The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, April 19, 1878, Image 2

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THf 0 El ETjjP TE t€HO iffitt i^tfcAierT, jppJttWW ti A5I» PBOCTll KTOft «rrrninR. - - 4 f»rU ia. i%?» MOGK IS THE GREAT STORM. IMWaaah Munlnf. They tarry H«»t «**««• n»*«B lo Tbsir fMsntei a«v ter. The recent sirotn upon the plain* w. pe/hapa, the moat xerrere ever known. « in the morning of the atom two fr igbt Mr. fame* McDermott and coapan a, starred fmw Comp Robin s on for .Sidney with their teem s. They soon were lost and-became sejiarmted, and on last rfaturdrT Mr. Melferotott was found un* ■ tier the fulluwing circumstances; He : bad wandered for twelve days, accota pan icd by two d«ig*, without food of any (kind, exposed to the storm day and night, steeping .Hhoat'^riwi at injf on the cold ground, and had wasted kway tow mere skei^Los, To add to hi» Ff, ring anc dav he saw near him «ome r :ow boys, but was to week to call loud enough to attract their attention and, like a fchipwrvck «»o B wbo m a «!I approach, but before it cornea within bsiling di«t«ice bean »w»j again and duappears, he saw them pass from him. On last Saturday these same cow boys beard » faint barking wjelpiog like that of dogs and, followrbg the sound, came to them. Thedtrgs were also dated to akeietons, and scarcely had atengrb to stand, being in the last stages some mea seires, they pici*» it up in their mouths, got on tbeir trembling limbs, and tried to carry it to their master. And thus he was found. The fact that the dogs refused to eat the meat given them al though they were dying of but attempted to carry it to their ing master, is'teatified to by men of un impeachable yiracity. Mr. Dcrmott waa carried. to Sidney, where he ia under the care of the Poet Surgeon, with fair prospects of recover . ing, although badly frozen, while the dogs have been cared for at a camp m ar where they were found, McDermott, iu his week state talks constantly of his dogs, and begs for them to be brought to lris bedside, which will be gratified soon, Many things connected with the groat storm will doubtless long he rememdered, ^and tbesfsjrics told around many a camp . are; but we jsredict that the woe longest remembore<l and oftcnCTt te pea ted win be. the story of the two -dogs, who, when dying with hunger, and the food in their mouths, refused to eat, but tried to carry it to their starving master. THE BATH HORROR raHtodan af iht .»«r»l»| »< nivnbea t'annly ,tl«sh«uM. Batu, N. \ April S-—In ..... the ing of the Steuben ^ County _££ employed about the building* and ;C 2 »S 5 £' 5 —.!,* - building waa filled with blinding smoke, An inmate who had Ford In opened Fordsdoor and the ffames burst out and ran along the partitions and up the stove-pipe hole into the second story. Ford could not be seen on account of flames. He had forced his head between bam of the window aod was uppe7 ‘ to poll it back. The story occupied by twenty-five women and children, the lower story by eighteen men ; a nmjroity were idiotic, crippled or very aged. Fi ve on the first floor and tcu on the second floor periahed. At the first alarm Eli Arrington the er, knocked m the door at the root, the staircase leading from the atory. Eight or ten women were up at the foot of the stairs, ana a rrft re^tidg i^ erdltd dowm womeH were pulled out. On k unaay blackened remains of five bodies taken from the rums, and to-day two-thirds of the debris was dug and more remain, were found. gethcr thev would about fill an .izod coffin. Lege, arms and akulla entirely burned off, audio most but a very small portion of the body can be found. No blame is attached to one but the county is severely for providing such a man-trap for • occupation of iu paupera. Before fire there were one hundred and paupers at the bounty lioiiHh The oncF impaneled a jury this afternoon began taking testimony. A verdict not be reached till to-morrow. Hudson, aged S€, who crawled out the building with his cloths one mass flame, died to-day. ♦ iThe (Comptroller’s Exhibit. The total acreage of improved .land in the State is 28,747,539. Aggregate value ot property owned colored population $5,430,844. He reporto 128,915 white and colored polls—1,209 lawyers—1,578 doc toreand 174 dentist*. A* far as can lie ascertained 