf_ tf ^ .......J ' *^i M. u NORTON. . Witcher & Jarrell will have in st«.re, i.n a few days-, .the-finest assortment of Notions ever brought t*i < •cJelhorpo c*t'nnty, consi-tiug ;n pan, r-t lAdst*^ i7«: Hmi s»-ari>. Fans, Collars ao*J Culls, .Junlies’ and (j •nts'Jewetrv. an*l a great many -other things . which we''have not. spare to mention. Call ' a i ul At^farf-.ya«rudl'iu;£tf« > buy i ng vWwWa, UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS Art Nov firm? L*fere4 at ik* Dry fjm4f k — Moses Myers, I ON COLLEGE AVENUE. ATHENS. GA. W Uif JilVt ofSpRIKfi, 1 * 78 , I am again befat the *f rn }- ♦ 11 - TVtfc e *t* i of contradiction, aim sauee to them that I n V*,' ?ks of Spring 1 and I >an»m* r < « ver fflem~ f ir A v f. ■ ■ K>‘! ■-> • : * in n v tf H * pap - ’ ; * • * rti h v or all «.f whic-i» ran Ik* had at' prkts *s-k»w a.% a... . Thew :r>- J 4 if« osed for CASH, by «cy»elf in person, ‘hrsrt r“ The in * at if* west ebb, and ear!r sa the mamm. Ipf r, & u o*-r a piv-i --dr « > { uire t»*o nine h tim . an«i spare to «4RU»*-r 4 -.cnrrb 4 4 -^u „if, r Imt ■■MiMg tbcau i ttiil BKiitiOb...._______ l«i» !><>,.< n *I«-b*h 1 >I( lints, at On, Hollar A Cheap Goods Bought at Assignee andAnctian Sales, Whkh 1 will *-!! my m,Mimat lnit»fraa^-ir', .V 1'iiU Wlwk of llivv Goods antfMit linery than ever before known. Beastitul ami Sty!i>h SI’KHAL INDUCEMENTS IN SHOES of ALL KINDS «mK. ■> oipt - r>- yf K«»aWy-Waa«- H a t Mag , ■'! rtfijBB, 5 MiddieOetn^ia. __::;.;. : hS h.-ard «*f in Northeast or TO Wl ^ (V! m AN fk aiu vUol i C TAaiCD OMSK C 2jl I I i |„ OcMhorpe and .other auntie* allow me t» return ray warmest thank* f »r tbiuz'msftjpiaer \ nus parnnasre. and rwp«>ctftilly a*k iwrt iMM* of the wm*:. '.When.! s> ( »a..*e that I can thi^ Bprins I offer them So when “ L'M’RECEDEXTED visit Athens, don’t KARli.UNS” aegleet in every 1 Mamtmah 1 rsu-an J^tore exactly ; j what. .lOU.WlK^VKXrE. advertise. Xu you m«bl, to call at ^LmnyKKH. n* oo f _ rl1 Ill /\ mTTTT 1 LI T\TTlAT'r/N 1 1 ! 1-C f J I * XV/ A JLJL^i JL • VJ .1 1 ■ | L I JL u .• ' l '~n .■ Especially , .. £\ OurGwntqL. r Friends! ' It to Wo wi«h .!ji to oaTI yonr attomion to the remarkable low pra-M sik drlucim at wlikb *1 are . i, ow K H g nOllPC UnUUO, RfmiClUrC !VI tUlUNcO, DNIUTC PAIN lb, Att UiLO.’Elb. # p<rA : VI ," d,n yw .■!' (>, r rent, Merchant*. in y.,ur i,y tuviiic os. stoic ,! ,,i,iic - rent, t„ ; Physician* awl Country Having on hand a v-ry Iarg,> of Vr«li Drug*, h,» enahj^ns to offer goesh, at bottom price.. We grantee,» 4,wy. : *-» W 1ST I I S Wflrrflfltfld HBIIBIIIOU GSUdSfl VdUl SflflClS UOwUO I <“ «”*• » | --'4 ivv | - " n T «' BRUMBY OnUMDI & 01UU CO'S 0 PRUPARATIQNSJ rntHlIWHUBit Xwrlh I nroHn.tibbngc ' Seert, -HHt ».tl.E ISV--- Bowl Tstaers VsmI \A/ TVf f* ATX 14 IT I JUI IT D * Will. UU I 1 ilLllflUn. Minwi Swd. Nmt^J «BOR«M. C.