The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, May 03, 1878, Image 2

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>»foR PrsrfBWKK A>r> Paat^iWo* =fci=3=sv .MU) ■wvwtmc- - - tra« s. YKtUrtVORW l> KM. •f «hrfl*»i rwt r»*r M»Ul hi ifcm « w«tj fnafAriil■»!* ;n t-.r- > •»< r . * Th» fo>'..,wmg p»r»*- *«* dcwt. <• j “ 7" ' -il.K ,, »r' ,r ^'’ t'al , ** J , 1 * „ ’ k - John I I shields. V u John ? t Mackt-. M - J«. t„i if„M Hurt. 4m i.umt.kin, -'•<«•« ><«-,!,tecton tetKS ■. drew Bdl, l»r<-!fy Ih^ntWt «4; 4 “ iSHS&S 8&s«:'KKrB3s. ®* 82 ' !_ »»», JfiasKfeff43K£s Il« jImw > b t - -lliurraafi. . ii - i M -g Leu - . Yir- I mini*. ; ; errtnf. , elft Mcfntwh. Wm ^Aiicn. Ifery. •Vytar, .scrffr-^thS^iS Jno (x.i.isby, Jr., \V», Briers, • Imtton Scofaton*. Buck r i^dwiur, ■SSA^SirB^S KSj. ' «e*»e Test: w , .. wi - •'«*« ■mod m «"• the bsi! ,V'r‘f“ bond, on ‘'If' this SU cunditiou "‘r that,, the defendant l,e ea.1 n. to -u't, he will pay the condemnation Men ey or surrender htnself to the c»a(ten i-oalofthis n,unty, or we will duller *W-~s »rand Jury S Jonn . , — < sworn .Ii>Uti Marks, Andrew lie 11, hharle* Jiichard, V«*hn £*rrett, Heavers, Jeffrey Early, William nohert H.<v.rf, rreafey John i V>ljK*r.lraac^ Thornton, Hump »»llier, y -John hdnwmdiwn, Shiekfi, sT*i. Xortbrngtom. Lipham and Moor? vs. Joseph , V. dson -Case, ids confess judgment for the sum of eipht pounds and ten |*nee half |*»ny,wUh eont, witb4iwe month, stay nf execution, *« be dmchMml on the payment of wood proof reach brandy* ae? iivered at tbe ttmn of Wash rug ton, paid by the time, —J at 4 s X d Wtt per gallon - - oaePM Test: J!to. MATilrwa. shire—case. William Moore, Diamiraed ww’ee, vs. .TohnsShop- plaintirs at ,. m t. Hugh Freeman vs. Alexander Gordon ! Ejectment. On motion of the plan lira attorney, the process wan ordered to i read Hugh Freeman, Jun’r. j Hugh Freeman vs. Alexander Gordon I Ejectment. On motion of L Jones, attorney for the plantiff, ordered that a ; resurvey lietweew the t»e had parties, of the by land the County in dispute Sur- \ l veyor, to lie appointed be appoiutenl by the by Court, each of and the J a surveyor to ! parties, should they or either, of them think proper to appoint one; provided, tbe plan fifteen daj's defendant notice be given the by mak iff to the of time of ing such survey; and it is further orders isaar— Josey 8 *“ Henry Iwoi t^'Veouni. vs. Jowopji__ \VilMia aoJ^ j ^am'I n 1 In this case »1jc attorney for the defendant crared oyer of Uh* bond, upon whickAction w«# brought. John Giffin, attorney tor tbe defedant. ..... Dll IQ o’clock The Court adjourned \V fSTiTit, .fun to - m o r r ow "Ifiotni tig. . r. Wednesday, the 11th June, 17$*4. The Court met according to Judge adjourn- tMith. ment. Present his Honor, Nall .^hadrark Kinnebrew vs. Martin j Cwe. Ordered, process he amended and a term given toe i defendants. John Reynolds Michael and Sims vs. j --Case. Ordered that tbe same bu con tinued. Lumpkin Abraham Simons vs. George for the (’ase. I do confess judgmen shillings t and sum of thirteen pounds and ten of ten pence, with cost stay execti^ t ioi» two months. Oeoboe Litmpkix. The State John w, Elijah Lumpkin, Pope.