6,665 per* sons have died since last report—and 13,305 have been born. The principal of the public debt is $10,644,500. Interest upon the same $719,135 Total $11,363,635. - The whole cost of the Legislative ses¬ sion of 1877 in the months of Janury and February ia $108,821.65. The taxable wealth,of the State aggre gates a j^nind total of $235,659,530 a de crease on 1876 of over ten millions. Fulton, Chatham, Richmond Bibb, Muscogee, Floyd, and Clark, are the —-4*VC« richest counties. Fulton leads I a valuations, $18,033,087. and The town total property decrease for in 18< the < is value^of $2,916,301. The total decrease in amount of money and solvent debts for the same period is $3,949,190, value' with a further decrease-in the of merchandise, amounting to : $6U»,961 As the legislature ®' ' will hereafter meet a Wednesday , .. November . on the first in - the Comptroller-General nuggsts that the fiscal year, which is the calendar year be changed so as to mu lrom Oc ' tobyr 1st to < Mob* 1st. . The total value of the household and kitekto property in Georgia is W.S50.0W. Value of plantation tools, etc:, $2,943'* 124. Value of live stock $22,736,491. i ; . -V , , lv j,- : i ss. »■’ “ BaSlroad bonds ilidor-eti t>y the ^itate aod decided to be legal and biudwig upon her: North and South railroad fflfi-l.OW, ' railroad #34,000 ;<joiitb .Georgia and Florida, railroad #404,000. Total of indorsed legal kids«778,tm ioa BUHag’s Sajiair*. When a man mean urea oot g lory for himaeif he alaraa keep* the haifbuehet. -OU-aga-Ure-ife-- pe i e . i igr - one tew find fault with everything. A nhoob money is like bis eery <>»ea*v. Marrying for her money is eery much like setting a rat-trap and baiting it with yare finger. Gravity jz no more evidence of wisdom ft. inn a paper collar iz of a shirt, The hardest thing that any man kan do Iz tew fail down on the ice when it iz wet and git up a»4 prase the l>»rd. A week const itusltua kan be strengtir eoed, but a w«ak set of branes kant. A man with a,few branes iz like dorg with one flea on him, dreadful.oneaay. Fame iz climbing a greased pole win a puss of ten dol. van*! spoiling a suit of clothes worth fifteen. kicking ko« never tav drive until just az the pale iz full, and seldom misses the mark. It iz jistso with sum mens blunders. • About one half the pity in this world iz not the result ov sorrow, but satisfac te 0.1 it aint our ho» .bat ba, bi. leg broke. Give a , m .rt child » pack or „,d s and a speilin book, and he will »earn tew pia a good game ov hi Io jack long be fore he kan apell a word of two .ylia ble». Yoong man, when you hare to Webster's dickshunary lew find word" enough tew convey yure meaning you d Fools and drunden men alwors make this mistake, the one thinks they are sensible, and the other thinks they are sober. “ * r - - Hr, Hayes and HU Party. AHusionwas made recently to the feeling which exists among many of the Eepublican Senators in favor of t utting j the party organization entirely loose from any afililalion with the President. i This sentiment has spread largely among i the control ing influences of the Kepub licau State organizations. The . Chair ; man of the Republican Committee of one j of-the State largest which states has been of the Union, evenly and di ; a very j I vided since and the stated war, confidentially was here a day that or two ago, the Republicans could never carry bis state so tong as tin y kept any kind T j friendly relations Mr.-Bob—Mackey,, with the administra¬ lioii, Last week one [ of the Republican party organization Pennsyleania, came over to to confer witb some of his friends, He said the Republicans of Peniwylva* »«• *»nt*d nothing todowUh.Mr. Haycz or his ad mi Bistrati on ; that Mr. Hayes hxd bvvn » thorn in the side of the party eTcriftm*ehe w as p ot inter t he W House. ColqnelA. K; McClure, who wa , here at the same time, told Secretary gchura that at the approiebing llepubli siwssisst forn , HubMquentIy Cotonel r j * Uon and wjth lfae condilion of thi Comparative Size of Countries Wafers. Greace is about the size of Vermont. Palestine i* about one-fourth the of New Y r ork. Hindnsfan is mnyn t f, nr) «l ____ times as large as Palistine. Tli« Great Desert of Africa has nearly the prescut dimensions of the United States. j The Red Sea would reach from j j ngton , to Colorado, and it is three M wide ss Lake Ontario. The English channel isticarlytui j ^ Lake Superior. The Mediterranean, if plaeH North America, would make sea lioI1 from tfm Diege to Baltimore. j ^ —...... j I A rtkmmt Ntoeklng. The Montrea . Gazette of the.Sd “f*i A >!