„N Kmg’*.T«Uet-Powier*, .. per box.........-......4{i Combs. fcSf". r..'. '""'"."'il K *, Broshe*. at- - .. w | : Horse i, and rattle mSUiUnAt" Powders •>> p„ TO| mi a g Tn Tati's Plllw. roothlVwdeK....25c .........•;........,....... ! n air Tonie V„ AI.AK'iE;s:(»'K<>F BnwWVdtefc"-........... !L„ p„Lm ................ % ilTHUlIVSl *”1111.1 iJll LfiiMlfFIFill H”lll IlIlL Lli.III ttologne,.....". “**• ; S • Strictly ^thaaiiatiest! mml - I'urcyi hii,|, ..... q R. mam 1 Qmi DRUIViDY It JQV 0 .AA . Of" *' trpiVl^Vy v * # wx^Vm i \ .' - __ ; ■ j _ ’ _ ..............• ....... : GREAT gSSHffig SlNCiFR ' T11E WlllVlk.l\ ZP E w I x G M A c IIIV k s AFTFIHahi*, the FAMU Y SKWM: .HArHJXl* w,« ........ 6r.-,WH m Wh.»* nt. PlBB MiltlllilR, ii^tW>ic $ 35 | ; i -toe P.„. fed j M u at A» p tt . Wi tin n U inp-lEaf •«* I .J TA1* l a ae ti__tf'ic i fechme, - t . j’jm^ vsxixs.‘!^et^'&gss» ..........p,^ , using Mwh MtcUm OH H is put up and mid by Druggists. 2V » /"* vJ XT 1**4 Vfl*. -L----LAJAki PA1) JJxAZiiill 1) t r/ t n D 1 *111 A r l^'l!D\TQ Jalk-** K?. . jsS-Sctid for illustrated tatalogue and Frier List."#, . . I m J|j|WN A* jm E» O fiffpriT A . U | ( w • wmm I I ▼ 1 hai I m y rl^vyilli ..... .....M ^ T,,ln,adge,ll r .^ft 5 y. A ty I ^ATHENS. 1 IA. - . ........ —____________ _____. _____’—** T>T JD mX! 1 Xllt j-X ITTOW Ikljl J^IAI ADM A TIT JT q OF AUGUSTA. A 11 Ag'icvr » ‘ « UH., * HAS NOW ON HAND AND Full SAI.11 A sT,s K <>F ' ' ' • -__— Rj ■■■ — - TP ___- ^ Jk _ Blff\ Li!! —_ _ WWW MW I O OHV XX CO I'ntivalled by any house in the Southern States, and the only one who .* RETAILS ffl0K AT whumsue prices! u r ,ie,es,dd byl.ini a ^? (> ^- e> THE MONEY REFUNDED! ".. e^effttlly-V *fccixdmumr. rfh! frGn.G in !G -.rgb ; «!i,, and with, per vent, by buying tbe «Im» of gmwls, hv koopw. =J±Z PETfilt .....* KEENAN > 1 St’' --- ~ - . GOOD GOODS §A AT I LOW ■■ V fw r PRICES RIVKO » ■ —-——— 1*1 i“C ADfllllTI 11 la I I W i\rl A A A V ¥ CZ. 0 ' '^A Xxlf .IkVAMIMiB il E t I I la mil* w ww *f wryipTlTliPIN np. »vi> nFAI 1 FIN IV F'VTRY ilF^PR IPTIPN ' ' PorriQITOP « ■ • Qllfl „ DllflfTIDa • IlffUmUHtS UUiliU^UM WUU dllU D uMK lh, L A> i FA 4 rr 1 i ION / \\t ^ h LUMBER i T T irnm \t \\ r AGON » A /\ S, * Harness, Saddles, Trunks, BAGS, VALISES, SHOE FINDINGS mm\ (if mi vm, beltim, eic - Carriage “ Materials, SaddlerV * Hardware, WMpS, IlllbPellaS, Etc. REPOSITORIES AND SALES ROOM8: 280 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, 58 Clierfj Slieet, Macun, ia. UOIVT H may J.'