---Arson, Fm. The True bill. Prisoner, Elijah Pope, was brought pleaded,; into Court and being arraigned, into •• not guilty,” and was ordered the ; ^Hsto^lV of the Sheriff. -—~——; Hill—Indict, j The State vs. Thomas i.vtailing spi rit*. A true IMIL ^ John Lumpkin, F. Traverse. The following Jurors were sworn. Will. Richardson, . Robert Galasby, John Herring, George , | Tavlor, John Holloway, Levi Phillips, Henj. Thomas, Hugh Clarke, Roan, Archilus Jewe Pope, Star-; kev, Johnson William Driers. The Jury rcturnod the bdlotring verdict, “Guilty,” . Geo. Taylor, fm. The State vs. JohnHtUea—Ind’t. Re Uiliug spirituous liquor. True bill. John Lumpkin, J*. fra verse. I he «ame Jury sworn as in the case of the Slide against Thomw Hill,who wtunifd the following eentict. T Guilty. I riieuca. Miller . V Br> TS.J«»eph ‘ v '"“ ZTT I, The State v», Celut Waters-lml t. h^ ng j^Lu^u.\^ n T™^ f ewsne v*. John Sulv«, who return the foL sS£.%ira mrpf^-vs ; = til! first of Mtfcfa. Wili IAS« Rogfr. ™rk as.*rtaisj=K Solomon Ixrveall, Georee McFall T. irrSSa., r ? in8 > 1 U llLe " W irUC H Iohnl umDki n F The ISm VI. Charles ('.renah-nw! ^■S^vraswJrsa SSw^ss-’Ss S^£r&s».“ ■ ' at defendant** coat. Coat paui. John IV ilhamson Settled ys. Joseph the defendant . i Ison -Covenant. at e cost. John McDowell V9. James Kenny— t'tivenant- (ontinued. cos P al * The Slate vs. James East—1 erjury. True bill. John Lumpkin, f Ar taigned and plead,-d “not Hines—Forgery', guilty.” The State vs. John True bill. John Lumpkin, F Arraign edand pleaded “not guilty.” Joseph Wheel Hb'bvra Rnvstcr vs. • ' | .fos^pb Wheelrightdeft, IV*hhTa ■ I w Hubert uecuritie? I umpkin f and Joseph J x'.hoiK .-.‘cuntie,* du acknowledge ac - -.urHelvrsJwdebledi«n the sum n.ei » ".ssastsrE aisOSSSSiinfi’s S^^-SEftAS will defendant be ca-t Tri tWresntrt he pay the tow)mn»ti« ««(J « -urrebdeT r 7 r.;;.;r,Trr of!iii '^ n fht’ ^a - - V* W !B FleUhfr, jn. Mar* phy and Wrn ?*bap*Inre-T>e«eit A Arv .ttnil ,1 Hemrv tfk^whiteTuuriTvw ^S-4’w. fl.r wir>>v"*i Cnned •’!The feftl b«M An the«*l cendl , tif.o*.that if (Ik deft be ca-t intUia suit be will ,„jJ7 |*y «»• mndemnatiwii money or „ urre ILoi-eif to the miMwiul 0 f tlm ooentr ».r I will Jo it forhim. ;-•^c fd..h»UU • Iodt The r*. J»»f» Mur f .h»—Iwl’t lorde gAWsag^fiSK St»!S3fcT4tt«: iSyteSasysaiS eot depart tfe Court w jtboot leave, JUtd.4oWAH0MR.T. ,, Oarmli’ -do ’ •ritowtodin- ourselves 8 MM rfce SUte». ^bllUotnTumpkinF -Cherle. dwetwh and Joh , Sharp-Ureeny. Ctafle. Cat , John .'harp,, Je**, Clay and nrtnrjf. Item. i Oroeno mine f»«t« John £i»s3$=B od«,d .Sharp, <Vm»elve« theaum iwlebtod of tn his hundred Vnrol. in two p<, U ndi* each, and the raid Jetwe Clay and Benjamin Greene in the sum <vf one .3BSSI&figfi™St» l mn( t red nounds each m he levied on eliattle^,respectively,to t*e aaM be void on condi* t ion Ohatlea Cavanah and John Sharp aha!! appear io Court to morrow morning at 10 o’clock to answer the above charge and not to depart the Court without ieave The Cuun adjourned till 9 o’clock to , n „ r r 0 w roorttina,WrMtfa, Jun'r. - Thursday , 12th , June, , 17!H. This Court »«* according to adjournment. Present - — The Htate vs. .John Hines—Forgery rhe