«'• « v " > ago 5’ 0un K B1 “ n . nineteen year, of age, «•*»»«* Smith, hording at No. Enfice street, inflicted a slight | ™ foot wIll!e P arin g .4 TOrn jdays I aml work he felt no went 10 aa usual, but :>»» f«>» began io swell, and got so h * *«. induced logo to the j eral Hospital, which he did on the i *" "* worse ant * Q ,e< i on Monday evening j began Vcloc^ to bleed N he put on a blue ft ’' ' mg, and it is supposed his blood poisoned tnerepy. " * An Enigma for Boektors We clip the following from the vilie Arms, as an enigma ihr y,oung tors to study duirng the hollidaya; ‘•There is a negro women living the vicinity of Ninety-six, who birth to a child a few nights ago, i* . a ... living curiosity. . .. rrt The child , .7, ia • fectly white from its head down to lower part of the abdomen, and is a complete ring armmd its waist black, and it ia jet biack from the ring around its waist down to its knees, and is white from its knees down to its feet. Its hair is white. The child is living and is doing well. Watermelon*. Break up the ground deep, check , , twelve , feet . . apart, . Have t* little or no hill; leave the hill concave. Six or eight inches iron, the hill P*.table manure two and a half inches thick. Cultivate well j plantgobd^ed , have no squashes, pumpkins or gourds near. (3ify iha-enda of t he vines if vou wish large melons instead of great numbers. - —-—=- '' A. J. Coshow, while gathering pecans in Gonzales county, Texas, recently, saw from his place 00 the limb of the something glittering on the-ground,be? It was a Mexican silver dollar. He dug at the root ox the. tree ami dn^ earthed $8,000 worth of the coins* _• * _ Montgomery Queen’s menagerie has l>cen sold in Louisville by the Sheriff. ■ An eland went for $205; zebra $230 ; Km*. JlWlcach ; a loopard m ; hyenas, »2« *** ■ a wart hog, #190; an «.f«. » *>*»■;* r "?* ] ■ a f ^Hioc erous^ b, ^ - . - «■ * *m— Two farmere had a law-suit HI Quebec .............. s;s case having been carried to the t. ourt .of Appeals. .The party who wins tire apples. "«l find the fru-t of hi*, victory rotten, » >* “R" to be feared,, unlew the apple* haveencounlered sn apple-eating court as well as and appelate court. IW^olamba* EMfuir'T my«: In the l«*er portion of the city there a a Chi »* kw •**» the portion of a large limb JEttP <* »«*. liuib t- w»w jer^gnag a Ha«f»« 4 ,iag water oak. Near by U another Chiba tree with a black-berry vine aad evergreen growing between the fork*. la the same vicinity la another < Mot rte it» which is growing a poke weed. Tl.e^Home Trbvn say> We are pleased to team that the only copper miue in Georgia in successful £ e ration has be very rich. It ~ n county, and has been t es ted ami found to contain from fortv to tv per cent copper and about fifty per cent gold. - —-«► * — — - An arrest etf “ moonshiner 5 ’ #ays there are about .**> jilkji distilleries ia Tut narat^mnty. Ten n.,-five being in a cir cuitofoni f bushel of <N>rn used produces an average of two and a half gallons of whiskey, and the price of torn iu tL^,t locality, seldom reaches fifty cente a bushel, making the price of whisky less than t wenty cento a gallon, An „ cb ,—. , B3 „ out West so dirtv that the assessors* put him down M rcaicatat. Thia «» i0 da B8 of ^ soldier who, while home on a fur* f<MJgh during the war, called on the ^jfe of al)rother soldier to tell her the iate-t news -Ah,” sad she, “ perhaps by this ti me poor Jiimny's anderthe soil ofVir ginia .» “ Perhaps so," replied the ..... .....t, ii ___ The transit of Mercury, which is ocor the 6 th of May, will he visible all OT er the Cnited States, and seven hours and a half will he con s um ed in the pas sage. Astronomers are anticipating the ayent wit b great anxiety and interest,for hoped that it will throw light upon - the question as to whether there U an ia tefiur planet to Mercury, and also de termin' (he orbit of the latter definitely, Two French astronomers are on their : wa y to Ogden, IT tab, to make observa irons, that place