-KUtMEI.EE A ^ ' GOODYEAlt ’ & 3 VCA.^,BILi,H! I WHEAT UEDUCTIOX IV PBICES mm MONUMENTS Ailll&IPMTD AND a urT VAsariOvABirA TOMBSTONES And the work still maintained to the highest state of perfection. Call ami get ray pric*** and be TOnvinced that you are dealing with a feir and square man. Designs and prices ai *ard. Specimenffol work on hand for sale. A. H. ROBERTSON, , Marble Yard adjoining Reave?* & Nicholson's fteulptor an«l Vfomimeiital ATHENS, lluildep. Cotton Warehouse GA —..............-..... 011 '|1 11 « |i AnFflli • I f*l 1 h • 1 I Iff ill T 1/f n Q ' 1 fl W I 11 |* |TH||| U lit. I 11 H A IYI If I ! I./f O O I ft II IK \ an V w t U l C I W UllUlULVUi 1 '' O X IL U ?; w OP AUGUSTA, GA., their customers, and Planters Generally, who wish to W KEUABLE UEKTIT.IZKUS -the following brands: Grange Mixture, J Lowe’s Georgia Formula, I ...................................... Su»t«*v that the demand heretofore luis jSSfJtsS.SStSXi.u greatly exceed*) th‘; supply, to reincniy extensive works, with all the. latest and most approved tnachirf-';-, haw been erected-»n Ga., at a heavy outlay of mont-y The large capita! invest-diu its. wnnutaeture m ! g yield lotheacre as h.kv any man in theeonnty, and i)r. R. - j/Wiliinghain, who w a young 1 mnWol formvr. We «,xty ,..i« « Ctewforf, «nd i nto ^,ia *upply »u toiifi ns to nccommiHiate il.T. P. every, l)..»-n.;r, erne when they apply. We refer to T r. Cal lawny, r.. iv. How r. Ji. Till. .iml nny ..tbvre wlw • CYajfol^T^teniiT^lM.r^' '•'* ’ ' ' "**'■ pHee ***** ftla«y fa r-Gffton a« 16c., *70;. | THOM TUAU AS A n & P UAt HALL. I /ivn'tirr CERTIFICATES: CERTIFICATES: i ctr/i a tntie* Lr;xrj.-.GTON', Jan 30. 3>). 187c.— 187s.— satisfaction, M^rs. Tlunmos ThonoxaS: it it is «!•//*//L*—Th.f> good g*j«d Hull :—The pataj'^ Patapsed verM-swl, .Guano Guano wetl, and and bought l**>fight l i have have of of hurt spring gave me me entire entire satisfaction, is as as as os ahr anv / / haw haw >yer - \ several dilferent kinds. I can can revfdnmend recommend it it to to any any and and a'n aj| w f, 0 U i<h a fir»t-class frnil • R. R. J .!■: WILLINGHAM. w i Tk-frA-. did .L m ail -.1 I. could *7*.— Hour*. Thorn'll dr Hull Th«» t.,ns*u‘ Pat:>t>sco HoUg L have h yen'lost spring ask gF a fertilizer for my cotton » ron. Ji is good as anv ~ used, and I have used, several different kinds. 1 intend Usingse v*rai tons of it this year, I take pleasure in recomuvcndling it to any aud>H who w^h a first »*lass manure. : : _ ' ' - . _______ HF^ttV M', JOHNSON. SAMUEL LUMPKIN, , CtinnNflUoi’ at I w, LfSNIS firm*’ . GA,* ___I PlMitiji ffgAlr ffchaf«-rr>», sn the«*runtk* * Optbwp! f IT** ii*r, i Elbert, Hart. Wilkes, aad eWwJserc by special coo tna - _J*±!?