Prisoner lieing brought before the j for bis trial, the following Jury was elected and sworn, to-wit; Win. Rich* » r dsoti, Robert Gillespie, John Herring, Huchner Ledbetter, Jsbam Davis, John ; Holloway, T Thompson, Levi Phillips, JesseStarky, Benj. Benj. Thomas, Trib ; b\ as. Who j Archelus Pope. returned the following verdict Rohr. ; “not gni!ty, M j j Gim.eswk, foreman, Hmlen Reed vs. Jeffey Karly—Case. J Po«J. Jeffrey «p«urity Early do defendant acknowledge and ourselves William indebted to the plantiff in the sum men> fi°ned in the bail bond on this condition, if tbe defendant should be cast in be will pay the condemnation money or surrendered himself to the common goal of this county or I will do ^' the bar frr LiH-Vr»al, nmi the Jbllow & Jury electerl and sworn, to-wit: Rob <*■”*» T Holloway, t«vl I’htllipa, Benj.; Jm. I Hugh Roan, JesseBlmrky, n , I to ii j. IUIi U j . thefoHo W ingver.UeU" trhO. TA\ n LORjforemail. o^il^’ n Ihe Hate , »s r Johu €fe«mrn--Thdic£-I , ment for horse stealing, Arraigned pleaded J tunipkin, E. and not guilty, and orde red into Cus tody of t ........ The State v*. Charles Cavenah and John Sharp—Ind’t for negro stealing. bar The persons being brought to the to be tried, the following Gillespie, Jury John was Herring, sworn, ; to wit: Robert Geo. Tavlor, Huckner Ia-dbetler. Isliam Davis, John Holloway, Levi Phillips, Deni. Thomas, Hugh Roan, Jesse Star- j ky, James Thompson, Ilenj. Trible ; who says, “ It Is the opinion of the Jury that Sharp is not guilty, that Cavenah isguil ty of the charge within” Tayi.or, foreman. ] Geo. John Goldsby. vs. James East, Jun’r —Case. March 31th, 1794. We, Thom as Black, Timothy Carrington, Charles tt, ^en’r, and Wtttiam 8trother,: i?*»•*»': , award that the legacy, to-wit, the stock of all kinds, tin' household furniture, all debts due, and given by Peter Goldsby dec’d to Nancy his wife, is the property of James East, Jun’r, dePt, at the next; suit ' I G f John Kerhy Goldsby by John his Smith friend. Done at the bouse of , bletheSuj>eriorO>urt tiie day and year above. of The Oglethorpe Honors* j 4 county. Thomas Black, Timothy Car ring ton, Charles Campbell, William Strother, Henry Hill. — 1 ~ Elopement and Death. Houston Tcxn., April 12.-Threel years aeo a farmer named MoGnire Ihr (Valkei i.oiiutv, artd the head of* v< ry respecteble teuiily, hirwi»young ne } l lS:'Rd ^, Yhcether this place, ^ where CCT j to lv &; ^t n > crested sr«lTsssS: the negro on the charge of 5 dy* wHhulshof ThT n" b th^u rt mounted their horse* and rode off. -— Horoskope forJJIay. ^aasBWgstti a c r * d ! e - He wilflia» 5 tbe mumps *erv . ^srsKW^r^ft asja£ 3 St*«Sr.iK 'She will be reasonabel fond ov .ilk clothes, hut her grate joy will be in a bon ntt . She will hav a* little jealousy az it is prudent for a woman tew hav.— ; Joth umngF Farnur’t AUminax. ' ■ The Jndswients teainst Tweed. - The judgments against Tweed, as shown m the County Clerks office adding >>? Yorkvaggygato' th»e figures the W0.9S5,88O. of 'B, ter(-t which to; has accrued amount the in «ince were, made, a graitd total of over $22, 00t» is had. This id believed to be the greatest J amount of judgment ever onlv on ^ f a^inst jn t w ;inv ot »ue^ , e „, i an an j„ in c my 3ss Sid.ssj&' 4 '.i!t aj.l'jus NESS? ** — “’ r-fc-H- SHAKES «r*e CAPITAI. -T»*ei£ -e-E THE GEORGIA KAH.ROAI) - :.