being chosen because it is elevated, the air clear and dry, and '. also bccanse the transit will take place at | j ocs i noon. CPR|\.f[ hi lll.tU, SPIM \( - I In here—and so is the beautiful stock of AT THE < HEAP CASH STORE OF “illiam. mtthe'mer, HSfiSK, 2^32^2^ "StafffU' ery line, having bought at prices greatly, re ff ; jt ? r r ~ a T r i li n n Laa 1 H »'. »&£*>•(<«£»* ‘ c ; yotiONS an.i’rnnev (t’.B ‘ Trimm'iivl; Hrady-made rixyraOHl., l.t«t style,; ^ ?S£? ptud. {mh22.2u»l WM. «K)TTHEIIIER. SprirnlMillstone \f Y manv friends and euxt«irn*r* are t T ivA respectfully notifltNl that I have now BEAUTIFUL— .M. comprising al! the late*t styles and GAINS in every line. My stoek, in consist* of Clothing, Vrcm Good*, Notion*, Q%m!!!ZZ' $%£’ AW ; au ,n,nmlreds of oilier afticlm kept in ! class country store*. My stock of tion f “'lMhre‘t>ing *upplie .4 ulwayN on hand a bottom , giv the Milt,tone store trial, and you are sure to he suited both «« 1 ^ g ' KKl “ J. PHILLIPS, ; mrUD-lm ; Cto !! n ^Ih WW t ) Oglrt b a DR. DURHAM’S Me® Liver milK HKST PIIX vvrr Offered to the f , “ t « s, as , he hem proves.. : iMirham’s Pill* will Cure Billioinmes» : Purhain 7 *. Pills wiTlXure win Constipation. • : irnrham’s Pills will Cure e Headache. • j Kurta5vS-5lnCl?reSi«Ys '» Pills will. Cure V e r ti go tonmeh • • -tm,ham’s Fills will'Cure Backache. I 1 i P«rji am> Pijjs wilt Cure Dyspepsia. • | ; an*ing from a Torpid Uyer or Dehtog- • j : ed stomach. r | HAM’S FILW, and h.'Convincea of | hv»^w" n! Hurhnm. j^Vh^ Maze} »,Ga. uiSTv^^S For sale by <i. W. Smith i T. ( alluhan, Bairdau.wn; jfcA-ho^"' p \n- 1 ' ti.R'lj; W. . Mc 'VliurtFr, Woodville. T’riec, 25c. box. L*b eral discount to druggists & merchants, jail -6 > I t Bflisfs Barden . :-Are iwdd Only by— F. A. HKzVIJj, Drupfrist and Seedsman, AI ’GUSTA, GA. I F you want Heed that y«»u can depend on I coming warranted, up, bur only BUIST’S. Altrojt* pure and fresh. Those who have ailed with other seed from year to year, try Rinat’S. lluiKt K large Hrnmhead and Flat Fabbnse. fiseset in.the wm-IiF t'Wd Torn and Grass Seed <*n hand. Write for ^ jigtand order Jhire Seeds, Drugs, Medb cines, Paints, Ols, Window Glass, etc. Prices 'IlSSJtSS.'&ST ■ |\ A, BEALL. Dr upgis t A Seedsman marl-fim <>PP- Attgusta Hotel, A^ nsta, tia, DENTAL NOTICE. I a .„ , *« , me in the ctu’e Vrawfor.) I»r. M. i,ITTIjK. a graduate of the Philadelphia Dental « ollege. a young man of rare mechaa wiH-reTOUo *t- theofffee all the time. W'e will keep a go*Kl b^un, and any countic»,. will.-cjniuhurHcate OglitoTnw^r jat-ent ■ and with us at-Crawforrl, w.- will yint tlu m at th.-ir home*. We propose to do g«K»u w<.rk at rca sonahle pr»♦*-. I am thuukful for pnst patronage, and trust ill be regardeif with favor fc , and skilful work. Teeth extracted without pain if desire*!; ( ^ MaP „ h • - . NOTICE. rpilK | ,,:,,»iiiisiai«dtn^ «nd»rsigncd l«v-is gi v wooticc -ibat £3&k the PRACTD I, OF Di.X ! IS THY. in wl.i. lt aa*a and will do all manner ssuntn, at most retisf/n;t* ....... Will fleet satiElaefD.-n or raorrev retumiesi. also furnish any •'*<•«£> \, J Jewelry irhased.<-1,sewhere. jinr at as low rate as the M , , >v ]Ktun „. „ ill be -ntteuded at their h-o.w «las !-=reo,wli on notification bv tuaii otherwise » given rue. B. CHEDEL. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS MOSES MYERS "t~ : -J».— ON COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, GA. ilvent >f SPRING, •gala 11 of S' trtbeast w •ut" Mr of itradk-ti e*--i sjvfish «(>•! **‘1*-**! ■.{ Sj*rini» Sur -is in Ml y y * [,rU EVERYTHING in ■ a -? a paper *»» mas ©> the finest article •»» Ores* v -»r alt fit .which ca** tV iiwd ai l-newj «p tow a- an* ewiabiietousurt in lhe«*«te • were- *m rebated £ irk et ww* at its Hwomd require too ratfCh tune ami spacettt enumerate everv a r ti clei > which 1 on ©ftrsp' bargain*. bur among them I wifi roentii** IOO Dozen Men*a Fell Hats, at One Dollar eavii. \ have also % great many Cheap Goods Bought at Assignee and Auction Sales, Which I will sell my eastomen at but a fraction on their cost. zY K"!*!! Stork of Dry (foods uiul . Lower than ever before known. Beautiful an»! Ntvlish Ladies’ Hat* from 5f*c to $1. ,S f Jv( (^fj J IVI •> |J UVril f (_ uM V VTv’ I ?