_ WHITSON G. JOHNSON jtttorricj and Counsellnr at Lai, LEXINi.rOX, GA., W 1 B ptltiw in iLr ainrtWl of <*sri«ih->r{ Talif * Clarke, AJadwim. Ethert, Wilke* and ft-rro: «ir*}-ip. th* Snpr* ?,M? t%u*rt of (ivtu-jia DR. W.S. MOORE IMM AVI \(* located jn-m put I v in the town rf -i k . ti&tei’f* 111* frvi! r*»’iilidi ' rviee* in all it* hramdieK, to its ciureim rZ: and the jurr< • qiafa ag «»b nruti nity. He I i <•’ I n to iii i* - pro Ht«C» —-WUEKK IfMiET ■ 1 TO-itejj.tajuuj.ttskrfFoji. .1* ah «i.r*»se«bat:»»M*rd«. "We pay po*fage ou .alt S«'etf^x*?ej»t !*&*, Bean*, and Corn, for which we atld each oap*r. • • r and Hcan.**—v>c pt.; j>o«tage l-ic. per J p»stage toe. • j Bulk i*edaeau beaent express. TO MERCHANTS We caworfer hoTV FIGPK£^. Send list of >LKI> wwnted, and sure to send Mg my furSeetl and Postage, We keep everything in th« PAINT AND DBCG LINE whksh « e SF!LL VERY 1.0 W for Cash. C . W . & m ATHENS, GA. XJNRIVALED T ! ' i I 1 il(*, > ~ i _ > | m T ■ . . ■ ' ' v and Orffans —_ - (Jpprit ISrEitlAJi t I pUnrpTIBV ItbUllllUi' For January, ikTS. -------- 40 *V fn *” fiQ wW M DUNT.HoCOUNT^ From Catalogue Priecat. ----* ^ FA fcR Oh FKBEU. . , „ -T~rr •<«»« .. «|W' CHICXEElHG, gATHUSHM, KNABE, HALLiii ftllAVic, MoPHAIL&co., ___ ?IMP8 ° H nm I ;l|iL*Hl Ail in II niiiin, 1 III. Ill 11 "IlHA wiuk 111 Maeou & Hamlin, Pleoubet Plennhet. ft. Sc Felton, PrsaeettrOfgnfi-Ge. 6 Ha. . - C fllenS-b lo ugh 3 ft ft Warren barren, . ——_ Mouthlv Uily Tint.illnicnt-, Installments, rangiugfrem rnngiu s froni$l Piano Plane til ts> to$25, J25, secures «ecan-» tin* the best best Organ t'lrgan or or made nrude in in Ameriea. America. .. , --- 7ZZ~k ^ ■> • . TT'K '-- : 7*. ^ jT „ I...... - ' JSl -'jgg-...: “J ■« w ! -- •*- • * - *■ O. KOBtNSON. ! l.t'I'nEN & BATES P * 0 l RobinSOfl Si GO. rp Arran!Mj t „ Make augustamusic house fhe SAVANNAH OoS MUSICHDUSE pViut Distiiluniug „f .......... Or — .-..tH-LiffeKN ...-t a . *•-• • :■ , , WSdSSL . . ", * 8 SoSa/ ; , k -- te£^“3te^ 0. charges hm* way, with privilege of tion giveu if so requested.. - * : ■■■-. * TITYTV/ * L-lYii.TVI 1 A wn '* P I'ilil LM) i\ A 11) I ill TV/ n¥ 1 PIANOS, nTTRCI!, kinds PH?f‘ Musieal and HERD and all of n,o,v l,,!,,*.r,-l h y Mr.G II. Tat nSrfililn veaWin'lbemi/strUction best of struiutMitsin someofthe factories in thisd country, and lath e on liGanlh«jrix«ri Tuner at the AlOFSTA MIWT HUFSE. L»w P RICES PICK IS 1 . H. HaLL & CO ^ Mnnofaeturera arul Dealers in DOORS, SASHES, Blinds, Scroll Sawing, —AND - WOOD TURNING. Building Material of every description man ufaetaml at price* a» low if uot lower, Uiug hot other market. We make a specialty of PAINTS, OILS, Builders* Hardware GLASS, 00L0E8, ETC, Before you buy send for our PRICE LIST, or estimate for any Material you may need, which wlll fertaiiily please you.