^Tm ■* *>•■*! *0* t ,.f Or-tn.arT, fwtb*/*•*!*** ^sNiKKtSxxiS^Airtoi--«rf.. «f di«nu»tk« * ib* A *^***’ **■* n ‘* fy ; < .KTIH»RIT. .OUNTY SHKfelFFW fint TVKsftAY in M»v. I<s, b-tw..<.» li... h-gM* »f -»1.. ..tic tract c-f taut, ten umiing f>fty-«j -r,. t.,,.re ,-ritem. lying land. in *M rennty .4 .tgfethorp-. ^ of u M T.i hr tm ....■fe. N.»*> *f BUWy k BT6 .Fmj ti»toh.«te t». Cm*. IJtll, mnI Mb*t«. fu. isnebu^ •**? ot IHkuimkoh frmn th^ r^tatr ttid de ea^d. Tbe^are, iaawM^ thmftr*. to c>U* a«d ad OTBM te^^twrtgMe M> ’ *™™Vfmu ^kTSS th * *”* 18 lu Look Horo! be« to inform tbe pnblie that he W«K hnsineeatthe ®“ *“•■* »". • Wl-*"* ** K *£..■'_ K ^,1* he ''etenum.J will deaJ in not Pfc\, u, SS5K®5BE3 w ’ ,'I w,u b* promptly ait. adetl to. ‘tK frQaod ArtieUt and Low Iriees e,W!Wue will bt- an ^ Athens, Oa., * April * A^ 318 / » _ - . ToitafeMoii —AND OGLETHORPE COUNTY. — e - Jg g Maria McCartney v — «• . IS NOW RECEIVING Presfa Spring and Sttmmei — MILLINERY -- ■■ GOODS I : ! Consisting of a Full Line of FASHIONABLE _____-—— aml Bonnets, gl flwo ru ’ ▼ rtmmin»Ta ■ • " j ---- -r>nll her . When you visit HllI N ot ™ M , ri ... ^ Aud inspect, these 11M. G< )nt>M. M>s apro 8 AN ENTIRaY NEW INVENTION r m ; aJ# m? mmW m jasfy gl i . ■ JLA J __ ___________ STRONGER than any Yeast Powder In the World. AWD _ ___ »p«ppf*ti PEVVr fev i L.T v rliltBi diidc in WAIHihEv a nil a RWFgH Ell h make Better, Lighter, Healthier. Sweeter* more Toothaonia, non Disestibie, s»»<5 more Nutritious BREAD, BISCUITS. CAKE*. ' *» V »gIgg^ rASTSV; Ste. TRAN CAM UK ohtained in akt OWBUv.iT, Huarly ill Ming Pollers ara MM V Sea „ V® Foam ■ V«J« I ■ of smHSBr&SS othw beTduf^miK>umiB ithas double the JCSiStt^2fc3Ut ^SMS^a^ASESaSS * E«b I >S^»£r*!Sw SSS r-»r 'rXurtfAmr ^JuSSS 1 By Chwnlata. rhfateuna. aehwtUte fflsffnTJ®RE: ^ssss. tsSSSHS s WITHOUT aassfiWKSSI AN EQUAL ; t is^SS f mre. or any hakiug compound. BY USING SEA FOAM, YOU CAN GET MORE BREAD BY FORTY POUNDS j Thancah barrel of flour: in any and other the way save* be £**£■ ietAaltim S'iX; .» a ^ lh ( hotels “SjJa'^amu nf.» thn.ughonttta.«)untr>% 0^.1 hy the leading and restaurants temmss | jndigetv Q| V E IT ty.rt^ue A TIllALr . it is .crtai.iiy w-jrtbr {« SSSSFwtSSi. "Jd ira* «pffv e** of Ska Foam itpr*sfnt«i.a *h**t COOKING RECIPES ,75 exMeuBassiasass G 0 mSmwm. M!®&co,»Bfii ,«,,<™... t PraeeirtareEnteriTrii ihn wsw.M u s f b—m, Hbert. Hart, Tslwfcm -Wilkes, < wteffcorpe £• —- 1 — wPiy w CAg £2 w. «utui9U^ lADVDAW Attofief *4 tswedlof it Lit, EEXISOTOX.'OA, ,tl*“ *AgA*« * nSSJ’wn&’jM'iST HB wRi UU W ® RIUUKC a Oi Hof w | AVISO located fiUw nnuttmh in the town rmwfort. hW i wnriew. i n ail it » h i j iu lio n -t o I t. Oibo^. tho«n,«.«dia»o*.mo»ity. Uebopcaim PCIICDll TiPtfCTlPCMf'V 22S?» III THE UIITEO STATU* g^Buyvo ar Ti cket* mAtHeatand get »Jii. , £S-gBag!a. .......... ,o . QBOIVfl hlKlAu, QUDTVfl tSlKl A (t uudolllldillo CpqpnTiQhip ¥pw JloW uUlilia Cnndg S^of WtofaSSiujSnnS^S STs^i S ticerie. always ha,d, mek-bottom rSht mi at prioe,,. Itesi les, I have f,r sale . very »nk-le W3m-£25,& , w kept in* br-r -Jasa country .lore, tli,.t ■ I exjneton, I V^jh . tfully »n4 pKflge ask a call fn.m all Vho them returnable boaorible pri ^ <he best that of gwd^ lias characU*ri*ed arid the same treatment CTT« me in the ga. 1 [ ria . 