> ll\ 1V bHU i; Lincv Lb Of A r ALL it T rirno M3 1 /b tiiA f Keady-Wsiele Embroideries, Cloilting, White Piece Goodsof ail kinds. Fringes and **ther Trimmings, Trim m lugs and FriUlaga, Searfe. bei!^* Ties, prints oUvery eolor'and a-th!m»iid otherThii^. LinVER^ttamever heard of In Northeast or Middle Georgia. TO MY MANY CUSTOMERS In Oglethorpe and other counties allow me to return ray waraw*t t thank* thanki £»r their past eem r When Wb,„ 1 i aonouacMhaU «. era “ UXPKIX'KUEMKU BARGAINS’* in every line, I mean exactly what i advertise. So So when when you you visit vi«dt Athena, Athens, don’t don’t neglect neglect to t« call at mv Mammoth Store ou e ^ , E<5K EVE3<rE * !<otro " ble 40 * how ***** WOMEN MYERS. r|^/ \ rp I f |J 1 II f{I)f T/^ f „ | I / Pi MT •'T?** I J I ) I i I 1 I , _ A ANC _ Most . r- Especial __ 4 *. fy to . Our Cou f\ ntry . Friends! r- ■ 1 . We wish fs call yoor stteBtfoa to the ramsrkabta tew pciess ami dd^ctiaa at which we are now DRUGS _ ., _ . MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS ETC \\> can save yoa 20 per cent, Merchant*. in ynur nurehasrs by baying of as. tspe«*ial inducemrnu to Pfivsieiaa# and Country Having on baou a very large stock of Fresh Drags, bought low, enables os to offer good* at bottom price.. We guarantee to satisfy, BUIST’S Warranted Garden Seeds, Potatoes, Onion Sets, Peas, Beans and Corn, in bulk, ju^t received. R. T. BRUMBY &COX PREPARATIONS, Flower Nerd, ><»rlh Carulin. L'nbbagp Mred, —FOB .SALE BY-— Br»l Tsbwro Seed, WM. GOTTHEIMER, Gruw Meed, M VIAGTO^. bhOlUill. tough Mixture**, King’** Toilet Powders, per box......... .25c t'omb«, Barber’s Hair Oil.............................. j" ( oeoa oil . ...... ............................... , ,vw Mteel Brnubra, Horne and < 'attic Powder*.................. ,25c t Vuotxmnd Powders. SyrupStillingia................ .......I ■v Tutt’i Pillt, elr., ele. i’lMtui ..................... .... sfot Hair Tonic...................................... A LARGE lv OF Cream Liniment................................ SdlTIIER\ST.ini ISWH 1 TE LUII Brumby’s Liniment. Rat Poison ... .25c Cologne......... 25e Strictly Pore-Cheap the t.’heapest' as r. T< BRUMBY & CO., ATHENS, «A. ! GREAT REDUCTION IN THE 1 SINCER „ S L ... >V T INC v M A mri inMnit* hnum, $«, —....... ” 1 agent for bazar patterns. | ^ gend for illustrated Cattddgke and Price L»C-** J. BrTOOMERrAgeRt, tOfffee fttoWSii.^>r Ktatal, W»i lalmadgv, IWs", * (V» -tore. ATHENS, <;a. ! .1 H, HUNTER, lams' t ent. Aatifath. Ob . PJLTER KEENAN, OF AUGUSTA, CA.. HAS NOW ON HAND ANI> FOR SALE A STOCK OF BOOTS ■■■ ^ AND JBk |L I 45% 1 B K? Cnrlvallcd by aiiy house in the Simtlicrn States, ami tit only one who t RETAILS SHOES AT WHOLESALE PRICES ! Every article sold bv him will b«'faithfully represented, andcxchamred inside <d 5 AKMtih^ THE MONEY REFUNDED! He respectfully usUs the patronage of hi* friends confidently TiTTTeorgiakhd ^lUlli them t unditm, waving ami with out detracting from the merit* of other houses, assort * a ol per cent, by buying the cltuurof ghnd* he keep" PET UR KEENAN. Near Central Hotel; AUGUSTA, GA. GOOD COODS AT LOW PRICES! robert h. may & cl gXNUKACT-URERS OF AND DEALERS IN EVERY DESCK1FTICN OF flreiminnAn Carnages nnd and Jln/minn Buaaies. - \ PI, VNTA TION & LUMBER Harness, Saddles, Trunks, liAON, VALISES, SHOE 1 INI)IX(iS, ltlTHEH W IU Mills, mins, 11 ! Materials, SwMleiy Hardware, Whips. . Inbrdlas, .. . fck. Carriage KEP08ITORIES AND SALEfT ROOMS: 208 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, 98 Cherry Sheet, Macao, Ea liOB’T II. MAY, I T. MAY, A''.'It. GOODYEAR, 8 8. PARMKLKE MARBLE I (rKEAT IlEDtICTION IX PBICEM ■-OF — TOMBSTONES MONUMENTS maintained the AND highest of perfection. Call and get pri And.the work still to state my and be convinced that you.are dealing with a fair and square man. Designs and prices at my Yard. Specimens of work ou baud lor sale. A. R. ROBERTSON, j Kealptor and Monumental Rnilder. Afarble Yard adjoining Reaves A Nicholson’s Cotton Warehouse. ATHENS, GA The Georgia Chemical Works, OP AUGUSTA, GA fifior their customers, ami Pointers Generally, who wish h» buy REUA BLK FERTILIZERS ' the following bratnU: ■a ^0 Grange Mixture, Lowe's Georgia Formula, And Acid Phosphate. The high character siistaimsi by these Fertilizers is,*-, .veil know j througluHit this ami ad joining States tluii the thinsmil' heretofore