— I H. HALL & CO., foM ly Charleston, 8. tirtlf L\kj ■imii j |Dm| IYi i Df EftTABMftHJIEMT. pj T F. WILSON, up stairs, over Reaves «t , NieJiolson’s, ,Broa*i business street. Athens,-Ga., his line, and has established a Dew in is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fnrnitnir. Coffins. Burial Cases. '^§S§Ms:ZZZ - k' IT . p - short in at notice ■ P**’ ®}J, -* ^ his stock and Drives iall Buggy ■■ and - Wagon a* MASUI * vtt-i? AUUKl. iyitad v y^ t I YVOri.1} emre^sof rwi«-*MlvjB- mOSSS* fonn-the Dg fe have firstdass'W XnSi oLuofthe a ood Shop, presided Dot w.,rkmen in Gebreia. have also-secured the services; of-a h'rst-cfa>9 : and Finisher. Mr. James T- Lloyd, best palntersouth I will make of Baltimore. -n-.b-r istriv> kind in Vehiele employ.' desire*!. Prices to 1 any »be i . ar qvj as same .of work can be .-had -nrr? wherein the P. j Blacksmith and Repsrir work a work specialty, j j sure and give me a trial. AH war W. 4>. Tf CM:KR, Crawford, j COOK STOVES. SOLD A. K. CHIXiDS & CO., - ATHENS. GENERAL TICKET AGENCY a-TSBs^nscw lAxMoyKMa.-r-iAtAr-tbltK X»iSM« u»f BAUROAO TICKETS for «a!e by All RoutoH to all Pimeipal poim* IN THE UNITED STATES. -4BB**- Buy your Tickets in Athens nnd get all information from CAPT. WM. WILLIAMS Agent Southern Express Athens, Ga BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. %\r A. SMITH would respectfully notify Shop in Using-nothing Lexington, fintl hut stdiem the beat their material, jwtroti age. no •>h"d<ir work will heave hh eatahhVhment. Moderate prices amt the delivery of work when promise*! is his fltdu'dnle. • jan53- 100,000 ARE ALLING FOR ' C THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY ‘h,n, Onrltn,* great coutert Turkish now War wa^g Beit between U most pfiZtol R-liahle, aecura,<._»ml( ? inprchMi«re.; lu'^k n'w d.«T y ’ * *•*- •«*».'•-• I ,.nW AOENTS WANTED, should Those avail desiring themselves Territory of on early this work »Hca rn apj tion. A Iso 1,000 Agents W ante*! f< * r our “I 3 „^. KJKP f ^ in , Dcl g d1ll g ApiculMrul. B'"»r r «P l >ic*'. HW«ri«H, KrlW.«».»n.l Mb FAMILY BIBLES. .. .. JO Smb.-x,, IIS h. I Of TUI <ttO ? 1’HU.ADFI.PItlA . ' 0 :qu ’1 ‘71 011mm, 1 ."1 § I 01mm; \ JV‘. :03qu 1 "1r _ e ; . I . W he uubocrihri'havx‘ng New. E be u gland nppoinwd Bulb‘Ageuw'fur the CQmpany, cvhibruted - . 