1 , L Bl m t DR. DURHAM’S Mle Liter Liver Pill*, s* the increasing demand lor them pr o v es. —— —r-—— ; Durham's Pills will Cure Billmusnew. • : Durham** Pills will Cure Constiputioii. • : Durham’s Pills will Cure Headache. i Durham’s Pills will Cure all trNUa | ; • arising ed^t<unach. from a Toqiid Liver or Do rang- : : Stop using the worthies* eompotimls sent out H.\ M’S by PILLS, Northern and humbug*, convinced nnu h«m* Dl'H he of their port, lh«* Glade ; loung & McWhorter, An tioch ; T. Callahan, Hafrdatown ; W, P. Me SVhorter, Woodville. Price, BJIv?. box. Lib eral discount ti> druggiata t!k m* rehants. jnll-d Butst rt , . Garden ^ s *' * ^ V - ** KAl^I ** Druggist Pn<ggi«t and and .Seedsman, Seedsman, AUGCSTA.CrA AUGt’STA,HA. i(iU4 with-other aewrlVoav year toyanir?' and Fl Huifr. Hoist's large Brumhea.1 f .l BaUl, Cahhage, nsvsj to«W worl^_ cine#;paints, OHs. .Window-Glass, etc. Prices p;:>.^^S^^ low«the lowest, Oedenrfrow WysWans a VVIIE^E TO GET—— . 'TUi and Beaijs^-i'Se pLj postage. tSs. 15c. Onion Setts—23c per «iu«rt; p‘>»tage by Hulk Seeds can be sent cheaper express. TO MEROlLaNTS UY.uau offer I.U1Y FIGURES. I H i of SEED wanted, and tie sure to Slip I Money keep’ for S»h*«I hii< in 1 Postage. the We everything PALM AND DRUG LINE which we SELL VERY I-OW for Cash. G. V. LONG & CO ■» ATHENS, GA., Buggy and Wagon MANUFACTORY. f V0VU> mptoftllf In- ■ * »■ ■ !T., ||jff|V|i|fJ nuitxl. W. »■ TKMKB. Crswfor,!. DEBTAl NOTICE T HAVE associate.! with M. 1. ofgwjMty of Dentistry st^t at 1'rav sp-rssriAssas Dental icsl UTTIiK, talent. College, a a young man of rare mec One time. \Ve wili who i« unable s,.res us to jaeent counties, an ” I TgSr^ ,\mnbftil for oast iwlmuage. *** ^ aa.l “*1 trust | am „„ wi^be thwhaheaew fir m fev«r , ^wth eitrS'ted wiihwUpain if ffwireff." the I’ltAtTICK Ol 8 DENTUSTiTy, in which JK*VKI* HY ’'iXTABUSIB -E'SiKSSifcS:*..-. B. CHEDEL. T I T1%/TT?I I \ 1 li J' ' JJll’XXJ*. T 1 HAVE just received at Crawford, (la., a large supply of superior LIME, which t willKU at Atlanta or Athens prices. You can save freight by buying J. of M, me. NORT ON. , aiM -tf : w”ti Y .s, weean eirnnge Globe a fifty flower dollar Cough bill if Syr you h-atle nt the up tile world arvatent Coush -and Lung first, and ' Ft ;■ or if ifon. vou want to try Ey >t*e if what the Alex. H. Stephens, ' «i*>v. Smbb, Fx-fv.v. Bn»w« .ami H«n. Uof^rt T«om.ts» of Geoisia. say about »t w true you ; dm get * sample bottle. for ten cento at if sire si-ifsswsjstsja* LNPRECEDfSTED BIMilHS Art Xem Baag Ofmdjt Me thoumthA y 'im+ fjapariamof ■____ _ , , ~ m MOSliS . m /VpT^p Wg MYFRS jr ■» -a T * ^^ • **“ ■*— ON COLLEGE ~~7 t r/ip AVENUE, iiiruiip ATHENS, ^------ GA. • WHfc »Jr,.n(rfSPRIJrO,l»7?,I»m»s»illVfnrftlWfW*en»r>fS„nhrartO W rsri a . M> W.7Jjri«» ^k* *i^C ««,.' r “ ^UnTi^-.L:' ™to*ao4»»'crv th" Slat. (MRknal fewest (M, t<r and CASH, «r!y by myself tu pecautt. direct frvm «r»l hunts, the market was « it« in ffie sea-nn, before the gnccb had been "i'"''' *' .