lias- greatly exect t* 0<1 the supply, to remedy which extensive Works, w ith all tb* latest and most appjrov<I inat'im *f> , id have;been'erected mannfaetiire in our-midk. Augusta, (. and i.. at a .heavy high’ out lay of of itbrney the officers, The is large capital of inve- ut\ *d wt-claw its Fertilizer in ib<- character a gmrnatee ami would refer •tO the K\T A in OglethOT£H* county Inst-‘.y-’n. had thuught to . who used it. We could have furnishe<l a prefltinanv certiti Ues if we it iieces>nrv. Wt append only ■ tk.o, that of <apt. Whit Johnson, is .known to produce aj, iitrg* a yield .to the acre any man in th*cunty, and Dr. 11. J. WiSwighHifl, who is. a young but s,<i-,-,-sfni Jiirne r. \V e luivt’sixty tons at <‘rawtord, ttud intend ; keep a supply 1.1b un How- hand so. as tft fU'f ointhC'ilitU' VVi'ry one « hen they apply. We refer to T *• Fallaway, , ;trd. T. l!..Tiller, r. P. Dovriier.-and ai ly others who used it. VVr* vviif furnish the PAT \p.'< O at liie same prige we sold it Ia^yWr—-Cotton at $70. , Crawforil. Ga., Jamtarv 30th. t-S>. & HALL. THOMAS CERTIFICATES: , • fc lA:X IXGTUN.'.G A-. Jail 3«>, 187« ~M***rs. Thotwi* A Hull 1 he PaZpaco • luano bought of •.-,>< spring gaV' me .-•».»tire satisfteti-m. It is a- g“*>.d as any I ha’*«ver use*;, and I have v , : .and a-hejr-ish-a hrste*lai» lertil bsed severe i different kinds. J can recommend it to any all . ltd- H Il.LIMiHAM. Ca xvvFonT# Ga.: Tan 28,TS7— Mr**r*. Thomsi* <£• HallThe six*>«*‘d I’atap«co wraith of vn'ii last spring did all I could ask diffiereut of a feriilizer kimis. for I intend my cotton using crop *o«raI It »s tons good** **f it any this I year, have ever used aud l have u^i several all who | and I tak* pleasure ia rewin mending it to any aad wish a febl 3m HL-»* y» . JOHNSON. ‘ SAMUEL LUMPKIN, Counsellor at Law, ------- -fcfcXHrOTTr* tJX— i i Is OTKsrif&Sr'sfs^r* i Cfcrke-; ami elsewhere bv spt-eiaJ •rj*. ( Bract ::4 ’ WHITSON G. JOHNSON Mlomqi and Counsellor at Lai, LEXINUTOX. GA., Will pntiw »’ tbr (VfMdf, ©f Qgletktwi** Clarke, Mwli«'H. Elbert. Wilkes aod Talli fer re ; and in the>n preroe «'..>«rt «»f Georgia DR. W. S. MOORE If WINii Inrsted tfi the town l I f.f <"ra#f »r«l, tenders Iris' Piofawtonal r ■ a**, >» all Us hrauehes. j*. iu> ei 4 iz*-os and the .surrounding community,. He hoj **«. fr«in» h £Kt -WHERE TO GET— 1 X 7 E bare <»n hand a Urge Stock of Fresh *1 aiid Go<»d which we offer t>» th wader* or the ECHO at the following rates; ^ Garden SfiCdfi fit ddt. per dofi. " e P*7 postage on all Seed except Peas, ^ MKT* zud Beans—25c Teas pt.; poetage 13c. Union Sett*— 28e per quart; postage !5c. Bulk !*eedn can be sent cheaper by expresa. TO MERCHANTS We can offer LOW FKiUKKS. Send list of SEED wanted, and be sore to aetid Money for Seed and 1‘ustage. We ke»‘p everything in the ' PAINT AND DRUG LINE which« 8 £Lfc VKEY J«W for Owh. p W- t01ia & CO. f ATHENS,' GST. ________ Isl R I - A - - Im _■» ED . w • gy SPECIAL REDUCTION For January, 187M. 40 to 60 PER CENT, DISCOUNT From Catalogue Prices. i l-° WES I„ PR,CES * ■ Purchaser* can save from *410 to *100, selecting from ted the makers: following celebra¬ ISSW BlUnfffS £^., ’ 1 MUM I 3 i IH 11 H Wffi iSsiKs, rr68CC ^ 5Stl*iS5r Monthly Inatatlntenia, ranging from $4 to $25, accurea the Lc^t Organ or Piano made iu America, .. I Tli.' i__________ i « o. KORINSON. | LUUHEN A BATES j g o. Have Arranged to Make the AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE lri e»uiueetion with Luddeu A Bab's’ SAVANNAHMUSICHOUSE | The Great and I»irati Musical Uniting Instrument* Point of Pianos, for the- Or gans SOUTHERN STATES! ! Prices in Savannah and Augusta always the i Mime and always ahead of ail oomi*etition. j (t«M*ls «*nt by Express anywhere in the • ; South, C. O. D., ou with receipt privilege ol advance of exaiuina- express | charge* tine if way, requested. tioo given so TCSIaNR-^REPAIRING ............... „ ;n ; isss^ssss JU? “- iOW r niefs Quick ■ j JJ ^ CO Manufacturers and Thalers in DOORS, SASHES, i Blinds, scrou sawing. —AND - - WOOD TURNING. Building Material of every description man u f a ct u ra d at priwaaslow if. not lower, than j nnv other market. We make a specialty of PAINTS, OILS, ; UuileUji-s’ Hardware GLASS, COLORS, ETC. Before you boy send for our PRICE LIST, j : estimate for Material need or . any you may l which will certainly please you. ' I. H. HALL & CO., febl-ly Charleston, H. €’. NEW FURNITURE KKTABLINH-n K \T. T V. w 11 .SON', up stairs. over Reaves «fc ; ti . Nicholson’s, IIhroI' street, Athens, Oa.. ami T has establisiHHl a new business in his line, is prepared to furnish all kinds of FurnitHre. Coffins, liuriai Cases. etc., at reasonable prices, Repairing al! ki mi's of Furhitlire a simeial ,5 ifo ,id satisfaethm guaranteed. ____vtltg a. Frame supply Pictures, ofmv.HJdiiigs-on-liand, he will aKo at short iiotiee j n , so peripr st siy vie.»M«ck i*al! and • an.l r.rii-c «..