7 1 rgan ,, . ; W k mue‘ p :- Inge Innruhtnu Mment II"! pron of ti eu- mneed Splen bydihmm‘ u KUANS, m 130th nt‘various hrs! mafifl “l‘yk‘s, jn the which country, are‘ nnsurpuued will nlways‘ V or Bunny « 1' Case ,3: Sweétrre'fis ‘ot‘ Tone; ' hey Imvé (gimhes Waived the H abut I'reminms‘at:the hm Fairs b’yth. Great Bargains given D , nus m am] ‘ "hnols. Every (Drgan h” I \Vrim‘l; .Wm‘mmee from the Mnkom, {0 Five ipferiowrtieles. "en's. Send I f r Cumingue. Tl»: (Ndl'mlxlislwdj «ruse pf 0A'I‘BHwiH 5cm! ' ‘ ,0 n9 _ . «OAT- ' ES . Ros. , . . . I . _ G84. ,I’ ~ ' {S YCCIES’OE .v . ‘ . T0 A. OATKS, 2-H Broad Street, ‘ _ AU‘GUSTAch- . 1 CRAMPTON nr aiflnTAtl^ S I ...oc-A. MPPRIA! . . CflAP | If 11 Lit I ML OU/ll is TU E li K ST. 0 rrmuptoc’’& hripcrial the IJv-X. (’rampton’s rmperiul Soap is. the Best. . C-ra'»nj>t«mVImperial''Soap is the DeMt. Crumpton’s Imperial Soap is the Best. Crumpton's IntjH'riftl Soap is the Best, Crampton’s imperial Soap is the Best. Crumpton' s Imp erial So«p ?*> t.K« Crumpton’s Imperial Soap is the Bes age of Vegetable Oft, is warranto*! fully eq?/ul to the best imported Castile Soapj arid at the same time contains all the washing and cleans¬ ing properties of the cele¬ brated * ■" Ger* . roan and French laun¬ dry Soaps It in . . therefore recommended — Kitchen and Bath Room, and for general hoqpehold purposes ; also for Printers, Painters, Engineers and Machinist*; as it wifi remove spots of Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc. from hands. The Huntington, Pa.. Monitor of April 5 th, pronounces this soap the'best in the market, as foil -V. "- : Reader, we don’t want, yon to supfmse that this is au advertisement and ^jass »t over un- ; printing liSSSEiil' ink from the hands, aisoftom hn- ! as en aiui'we • i, ut kudw^fereof (reuintonN laundry i*akf h>ai> will *lo it wt' It i - esi»e Manufactured only by CRAMPTON BROS'., 2, 4, 6, s and ip Rutger’s Place, , And 35and 35 St., NEW Y‘ IRK; | For sale in Oglethorpe cr>iin<y by j. J . <*. M< M AHA N, < rawford. C. S. HARGROVE, Crawford. G. €.11 ALL, Crawford. M. H. ARNOLD & SON; Ciawford W ITCH Ell & .1A KKELL, Crawford, i — r HALREjk LATI M EH. Lexington, | J. T. M. HAIRE, IjpxingUtB. ~. ■; SMITH & YOUNG, Lexington. 1 WM. GOTTHBfMER, Lexington* : T.e- 5 11 T Ti PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY Capital, #l,pOO,OQO. R. S. MARTIN, a a a a CRAWFORD, GA., SELLING AGENT OF . SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO _ A5D _ COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE For Composting xvilli Cotton Seed ! OUR BEST CERTIFICATE: 0 ” are 1^) different brands sold in the State. .,, mr ...... 