«<*W require pm mm* time and «pn« t« nami, every artiele in which I ***»* W s ^, ta« ««MWlb«. I M«<», _________ TeH at One Dollar rarii. A h*v.>«u> » -rmt many Chea P Good.Bo.gbt wifi at Assignee and Auction Sales Which t «•!! my ne«mtf bnt afrart,™, nn their«»t. Hu«tfy, Shirts m about t*M <of matrml, t anti .l«^ns; Genta' and La* fewdof I'mWwetir, >'»rtl»u)rtor prinU <»f MMJIc every *»!or, and a tboO£in<i «th«r things LOWER than ever before ■» i, to my many customers li (VSbM|ie i-urWr and ether «MRiM »M»» meterctare rnywarmest thank* for their past gwter aIK i rr*,.*tfuli, «k r. nwt.mnw uf ihe When I announce that * ran kvkn ! ^ m/'y f'J- mriy AliJb rUliLlt! PTTIH TP! Espwiall y to Our C ountry Friends! low prices and deduction at which we are SPOILS, uh. Special ETC. inducements to larsre slock of Fresh Drag*, uitee to MUiifr. Dl DiJIS lie^T»t I S lif Warranted ____ I rt Uard I 8 fl OeOBS O J W W “^ * .V »» u ' ' Ull IUU WUI UGlf UUEW>f . Poutnw, Onion Seta, Pena, Beans and Com, in hulk,inst tewayeJ. S ’• ■MBUcnmtrmiiois, MMawnn North Flower Carolina Nerd, Cabbage Mat, — FOR ^»IaE BY— Beat Tabarea Need, WM. G 0 TTHE 1 MER « R^g5BSSt==3=S tf«St==rS=.t=S S5S5£EE=E=a«KHM«liII tuainny 1E3D Cologne ..JVk Strictly Pure—Cheap ai the Cheapest! R. T. BRUMBY & CO„ ATIIEIVS, «A. PxsTER KEENAN, OF AUCUSTA, CA„ HAS NOW ON HAND AND FOR-SALE A STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES I’nnialled by any house in the Southern States, and the only one who . limits _SU0ES AT WHOLKSALU IT.RiES! Every article *»M by him wit) be faith fully represented, and exchanged iasideofS mouth*, or THE MONEY REFUNDED! per reni. t-^onvi “^-4 Tfc^ 8 *? 1 ^ , , E 3 l\ f 1 m 1 - « r FORMERLY WITH U’r \M fir ATARE.) ‘ 4 _ Tailor. IfAWllflllt JfJL“ JL {£JUL WLMX V JL CliJLAVi ^ ' ' ‘ tgirgiStoek of— IMPOBTa»^j«E^jaOTHS^ , -o-lhw Just Opened a DOESKINS. mws Snerfal attention paid to Cutting in ATHENS, latest Sttyte. OL_ Skay^Oundoor fcwlow laong’s Drug Store' — M. H. ARNOLD lit SON since their advent jn the Mercantile lliisimw*, h»ve so thoroughly IH’ROOTED .............. longer to to Athens elsewhere to hire HIGH PRICKS,Ornt His no necessary go or goods CH E VP bid call on them at Crawford, Ga., and buy what you want at BGT TOM PRIC . oi H^ by‘h^stodri KtowctfuUy, t kX ,aod rtriCt*H«lilldtf U>Jni«treiiB. M.H..AKNt merit a >L1) & WIN the samr. Viwy MARBLE I CHEAT REDUCTION i> PRICES MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES my Yard. S|«amen* of work oH hand for sale. R ROBERTSON, A. Mrnlptnr tad tfnnaamalal Builder. Marble Vnnl adjoining Rvavc* ft Xichohwu's.Cotton Warehouw.. ATHENS, C» ____ V ___ _ ^ ^ _ A #%D CR^r £k CO M • s ^^t^suMMER th.r Mouminft departountcouumseeerythingfrmn the lowest price to the f , ^viss^^ ■SSsfe.rJafe.H.™, 'Beke,&lKdiide Homby, Victoria Saltings, Bonnets, etc. Designs ana ef t t 8 — - * Ltoto- bW«« Bouth of Mason ami Hi ion’s line. Wj. .. L Su, “ (^m . 3 ,, to « „ years., Ladies' and Mtato Kumuiii'hM ^ ilr S 'aolil iiMhV !■?*»«*’ pr.e.