(»(1 • >---r——r- —--- - - _ |l « IfT II K nAlA 11 j I 11 . TT 1. bl|||| , n , ll*l(|'|||| JJll£i Hnw C I lilill f f ti'Ji ’Q U 11 MANUFACTORY. I I WOULD rvsjfeetfnUy in.-. form the citizens of Ogle- 'if ,thorj«- and snr ro 1111 ; ti ng co tin - twSSA .. Vi*' _ trv that I have recent I v added t*> nfv Rlaek »n, pyesoird in tiwrgia. j h«ve alao wurd the service#* of a hrs it-e!ass Xrhnmcr and Finisher. Mr. iamwT. Lloyd, ^ painter south of Baltimore, w.alai» -in , my employ. 1 will make to order aoy kind _ Vehicle (|emre<l. Prices as low an the same ; n f wor |- t? »- n he had any where in the V. Blacksmith and Repair work a specialty Be sure andgive uk a triaL All work war H . O. Tt- t K£R, Crawford. COOK ‘ STOVES SQLD <j . CHILDS & ATHENS. BAILROAO TICKETS j fsO. <UO«x»reo »s*r* 8 t- Z»« W wyw « xowv Jwl for sale by Ajl Routes to all Fttneipal Point* * IN THE UNITED STATES. ' allinfonnaDon Buy v«»ur Tickets in Athens and get from WNf , CAPT. WILLIAMS. ■ Agent Southern Express Co., Athens, Ga SOOT AND SHOE SHOP tl7 A. SMITH would rcsjkeetfullv notify i age. 1 Mine nothing but the f>est material, T shtsldvWork will leave his establiahment. Moderate prices and.the prompt schedule. delivery S, work when promised is his jatv»2 * 100,000 READERS ' ARE CALLING FOR THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE mi«l TUBE the A nd the great contest How waging-between ! , i and with 300 Mrguut Kn^mvimMop* mud ; /VffjM, the m<s»t sliowy, desirable and useful | book now ACTIVE published. AGENTS WANTED. 3,000 Those desiring Territory on this work i should iquAlso avail themselves of rn Wanted early appliea- Tor - 1,U00 Agent* our EMM COMIIIMTIOI PROSPECTUS, I Of Biographical, universal interest, Historical, including Religious, Agricultural, and Mis¬ cellaneous Works. Males made from thia pro¬ spectus when all Single Books foil. Also on our 100 Styles of Premium FAMILY BIB £sar' able superiority Aids Pr “ and ovgr Superb all 8n,,f others, Bind* '“ th ' Centennial Exhibition, ' ' ORhAhb, V = V w - =0RGAhS, Y _ - ORGANS, ‘ » ORGAM‘ x YT. , I The .Mnbeg‘: hni been appointed Sole Aguuu for the eelebnwi ‘ w New tho ngland Organ Company. , reap 'hooel [Kemmun‘erl ‘u ?hxefififipknfi’iflgflfiAxs. edby’ndutobelh oer be“ vuignw; nde' 0173;. th :lfa'uhnlrrye ‘ zyw'lll “n:nu:p;:d- ,1 I I : 1’9 They B'eaut? minim Highest ot‘VCase Premium!“ & the Sw’eethéss late Fain North. of Bargain 'l‘one. no Grout given Ih'nenun [‘11- mChmm I'm. Sebd Ind fur Schooh. Every The Organ Old bu Elmblished n Written Home Wummu- GATE” from the Milken for , Cuulogue. of will stud outmi iurunicleut g ' GATES ' ’ _ ‘ SUW)” - - g .: . v g ‘ ‘ - I BROS v - '7 ‘ . TO'qEO. DATES, _ A, - . 244 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA » rRAMPTflN'S LnflmriUllO • imperial f ~tsv t uk best. Crampton’s Imperial Soap is the Best. I Crampton'* Imperial Soap is the Best. 1 Crampton’s Imperial St*up is the Best, i Crampton’s I.thjierial 8oap is the Best. Crampton’s Imperial Soap i« the Best. Crainptou’s imperial Soap is the Best. ; Crampton’s Imperial Soap is the Best. Crampton’s Imperial Sottp la the 0es i This Soap iu manufoetuml from pure mat rials; am! a* it contains a large percent j age of Vegetable Oil, is warranted fully equal to the best Imported t ustile Soap, and at the same time contains all the washing and clean*- Iof projtertieH ■ of the eele* brate<l Ger¬ man and ' French Latin- . dry Soap* ft is therefore recommended for use in the Laundry, Kitched aod Bath Ibkom, and for general household purpose* ; also for Printer*, Painter*, Engineers and Machinists, as it will remove spots of Ink, Greaw, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc. from