6 H ££KLt 2 ^ E ‘ JM7 50 T ^”'™“ ’'”“;-«ro- 55 011 5 T ~m Without Intere«t=eOTT*>N OPfKlX, Ftlteen Genta. I j p,. r T( ,„ I'uclUc ....... *70 011 T; ,-, , pounds. Acid 4 wM mi i UH .»h.t» phut*.. Ti <HI ^ J. O. MATHEWSON & (XL febl-jm Company’s Agents, AUGUSTA i.\ A. K. UH1LDS. R. MCKERriON. Y. IL WYNN childs 11 nickerson&co I VIWIM-I WWI VW W j No. 15 Franklin House Building, ATHENS, QA., AVhulewle and Itetad fhatlrrs j Hartware MUUnUiU, Don U UU, Steel UIUU1| Nails ilUU Hfirse-sioe UU UUUU Nails. 11UIW, i * HOKoK AND MLLt^M1<»F>, “ oiass.-'Varnish IIARNKSS LEATHER. MILBl’RS ’WAfiaXS. ..... Mill Findings; Anvils, Bellows, Vise*. Hollow Warn, vu Manufmlurers’ ageuta for the rale of FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, CIDER MILLS, SYRUP MILLS ---— .1 :.,i r,,p,W att Plow*. F armers Friend OEI, Plow, E B B Circular A TE D—t Sn ws._Pu,ni > f IU N G I \ -j W I N.S II 1 I* AMI SAW 1 fc K ‘it n Any urtiele in our line ins in sleek, will be ordered wueu desmm. with the delay. • Call and exasain* oar atovk and price*. B lXL^ mmvm iTSfYVjJ r „ r1rMr f Vfi , I 1 Hh '^1*' I|£tflx IxlilU . • T “ LJ CL C D D C EL O C T I g __---- 7 - , NT tr A Nr> jxSav*.'*^' THE HATE CITY F?? f yG’Nwiri »fel . ?,> ■* i l Hfo P!«nlr LOOK WM C4ntmn OlOV ■ *• vl 6S * *112: | is Us * ftiiHfl! Have no superior celebrated in the Stoves .Unite* and <s These’ ■ ''m t Mils' ■ ft J.C,WILKIMS’ "PREMIUM" TIIWME F«*r Male in I.cxi ngt.m hy HAIBF. ft I.ATI MLR. In Crawfo rd bv C. S. HARGROVE. r*—^- v : \ j m 1 ; ' ...... y J _—-- .IM itfV i WE OFFER THE ABOVE Magnificent Ammoniated Super-Phosphate the tul'est To the Planters of Georgia, and have no hesitation in recommending it *<> elteu;. We shall endeavor'to meet all legitimate competition,.and fed u**ured that all who xue out articles will be highly pleased with the rewrite. . We also offer our 11 EUTAW ACIII PHOSPHATE,” Which wc believe is eq mil to any-on the market, " Cot ton Gptfbh given if dfsirrdr - ; ~* Call on our Agents ti >r terms and prices. GEO. W. WILLIAMS Uroprictore, S -fr. ■ . ~ '" .........." Churli'Mnn, Agentn at Loxington, HAIRK A LATIMER flcelMtu I' THE AMERICANA [ s ' -- ‘ . .. yj » .51 1mm ' x‘ 4’ ???'5 '“W' . - ‘71 .. ' ' Machme. v ‘ ,. i ‘ 11' H ‘ ‘ ‘94:; n» 11%» “E ué'mngto ~ g 5 4‘ E 2 ”“2533 W1; A : p ; twfi‘f' \ L" 1.. ‘ 1 "‘- -, § _ L 1Lff‘fk;.:{",';3 1E 52‘43'41'“ «119% . km ‘ .1 THE * ._ I ‘ . _ ‘ .. .fl 1: . 3.00610. T V ; “w No NEED]. 1: TO SET 1t Sells the Easiest and always'Satisfiegfi “ AGENTS “'0 ask you in ti‘y it. run! um'r 5 un sw-n-‘Zul : _lm\uvomcnt§. Sunni M'Ch'vnlm‘ A I‘rimw (u. 5 1‘? ng‘fiuwtlt‘ fin, Guirinnmflwag ‘3 In C. «\‘Eflldflillfl. Jluungrr. * ‘ SINCE; AUGUST |st.; I876;