—infaeian log astoasteulah e v en b a • ’• gray & CO. JAMES a. ■■ . _ SFRINO _ _ „ --T_*T~ J—^ f ^ / W \| \tl M **“°* FACTORY GOODS, YARNS, whiti- rifains JBAm *c.. Ac. ’ XOTIOSW • ? u«»nrncP!F>( * '* ’ RIBBON'S, SCARFS, TIES. LACES, TOILET ARTICLES. Ac., Ac. _____,e.,.n»_ ,K BEAD Y-MA BE. CLOTIJINO, i <*OLL\lt, _ SIllR « ll %- BTvl PAPKIt . r . , •-, 'nom>* «HOES .HOES, H H \TS Ac*. . / WU tbe CAHll Lie ..... class of Good* can be w ^ > . we -r»|I trill ae»* fof w as A call «<>w as respectful same Iv solicited. - EEAIRE A|DC oz> o IjA x atimpd l ***>*, 1 G. O- ROMNSOX. J LUDDEN * BATE& 6.0. Robinson & Co. j „ . . ... ,, AUGU sTA MUStc HOUSE In connection with Ludden A BaW SAVANNAHMUSICHOUSE The Great Dintiibuting I’oin* of Pianos, Or* gans and Miainl Instruments for the SOUTHERN STATES! Prices in Savannah and Augusta competition. always the sanie and always ahead of all n«H)da sent bv Express anywhere in the South, givett C. O. D.. ou receipt of a«lvanee express charges one way, rajuMtcS. with privilege of eiwoini ; tion if no f TUNTNCpfscREPATRlWll [ ments Tuned and skilled Repaired and by of Mr.t'.H.TAY- the mnat tbnr I.or, the best one ■ ough workmen South. Mr. TaYM>R devote nearly fifteen years in the construction of in* Ntrumenta in some of the best factories i n thisd eountrv, and is the only authorixif I Tuner at the aCgvsta Mrssrc HOV’-SE. Low P KICKS Quick Sales 1 . H. HALL & C 0 „ ■ Manufacturers and Dealer* to DOORS, SASHES, Blinds, Scroll Saw-in*, —ASD — WOOD TURNING. paints, oils, lluIMcrs’ Hardware ——r GLASS, OOtORB. XTCT. IRKL LL1, • «:»»•-- 100,000 readers , AKB < TIIF I Ht HRIHIN Ulllulll ftllll AND HISTORY fllO I Un I RUSSIAN TkTTflflT A Miiml “ufTlffiK flTfTPTr SS=HI§§ Han»!ui < X.wy, tlraitehle an.l useful m<*t ^omT ACTIVE ACENTS WAKTED. iiftrasiSrii £ SSuSSU* s» i e»svsas» nwl^mat tinspr,.. 1 when Werks. all Singh* .ssito tiockateil. snectus t.a.Siyl«ol Pr«m#m Alw-.n ..ur FAMILY BIBLES, English ami German, Pnotestent and PiUh for ; thri* Ccntcunial Aid- and Superb Exhibitiun, Bind ft} »«!*. "> ;'•* *he Grand 1876. nAA^ BOO . . IKtn U wllUt CUAC __ w CUAP M Ul. 1 rwipectfttHy nopfy \\ . 1 - A. A. SMITH SMITH vrnaW wrtlH. resji has \V the riti*ens<»f eitirensnf Oglethwie Offlethn thus he . . strictly Mrietly 6rs<-cla»« ami * » and snliett* ...... their paWnn . Sh„|. in ].«iifu,dim, i'-ingn. u—....... ***■ — ME.U„ SIGAR, COFFEh, PLANTATION'TOOLS, Ac. «.«r,, Hint r.lAllteUt* , a PATENT MEDICINES, DREGS, LR<X KLRY, , OLASbWARE, . ... , T ToBACtO, .. LlOAlt., SAIH>LEf», BRIDLES, BEST BEST GARDEN c ^ARI.FN SEED, SEED (WHY \VT< * *» iMU\Z¥V< ‘ r j . AND IK'NDUK'Un of Other Articles COOK STOVES? SOLD 1A A. a. TT I^IVTTTIQ ouxlj js & Mr nn CO “m to ■ TT NRIVALED ! i Piaflos and Organs SPECIAL REDUCTION fc S“ 40 to 60MMIKW From Catalogue Price*. LOWEST PRICES —AND— EASIEST TERMS EVER OFFERED. Purchasers can «ive from <l«0 fw $100, sclerting from ted the maker*: following celebra¬ OHICKERING, MATHUSHEX, KNABE. HALLET&DAVIS, STEINWAY, McPHAIL ACO., SIMPSON & 00., HAINES BEOS., BILLINGS fc 00. rifiHiR hii mu inti: Mason ft Hamlin, Pleoabet ft Felton M-- airsrsissUB!i“» in Atesriya. - . 