hands. The Huntington, l’a,. Monitor of April 5th, pronounces this snap the best in the market, as follows : Reader, Wo don't want, you to suppose that this is an advertisement and pasa it ♦* ver me h«*eiie«l; Read it. We want to direct your attention u* the advertisement used of it “ in (’rampton's office lin|s rial Soap.” *iir, Having recommend our it the lor tbe past ye we can as best .ptalitv of ««p in It is a rare thing l< printing * *■' v;.p_ ink from lhar- tne will hands, thoroughlv cleanse as < n ; but rrampton's laumiry soap Will It is do it. «ml w* kaos-*kwref ire esj>e eially machinista, sulapu-d lor ur printers, will painters, engiiK-ers of all > ami as it remove grease ; descriptions fr>H n . the hand* as-weil os eJoth«>. I with little labor •ur For genera J hdiMihold.pur jsises it can in ft hi; exo (led. Manufactured <'tdv bv (’HAMPTON BRO S , 2.4 t*,-«.aiid ,ieffi:rs»>n In Itutgers Place. | A nd 33 and 3 i St.. NEW YORK. I Ft r sale in <JgIet:hor|*e county by . J. .1. < •. M * Si AH \ N. < ra wford t >. HABGROVF.. (.rawfjnL tt. H ALL, t ’rairford. I M. II. ARNOLD A SDN. Frawfonl. WITCHER A JARRELL, Grawford. HAIRE A LATIMF.R, Islington. J. T. M HAIRE, Uiington. BlflTH WM. GOTTHEIMER, * YOUNG, Lexin^tor., Laxingtea. I L»t \ . ■>* TOP nipt era } ir R. S. MARTIN, :: CRAWFORD, CA., SELLING AGENT OF SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO « _*\n . • COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE For Compostine with Cotton Heed X OUR BEST CERTIFICATE: One-fifth of the Fertilizers soldi in Georgia are of SOLUBLE PACIFIC, and t! - e are 120 different brands soldi in the State. CASH PRICE ! Per Ton (2,(»00 pounds) MoXnble Pacific Guano.... .......... ...........*47 50 Per Ton (2,000 pounds Arid Phosphate.,....... .................. ........... 55 Oft TIME PRICE: (Withoot Interest—COTTON OPTION, Fiitecn Cents.) *»,-«• p t , ' ,r «-“•......... ....... .*70 Oft Per Ton - 2,000 pounds; Acid Phoftphate, ^7—^7 52 oo J. O. MATHEWSON & CO., febl -3 m Company’s Agents,'AUGUSTA, G A. A. K. CHILD*? JL NICKERSON. Y H. WYNN CHILDS, NICKERSON&Co No. 15 Franklin House Building, ATHENS, GA., Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in Mire, Iron, Steel, Nails, Herse-sloe Neils, llOR-ili AM) MU.h ,'HOK?,- Agricnltiurallnplemeiits, Leads, Oils, Glass, Varnish HARNESS LEATHER, MILBURN WAGONS, Cotton, Manilla and Jute Ro pe, Carriage and Saddlery Hardware tVllows, Hubs, Spokes Buggy Wheels, Axles, springs etc. Rubber and Leather Leather Belting, Belting, M Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vise*. isea, Hollow Hollow Ware, Ware, etc. etc. Manufacturers’ otfenta for tne sale of FAIRBANKS’ STANDARD SCALES, CIDER MILLS, SYRUP MILL* And Evaporators, Watt Plows, Fanners Friend Pk»w, Circular Sawc, Powm, WINS H IF AND SAWYER’S CEREBRATED COTTON GINA An y article in onr lin e not in stock, will by ordered wneu deaireU. with the leastjm***Wtf delay. Cal! snd examine our stock and ■ THE IRON KING . ■ THE BEST I wm --AND- THE CATE CITY sS Cook Stoves Have no sti perior in the United State*. These li! celeb rated Stoves and. J.C. WILKINS'" PREMIUM" TINWARE For sale iu Lexington by HA IRE A LATI¬ MER. In Crawford by C. S. HARGROVE. f. r m m t -y 'M i ‘ klf. WE OFFER THE ABOVE Magnificent To the Planters of Georgia, and Ammoniated have hesitation in rw'otnmehding Super-Phosphate it to the fuD»-st no extent. We shall endeavor to meet all legitimate eompetltion, and feel assured that all who Use our articles will be highly pleased with.tli€ rc»tAl.t<t-. ' '' ■ •. 'i .■■■■•• '•' ... We also offer our “ EUTAW ACID PHOSPHATES W hich wel»elieve is erjual to any on the market. “Gotten Option given if desired. ('-all ou our Agent* for terms and price*. GEO. W W ILLIAMS A CO., Proprietorv, Agents Loxington, HA m E U A UM EH. Charleston, S; C. at decILdm THE AMERICAN » ‘ ,4 55H"; j 51; '. W’M’G} -- ' . , ‘ _ “WM Mm’KT" l“; ,v »~ ‘ . Machmc. . , . i‘ ‘L‘ 37‘ "; ‘Nothingto : . . k ('1 y w mun = . ’ mfr THE"; f“ E ‘ ‘15“.‘A: f ‘ M9610: Y, W“ u? ‘ . < It " Sells‘the No NEEDL E To SET Easiest and always Satisfies. ‘ AGI‘INTS‘q-o yd" ask in try. it. :nui ufi‘v’r yon S‘H‘I'EQL‘EI 1"“; .Imlurenwnts. Send t'm-Uimzlnr.\'_I'r‘i«~w~«m 5 Four”; 51.; flhminmnti, {7. ln- Cv'J'EBIJ’GL'R. J_iuuagg'r; “ f SINCE AUGUST 13:, I876,