4 ^ -- <'W '.V l :: X T: GREAT REDUCTION IN THE SEWING SINCER MACHINES! AFTEU this, the FAMILY SFWIX<! MACHINES wilt be sold for CASH Wfcw Plain Machine, „ , $35 s Covered Machine, $10 \ Orop-Leaf Table Machine, $15 All Machines fully guarantee,! s „d ,h-liv,re<J free of espense. M^sa.'sr-rswa "Biit&'i aesui^- sssSSTroSs sawe &■■ AGENT FOR BAZAR PATTERNS. JM- Send for Illu strated Catalogue and Price Bist.-*% J. B. TOOMER, Agent - (Office at old Singer stand, below Taltnadge, Hodgson A Co's store, t ATHENS,' GA J. H. HUNTER, Bocal Agent, Antioch, A, K. CHILIia R. NICKERSON. V. H WYNN CHILDS, NICKERSON&Co No. IS Franklin House Building, ATHENS, G.4., Wholesale and Hotel! Dialers in mm, Iron, HORSE Steel. MsJiraslioeMs AND MUEF. SHOES, Agricultural Inplements, Leads, Oils, Olass, V arnish • HARNESS LEATHER, MILBURN WAGONS, Cotton^Manilla ^ and .Inte^ iiiffiMsfAnyi/i,'Bellow™,Hollow^'iuvSt* Ui»pe,Carriage and Sadtllery Hardware, Pel Ink's, 11 Httbi.Spok'* ' Mill I Maiitifacturer** agents for the sale of FAIRBANKS' And Evaporator*. STANDARD Watt SCALES, Friend CIDER MILLS, SYRUP MILLS Plows. Farmer* Plow. Circular Saw*. Piiutin. WIN 8 H I P AM) SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON OINF Any article in our liue not in 8b»ek, will lie ordereil wiieu de*irea. with the least po*«'Mr . delay- Ca^tand examine our stock and price*. - ___—-— * Ut> IKUW KlWti **- * • “g ^ ^ ............ 1 a>Ti)-— * THE CATE CITY flonk eeiehraicu Mum i!*tovet niui C, WILKINS' "PBEMIHM" IWffi For rale In Lexlngtoiibv HMRE 4i LATl* WRttoCNKVtS U-» In C'niwfoni by ( . ,s.. HARGROVE, GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES! ROBERT H. MAY & C0„ MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Carriages and Buggies PLANTA TION & LUMBER WAGONS, Harness, Sauuies, Trunks, HAtilS, VAI.ISKS, SllOK I'lMllMJS. lF.ITIIi:i! 1)1 Ml klllK. BELTIliO, tit, Carriage Materials, Saddlery Hardware, Whips, Unbrellas, fctt. REPOSITORIES AND SAL1S ROOMS: 2S8 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, Sg Cherry Street, Macon, Ga, KOB'T II. MAY. J. T. PAKMELEE MAY, A. H. OOO0YEAR. H, 8. GEO. G. REYNOLD'. GEO. W. REYNOLDS GEO. G. REYNOLDS & SON, -HEALERS IN Sash, Boms, Blinds, Grates, Mantles, pirns, mis, pot, fm®, msr LOCKS, HINCES, SCREWS, ETC. Window aufl Pictum Glass a- Specialty. WARFJI00MS, 43 JACKSON 8T., AUGUSTA, GA. Aof- Write for Prices! sprib-irr. Beautiful Spring Millinery of Ail Kinds . Sow Being Iteily Received and opened. Prices Lower (had ever before known. MRS. T. A. ADAMS, Athens, Ga. Augusta B ook and Stationery Jobbing House ---OF-— D. QUINN. „„ w = „,„ „„„, (\pKllahd O F K v E R Y i>m biption, -»n^tp»bli»hers’ > / | MvA/.lNito ».‘4vj^H i»i»Wi*h«l. Hr,«.l Sul*a!rtoi«w Al‘«.l teketi fnr ptteM, apW-hn |,| rt.. I?AML c , a Ari>r LLhfeKA im ewr I prfp rlttt 106 ln D tlCOfillCkSDlUff -.j-_i.i-L— lib n... flnftJe, UOOQS W olOH BW O U ♦ _ CORNER BY THE PLANTERS, -— AUCUSTA.______ GEORGIA. The Largest Stock! The Lowest Prices! ° WE ARE NOW RECEIVING SPRING GOODS OF ALL THE NEW AND CHOICE TABBICS OF THE 8EAS0N. ■ - F\* DO! f \K r^r M d«-uti .''AMI'LL . and PKlL-K* «hen re»|UfRc*< . .i . o (w - * a T - ' V » ^ for Go.hF W>wr IWuul DepwrUneHts *« PAV TH£ FKEIGHT lu theettsto*./« ■ ^rest n v v - RICHARDS __^ ^ 4fc «- BRO., , , -,-r n ’* *prI!Mm AUGUSTA, GA. SINCE AUGUST :st.‘ 1376..